Average Rating: 3.79 Rating Variance: 0.62 Objectivity Score: 67% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicA.A.L. (Against All Logic) 2012-2017AFI Sing the SorrowAkercocke Words That Go Unspoken...Animal Collective Fall Be KindAphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85-92Arctic Monkeys Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm NotArcturus The Sham MirrorsAriana Grande SweetenerAt the Drive-In Relationship of CommandAt the Gates Slaughter of the SoulAttack Attack! Someday Came SuddenlyAutechre Tri RepetaeAutechre ConfieldAutechre UntiltedBjork PostBjork HomogenicBlack Sabbath ParanoidBloc Party Silent AlarmBoards of Canada Music Has the Right to ChildrenBoards of Canada GeogaddiBoredoms Super AeBoredoms Pop TatariBoredoms Vision Creation NewsunBroken Social Scene You Forgot It in PeopleBurial UntrueCave In JupiterCharli XCX Pop 2Clipse Hell Hath No FuryCobalt GinComus First UtteranceConverge Jane DoeCryptopsy None So VileCut Copy In Ghost ColoursCynic FocusDaft Punk DiscoveryDaft Punk HomeworkDavid Bowie LowDavid Bowie BlackstarDeath SymbolicDeath Grips The Money StoreDeathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem AeternumDecapitated Organic HallucinosisDeftones White PonyDemilich NespitheDissection Storm of the Light's BaneDissection The SomberlainDJ Shadow Endtroducing.....Electric Wizard DopethroneEnsiferum EnsiferumFennesz Endless SummerFour Tet RoundsFranz Ferdinand Franz FerdinandGodflesh StreetcleanerGodflesh Post SelfGorguts ObscuraGrimes VisionsGrimes Art AngelsImmolation Close to a World BelowImmortal At the Heart of WinterIn Flames The Jester RaceIn Flames ClaymanIn the Woods... OmnioInterpol Turn on the Bright LightsJames Holden Balance 005James Holden The InheritorsJimmy Eat World ClarityKanye West 808s and HeartbreakKanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyKanye West YeezusKazumoto Endo While You Were OutKekal AcidityKendrick Lamar good kid, m.A.A.d cityKendrick Lamar To Pimp a ButterflyKillswitch Engage The End of HeartacheKraftwerk Computer WorldKraftwerk The Man-MachineKraftwerk AutobahnKraftwerk Trans-Europe ExpressLadytron Witching HourLeftfield LeftismLinkin Park Hybrid TheoryLorde MelodramaManuel Gottsching E2-E4Marie Davidson Working Class WomanMastodon Crack the SkyeMichael Jackson ThrillerMy Bloody Valentine LovelessNegura Bunget OMNeurosis Through Silver In BloodNeutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the SeaNine Inch Nails The Downward SpiralNirvana In UteroNirvana NevermindOpeth Blackwater ParkOrbital In SidesOrbital Orbital 2Orbital SnivilisationPantera Vulgar Display of PowerPantha Du Prince This BlissPerfume GAMEPersefone CorePink Floyd Wish You Were HerePorter Ricks BiokineticsPortishead ThirdPrince Purple RainQueen A Night at the OperaQueens of the Stone Age Songs for the DeafRadiohead AmnesiacRadiohead Kid ARadiohead OK ComputerRadiohead Hail to the ThiefRadiohead In RainbowsRage Against the Machine The Battle of Los AngelesRefused The Shape Of Punk To ComeRicardo Villalobos AlcachofaShining (NOR) BlackjazzSigh Gallows GallerySigh Imaginary SonicscapeSlayer Reign in BloodSonic Youth Daydream NationStars of the Lid And Their Refinement Of The DeclineSuper Furry Animals Rings Around the WorldSupercar HighvisionSystem of a Down ToxicityTaylor Swift 1989Tempa 50 Tracks Of TempaThe Beatles RevolverThe Chemical Brothers Dig Your Own HoleThe Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating InfinityThe Dismemberment Plan Emergency & IThe Field From Here We Go SublimeThe Field Looping State of MindThe Knife Silent ShoutThe Mars Volta De-Loused in the ComatoriumThe Notwist Neon GoldenThe Postal Service Give UpThe Prodigy The Fat Of The LandThe Prodigy Music For The Jilted GenerationThe Velvet Underground The Velvet Underground & NicoThe Velvet Underground White Light/White HeatThe White Stripes ElephantThe Wrens The MeadowlandsThe xx xxThorns ThornsUlcerate Everything Is FireUlver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitlerUnderworld dubnobasswithmyheadmanUnwound Leaves Turn Inside YouVoivod NothingfaceWeezer WeezerYeah Yeah Yeahs Fever To Tell4.5 superb...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Source Tags and CodesA.A.L. (Against All Logic) 2017-2019AFI DecemberundergroundAgalloch The MantleAgalloch Ashes Against the GrainAlcest Souvenirs D'Un Autre MondeAmnesia Scanner ASAmon Tobin PermutationAmon Tobin SupermodifiedAmorphis Tales From The Thousand LakesAnaal Nathrakh Hell Is Empty and All the Devils Are HerAnaal Nathrakh The Whole of the LawAnathema JudgementAnathema Weather SystemsAndrew W.K. I Get WetAndy Stott Luxury ProblemsAnimal Collective Strawberry JamAnimal Collective Merriweather Post PavilionAnnie AnniemalAntimatter Black Market EnlightenmentAphex Twin Richard D. James AlbumAphex Twin SyroAphex Twin CollapseAppleblim and Shackleton Soundboy PunishmentsArca &&&&&Arctic Monkeys AMArcturus La Masquerade InfernaleAs I Lay Dying AwakenedAt the Drive-In In/Casino/OutAtheist Unquestionable PresenceAutechre LP5Autechre IncunabulaAutechre AmberAutechre QuaristiceAutechre ExaiAutechre Quaristice (Versions)Autechre NTS Session 1Autechre SIGNAvenged Sevenfold Waking The FallenBad Brains I Against IBarker UtilityBasic Channel BCD-2Battles MirroredBattles Gloss DropBeastie Boys Hello NastyBeck OdelayBeck Sea ChangeBehemoth DemigodBehemoth The SatanistBeherit Drawing Down the MoonBell Witch Mirror ReaperBen Frost A U R O R ABen UFO FabricLive.67Between the Buried and Me ColorsBicep BicepBig Boi Sir Lucious Left FootBjork MedullaBlack Midi SchlagenheimBlack Peaks All That DividesBlanck Mass World EaterBlanck Mass Animated Violence MildBlood Incantation StarspawnBlood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human RaceBlur ParklifeBlur 13Blut Aus Nord The Work Which Transforms GodBlut Aus Nord 777 - CosmosophyBoards of Canada The Campfire HeadphaseBoards of Canada Tomorrow's HarvestBooka Shade MovementsBoredoms Chocolate SynthesizerBoris Boris At Last -Feedbacker-Boris PinkBoris Heavy RocksBrand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside MeBring Me The Horizon SempiternalBT ImaBuilt to Spill Keep It Like a SecretBurial BurialBurial KindredBurial Rival DealerCarcass Necroticism: Descanting the InsalubriousCarcass HeartworkCaspian Waking SeasonCattle Decapitation Monolith of InhumanityCattle Decapitation The Anthropocene ExtinctionCattle Decapitation Death AtlasCave In Until Your Heart StopsCharli XCX Vroom VroomCharli XCX Number 1 AngelCharli XCX CharliCharli XCX How I'm Feeling NowChat Pile God's CountryClaro Intelecto Reform ClubCobalt Eater of BirdsCobalt Slow ForeverCode Orange ForeverCoil Musick To Play In The DarkCoil Horse RotorvatorCoil The Ape Of NaplesConcrete Blonde BloodlettingConfessor CondemnedConverge You Fail MeConverge Axe to FallConverge All We Love We Leave BehindConverge The Dusk in UsCrossfaith XenoCryptopsy CryptopsycupcakKe EphorizeDaft Punk Alive 2007Daft Punk Random Access MemoriesDan Deacon Spiderman of the RingsDark Tranquillity CharacterDark Tranquillity Damage DoneDark Tranquillity The GalleryDarkest Hour Undoing RuinDarkthrone A Blaze in the Northern SkyDas Racist Sit Down, ManDaughters You Won't Get What You WantDawn Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy)Deafheaven SunbatherDeath The Sound of PerseveranceDeath Grips No Love Deep WebDeath Grips Bottomless PitDeathspell Omega ParacletusDecapitated Winds of CreationDecapitated NihilityDeerhunter MicrocastleDeftones Around the FurDeftones Diamond EyesDeftones Koi No YokanDeftones OhmsDenzel Curry TA13OODepeche Mode ViolatorDestrose DestroseDinosaur Jr. You're Living All Over MeDisillusion Back to Times of SplendorDismember Like An Ever Flowing StreamDissection ReinkaosDizzee Rascal Boy In Da CornerDJ Healer Nothing 2 LooseDJ Koze AmygdalaDJ Koze knock knockDodheimsgard 666 InternationalDog Fashion Disco AdulteryDreamcatcher (KR) Nightmare - Escape the ERADua Lipa Future NostalgiaDying Fetus Killing on AdrenalineEllen Allien & Apparat Orchestra Of BubblesEmeralds Does It Look Like I'm Here?Emptiness Nothing but the WholeEnslaved Axioma Ethica OdiniEntombed Wolverine BluesEsoteric The Pernicious EnigmaEstatic Fear A Sombre Dancef(x) Pink Tapef(x) 4 WallsFantomas The Director's CutFatal FE TransfornationFatboy Slim You've Come A Long Way, BabyFear, and Loathing in Las Vegas HypertoughnessFennesz VeniceFennesz BecsFever Ray Fever RayFever Ray PlungeFightstar Grand UnificationFleet Foxes Helplessness BluesFoo Fighters Foo FightersFoo Fighters Wasting LightForest Swords EngravingsForest Swords CompassionFour Tet There is Love in YouFrank Ocean channel ORANGEFrank Zappa ApostropheFront Line Assembly Tactical Neural ImplantFugazi The ArgumentFull of Hell Trumpeting EcstasyFull of Hell Weeping ChoirGang Gang Dance Saint DymphnaGang Gang Dance Eye ContactGates of Ishtar At Dusk and ForeverGenghis Tron Board Up the HouseGenghis Tron Dream WeaponGhost (SWE) MelioraGhost (SWE) PrequelleGigan Multi-Dimensional Fractal-Sorcery...Gigan Undulating Waves of Rainbiotic IridescenceGlobal Communication 76:14Godflesh A World Lit Only by FireGodspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞Gojira L'Enfant SauvageGojira MagmaGorguts Colored SandsGorillaz Plastic BeachGospel The Moon Is a Dead WorldGrouper RuinsGui Boratto ChromophobiaHallucinogen TwistedHeaven Shall Burn AntigoneHeaven Shall Burn Whatever It May TakeHopesfall The Satellite YearsHopesfall No Wings To Speak OfHum InletIgorrr HallelujahImmolation Harnessing RuinImmolation Majesty and DecayImmolation Kingdom of ConspiracyImmolation AtonementImmortal Sons of Northern DarknessImmortal All Shall FallIn Flames ColonyIn Flames Come ClarityIncantation Diabolical ConquestInfected Mushroom IM The SupervisorInfernal Coil Within a World ForgottenInsomnium Above the Weeping WorldIntegrity Those Who Fear TomorrowInter Arma Sky BurialISIS OceanicJames Holden The Idiots Are WinningJames Holden and The Animal Spirits The Animal SpiritsJamie xx In ColourJapandroids Celebration RockJay-Z The BlueprintJimmy Eat World Bleed AmericanJimmy Eat World FuturesJlin Black OrigamiJoanna Newsom The Milk-Eyed MenderJon Hopkins ImmunityJon Hopkins SingularityJulianna Barwick NepentheJustice †Kamelot The Black HaloKanye West The Life of PabloKatatonia The Great Cold DistanceKatatonia Last Fair Deal Gone DownKayo Dot Choirs of the EyeKelis Flesh ToneKelly Lee Owens Kelly Lee OwensKelly Lee Owens Inner SongKillswitch Engage Alive or Just BreathingKvelertak KvelertakKvelertak NattesferdKylesa Spiral ShadowKyuss Blues For The Red SunLadytron Light and MagicLCD Soundsystem This Is HappeningLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IVLet's Eat Grandma I'm All EarsLightning Bolt Hypermagic MountainLil Wayne Tha Carter IIILingua Ignota All Bitches DieLinkin Park MeteoraLiturgy H.A.Q.Q.Lorde Pure HeroineLorenzo Senni PersonaLou Reed and Metallica LuluLow Double NegativeLuomo VocalcityM.I.A. ArularM.I.A. KalaMachine Girl The Ugly ArtMachine Head Burn My EyesMachine Head Unto The LocustMadvillain MadvillainyMarduk Opus NocturneMarilyn Manson Antichrist SuperstarMassive Attack MezzanineMassive Attack ProtectionMastodon LeviathanMastodon Blood MountainMastodon The HunterMastodon Emperor of Sandmaudlin of the Well Bathmaudlin of the Well Leaving Your Body MapMax Richter The Blue NotebooksMaximum the Hormone Bu-ikikaesumclusky McLusky Do DallasMelechesh EmissariesMeshuggah Catch ThirtythreeMeshuggah ChaosphereMeshuggah Nothing (Re-Release)Meshuggah The Violent Sleep of ReasonMetallica Master Of PuppetsMetric FantasiesMgla Exercises in FutilityMichael Mayer ImmerMinistry Psalm 69Moby PlayModern Life Is War WitnessModest Mouse Good News for People Who Love Bad NewsMonolake Polygon CitiesMonolake MomentumMonolake GhostsMoonsorrow VerisäkeetMors Principium Est The UnbornMouse on Mars IdiologyMouse on Mars Iaora TahitiMy Bloody Valentine You Made Me RealiseMy Dying Bride The Dreadful HoursMylo Destroy Rock And RollNAILS Abandon All LifeNAILS You Will Never Be One Of UsNapalm Death ScumNasum HelveteNathan Fake Drowning in a Sea of LoveNe Obliviscaris Portal of INecrophagist EpitaphNeurosis Fires Within FiresNile In Their Darkened ShrinesNine Inch Nails The FragileNine Inch Nails Pretty Hate MachineNine Inch Nails Year ZeroNine Inch Nails Hesitation MarksNine Inch Nails Bad WitchNine Inch Nails Ghosts V: TogetherNosaj Thing DriftOasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory?Oasis Definitely MaybeObjekt Cocoon CrushOlivia Rodrigo SourOneohtrix Point Never ReplicaOneohtrix Point Never R Plus SevenOneohtrix Point Never Garden of DeleteOpeth Still LifeOrbital The Middle of NowhereOrphaned Land Mabool (The Story of the Three Sons...)Orthrelm OVOutKast StankoniaOval 94 DiskontPain of Salvation Remedy LanePanda Bear Person PitchPantera Cowboys from HellPantha Du Prince Black NoisePhinehas thegodmachinePig Destroyer Prowler in the YardPig Destroyer TerrifyerPig Destroyer Phantom LimbPig Destroyer Book BurnerPig Destroyer Head CagePink Floyd The Dark Side Of The MoonPoison the Well The Opposite of DecemberPortal IONPortishead DummyPower Trip Nightmare LogicPrimitive Man CausticPrimordial To The Nameless DeadProtest the Hero KeziaProtest the Hero FortressPrurient Frozen Niagara FallsPulp Different ClassPusha T My Name Is My NamePyrrhon The Mother of VirtuesPyrrhon What Passes for SurvivalQueen News of the WorldQueens of the Stone Age Rated RQueens of the Stone Age ...Like ClockworkQueens of the Stone Age VillainsR.E.M. Automatic for the PeopleRabbit Junk Pop That Pretty ThirtyRadiohead The BendsRadiohead Knives OutRadiohead The King of LimbsRadiohead A Moon Shaped PoolRage Against the Machine Evil EmpireRage Against the Machine Rage Against the MachineRainbow RisingRammstein UntitledRed Velvet The ReVe Festival: Day 1Reverend Bizarre In The Rectory Of The Bizarre ReverendRise Against Revolutions per MinuteRise Against The Sufferer and the WitnessRobyn Body TalkRoisin Murphy OverpoweredRotting Christ TheogoniaRoyksopp Melody A.M.Run the Jewels RTJ4Russian Circles EmprosRussian Circles MemorialRwake Voices of OmensSacramentum Far Away from the SunScott Walker TiltScreaming Trees DustSepalcure SepalcureSepticflesh CommunionSepultura AriseSepultura Chaos A.D.Shabazz Palaces Black UpShackleton Music For The Quiet Hour/The Drawbar Organ EPsShellac 1000 HurtsShellac At Action ParkShellac Dude IncredibleShining (SWE) V - HalmstadSigh Scenes from HellSigh Heir to DespairSigur Ros Agætis byrjunSilver Apples Silver ApplesSkee Mask ComproSlayer Seasons in the AbyssSlayer Hell AwaitsSleigh Bells TreatsSlint SpiderlandSlipknot SlipknotSlipknot We Are Not Your KindSnow Strippers April Mixtape 2Soilwork Natural Born ChaosSoilwork The Living InfiniteSonic Youth SisterSophie Oil of Every Pearl's Un-InsidesSoundgarden SuperunknownSpectral Voice Eroded Corridors of UnbeingSpiritualized Sweet Heart Sweet LightSpoon Kill the MoonlightSpoon Ga Ga Ga Ga GaSquarepusher Hard Normal DaddyStars of the Lid The Tired Sounds of Stars of the LidStrapping Young Lad CitySuffocation Despise the SunSunn O))) Black OneSunn O))) Monoliths and DimensionsSunn O))) Life MetalSuper Furry Animals RadiatorSupersilent 6Surgeon Force + FormSwallow the Sun The Morning Never CameSwans The SeerSystem of a Down System of a DownTame Impala LonerismTaylor Swift ReputationTaylor Swift FolkloreTayo FabricLive.32The Angelic Process Weighing Souls With SandThe Avalanches Since I Left YouThe Black Dahlia Murder RitualThe Black Dahlia Murder NightbringersThe Body I Shall Die HereThe Chemical Brothers SurrenderThe Chemical Brothers Exit Planet DustThe Chemical Brothers No GeographyThe Dillinger Escape Plan Option ParalysisThe Exploding Hearts Guitar RomanticThe Field Yesterday and TodayThe Field Cupid's HeadThe Field The FollowerThe Field Infinite MomentThe Fiery Furnaces Blueberry BoatThe Future Sound of London LifeformsThe Future Sound of London Dead CitiesThe Gates Of Slumber ConquerorThe Gathering How to Measure a Planet?The Gathering SouvenirsThe Gathering MandylionThe Knife Deep CutsThe Knife Shaking the HabitualThe Menzingers On the Impossible PastThe Number Twelve Looks Like You MongrelThe Orb Adventures Beyond The UltraworldThe Prodigy ExperienceThe Shizit Soundtrack For The RevolutionThe Smashing Pumpkins Siamese DreamThe Streets Original Pirate MaterialThe Streets A Grand Don't Come For FreeThe Strokes Is This ItThe War On Drugs Lost in the DreamThrice The Illusion of SafetyThrice VheissuThy Catafalque VadakTiesto Just BeTim Hecker Harmony in UltravioletTim Hecker Ravedeath, 1972Tim Hecker VirginsTirzah DevotionTitus Andronicus The Most Lamentable TragedyToday Is the Day WillpowerTodd Terje It's Album TimeTombs The Grand AnnihilationTool ÆnimaTool Fear InoculumTove Lo Queen of the CloudsTrentemoller The Last ResortTrivium AscendancyTV on the Radio Return to Cookie MountainTV on the Radio Dear ScienceTwice Feel SpecialUlcerate Shrines of ParalysisUlver Messe I.X-VI.XUlver The Assassination of Julius CaesarUnanimated Ancient God of EvilUnderoath Cries of the PastUnderoath Define the Great LineUnderoath Ø (Disambiguation)Underworld Second Toughest in the InfantsUnderworld Barbara Barbara, we face a shining futureVed Buens Ende Written In WatersVein.fm ErrorzoneVinterland Welcome My Last ChapterVitalic Ok CowboyVoivod Dimension HatrössWatain Sworn to The DarkWeakling Dead as DreamsWeezer PinkertonWhite Noise An Electric StormWhite Ward Futility ReportWintersun WintersunWolves in the Throne Room Two HuntersWonder Girls RebootWormrot HissYellowcard Southern AirYellowcard YellowcardYeule Glitch PrincessYves Tumor Safe in the Hands of LoveYves Tumor Heaven To A Tortured MindZomby Dedication4.0 excellent...and Oceans A.M.G.O.D.2562 Fever40 Watt Sun The Inside RoomA Day To Remember Bad VibrationsA Perfect Circle Thirteenth StepA Perfect Circle Mer de NomsA Wilhelm Scream Career SuicideAborym With No Human InterventionActress HazyvilleActress R.I.PAdam F ColoursAesthetic Perfection A Violent EmotionAesthetic Perfection Blood Spills Not Far From the WoundAfter the Burial RareformAir Moon SafariAlice Glass Alice GlassAlice in Chains Jar of FliesAll Shall Perish The Price of ExistenceAll Shall Perish Awaken the DreamersAll That Remains The Fall Of IdealsAll Time Low Don't PanicAltar of Plagues MammalAmnesia Scanner Another LifeAmon Amarth Twilight of the Thunder GodAmon Amarth Surtur RisingAmon Amarth Deceiver of the GodsAmon Tobin Foley RoomAn Axis of Perdition Deleted Scenes From Transition HospitalAnaal Nathrakh The Codex NecroAnaal Nathrakh In the Constellation of the Black WidowAnaal Nathrakh VanitasAnaal Nathrakh A New Kind of HorrorAnaal Nathrakh EndarkenmentAnathema We're Here Because We're HereAnimal Collective Sung TongsAnnie Don't StopAnnie A&R EPAraabmuzik Electronic DreamArca XenArca EntranasArch Enemy Doomsday MachineArchitects All Our Gods Have Abandoned UsArctic Monkeys Favourite Worst NightmareAriana Grande My EverythingAriana Grande Dangerous WomanAriana Grande Thank U, NextAs I Lay Dying The Powerless RiseAstral Projection Dancing GalaxyAstral Projection Another WorldAt the Gates To Drink from the Night ItselfAugust Burns Red ConstellationsAugust Burns Red LevelerAutechre Draft 7.30Autechre OverstepsAutechre GarbageAuthor and Punisher Ursus AmericanusAutolux Future PerfectAvril Lavigne The Best Damn ThingBABYMETAL BABYMETALBABYMETAL Metal ResistanceBABYMETAL Metal GalaxyBalam Acab Wander/WonderBand-Maid Just Bring ItBand-Maid World DominationBasement Jaxx RootyBasement Jaxx Kish KashBe'lakor The Frail TideBeach House BloomBeast In Black BerserkerBeast In Black From Hell With LoveBeastie Boys Ill CommunicationBeastie Boys Hot Sauce Committee Part TwoBeck GueroBeck Modern GuiltBeck Morning PhaseBenighted IconBetween the Buried and Me AlaskaBjork VespertineBjork BiophiliaBjork VulnicuraBlack Breath Sentenced To LifeBlack Flag DamagedBlack Viper Hellions Of FireBLACKPINK Square OneBlanck Mass Blanck MassBlawan His He She And SheBleeding Through DeclarationBliss Signal Bliss SignalBloc Party A Weekend in the CityBlood Stain Child MozaiqBloodbath Nightmares Made FleshBlumchen HerzfrequenzBlut Aus Nord MoRTBlut Aus Nord 777 - Sect(s)Blut Aus Nord 777 - The DesanctificationBlut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The StarsBoards of Canada In a Beautiful Place Out in the CountryBoddika and Joy Orbison More Maim/In HereBoom Boom Satellites EXPOSEDBoom Boom Satellites Out LoudBoredoms Seadrum/House Of SunBoris Akuma no UtaBoris New AlbumBoys Noize Oi Oi OiBrand New Deja EntenduBrand New Your Favorite WeaponBrand New DaisyBring Me The Horizon Suicide SeasonBring Me The Horizon There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It...Bring Me The Horizon That's the SpiritBring Me The Horizon amoBring Me The Horizon POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORRORBritney Spears BlackoutBruno Pernadas Private ReasonsBT ESCMBullet For My Valentine The PoisonBullet For My Valentine Scream Aim FireBurial Truant/Rough SleeperCan Ege BamyasiCarcass Surgical SteelCaribou Up in Flames (as Manitoba)Caribou SwimCaribou Our LoveCarly Rae Jepsen Emotion: Side BCave In AntennaCave In Perfect Pitch BlackCave In Planets of Old Cave In White SilenceCenthron Roter SternCharli XCX True RomanceCharli XCX SuckerChelsea Wolfe Pain Is BeautyChicane Far From the Maddening CrowdsChildren of Bodom Follow the ReaperChildren of Bodom Something WildChildren of Bodom HatebreederChosen ResolutionChromatics Kill for LoveCHVRCHES The Bones of What You BelieveCHVRCHES Every Open EyeCKY Infiltrate Destroy RebuildClams Casino Instrumental MixtapeClark Body RiddleClark ClarkClipse We Got It 4 Cheap Volume 2Cloud Nothings Attack on MemoryClubroot III - MMXIICobalt War MetalCode Orange I Am KingCode Orange UnderneathCoheed and Cambria The Afterman: DescensionCoil Love's Secret DomainCoil Musick To Play In The Dark 2Coldplay Viva la Vida or Death and All His FriendsContainer AdhesiveContainer LP 3Converge Petitioning The Empty SkyConverge No HeroesCooly G Playin MeCrossfaith WipeoutCryptopsy Once Was NotCrystal Castles Crystal Castles IICut Copy Bright Like Neon LoveCut Copy ZonoscopeDaft Punk Human After AllDanny L Harle 1ULDanny L Harle HarlecoreDark Tranquillity FictionDark Tranquillity ConstructDarkest Hour Deliver UsDarkest Hour The Eternal ReturnDarkest Hour The Human RomanceDarkest Hour Godless Prophets and the Migrant FloraDarkstar (UK) NorthDead by April Dead by AprilDeadguy Fixation On A CoworkerDeadmau5 For Lack of a Better NameDeath Cab for Cutie Narrow StairsDeathspell Omega Veritas Diaboli Manet in AeternumDeathspell Omega The Synarchy of Molten BonesDeathstars Termination BlissDecapitated Carnival Is ForeverDecapitated Blood MantraDeerhunter Halcyon DigestDefeater Lost GroundDeftones DeftonesDeftones Saturday Night WristDeftones GoreDemi Lovato ConfidentDiablo Swing Orchestra Pandora's PinataDigitalism IdealismDimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness TriumphantDir En Grey Dum Spiro SperoDisclosure SettleDiscordance Axis The Inalienable DreamlessDJ Hazard FabricLive.65DJ Rashad Double CupDjrum MountainsDntel Life is Full of PossibilitiesDodheimsgard Satanic ArtDodheimsgard A Umbra OmegaDorian Electra FlamboyantDrake Nothing Was the SameDreamcatcher (KR) Alone in the CityDreamcatcher (KR) Raid of DreamDreamcatcher (KR) Dystopia : Lose MyselfDrowning Pool SinnerDrudkh Forgotten LegendsDrudkh Autumn AuroraDua Lipa Dua LipaDying Fetus Reign SupremeEarl Sweatshirt Some Rap SongsEinsturzende Neubauten Halber MenschElectric Callboy CrystalsElectric Callboy TEKKNOEllen Allien BerlinetteEmika EmikaEmpress Of MeEnslaved Below the LightsEpica Design Your UniverseEpica The Quantum EnigmaEvanescence The Bitter TruthEvery Time I Die Ex LivesEvery Time I Die From Parts UnknownExhumed All Guts, No GloryExhumed Necrocracyf(x) Nu Abof(x) Red LightFABLED NUMBER ILLUMINATEFACT FactFair to Midland Fables From a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times is TrueFallujah The Flesh PrevailsFarrah Abraham My Teenage Dream EndedFatal FE New HorizonFatal FE Music of the SpheresFear, and Loathing in Las Vegas Feeling of UnityFightstar Be Human Deluxe EditionFit for an Autopsy Oh What The Future HoldsFleet Foxes Sun GiantFleet Foxes Fleet FoxesFloating Points ShadowsFloating Points ElaeniaFlying Lotus CosmogrammaFlying Lotus Until the Quiet ComesFoo Fighters The Colour and the ShapeFour Tet PauseFour Tet FabricLive.59Franz Ferdinand You Could Have It So Much BetterFranz Ferdinand Tonight: Franz FerdinandFrontierer The CollapseFuck Buttons Tarot SportGang Gang Dance God's MoneyGang Gang Dance KazuashitaGenghis Tron Dead Mountain MouthGFOTY Friday NightGhost (SWE) Opus EponymousGhost (SWE) PopestarGirl Talk Night RipperGirl's Day EverydayGirls Aloud Tangled UpGod Dethroned The Toxic TouchGodflesh Us and ThemGojira From Mars to SiriusGold Panda Lucky ShinerGoldfrapp SupernatureGoldfrapp Seventh TreeGoodbye to Gravity Mantras of WarGorguts Pleiades' DustGorillaz Demon DaysGrimes HalfaxaGrimes Miss AnthropoceneGuido AnideaGunther PleasuremanHAIM Days Are GoneHalsey If I Can’t Have Love, I Want PowerHEALTH Get ColorHigh on Fire Surrounded by ThievesHigh on Fire LuminiferousHolly Herndon MovementHolly Herndon PlatformHolly Herndon PROTOIdiot Pilot Strange We Should Meet HereIglooghost Neo Wax BloomIkonika I Make ListsIkonika DistractionsImmolation Here in AfterImmolation Failures for GodsImmolation Unholy CultImmolation Hope and Horror Immolation Shadows in the LightImmolation Dawn of PossessionImmolation ProvidenceImmortal Northern Chaos GodsIn Flames Reroute to RemainIn Flames A Sense of PurposeIn This Moment BloodIncantation Vanquish in VengeanceIncantation Dirges of ElysiumInfected Mushroom Classical MushroomInfected Mushroom Vicious DeliciousInsomnium Since the Day It All Came DownISIS PanopticonISIS Wavering RadiantIsolee We Are MonsterItal Tek HollowedJacques Greene ReadyJames Blake James BlakeJessie Ware DevotionJimmy Eat World InventedJimmy Eat World Integrity BluesJimmy Eat World SurvivingJlin Dark EnergyJohn Talabot FinJoy Orbison Hyph Mngo/Wet LookJPEGMAFIA VeteranJunior Boys So This Is GoodbyeJunior Boys Big Black CoatJuno Reactor ShangoKacey Musgraves Same Trailer Different ParkKanye West GraduationKatatonia Brave Murder DayKatatonia Tonight's DecisionKatatonia Discouraged OnesKatatonia Night Is the New DayKatatonia Dead End KingsKatatonia The Fall Of HeartsKaty B On A MissionKavinsky OutrunKaytranada 99.9%Kendrick Lamar untitled unmastered.Kero Kero Bonito Bonito GenerationKesha WarriorKesha RainbowKids See Ghosts Kids See GhostsKiller Be Killed Killer Be KilledKillswitch Engage As Daylight DiesKillswitch Engage IncarnateKimbra Primal HeartKings of Leon Because Of The TimesKlaxons Myths of the Near FutureKleerup KleerupKnife Party Abandon ShipKnocked Loose Laugh TracksKnocked Loose A Tear in the Fabric of LifeKorn UntouchablesKuedo SeverantKvelertak MeirKylesa Static TensionsLacuna Coil ComaliesLady Gaga The Fame MonsterLady Gaga ChromaticaLadytron VelociferoLadytron 604Ladytron LadytronLaibach WATLamb of God As The Palaces BurnLantlos Melting SunLaurel Halo QuarantineLaurel Halo Chance of RainLaurel Halo DustLazerhawk VisitorsLCD Soundsystem Sound of SilverLeftfield Rhythm And StealthLeftfield Alternative Light SourceLeftfield This Is What We DoLevon Vincent Levon VincentLiars MessLightning Bolt Wonderful RainbowLightning Bolt Ride The SkiesLil Peep Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 1Lil Wayne Tha Carter IILil Wayne Dedication 2Lil Wayne No CeilingsLil Wayne Tha Carter VLily Allen It's Not Me, It's YouLimp Bizkit Significant OtherLindstrom It's A Feedelity AffairLinkin Park A Thousand SunsLittle Mix SaluteLiturgy AesthethicaLiturgy Origin of the AlimoniesLocrian Return To AnnihilationLone Emerald Fantasy TracksLone Galaxy GardenLoona Olivia HyeLoona YvesLoreen HealLorna Shore ImmortalLostprophets Start SomethingLucrecia Dalt AnticlinesLuna (KR) Free SomebodyLV SebenzaM.I.A. MatangiMachine Girl U-Void SynthesizerMachine Head The BlackeningMadonna Confessions on a DancefloorMagdalena Bay Mercurial WorldMajor Lazer Guns Dont Kill People... Lazers DoMammoth Grinder UnderworldsMarilyn Manson Mechanical AnimalsMarina FrootMassive Attack 100th WindowMastodon RemissionMechina ProgenitorMercyful Fate MelissaMeshuggah Destroy Erase ImproveMeshuggah obZenMeshuggah KolossMetallica Death MagneticMetric Old World Underground, Where Are You NowMiguel Kaleidoscope DreamMindless Self Indulgence You'll Rebel To AnythingMinistry The Land of Rape and HoneyMonolake HongkongMore Than Life Love Let Me GoMotionless In White InfamousMotionless In White Graveyard ShiftMount Eerie Ocean RoarMount Kimbie Crooks & LoversMountains CentraliaMu Afro Finger and GelMuse Black Holes & RevelationsMushroomhead XIIIMy Chemical Romance The Black ParadeMy Dying Bride The Light At The End Of The WorldMyrkur MMysticum In the Streams of InfernoN.E.R.D. In Search OfNAILS Unsilent DeathNapalm Death Apex Predator - Easy MeatNeck Deep Life's Not Out To Get YouNeggy Gemmy Body WorkNicolas Jaar Space Is Only NoiseNightwish Dark Passion PlayNile Annihilation Of The WickedNile Those Whom The Gods DetestNine Inch Nails With TeethNine Inch Nails BrokenNine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IVNine Inch Nails The SlipNine Inch Nails Not The Actual EventsNo Devotion PermanenceNOISIA Split The AtomNokturnal Mortum The Voice of SteelNorma Jean WrongdoersNothingface An Audio Guide to Everyday AtrocityNumber Girl School Girl Distortional AddictObjekt FlatlandObongjayar Which Way Is Forward?Obsequiae The Palms of Sorrowed KingsOFF! First Four EPsOmar S It Can Be Done But Only I Can Do ItOmnium Gatherum BeyondOneman FabricLive.64Oneohtrix Point Never ReturnalOneohtrix Point Never Zones Without PeopleOpeth WatershedOranssi Pazuzu Muukalainen PuhuuOranssi Pazuzu Mestarin KynsiOrbital WonkyOrbital Optical DelusionOxbow Thin Black DukeP.O.D. SatellitePallbearer Foundations of BurdenPantera The Great Southern TrendkillPantha Du Prince The TriadParamore Brand New EyesPariah (UK) Here From Where We ArePaul Van Dyk Seven WaysPendulum Hold Your ColourPendulum ImmersionPerfume LEVEL3Perfume Future PopPeriphery Juggernaut: OmegaPeriphery Juggernaut: AlphaPet Shop Boys ElectricPharmakon Bestial BurdenPhinehas The Last Word Is Yours to SpeakPhinehas Till the EndPhoebe Bridgers PunisherPhoenix (FRA) Wolfgang Amadeus PhoenixPinch Underwater DancehallPinch FabricLive.61Pinch and Shackleton Pinch and ShackletonPlacebo Without You I'm NothingPoppy ChokePoppy I DisagreePorcupine Tree Fear of a Blank PlanetPortal VexovoidPortishead PortisheadPrimal Scream ScreamadelicaPrimal Scream XTRMNTRPrurient Bermuda DrainPrurient Through the WindowPsyclon Nine We the FallenPsyclon Nine [Order of the Shadow: Act I]Puddle of Mudd Come CleanPurity Ring ShrinesPusha T DAYTONAPVRIS All We Know of Heaven, All We Need of HellQueens of the Stone Age Queens of the Stone AgeQueens of the Stone Age Lullabies to ParalyzeQueens of the Stone Age Era VulgarisRabbit Junk REframeRabbit Junk Project NonagonRabbit Junk BeastRabbit Junk XenospheresRadiohead Airbag/How Am I Driving?Radiohead The Daily Mail/StaircaseRadiohead In Rainbows Disk 2Rae Sremmurd SremmLifeRammstein MutterRammstein Reise, ReiseRammstein Liebe Ist Für Alle DaRed Harvest Internal Punishment ProgramsRed Hot Chili Peppers CalifornicationRed Velvet The Red Summer Red Velvet Perfect VelvetRevocation DeathlessRicardo Villalobos Thé Au Harem D'ArchimèdeRihanna ANTIRina Sawayama RinaRivers of Nihil Where Owls Know My NameRobyn RobynRoman Flugel Fatty FoldersRoni Size and Reprazent In The ModeRoyksopp The UnderstandingRoyksopp and Robyn Do It AgainRun the Jewels Run the JewelsRush Clockwork AngelsRussian Circles GenevaRustie Glass SwordsSaosin Translating the NameSaosin SaosinScar Symmetry Holographic UniverseScissor Sisters Ta-DahScott Walker and Sunn O))) SousedSeether Isolate And MedicateSenses Fail Still SearchingSenses Fail RenacerSenses Fail Pull the Thorns from Your HeartSepultura RootsShackleton Music For The Quiet HourShackleton Fabric 55Shigeto No Better Time Than NowShining (NOR) GrindstoneShining (NOR) One One OneShining (NOR) International Blackjazz SocietyShpongle Tales of the InexpressibleSigh Hangman's HymnSimian Mobile Disco Attack Decay Sustain ReleaseSkeletonwitch Forever AbominationSkeletonwitch Devouring Radiant LightSkillet Alien YouthSkillet UnleashedSky Ferreira Night Time, My TimeSlayer Show No MercySlayer Christ IllusionSlayyyter SlayyyterSleep DopesmokerSleigh Bells Reign of TerrorSleigh Bells TexisSlipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal VersesSlipknot IowaSofi Tukker TreehouseSoilwork Stabbing the DramaSoilwork The Chainheart MachineSoilwork A Predator's PortraitSolefald The Linear ScaffoldSpiritualized Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in SpaceSquarepusher Music Is Rotted One NoteSt. Vincent St. VincentStaind DysfunctionSTAYC Star To A Young CultureStereolab Emperor Tomato KetchupStrawberry Hospital Grave ChimeraStreet Sects End PositionStromae CheeseSuffering Hour The Cyclic ReckoningSuffocation Blood OathSuffocation Pinnacle of BedlamSuicide Silence No Time to BleedSUNMI WarningSunn O))) KannonSunn O))) and Boris AltarSybreed AntaresSymmetry Themes For An Imaginary FilmSystem of a Down Steal This Album!System of a Down MezmerizeTaylor Swift FearlessTaylor Swift Speak NowTaylor Swift RedTech N9ne All 6's and 7'sTegan and Sara Love You to DeathTesseracT OneTesseracT Altered StateTestament Dark Roots of EarthThe Agonist PrisonersThe Antlers Burst ApartThe Birthday Massacre Pins and NeedlesThe Black Dahlia Murder NocturnalThe Black Dahlia Murder DeflorateThe Black Dahlia Murder EverblackThe Black Dahlia Murder AbysmalThe Chariot Long LiveThe Chariot One WingThe Chemical Brothers Come with UsThe Chemical Brothers Push the ButtonThe Chemical Brothers FurtherThe Contortionist ExoplanetThe Dillinger Escape Plan Irony Is a Dead SceneThe Dillinger Escape Plan Ire WorksThe Future Sound of London AcceleratorThe Glitch Mob Drink the SeaThe Glitch Mob Love Death ImmortalityThe Haxan Cloak ExcavationThe Kid Laroi F*CK LOVEThe Killers Hot FussThe Locust Plague SoundscapesThe Menzingers Chamberlain WaitsThe Orb OrblivionThe Prodigy Invaders Must DieThe Prodigy No TouristsThe Range PotentialThe Red Chord ClientsThe Story So Far Under Soil and DirtThe Story So Far What You Don't SeeThe Unguided Hell FrostThe Veronicas Hook Me UpThe Weeknd House of BalloonsThe White Stripes White Blood CellsThe White Stripes Get Behind Me SatanThe White Stripes Icky ThumpThe Wonder Years Suburbia I've Given You All and Now I'm NothingThe xx I See YouThem Crooked Vultures Them Crooked VulturesThis or the Apocalypse Haunt What's LeftThom Yorke The EraserThom Yorke Tomorrow's Modern BoxesThulcandra A Dying WishThursday No DevolucionTiesto Parade Of The AthletesTinashe AquariusTNGHT TNGHTTool LateralusTorche HarmonicraftTotally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs TroubleTouche Amore Is Survived ByTove Lo Lady WoodTR/ST TRSTTragedy VengeanceTV on the Radio Nine Types of LightTwelve Foot Ninja Silent MachineTwice #TwiceTwice Fancy YouTwice More & MoreTwice Eyes Wide OpenTyler, the Creator Flower BoyUlver Perdition CityUlver KveldssangerUlver Shadows of the SunUlver ATGCLVLSSCAPUnderoath Lost in the Sound of SeparationUnderworld Beaucoup FishUnderworld BarkingUnearth The Oncoming StormUnearth Darkness in the LightUnited Nations The Next Four YearsVampire Weekend Vampire WeekendVampire Weekend ContraVampire Weekend Modern Vampires of the CityVNV Nation Of Faith, Power and GloryVNV Nation AutomaticVoices From The Lake Voices From The LakeWhile She Sleeps This Is the SixWhitechapel The ValleyWilliam Basinski The Disintegration Loops IWoe Hope AttritionWolves in the Throne Room CelestiteXXXY You Always Start It/Ordinary ThingsYeah Yeah Yeahs It's Blitz!Years and Years Palo SantoYellowcard Ocean AvenueYellowcard When You're Through Thinking, Say YesYellowcard Lift a SailYubin TUSMZeal and Ardor Stranger FruitZomby Where Were U In '92?Zomby With Love3.5 great(G)I-DLE I am100 Gecs 1000 gecs2NE1 2NE12NE1 Crush4minute CrazyA Day To Remember Common CourtesyAborym Fire Walk with UsAdele 21aespa SavageAesthetic Perfection Close to HumanAFI Crash LoveAFI BurialsAFI AFI (The Blood Album)Agent Fresco Lightbulb UniverseAir France No Way DownAira Mitsuki PyramidalAlgiers The Underside of PowerAlkaline Trio From Here to InfirmaryAll That Remains A War You Cannot WinAmaranthe AmarantheAmaranthe The NexusAnaal Nathrakh PassionAnberlin CitiesAphex Twin WindowlickerAqua AquariumArch Enemy Will to PowerArchitects For Those That Wish to ExistAriana Grande Yours TrulyArmin van Buuren ImagineArtha Influencing DreamsAs I Lay Dying Frail Words CollapseAs I Lay Dying An Ocean Between UsAsking Alexandria The BlackAssemblage 23 DefianceAstral Projection Trust in TranceAtari Teenage Riot The Future Of WarAtoms for Peace AmokAtreyu A Death-Grip on YesterdayAugust Burns Red MessengersAutechre Chiastic SlideAutechre AntiAutechre Move Of TenAutechre Anvil VapreAutechre L-eventAvril Lavigne Let GoAzealia Banks 1991Baauer Harlem ShakeBackstreet Boys MillenniumBad Meets Evil Hell: The SequelBasement Jaxx RemedyBasshunter LOLBastille Bad BloodBaths ObsidianBenga Diary Of An Afro WarriorBeyonce BeyonceBeyonce LemonadeBillie Eilish When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?Biome Two WayBiome ShamanBiome The Prayer/Future PastBLACKPINK SQUARE UPBLACKPINK The AlbumBlawan Long Distance Open Water WorkerBlessthefall His Last WalkBlessthefall Hollow BodiesBlessthefall Hard FeelingsBloc Party IntimacyBloc Party Little ThoughtsBlood Stain Child IdolatorBlood Stain Child EpsilonBlood Stain Child Last StardustBody Count BloodlustBorn of Osiris The DiscoveryBoys Noize Out Of The BlackBrand of Sacrifice God HandBreathe Carolina Hell Is What You Make ItBreathe Carolina SleeplessBritney Spears In the ZoneBritney Spears Femme FataleBroken Note Terminal StaticBullet For My Valentine FeverCall Super Suzi EctoCamila Cabello CamilaCapsule (JPN) PlayerCapsule (JPN) Fruits ClipperCapsule (JPN) MORE! MORE! MORE!Capsule (JPN) Stereo WorxxxCaravan Palace Caravan PalaceCarly Rae Jepsen KissCarly Rae Jepsen EmotionCattle Decapitation HumanureChildren of Bodom Hate Crew DeathrollChildren of Bodom Are You Dead Yet?Chiodos IlluminaudioCHVRCHES RecoverCirca Survive Blue Sky NoiseCL AlphaClark Totems FlareCoalesce Functioning on ImpatienceCoheed and Cambria The Afterman: AscensionColdplay A Rush of Blood to the HeadConducting from the Grave When Legends Become DustConverge Y2KCorelia NostalgiaCreed My Own PrisonCreed Human ClayCrossfaith ZionCrossfaith ApocalyzeCryptopsy And Then You'll BegCryptopsy The Unspoken KingCrystal Castles Crystal CastlesCrystal Castles Crystal Castles IIIDarkest Hour Darkest HourDarkside PsychicDawn Of Ashes The Crypt InjectionDead by April Worlds CollideDeathstars Synthetic GenerationDeathstars The Perfect CultDeftones AdrenalineDemi Lovato Don't ForgetDemolisher World of HatredDepeche Mode Playing The AngelDepeche Mode Black CelebrationDethklok Dethalbum IIIDigitalism BlitzDir En Grey The Marrow of a BoneDisclosure The FaceDizzee Rascal Tongue N' CheekDorian Electra My AgendaDreamcatcher (KR) The End of Nightmaredredg OrphDying Fetus Wrong One to Fuck WithEffluence Ballistic BloodsprayEiffel 65 EuropopEinsturzende Neubauten KollapsElectric Callboy MMXXEllie Goulding HalcyonEllie Goulding DeliriumEluvium Shuffle DronesEnter Shikari Take to the SkiesEnter Shikari TribalismEnter Shikari A Flash Flood of ColourEnter Shikari Rat RaceEnter Shikari The MindsweepEvanescence FallenEvanescence EvanescenceEverglow -77.82X-78.29Example Won't Go Quietlyf(x) Electric ShockFACT burundangaFair to Midland Arrows and AnchorsFalling in Reverse The Drug in Me Is YouFalling in Reverse Fashionably LateFalling in Reverse Coming HomeFallujah The Harvest WombsFamily Force 5 Dance or DieFatboy Slim Better Living Through ChemistryFatima Al Qadiri AsiatischFeed Me Feed Me's Big AdventureFifth Harmony ReflectionFilteria Sky InputFlorrie ExperimentsFlux Pavilion Lines in WaxFoo Fighters Concrete and GoldFor Today PortraitsFor Today BreakerFront Line Assembly Artificial SoldierFrontierer OxidizedFuture HonestFuture DS2Gigan Footsteps Of GiganGirl Unit WutGirl's Day ExpectationGirls' Generation The BoysGodsmack AwakeGodsmack FacelessGoldfrapp Felt MountainGreen Day ¡UNO!Hadouken! For The MassesHadouken! OxygenHadouken! Every WeekendHaken The MountainHayley Kiyoko ExpectationsHole Live Through ThisHoly Other HeldHow to Destroy Angels An OmenHow to Destroy Angels Welcome OblivionHuoratron CryptocracyHyunA Bubble Pop!HyunA MeltingI Am Abomination The Passion Of The HeistI See Stars 3DIceage New BrigadeIcona Pop This Is...Icona PopIdiot Pilot WolvesIkonika Contact, Love, Want, HaveIn Flames Soundtrack to Your EscapeIn Flames Sounds of a Playground FadingIncubus (USA-CA) Light GrenadesInfected Mushroom The GatheringInfected Mushroom Legend Of The Black ShawarmaInfected Mushroom Army Of MushroomsInna HotJack U Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack UJacques Greene Another GirlJamie xx Far Nearer / Beat For Jimmy Eat World Chase This LightJimmy Eat World DamageJoe Jonas FastlifeJustice PlanisphereJustin Bieber My World 2.0Justin Bieber BelieveJustin Timberlake FutureSex/LoveSoundsKacey Musgraves Golden HourKanye West Jesus Is KingKatatonia Viva EmptinessKaty B Little RedKaty Perry Teenage DreamKaty Perry PrismKaty Perry WitnessKayo Dot Gamma KnifeKero Kero Bonito Time 'n' PlaceKesha CannibalKesha I Am the Dance Commander + I Command You to Dance:Kid Sister UltravioletKill The Noise Black MagicKillswitch Engage Killswitch EngageKillswitch Engage Disarm the DescentKingdom (NYC) That MysticKings of Leon Only By The NightKittie SpitKlaypex Loose DirtKMFDM SymbolsKMFDM TohuvabohuKMFDM WTF?!Knife Party Rage ValleyKorn The Paradigm ShiftKrewella Get WetKrewella New World Pt.1Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Pamyu Pamyu RevolutionKyary Pamyu Pamyu NandacollectionLa Roux La RouxLacuna Coil KarmacodeLady Gaga Born This WayLadytron Gravity the SeducerLazerhawk RedlineLights The ListeningLights SiberiaLights Little MachinesLil Nas X MonteroLil Wayne Tha Carter IVLil Wayne Dedication 5Lindsey Stirling Lindsey StirlingLinkin Park The Hunting PartyLondon Grammar If You WaitLoona [ + + ]Loona Odd Eye Circle Mix & MatchLorde The Love ClubMachinae Supremacy Phantom ShadowMala Mala In CubaMammoth Grinder Cosmic CryptMarilyn Manson Holy WoodMarilyn Manson The Golden Age of GrotesqueMarina Electra HeartMaroon 5 Songs About JaneMartyn The Air Between WordsMelt-Banana Cell-ScapeMelt-Banana FetchMemory Tapes Seek MagicMetalite BiomechanicalsMetallica Hardwired...To Self-DestructMetric Live It OutMGMT Oracular SpectacularMia Martina DevotionMia Martina Mia MartinaMichael Jackson BadMikau PHANTOMaMiley Cyrus Bangerzmind.in.a.box Dreamwebmind.in.a.box CrossroadsMindless Self Indulgence IfMindless Self Indulgence How I Learned to Stop Giving A Shit and Love MSImiss A A ClassModeselektor MonkeytownMSTRKRFT The LooksMuse AbsolutionNachtmahr (AT) Feuer Frei!Nadia Ali EmbersNaked City Torture GardenNecrophobic BloodhymnsNero Welcome RealityNervo CollateralNickelback Dark HorseNightwish OnceNile IthyphallicNine Inch Nails Add ViolenceNot a Clever Pony Princess Luna: As Imagined EPObjekt Objekt #2OneRepublic NativeOrbital The AltogetherOrbital OrbitalOrbital Blue AlbumOrbital Times FlyOrbital Monsters ExistOwl City Of JuneParamore Riot!Pariah (UK) Detroit FallsPaul Van Dyk 45 RPMPendulum In SilicoPentatonix PTX Vol. IIPerfume TrianglePhantogram VoicesPink Reason Cleaning the MirrorPitbull Planet PitPoppy FluxPorter Robinson SpitfirePretty Lights Making Up A Changing MindPretty Lights Spilling Over Every SidePropellerheads DecksandrumsandrockandrollPSY PSY's Best Sixth Part 1Psyclon Nine INRIPsyclon Nine Crwn Thy FrnicatrPsycroptic The Scepter of the AncientsPsyopus Our Puzzling Encounters ConsideredRae Morris Someone Out ThereRed (USA) Innocence and InstinctRihanna Rated RRise Against EndgameRise Against The Black MarketRustie Triadzz/SlasherrSantigold Master of My Make-BelieveScott Walker Bish BoschSeether Finding Beauty In Negative SpacesSelena Gomez RevivalSeven Lions Worlds ApartShe (SWE) ColorisSia 1000 Forms Of FearSilent Descent Mind GamesSkillet ComatoseSkrillex My Name Is SkrillexSkrillex Scary Monsters and Nice SpritesSlayyyter Troubled ParadiseSleeping With Sirens Let's Cheers to ThisSleeping With Sirens If You Were a Movie, This Would Be Your SoundtrackSleeping With Sirens FeelSlipknot All Hope Is GoneSmile Empty Soul OblivionSoilwork The Panic BroadcastSoilwork The Ride MajesticSonic Syndicate Eden FireSonic Syndicate Only InhumanSophie Lemonade/HardSophie ProductSpice Girls SpiceworldSpineshank The Height of CallousnessStaind Break The CycleStone Sour House of Gold and Bones - Part 1Stray Kids ODDINARYSuicide Silence The CleansingSuicide Silence The Black CrownSuicide Silence You Can't Stop MeSUNMI 1/6Swarms Old Raves EndSylosis Conclusion of an Aget.A.T.u. 200 km/H In The Wrong LaneTame Impala CurrentsThe Agonist Lullabies for the Dormant MindThe All-American Rejects The All-American RejectsThe All-American Rejects Move AlongThe Birthday Massacre VioletThe Birthday Massacre Walking With StrangersThe Birthday Massacre Hide and SeekThe Birthday Massacre SuperstitionThe Black Dahlia Murder UnhallowedThe Black Dahlia Murder MiasmaThe Chemical Brothers We Are the NightThe Chemical Brothers Born in the EchoesThe Devil's Blood Come, ReapThe Killers Imploding the MirageThe Mars Volta OctahedronThe Pretty Reckless Light Me UpThe Prodigy Always Outnumbered, Never OutgunnedThe Prodigy The Day Is My EnemyThe Raconteurs Broken Boy SoldiersThe Strokes Room on FireThe Unguided Fragile ImmortalityThe Unguided Lust and LoathingThe Veronicas The Secret Life Of...The War On Drugs A Deeper UnderstandingThird Eye Blind Third Eye BlindThis or the Apocalypse MonumentsThis or the Apocalypse Dead YearsThrice To Be Everywhere Is to Be NowhereThulcandra Ascension LostTim Hecker Love StreamsTinie Tempah Disc-OveryTonight Alive The Other SideTool 10,000 DaysTove Lo Truth SerumTR/ST JoylandTroye Sivan BloomTyler, the Creator IgorUnderoath They're Only Chasing SafetyUnderoath Erase MeUntold Change In A Dynamic Environment 3V.I.V.E.K Asteroids/Over My HeadVolbeat Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady LadiesVolcano Choir UnmapWeezer HurleyWest and Zander Deep BreathingWhitechapel WhitechapelWiley See Clear NowWolfgang Gartner Weekend In AmericaWormed Exodromosx-Rx Stage 2x-Rx Activate the MachinezXXXY EverythingYears and Years CommunionYelle Pop-UpYellowcard Lights and SoundsYellowcard Paper WallsZeds Dead The Living DeadZOMBIE-CHANG STRESS de STRESSZomboy The Dead Symphonic3.0 good2 Chainz Based On a T.R.U. Story2NE1 To Anyone3 Doors Down Away from the Sun3 Doors Down The Better Life3 Doors Down Us and the Night3OH!3 Want3OH!3 NIGHT SPORTS4minute Volume Up4minute Name Is 4minuteAll That Remains OvercomeAll Time Low Nothing PersonalAlunaGeorge Body MusicAmaranthe Massive AddictiveAmaranthe HelixANOHNI HOPELESSNESSAsking Alexandria Stand Up and ScreamAsking Alexandria Reckless and RelentlessAsking Alexandria From Death to DestinyAtreyu Long LiveAttack Attack! This Means WarAutechre Cavity JobAutre Ne Veut AnxietyAWOLNATION Megalithic SymphonyB.o.B Underground LuxuryBaauer Dum DumBackstreet Boys This Is UsBassnectar VAVA VOOMBebe Rexha ExpectationsBLACKPINK Square TwoBLACKPINK Kill This LoveBloc Party Silent Alarm RemixedBlood Stain Child Silence Of Northern HellBoards of Canada Trans Canada HighwayBomfunk Mc's In StereoBomfunk Mc's Burnin' SneakersBorgore Gorestep Vol. 1Borgore Borgore Ruined Dubstep (Part 1)Born of Osiris The New ReignBreaking Benjamin PhobiaBreaking Benjamin Dark Before DawnBreathe Carolina Hello FascinationBreathe Carolina SavagesBring Me The Horizon Count Your BlessingsBritney Spears Oops!...I Did It AgainBritney Spears CircusBruno Mars Doo-Wops & HooligansBullet For My Valentine VenomBury Tomorrow PortraitsBury Tomorrow The Union of CrownsCaliban Ghost EmpireCaliban GravityCalvin Harris 18 MonthsCapsule (JPN) Flash BackCapsule (JPN) World of FantasyCascada Evacuate The DancefloorCharli XCX You're the One Chelsea Grin Self InflictedChristina Aguilera BionicChristina Aguilera LotusColdplay Music of the SpheresCovenant Northern LightCrossfaith The Dream, The SpaceCrossfaith FreedomDarkest Hour Hidden Hands of a Sadist NationDavid Guetta One LoveDead by April Let the World KnowDemi Lovato DemiDev The Night the Sun Came UpDigitalism I Love You, DudeDisclosure CaracalDisturbed The SicknessDisturbed Indestructibledredg ConsciousElectric Callboy We Are the MessEminem The Marshall Mathers LP 2Emmure Look At YourselfEscape the Fate Dying Is Your Latest FashionEscape the Fate Escape the FateEverglow Last MelodyExcision Destroid - The InvasionFall Out Boy Save Rock and RollFall Out Boy American Beauty/American PsychoFalling in Reverse Just Like YouFar East Movement Free WiredFatal FE Speed Of LightFatal FE RenaissanceFifth Harmony 7/27Foo Fighters Echoes, Silence, Patience & GraceFor Today Fight the SilenceFoxes (UK) GloriousFoxy Shazam The Church of Rock and Rollfun. Some NightsGemmy Too Far/Da DodgemsGodsmack The OracleGoldfrapp Black CherryGood Charlotte The Young And The HopelessGrendel (NL) Harsh GenerationHadouken! Music For An Accelerated CultureHandbraekes HandbraekesHilary Duff DignityHilary Duff Breathe In. Breathe Out.Hoobastank HoobastankHot Chip Made in the DarkIce Nine Kills The Silver ScreamIcona Pop Icona PopIcona Pop Iconic In Flames TriggerIn Flames BattlesIssues HeadspaceJustin Bieber My WorldJustin Timberlake The 20/20 Experience - 2 of 2Kataklysm Serenity in FireKaty Perry SmileKavinsky NightcallKesha AnimalKittie Until The EndKittie OracleKlaypex Ready To GoKnife Party 100% No Modern TalkingKorn Take a Look in the MirrorKrewella Play HardKrewella zer0Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Moshi Moshi HarajukuLacuna Coil Dark AdrenalineLady Gaga The FameLady Gaga JoanneLana Del Rey Lana Del ReyLil Nas X 7Lil Wayne I Am Not a Human BeingLily Allen SheezusLimp Bizkit Gold CobraLinkin Park Minutes to MidnightLinkin Park Living ThingsLittle Mix DNALmfao Party RockMaroon 5 Hands All OverMeghan Trainor Thank YouMiley Cyrus BreakoutMiley Cyrus The Time of Our LivesMindless Self Indulgence <3Modestep Evolution TheoryMotionless In White CreaturesMudvayne L.D. 50Muse The 2nd LawNamie Amuro Past < FutureNickelback Silver Side UpNickelback Here and NowNickelback Feed the MachineNicki Minaj Pink Friday: Roman ReloadedNicki Minaj Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded – The Re-UpNosaj Thing HomeNSYNC CelebrityO-Zone Mai Ai Hee (Dragostea Din Tei) EPOlly Murs Right Place Right TimeOne Direction Up All NightOwl City Shooting StarPapa Roach Who Do You Trust?Phoenix (FRA) Bankrupt!Pierce the Veil Collide with the SkyRadiohead Pablo HoneyRammstein SehnsuchtRihanna Good Girl Gone BadRihanna LoudRihanna Talk That TalkSebastiAn TotalSelena Gomez Kiss & TellSelena Gomez Stars DanceShinedown The Sound of MadnessSilent Descent DuplicitySkillet RiseSlaughter To Prevail Misery SermonSlayer Diabolus in MusicaSleeping With Sirens GossipSpice Girls SpiceStatic-X Shadow ZoneSuperM SuperMT-ara John Travolta Wanna BeT-ara Funky TownT-ara And & EndTexas in July One RealityThe Agonist Once Only ImaginedThe Browning IsolationThe Dangerous Summer The Dangerous SummerThe Fiery Furnaces EPThe Future Sound of London EnvironmentsThe Killers Day & AgeThe Presets ApocalypsoThe Ting Tings We Started NothingThirty Seconds to Mars Love Lust Faith + DreamsThis Will Destroy You Moving on the Edges of ThingsTinie Tempah DemonstrationTove Lo Blue LipsTyga Careless World: Rise of the Last KingUffie Sex Dreams and Denim JeansUnderworld Oblivion with BellsUnderworld A Hundred Days OffWe Are Harlot We Are HarlotZedd ClarityZedd True ColorsZeds Dead Hot SauceZomboy Game Time2.5 average2NE1 2NE13OH!3 Omens4minute For Muzik50 Cent CurtisAbandon All Ships GeevingAbandon All Ships InfamousAbandon All Ships MalocchioAesthetic Perfection All Beauty DestroyedAlex Clare The Lateness Of The HourAmaranthe MaximalismAttack Attack! Attack Attack!Avenged Sevenfold Avenged SevenfoldAvenged Sevenfold Hail To The KingAvril Lavigne Avril LavigneBaha Men Who Let the Dogs OutBebe Rexha All Your FaultBeyonce I Am... Sasha FierceBeyonce RenaissanceBlack Veil Brides Set the World on FireBlack Veil Brides Wretched and DivineBlessthefall WitnessBloc Party HymnsBorgore DeliciousBorn of Osiris Tomorrow We Die AliveBreaking Benjamin Dear AgonyBreathe Carolina It's Classy Not ClassicBring Me The Horizon This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made ForBritney Spears Britney JeanCaliban CoverfieldCalvin Harris MotionClean Bandit What Is Love?Crossfaith Ex_MachinaDarude Before the StormDavid Guetta Guetta BlasterDavid Guetta Nothing but the BeatDead by April IncomparableDelta Sleep Ghost CityDesign the Skyline NevaehDeuce Nine LivesDevice DeviceDizzee Rascal The FifthEdward Maya Stereo LoveElectric Callboy Bury Me in Fucking VegasEminem RecoveryEmmure Speaker Of The DeadEmmure Slave To The GameEscape the Fate This War Is OursFear, and Loathing in Las Vegas NEXTREMEFeed Me To The StarsFickle Friends You Are Someone ElseFlo Rida Wild OnesFoo Fighters One by OneGirls' Generation I Got A BoyGodsmack When Legends RiseHacktivist HacktivistHIM Dark LightHollywood Undead American TragedyHollywood Undead Notes From the UndergroundHurts HappinessI Prevail Heart vs. MindI Prevail LifelinesIggy Azalea The New ClassicImagine Dragons Night VisionsIn Flames Siren Charmsionnalee Everyone Afraid To Be ForgottenIssues Black DiamondsIssues IssuesJennifer Lopez Love?Justice Tthhee PpaarrttyyJustice HelixJustin Bieber PurposeJustin Timberlake The 20/20 ExperienceKanye West yeKerli UtopiaKim Petras Slut PopKim Petras Slut Pop MiamiKMFDM BlitzKnife Party Haunted HouseLacuna Coil Shallow LifeLady A Need You NowLady Gaga ArtpopLil Wayne I Am Not a Human Being IILil Xan XanarchyLimp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored WaterLindsay Lohan A Little More Personal (Raw)Linkin Park RechargedLinkin Park One More LightMajor Lazer Apocalypse SoonMake Me Famous It's Now or NeverMarilyn Manson Eat Me, Drink MeMarshmello JoytimeMumford and Sons BabelMuse Simulation TheoryOne Direction Take Me HomeOur Last Night Age Of IgnoranceOwl City All Things Bright And BeautifulParis Hilton ParisPete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson Break UpPetit Biscuit PresencePsyopus Ideas of ReferencePuddle of Mudd FamousRihanna UnapologeticSkillet AwakeSkrillex More Monsters and SpritesSkrillex BangarangSleeping With Sirens MadnessSonic Syndicate Burn This CityThe Black Eyed Peas The E.N.D. (The Energy Never Dies)The Browning Burn This WorldThe Browning HypernovaThe Browning GeistThe Chainsmokers Sick BoyThe Crystal Method The Crystal MethodThe Fray The FrayThe Prodigy The Added FatThe Ting Tings Sounds from NowheresvilleThousand Foot Krutch Oxygen: InhaleTom Morello The Atlas UndergroundTrapt Only Through the PainUffie Pop The GlockUsher VersusVisions Of Atlantis Ethera2.0 poor2 Unlimited No Limits3OH!3 Streets of Gold6ix9ine DUMMY BOYAqua MegalomaniaAsking Alexandria Life Gone WildAttack Attack! If Guns Are Outlawed, Can We Use Swords?Avicii TrueBlack Veil Brides We Stitch These WoundsBorgore FlexbrokeNCYDE Will Never DieBullet For My Valentine Temper TemperCharlie Puth Nine Track MindCher Lloyd Sticks + StonesChris Brown FortuneClean Bandit New EyesEminem EncoreHinder Extreme BehaviorHinder Take It to the LimitHinder All American NightmareImagine Dragons OriginsIn Flames I, the MaskIn Flames Clayman (20th Anniversary Edition)Jay-Z Magna Carta... Holy GrailJennifer Lopez A.K.A.Jessie J Who You AreKarmin HelloKaty Perry One of the BoysKorn [untitled]Korn The Path of TotalityKygo Cloud NineLil Wayne RebirthLindsay Lohan SpeakMac Miller Blue Slide ParkMaroon 5 OverexposedMetro Station Metro StationMiley Cyrus Can't Be TamedModestep Feel GoodMudvayne Lost and FoundMudvayne The New GameNatalia Kills PerfectionistNickelback All the Right ReasonsOpeth Apostle in TriumphOtep Kult 45Pussycat Dolls PCDQueensryche Frequency Unknown (Tate's Queensryche)Rita Ora ORARobin Thicke Blurred LinesSilence The Messenger BuriedSkrillex Make It Bun Dem After HoursSkrillex LeavingSkrillex RecessSonic Syndicate We Rule the NightSonic Syndicate ConfessionsStromae Racine CarréeSylver ChancesThe Script #3Theory of a Deadman SavagesThirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful LieTulisa The Female BossVanilla Ice Mind Blowin'1.5 very poorAnnotations Of An Autopsy Welcome To Sludge CityAnnotations Of An Autopsy Dark DaysAsking Alexandria The Irony of Your PerfectionAttila About That LifeBalam Acab Slopped & WettedBasshunter Now You're Gone-The AlbumbrokeNCYDE I'm Not a Fan, but the Kids Like It!brokeNCYDE Guilty PleasureBullet For My Valentine GravityCapture Til DeathChris Cornell ScreamDisturbed EvolutionEminem KamikazeEmmure FelonyFall Out Boy M A N I AFive Finger Death Punch And Justice for NoneI Set My Friends On Fire Astral RejectionIn Flames Down, Wicked and No GoodIwrestledabearonce It's All DubstepJeffree Star Plastic Surgery Slumber PartyKorn All Mixed UpLea Michele LouderLimp Bizkit Results May VaryLmfao Sorry For Party RockingMarshmello Joytime IINine Lashes AscendPOP ETC Pop EtcProtest the Hero Sequoia Throne: RemixedShining (NOR) AnimalSuicide Silence Suicide SilenceThe Black Eyed Peas The BeginningThe Chainsmokers Memories...Do Not OpenTheory of a Deadman The Truth Is...Thirty Seconds to Mars AmericaWoe, Is Me Genesi[s]1.0 awful666Satanic Army666 Praise HimBlood on the Dance Floor EPICChugChugWob RedemptionCorey Feldman Angelic 2 The CoreEminem RevivalHeidi Montag SuperficialI Set My Friends On Fire You Can't Spell Slaughter Without LaughterImagine Dragons ƎVOLVEMaroon 5 JordiMassacre PromiseMillionaires Bling Bling Bling!Millionaires Rated XmasThe Chainsmokers CollageThe Enemy (UK) Streets In The SkyTrapt Shadow WorkWaking The Cadaver DemoWaking The Cadaver Perverse Recollections Of A Necromanglerwill.i.am #Willpower
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z