Average Rating: 3.62 Rating Variance: 0.59 Objectivity Score: 72% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicGodspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to HeavenLa Dispute Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair Laura Stevenson WheelMastodon Crack the SkyeMinus the Bear Planet of IceMono Hymn to the Immortal WindOpeth Blackwater ParkRadiohead Kid ASigur Ros ( )Sigur Ros Heima (DVD)Sigur Ros KveikurCelebrating the proud return of Things Happening. toe The Book About My Idle Plot on a Vague Anxietytoe CUT_DVDTTNG AnimalsYndi Halda Enjoy Eternal Bliss 4.5 superbA Great Big Pile of Leaves Have You Seen My Prefrontal Cortex?A Lot Like Birds No PlaceAmerican Wolf MyriadAmerican Wolf Tales of KamanakeraBaroness Blue RecordBrand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside MeCake Fashion NuggetCirca Survive JuturnaCirca Survive On Letting GoCirca Survive Violent WavesCirca Survive DescensusColour AnthologyCunninLynguists A Piece Of StrangeEmpire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate) What It Takes to Move ForwardFair to Midland Fables From a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times is TrueFang Island Fang IslandThis album perfectly captures the essence of everyone high-fiving everyone on a sunny day.Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞Godspeed You! Black Emperor Slow Riot For New Zero KanadaGodspeed You! Black Emperor Yanqui U.X.O.Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!Hail the Sun ElephantitisHappy Body Slow Brain Dreams of WaterHRVRD The Inevitable And IHRVRD From the Bird's CageISIS PanopticonJustin Timberlake The 20/20 ExperienceK Sera Collisions and Near MissesKendrick Lamar To Pimp a ButterflyLa Dispute WildlifeLaura Stevenson Sit ResistLing Tosite Sigure Feeling Your UFOLing Tosite Sigure Just a MomentLing Tosite Sigure Still a Sigure Virgin?Low Roar 0Lydia IlluminateMaps and Atlases You and Me and the MountainMastodon LeviathanMastodon Blood MountainMastodon Once More 'Round the SunMeshuggah Nothing (Re-Release)Meshuggah AliveMessage to Bears Folding LeavesMimas LifejacketsMinus the Bear Highly Refined PiratesMinus the Bear Menos El OsoMinus the Bear They Make Beer Commercials Like ThisMono You Are ThereOpeth Ghost ReveriesOpeth WatershedOpeth HeritagePete Davis The Pottsville ConglomeratePretend Bones In The Soil, Rust In The OilPrimus Sailing the Seas of CheeseRadiohead OK ComputerRussian Circles EnterRussian Circles EmprosRussian Circles MemorialSigur Ros Takk...Six Gallery Breakthroughs in Modern ArtSleeping in Gethsemane BurrowsStolas AllomaternalSystem of a Down ToxicityThe Black Keys Rubber FactoryThe Dear Hunter Act II: The Meaning of, & All Things Regarding Ms. LeadingThe Dear Hunter Act III: Life and DeathThe Dear Hunter The Color Spectrum (Complete Collection)The Dear Hunter BlackThe Dear Hunter IndigoThe Dear Hunter VioletThe Dear Hunter The Color Spectrum LiveThe Mountain Goats The Sunset TreeThe Reign of Kindo The Reign Of KindoThe Reign of Kindo Rhythm, Chord & MelodyThe Reign of Kindo This Is What HappensThe Republic of Wolves The CartographerThe Smashing Pumpkins Siamese DreamThe Sound of Animals Fighting Tiger and the DukeThe Sound of Animals Fighting Tiger and the Duke (Re-Issue)Thrice VheissuThrice BeggarsThrice The Alchemy Index Vol. II: Watertoe New Sentimentalitytoe Songs, Ideas We Forgottoe For Long Tomorrowtoe RGBDVDtoe The Future Is NowTool LateralusTrophy Scars Holy Vacantstsosis Red Versiontsosis Underwater Tell Each Other SecretsTTNG This Town Needs GunsTTNG Adventure, Stamina and AngerTTNG Gorilla? New ArrivalWot Gorilla? Kebnekaise4.0 excellentA Great Big Pile of Leaves You're Always on My MindA Lot Like Birds Plan BA Lot Like Birds Conversation PieceA Perfect Circle Thirteenth StepAmerican Wolf My Main SportAnimals As Leaders Animals as LeadersAuthor Of Brighter DaysBaroness Red AlbumBaroness Yellow and GreenBeck Mellow GoldBeck GueroBjork HomogenicBjork VulnicuraBon Iver For Emma, Forever AgoBon Iver Bon Iver, Bon IverCake Comfort EagleCake Motorcade Of GenerosityChildren of Nova The Complexity of Light Children of Nova Impossible LandscapeCirca Survive Blue Sky NoiseCitizen Cope The Clarence Greewood RecordingsClever Girl No Drum And Bass in the Jazz RoomCunninLynguists OneirologyDamien Rice My Favourite Faded FantasyDays of the New Days of the NewDeafheaven SunbatherDeath Cab for Cutie TransatlanticismDeath Cab for Cutie PlansExplosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead PlaceFair to Midland Arrows and AnchorsFlogging Molly Drunken LullabiesFlogging Molly SwaggerFoxing The AlbatrossFrom Indian Lakes Able BodiesFrom Indian Lakes Absent SoundsGhost Brigade Guided By FireGhost Brigade Isolation SongsGlass Bones The Hope In Forgiving & Giving Up HopeGlass Bones SeasonsHail the Sun WakeHeathers Here, Not ThereIf These Trees Could Talk If These Trees Could TalkIn Flames ClaymanInvalids EunoiaInvalids StrengthsKatatonia Viva EmptinessKatatonia The Great Cold DistanceKatatonia Night Is the New DayKatatonia Dead End KingsKiss Kiss Kiss KissKiss Kiss Reality Vs. The OptimistKiss Kiss The Meek Shall Inherit What's LeftLa Dispute Here, Hear. IIILa Dispute Rooms of the HouseLa Dispute/Koji Never Come UndoneLady Lamb Ripely PineLaura Stevenson A Record + 3Ling Tosite Sigure #4Ling Tosite Sigure Inspiration Is DeadLing Tosite Sigure I'mperfectLITE For All the InnocenceLoom Selva MolhadaMaps and Atlases Tree, Swallows, HousesMaps and Atlases Perch PatchworkMastodon RemissionMastodon The HunterMeshuggah IMeshuggah obZenMetallica Master Of PuppetsMidas Fall Wilderness Mimas The WorriesMinus the Bear This is What I Know About Being GiganticMinus the Bear AcousticsMinus the Bear OmniMinus the Bear Infinity OverheadMogwai The Hawk Is HowlingMogwai Hardcore Will Never Die, But You WillMogwai Earth DivisionMoonlit Sailor So Close to LifeMouse On The Keys An Anxious ObjectMouse On The Keys SezessionMouse On The Keys Machinic PhylumMoving Mountains PneumaMoving Mountains ForewordNow, Now NeighborsNow, Now ThreadsOpeth Still LifeOpeth DamnationOwel OwelPelican March Into the SeaPelican City of EchoesPelican EphemeralPelican After the Ceiling CrackedPianos Become the Teeth The Lack Long AfterPianos Become the Teeth Keep YouPink Floyd The WallPrimus Frizzle FryQueens of the Stone Age Songs for the DeafRed Hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex MagikRokkurro Í Annan HeimRush 2112Russian Circles StationRussian Circles GenevaRx Bandits MandalaSleeping in Gethsemane The Great White NorthSt. Vincent Strange MercyStrawberry Girls French GhettoSystem of a Down Steal This Album!Tancred TancredTe (JPN) Therefore the illusion of density...Tera Melos X'ed OutThe Black Keys Magic PotionThe Dear Hunter Act I: The Lake South, the River NorthThe Dear Hunter RedThe Dear Hunter OrangeThe Dear Hunter WhiteThe Fall of Troy DoppelgangerThe Flaming Lips Yoshimi Battles the Pink RobotsThe Flaming Lips The Flaming Lips And Heady FwendsThe Reign of Kindo Play With FireThe Republic of Wolves VarunaThe Roots Game TheoryThe Roots undunThe Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite SadnessThe Smashing Pumpkins OceaniaThe Sound of Animals Fighting The Ocean and the SunThrice Major/MinorThrice The Alchemy Index Vol. I: FireThrice The Alchemy Index Vol. III: AirTK From Ling Tosite Sigure FloweringTool ÆnimaTool UndertowTool 10,000 DaysTouche Amore/La Dispute Searching for a Pulse/The Worth of the WorldTrophy Scars Bad LuckTrophy Scars Never Born, Never DeadTrophywife Hold Onto Your Lucktsosis Blue VersionWayne Szalinski Black MirrorWolfmother WolfmotherWot Gorilla? Wot Gorilla?3.5 greatA Perfect Circle Mer de NomsAdebisi Shank This is the Second AlbumAll That Remains The Fall Of IdealsAmerican Football American FootballAmon Amarth With Oden on Our SideAncestors Of Sound MindAramid ObsidianBaroness First & SecondBattles MirroredBattles Gloss DropBeck Midnite VulturesBetween the Buried and Me AlaskaBetween the Buried and Me ColorsBlue Sky Black Death Late Night CinemaBrand New DaisyBreaking Benjamin PhobiaBrendon Small GalaktikonCake Pressure ChiefCake Showroom Of CompassionChelsea Wolfe The Grime And The GlowChelsea Wolfe ApokalypsisChelsea Wolfe Unknown Rooms: A Collection of Acoustic SongsChevelle Wonder What's NextChevelle Vena SeraChevelle La GárgolaCirca Survive AppendageCoconut Records NighttimingDethklok Dethalbum IIDethklok The Dethalbum Dirty Three Ocean SongsDuck. Little brother, duck! Survival Is Not a WorkoutDysrhythmia Barriers And PassagesDysrhythmia Psychic MapsEisley CurrentsEmpire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate) You Will Eventually Be ForgottenEnemies We've Been TalkingFlogging Molly Within a Mile of HomeFlogging Molly FloatFootball, etc. AudibleFrom the Shallows Beyond the UnknownGodsmack GodsmackHeaven Shall Burn Deaf to Our PrayersHeaven Shall Burn Iconoclast (Part 1: The Final Resistance)Hella Hold Your Horse IsIn Flames The Jester RaceIn Flames Soundtrack to Your EscapeIn Flames ColonyIn Flames Come ClarityJustin Timberlake FutureSex/LoveSoundsLa Dispute VancouverLa Dispute Here, Hear.La Dispute Here, Hear. IILittle Kingdoms Home EPLydia This December; It's One More and I'm FreeMarquette Waxing/Waning EPMarriages KitsuneMastodon Call of the MastodonMeet Me in St. Louis Variations on SwingMeshuggah Destroy Erase ImproveMeshuggah Catch ThirtythreeMeshuggah ChaosphereMogwai Come On Die YoungMogwai Rave TapesMudvayne L.D. 50Palmkite DemoPalmkite The Sound Of SnowfallPelican The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon...Pelican What We All Come to NeedPelican Pink MammothPennines Fair Do'sPenpal PenpalPenpal Postscript EPPrimus Tales from the PunchbowlPrimus Pork SodaPublic Service Broadcasting Inform - Educate - EntertainPurity Ring Another EternityQueens of the Stone Age Era VulgarisRadiohead AmnesiacRed Hot Chili Peppers Stadium ArcadiumRed Sparowes AphorismRed Sparowes The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therein...Rosetta The AnaestheteRush Moving PicturesRush Clockwork AngelsRussian Circles Upper NinetyRusted Root When I WokeSecondsmile YearsSianvar SianvarSigur Ros Agætis byrjunSigur Ros Med Sud i Eyrum vid Spilum EndalaustSigur Ros ValtariSleeping People GrowingSo Much Light Supine/SpellboundStatic-X Wisconsin Death TripSystem of a Down System of a DownSystem of a Down MezmerizeSystem of a Down HypnotizeTangled Hair FirstTangled Hair ApplesTera Melos Drugs to the Dear YouthThe Dear Hunter GreenThe Dear Hunter YellowThe Dear Hunter MigrantThe Dillinger Escape Plan Ire WorksThe Fall of Troy The Fall of TroyThe Flaming Lips The Soft BulletinThe Mountain Goats We Shall All Be HealedThe Republic of Wolves His Old BranchesThe White Stripes ElephantThirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful LieThrice The Alchemy Index Vol. IV: EarthTool Opiatetsosis First ContactTubelord Our First American FriendsWhitechapel This Is ExileYo La Tengo Painful3.0 good3 Doors Down Away from the Sun3 Doors Down The Better LifeA Perfect Circle aMOTIONApocalyptica Worlds CollideBeck The InformationBreaking Benjamin SaturateBreaking Benjamin We Are Not AloneBubblegum Octopus The Album Formerly Known As Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band Ice Cream for CrowCitizen Cope Citzen CopeCitizen Cope Every Waking MomentCollective Soul 7even Year ItchDaft Punk Tron: LegacyDan Auerbach Keep it HidData Select Party Hanging Out With HumansDeath Grips The Money StoreDespised Icon The Healing ProcessDespised Icon The Ills Of Modern ManDisturbed Ten Thousand FistsFang Island MajorFive Finger Death Punch The Way Of The FistFlyleaf FlyleafGodsmack AwakeGodsmack FacelessGodsmack IVGodsmack The Other SideHeathers KingdomIn Flames Reroute to RemainIn Flames A Sense of PurposeIn This Moment The DreamIndustries of the Blind Chapter 1: Had We Known BetterJob For A Cowboy DoomLightning Bolt Hypermagic MountainLydia Paint it GoldenMarquette Megafone EPMetallica MetallicaMnemic The Audio Injected SoulMotograter MotograterMudvayne The End of All Things to ComeMudvayne Lost and FoundNirvana NevermindNonpoint RecoilNonpoint To the PainRichard Cheese TuxicityRichard Cheese I'd Like A VirginRichard Cheese The Sunny Side of the MoonRingside RingsideSerj Tankian Elect the DeadSevendust SevendustSevendust AlphaSevendust HomeShapes Like Dinosaurs Cretaceous CalculusStaind Break The CycleTegan and Sara SainthoodTera Melos Patagonian RatsThe Advantage Elf TitledThe Black Keys Attack & ReleaseThe Black Keys BrothersThe Dear Hunter BlueThe White Stripes The White StripesThe White Stripes Icky ThumpThirty Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds To Marstoe Re:designedtsosis AcousticsVales ClarityWhitechapel The Somatic Defilement2.5 average3 Doors Down Seventeen DaysAll Shall Perish Hate. Malice. RevengeAll Shall Perish Awaken the DreamersAll That Remains OvercomeAmy Winehouse Back to Blackblink-182 Blink-182blink-182 Dude RanchBullet For My Valentine Scream Aim FireDespised Icon Consumed By Your PoisonDisturbed The SicknessDisturbed BelieveDisturbed IndestructibleEminem RecoveryEvanescence The Open DoorFlogging Molly Speed of DarknessGodsmack The OracleGreen Day American IdiotHella There's No 666 In Outer SpaceJob For A Cowboy RuinationKings of Leon Because Of The TimesKings of Leon Only By The NightKorn KornKT Tunstall Tiger SuitMudvayne The New GameOtep Sevas TraOtep The_AscensionParamore Riot!Rob Zombie American Made Music to Strip BySeether Karma And EffectStaind DysfunctionStaind Chapter VStatic-X Shadow ZoneStatic-X Start A WarStatic-X CannibalStatic-X Cult Of StaticStone Sour Stone SourThe Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Don't You Fake ItThe Smashing Pumpkins ZeitgeistThe Sound of Animals Fighting Lover, the Lord Has Left Us...Three Days Grace Three Days GraceThree Days Grace One-XTubelord R o m a n c eVolbeat Rock The Rebel/Metal The DevilWhitechapel A New Era of Corruption2.0 poorCarly Rae Jepsen Tug of WarCattle Decapitation HumanureDaughtry DaughtryFive Finger Death Punch War Is The AnswerGwen Stefani Love. Angel. Music. Baby.Job For A Cowboy GenesisKaty Perry Teenage DreamLinkin Park Hybrid TheoryMetallica ReloadMetallica LoadPapa Roach Getting Away With MurderSlipknot SlipknotSlipknot All Hope Is GoneStaind 14 Shades of GreySuicide Silence The Cleansingt.A.T.u. The BestTaylor Swift Taylor Swift1.5 very poorAvril Lavigne The Best Damn ThingGood Charlotte Good CharlotteSkrillex Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites The Black Eyed Peas Elephunk1.0 awful3OH!3 WantUnbelievably immature. Not even in an innocent way. Just terrible.Attack Attack! Someday Came SuddenlyHollywood Undead Swan SongsLady Gaga Born This WayR. Kelly Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 1-12)
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z