
Soundoffs 132
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Band Edits + Tags 144
Album Edits 46

Album Ratings 3979
Objectivity 73%

Last Active 01-26-21 12:31 pm
Joined 01-21-13

Review Comments 7,777

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My projects: https://devictus.bandcamp.com, https://open.spotify.com/artist/75IfxARokvuEC6Ksjyn6oL?si=As,

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  • SAPoodle Hey mate, long time! Any new music on the horizon? I still check on your Devictus project every now and then. I have a new album out if you're interested in hearing it; I know I'm not on your level but your music has inspired me a lot over the years so there's definitely some parts inspired by Devictus on here! https://claustrophobia1.bandcamp.com/album/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-love
    September 4 11:45 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki lol
    February 24 01:24 AM
  • osmark86 Tip for beats is a lot of parallell compression and some tasty use of saturation on a drum bus. Then some subtle room reverb on your percs n tops. Tune your kick to the song too.
    February 9 07:12 PM
  • Dolving999 Yo JS! How are you doing? I remember you being one of the few here on sputnik who was interested in my music, and just for that I thank you immensely! I finally got around to releasing my latest album, so if you are into weird stuff, please consider checking it out. Here's the link (check the list I made for Spotify/YT): https://remeocivitas.bandcamp.com/album/modern-realism
    December 18 05:31 PM
  • Sniff bruh nah. only thing we get in sweden is basshunter and dr. bombay :(
    May 19 07:21 AM

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