
Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 1
Last Active 09-20-11 9:35 pm
Joined 09-20-11

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Average Rating: 5.00
Rating Variance: 0.00
Objectivity Score: 15%
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5.0 classic
Elan (Elan Atias) We Are
As a lover of reggae I have followed Elan for awhile. His voice is so unique and gives off a great positive vibe that you can just chill and listen to. His new album We Are is really stripped down to feature his voice and his songs are so positive, they definitely deliver the 'one love' message which I have always loved about his music. I think it's refreshing to have an album come out that is about enjoying life and what you have.

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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