Average Rating: 3.86 Rating Variance: 0.48 Objectivity Score: 62% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAFI Sing the SorrowArcade Fire FuneralAt the Drive-In Relationship of CommandBiffy Clyro PuzzleBoysetsfire After The EulogyBrand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside MeBrand New Science FictionCamel MirageCharli XCX BratCharli XCX Brat and it's the same but there's three more…Circle Takes the Square As the Roots UndoCoheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3Dire Straits Sultans Of Swing: The Very Best Ofdredg El CieloGreen Day DookieIDLES Joy as an Act of ResistanceKillswitch Engage Alive or Just BreathingKyteman The Kyteman OrchestraMy Hero Died Today From Our Cold Dead HandsNOFX The DeclinePink Floyd The Dark Side Of The MoonPink Floyd AnimalsPorcupine Tree In AbsentiaRefused The Shape Of Punk To ComeRun the Jewels RTJ4Rush 2112Rush A Farewell To KingsRush HemispheresSamsas Traum A. Ura Und Das Schnecken.HausSOUL GLO Diaspora ProblemsSpanish Love Songs Brave Faces EveryoneSupertramp Crime Of The CenturyThe Dear Hunter Act II: The Meaning of, & All Things Regarding Ms. LeadingThe Dear Hunter The Color Spectrum (Complete Collection)The Dear Hunter IndigoThe Dear Hunter GreenThe Dear Hunter VioletThe Dear Hunter WhiteThe Dear Hunter Act V: Hymns with the Devil in ConfessionalThe Fall of Troy DoppelgangerThe Mars Volta De-Loused in the ComatoriumThe Postal Service Give UpThe Receiving End of Sirens The Earth Sings Mi Fa MiThe Smiths The Queen Is DeadThrice VheissuThrice The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IVThursday/Envy Thursday/EnvyTocotronic Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegenYndi Halda Enjoy Eternal Bliss4.5 superb65daysofstatic The Destruction of Small Ideas65daysofstatic The Distant and Mechanised Glow of Eastern Euro...AFI The Art of DrowningAJJ Knife ManAlexisonfire CrisisAlexisonfire Dog's BloodAlkaline Trio Blood, Hair, and EyeballsAlkaline Trio/Hot Water Music Alkaline Trio/Hot Water Music SplitAnderson .Paak MalibuArcade Fire The SuburbsAt the Drive-In VayaAt the Drive-In In/Casino/OutAviations LuminariaBear vs. Shark Right Now You're in the Best of HandsBear vs. Shark TerrorhawkBiffy Clyro Blackened SkyBlackmail Aerial ViewBlackmail IIBlind Guardian Nightfall In Middle-EarthBlind Guardian LiveBlind Guardian A Night At The OperaBoysetsfire The Misery Index: Notes From The PlagueBoysetsfire The Day The Sun Went OutBrand New DaisyBrutus (BE) NestBrutus (BE) Unison LifeCap'n Jazz AnalphabetapolothologyCar Seat Headrest Twin Fantasy (Face to Face)Caroline Polachek Desire, I Want To Turn Into YouCave In JupiterCave In Heavy PendulumCharli XCX CharliCharli XCX How I'm Feeling NowCirca Survive On Letting GoCirca Survive Blue Sky NoiseCircle Takes the Square Rites of InitiationCircle Takes the Square Decompositions: Volume Number OneCloudkicker BeaconsCloudkicker Let Yourself Be HugeCoheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine BladeDarren Korb Bastion OSTDire Straits Love Over GoldDon Broco Technologydredg The Pariah, The Parrot, The DelusionDropkick Murphys BlackoutEnvy A Dead Sinking StoryEnvy All the Footprints You've Ever Left and the Fear Expecting AheadEnvy Insomniac DozeEnvy The Fallen CrimsonFailure Fantastic PlanetFailure Wild Type DroidFoxing FoxingFrau Potz lehnt dankend abFrom Autumn to Ashes The Fiction We LiveFuneral for a Friend Casually Dressed & Deep in ConversationGallows (UK) Grey BritainGod Is an Astronaut All Is Violent, All Is BrightGodspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to HeavenGuster Keep It TogetherHot Water Music CautionInnerpartysystem InnerpartysystemJimmy Eat World FuturesJPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown Scaring the HoesKero Kero Bonito Civilisation IIKnapsack Silver SweepstakesKoji Kondo Ocarina of Time Hyrule SymphonyLa Dispute Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair La Dispute Here, Hear. IIManchester Orchestra A Black Mile to the SurfaceManchester Orchestra The Million Masks of GodMassive Attack MezzanineMetallica Master Of PuppetsMetallica Ride The LightningMetallica ...And Justice For AllmewithoutYou It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All A Dream! It's Alright!Moving Mountains PneumaMy Hero Died Today The City Will Pay For ThisNOFX Punk in DrublicOlivia Rodrigo Guts (Spilled)Paramore This Is WhyPascow Diene Der PartyPink Floyd Wish You Were HerePorcupine Tree DeadwingPorcupine Tree Fear of a Blank PlanetPorter Robinson NurturePortishead DummyPUP Morbid StuffPure Reason Revolution The Dark ThirdPure Reason Revolution EupneaRage Against the Machine Rage Against the MachineRaised Fist Sound of the RepublicRed Hot Chili Peppers CalifornicationRefused Songs To Fan The Flames Of DiscontentRilo Kiley The Execution of All ThingsRise Against Revolutions per MinuteRise Against Siren Song of the Counter CultureRodriguez Cold FactRun the Jewels Run the Jewels 2Rush Moving PicturesRush Permanent WavesRush Hold Your FireRush Power WindowsRush ChroniclesRush Clockwork AngelsRush Vapor Trails RemixedRx Bandits The ResignationRx Bandits ...And the Battle BegunRx Bandits Gemini, Her MajestySay Anything ...Is a Real BoySigur Ros Agætis byrjunSigur Ros ( )Soilwork Stabbing the DramaSoilwork Figure Number FiveSouleye PPPPPPSpanish Love Songs SchmaltzSteven Wilson The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)Streetlight Manifesto Everything Goes NumbStreetlight Manifesto Somewhere in the BetweenStreetlight Manifesto The Hands That ThieveStrictly Ballroom Hide Here ForeverSubway To Sally HerzblutSubway To Sally EngelskriegerSupertramp Retrospectacle - The Supertramp AnthologySystem of a Down ToxicityTegan and Sara The ConTegan and Sara SainthoodThank You Scientist Stranger Heads PrevailThank You Scientist TerraformerThe Alan Parsons Project Tales of Mystery and Imagination The Blood Brothers ...Burn, Piano Island, BurnThe Blood Brothers CrimesThe Casket Lottery Real FearThe Casting Out The Casting OutFemale vocals, a keyboard and no politics. This is the pop record boysetsfire would have never been allowed to make.The Dear Hunter Act III: Life and DeathThe Dear Hunter The Color SpectrumThe Dear Hunter OrangeThe Dear Hunter YellowThe Dear Hunter BlueThe Dear Hunter Dear Ms. LeadingThe Dear Hunter Act IV: Rebirth in RepriseThe Fall of Troy The Fall of TroyThe Fall of Troy Ghostship DemosThe Fratellis Costello MusicThe Mars Volta Frances the MuteThe Postal Service We Will Become SilhouettesThe Receiving End of Sirens Between the Heart and the SynapseThe Sound of Animals Fighting Tiger and the DukeThe Sound of Animals Fighting Lover, the Lord Has Left Us...The Sound of Animals Fighting The Ocean and the SunThe War On Drugs Lost in the DreamThe xx xxThreadbare EscapistThrice The Illusion of SafetyThrice The Artist in the AmbulanceThrice The Alchemy Index Vols. I & IIThrice Live At The House Of BluesThrice Major/MinorOnce more an unbelievable beautiful album. To me it sounds like Beggars perfected. Disarmed is their best closing track since Red Sky.Thursday Full CollapseThursday Common ExistenceThursday No DevolucionTides of Man Young and CourageousTocotronic KapitulationTocotronic Schall und WahnTool LateralusUnited Nations United NationsViagra Boys Cave WorldWe Were Promised Jetpacks These Four WallsWilly Fog Harlekin Geisterpfeifenfisch4.0 excellent65daysofstatic The Fall of Math65daysofstatic Silent RunningA Great Big Pile of Leaves PonoAble Baker Fox VoicesAFI All Hallow's E.P.Against Me! Transgender Dysphoria BluesAir Moon SafariAlexisonfire Watch Out!Alexisonfire Old Crows / Young CardinalsAlexisonfire OthernessAlexisonfire/Moneen The Switcheroo SeriesAlkaline Trio Maybe I'll Catch FireAlkaline Trio Good MourningAngels and Airwaves LoveAnti-Flag Underground NetworkArcade Fire The Arcade FireArmor For Sleep What To Do When You Are DeadI loved the little additional booklet called "What to do when you are dead - a comprehensive guide to your afterlife" that showed how to manage being a ghost. I laughed my ass of when I first saw it. Album is pretty great, too.Ash MeltdownAt the Drive-In This Station Is Non-OperationalAtari Teenage Riot The Future Of WarAutopilot Off Make A SoundBad Astronaut Twelve Small Steps, One Giant DisappointmentBiffy Clyro The Vertigo of BlissBiffy Clyro Infinity LandBlackbird Raum SwiddenBlackmail Bliss, PleaseBlind Guardian Somewhere Far BeyondBlind Guardian Imaginations From The Other SideBloc Party Silent AlarmBlueprint Car Crash Rhetoric Of A MarionetteBoysetsfire This Crying, This Screaming, My Voice Is Being...Boysetsfire ConsiderBoysetsfire Bled DryBoysetsfire While A Nation Sleeps...Brand New Deja EntenduCake Comfort EagleCar Seat Headrest Making a Door Less OpenCave In AntennaChamberlain The Moon My SaddleCharli XCX Pop 2Charli XCX Brat and It’s Completely Different but Also...Circa Survive JuturnaCirca Survive The Inuit SessionsCirca Survive Violent WavesCirca Survive DescensusCircle Takes the Square Circle Takes the SquareCloudkicker FadeCloudkicker SubsumeCoheed and Cambria Live at the Starland BallroomCoheed and Cambria The Afterman: AscensionCoheed and Cambria The Afterman: DescensionComeback Kid Wake the DeadComeback Kid BroadcastingCrosses EP IICrosses CrossesDaft Punk Random Access MemoriesDarren Korb Transistor OSTDays in Grief Portrait of BeautyDon Broco AutomaticDon Broco Amazing Thingsdredg Catch Without ArmsDropkick Murphys The Warrior's CodeDua Lipa Future NostalgiaEdguy Hellfire ClubEnvy RecitationEverything Everything MountainheadExplosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead PlaceExplosions in the Sky Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die...Explosions in the Sky The RescueExplosions in the Sky All of a Sudden, I Miss EveryoneFace Tomorrow The Closer You GetFinger Eleven Finger ElevenFJORT d'accordFlogging Molly Within a Mile of HomeFlogging Molly Drunken LullabiesFoster the People TorchesFoxing Draw Down the MoonFrom Autumn to Ashes Holding A Wolf By The EarsFrom First to Last Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Body CountFuel SunburnFugazi 13 SongsGallows (UK) Orchestra Of WolvesGenesis Owusu Smiling with No TeethGlasses Self-TitledGlasses The Ills Of LifeGod Forbid IV: Constitution of TreasonGroundation Hebron GateGuster Lost And Gone ForeverGuster GoldflyGuster Ganging Up on the SunGuster Easy WonderfulHead Automatica DecadenceI Blame Coco The ConstantIAMX The AlternativeIDLES Ultra MonoIDLES TANGKIgnite Our Darkest DaysIn Flames ClaymanJimmy Eat World Bleed AmericanJimmy Eat World ClarityJimmy Eat World Stay on My Side TonightJimmy Eat World InventedKillswitch Engage Killswitch Engage (Remastered Edition)Knapsack This Conversation Is Ending Starting Right NowKnapsack Day Three Of My New LifeKoji Kondo The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary SymphonyLa Dispute Here, Hear. IIILa Dispute WildlifeLacuna Coil Unleashed MemoriesLittle Dragon Ritual UnionM.I.A. ArularM.I.A. KalaMetallica Kill 'Em AllmewithoutYou Ten StoriesmewithoutYou Pale HorsesModern Life Is War Fever HuntingModest Mouse We Were Dead Before the Ship Even SankMorcheeba Big CalmMoving Mountains WavesNOFX Pump Up the ValuumO'Brother The Death of DayO'Brother DisillusionOf Monsters and Men My Head is an AnimalOlivia Rodrigo GutsParia MisanthroposPascow Alles Muss Kaputt SeinPeter Gabriel i/oPink Floyd The WallProtest the Hero KeziaPUP The Unraveling of PUPTheBandPure Reason Revolution Amor Vincit OmniaPure Reason Revolution Above CirrusQueens of the Stone Age Songs for the DeafQueens of the Stone Age ...Like ClockworkRachel Chinouriri What A Devastating Turn of EventRed Hot Chili Peppers By the WayRed Hot Chili Peppers Stadium ArcadiumRemi Wolf Big IdeasRise Against The Sufferer and the WitnessRodriguez Coming from RealityRun the Jewels Run the Jewels 3Rush SignalsRush CounterpartsRush Grace Under PressureRx Bandits ProgressRx Bandits MandalaSaosin Translating the NameSaosin Saosin EPSay Anything In Defense of the GenreScar Symmetry Pitch Black ProgressShiny Toy Guns We Are PilotsSigur Ros Takk...Sleater-Kinney No Cities to LoveSoilwork Natural Born ChaosSOUL GLO Songs To Yeet At The SunSparta Wiretap ScarsSparta PorcelainSparta ThreesSteven Wilson Hand. Cannot. Erase.Stretch Arm Strong Free At LastSubway To Sally Foppt Den DämonSum 41 Half Hour Of PowerSupertramp Breakfast In AmericaTegan and Sara Hey, I'm Just Like YouThe Appleseed Cast Two ConversationsThe Appleseed Cast Illumination RitualThe Blood Brothers March On Electric ChildrenThe Blood Brothers Young MachetesThe Cure Boys Don't CryThe Dear Hunter Act I: The Lake South, the River NorthThe Dear Hunter BlackThe Dear Hunter RedThe Dear Hunter MigrantThe Dear Hunter The Migrations AnnexThe Mars Volta AmputechtureThe Mars Volta The Bedlam in GoliathThe Offspring SmashThe Offspring AmericanaThe Postal Service Such Great HeightsThe Shins Oh, Inverted WorldThe Sounds Crossing the RubiconThe Strokes Is This ItThe Strokes The New AbnormalThe World Is a Beautiful Place... HarmlessnessThrice Red SkyThrice BeggarsThursday War All the TimeTides of Man DreamhouseTocotronic TocotronicTocotronic Es ist egal, aberTocotronic Wie wir leben wollenUnited Nations The Next Four YearsWe Were Promised Jetpacks Enjoy The ViewYes Close to the EdgeYo La Tengo I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One3.5 great...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead XI: Bleed Here NowAaron West and The Roaring Twenties Routine MaintenanceAFI Black Sails in the SunsetAFI A Fire InsideAgainst Me! Searching for a Former ClarityAgainst Me! New WaveAlexisonfire AlexisonfireAlexisonfire Math Sheet DemosAlkaline Trio CrimsonAlkaline Trio Agony and IronyAnti-Flag Die For the GovernmentArcade Fire Neon BibleArcade Fire ReflektorArchitecture In Helsinki Places Like ThisAt the Drive-In Acrobatic TenementAtari Teenage Riot 1995Atari Teenage Riot 60 Second WipeoutBalance and Composure The Things We Think We're MissingBiffy Clyro Only RevolutionsBigwig Stay AsleepBilly Talent Billy TalentBilly Talent Billy Talent IIBlackmail Tempo TempoBlackmail Friend or Foe?blink-182 Take Off Your Pants And Jacketblink-182 Enema Of The StateBoysetsfire Tomorrow Come TodayBoysetsfire Suckerpunch TrainingBoysetsfire In ChrysalisBTS The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 1Cake Fashion NuggetCancer Bats Birthing the GiantCaroline Polachek PangCharli XCX CrashCHVRCHES The Bones of What You BelieveCirca Survive A Dream About LoveCitizen Life In Your Glass WorldCitizen Calling the DogsCoheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of MadnessComeback Kid Turn It AroundComeback Kid Symptoms + CuresCradle of Filth MidianCrosses EPDays in Grief Behind the curtain of a modern tomorrowdredg LeitmotifEverything Everything Raw Data FeelExplosions in the Sky How Strange, InnocenceFlogging Molly FloatFrom Autumn to Ashes Too Bad You're BeautifulFrom First to Last HeroineFuel Something Like HumanFurther Seems Forever Hide NothingGod Is an Astronaut The End of the BeginningGreen Day International SuperhitsGreen Day American IdiotHalifax The Inevitability of a Strange WorldHead Automatica PopagandaHORSE the band PizzaHot Cross CryonicsI Am the Avalanche I Am the AvalancheIAMX Kingdom of Welcome AddictionIDLES CrawlerIgnite Call On My BrothersIlluminati Hotties Let Me Do One MoreIn Flames Reroute to RemainINVSN INVSNJapanese Breakfast JubileeKate Nash Made of BricksKettcar Du und wieviel von deinen FreundenKettcar Von Spatzen und Tauben, Daechern und HaendenKillswitch Engage The End of HeartacheKillswitch Engage Killswitch EngageLa Dispute VancouverLa Dispute Untitled La Dispute Here, Hear.La Roux La RouxLacuna Coil ComaliesLily Allen Alright, StillLily Allen It's Not Me, It's YouLSD (Labrinth, Sia, Diplo) LSDMannequin Pussy I Got HeavenMetallica MetallicaMisery Signals ControllerMogwai The Hawk Is HowlingMorcheeba CharangoMorcheeba The AntidoteMorcheeba Who Can You Trust?Nelly Furtado FolkloreNo Knife Fire In The City Of AutomatonsNo Use for a Name Hard Rock BottomO'Brother Garden WindowPendulum Hold Your ColourPorcupine Tree Closure/ContinuationPortugal. The Man WoodstockRaein Sulla linea d'orizzonte tra questa mia vita e queRage Against the Machine RenegadesRilo Kiley More AdventurousRilo Kiley Take-Offs and LandingsRilo Kiley RKivesRun the Jewels Run the JewelsRush Vapor TrailsSchandmaul NarrenkönigSchandmaul KunststückShiny Toy Guns Season of PoisonShiny Toy Guns IIISoilwork A Predator's PortraitSoilwork Sworn to a Great DivideStory of the Year In The Wake Of DeterminationStory of the Year Page AvenueSubway To Sally MCMXCVSum 41 All Killer No FillerSystem of a Down MezmerizeSystem of a Down HypnotizeTegan and Sara So JealousTegan and Sara Under Feet Like OursTegan and Sara This Business of ArtTegan and Sara If It Was YouTegan and Sara I'll Take The BlameTegan and Sara HeartthrobThe Casting Out Go Crazy! Throw Fireworks!The Dear Hunter Random EP #2The Dear Hunter All Is As All Should BeThe Juliana Theory Emotion is DeadThe Killers Hot FussThe Killers Sam's TownThe Last Dinner Party Prelude to EcstasyThe Lawrence Arms Skeleton CoastThe Lumineers The LumineersThe Mars Volta TremulantThe Offspring Ixnay on the HombreThe Shins Chutes Too NarrowThe Shins Wincing the Night AwayThe Smile A Light For Attracting AttentionThe Sounds Dying to Say This to YouThe Sounds Living in AmericaThe Sounds Something to Die ForThe Used The UsedThrice Come All You WearyThursday WaitingThursday A City By the Light DividedThursday Kill the House LightsTides of Man Empire TheoryTitle Fight Floral GreenTomte Buchstaben ueber der StadtTomte Hinter all diesen FensternUnderoath They're Only Chasing SafetyViagra Boys Welfare JazzWe Were Promised Jetpacks In the Pit of the Stomach3.0 goodAFI Answer That and Stay FashionableAFI Shut Your Mouth and Open Your EyesAFI Very Proud of YaAFI DecemberundergroundAngels and Airwaves Love - Part IIAtari Teenage Riot Burn, Berlin, Burn!Atreyu Suicide Notes and Butterfly KissesAtreyu The CurseAvenged Sevenfold Waking The FallenBillie Eilish Hit Me Hard and SoftBlackmail Anima Now!blink-182 Blink-182Bloc Party A Weekend in the CityBoysetsfire Before The EulogyChinchilla MadtropolisChiodos All's Well That Ends WellCirca Survive AppendageCoheed and Cambria Year of the Black Rainbowdredg Chuckles and Mr. SqueezyDuchamp Slingshot AnthemsFindus Vis A VisFire in the Attic I'll beat you, CityFoster the People SupermodelFrom Autumn to Ashes Abandon Your FriendsFrom First to Last AestheticGreen Day WarningGuster ParachuteHoobastank HoobastankHot Cross Risk RevivalIced Earth The Glorious BurdenJimmy Eat World DamageKendrick Lamar Mr. Morale and the Big SteppersLa Dispute Winter Tour Holiday CD-RLinkin Park Hybrid TheoryMachinemade God The Infinity ComplexMetallica Garage Inc.MGMT Oracular SpectacularMorcheeba Blood Like LemonadeMorcheeba Fragments Of FreedomMorcheeba Dive DeepNelly Furtado LooseNOFX The War on ErrorismPanic! at the Disco A Fever You Can't Sweat OutPure Reason Revolution Hammer & AnvilRammstein MutterRammstein Live Aus BerlinRefused This Just Might Be... The TruthThe diamond that should become one of the greatest and most important hardcore bands of the 90s is really rough on here.Rilo Kiley Under the BlacklightRise Against The UnravelingRufio The Comfort of HomeRun the Jewels Meow the JewelsRx Bandits Halfway Between Here and ThereSafety In Numbers In the Key of DSamiam Whatever's got You DownSchandmaul Wahre HeldenSchandmaul Von Spitzbuben und anderen HalunkenSchandmaul Wie Pech & SchwefelShiny Toy Guns Girls Le Disko: The RemixesSia Everyday Is ChristmasSubway To Sally Subway To SallySubway To Sally HochzeitSubway To Sally BannkreisSystem of a Down Steal This Album!Tegan and Sara Love You to DeathThe Casting Out The Casting Out!!!The Chemical Brothers We Are the NightThe Dear Hunter BranchesThe Fall of Troy ManipulatorThe Killers Imploding the MirageThe Offspring Conspiracy of OneThe Receiving End of Sirens The Receiving End of SirensThe Used In Love and DeathThe Weeknd After HoursThe Wombats A Guide to Love, Loss and DesperationThirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful LieThrice Identity CrisisTocotronic Digital Ist BesserTocotronic K.O.O.K.Underoath The Changing of TimesWeezer OK Human2.5 averageAnti-Flag The Bright Lights of AmericaAtreyu A Death-Grip on YesterdayBiffy Clyro OppositesBoysetsfire Live For TodayBrand New Your Favorite WeaponBullet For My Valentine The PoisonCoheed and Cambria No World for TomorrowFoster the People Sacred Hearts ClubJimmy Eat World Chase This LightKillswitch Engage As Daylight DiesLinkin Park MeteoraNelly Furtado Whoa, Nelly!Nelly Furtado Mi PlanPianos Become the Teeth The Lack Long AfterRammstein SehnsuchtRise Against Appeal to ReasonRx Bandits Those Damn BanditsSchandmaul HexenkesselTerminal How the Lonely KeepThe Killers Pressure MachineThrice First ImpressionsThrice To Be Everywhere Is to Be NowhereThursday Five Stories Falling2.0 poorBilly Talent Billy Talent IIIFrom First to Last From First to LastHoobastank The ReasonMetallica ReloadMetallica LoadSaosin SaosinSleepers, of course, is awesome. You're Not Alone is the only other song I can stand, because it allways had a great uplifting effect on me. Other than that Saosin started to suck with Anthony Green leaving.Serj Tankian Elect the DeadThe Killers SawdustThe Killers Day & Age1.5 very poorAWOLNATION My Echo, My Shadow, My Covers & MeInnerpartysystem Never Be ContentRammstein Reise, Reise1.0 awfulSubway To Sally Nord Nord OstUnderoath Cries of the PastUnderoath Act of Depression
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z