Average Rating: 3.94 Rating Variance: 1.61 Objectivity Score: 58% (Somewhat Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAlice in Chains DirtDeltron 3030 Deltron 3030Empire Of The Sun Walking On A DreamGhostface Killah Twelve Reasons to DieGorillaz Plastic BeachGorillaz GorillazGorillaz Demon DaysJames Blake OvergrownJames Blake James BlakeJanelle Monae The Electric LadyJanelle Monae Metropolis: The Chase SuiteJay-Z Vol. 2: Hard Knock LifeJay-Z Reasonable DoubtJay-Z In My Lifetime, Vol. 1Jay-Z The BlueprintKanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyKanye West The College DropoutKanye West Late RegistrationKanye West YeezusKendrick Lamar good kid, m.A.A.d cityKendrick Lamar Section.80Kendrick Lamar To Pimp a ButterflyKiller Mike R.A.P. MusicKishi Bashi Room For DreamKishi Bashi LighghtKishi Bashi 151aLupe Fiasco Tetsuo and YouthMuse Black Holes & RevelationsNas It Was WrittenNas IllmaticNas StillmaticPusha T My Name Is My NameMy boy push still keeping it real when the game is soft, good music let's keep it coming! Radiohead OK ComputerScarface The FixTame Impala CurrentsWZRD WZRDYeasayer Odd Blood4.5 superbBobby Womack The Bravest Man In The UniverseDeltron 3030 Event IIJanelle Monae The ArchAndroidJay-Z The Blueprint 3Kanye West 808s and HeartbreakKanye West yeKishi Bashi SonderlustMichael Jackson XscapeNas NASIROwen Pallett In ConflictPink Floyd Wish You Were HerePink Floyd The Dark Side Of The MoonPusha T DAYTONARun the Jewels Run the JewelsRun the Jewels Run the Jewels 2St. Lucia St. LuciaYeasayer All Hour Cymbals4.0 excellentA Tribe Called Quest We got it from Here… Thank You 4 Your serviceAction Bronson Mr. WonderfulAnimal Collective Merriweather Post PavilionArcade Fire ReflektorChildish Gambino Because the InternetDisclosure SettleElectric Guest MondoFrank Ocean channel ORANGEJoey Badass B4.DA.$$Kanye West GraduationKid Cudi Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin’Local Natives HummingbirdNas Life Is GoodNas UntitledPharrell Williams G I R LRun the Jewels Run the Jewels 3Theophilus London VibesWoodkid The Golden AgeYeasayer Fragrant World3.5 greatBeastie Boys Paul's BoutiqueFitz and the Tantrums More Than Just A DreamKanye West VH1 Storytellers: Kanye WestKasabian 48:13Klaxons Myths of the Near FuturePusha T Fear of God II: Let Us PraySBTRKT SBTRKT3.0 goodBad Religion SufferDaley Days & NightsHellogoodbye Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!Hellogoodbye Mush Slowly and Guac2.5 averageCes Cru 13Kraak and Smaak Plastic People2.0 poorMC Tristan The End of The WorldNas NastradamusNOFX The DeclineThe Dillinger Escape Plan Ire Works1.5 very poorBlood on the Dance Floor All the Rage1.0 awfulBlood on the Dance Floor EvolutionBlood on the Dance Floor Bad BloodBlood on the Dance Floor EPICBlood on the Dance Floor It's Hard to Be a Diamond...Blood on the Dance Floor Let's Start a RiotLil B Green FlameMC Tristan Passed FutureMiley Cyrus BangerzRiff Raff The Golden AlienThe Devil Wears Prada Dead Throne
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z