Average Rating: 3.46 Rating Variance: 0.77 Objectivity Score: 80% (Well Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAgalloch Ashes Against the GrainAmorphis Silent WatersBjork PostBjork HomogenicBjork DebutRa From OneTarja Turunen My Winter StormTool ÆnimaTool 10,000 DaysX Japan Art of Life4.5 superbAfter Forever After ForeverAgalloch The MantleAgalloch and Nest SplitAtomship The Crash of `47Bat For Lashes Two SunsBe'lakor The Frail TideBehemoth DemigodDraconian Turning Season WithinKamelot The Black HaloKarnivool ThemataMutemath MutemathNevermore This Godless EndeavorNightwish From Wishes To EternityNightwish End Of An EraNile In Their Darkened ShrinesNorther Mirror of MadnessNovembers Doom The Pale Haunt DepartureNovembers Doom The Novella ReservoirObscura CosmogenesisOverClocked ReMix Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project ChaosProtest the Hero FortressSoap and Skin Lovetune for VacuumThe Butterfly Effect Begins HereThe Butterfly Effect ImagoThe Butterfly Effect Final Conversation of KingsTool LateralusWintersun WintersunX Japan Dahlia4.0 excellent3 (USA) The End is BegunAfter Forever Invisible CirclesAfter Forever DecipherAfter Forever Mea CulpaAfter Forever RemagineAfter Forever Prison Of DesireAlestorm Captain Morgan's RevengeAll That Remains The Fall Of IdealsAmon Amarth With Oden on Our SideAmon Amarth Twilight of the Thunder GodAnimals As Leaders Animals as LeadersAnubis Gate Andromeda UnchainedApocalyptica ApocalypticaApocalyptica ReflectionsApocalyptica Worlds CollideArmy Of The Pharaohs Ritual Of BattleAutumn Leaves As Night Conquers DayAvenged Sevenfold Waking The FallenBjork VoltaBlind Guardian A Twist In The MythBlindside SilenceCelldweller CelldwellerChevelle Vena SeraChimaira ResurrectionCult of Luna Eternal KingdomDark Tranquillity FictionDeftones Saturday Night WristDemon Hunter The TriptychDethklok The Dethalbum Draconian Arcane Rain FellDream Evil The Book of Heavy MetalDream Theater Train of ThoughtDroid DroidEarshot TwoEarshot The Silver LiningEpica The Divine ConspiracyExplosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead PlaceFirewind The PremonitionHurt Goodbye To The MachineIron Maiden A Matter Of Life And DeathIron Maiden Somewhere Back In TimeISIS In the Absence of TruthKreator Enemy Of GodKreator Hordes Of ChaosLamb of God Ashes Of The WakeLamb of God SacramentLost Horizon A Flame to the Ground BeneathMastodon Blood MountainMastodon Crack the SkyeMetallica Ride The LightningMetric FantasiesMirrorthrone GangreneMoonspell Night EternalNeurosis Given To The RisingNightwish OnceNightwish Century ChildNightwish Angels Fall FirstNightwish WishmasterNightwish OceanbornNine Inch Nails The SlipOpeth WatershedParamore Riot!Peste Noire Ballade cuntre lo Anemi francorProtest the Hero KeziaRa DualityRa RawThis is a live/greatest hits album. Whoever didn't listen to live albums before should now perk up!Raintime Flies And LiesRammstein VölkerballRise Against The Sufferer and the WitnessShai Hulud That Within Blood Ill-TemperedSilverstein A Shipwreck in the SandSirenia At Sixes And SevensSlayer Christ IllusionSoulfly Dark AgesSoulfly ConquerSubmersed In Due TimeSwallow the Sun Plague Of ButterfliesSymphony X The OdysseySymphony X Paradise LostTestament First Strike Still DeadlyTestament The Formation of DamnationThe Birthday Massacre VioletThe Birthday Massacre Walking With StrangersThe Birthday Massacre Nothing and NowhereThe Birthday Massacre Looking GlassThe Decemberists The Hazards of LoveThe Faceless Planetary DualityThe Human Abstract NocturneThe Lonely Island IncredibadThe Sugarcubes Stick Around for JoyThirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful LieThousand Foot Krutch PhenomenonTool SalivalTristania AshesVreid Milorg3.5 great10 Years The Autumn EffectAbsu AbsuAlien Ant Farm ANThologyAlien Ant Farm TruANTAlter Bridge BlackbirdAmplifier AmplifierAnamanaguchi Dawn MetropolisAnimal Collective Merriweather Post PavilionAnthrax We've Come For You AllAvantasia The ScarecrowAvenged Sevenfold City Of EvilBathory Blood on IceBlind Eye Era Blind Eye EraBrian Head Welch Save Me From MyselfChevelle This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In)Cold Year Of The SpiderCry of the Afflicted The UnveilingDc Talk Jesus FreakDeathstars Termination BlissDecyfer Down End of GreyDelain April RainDemigod Let Chaos PrevailDisciple (USA-TN) Scars RemainDisturbed The SicknessDisturbed Ten Thousand FistsDisturbed IndestructibleDraconian Where Lovers MournDraconian The Burning HaloDragonForce Ultra BeatdownDream Theater Systematic ChaosEgypt Central Egypt CentralEmery The QuestionEowyn Silent ScreamsEpica Consign to OblivionEpica The Phantom AgonyEstatic Fear Somnium ObmutumEvermore Truth of the World: Welcome to the ShowFinch What It Is to BurnFinger Eleven The Greyest of Blue SkiesFinger Eleven Finger ElevenFirewind AllegianceHeaven and Hell The Devil You KnowHurt Vol. IIInjected Burn It BlackKamelot Ghost OperaKilling Joke Killing Joke (2003)Korn Follow the LeaderLacuna Coil ComaliesLacuna Coil KarmacodeLinkin Park Hybrid TheoryLinkin Park MeteoraLostprophets Liberation TransmissionLuca Turilli DreamquestMetallica Death MagneticMudvayne The End of All Things to ComeMushroomhead Savior SorrowNightwish Dark Passion PlayAlthough Nightwish still made a great album without Tarja Turunen, the magic vanished from their songs. With Nightwish's new found voice, Nightwish sounds like a band trying too hard to make it big.Nile IthyphallicNine Inch Nails With TeethNine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IVNonpoint To the PainPillar Where Do We Go from HereProject 86 Rival FactionsRa Black SunRed (USA) Innocence and InstinctRelient K Let It Snow, Baby... Let It ReindeerSaosin SaosinSecret And Whisper Great White WhaleSeether Karma And EffectSevendust Chapter VII: Hope and SorrowSirenia The 13th FloorSkillet ComatoseSoundgarden SuperunknownStaind Break The CycleStutterfly And We Are Bled Of ColorSwitchfoot Nothing is SoundSybreed AntaresSystem of a Down Steal This Album!System of a Down MezmerizeThe Killers Hot FussThe Showdown Back BreakerThirty Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds To MarsThrice The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IVTristania IlluminationTrivium ShogunTrust Company The Lonely Position of NeutralVader Impressions In BloodVeil of Maya The Common Man's CollapseVisions Of Atlantis TrinityWolfmother WolfmotherYeah Yeah Yeahs It's Blitz!3.0 goodA Dark Halo CatalystThis would usually be a fantastic album, but the songs and even the singing effects got quite repetitive after two or three songs. Definetely worth a listen though.A Perfect Circle Thirteenth StepAeternus ...and So the Night BecameAfter the Burial RareformAll That Remains This Darkened HeartAvenged Sevenfold Avenged SevenfoldChildren of Bodom BlooddrunkCirca Survive On Letting GoCoal Chamber Dark DaysCoheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of MadnessColdplay Viva la Vida or Death and All His FriendsCrypt Of Kerberos World Of MythsDoves (UK) Kingdom of RustDrowning Pool SinnerDry Cell Dry CellEndo Songs For The RestlessEvanescence FallenFalling Up Dawn EscapesFamily Force 5 Business Up Front, Party In The BackFive Finger Death Punch The Way Of The FistFlyleaf FlyleafFoo Fighters Echoes, Silence, Patience & GraceFreezepop Fancy Ultra-FreshFrom Autumn to Ashes Abandon Your FriendsGordian Knot EmergentGreen Day American IdiotHoobastank The ReasonIntronaut PrehistoricismsKutless Hearts of the InnocentLacuna Coil Shallow LifeLamb of God WrathLostprophets Start SomethingLostprophets The Fake Sound Of ProgressMad at Gravity ResonanceOrgy Vapor TransmissionOtep Sevas TraPink Floyd The Dark Side Of The MoonRhapsody of Fire Triumph Or AgonyRise Against Appeal to ReasonSirenia Nine Destinies And A DownfallThe Showdown Temptation Come My WayThousand Foot Krutch Set It OffU2 No Line on the HorizonUnSun The End Of LifeWithin Temptation The Heart of Everything2.5 average12 Stones 12 StonesAdema UnstableDaughtry DaughtryDavid Cook David CookIced Earth Framing ArmageddonIced Earth The Crucible Of ManMetallica St. AngerOK Go Oh NoRob Zombie Educated HorsesSkillet CollideSlipknot All Hope Is Gone2.0 poorAdema Kill the HeadlightsBilly Talent Billy Talent IIFinger Eleven Them vs. You vs. MeGuns N' Roses Chinese DemocracyHoobastank For(N)everJudas Priest NostradamusLo-Pro Lo-ProSon Lux At War With Walls And MazesThe All-American Rejects Move AlongThe All-American Rejects When the World Comes DownThe Smashing Pumpkins Zeitgeist1.5 very poorDeathchain Cult of DeathMethods of Mayhem Methods of Mayhem1.0 awfulA Perfect Circle eMOTIVeBlack Tide Light From AboveCrazy Frog Crazy Frog Presents Crazy HitsDegradead Out of Body ExperienceEAT ME RAW All My FriendsGrailknights Return to Castle GrailskullHammerFall No Sacrifice, No VictoryKelly Clarkson My DecemberKorn CollectedLimp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored WaterLinkin Park Minutes to MidnightNickelback Dark HorseNo One No OneOrgy Punk Statik ParanoiaPapa Roach MetamorphosisPillar For the Love of the GameStar Wars Christmas in the StarsTrapt Trapt
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z