Average Rating: 4.43 Rating Variance: 0.68 Objectivity Score: 45% (Poorly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicDinosaur Jr. You're Living All Over Methis is one of the greatest albums i've ever listened to.Led Zeppelin Led ZeppelinPixies DoolittleThis album is just perfect. nothing more to say. except "Silver". That song will always be the most boring thing everPixies Surfer RosaSonic Youth Daydream NationSystem of a Down System of a DownThe Beatles RevolverThe Beatles Abbey RoadThe Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandViolent Femmes Violent Femmes4.5 superbLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV4.0 excellentSystem of a Down Toxicity3.5 greatSystem of a Down MezmerizeThis is good everyone once and a while, but can't stand it for longThe Strokes Is This It3.0 goodArctic Monkeys HumbugI've been listening to it more, and it just really has grown on me like Favourite Worst Nightmare did =/2.5 averageSystem of a Down Hypnotize
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