
Album Ratings 71
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 08-31-11 8:51 pm
Joined 08-31-11

Review Comments 6

Average Rating: 3.80
Rating Variance: 0.58
Objectivity Score: 66%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85-92
Aphex Twin Windowlicker
Autechre Incunabula
Autechre Tri Repetae++
Boards of Canada Music Has the Right to Children
Front 242 Official Version
Front Line Assembly Caustic Grip
Front Line Assembly Tactical Neural Implant
Meat Beat Manifesto 99%
Skinny Puppy Too Dark Park
Skinny Puppy Spasmolytic
Skinny Puppy Tormentor

4.5 superb
Aphex Twin ...I Care Because You Do
Autechre Chiastic Slide
Autechre Tri Repetae
Front 242 Catch The Men [DVD]
Front Line Assembly Gashed Senses & Crossfire
Meat Beat Manifesto Answers Come In Dreams
Meat Beat Manifesto Armed Audio Warfare
Meat Beat Manifesto Storm the Studio
Moby Hotel

4.0 excellent
Aphex Twin Come To Daddy
Autechre Quaristice
Autechre Amber
Autechre EP Collection 1991-2002
Front 242 No Comment
Front Line Assembly State of Mind
Front Line Assembly The Initial Command
Meat Beat Manifesto Storm The Studio
Moby Wait for Me
Skinny Puppy Remission
Skinny Puppy Last Rights
Skinny Puppy Worlock

3.5 great
Aphex Twin Drukqs
Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works Volume II
Aphex Twin On
Aphex Twin Richard D. James Album
Autechre LP5
Autechre Draft 7.30
Autechre Move Of Ten
Autechre Basscad
Autechre L-event
Front 242 Tyranny (For You)
Front 242 Front By Front
Front 242 06:21:03:11 Up Evil
Front 242 Geography
Front Line Assembly Hard Wired
Meat Beat Manifesto Actual Sounds + Voices
Meat Beat Manifesto Subliminal Sandwich
Meat Beat Manifesto Satyricon
Skinny Puppy Bites
Skinny Puppy Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse
Skinny Puppy VIVIsectVI

3.0 good
Aphex Twin Donkey Rhubarb
Aphex Twin Ventolin
Autechre Oversteps
Autechre Untilted
Autechre Confield
Front 242 05:22:09:12 Off
Front Line Assembly Convergence
Front Line Assembly Millennium
Front Line Assembly Artificial Soldier
Meat Beat Manifesto Original Fire
Skinny Puppy Cleanse Fold and Manipulate
Skinny Puppy The Process
Skinny Puppy hanDover
Skinny Puppy Weapon
Skinny Puppy Tin Omen

2.5 average
Front Line Assembly Echogenetic

2.0 poor
Front 242 Headhunter 2000
Moby Last Night

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