
Soundoffs 128
Album Ratings 358
Objectivity 81%

Last Active 12-29-12 6:33 pm
Joined 12-29-12

Review Comments 72

Average Rating: 3.44
Rating Variance: 1.25
Objectivity Score: 81%
(Well Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Alexisonfire Alexisonfire
Alter Bridge Blackbird
Brand New Deja Entendu
Brand New's best depending on the day, extremely nostalgic for many for good reason. The lyrics are juvenile at times but Jesse Lacey is excused.
Brand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
Straying from the path cleared by Deja Entendu, Brand New eliminates their pop punk qualities and crafts one of the most emotional albums ever written. Although musically nothing too original, experimentation is unnecessary if a band can write songs like Brand New did on this record.
Circa Survive On Letting Go
Circa Survive Juturna
Codeseven The Rescue
I discovered this album in the summer of 2008 after hearing Dancing Echoes a few years prior and it fucking startled me, the music is no doubt "space rock" but more straightforward then releases within the genre in the mid to late 90's. But now it's 2014, i'm getting older and this has stuck with me through the years
Deftones Deftones
This is honestly my favorite deftones album. It's defining of both their past and present sounds.
Deftones White Pony
dredg El Cielo
A timeless classic if I've ever heard one. The cohesiveness of the band on this record is unparalleled. Potentially my favorite album of all time, too bad these guys couldn't keep the musical direction in future albums
Emery ...In Shallow Seas We Sail
Explosions in the Sky All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone
The heavier brother to The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place, every song is magnificent and provides the same emotion as the record aforementioned, It's Natural To Be Afraid may be one of the best songs ever written.
Explosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place
Sit in a quiet room and give this album your full attention. Explosions In The Sky manage to create a flawless album, oozing emotion enducing vibes that can be felt by very few bands, not to mention instrumental. Although repetitive and predictable in style the tuning, timing and layering of the guitar is what sets this apart from every single other post-rock record. Easily have listened to this album 500+ times and hands down my all time favorite album.
Fair to Midland Fables From a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times is True
A unique and captivating record highlighted by the outstanding range of the vocalist, seemlessly transisting from unholy high notes to a deep growl. Lyrics are full of cliches and witty humour. The music itself is experimental for a band of this genre, most notably the introductions (on some tracks they fall at the end leading up to the next). Enough can't be said about this album, it's heavy, soft, emotional and meaningless at the same time. Could be the best modern rock record in the past 10 years
Glassjaw Worship and Tribute
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada
Incubus (USA-CA) Morning View
ISIS Panopticon
I never used the word epic until I heard this album, an absolute masterpiece. Very few records match the strength of the musicianship heard on this. An introduction to post-rock for me
Jeff Buckley Grace
Kaddisfly Set Sail The Prairie
mewithoutYou A to B: Life
Jesus Christ Aaron Weiss' lyrics and execution set this album to be the most emotional and even at times aggressive album in their discography. Listen to this and try to tell me La Dispute didn't rip them off
mewithoutYou Catch For Us the Foxes
Mono / World's End Girlfriend Palmless Prayer / Mass Murder Refrain
Jesus Christ this is an amazing record. The atmosphere created by the collision of both artists is just mindblowing. If you have a pallet for post-rock this is essential.
Moving Mountains Pneuma
Neutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Nick Drake Pink Moon
It probably took me longer than it should have to understand the praise for this album, but something about it kept bringing me back to it. All eleven songs are excellent, the man creates such a melancholic atmosphere with just his voice and guitar. Lyrically and musically this is just genius, songwriting at its very very best.
O'Brother Garden Window
Best alt rock album of the 2010's up to this point, and I'm only calling it alt rock because I don't know what else to call it.
Pelican The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon...
Pianos Become the Teeth Old Pride
Radiohead OK Computer
This is unanimously voted one of the greatest albums of all time for a reason. Every song provides a new (at the time) perspective on rock music as a whole, there's no reason anyone shouldn't enjoy this.
Refused The Shape Of Punk To Come
Saosin Translating the Name
Sigur Ros Agætis byrjun
The atmosphere alone is enough to give this a classic rating, every song is beautiful in a different way, the tracks are long but they never drag to the climax, the bowed guitar is something that's awe-inspiring.
Sigur Ros ( )
Staind Break The Cycle
After being a die hard fan of this band through my teens, my twenties haven't sat well with Staind, except for this and a handful of songs on other releases. The music is crunchy and uninspired as most 2000-2005 nu metal was, but Aaron Lewis's lyrics and vocals are undeniably great, inspiring (in not such a good way) and entire generation.
Strata Strata Presents The End Of The World
The atmosphere the band creates in combination with Victorinos vocals mix perfectly, almost unlike anything I've ever heard, every track is excellent, and its staying value is immense.
The Antlers Hospice
The Antlers Familiars
The Used The Used
Although nothing new in regards to formula or artistic direction The Used craft an album that flows brilliantly from track to track, with minimal flaws, the vocalist over dramatic vocals only add to the appeal of this record.
Thrice Vheissu
Underoath Define the Great Line
The pinnacle of metalcore, every song has is catchy in a unique way in which no band in the genre, nor any other band in the genre has yet to mirror. Those who cry they're ripping off Botch need to give this another listen, much more melodic and appealing.
Wilco Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
I used to really dislike this back when it came out, but my musical taste evolves over time and with that comes the realization that this album is near perfect, a very calm record which the primary focus is on songwriting. This sounds like something that should've been released in 1972 not 2002

4.5 superb
(The) Slowest Runner (In All The World) We, Burning Giraffes
Extraordinary post-rock album plain and simple. Unconventional instrumentation and ambience makes the a near classic. Highly recommended.
A Perfect Circle Thirteenth Step
Aaron West and The Roaring Twenties We Don't Have Each Other
AFI Sing the Sorrow
Alcest Souvenirs D'Un Autre Monde
Alexisonfire Watch Out!
Amia Venera Landscape The Long Procession
Arcade Fire Funeral
Really brilliant record, it'll be very difficult for this band to top this. It's almost unreal to think this is a debut record from a band from this millennium
Caspian You Are The Conductor
Chevelle Wonder What's Next
Circa Survive Violent Waves
A giant leap forward, Circa Survive create their own niche, relying heavily on atmosphwere and Green's outstanding, yet not overachieving vocals. Production weakest since Juturna, but it provides a breath of fresh air after the criminally over-produced Blue Sky Noise
Circle Takes the Square As the Roots Undo
Well it certainly takes 1.) some sort of respect for screamo 2.) legitimate effort in trying to understand its appeal, but after some years and a rememberance of dislike, I gave this another attempt and it's making sense to me now. This album fuses seemingly infinite sub-genres ranging from powerviolence to post-rock and rather well. Seriously give this 3 spins before you give up on it, it's totally worth your time
City and Colour Sometimes
Converge All We Love We Leave Behind
Converge keep to the Axe To Fall path, this time absolutely perfecting the sound. Best album since Jane Doe.
Copeland You Are My Sunshine
This is so good I can't get over it. A tad different from previous efforts, more of an Aereogramme + Radiohead + dredg feeling to it, suits my taste perfectly
Dance Gavin Dance Downtown Battle Mountain
Jesus Christ jonny Craig can sing, can't believe after over a decade of listening to post hardcore I just listened to this
Deafheaven Sunbather
Black Metal has never been my thing, it's pretentious and cheesy and is typically devoid of any geniune emotion. That being said, this should be the standard bearer for music of the sort for the next decade or so. A wall of sound louder than most if not all shoegaze groups, post-rock interludes and implemation of the genre in the buildups, it's just very creative and heartfelt
Deer Leap Here. Home.
My favorite album of 2012. Some really beautiful post rock pieces intertwined with emo. Think Moving Mountains Pneuma with more vocals and shorter songs.
Deftones Diamond Eyes
Dionaea Still
A really unique post-rock band blending elements of grind and hardcore spastically throughout. Vocals a bit out of place, but the musicianship of all three members blends together epically. Can only imagine how much better this band can get.
dredg Catch Without Arms
A disappointment compared to El Cielo, a masterpiece compared to the two releases to follow. Catch Without Arms features a much poppier sound, with just the right amount of experimentation. Some weak tracks, but the stronger ones remain in playlist rotation frequently even 8 years later
dredg Live at The Fillmore
Elliott Smith XO
Envy All the Footprints You've Ever Left and the Fear Expecting Ahead
Envy Insomniac Doze
Explosions in the Sky Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die...
Fair to Midland Arrows and Anchors
Flaw Through the Eyes
Overall, this is outstanding for what it is, the vocalist isn't faking anger or emotion in his vocals, as opposed to other works in the genre, the screaming fits the music, and most of all, it's staying value is much higher than it's competitors. There really isn't a bad track on the album
Foxing The Albatross
Incubus (USA-CA) S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Iselia Life From Dead Limbs
ISIS Oceanic
ISIS Wavering Radiant
Kaddisfly Buy Our Intention; We'll Buy You a Unicorn
Locktender Kafka
Mew Frengers
This fucking rules. I'm disappointed in myself for just discovering this. The mood of this album is moderately upbeat, with the creativity of El Cielo era dredg.
Minus the Bear Highly Refined Pirates
The essential minus the bear album, the musicianship is as good as it gets, and each track is fun and upbeat. The vocals and lyrics at times take a little getting used to, but in the end they only add to the genius of this record.
Minus the Bear Planet of Ice
Modest Mouse The Moon & Antarctica
Moving Mountains Moving Mountains
Moving Mountains get a little bit more intimate, and in the process their best release since Pneuma. A much, much softer affair, the record is chalk full of acoustic guitars and fantastic compositions that all but push the Thrice and post-rock influences aside. Amazing record
Mudvayne L.D. 50
A near masterpiece that will never get the recognition it deserves because of the tags "nu-metal" and ironically "Mudvayne". For being a mainstream success, this album is very technical, layered and downright heavy, highlighted undoubtedly by the bass playing which sets the tone throughout. This one of about 5 albums that have stayed in my rotation since before attending high school over a decade ago
My Bloody Valentine Loveless
Oceansize Frames
Oceansize's best album, the songwriting is outstanding and unique, yet their experimental sound pertains to just the basic rock n' roll instruments. The first four tracks lead you to believe this may be the best album ever, but it tapers off a bit.
Palms Palms
Pianos Become the Teeth The Lack Long After
A standout within the genre. Vocal performance is top notch, as he writes lyrics which he is clearly passionate enough about. A tightened up sound from Old Pride, but it only adds to the brilliance of this record.
Rush Moving Pictures
Really really good. One of a handful of albums released in the 1980's worth a shit. Drums stand out more than anything else on here, the synth at times is a bit unneccassary however it doesn't take anything away from its brilliance, really looking forward to checking out other "classics" from Rush
Sigur Ros Kveikur
Sleeping at Last Ghosts
The Appleseed Cast Two Conversations
The Appleseed Cast Peregrine
The Blood Brothers Crimes
I've never heard an album that sounds anything like this. Every song is catchy, heavy, lyrically retarded, fun, chaotic all at the same time. Vocals make this very unique to say the least, but the screams are fucking unbelievable
The Blood Brothers ...Burn, Piano Island, Burn
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
It's hard to believe this record is 10 years old this year. This album helped divert my music taste away from mainstream rock and opened my mind up to all sorts of genres. The concept and music is overreaching and achieving at its goal. Wide range of instrumentation only helps its already experimental work with guitars and percussion. Just an unbelievably good, timeless album
The World Is a Beautiful Place... Whenever, If Ever
Best new release in forever it seems, really more of the same however the songs are structured much much better, hopefully this gets attention.
Thrice Major/Minor
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. I & II
Touche Amore ...To the Beat of a Dead Horse
Everything about this band is just what hardcore should sound like. Songs are very short and to the point, all around terrific vocal performance. Second half of the album is essential in my opinion.

4.0 excellent
(The) Slowest Runner (In All The World) The Flophouse Session
As the sea swells is essential post rock. The group pay homage to Godspeed You! Black Emperor with a very refreshing neo-classical feel.
A Perfect Circle Mer de Noms
Alcest Écailles De Lune
Alter Bridge Fortress
Tremonti shreds like never before, and Alter Bridge write songs which accompany that rather well, creating the best "hard rock" album since...well Blackbird.
Alter Bridge One Day Remains
Armor For Sleep What To Do When You Are Dead
The most top heavy album of all time. First four songs are 5.5/5 but everything else is either filler or just okay
Balance and Composure Separation
Nothing really original, but the musicianship despite this is still very well executed. Really not a bad track on the
album, but it plays much better together than individually.
BATS Red In Tooth and Claw
This will really catch your attention within the first few minutes, math rock tendencies a la Foals, with really fun/catchy/heavy hooks, and lyrics about absolute non-sense. One of the most unique post-hardcore releases of recent times
Boris Flood
The first drone album i've heard that didn't feel like a chore, once you get past the repitition of the guitar in the first track it starts to get serious.
Boysetsfire While A Nation Sleeps...
Boysetsfire return almost unscathed with their first album in seven years, very similar to works prior boysetsfire gets the job done with more harsh vocals, a tad but less politics and a record full of very good to excellent songs.
Brand New Daisy
Chevelle Sci-Fi Crimes
Defeater Lost Ground
Bringing nothing new to the table, Defeater near perfect their hardcore sound, and it fucking rules
Deftones Around the Fur
dredg The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion
dredg Leitmotif
Dustin Kensrue Please Come Home
Envy Recitation
Explosions in the Sky Take Care, Take Care, Take Care
Far Water & Solutions
A truly under appreciated record. Although nothing mind blowing, The band showcases their ability to write emotional yet catchy tunes to the verse-chorus-verse format without really showing any flaws.
Finch Say Hello to Sunshine
Easily their best work, with a very different approach than What It Is To Burn, Finch nearly perfect post-hardcore in one shot. Vocals are reminiscent of Brandon Boyd, and the catchiness of the songs is undeniable. Musicianship is nothing special, but that is a plus, as if they had tried to experiment, it may have ruined what make this record so good
Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞
Hopesfall The Satellite Years
Outstanding post-hardcore. Really few records in the genre can match this. Musicianship flows with the screamed/clean vocals with near perfection. Imagine Poison The Well meets Early Alexisonfire without Green.
HRVRD From the Bird's Cage
Very solid album, the band really found its own niche for this record. First half is quite better than the second, but none of this is bad by any stretch. Reminds me of Juturna era Circa Survive + Kaddisfly
Incubus (USA-CA) Make Yourself
Iselia II: Dawn
After a rather rough transition of vocalists, Iselia rebound with a very solid sophmore album, it's an album that's difficult to pick a few selections that stand out, because it works best at it's entirety
Karnivool Themata
Karnivool Sound Awake
La Dispute Rooms of the House
Much like my reaction to Brother, Sister's release 8 years ago, i will miss the many aspects of this bands past sound, but i really think their potential has finally been met. This WILL be a grower, if you are a fan of this band don't give up
letlive. Fake History
Lights and Motion Reanimation
Honestly at first listen I loved it, but after a few tracks you start to remember you've heard this before, Wearing his Explosions In The Sky and Sigur Ros influences all too proudly. Overall it's good for what it is, but not for more than a few listens.
LSD and the Search for God LSD and the Search for God
M. Ward Post-War
Astonishing at times, m.ward really does a good jo b crafting a modern folk record without getting dull, or overly experimental like many of his contemporaries
Magnolia Electric Co Magnolia Electric Co
mewithoutYou Brother, Sister
Million Dead A Song to Ruin
I feel like this will always be Frank Turners best record.
Modest Mouse Good News for People Who Love Bad News
Nirvana In Utero
Norma Jean Wrongdoers
Best album since Redeemer, very surprised by this.
Nothingface An Audio Guide to Everyday Atrocity
Nothingface Skeletons
Pelican City of Echoes
Pelican Australasia
Pelican Pelican
Polyenso One Big Particular Loop
This hit me hard by surprise, from boring generic metalcore to this is an unbeliveable transition this band should be proud of.
Project 86 Drawing Black Lines
Project 86 Truthless Heroes
Project 86 ...And the Rest Will Follow
Q and Not U No Kill No Beep Beep
Really fun post-hardcore, driving almost entirely by the drums and bass, unique within the genre as the album gives off a dancey vibe without the use of any electronics
Radiohead Kid A
Overall an excellent record, the precursor to every radiohead release afterwards, Kid A abandons most rock elements in favor of electronics.
Ray LaMontagne Trouble
Redneck Manifesto I Am Brazil
Some excellent math/post rock. Really fun and void of any dull moments.
Rishloo Eidolon
I can honestly say that this is one of the greatest vocal performances i've ever heard on an album. A few songs are perfect, a few suck, and the band sounds like Tool everywhere else
Russian Circles Empros
Seether Karma And Effect
sleepmakeswaves ...and so we destroyed everything
The Appleseed Cast Mare Vitalis
The Gaslight Anthem The '59 Sound
The Mayan Factor Yesterday's Son
You can notice the amount of work the band put in to this album, vocals are very emotional, the bands work around the vocal tracks provided is probably near perfect. Not their best but highly recommended
This Will Destroy You Young Mountain
Thrice Beggars
toe The Book About My Idle Plot on a Vague Anxiety
Touche Amore Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me
A little more polished than their previous album, besides that its about the same and its fucking awesome
Trophy Scars Hospital Music for the Aesthetics of Language
As I'm not a fan at all of recent works, this blew me away. A cross between The Blood Brothers and Thursday. This could grow on me.
Underoath Lost in the Sound of Separation
William Bonney Good Vibes

3.5 great
AFI Burials
Alaska (USA) Everything is Fine
Alexisonfire Crisis
Alexisonfire's last great record, with extremely solid clean vocals, and a tightened up sound compared to previous releases. this contains songs you won't soon forget, and obvious filler tracks, but the strength of the best tracks make the filler forgivable.
Alexisonfire Old Crows / Young Cardinals
Chevelle This Type Of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
Cire Adrenological
While its influences are worn well, this album is definately a worthwhile listen for fans of tool, contains several tracks i've kept in rotation for nearly a decade
City and Colour Little Hell
Copeland Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Dance Gavin Dance Acceptance Speech
Defeater Letters Home
Deftones Koi No Yokan
Definitely not a bad album by any means, but with repeated listens, it becomes easy to tell that this is the least enthusiastic effort yet. All in all it's just another deftones album, with highlight songs being Leathers, Poltergeist and Rosemary
Do Make Say Think Goodbye Enemy Airship the Landlord is Dead
Extremely talented musicians make a great yet drawn out post-rock record. Nothing new here, yet nothing really bad either.
Emery The Weak's End
Five Minute Ride The World Needs Convincing...
Featuring some of Kurt Travis's best performances, although music energetic and edgy, the production is quite bad.
Frameworks Every Day Is The Same
Gates (USA-NJ) The Sun Will Rise and Lead Me Home
If Young Mountain was what inspired Moving Mountains, it would sound exactly like this. Undeniably solidr
Goat World Music
An absolutely spastic and original "psychedelic rock" record breaks barriers for originality but fails to leave any lasting value.
Helios Eingya
Extravagant, beautiful, and mesmerizing ideas in waves of electronic ambiance, which takes up the bulk of the record. Very relaxing, thought inducing music
Incubus (USA-CA) A Crow Left of the Murder...
ISIS Celestial
ISIS In the Absence of Truth
Karnivool Asymmetry
Manchester Orchestra Mean Everything to Nothing
great album, albeit nothing really original or innovative. Reminds me a lot of Nirvana + Modest Mouse
mewithoutYou Ten Stories
Minus the Bear Menos El Oso
A departure of sorts from Highly Refined Pirates, only in style. Minus The Bear's complexity remains with a very upbeat math pop sound. Very solid tracks blended between a flurry of very obvious filler is a black cloud on the record as a whole, however the four solid tracks are an easy 5/5
Nice Wings, Icarus! Nice Wings, Icarus!
Really good post-rock/metal dominated by violins, that being said, when this gets heavy the production rears it's head and damages listening value hard. Fine music if you can tolerate poor production.
Nils Frahm Screws
Despite seemingly using nothing but a piano, Nils Frahm creates an interesting texture with his music reminicent to modern ambient music. Mostly very solid, but for the casual listener one may dose off from time to time
O'Brother Disillusion
Off Minor The Heat Death of the Universe
Pelican Ephemeral
Radiohead In Rainbows
The really good Songs have been on frequently played for years, but as an album it doesn't flow as well as the other classics in their discography.
Radiohead Hail to the Thief
Radiohead The Bends
Russian Circles Station
Russian Circles Geneva
Rx Bandits Gemini, Her Majesty
Saetia A Retrospective
Some tracks on this are essential if you're a fan of the genre, but some are unbearably bad, but the strengths outweigh the negatives on this compilation.
Saosin Saosin
Seether Disclaimer
Sigur Ros Brennisteinn
Sigur Ros Valtari
Sigur Ros Takk...
Silverstein This Is How the Wind Shifts
They really don't stray too far from the path on this, but this is probably their best yet. Seems a little heavier, and the songs are really catchy and good throughout.
The Hotelier Home, Like NoPlace Is There
The Story So Far What You Don't See
Really wasn't expecting much having never heard this band before today, but really solid pop-punk with borderline post-hardcore traits. Could bump this up after a few more spins.
Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra Fuck Off Get Free We Pour Light on Everything
thisGIRL ...Short Strut to the Brassy Front
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance
Touche Amore Is Survived By
Well it's not that much different from works prior, but it's still a great record, the longer track lengths (instead of 1min-2min, they're almost all 2-3) don't really accomplish what I think they were aiming for, but the string of the last 3 tracks is fantastic and may be my favorite of all their work to date
Underoath They're Only Chasing Safety
Underoath Ø (Disambiguation)
Wintersleep Welcome To The Night Sky
A really chill, laid back effort worthy of a listen or two, but nothing to put on the top shelf. Execution and songwriting are great.

3.0 good
Alcest Shelter
No, Alcest really isn't metal anymore, and it's really easy for me to respect that because they somehow manage to keep a similar structure despite that fact. A beautiful shoegaze record from front to back, but after a handful of listens, not a single track stands out on it's own and it's lasting value is minimal.
All Get Out The Season
Manchester Orchestra regroup for an effort more like Mean Everything To Nothing diverting a bit from Simple Math. But seriously, good music, but the bands are so identical in every aspect it ruins it should be criminal.
Anberlin Cities
Really mediocre, which is disappointing due to the high amount of praise it's received. There are several standout tracks, but they are just that, standout tracks sprawled out between very uninteresting ones, the vocals are very good, but the band really fails at creating anything that hasn't been done before by hundreds of other bands
Baroness Yellow and Green
Being as an Ocean Dear G-d
Different in a way that combines traits of screamo-revival bands of the 2010s with the beaten to death post-hardcore sound. Obviously there is potential but on this there's very little to look back to.rP.S. lose the Listener imitation and stick to screaming and singing, it's actually pathetic how similar the voices sound.r
Chevelle Vena Sera
Circa Survive Blue Sky Noise
Circa survive clearly influenced by a major record label. Some songs are fantastic, some okay, and some just outright suck. Easily the weakest effort to this day.
City and Colour Bring Me Your Love
City of Caterpillar City of Caterpillar
Dance Gavin Dance Whatever I Say Is Royal Ocean
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
Easily Deftones weakest effort, I enjoy several tracks thoroughly, however the album as a whole failed to leave a lasting impression, even in 2006. But for me to three a weakest effort from a band with 7 LPs says tons about their discography
dredg Orph
Explosions in the Sky The Rescue
Fall Out Boy From Under the Cork Tree
Funeral for a Friend Conduit
It has it's moments, but overall it's very uninspired and seems to force a heavier sound in which the vocalist
seems to struggle with. Recommended for Fans of Welcome Home Armageddon, the nostalgic feel of their older
work has all but diminished.
Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction
Hot Cross A New Set of Lungs
Incubus (USA-CA) Light Grenades
Kayo Dot Choirs of the Eye
Moments of absolute brilliance lost in a fog of boring pretentiousness. I do however see how this is so well received.
Killswitch Engage As Daylight Dies
Kodan Armada A Collection Of Songs
Really good screamo at its best, but has several skippable tracks. Talking gets annoying after awhile
Modest Mouse We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank
Mouth Of The Architect The Ties That Blind
Moving Mountains Waves
Musk Ox Woodfall
Nirvana Nevermind
Pelican What We All Come to Need
Pelican Forever Becoming
Project 86 Wait for the Siren
Project 86 Songs to Burn Your Bridges By
Radiohead The King of Limbs
Russian Circles Memorial
Russian Circles being Russian Circles, nothing surprising, nothing outstanding, yet nothing terrible. A bit darker than previous efforts, giving this album it's distinct vibe amongst their discography.
Sans Seraph After the Rain
Really simple, relaxing and even flat out sleep inducing at times, it doesn't even really matter, because It Matters To Me is one of the best songs I've ever heard.
Self Defense Family Try Me
Shellac At Action Park
Slint Spiderland
A handful of brilliant moments wrapped into an overall very slow moving, very tight record that never really goes out of its comfort zone, I really wish i understood the praise.
Taking Back Sunday Happiness Is
The Album Leaf In A Safe Place
An album in which its strength is also its weakness. In A Safe Place showers you with ambiance which is nothing short of emotion inducing, however the sound throughout the record is very tight and varies very little, and contains several tracks worth skipping through. Very Sigur Ros inspired amoungst several others.
The Appleseed Cast Illumination Ritual
The Blood Brothers Young Machetes
The Blood Brothers final album in many ways signaled the death of this band, This album really has a tug of war between their classic sound and a poppier vibe that makes the record awkward at times, that's not to say it has it's moments, perticularly in the first half
The Reign of Kindo Play With Fire
The Used The Ocean Of The Sky
Thrice The Illusion of Safety

2.5 average
'68 In Humor and Sadness
Alcest Les Voyages De L'Âme
Baroness Red Album
Battles Mirrored
Originality doesn't always equal a breakthrough and Mirrored is the perfect example. Excessively repetitive with very strange vocals, this becomes a chore to listen to about halfway through. Atlas is an undeniable classic though
Bring Me the Horizon Sempiternal
Honestly was expecting much less with this, sounds way different from their earlier releases. Comparisons to Linkin Park are inevitable, but despite this, it's hands down their best album.
Chevelle Hats Off To The Bull
City and Colour The Hurry and the Harm
The energy and passion that Dallas Green used to possess is gone and the byproduct is a really stale, boring,
samey album. Not really anything hideously poor but really not even a second of woe.
dredg Waterborne OST
dredg Conscious
Enemies Embark Embrace
If you thought Explosions In The Sky stylistics in post-rock bands got grating, you may wish for those days back. Nothing special or worth revisiting
Explosions In The Sky and David Wingo Prince Avalanche
It may not be fair to rate a film score like this without seeing the film itself, but there's very very little resemblance to any other works by the band, and seems like David Wingo is in 100% in control. RIYL: music they play when you're on hold with the cable company.
Fair to Midland Inter.Funda.Stifle
Fair to Midland The Carbon Copy Silver Lining
Glass Bones Seasons
Basically la dispute unplugged. The band struggles with song structure a bit, having some rather good ideas, but scattered through messes of songs. Bluebird is atrocious, while Fall is easily the best song overall. Potential is there, but they need to shelve the overbearing la dispute influence.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Yanqui U.X.O.
Inventions Inventions
Jizue Journal
Klimt 1918 Just in Case We'll Never Meet Again
I like the style of music they play, but this is really stagnant throughout. Skygazer is by far the best song.
letlive. The Blackest Beautiful
Linkin Park The Hunting Party
Modern Baseball Sports
The lyrics and vocalist really get on my nerves, but not enough for me to hate it. The songs are really upbeat and interesting in vein of their contemporaries. Overall nothing impressive, but a new vocalist could really unleash this bands potenti
Modern Baseball You’re Gonna Miss It All
Neutral Milk Hotel On Avery Island
NK Nothing To Be Gained Here
This may be a grower, but on the first few listens I'm reminded of late 90's/early 00's nu-metal (Around The Fur + S.C.I.E.N.C.E.) certainly it isn't as cheesy as many bands of the time, but by any stretch of the imagination this is a let down.
Nothingface Violence
Pelican Ataraxia/Taraxis
Pianos Become the Teeth Saltwater
Obviously this album displays the potential they fulfilled in future records, but overall really, really sloppy, especially the vocals. Gets really good in waves, but not really one whole song is captivating enough to revisit
Project 86 Project 86
Radiohead Amnesiac
Sevendust Black Out the Sun
Sevendust being Sevendust, nothing less, nothing more.
Sky Architects The Promise of Tomorrow
Nothing special here, just over lengthy post rock songs which fail to really grasp at you throughout. Some good guitar work and atmosphere scattered within
Smallpools Smallpools
The Appleseed Cast Sagarmatha
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IV
Tides of Man Young and Courageous
Taking a route that isn't all too common, i have to give them credit for carrying on without a vocalist, but the final product seems unfinished, underwhelming and at times plain boring.
Trophy Scars Holy Vacants

2.0 poor
Arcade Fire Reflektor
Yeah sorry guys, this kinda fucking sucks.
Baroness Blue Record
Beau Navire Lumens
Chin Up Chin Up We Should Have Never Lived Like We Were Skyscraper
Deftones Adrenaline
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
Incubus (USA-CA) If Not Now, When?
Lights and Motion Save Your Heart
Lindsey Stirling Lindsey Stirling
Lungfish The Unanimous Hour
Minus the Bear Infinity Overhead
My Bloody Valentine m b v
Ours Distorted Lullabies
After hearing nothing but good things about this record, im extremely disappointed. Besides the vocalists extremely good vocals in some tracks, this is flat out boring. Vocals outweigh the band by a ridiculous amount in the production to a very noticeable way.
Pelican Pink Mammoth
Project 86 Picket Fence Cartel
Radiohead Pablo Honey
Sleep Weather Two Wheels Spinning
Stubborn Tiny Lights vs Clustering Darkness The Infinite Regress
The Men Immaculada
Although musically their isn't much to complain about, despite its moderately short play time, this album has the undesirable trait of becoming a chore to complete. Really slow noise rock with very little to get into.
The Plot To Blow Up The Eiffel Tower Dissertation, Honey
Some songs are alright, but this record is all over the place, with "jazz" infused within most tracks, this band bends over backwards creating a different sound, but refusing to focus on the final product.
The Used Imaginary Enemy
Thirty Seconds to Mars Love Lust Faith + Dreams
Transit Young New England
Really disappointed, very seldom do i find a pop punk band i enjoy, and this is a stale emotionless departure from their previous albums
Underoath The Changing of Times
Underoath Cries of the Past
William Fitzsimmons The Sparrow and the Crow

1.5 very poor
Brand New Your Favorite Weapon
Chelsea Wolfe Apokalypsis
Dustin Kensrue This Good Night Is Still Everywhere
Dustin Kensrue The Water and the Blood
Explosions in the Sky All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone Remixes
Fall Out Boy Infinity on High
Fall Out Boy Save Rock and Roll
Five Finger Death Punch The Wrong Side of Heaven and The Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 1
Grade 8 Grade 8
I can't believe I enjoyed this in my youth. Just all around awful nu metal
Imagine Dragons Night Visions
Jay-Z Magna Carta... Holy Grail
mewithoutYou It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All A Dream! It's Alright!
Minus the Bear Omni
O'Brother Basement Window
Project 86 Rival Factions
Saosin In Search Of Solid Ground
Shone Heat Thing
Innovational promotion turns into an ultimate embarrassment. Although musically some tracks are very good and the experimentation works well, but nonetheless the horrendous vocals kill it every time, making it full of cringe worthy moments and nothing short of a chore to finish
Sunn O))) Black One
Thrice Identity Crisis
Trapt Trapt
This was the one album I purchased as a teenager that I hated, and those purchases included some pretty terrible things. Two good songs and a bucketload of filler

1.0 awful
A Perfect Circle eMOTIVe
Ampere Like Shadows
This has the musical integrity of a toddler banging on pots and pans. I realize this is intended to be chaotic and sloppy, but I could pick up 4 strangers walking in front of house on their way to get crack and trump this tenfold. Fucking horrible
dredg Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy
Dreadful in every context, never did I think this band would stoop so low
Kanye West Yeezus
Khanate Capture and Release
Listener Wooden Heart
I was recommended this cause I like La Dispute and mewithoutyou. But what they forgot to mention is that's its only similar qualities are lyricism. Easily top 5 worst albums I've ever heard
Miley Cyrus Bangerz
Mother Mother Eureka
Scott Stapp Proof of Life
I remember enjoying some songs on the great divide, so I got this, turned right to Jesus Was A Rockstar, laughed for about five minutes and end of story. Easy 1
Seether Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces
Seether Holding Onto Strings Better Left To Fray
Taylor Swift Red
I will never understand the love for this singer, this record is far from country, more like pre-tween pop. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and the songwriting, being catchy, only turns out to be a negative, as overexposure is enough to send a perfectly sane person to the looney bin for life
Trivium Vengeance Falls
Not like this band was top notch before, but why did David Draiman produce this and why did Trivium agree to reformulate all their songs to sound like Disturbed. This is an embarrasing album to say the least.
Underoath Act of Depression
Whitechapel Whitechapel

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