Average Rating: 2.82 Rating Variance: 0.47 Objectivity Score: 86% (Well Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicLinkin Park Hybrid TheorySystem of a Down System of a Down4.5 superbDeath HumanDisturbed BelieveEminem The Eminem ShowGreen Day American IdiotKillswitch Engage The End of HeartachePantera Vulgar Display of PowerSystem of a Down ToxicityThe Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity4.0 excellentAlice in Chains DirtAll That Remains The Fall Of IdealsAvenged Sevenfold Avenged SevenfoldAvenged Sevenfold City Of EvilAvenged Sevenfold The StageChildren of Bodom Are You Dead Yet?Death SymbolicDisturbed Ten Thousand FistsFaith No More Angel DustIn Flames ColonyPrime Friden. Him (& his engineer) kept the perfect amount of his more guttural whoracle voice and left the rest behind. fits the mix perfectly. great example is the Zombie INC hook. He's great on Clayman too but also mostly more screamy/squeezing ++ low key best mix for In Flames. ++ Ordinary Story, Colony, Zombie Inc. cause irreversible bonersJimmy Eat World Bleed AmericanKillswitch Engage Alive or Just BreathingKorn KornLimp Bizkit Gold CobraMeshuggah Destroy Erase ImproveMichael Jackson BadPantera Far Beyond DrivenPantera Cowboys from HellRage Against the Machine Rage Against the MachineRammstein Reise, ReiseRed Hot Chili Peppers CalifornicationRise Against The Sufferer and the WitnessScars on Broadway Scars on BroadwaySerj Tankian Elect the DeadSlipknot SlipknotSlipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal VersesSystem of a Down HypnotizeTool Lateralus3.5 great2Pac All Eyez on MeAvenged Sevenfold Hail To The KingAvenged Sevenfold Waking The FallenChildren of Bodom HatebreederDio Holy DiverDisturbed IndestructibleDr. Dre 2001Eminem The Marshall Mathers LPEminem Curtain Call: The HitsIn Flames Come ClarityIn Flames Soundtrack to Your EscapeIn Flames ClaymanJimmy Eat World ClarityKillswitch Engage Disarm the DescentKillswitch Engage As Daylight Diesspecial edition + (regular is 3.5) Kollegah Zuhältertape X-Mas EditionKollegah KollegahKollegah Zuhältertape Vol. 3Die Sommer sind kaelter, die Strassen sind dunkler, und ich bin hier der Boss im 21. Jahrhundert. Zieh die Schutzweste an, Bitch die Neunziger sind vorbei. ++ ConsistentKollegah KingA production quality revelation. Impressive technicality, lyrics + Kollegah's attitude on top of it make this the best german rap album of all time, after ZT3. Downside: Album cover. And some awful tracks at the end. Korn Follow the LeaderKorn IssuesLimp Bizkit Significant OtherLinkin Park The Hunting PartyMetallica MetallicaMichael Jackson ThrillerNate Dogg G-Funk Classics, Vol. 1 & 2Philip H. Anselmo and The Illegals Walk Through Exits OnlyRammstein UntitledSlipknot IowaThis record might be the biggest f**k you in the history of music.Slipknot All Hope Is GoneStatic-X Wisconsin Death TripStatic-X CannibalStone Sour Stone SourSystem of a Down Lonely DayIncredible.EP: Bonus.Tracks. SNOWBLIND METRO MARMALADE SHAME.System of a Down MezmerizeSystem of a Down Steal This Album!The Dillinger Escape Plan Irony Is a Dead SceneTool ÆnimaTool Fear Inoculum3.0 good2Pac Me Against the World2Pac The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory2Pac Resurrection50 Cent Get Rich or Die Tryin'50 Cent Power of the Dollarwtf 50 50 50 05 050 50 505 05 808 50 50 charactersA Perfect Circle Thirteenth StepA Perfect Circle Mer de NomsAnnihilator Alice In HellAvenged Sevenfold NightmareBlack Sabbath Black SabbathBlack Sabbath Heaven And HellBullet For My Valentine The PoisonBullet For My Valentine Scream Aim FireChildren of Bodom Hate Crew DeathrollCreedence Clearwater Revival Willy and the Poor BoysCrowbar CrowbarD12 Devil's Nightdon't forget the [bonus disc], including "Shit On You"D12 D12 WorldDeath Individual Thought PatternsDeath Spiritual HealingDeath LeprosyDisturbed AsylumDisturbed The SicknessElement Eighty Element EightyEminem RelapseEminem The Slim Shady LPEscape the Fate Dying Is Your Latest FashionEvanescence FallenFaith No More King For A Day... Fool For A LifetimeFoo Fighters The Colour and the ShapeGodsmack FacelessGodspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞Green Day DookieGuns N' Roses Appetite for DestructionIn Flames A Sense of PurposeIn Flames Reroute to RemainIn Flames The Jester RaceIn This Moment Beautiful TragedyIron Maiden KillersIron Maiden Dance Of DeathIron Maiden Seventh Son Of A Seventh SonJames Blunt All the Lost SoulsJay-Z and Linkin Park Collision CourseJimmy Eat World FuturesKatatonia The Great Cold DistanceKing Crimson In the Court of the Crimson KingKorn UntouchablesKorn Life Is PeachyKorn The Path of TotalityKyuss Welcome To Sky ValleyLimp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored WaterLinkin Park Minutes to MidnightLinkin Park MeteoraLostprophets Start SomethingMegadeth Rust In PeaceI only listen to the instrumental version of the album, glad I found it. Vocals suck.Meshuggah Catch ThirtythreeMeshuggah NothingMeshuggah Contradictions CollapseMetallica Ride The LightningMetallica Master Of PuppetsMichael Jackson DangerousMuddy Waters His Best: 1947 to 1955N.W.A. Straight Outta ComptonNightwish Dark Passion PlayNightwish OceanbornPantera The Great Southern TrendkillPapa Roach Getting Away With MurderPapa Roach InfestPaul Oakenfold BunkkaPhil Collins Face ValuePhilip H. Anselmo and The Illegals War Of The GargantuasPhilip H. Anselmo and The Illegals Housecore Horror Film Festival 2013 EPPhilip H. Anselmo and The Illegals Choosing Mental Illness As A VirtuePuscifer Conditions of My ParoleRage Against the Machine Evil EmpireRammstein MutterRammstein RosenrotRammstein SehnsuchtRammstein Liebe Ist Für Alle DaRammstein ZeitRed Hot Chili Peppers By the WayRed Hot Chili Peppers Stadium ArcadiumRise Against Appeal to ReasonRise Against Siren Song of the Counter CultureRise Against EndgameRishloo Living as Ghosts with Buildings as TeethRun the Jewels Run the JewelsRun the Jewels Run the Jewels 2Serj Tankian HarakiriSerj Tankian Elect The Dead SymphonySlayer South of HeavenSlipknot .5: The Gray ChapterSlipknot We Are Not Your KindSlipknot The End, So FarSlipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.Soundtrack (Film) 8 Mile SoundtrackStatic-X Shadow ZoneStatic-X Start A WarStatic-X Project Regeneration Vol. 1Story of the Year Page AvenueSublime 40 Oz. to FreedomT.I. Trap MuzikThe Game The DocumentaryThrice The Illusion of SafetyTimes of Grace The Hymn of a Broken ManTodd Terje It's Album TimeVarious Artists Dracula 2000 OSTWu-Tang Clan Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)2.5 average3 Doors Down Away from the Sun50 Cent The MassacreAdele 21Alice in Chains Jar of FliesApocalyptica Worlds CollideAs I Lay Dying Frail Words CollapseAt the Gates Slaughter of the SoulAudioslave AudioslaveAvenged Sevenfold Sounding The Seventh TrumpetAvenged Sevenfold Life Is But A Dream...Avril Lavigne Under My SkinBackWordz VeracityBerlin Pleasure VictimBlack Sabbath ParanoidBrand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside MeBritney Spears BlackoutBushido 7Children of Bodom Something WildChildren of Bodom Follow the ReaperChildren of Bodom Halo of BloodCrowbar Sonic Excess in Its Purest FormCynic FocusDamageplan New Found PowerDave Navarro Trust No OneDeath Scream Bloody GoreDeftones Around the FurDeftones White PonyDeftones Diamond EyesDevice DeviceDisturbed The Lost ChildrenDown NOLADr. Dre The ChronicEminem InfiniteEvanescence The Open DoorEvanescence EvanescenceEvanescence The Bitter TruthFaith No More The Real ThingFaith No More Sol InvictusFalling in Reverse The Drug in Me Is YouFergie The DutchessFoo Fighters Wasting LightFort Minor The Rising TiedGreen Day Revolution RadioGwen Stefani Love. Angel. Music. Baby.Hoobastank HoobastankIce Cube The PredatorIggy Azalea Survive the SummerIn Flames Sounds of a Playground FadingIn Flames WhoracleIn Flames ForegoneIron Maiden PowerslaveIron Maiden Fear Of The DarkJimmy Eat World Static PrevailsKatatonia Brave Murder DayKelly Clarkson BreakawayKiller Mike R.A.P. MusicKillradio Raised on Whipped CreamKillswitch Engage Killswitch EngageKillswitch Engage Killswitch EngageKillswitch Engage IncarnateKillswitch Engage AtonementKollegah Zuhältertape Volume 4Korn The Serenity of SufferingLight the Torch RevivalLinkin Park A Thousand SunsLinkin Park ReanimationLinkin Park Underground 9Living Colour VividMegadeth Countdown To ExtinctionMegadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?Meshuggah KolossMeshuggah ChaosphereMetallica ...And Justice For AllMetallica 72 SeasonsMr. Bungle CaliforniaNate Dogg Music And MeNickelback Silver Side UpNirvana NevermindNirvana BleachObie Trice CheersPantera Reinventing the SteelParkway Drive IrePeriphery Periphery II: This Time It's PersonalPeriphery PeripheryPrimus Sailing the Seas of CheeseRadiohead OK ComputerRage Against the Machine RenegadesRed (USA) End of SilenceRed Hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex MagikRed Hot Chili Peppers One Hot MinuteRise Against The UnravelingRoyce da 5'9 Tabernacle: Trust The ShooterScars on Broadway DictatorSepultura RootsSerj Tankian Jazz-Iz-ChristSerj Tankian Orca Symphony No. 1you can take a listen on youtube. search for "ORCA full album"Serj Tankian Imperfect HarmoniesSerj Tankian ElasticityShadows Fall The War WithinSoundgarden SuperunknownStatic-X MachineStone Sour House of Gold and Bones - Part 2Stone Sour Come What(ever) MayStone Sour Audio SecrecyStyles of Beyond MegadefSublime SublimeSuperjoint Use Once and DestroyThe Black Eyed Peas ElephunkThe Notorious B.I.G. Ready to DieThe Offspring AmericanaThe Underground ...An Education in RebellionThree Days Grace One-XThrice VheissuTool 10,000 DaysTool UndertowXzibit Restless2.0 poorAlter Bridge AB IIIBullet For My Valentine Temper TemperConverge Jane DoeDaft Punk DiscoveryDeath The Sound of PerseveranceDisturbed ImmortalizedDisturbed EvolutionDr. Dre ComptonEminem EncoreEminem RecoveryEminem Kamikaze--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gorguts The Erosion of SanityIggy Azalea Ignorant ArtIn Flames Siren CharmsIn Flames I, the MaskIn Flames BattlesIron Maiden The Number Of The BeastKollegah BossauraLimp Bizkit Results May VaryLimp Bizkit Still SucksLindemann Skills In PillsLinkin Park Living ThingsMegadeth So Far, So Good... So What!Metallica St. AngerNine Inch Nails The Downward SpiralNirvana In UteroPapa Roach The Paramour SessionsPapa Roach F.E.A.R.Paris Hilton ParisRonnie Radke Watch MeSaint Asonia Saint AsoniaStatic-X Cult Of StaticSteel Panther Feel the SteelStone Sour House of Gold and Bones - Part 1"I'll laugh if this backfires completely and makes everyone who bumped this to a 5.0 look stupid."rm2System of a Down Protect The Land/Genocidal HumanoidzThe Dillinger Escape Plan Miss MachineThrice The Artist in the AmbulanceVolbeat Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood1.5 very poorBritney Spears Britney JeanChildren of Bodom BlooddrunkConverge All We Love We Leave BehindCorey Taylor CMFTDeftones Koi No YokanDrake Nothing Was the Samelmaoooo this dude can't even hit a beat ahahahahEminem The Marshall Mathers LP 2Eminem RevivalEminem Music To Be Murdered ByEscape the Fate Escape the FateFall Out Boy Save Rock and RollFalling in Reverse Fashionably LateFalling in Reverse Coming HomeLil Jon and the East Side Boyz Kings of CrunkLil Wayne RebirthLinkin Park One More LightNickelback Here and NowNickelback Dark HorseThe Black Eyed Peas The E.N.D. (The Energy Never Dies)1.0 awfulLinkin Park RechargedMeghan Trainor Title EP
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z