
Soundoffs 60
Album Ratings 1213
Objectivity 62%

Last Active 03-04-20 5:10 pm
Joined 01-22-12

Review Comments 159

Average Rating: 3.86
Rating Variance: 0.47
Objectivity Score: 62%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Abigor Orkblut - The Retaliation
Alice in Chains Dirt
Asphyx Last One on Earth
Bathory Bathory
Bathory Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Bathory Hammerheart
Beherit Drawing Down the Moon
Black Sabbath Paranoid
Black Sabbath Master Of Reality
Black Sabbath Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath Heaven And Hell
Blood for Blood Outlaw Anthems
Blue Oyster Cult Secret Treaties
Brutal Truth Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses
Burzum Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Burzum Filosofem
Burzum Burzum/Aske
Candlemass Nightfall
Cannibal Corpse The Bleeding
Celtic Frost Morbid Tales
Celtic Frost To Mega Therion
Celtic Frost Morbid Tales/Emperor's Return
Corrosion of Conformity Deliverance
Country Joe And The Fish Electric Music for the Mind and Body
Crisis The Hollowing
This is like the most underatted album of the last 30 years... Everyone (including the guys that rated it so awfuly) should give it one more listen, you'll be surprised how good a groovy sludge album can be
Cultes Des Ghoules Henbane
Darkthrone A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger
Darkthrone Panzerfaust
Death Symbolic
Delete the Mass Μάζα
Diamond Head Lightning To The Nations
Dr. Octagon Dr. Octagonecologyst
Electric Wizard Dopethrone
Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
English Dogs To the Ends of the Earth
Entombed Left Hand Path
Entombed Clandestine
Entombed Wolverine Blues
EPMD Strictly Business
Eyehategod Dopesick
GG Allin Always Was, Is And Always Shall Be
Greenmachine D.A.M.N.
THE album ! absolute sludge vomit in the form of music
GZA Liquid Swords
Impaled Nazarene Ugra-Karma
Insect Warfare World Extermination
Iron Monkey Our Problem
ISIS Panopticon
Jeru the Damaja The Sun Rises in the East
Judas Priest Painkiller
King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson King
King Diamond Abigail
King Diamond ''Them''
Kyuss Blues For The Red Sun
Machine Head Burn My Eyes
Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Megadeth Rust In Peace
Melvins Bullhead
Mercyful Fate Don't Break The Oath
Mercyful Fate In The Shadows
Metallica Kill 'Em All
Mgla Exercises in Futility
Misfits Static Age
Motorhead Overkill
Motorhead Bomber
Motorhead Iron Fist
Mutiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
Nasum Inhale/Exhale
People should give this album a second listen ... One of the best ever made
Nasum World In Turmoil
Probably the best grind record ever ...No exaggeration here, give it a listen and you will
realise why i'm praising it so much
Neurosis Through Silver In Blood
Overkill Feel the Fire
Pantera Vulgar Display of Power
Pantera The Great Southern Trendkill
Paysage d'Hiver Paysage d'Hiver
Paysage d'Hiver Winterkälte
Pentagram Day Of Reckoning
Quicksilver Messenger Service Happy Trails
Repulsion Horrified
Reverend Bizarre II: Crush The Insects
Roky Erickson Roky Erickson And The Aliens
Undisputted classic ! How can you not love this masterpiece ?
Rory Gallagher Deuce
Rory Gallagher Calling Card
Rotting Christ Thy Mighty Contract
Rush 2112
Rush A Farewell To Kings
Sacrilege (UK1) Behind the Realms of Madness
3,5 and 2 ??? looooooooooooooool !!! Have you even heard a better crust album from it's time ? It's better than every old school crust album from it's era and definately better than any melodic neocrust that floats around the net nowdays.
Saint Vitus Born Too Late
Samael Blood Ritual
Average 3.3 ? What's wrong with you people? The unique style of this album is unmatched...
Sepultura Beneath The Remains
Sepultura Bestial Devastation
Slayer Seasons in the Abyss
Slayer Reign in Blood
Slayer Show No Mercy
Sleep Sleep's Holy Mountain
Sodom Persecution Mania
Suicidal Tendencies How Will I Laugh Tomorrow If I Can't Even Smile Today?
Swans Children of God
Swans The Seer
Swans To Be Kind
Terrorizer World Downfall
The 13th Floor Elevators The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators
The Accused The Return of... Martha Splatterhead
The Doors The Doors
The Gates Of Slumber The Wretch
The Gerogerigegege Yellow Trash Bazooka
The Hellacopters High Visibility
The Jimi Hendrix Experience Electric Ladyland
The Jimi Hendrix Experience Are You Experienced
Thin Lizzy Jailbreak
Today Is the Day Sadness Will Prevail
Van Halen II
Venom Black Metal
Venom Welcome to Hell
Vlad Tepes / Belketre March To The Black Holocaust
Voivod Nothingface

4.5 superb
Absu Tara
Acid Bath Paegan Terrorism Tactics
Akitsa Credo
Alice Cooper Killer
Anthrax Among The Living
Archgoat Whore of Bethlehem
Arizmenda Stillbirth in the Temple of Venus
At the Gates Slaughter of the Soul
Bad Company Bad Company
Bathory Blood Fire Death
Black Sabbath Vol. 4
Black Sabbath Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Black Sabbath Sabotage
Blasphemophagher Nuclear Empire of Apocalypse
Blasphemy Fallen Angel of Doom
Blasphemy Gods of War
Blind Guardian Nightfall In Middle-Earth
Blind Guardian Imaginations From The Other Side
Blue Oyster Cult Fire of Unknown Origin
Blut Aus Nord Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses
Bolt Thrower Realm of Chaos
Bolt Thrower The IVth Crusade
Burzum Burzum
Butthole Surfers Hairway to Steven
Buzzov-en ...At A Loss
Cannibal Ox The Cold Vein
Capone-N-Noreaga The War Report
Cirith Ungol Frost and Fire
Cirith Ungol King of the Dead
Cobalt Eater of Birds
Crowbar Crowbar
Crowbar Odd Fellows Rest
Crowbar Sonic Excess in Its Purest Form
Cryptic Slaughter Money Talks
Cult of Eibon Lycan Twilight Sorcery
Cursed II
Cypress Hill Black Sunday
Cypress Hill Cypress Hill III: Temples of Boom
D.R.I. Full Speed Ahead
Darkthrone Under a Funeral Moon
Darkthrone The Cult Is Alive
Darkthrone Hate Them
Darkthrone F.O.A.D.
Death Human
Death Toll 80k Harsh Realities
Deathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
Deathspell Omega Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum
Deathspell Omega Paracletus
Deathspell Omega The Furnaces of Palingenesia
Deep Purple Deep Purple In Rock
Deftones Adrenaline
Deicide Deicide
Deicide Legion
Destroyer 666 Cold Steel...for an Iron Age
Dismember Like An Ever Flowing Stream
Dodsferd Death Set the Beginning of My Journey
The first side of this album is simply outstanding... Fresh and relentless ideas pummeling your head, one after another. Great album Total Support!
Dodsferd The Parasitic Survival of the Human Race
Those who can't grasp the magnificence of this album should't rate it... This is not another 2nd wave of black metal copycat album, it's a marriage between HXC punk + Black metal and should be rated as such
Drowning the Light Oceans of Eternity
This album is the pinnacle of DTL's discography... I can't even begin to describe how much more innovative and amazing is the riffing and the songs as a whole compared to the rest of their discography. Even the production value is perfect, you can hear everything clearly without the annoying masking effect that is present in other lo-fi black metal... rPretty surprised that this one doesn't get the attention it deserves. rMake sure to start with this one if you are planning to get into the band...
English Dogs Mad Punx & English Dogs
Eric B and Rakim Paid in Full
Eyehategod Take as Needed for Pain
Faith No More King For A Day... Fool For A Lifetime
Faith No More Angel Dust
Fantom Lucifer jelenj meg!
Fistula Vermin Prolificus
Their only good album imo... It's a pitty that they haven't released this in all formats yet.
Flotsam and Jetsam No Place for Disgrace
Gentle Giant Acquiring the Taste
Graves at Sea The Curse That Is
Graves at Sea/Sourvein Split
Greenmachine The Archives of Rotten Blues
Grief Dismal
Holy Moses Satan's Angel
Holy Terror Mind Wars
Horna Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne
From all the albums I've listened by Horna this was the best, by far
Human Serpent Inhumane Minimalism
Hypocrisy Penetralia
Hypocrisy Inferior Devoties
Hypocrisy The Final Chapter
Immortal At the Heart of Winter
Immortal Pure Holocaust
In Flames Clayman
Inquisition Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical...
Insect Warfare Evolved Into Obliteration
Into The Gore Bureau of Disgust
I wish i could buy all of you a copy of this album :/
ISIS Oceanic
Jeru the Damaja Wrath of the Math
Judas Iscariot To Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
Masterpiece no doupt about it... The year of 2002 was amazing for Black Metal in general: Inquisition, Deathspell omega, Destroyer 666, Immortal, Xasthur, Agalloch and Craft released some of their (if not the) best material that year.
Judas Priest Defenders Of The Faith
Judas Priest Screaming For Vengeance
Judas Priest Sad Wings Of Destiny
Kataklysm Sorcery
King Diamond Conspiracy
KISS Alive!
KISS Hotter Than Hell
Konkhra Spit or Swallow
Are people deaf or something ?rThis album is a monument to European Death Metal
Korn Korn
Kreator Pleasure To Kill
Kreator Extreme Aggression
Krieg The Black House
Screw U.S.B.M Haters... This album is pure gold and very unique if I might add. Some of the
catchiest drumming in Black Metal!
Kyuss Welcome To Sky Valley
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin
Leviathan The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide
Lifelover Konkurs
Lucifer's Fall Lucifer's Fall
Best riffs and vocal deliveries you've heard since Reverend Bizarre
Lurker Of Chalice Lurker Of Chalice
Classic ambient bm stuff. It took me a while to get into it but under the proper circumstances one may appreciate its value.
Machine Head The More Things Change...
Madball Demonstrating My Style
Madball Set It Off
Manilla Road Crystal Logic
Master's Hammer Ritual
Mastodon Remission
Megadeth Killing Is My Business... and Business Is Good!
Mercyful Fate Melissa
Mercyful Fate Mercyful Fate
Metallica ...And Justice For All
Mgla Mdlosci and Further Down the Nest
Mgla With Hearts Toward None
Ministry Twitch
Motorhead Ace Of Spades
Nadiwrath Circle of Pest
Nagelfar Virus West
Better than Panzer Division Marduk in my opinion. Very distinctive and ahead of it's time, despite the fact that it was directly influenced by the aforementioned album...
Napalm Death Enemy of the Music Business
Napalm Death Scum
Napalm Death From Enslavement to Obliteration
Napalm Death Harmony Corruption
Nausea (USA-NY) The Punk Terrorist Anthology, Vol. 1
Nazareth Hair Of The Dog
Necro Gory Days
Are some of you guys serious ? Yes this is dirty and ugly but saying that Necro can't write lyrics is just absurd... Necro sounds as brutal and violent as he sounded in my twenties, I'm thrirty now.
Neurosis A Sun That Never Sets
Neurosis Times Of Grace
Nuclear Assault Handle with Care
Obituary Cause of Death
Order Of The Vulture Order Of The Vulture
This rules ... I recommend it for every single black metal crust fan
Overkill The Years of Decay
Ozzy Osbourne No Rest For The Wicked
Pentagram Pentagram
Phobia Cruel
Phobia Grind Your Fucking Head In
Pig Destroyer Terrifyer
Raised Fist Dedication
Ravencult Temples of Torment
I love this album ... This should definately get reviewed asap
Ravencult Morbid Blood
Razor Violent Restitution
Reverend Bizarre In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend
Roky Erickson The Evil One
Rotting Christ Non Serviam
Rotting Christ Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers
Sabbat The Dwelling
Sadhus (The Smoking Community) Sadhus The Smoking Community
Real Sludge metal gentlemen ... This album needs a review
Saint Vitus Mournful Cries
Saint Vitus Die Healing
Sarcofago I.N.R.I.
Satanic Warmaster Carelian Satanist Madness
Satyricon Rebel Extravaganza
Scorpions Blackout
Scorpions Love At First Sting
Sepultura Arise
Sepultura Chaos A.D.
Shining (SWE) V - Halmstad
Sick of It All Blood,Sweat, & No Tears
Sick of It All Just Look Around
Slayer Undisputed Attitude
Sodom Agent Orange
Solitude Aeturnus Beyond The Crimson Horizon
i own this diamond in first press cd format and i'm very happy about it :PP Btw their 3rd
album is also a classic although not many people know about it
Stampin' Ground Carved From Empty Words
Suffocation Pierced From Within
Suffocation Effigy Of The Forgotten
Sun of Nothing ...And Voices, Words, Faces, Complete the Dream
Tankard Zombie Attack
Tankard Beast of Bourbon
Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine Rampton
Testament The Gathering
Testament The New Order
The Doors Strange Days
The Doors L.A. Woman
The Hellacopters Cream Of The Crap Vol.1
The Obsessed The Obsessed
Thin Lizzy Black Rose A Rock Legend
Thin Lizzy Johnny The Fox
Thin Lizzy Thunder and Lightning
Toadliquor The Hortator's Lament
Torr Witchhammer (20th Anniversary Special Edition Re-R
Torr Witchhammer
Unholy Grave Crucified
Varathron His Majesty at the Swamp
Varathron Patriarchs of Evil
Ved Buens Ende Written In Waters
Voivod Dimension Hatröss
Volahn Aq' Ab' Al’
Warlock Triumph And Agony
Warning Watching from a Distance
Weedeater ...And Justice For Y'all
People should definately give this album a second listen, i think that they haven't given the proper attention to it... Well imo this one is really tight folks ...
Whitesnake 1987
Winter Into Darkness
Witchcraft Witchcraft
Witchfinder General Death Penalty
Wolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 Stars
Xibalba Itzaes Ah Tza!
Zemial For the Glory of UR
Zemial Sleeping Under Tartarus
ZZ Top Tres Hombres
ZZ Top Degüello

4.0 excellent
16 Curves that Kick
Abysmal Lord Bestiary of Immortal Hunger
It's better than the previous album. 3.0
rating is not fair imo.
Accept Balls To The Wall
Acid Bath When the Kite String Pops
Active Member Apo ton Topo tis Fugis
Agatus Dawn of Martyrdom
Agnostic Front Cause For Alarm
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Frozen Corpse Stuffed With Dope
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Agorapocalypse
Alice Cooper Billion Dollar Babies
Amebix Monolith
Anaal Nathrakh Total Fucking Necro
Anal Cunt It Just Gets Worse
Ancient Svartalvheim
Anthrax Spreading The Disease
Anthrax Persistence Of Time
Archgoat The Light-Devouring Darkness
Archgoat Worship the Eternal Darkness
Arizmenda Within the Vacuum of Infinity...
Arizmenda Without Circumference Nor Center
Arizmenda Beneath This Reality of Flesh
The more you listen to it the better it gets... Especially the first side. Undervalued for real...
Arizmenda Despairs Depths Descended
My opinion may go against the grain but I really find this one pretty decent. It's not their best effort obviously but it's very enjoyable.
Arizmenda Spiders Lust in the Dungeon's Dust
Definitely decent. I think it will grow on me more the more I listen to it
Aseroe Aseroe
Ash Borer Cold of Ages
Ashdautas/Bone Awl Split
Aura Noir Deep Tracts of Hell
@emogangstascotty You have no idea what black metal is...
Aura Noir The Merciless
Bathory Twilight of the Gods
Bathory Blood on Ice
Belliciste Sceadugenga
Bestial Warlust Vengeance War Til Death
Bestial Warlust Blood & Valour
Biohazard Urban Discipline
Biohazard Biohazard
Biohazard Mata Leao
Black Flag My War
Black Funeral Vampyr - Throne Of The Beast
Blasphemy Blood Upon the Altar
Blind Guardian A Night At The Opera
Blue Oyster Cult Blue Öyster Cult
Blue Oyster Cult Agents of Fortune
Blue Oyster Cult Tyranny and Mutation
Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The Stars
Bolt Thrower War Master
Bongzilla Gateway
Brahdr'uhz Sublimez Secte
Brutal Truth Need to Control
Budgie Never Turn Your Back on a Friend
Budgie In for the Kill!
Budgie Bandolier
Burnt By the Sun The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good
Busta Rhymes The Coming
Butthole Surfers Locust Abortion Technician
Buzzov-en Sore
Buzzov-en Hate Box
Candlemass Ancient Dreams
Cannibal Corpse Butchered At Birth
Cannibal Corpse The Wretched Spawn
Carcass Necroticism: Descanting the Insalubrious
Carcass Symphonies of Sickness
Carcass Swansong
Cathedral The Ethereal Mirror
Cathedral The Carnival Bizarre
Cathedral Forest Of Equilibrium
Cathedral The VIIth Coming
Cavity Supercollider
where the fuck is human abjection ?? it's one of the best sludge records out there ...
Cavity Somewhere Between the Train Station and the Dumpin
Celtic Frost Monotheist
Christian Death Only Theatre of Pain
Coffins The Other Side of Blasphemy
Corrosion of Conformity In the Arms of God
Corrosion of Conformity Blind
Corrosion of Conformity Animosity
Count Raven Storm Warning
Cripple Bastards Misantropo a senso unico
Cripple Bastards Almost Human
Crowbar Broken Glass
Crowbar Time Heals Nothing
Crowbar Symmetry in Black
Cultes Des Ghoules Häxan
Cultes Des Ghoules Spectres over Transylvania
This one is savage! Very solid effort and one of
the few black metal EPs that it worths to own.
Cultes Des Ghoules Coven
Holy moly this album is magnificent... But in order to grasp the full extent of it's madness you have to read the lyrics. It's like a theatrical play. Truly beautiful...
Cultes Des Ghoules Sinister
D.R.I. Thrash Zone
D.R.I. Dirty Rotten
Dantesco De la Mano de la Muerte
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Nocturnal March
Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath
Darkthrone The Underground Resistance
Darkthrone Eternal Hails
Dead Infection Brain Corrosion
Death The Sound of Perseverance
Death Individual Thought Patterns
Death Breath Stinking Up The Night
Death Breath Let It Stink
Death SS ... In Death of Steve Sylvester
Death SS The Story of Death SS
Deathspell Omega Si Monvmentvm Reqvires Circvmspice
Deathspell Omega Inquisitors of Satan
Deathspell Omega Drought
Deathspell Omega The Synarchy of Molten Bones
Deep Purple Machine Head
Deep Purple Fireball
Deep Purple Stormbringer
Deicide Once Upon the Cross
Destroyer 666 Unchain The Wolves
Devil Master Inhabit The Corpse
Devilgroth Ivan Grozny
I dislike the SS thanks in the booklet but nevertheless its good music.
Devourment Molesting the Decapitated
Devourment 1.3.8.
Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Dismember Massive Killing Capacity
Dodsferd Cursing Your Will to Live
Dodsferd A Cursed Heritage
It seems that this is not a compilation album but a regular release... These songs cannot be found
, in any other of their previous albums.
Dodsferd Wastes of Life
Down Down II: A Bustle in Your Hedgerow
Dropdead 1st LP
Drowning the Light The Fading Rays Of The Sun
Drowning the Light An Alignment of Dead Stars
Drowning the Light To The End Of Time
Among the first 6 DTL albums this is the most beautifuly crafted one
Drowning the Light The Serpents Reign
Drowning the Light The Land Of The Dead Sun
Drowning the Light Lost Kingdoms of a Dark Age
Dry Kill Logic The Darker Side Of Nonsense
Dying Fetus Killing on Adrenaline
Electric Wizard Come My Fanatics...
Electric Wizard Witchcult Today
Electric Wizard Electric Wizard
Electric Wizard Black Masses
Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse
Emperor/Enslaved Emperor/Hordanes Land
English Dogs Forward into Battle
English Dogs All the World's a Rage
When i've first listened to this album i kinda felt dissapointed, because i hoped that it
would be like their "Forward into battle" masterpiece in terms of musical style ...
My expectations at the time didn't let me to recognise this colosseum work of pure in your
english punk rock!
When i gave this album a second chance, my drools started to flow.
"why the f*** have i ignored this masterpiece for so long ?" These were the first thoughts
that came in my mind.

Pure explosive english punk rock with attitute... that's all i have to say !

If you are into punk check this album immediately...
English dogs with pete on the mic, is like listening to a whole different band but their
punkish side has it's own magic !

In my opinion this album is their best release after the classic "forward ..."
Entombed Uprising
Entombed Morning Star
Excruciating Terror Expression of Pain
Eyehategod Southern Discomfort
Eyehategod Eyehategod
Facedowninshit Nothing Positive, Only Negative
Faith No More The Real Thing
Floor Floor
Forbidden Forbidden Evil
Foreigner 4
Fu Manchu In Search Of...
Gadget Remote
Gorefest Soul Survivor
Gorgoroth Pentagram
Grateful Dead Anthem of the Sun
Grave Into the Grave
Gravediggaz 6 Feet Deep
Grief Come to Grief
Grief ...And Man Will Become The Hunted
Grief Depression
Grief Turbulent Times
Groza Unified In Void
Hatebreed Perseverance
Hellbastard Ripper Crust
Himonas To the Battlements
Human Serpent For I, The Misanthropist
Hypocrisy Abducted
Hypocrisy Osculum Obscenum
Immolation Failures for Gods
Impaled Nazarene Rapture
One of my favourite IN releases, I don't get why people rate it so low... This album has some of their best tracks in it.
In Flames Whoracle
Inquisition Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan
This album is Perfect... Don't know why I'm not giving it a 5
Insane Vesper Abomination of Death
This is very very good album! A lot of inquisition influences (invoking the majestic throne of
satan) but still quite unique. Give this a shot and you won't be dissapointed...
Internal Bleeding Driven to Conquer
Jefferson Airplane Surrealistic Pillow
Jefferson Airplane After Bathing at Baxter's
Judas Iscariot Heaven In Flames
Judas Iscariot Thy Dying Light
Judas Iscariot Dethroned, Conquered and Forgotten
Judas Iscariot Moonlight Butchery
Judas Iscariot From Hateful Visions
Judas Iscariot An Ancient Starry Sky
Judas Priest British Steel
Judas Priest Killing Machine
Judas Priest Turbo
Katavasia Sacrilegious Testament
Kawir Isotheos
Khanate Things Viral
King Diamond The Puppet Master
King Diamond House Of God
King Diamond The Eye
King Diamond Fatal Portrait
KISS Dynasty
KISS Dressed To Kill
KISS Music From The Elder
Korn Life Is Peachy
Kreator Coma Of Souls
Kreator Renewal
Krieg Blue Miasma
Krieg Transient
Krieg, Eternal Majesty, Judas Iscariot, Macabre Omen None Shall Escape The Wrath
Kylesa To Walk A Middle Course
Lamb of God As The Palaces Burn
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy
Leviathan Tentacles of Whorror
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
LL Cool J Mama Said Knock You Out
Lock Up Hate Breeds Suffering
Lock Up Pleasures Pave Sewers
Love Forever Changes
Machine Head Through The Ashes Of Empires
Magrudergrind 62 Trax Of Thrash
Magrudergrind Magrudergrind
Magrudergrind/Shitstorm Magrudergrind/Shitstorm
Marduk Opus Nocturne
Master's Hammer Jilemnický Okultista
Master's Hammer The Fall of Idol
Mastodon Leviathan
Medieval Demon Demonolatria
Megadeth Countdown To Extinction
Megadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
Melvins Houdini
Melvins Gluey Porch Treatments
Melvins Lysol
Melvins Stoner Witch
Melvins Ozma
Melvins A Senile Animal
Mentally Defiled Aptitude for Elimination
Mercyful Fate Time
Mercyful Fate Into The Unknown
Metal Church Metal Church
Metallica Master Of Puppets
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Method Man Tical
Mgla Mdlosci
Mgla Further Down the Nest
Mgla Age of Excuse
Midnight Satanic Royalty
Midnight Complete and Total Hell
Ministry Psalm 69
Ministry The Land of Rape and Honey
Ministry Twelve Inch Singles (1981–1984)
Misfits Earth A.D./Wolf's Blood
Misthyrming Algleymi
Moloch Verwüstung
Morbid Angel Altars of Madness
Morbid Angel Blessed Are the Sick
Morbid Angel Covenant
Motorhead Inferno
Motorhead Bastards
Motorhead Another Perfect Day
Motorhead Kiss Of Death
Motorhead Motörhead
Motorhead Motörizer
Mutiilation Remains Of A Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
Mutiilation Sorrow Galaxies
How can this album have an average rating so low?
There's definitely something wrong with your ears
Mutiilation Destroy Your Life For Satan
Mystifier Goetia
Nadiwrath Chaotic Blasphemy
Nargaroth Era of Threnody
Nasum Human 2.0
Nasum Grind Finale
Nasum Industrislaven
Nazareth Razamanaz
Necromantia Scarlet Evil, Witching Black
Nekrofilth Devil's Breath
Neurosis Souls At Zero
Neurosis Enemy Of The Sun
Nifelheim Nifelheim
Nightstalker Use
Nightstalker Use (Remaster)
Nuclear Assault Survive
Nuclear Assault Game Over
Nunslaughter Goat
Obituary Slowly We Rot
Onslaught Power From Hell
Orange Goblin The Big Black
Orange Goblin Frequencies From Planet Ten
Ozzy Osbourne No More Tears
Ozzy Osbourne Diary Of A Madman
Ozzy Osbourne Bark At The Moon
Pagan Hellfire Solidarity
Pallbearer Sorrow And Extinction
Pantera Cowboys from Hell
Pantera Far Beyond Driven
Paul Chain In the Darkness
Paysage d'Hiver Steineiche
Paysage d'Hiver Das Tor
Paysage d'Hiver Im Wald
Pearl Jam Ten
Pelican Australasia
Pentagram Be Forewarned
Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard
Primitive Man Scorn
Proclamation Messiah of Darkness and Impurity
Queens of the Stone Age Queens of the Stone Age
Raised Fist Sound of the Republic
Raised Fist Ignoring The Guidelines
Ramones Ramones
Ramones Mondo Bizarro
Ratos de Porao Cada Dia Mais Sujo e Agressivo
Redman Muddy Waters
Repulsion Demo 1991
Revenge (CAN) Strike.Smother.Dehumanize
Rhinocervs RH-16
Root Hell Symphony
Root Zjevení
Root The Temple in the Underworld
Rory Gallagher Photo-Finish
Rory Gallagher Tattoo
Rory Gallagher Top Priority
Rotting Christ Theogonia
Rotting Christ Kata Ton Demona Eaftou
Running Wild Death Or Glory
Running Wild Port Royal
Running Wild Under Jolly Roger
Rush Moving Pictures
Rush Grace Under Pressure
Sabbat Envenom
Sacrilege (UK1) Within the Prophecy
Sacrilege (UK1) Time to Face the Reaper (The Demos 1984-86)
Saint Vitus Saint Vitus
Saint Vitus V
Saint Vitus Hallow's Victim
Saint Vitus Thirsty And Miserable
Sarcofago Rotting
Sargeist Satanic Black Devotion
Arsrarsr are you deaf or completely clueless? These are not the same riffs... They are similar with a lot of imagination but not even close to be called rip offs. Pfff
Sargeist Let The Devil In
Satanic Warmaster Fimbulwinter
Satyricon Nemesis Divina
Scorpions Lovedrive
Sepultura Schizophrenia
Sick of It All Scratch the Surface
Silencer (SWE) Death - Pierce Me
Six Feet Under Haunted
Six Feet Under Maximum Violence
Slaughtered Priest Confess Your Sins
Slayer Hell Awaits
Slayer South of Heaven
Slayer God Hates Us All
Slayer Christ Illusion
Sleep Dopesmoker
Sleep Volume One
Sleep Jerusalem
Slipknot Slipknot
Sodom Code Red
Sodom In The Sign Of Evil
Solitude Aeturnus Through The Darkest Hour
Soundgarden Superunknown
Soundgarden Badmotorfinger
Sourvein Will To Mangle
Stampin' Ground A New Darkness Upon Us
Stormtroopers of Death Speak English or Die
Straighthate (GR) Grim Memories
They are not just death metal like sputnik has labeled them, they have some grincore elements as well but anyway ...
Streams of Blood Allgegenwärtig
This was the best black metal release of 2017 imho...
Suffocation Despise The Sun
Suicidal Tendencies Suicidal Tendencies
Suicidal Tendencies Lights...Camera...Revolution
Suicidal Tendencies Still Cyco After All These Years
Suicidal Tendencies Suicidal for Life
Swans The Great Annihilator
Swans Soundtracks for the Blind
Tangorodrim Those Who Unleashed
Terror One With The Underdogs
Tetragrammacide Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix
The Accused Martha Splatterhead's Maddest Stories Ever Told
The Black (SWE) Alongside Death
The Black (SWE) The Priest of Satan
The Doors Morrison Hotel
The Doors Waiting For The Sun
The Gerogerigegege All You Need Is Audio Shock
The Hellacopters By the Grace of God
The Hellacopters Supershitty to the Max!
The Hellacopters Payin' the Dues
The Hellacopters Cream Of The Crap Vol.2
The Jimi Hendrix Experience Axis: Bold as Love
The Psycho Realm The Psycho Realm
The Ruins of Beverast Rain Upon the Impure
Thin Lizzy Bad Reputation
Thin Lizzy Fighting
Thin Lizzy Vagabonds of the Western World
Thin Lizzy Renegade
Thou Art Lord Eosforos
Today Is the Day In the Eyes of God
Torgeist Time Of Sabbath
To those stupid and Ignorant "blacksters" who rate this demo under 3,5:

This is pure old school misanthropy and deserves respect! By the time Torgeist and Vlad Tepes were
taking the teachings of bathory one step further, your favourite black metal plastic heroes were
still drinking milk...
Torgeist Devoted To Satan
Tormentor Anno Domini
Torr Armageddon
If they had removed the last track padly something
and had put Armageddon in it's place, this would
have been that much more awesome. I hate it when
bands don't know which songs are good in their
arsenal. Just take a look at their witchhammer
demo... Any track from this masterpiece would have
worked better than the last track. Another fun
fact is that the track number 8 is also from
witchhammer and guess what? It's the worst track
of the demo XD.

Thankfully the rest of the album slays
Torr Demo 1984
Toxic Holocaust Conjure and Command
Trouble Trouble
Trouble Psalm 9
UFO Lights Out
Unleashed Where No Life Dwells
Uriah Heep Demons And Wizards
Uriah Heep The Magician's Birthday
Uriah Heep Look At Yourself
Uriah Heep Salisbury
Van Halen Van Halen
Van Halen 1984
Varathron Walpurgisnacht
Vargsang In the Mist of Night
Vestal Claret Bloodbath
Vlad Tepes War Funeral March
Voivod Killing Technology
Vrolok Void (The Divine Abortion)
Vulcano Bloody Vengeance
Walls of Jericho All Hail The Dead
Warhorse (USA) As Heaven Turns to Ash
Weedeater God Luck And Good Speed
Whores. Ruiner
Witchcraft The Alchemist
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters
Wolves in the Throne Room Primordial Arcana
Wormlust The Feral Wisdom
If this guy actually knew how to play drums, he
wouldn't have to trigger his bass drum to such a
degree... It's a pity, because with a different
drummer and an actually good production, when it
comes to drums, the end result would have sounded
way more organic, contributing to the whole
psychedelic feeling. Also bringing this triggered
kick so high in the mix, was a terrible mistake,
but it also had to do with the drummer's lack of
skill, as I've already said. If he had the skills,
his snare dynamics would have been audible,
therefore they wouldn't have to make everything
sound like a mash. As it is, his snare is non
existent and due to the prominent lack of skill he
had to over-compress what was left (I'm sure it
sounded way shittier without the compressor) in
order to give a rhythm to the whole thing.
Wormrot Abuse
Xasthur Telepathic With The Deceased
Xasthur The Funeral of Being
Xentrix For Whose Advantage?
Xibalba Itzaes Ah dzam poop ek
ZZ Top Eliminator

3.5 great
Abigor Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom)
Abyssgale Hegemon
Active Member Oi Mythoi tou Valtou
Agathocles Theatric Symbolisation Of Life
Agnostic Front Liberty & Justice For...
Agnostic Front One Voice
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Honky Reduction
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Bestial Machinery: ANb Discography Vol 1
Alice Cooper Welcome to My Nightmare
Amorphis Tales From The Thousand Lakes
Anaal Nathrakh The Codex Necro
Anaal Nathrakh In the Constellation of the Black Widow
Anal Cunt I Like It When You Die
Anal Cunt Top 40 Hits
Anal Cunt Picnic of Love
Anal Cunt Fuckin' A
Anthrax State Of Euphoria
Archgoat The Apocalyptic Triumphator
Archgoat The Luciferian Crown
Arckanum Kostogher
Armagedda Only True Believers
Asia Asia
Asphyx Crush The Cenotaph
Assassin The Upcoming Terror
Assuck Misery Index
Assuck Anticapital
Atom Seed Get In Line
Barclay James Harvest Octoberon
Bathory The Return of the Darkness and Evil
Bathory Nordland I
Bathtub Shitter Dancehall Grind
Bathtub Shitter Wall of World is Words
Behexen By the Blessing of Satan
Behexen My Soul For His Glory
Belliciste Belliciste (demo)
Benediction Transcend the Rubicon
Biohazard State of the World Address
Black Funeral Waters of Weeping
Black Murder Feasts
Ignore those Ignorant low ratings and give this classic LLN a listen... Those who appreciate raw
old schoolness will probably appreciate it. Far better than some "classic" Norwegian crap.
Black Sabbath Technical Ecstasy
Black Sabbath Mob Rules
Black Sabbath The Eternal Idol
Black Sabbath Headless Cross
Black Witchery Desecration Of The Holy Kingdom
Blind Guardian Follow The Blind
Blue Oyster Cult Spectres
Bongzilla Amerijuanican
Brutal Truth Kill Trend Suicide
Budgie Budgie
Bulldozer IX
Bulldozer The Day of Wrath
Being a speed/Black metal head and rating this album with less than 4 is a CRIME ...
Burnt By the Sun Soundtrack to the Personal Revolution
Burzum Aske
Buzzov-en Revelation: Sick Again
Buzzov-en To A Frown
Cannibal Corpse Gore Obsessed
Cannibal Corpse Bloodthirst
Cannibal Corpse Tomb Of The Mutilated
Carcass Heartwork
Carpathian Forest Through Chasm, Caves And Titan Woods
Carpathian Forest Black Shining Leather
Carpathian Forest Fuck You All!!!!
Cathedral Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)
Celtic Frost Into the Pandemonium
Church of Misery Master of Brutality
Cobalt Gin
Corrosion of Conformity Wiseblood
Craft Terror Propaganda - Second Black Metal Attack
Cripple Bastards Desperately Insensitive
Crowbar Life's Blood For The Downtrodden
Crowbar Obedience Thru Suffering
Crowbar Equilibrium
Cryptic Slaughter Convicted
Cursed I
Cypress Hill Skull and Bones
Cypress Hill IV
Cypress Hill Stoned Raiders
D.R.I. Crossover
Darkspace Dark Space III I
Darkthrone Total Death
Darkthrone Ravishing Grimness
Darkthrone Plaguewielder
Darkthrone Dark Thrones and Black Flags
Darkthrone Too Old, Too Cold
Darkthrone Circle the Wagons
Darkthrone Too Old, Too Cold / NWOBHM
Darkthrone Old Star
Darkthrone Astral Fortress
Darkthrone It Beckons Us All
I almost completely disagree with the opinions of
the gentlemen below. It's a refreshing album that
gets way better with the third to fourth listen.
Also the guy that criticised Nocturno's vocals has
obviously never listened to Celtic Frost, because
if he had, he would have realised that it's
Nocturno's way of paying tribute to one of their
influences. Also this vocal style is not even
present to every song. Regarding the album it's by
far the most melodic piece they've released to
date. This isn't necessarily a good or a bad
thing. It's refreshing seeing that distinct Celtic
Frostish sound of darkthrone getting that melodic
hue. I have to agree on something with the rest of
the guys though, the last track feels a bit
rushed. It does have one of the best parts of the
whole album during the end, but there are also a
lot of mediocre riffs that were completely
unnecessary. Nevertheless it's a good album.
Definitely inferior to eternal hails but still a
good album.
Destroyer 666 Phoenix Rising
Destruction Mad Butcher
Dimmu Borgir Spiritual Black Dimensions
Dodsferd Fucking Your Creation
Dodsferd The Breath of Chaos
Dodsferd Diseased Remnants Of A Dying World
Dopethrone Demonsmoke
How the hell are Dopethrone Blackened?!? Sludge metal... who writes these Bulls?
Down Down III: Over the Under
Drowning the Light A Pact With Madness
Drowning the Light Vampyric Winter
Drowning the Light Drowned
Drowning the Light A World Long Dead
Drowning the Light The Blood Of The Ancients
Drowning the Light Catacombs of Blood
Drowning the Light From the Abyss
Drowning the Light Varcolaci Rising
Drowning the Light Paradise Slaves
Drowning the Light A Wandering Haunted Soul
Drowning the Light Cursed Below the Waves
Electric Wizard Let Us Prey
Emperor As the Shadows Rise
Empire of the Moon Πανσέληνος
Entombed Inferno
Entombed Serpent Saints: The Ten Amendments
Evile Enter the Grave
Exhorder Slaughter in the Vatican
Extreme Noise Terror A Holocaust In Your Head
Eyehategod Confederacy of Ruined Lives
Eyehategod In the Name of Suffering
Fear Factory Demanufacture
Fister Bronsonic
Fistula Northern Aggression
Fistula The Shape Of Doom To Cumm)))
Flames Made in Hell
Flames Merciless Slaughter
Floor Dove
Fu Manchu King of the Road
Gorgoroth Under the Sign of Hell
Gorgoroth Antichrist
Greenmachine The Earth Beater
Grief Torso
Hatebreed Rise of Brutality
Hellripper Coagulating Darkness
Horna Sanojesi Aarelle
Impaled Nazarene Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz
Impaled Nazarene Nihil
Impaled Nazarene Latex Cult
In Flames Reroute to Remain
Iron Monkey Iron Monkey
ISIS The Red Sea
Judas Iscariot The Cold Earth Slept Below
Judas Iscariot Distant In Solitary Night
Judas Iscariot March of the Apocalypse
Judas Priest Rocka Rolla
King Diamond Abigail II: The Revenge
King Diamond The Spider's Lullabye
King Diamond The Graveyard
King Diamond Voodoo
King Diamond Give Me Your Soul...Please
Awesome album musicwise with catchy rhymes and choruses, but lets face it the story SUCKS !! King Diamond's masterful story crafting (Just look at puppet master and house of god) has been degraded into monotonous uninspired ghost stories... No thanks i'll stick with his 80's albums and their sequels if i want something similar !
KISS Destroyer
KISS Love Gun
KISS Animalize
KISS Rock And Roll Over
KISS Creatures Of The Night
Korn Take a Look in the Mirror
Kreator Endless Pain
Kreator Outcast
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV
Leviathan A Silhouette in Splinters
M.O.D. U.S.A for M.O.D.
Machine Head The Burning Red
Magrudergrind Rehashed
Manowar The Triumph Of Steel
Marduk Heaven Shall Burn... When We Are Gathered
Marduk Panzer Division Marduk
Master's Hammer The Mass
Mastodon Lifesblood
Mayhem Deathcrush
Megadeth Cryptic Writings
Megadeth So Far, So Good... So What!
Mercyful Fate Dead Again
Metallica Metallica
Mgla Groza
Mgla Presence
Midnight Sweet Death and Ecstasy
Mion's Hill Torture
Misfits Walk Among Us
Morbosidad Morbosidad
Morbosidad Cojete a Dios por el Culo
Their best material easily...I strongly
recommend starting with this album!
Morbosidad Corona De Epidemia
Motorhead 1916
Motorhead Orgasmatron
Motorhead Rock 'N' Roll
Motorhead March Ör Die
Motorhead We Are Motörhead
Motorhead Hammered
Motorhead Aftershock
Motorhead Bad Magic
Mudvayne L.D. 50
Mugwart Discography
Mutiilation Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)
Mutiilation Majestas Leprosus
Mutiilation Rattenkonig
The self titled track is one of my favourites by mutiilation
Mutiilation Black Metal Cult
Why does the modern world gets offended when
people are against Islam and Judaism while
doing the exact same thing against
Christianity is considered cool?
N.W.A. Straight Outta Compton
Nadra Allir vegir til glötunar
Nargaroth Black Metal Ist Krieg (A Dedication Monument)
Nargaroth Herbstleyd
Nasum Shift
Necro The Pre-Fix for Death
Nigredo Facets Of Death
Nine Inch Nails Broken
Noothgrush Erode the Person
Nunslaughter Hell's Unholy Fire
Obituary World Demise
Obituary Frozen in Time
Old (GER) Down With The Nails
Orange Goblin Time Travelling Blues
Overkill Taking Over
Overkill Hello from the Gutter
Ozzy Osbourne Blizzard Of Ozz
Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin
Panopticon Roads to the North
Pantera Reinventing the Steel
Paul Stanley Paul Stanley
Pearl Jam Vs.
Pentagram Review Your Choices
Pentagram Sub-Basement
Pest In Total Contempt
Pig Destroyer 38 Counts of Battery
Proclamation Execration of Cruel Bestiality
Queens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf
Raging Speedhorn Raging Speedhorn
Ravencult Force Of Profanation
Reencarnacion Reencarnación
Revenge (CAN) Infiltration.Downfall.Death
Revenge (CAN) Triumph.Genocide.Antichrist
Revenge (CAN) Scum.Collapse.Eradication
Revenge (CAN) Behold.Total.Rejection
Rotting Christ A Dead Poem
Rotting Christ Satanas Tedeum
RZA RZA as Bobby Digital in Stereo
S.O.B. What's The Truth
Sacramentum Far Away from the Sun
Sacrifice Forward to Termination
Sacriphyx The Western Front
Sad Devouring the Divine
Saint Vitus C.O.D.
Satanic Warmaster Nachzehrer
I dislike his beliefs but this is an underrated AF album... Spoiled young listeners can't appreciate the magic of a well recorded lo-fi album these days.
Satyricon Dark Medieval Times
Satyricon The Shadowthrone
Scorpions Taken By Force
Sepultura Morbid Visions
Sepultura Dante XXI
Seviss ...Et Pleure Le Batard
Sex Pistols Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols
Sick of It All Yours Truly
Six Feet Under Graveyard Classics
Skitsystem Stigmata
Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
Slipknot Iowa
Sodom Tapping The Vein
Sodom Better Off Dead
Sodom M-16
Sodom Masquerade In Blood
Sodom Obsessed By Cruelty
Solitude Aeturnus Downfall
Spazz La Revancha
Stampin' Ground An Expression Of Repressed Violence
Suicidal Tendencies Join the Army
Suicidal Tendencies Freedumb
Superjoint A Lethal Dose of American Hatred
Superjoint Use Once and Destroy
Swans White Light From the Mouth of Infinity
Tankard The Morning After
Testament Souls of Black
The Accused More Fun Than An Open Casket Funera
The Gates Of Slumber Hymns of Blood and Thunder
The Hellacopters Rock And Roll Is Dead
The Hellacopters Grande Rock
The Hellacopters Head Off
Thin Lizzy Nightlife
Thin Lizzy Shades of a Blue Orphanage
Thin Lizzy Chinatown
Thou Art Lord The Regal Pulse of Lucifer
Toadliquor Feel My Hate, the Power Is the Weight
Today Is the Day Kiss the Pig
Toxik World Circus
Trouble Run To The Light
Vlad Tepes Into Frosty Madness
Vlad Tepes Dans Notre Chute
Voivod Voivod
Warlock Burning The Witches
Wolves in the Throne Room Black Cascade
Wormrot Dirge
WreckAge Rise from Ruins
Xibalba Itzaes Ah Tza Xibalba Itzaes
ZZ Top ZZ Top's First Album
ZZ Top Fandango!
ZZ Top Afterburner

3.0 good
Agnostic Front Riot, Riot, Upstart!
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Altered States of America
Alice Cooper School's Out
Anal Cunt 40 More Reasons To Hate Us
Anal Cunt Defenders of the Hate
Atrophy Violent by Nature
Behemoth I Loved You at Your Darkest
Biohazard New World Disorder
Black Sabbath Born Again
Black Witchery Upheaval of Satanic Might
Black Witchery Inferno of Sacred Destruction
Blood for Blood Revenge on Society
Bongzilla Stash
Burzum Belus
Cannibal Corpse Vile
Carpathian Forest Defending the Throne of Evil
Craft White Noise and Black Metal
Cursed III: Architects of Troubled Sleep
Darkthrone Goatlord
Darkthrone Arctic Thunder
Deathspell Omega Infernal Battles
Deathspell Omega The Long Defeat
Deep Purple Who Do We Think We Are
Deep Purple Burn
Deftones Deftones
Destruction Eternal Devastation
Devilgroth Morena
Dodsferd A Breed of Parasites
The only problem with this album is that it should have been an EP and not a Full Length
Down Down IV - Part II
Drowning the Light Of Celtic Blood & Satanic Pride
Drowning the Light A Reflection of the Past
Drowning the Light Tenth Region of the Night
Electric Wizard Legalise Drugs & Murder
Endsight A Vicious Circle
English Dogs Invasion of the Porky Men
English Dogs Where Legend Began
Entombed DCLXVI: To Ride Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth
Fear Factory Archetype
Fear Factory Obsolete
Fister Gemini
Fistula Burdened By Your Existence
Fistula Hymns of Slumber
Fistula Longing for Infection
Foreigner Head Games
Gorefest Erase
Grief Miserably Ever After
Holy Moses No Matter What's the Cause
Human Serpent The Gradual Immersion in Nihilism
Hypocrisy The Fourth Dimension
Ill Nino Revolution/Revolucion
In Flames Soundtrack to Your Escape
ISIS In the Absence of Truth
Judas Iscariot Of Great Eternity
Judas Priest Point of Entry
Konkhra The Freakshow
Korn Issues
Korn Follow the Leader
Kreator Cause For Conflict
Kreator Endorama
Krieg Destruction Ritual
Lamb of God Ashes Of The Wake
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III
M.O.P. Firing Squad
Madball Look My Way
Marduk Those of the Unlight
Mayhem Chimera
Megadeth Youthanasia
Melvins The Bootlicker
Mercyful Fate 9
Mercyful Fate The Bell Witch
Ministry Dark Side of the Spoon
Misthyrming Söngvar elds og óreiðu
Mortuary Drape All the Witches Dance
Motley Crue Dr. Feelgood
Motorhead Snake Bite Love
Motorhead Sacrifice
Motorhead Overnight Sensation
Motorhead The Wörld Is Yours
Mutiilation Hail Satanas We Are The Black Legions
Nadiwrath Nihilistic Stench
Napalm Death Order of the Leech
Nargaroth Geliebte des Regens
Necromantia Crossing the Fiery Path
NME Unholy Death
Obituary Xecutioner's Return
Pantera Metal Magic
Pig Destroyer Explosions in Ward 6
Pig Destroyer Natasha
Queens of the Stone Age Lullabies to Paralyze
Raised Fist Fuel
Rotting Christ Khronos
Rotting Christ Genesis
Rotting Christ Sanctus Diavolos
Rotting Christ Aealo
Running Wild Gates To Purgatory
Sabbat Evoke
Sacrilege (UK1) Behind The Realms Of Madness (Reissue)
Remastering an album is supposed to improve the sound quallity but that's not the case
here...Whoever did the remastering in this album is a genuine retard!! The
sound compared to the original version is HORRIBLE!! It's more blunt and muddier than the first
press, which makes me furious, because the original behind the realms of madness is the best
crust release i've heard so far...The bonus tracks on the other hand are pretty sweet and finally
people have the chance to obtain the legendary behind the realms of madness without paying 100+
Euros on the net.
Satyricon Volcano
Sick of It All Call to Arms
Skinny Puppy Bites
Slayer Divine Intervention
Sodom Sodom
Sourvein Black Fangs
Speedwolf Ride With Death
Spiritual Beggars On Fire
Static-X Wisconsin Death Trip
Suicidal Tendencies The Art of Rebellion
Swans Love of Life
Tankard The Meaning of Life
Testament Low
The Great Deceiver A Venom Well Designed
Thin Lizzy Thin Lizzy
Torr Institut klinicke smrti
Tsjuder Desert Northern Hell
Venom Prime Evil
Venom At War with Satan
Warning The Strength to Dream
Weakling Dead as Dreams
Weedeater Jason The Dragon
Weedeater Goliathan

2.5 average
Active Member Blah-Blasphemy
Agathocles Grind is Protest
Alice Cooper Alice Cooper Goes to Hell
Anal Cunt Everyone Should Be Killed
Black Funeral Empire of Blood
Blind Guardian Battalions Of Fear
Candlemass Tales Of Creation
Carcass Reek of Putrefaction
Celtic Frost Vanity/Nemesis
DevilDriver DevilDriver
Drowning the Light Through The Noose of Existence
English Dogs Bow to None
Entombed Same Difference
Grave Digger The Reaper
Immortal All Shall Fall
Korn [untitled]
Madball Hold It Down
Mastodon Crack the Skye
Melvins Stag
Metallica Load
Ministry With Sympathy
Motley Crue Girls, Girls, Girls
Nargaroth Prosatanica Shooting Angels
Nasum Helvete
Neurosis The Word As Law
Pig Destroyer Painter of Dead Girls
Pig Destroyer Phantom Limb
Queens of the Stone Age Rated R
Rotting Christ Rituals
RZA Digital Bullet
Sepultura Nation
Sepultura Against
Six Feet Under Bringer of Blood
Slayer Diabolus in Musica
Streams of Blood Ultimate Destination
Testament Demonic
Throwdown Vendetta
Venom Possessed
Walls of Jericho The Bound Feed The Gagged

2.0 poor
100 Demons 100 Demons
1349 Liberation
40 Below Summer The Mourning After
Anal Cunt Morbid Florist
Dimmu Borgir Death Cult Armageddon
Grand Belial's Key Mocking the Philanthropist
Judas Iscariot Midnight Frost (To Rest with Eternity)
KISS Unmasked
Limp Bizkit Results May Vary
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Metallica Reload
Planet Of Zeus Loyal to the Pack
Poison Look What The Cat Dragged In
Sodom Get What You Deserve

1.5 very poor
Black Sabbath Forbidden
Cypress Hill Till Death Do Us Part
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat
Hatebreed Under the Knife
Megadeth Risk
Metallica St. Anger

1.0 awful
Drowning the Light Defenders of The Aryan Race
Ghost (SWE) Infestissumam
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination
Holocausto Campo de Exterminio
Moonblood The Winter Falls Over The Land
Peste Noire Peste Noire - Split - Peste Noire

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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