Average Rating: 2.79 Rating Variance: 0.69 Objectivity Score: 88% (Well Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAC/DC Highway To HellAnimals As Leaders WeightlessAmazing, beautiful, unprecedented, shocking, true, colourful, unbelievableBlack Sabbath Master Of RealityCollective Soul Hints, Allegations, and Things Left UnsaidDevin Townsend Project GhostEarth Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light IIJeff Buckley Grace (Legacy Edition)John Coltrane A Love SupremeLudwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125Meshuggah Destroy Erase ImproveMeshuggah IMeshuggah ChaosphereMiles Davis Kind of BlueMotorhead OverkillMuddy Waters King BeeRage Against the Machine Rage Against the MachineSpawn of Possession IncursoThe Beach Boys 20 Good Vibrations: The Greatest Hits The Beach Boys Surfin' U.S.A.The Dillinger Escape Plan Miss MachineThe Doors The DoorsThe Jimi Hendrix Experience Are You ExperiencedThe Offspring SmashThe Rolling Stones Let It BleedThe Who Live at LeedsWolfgang Amadeus Mozart Requiem in D minor, K. 6264.5 superbAerosmith AerosmithAudioslave AudioslaveBehold... The Arctopus Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg SummoningBlack Label Society The Song Remains Not The SameBlack Sabbath ReunionBuddy Holly The Best of Buddy HollyCollective Soul Home (DVD)Devin Townsend Project DeconstructionThis Album has blown me away. The mind required to create this aural landscape is astounding. Kudos to you, Dev-TowDragonForce Inhuman RampageFaith No More The Real ThingFleshgod Apocalypse AgonyGuthrie Govan Erotic CakesJudas Priest Screaming For VengeanceMeshuggah Catch ThirtythreeMeshuggah KolossMotorhead Ace Of SpadesMotorhead Iron FistNine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IVOrange Goblin Frequencies From Planet TenRed Hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex MagikSlayer Reign in BloodStam1na NoceboThe Beach Boys Surfer GirlThe Beach Boys The Beach Boys' Christmas AlbumThe Dear Hunter BlackThe Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating InfinityThe Mars Volta The Bedlam in GoliathThe Rolling Stones Forty LicksThe Rolling Stones Steel WheelsTool 10,000 DaysWeird Al Yankovic Greatest Hits Volume IIWorld Under Blood Tactical4.0 excellent13 and God 13 & GodAC/DC Let There Be RockAC/DC PowerageAlice Cooper Alice Cooper's Greatest HitsAlice in Chains DirtAnd So I Watch You From Afar GangsAnthrax Spreading The DiseaseAnthrax Worship MusicAt the Drive-In VayaBeastie Boys The Mix UpBetween the Buried and Me ColorsBetween the Buried and Me The Great MisdirectBig Sugar Hemi-VisionBlack Sabbath ParanoidBlack Sabbath Black SabbathBlack Sabbath SabotageBlack Sabbath We Sold Our Soul For Rock 'n' RollBlack Sabbath 13Bon Jovi CrossroadBright Eyes The People's KeyChuck Berry Chuck Berry Is on TopDamageplan New Found PowerDanko Jones Born a LionDeep Purple Deep Purple In RockDevilDriver BeastDisturbed The SicknessDisturbed Ten Thousand FistsEnforcer Death By FireFinger Eleven TipFoo Fighters The Colour and the ShapeHavok Time Is UpLamb of God Ashes Of The WakeLamb of God SacramentLazarus A.D. Black Rivers FlowI'm absolutley lovin' it. Reminds me of Pantera and Disturbed a bit, as well as many others. A great new find in my books. ...then again...meh.Led Zeppelin Led ZeppelinLinkin Park MeteoraMastodon LeviathanMastodon Crack the SkyeMegadeth Countdown To ExtinctionMeshuggah Contradictions CollapseMeshuggah obZenMetallica Kill 'Em AllMotorhead BastardsMumford and Sons Sigh No MoreNevermore This Godless EndeavorNine Inch Nails Year ZeroOrange Goblin Time Travelling BluesOrange Goblin A Eulogy For The DamnedOrange Goblin A Eulogy For The FansPantera Cowboys from HellPearl Jam TenPowerglove Saturday Morning ApocalypsePrimus Green NaugahydeProtest the Hero FortressProtest the Hero ScurrilousQueen A Night at the OperaQuicksand QuicksandRage Against the Machine The Battle of Los AngelesRed Hot Chili Peppers The Red Hot Chili PeppersRevocation Chaos of FormsSlash SlashSlayer Haunting the ChapelSlayer South of HeavenSlayer God Hates Us AllSoulfly EnslavedSoundgarden BadmotorfingerSubmotion Orchestra Finest HourSuicidal Angels BloodbathMoshing Crew, and Summoning The Dead, are the two stand-out tracks to me on this album. Great evil Thrash a la Slayer and Exodus.Sum 41 All Killer No FillerTed Nugent Cat Scratch FeverTextures DualismThe Animals The Best of the AnimalsThe Beach Boys Today!The Beach Boys All Summer LongThe Beach Boys Shut Down Volume 2The Beach Boys Little Deuce CoupeThe Beatles The BeatlesThe Dillinger Escape Plan Ire WorksThe Fall of Troy DoppelgangerThe Rolling Stones Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!The Sword Gods Of The EarthThe Sword Warp RidersThe Sword ApocryphonThe Tea Party Splendor SolisThe Tragically Hip Road ApplesTrapt No ApologiesVeil of Maya EclipseWeird Al Yankovic Bad Hair DayWeird Al Yankovic Off the Deep EndWhite Zombie La Sexorcisto-Devil Music Vol. 1ZZ Top Fandango!3.5 greatAbigail Williams BecomingAC/DC High VoltageAC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute YouAdam Sandler What The Hell Happened To Me!Aerosmith Toys In The AtticAerosmith Get A GripAerosmith Big OnesAnthrax State Of EuphoriaAtreyu A Death-Grip on YesterdayAvenged Sevenfold City Of EvilBig Sugar HeatedBig Wreck In Loving Memory Of...Biohazard Reborn In DefianceBlack Sabbath 1969 DemoBon Jovi New JerseyBreaking Benjamin Dear AgonyCake Showroom Of CompassionChickenfoot ChickenfootChuck Berry New Juke Box HitsColin Stetson New History Warfare Vol 2: JudgesCollective Soul Disciplined BreakdownCollective Soul DosageCult of Luna VertikalDeep Purple Machine HeadDefeater Dear FatherDestroyer KaputtDire Straits Brothers In ArmsDown NOLADr. Dre 2001DragonForce Sonic FirestormEconoline Crush AfflictionEpica Consign to OblivionFinger Eleven The Greyest of Blue SkiesFinger Eleven Finger ElevenFoo Fighters Greatest HitsGodsmack GodsmackHugh Laurie Let Them TalkI Mother Earth DigInsomnium One for SorrowIron Maiden The Number Of The BeastJudas Priest British SteelKoji Kondo The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time OSTKyuss Welcome To Sky ValleyLacuna Coil KarmacodeLacuna Coil Dark AdrenalineLamb of God New American GospelLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IVLenny Kravitz Mama SaidLenny Kravitz 5Linkin Park Hybrid TheoryMarilyn Manson Antichrist SuperstarMastodon Jonah Hex: Revenge Gets Ugly EPMatthew Good Band Beautiful MidnightMegadeth Rust In PeaceMegadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?Megadeth Cryptic WritingsMeshuggah NothingMetallica Ride The LightningMonster Voodoo Machine SuffersystemI listened to the album because it won the 1995 Juno Award for Rock Album of the Year. I was so surprised I had never heard this awesome album before. A new favourite, indeed. Sometimes, you get to be reminded just how awesome Canadians can be. Kick-a**!!Mortal Sin Psychology of DeathMotorhead 1916Motorhead Rock 'N' RollMotorhead MotörheadMotorhead MotörizerMotorhead The Wörld Is YoursMotorhead IconMudvayne Lost and FoundMushroomhead XIIIMushroomhead XXmyGRAIN myGRAINNickelback The Long RoadNickelback The StateNine Inch Nails With TeethNobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VIII: Original SoundtrackOur Lady Peace NaveedOur Lady Peace ClumsyOverkill !!!Fuck You!!!Pantera Vulgar Display of PowerR.E.M. Automatic for the PeopleRadiohead OK ComputerRainbow RisingRed Hot Chili Peppers By the WayRob Zombie American Made Music to Strip ByShadows Fall Threads of LifeSlayer Seasons in the AbyssSlayer Christ IllusionSlipknot SlipknotSoundgarden SuperunknownSoundgarden Louder Than LoveSoundgarden TelephantasmStone Temple Pilots CoreSum 41 ChuckTed Nugent Ted NugentThe Beach Boys Pet SoundsThe Beach Boys Surfin' SafariThe Blues Brothers Music From The SoundtrackThe Dear Hunter GreenThe Dear Hunter RedThe Jimi Hendrix Experience Electric LadylandThe Refreshments Fizzy Fuzzy Big & BuzzyThe Rolling Stones It's Only Rock 'n' RollThe Tragically Hip Fully CompletelyThe Who QuadropheniaTrent Reznor and Atticus Ross The Social Network OSTWarbringer Worlds Torn AsunderWeird Al Yankovic AlapaloozaWild Beasts SmotherZZ Top Eliminator3.0 good3 Inches of Blood Here Waits Thy DoomA Day To Remember For Those Who Have HeartA Day To Remember For Those Who Have Heart (Reissue)AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapAdam Sandler Stan and Judy's KidAdele 21Aerosmith Greatest HitsAFI DecemberundergroundAlanis Morissette Jagged Little PillAlice in Chains Jar of FliesAlice in Chains FaceliftAlice in Chains We Die YoungAll Shall Perish The Price of ExistenceAll That Remains …For We Are ManyAlter Bridge One Day RemainsAnna Calvi Anna CalviAnthrax Persistence Of TimeAtreyu Lead Sails Paper AnchorAudioslave Out of ExileAudioslave Live in CubaAvatar Black WaltzAvenged Sevenfold Avenged SevenfoldAvenged Sevenfold NightmareBarren Earth The Devil's ResolveBehemoth DemigodBehemoth EvangelionBig Sugar Brothers and Sisters, Are You Ready?Bison Dark AgesBlack Joe Lewis ScandalousBlack Sabbath Sabbath Bloody SabbathBlack Sabbath Never Say Die!Black Sabbath Heaven And HellBlack Sabbath TyrBleeding Through The Great FireBob Dylan Highway 61 RevisitedBon Jovi Keep The FaithBon Jovi Greatest Hits - The Ultimate CollectionBorn of Osiris The DiscoveryBuckcherry All Night LongCannibal Corpse Tomb Of The MutilatedChevelle Sci-Fi CrimesChimaira The InfectionChuck Berry One Dozen BerrysChuck Berry Rockin' at the HopsCirca Survive Blue Sky NoiseClutch Strange Cousins From The WestCollective Soul 7even Year ItchCollective Soul Collective SoulCollective Soul BlenderCollective Soul YouthCovenant Modern RuinCreed Full CircleDarkest Hour The Human RomanceDavid Bowie The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From MarsDefault The FalloutDefault One Thing RemainsDeftones Diamond EyesI have to admit that initally I underrated this album. I've revisited listening to it, and it has really started to grow on me. Chino is a great vocalist. The band is right on too.Despised Icon Day Of MourningDimmu Borgir In Sorte DiaboliDimmu Borgir AbrahadabraDio Holy DiverDishwalla Pet Your FriendsDisturbed BelieveDisturbed AsylumDown Down III: Over the UnderDown Down IV - Part IDream Theater Black Clouds and Silver LiningsDrudkh Eternal Turn of the WheelEconoline Crush The Devil You KnowEluveitie HelvetiosEpica The Divine ConspiracyEpica Design Your UniverseFen DustwalkerFilter The Trouble With AngelsFirewind Days of DefianceFive Finger Death Punch The Way Of The FistFleet Foxes Helplessness BluesFlyleaf Memento MoriFoo Fighters Foo FightersFoo Fighters In Your HonorGeorge Harrison Cloud NineGoatwhore Carving Out The Eyes Of GodGodsmack FacelessGodsmack IVGodsmack The OracleGrand Magus Hammer Of The NorthGraveyard (SWE) Hisingen BluesGregg Allman Low Country BluesHalestorm ReAnimate: The CoVeRsHeadstones Smile & WaveHeaven and Hell The Devil You KnowICS Vortex Storm SeekerIn Flames A Sense of PurposeIncubus (USA-CA) Make YourselfIncubus (USA-CA) Morning ViewIron Maiden The Final FrontierJane's Addiction StraysJet Get BornJoe Bonamassa Black RockJoe Satriani Black Swans and Wormhole WizardsJudas Priest PainkillerJudas Priest The Chosen FewKamelot Poetry for the PoisonedKanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyKeith Merrow Awaken the Stone KingKillswitch Engage The End of HeartacheKillswitch Engage Killswitch EngageKing Crimson In the Court of the Crimson KingKingdom of Sorrow Behind The Blackest TearsKorn Korn III: Remember Who You AreKrisiun The Great ExecutionKylesa Spiral ShadowKyuss Blues For The Red SunLamb of God As The Palaces BurnLamb of God WrathLamb of God ResolutionMarilyn Manson Eat Me, Drink MeMastodon RemissionMastodon The HunterMaylene and the Sons of Disaster IIMegadeth YouthanasiaMegadeth Killing Is My Business... and Business Is Good!Megadeth The System Has FailedMegadeth Th1rt3enMetallica St. AngerMetallica Master Of PuppetsMetallica ...And Justice For AllMetallica Garage Inc.Metallica MetallicaMidnight Oil Diesel and DustMors Principium Est ...And Death Said LiveMotorhead InfernoMotorhead BomberMotorhead Another Perfect DayMotorhead On ParoleMudvayne MudvayneMushroomhead Beautiful Stories For Ugly ChildrenNevermore The Obsidian ConspiracyNickelback Silver Side UpNickelback CurbNightwish ImaginaerumNine Inch Nails The Downward SpiralNine Inch Nails The SlipNirvana NevermindNonpoint MiracleOrange Goblin Thieving From The House Of GodOrange Goblin The Big BlackOverkill The Years of DecayOverkill IronboundOverkill The Electric AgeOzzy Osbourne Blizzard Of OzzOzzy Osbourne Under CoverPain of Salvation Road Salt TwoPantera Far Beyond DrivenPapa Roach Getting Away With MurderPapa Roach Time For AnnihilationPaul Gilbert Fuzz UniversePink Floyd The Dark Side Of The MoonPink Floyd The WallProtest the Hero KeziaPsycroptic The Inherited RepressionR.E.M. Out of TimeR.E.M. New Adventures in Hi-FiRadiohead The King of LimbsRage Against the Machine Evil EmpireRed (USA) End of SilenceRed Hot Chili Peppers CalifornicationRed Hot Chili Peppers Stadium ArcadiumRestiform Bodies TV Loves You BackRiverside Memories In My HeadRob Zombie Past, Present & FutureRob Zombie The Sinister UrgeRob Zombie Hellbilly DeluxeRob Zombie Educated HorsesSam Roberts Band The Inhuman ConditionSam Roberts Band Love at the End of the WorldScale the Summit The CollectiveSeether Karma And EffectShinedown Us and ThemSlayer Show No MercySlayer Hell AwaitsSlayer World Painted BloodSlipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.Slipknot IowaSlipknot Antennas to HellSloan Pretty TogetherSoundgarden Down on the UpsideSoundgarden Ultramega OKStone Sour Straight Outta BurbankSylosis Edge of the EarthThe Beach Boys Smiley SmileThe Beach Boys Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!)The Beach Boys 15 Big OnesThe Beach Boys Still Cruisin'The Beatles RevolverThe Beatles Let It BeThe Beatles Help!The Beatles Yellow SubmarineThe Dear Hunter OrangeThe Dear Hunter VioletThe Dear Hunter WhiteThe Doors Morrison HotelThe Fall of Troy The Fall of TroyThe Jimi Hendrix Experience Axis: Bold as LoveThe Mars Volta De-Loused in the ComatoriumThe Offspring Ixnay on the HombreThe Offspring AmericanaThe Rolling Stones Voodoo LoungeThe Tragically Hip Trouble At The HenhouseThe Tragically Hip Phantom PowerTheory of a Deadman Theory of a DeadmanTrans-Siberian Orchestra Night CastleUnexpect Fables of the Sleepless EmpireVelvet Revolver ContrabandWeezer WeezerWeezer The Green AlbumWhitechapel A New Era of CorruptionWinds of Plague The Great Stone WarWolfmother Cosmic EggZZ Top La Futura2.5 average(hed) p.e. Truth Rising*shels Plains Of The Purple Buffalo54-40 Dear DearA Day To Remember And Their Name Was TreasonA Day To Remember Old RecordA Day To Remember What Separates Me from YouAC/DC Back In BlackAC/DC The Razors EdgeAC/DC Stiff Upper LipAC/DC T.N.T.AC/DC Black IceAdele 19Adrenaline Mob Adrenaline MobAdrenaline Mob OmertaAerosmith RocksAesop Rock None Shall PassAlcest Les Voyages De L'ÂmeAlestorm Back Through TimeAlexisonfire Old Crows / Young CardinalsAlice Cooper Dirty DiamondsAlice Cooper Along Came a SpiderAlice Cooper Welcome 2 My NightmareAlice in Chains The Devil Put Dinosaurs HereAll Shall Perish Awaken the DreamersAlmah MotionAlter Bridge AB IIIAmberian Dawn Circus BlackAmon Amarth Surtur RisingAndromeda Manifest TyrannyAngel Witch As Above, So BelowAnterior Echoes of the fallenAnthrax Among The LivingAnthrax Sound Of White NoiseAnthrax Fistful Of MetalAnthrax We've Come For You AllApocalyptica 7th SymphonyArkona (RUS) SlovoAs I Lay Dying DecasAstral Doors JerusalemAtrocity Die Gottlosen Jahre: Live In WackenAttack Attack! This Means WarAttila OutlawedAudioslave RevelationsAugust Burns Red Thrill SeekerAugust Burns Red MessengersAugust Burns Red ConstellationsAuthority Zero 12:34Avenged Sevenfold Waking The FallenAvenged Sevenfold Sounding The Seventh TrumpetAvenged Sevenfold Diamonds In The RoughAxel Rudi Pell The Ballads IVAxel Rudi Pell Circle Of The OathBehemoth The ApostasyBeneath the Massacre IncongruousBetween the Buried and Me AlaskaBeyond Creation The AuraBig Chocolate HiLionBig K.R.I.T. ReturnOf4evaBilly Talent Billy Talent IIBilly Talent Billy Talent IIIBlack Sabbath Vol. 4Black Sabbath Technical EcstasyBlack Sabbath Mob RulesBlack Sabbath Born AgainBlack Sabbath ForbiddenBlack Tide Post MortemBlack Veil Brides We Stitch These WoundsBleeding Through Bleeding ThroughBlessthefall WitnessBlind Guardian Imaginations From The Other SideBlind Guardian Memories Of A Time To ComeBlind Melon Blind MelonBon Iver Bon Iver, Bon IverBrainstorm On the Spur of the MomentBruno Mars Doo-Wops & HooligansBullet For My Valentine Scream Aim FireCage The Elephant Thank You Happy BirthdayCaliban I Am NemesisCannibal Corpse Evisceration PlagueCasey Jones I Hope We're Not The LastCave In White SilenceChimaira The Age of HellChuck Berry Chuck BerryCity and Colour Little HellClassified Self ExplanatoryCold SuperfictionCommunic The Bottom DeepCradle of Filth ThornographyCradle of Filth Darkly, Darkly, Venus AversaCynic Carbon-Based AnatomyDanzig Deth Red SabaothDeath Cab for Cutie Codes and KeysDecapitated Carnival Is ForeverDefault Comes and GoesDefeater Empty Days and Sleepless NightsDeftones Koi No YokanDemon Hunter Summer of DarknessDemon Hunter The World Is a ThornDestroy Rebuild Until God Shows D.R.U.G.S.DevilDriver The Fury of Our Maker's HandDevilDriver The Last Kind WordsDevilDriver Pray for VillainsDiamond Head Lightning To The NationsDio At Donington UK: Live 1983 & 1987Disturbed IndestructibleDisturbed The Lost ChildrenDown Down II: A Bustle in Your HedgerowDown Down IV - Part IIDraconian A Rose For The ApocalypseDunderbeist Black Arts & Crooked TailsEmmure The Respect IssueEpica Requiem for the IndifferentExilia DecodeExodus Bonded by BloodFair to Midland Arrows and AnchorsFaith No More We Care a LotFear Factory MechanizeFinger Eleven Them vs. You vs. MeFinger Eleven Life Turns ElectricFive Finger Death Punch War Is The AnswerFive Finger Death Punch American CapitalistFive Iron Frenzy Our Newest Album Ever!Flying Colors Flying ColorsFoo Fighters Wasting LightFozzy Chasing the GrailFrank Turner England Keep My BonesGalneryus Phoenix RisingGhost Brigade Until Fear No Longer Defines UsGlassjaw Coloring BookGlassjaw Our Color Green (The Singles)God Forbid EquilibriumGodsmack AwakeGun Barrel Brace For ImpactGuns N' Roses Appetite for DestructionHaken VisionsHalestorm HalestormHands (US-ND) Give Me RestHeidevolk BataviHelloween Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part IHelmet MeantimeHypno5e Acid Mist TomorrowIced Earth DystopiaImpending Doom Baptized in FilthIron Maiden En Vivo!James Blake James BlakeJudas Priest Ram It DownJudas Priest Rocka RollaKid Rock Born FreeKillswitch Engage As Daylight DiesKreator Phantom AntichristLanfear This Harmonic ConsonanceLast Chance to Reason Level 2Lecrae Rehab The OverdoseLenny Kravitz BaptismLeprous BilateralLinkin Park Minutes to MidnightLinkin Park A Thousand SunsLoudness Eve To DawnLullacry Where Angels FearLyriel LeverageManowar Battle HymnsMarilyn Manson The High End of LowMastodon Blood MountainMatchbox Twenty Yourself or Someone Like YouMatthew Good VancouverMegadeth So Far, So Good... So What!Megadeth United AbominationsMegadeth EndgameMegadeth Super ColliderMetallica ReloadMetallica LoadMetallica Death MagneticMike Ness Cheating At SolitaireMoist SilverMotorhead OrgasmatronMr. Big What If...Mudvayne The New GameMy Chemical Romance The Black ParadeMy Darkest Days My Darkest DaysMy Morning Jacket CircuitalN.W.A. Straight Outta ComptonNickelback All the Right ReasonsNickelback HesherNickelback Dark HorseNightrage InsidiousNorma Jean RedeemerNovembers Doom AphoticOceano ContagionOne Day as a Lion One Day as a LionOpeth HeritageOrange Goblin Healing Through FireOrange Goblin Coup De GraceOSI Fire Make ThunderOur Lady Peace Spiritual MachinesOur Lady Peace Happiness...Ozzy Osbourne No More TearsOzzy Osbourne Diary Of A MadmanOzzy Osbourne OzzmosisOzzy Osbourne Bark At The MoonOzzy Osbourne Down To EarthOzzy Osbourne Black RainOzzy Osbourne ScreamPantera The Great Southern TrendkillPantera Reinventing the SteelPantera Power MetalPapa Roach ...To Be Loved: The Best of Papa RoachParkway Drive Deep BluePearl Jam Vs.Pearl Jam VitalogyPearl Jam YieldPearl Jam Pearl JamPearl Jam BackspacerPearl Jam Live On Ten LegsPowerwolf Blood of the SaintsPrimal Fear UnbreakablePrince Purple RainProtest the Hero Gallop Meets the EarthRage 21Rage Against the Machine RenegadesRed (USA) Innocence and InstinctRed Fang Red FangRev Theory JusticeRingworm ScarsRob Zombie Hellbilly Deluxe 2Rush Moving PicturesRush Roll The BonesRush PrestoRush Snakes & ArrowsRwake RestSam Roberts Band We Were Born In A FlameSavage Messiah Plague of ConscienceSaxon Call To ArmsSeether Disclaimer IISeether DisclaimerSinner One Bullet LeftSkeletonwitch Breathing the FireSkindred Union BlackSlayer Divine InterventionSleeping Giant Kingdom Days In an Evil AgeSlipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal VersesSloan Navy BluesSocial Distortion Hard Times and Nursery RhymesSonata Arctica SilenceSoundgarden Live on I-5Soundgarden King AnimalStone Sour Stone SourStone Sour Audio SecrecyStone Temple Pilots PurpleStonelake Marching On Timeless TalesStryper To Hell With the DevilStryper Against the LawTerrorizer Hordes of ZombiesThe Band The BandThe Beach Boys Party!The Black Dahlia Murder RitualThe Chemical Brothers Dig Your Own HoleThe Dear Hunter The Color SpectrumThe Dear Hunter IndigoThe Dear Hunter YellowThe Doors L.A. WomanThe Horrors SkyingThe Offspring Conspiracy of OneThe Pretty Reckless Light Me UpThe Rolling Stones Beggars BanquetThe Rolling Stones Bridges to BabylonThe Sword Age Of WintersThe Tragically Hip Music @ WorkThe Who Greatest HitsThe Wonder Years Suburbia I've Given You All and Now I'm NothingTheory of a Deadman GasolineTherapy? A Brief Crack of LightThis Is Hell Black MassThreat Signal Threat SignalThursday No DevolucionTony Macalpine Tony MacAlpineToxic Holocaust Conjure and CommandTrivium In WavesType O Negative October RustUFO Seven DeadlyUniversum Mortuus MachinaVader Welcome to the Morbid ReichWestside Connection Bow DownWhitesnake ForevermoreWolves in the Throne Room Celestial LineageWoods of Ypres Woods 5: Grey Skies And Electric LightWWE WWE The Music: A New DayXandria Neverworld's EndYOB Atma2.0 poorA Day To Remember HomesickA Day To Remember Homesick (Special Deluxe Edition)A Day To Remember Attack of the Killer B-SidesAbsu AbzuAlice in Chains Black Gives Way to BlueAll Shall Perish This Is Where It EndsAmberian Dawn InnuendoAnathema Falling DeeperAnthrax Music Of Mass DestructionAnubis Gate Anubis GateArckanum HelvitismyrkrAs I Lay Dying Frail Words CollapseAsking Alexandria Reckless and RelentlessAsphyx DeathhammerAtheist Unquestionable PresenceAtheist JupiterAutumn Leaves As Night Conquers DayBaroness PurpleBehemoth Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)Between the Buried and Me The Parallax: Hypersleep DialoguesBlack Country, New Road For the first timeBlack Sabbath Live At LastBlack Sabbath Live EvilBlack Sabbath DehumanizerBlack Sabbath Cross PurposesBlack Tide Chasing ShadowsBlackmore's Night Autumn SkyBlood Stain Child EpsilonBlut Aus Nord 777 - The DesanctificationBon Jovi Slippery When WetBon Jovi Bon JoviBon Jovi These DaysBrain Drill Quantum CatastropheCadaveria Horror MetalCancer Bats Bears, Mayors, Scraps & BonesCannibal Corpse TortureCarnifex Until I Feel NothingCattle Decapitation The Harvest FloorCharred Walls of the Damned Cold Winds On Timeless DaysChildren of Bodom Follow the ReaperChildren of Bodom Are You Dead Yet?Circle II Circle Reign Of DarknessColdworker The Doomsayer's CallCradle of Filth Evermore DarklyCrowbar Sever The Wicked HandCult of Luna The Raging RiverCunninLynguists OneirologyDark Moor Project XDarkest Hour Deliver UsDarkest Hour The Eternal ReturnDead And Divine AntimacyDeadmau5 Random Album TitleDeath Angel Relentless RetributionDecapitated Organic HallucinosisDef Leppard Def LeppardDeftones White PonyDepartures When Losing Everything Is Everything You WantedDesaster The Arts of DestructionDiamond Head What's In Your Head?DJ Shadow Endtroducing.....Down Diary Of A Mad BandDream Theater A Dramatic Turn of EventsDrowning Pool Full CircleDrowning Pool Drowning PoolDying Fetus History Repeats...Edguy Age Of The JokerEinherjer NorrønEktomorf The AcousticEmmure Goodbye To The GallowsEmmure FelonyEsoteric Paragon of DissonanceFalconer ArmodFatboy Slim Better Living Through ChemistryFreedom Call Land Of The Crimson DawnGama Bomb Untouchable GloryGang Gang Dance Eye ContactGlee Cast Glee: The Music, Volume 6Goatwhore Blood For The MasterGoodbye to Gravity Mantras of WarGraveworm Fragments Of DeathGWAR Bloody Pit of HorrorGZA Liquid SwordsHalloween TerrortoryHelmet Seeing Eye DogHigh on Fire Death Is This CommunionHigh on Fire Snakes for the DivineHinder Extreme BehaviorHinder Take It to the LimitHinder All American NightmareIced Earth Festivals Of The WickedIron Fire Voyage Of The DamnedIsole Born From ShadowsI like the lead guitar work, but the album is a real groaner.It Prevails StromaJob For A Cowboy GloomJungle Rot Kill on CommandKISS Sonic BoomKittie I've Failed YouKorn [untitled]Korn The Path of TotalityLandmine Marathon GallowsLead Hands Lead Handsletlive. Fake HistoryLimp Bizkit Gold CobraLonewolf Army Of The DamnedManchester Orchestra Simple MathManegarm ManegarmManowar Hail To Englandmc chris mc chris is deadMisery Signals MirrorsMisery Signals Misery SignalsMiss May I MonumentMoist Mercedes Five And DimeMonsters MonstersMotley Crue Saints Of Los AngelesMyChildren MyBride MyChildren MyBrideMyrath Tales Of The SandsNapalm Death UtilitarianNas IllmaticNirvana In UteroNo Bragging Rights IlluminatorNothnegal DecadenceOh, Sleeper Children of FireOrigin EntityOur Lady Peace GravityParkway Drive HorizonsPentagram Last RitesPink Floyd Wish You Were HerePJ Harvey Let England ShakePythia The Serpent's CurseQueensryche Operation: MindcrimeRammstein Made In Germany 1995 - 2011Red (USA) Until We Have FacesRedemption This Mortal CoilHad a few good songs at the beginning, and then it put me to sleep.Rev Theory Light It UpRev Theory Truth is CurrencyRhapsody of Fire From Chaos to EternityRiot Immortal SoulRob Zombie Mondo Sex HeadRunning Wild The Final Jolly RogerSabaton World War Live: Battle of the Baltic SeaSebastian Bach Kicking and ScreamingSeether Finding Beauty In Negative SpacesSepultura KairosShadows Fall The Art of BalanceShinedown The Sound of MadnessShinedown AmaryllisSkeletonwitch Forever AbominationSlayer Diabolus in MusicaSlipknot All Hope Is GoneSlipknot (sic)nesses [DVD]Stone Sour Come What(ever) MayStream Of Passion Darker DaysSTRFKR ReptiliansStryper In God We TrustSuicide Silence No Time to BleedSuicide Silence The Black CrownSwallow the Sun Emerald Forest And The BlackbirdTech N9ne All 6's and 7'sThe Antlers Burst ApartThe Beatles Abbey RoadThe Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandThe Black Dahlia Murder NocturnalThe Black Dahlia Murder DeflorateThe Black Keys BrothersThe Crimson Armada ConvictionThe Dear Hunter BlueThe Devil Wears Prada With Roots Above and Branches BelowThe Dillinger Escape Plan Option ParalysisThe Letter Black Hanging On By A ThreadThe Number Twelve Looks Like You Worse Than AloneThe Ocean HeliocentricThe Red Chord Fed Through the Teeth MachineThe Rolling Stones Exile on Main St.Theory of a Deadman Scars and SouvenirsTrap Them Darker HandcraftUnderoath Ø (Disambiguation)Van Canto Break the SilenceVelvet Revolver LibertadVengeance (NL) Crystal EyeVildhjarta MåsstadenVile MetamorphosisWhitechapel This Is ExileWinds of Plague Against the WorldWolfsbane Wolfsbane Save The WorldWoody Guthrie This Land Is Your LandWu-Tang Clan Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)1.5 very poorAborted Global FlatlineAtheist ElementsAugust Burns Red LevelerAutopsy All Tomorrow's FuneralsAutopsy Skull GrinderAzaghal NemesisAzarath Blasphemers' MaledictionsBleeding Through The TruthBring Me The Horizon There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It...Chelsea Grin My DamnationChildren of Bodom I Worship ChaosChthonic 高砂軍 Takasago ArmyCorrosion of Conformity Corrosion of ConformityCryptopsy The Book of Suffering - Tome 1Death Vivus!Deathstars The Greatest Hits On EarthThis album hilariously sucks. Haha! I was listening and thinking the the rhythem guitar was pretty decent, and then the guy would start singing and I burst out laughing. Hilarious. The album isn't really that good though. I'm still listening and I can't stop laughing.Draconian SovranDuff McKagan's Loaded The TakingEmmure Speaker Of The DeadEvery Time I Die Ex LivesFit for an Autopsy Absolute Hope Absolute HellFuck the Facts Die MiserableFucked Up David Comes to LifeGirlschool Guilty as SinGoreaphobia Apocalyptic NecromancyGorod A Maze of Recycled CreedsHate Eternal Fury & FlamesHate Eternal Phoenix Amongst The AshesHollywood Undead Desperate MeasuresHollywood Undead American TragedyHollywood Undead Notes From the UndergroundIwrestledabearonce Ruining It for EverybodyJennifer Lopez Love?Job For A Cowboy RuinationJustin Bieber My World 2.0Lady Gaga Born This WayLight the Torch They Bleed RedLou Reed and Metallica LuluMarilyn Manson Mechanical Animalsmc chris Marshmellow PlaygroundMolotov Solution InsurrectionNapalm Death Time Waits for No SlaveNicki Minaj Pink FridayOtep Smash the Control MachinePapa Roach InfestPathology Awaken To The SufferingR.E.M. MonsterSeether Holding Onto Strings Better Left To FrayShinedown Leave a WhisperSick of It All Death to TyrantsSick of It All NonstopSolution .45 Nightmares In The Waking State Pt. 1Stryper Soldiers Under CommandSwallow the Sun Songs From The North I, II & IIIThe Agonist Lullabies for the Dormant MindThe Air I Breathe AnathemaThe Beatles Magical Mystery TourThe Devil Wears Prada ZombieThe Devil Wears Prada Dead ThroneThe Ocean AnthropocentricThe Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza Danza III: Series of Unfortunate EventsThy Catafalque RengetegTsjuder Legion HelveteTyler, the Creator BastardUnderoath They're Only Chasing SafetyVampires Everywhere Kiss The Sun GoodbyeVision of Disorder Razed To The GroundWarren G Regulate...G Funk EraWe Came As Romans Understanding What We've Grown to BeWhitechapel The Somatic Defilement1.0 awfulAnal Cunt Fuckin' ABlack Breath Heavy BreathingBorn of Osiris Soul SphereBrutal Truth End TimeDanzig SkeletonsGucci Mane Gucci 2 TimeHollywood Undead Swan SongsImperia Tears of SilenceKesha CannibalSunn O))) KannonTaake Noregs Vaapen
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z