
Soundoffs 4
Album Ratings 3770
Objectivity 64%

Last Active 10-16-19 2:34 pm
Joined 12-27-08

Review Comments 646

Average Rating: 3.69
Rating Variance: 0.18
Objectivity Score: 64%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Bee Gees Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack
Between the Buried and Me Colors_Live
lo mejor del 2007 y en vivo otro pedo lo malo del dvd esk no esta bien echo las camaras d repente se mueven etc. en sonido del dvd se oye conmadre
Between the Buried and Me Colors
CHON Demo 2008
Coheed and Cambria Neverender
Control Machete Mucho Barato
Cypress Hill Los Grandes Exitos En Espanol
Deafheaven 10 Years Gone
maudlin of the Well Part the Second
maudlin of the Well Leaving Your Body Map
maudlin of the Well Bath
Nektar A Tab In The Ocean
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here
Return From Exile Return From Exile
The Faceless Planetary Duality
Yes Close to the Edge

4.5 superb
200 Stab Wounds Slave To The Scalpel
A Perfect Circle Mer de Noms
A Perfect Circle A Perfect Circle Live: Featuring Stone and Echo
Abigail Williams Walk Beyond The Dark
Abigor Taphonomia Aeternitatis - Gesänge im Leichenlicht
Acheode Anxiety
After the Burial Rareform (Re-release)
Afterbirth In But Not Of
Agalloch The Mantle
Akercocke Antichrist
Alcest Spiritual Instinct
Alcest Kodama
All Shall Perish The Price of Existence
All That Remains The Fall Of Ideals
An Abstract Illusion Woe
Anachronism Meanders
Anekdoten Until All The Ghosts Are Gone
Anguis Dei Angeist
Animals As Leaders The Joy of Motion
Arch Echo Story I
Archspire Relentless Mutation
Archspire Bleed the Future
Art By Numbers Reticence: The Musical
Artificial Brain Artificial Brain
As I Lay Dying Frail Words Collapse
As I Lay Dying This Is Who We Are
Astra The Weirding
Astronoid Air
At the Gates Slaughter of the Soul
Atheist Unquestionable Presence
Augury Fragmentary Evidence
August Burns Red Leveler
August Burns Red Rescue & Restore
August Burns Red Phantom Sessions
Ayreon Into the Electric Castle
Azure (UK) Fym
Baroness Blue Record
Be'lakor Vessels
Between the Buried and Me Alaska
Between the Buried and Me The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues
Between the Buried and Me Coma Ecliptic
Between the Buried and Me The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Between the Buried and Me Bohemian Rhapsody / Vertical Beta 461
Between the Buried and Me Colors II
Between the Buried and Me Future Sequence: Live at the Fidelitorium
Between the Buried and Me Automata II
Bolt Gun The Tower
Bolt Thrower Those Once Loyal
Born of Osiris The Discovery
Buckethead Shadows Between The Sky
Buckethead Colma
Buckethead Electric Tears
Cabezas De Cera Cabezas De Cera
Caligula's Horse Charcoal Grace
Called to Arms Peril and the Patient
Camel The Snow Goose
Carach Angren Lammendam
Carcass Heartwork
Catch The Sun Aspiration
Chimaira The Impossibility of Reason
CHON Newborn Sun
Chris Letchford Lightbox
Cloakroom Dissolution Wave
Coevality Multiple Personalities
Cognizance Inquisition
Cognizance Inceptum
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Coheed and Cambria The Afterman: Descension
Coheed and Cambria The Color Before The Sun
Conducting from the Grave When Legends Become Dust
Conducting from the Grave Conducting from the Grave
Contrarian Their Worm Never Dies
Converge Axe to Fall
Converge All We Love We Leave Behind
Convulsing Perdurance
Corelia Nostalgia
Corelia Nostalgia (Instrumentals and Extras)
Cormorant Metazoa
Countless Skies Glow
Crosses Crosses
Cryptic Slaughter Money Talks
Cryptopsy None So Vile
Cult of Luna The Long Road North
Cytotoxin Nuklearth
Darkest Hour Deliver Us
Darkthrone A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Deafheaven Sunbather
Deafheaven Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
Deafheaven Black Brick
Deafheaven From the Kettle Onto the Coil
Death The Sound of Perseverance
Death Symbolic
Death Individual Thought Patterns
Deathspell Omega Paracletus
Decrepit Birth Diminishing Between Worlds
Decrepit Birth Polarity
Deftones Around the Fur
Deftones White Pony
Diabolical Masquerade Nightwork
Diskord Degenerations
Dragged Into Sunlight Hatred For Mankind
Dream Unending/Worm Starpath
Earth Crisis Destroy The Machines
Earthside A Dream In Static
Earthside Let The Truth Speak
Elder (USA-MA) Omens
Eloy Ocean
Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse
Enfold Darkness Our Cursed Rapture
Entheos (USA) The Infinite Nothing
Esoctrilihum Astraal Constellations of the Majickal Zodiac
Esoctrilihum Döth​-​Derni​à​lh
Evan Brewer Your Itinerary
Every Time I Die Ex Lives
Exist So True, So Bound
Falls of Rauros Key to a Vanishing Future
Falls of Rauros Patterns in Mythology
Fallujah The Harvest Wombs
Fallujah Nomadic
Fallujah The Flesh Prevails
Far Water & Solutions
First Fragment Gloire Eternelle
Fit for an Autopsy The Nothing That Is
Full of Hell Weeping Choir
Full of Hell Garden of Burning Apparitions
Glass Casket Desperate Man's Diary
Gojira The Way of All Flesh
Gojira The Flesh Alive
Gorod A Perfect Absolution
Gospel The Moon Is a Dead World
Hallas Excerpts From a Future Past
Hallas Isle of Wisdom
Hatebreed Satisfaction Is The Death Of Desire
Haunter (USA-TX) Discarnate Ails
Hooded Menace The Tritonus Bell
Horrendous Idol
Horrendous Ontological Mysterium
Illyria The Carpathian Summit
In Vain (NO) Solemn
Inanna Void of Unending Depths
Inquisition Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical...
Intronaut The Direction of Last Things
Job For A Cowboy Sun Eater
Job For A Cowboy Moon Healer
Killswitch Engage As Daylight Dies
Killswitch Engage Alive or Just Breathing
Killswitch Engage (Set This) World Ablaze
King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson King
King Diamond Abigail
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms and Lava
Knocked Loose A Different Shade of Blue
Korn Korn
Korn Life Is Peachy
Krallice Mass Cathexis 2 - The Kinetic Infinite
Kvadrat The Horrible Dissonance of Oblivion
Kvelertak Meir
Lamb of God Killadelphia
Lamb of God Ashes Of The Wake
Lamb of God As The Palaces Burn
Lamb of God Hourglass: Anthology Collection
Last Chance to Reason Level 3
Lee McKinney Infinite Mind
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Los Males Del Mundo Descent Towards Death
low before the breeze That Which Still Aches
Manchester Orchestra Simple Math
Mandroid Echostar Citadels
Mandroid Echostar Coral Throne
Mare Cognitum Solar Paroxysm
Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals
Marilyn Manson Antichrist Superstar
Marilyn Manson Holy Wood
Mastodon Crack the Skye
Mastodon Leviathan
Mayhemic Toba
Meer Wheels Within Wheels
Meshuggah Alive
Mestis Telenovela
Mithras On Strange Loops
Mur (IS) Múr
Native Construct Quiet World
Ne Obliviscaris Citadel
Ne Obliviscaris Hiraeth
Ne Obliviscaris Urn
Necrophagist Epitaph
Nektar Journey To The Centre Of The Eye
Nektar Remember The Future
Night Verses Every Sound Has a Color...: Part I
Night Verses From the Gallery of Sleep
Night Verses Every Sound Has a Color...: Part II
Nuclear Power Trio A Clear and Present Rager
Opeth Still Life
Ophidian I Desolate
Oppressive Descent Sulfuric Wrath
Orbs These People Are Animals
Orgone (USA-PA) Pleroma
Others By No One Book I: Dr. Breacher
Outer Heaven Realms of Eternal Decay
Overcast Reborn to Kill Again
Oxygen Destroyer Sinister Monstrosities Spawned...
Pestilence Consuming Impulse
Pineapple Express Uplift
Pink Floyd The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd A Foot in the Door
Pink Floyd Animals
Pink Floyd The Wall
Plini/Sithu Aye I
Power Trip Live in Seattle: 05.28.18
Protest the Hero Fortress
Protest the Hero Kezia
Protest the Hero Scurrilous
Protest the Hero Pacific Myth
Protest the Hero Fortress (Instrumental)
Protest the Hero Palimpsest - Instrumentals
Pupil Slicer Mirrors
Rage Against the Machine Evil Empire
Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine
Rage Against the Machine Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium
Ragnarok (SWE) Ragnarok
Revocation The Outer Ones
Richard Henshall Mu Vol. I
Rings of Saturn Dingir
Ripped to Shreds 劇變 (Jubian)
Rivers of Nihil Where Owls Know My Name
Rush Hemispheres
Rx Bandits Mandala
Sacrifice Forward to Termination
Scale the Summit The Collective
Semiramis Dedicato a Frazz
Serpent Of Gnosis As I Drink from the Infinite Well of Inebriation
Setentia Darkness Transcend
Sgaile Ideals & Morality
Shadow Of Intent Melancholy
Shrezzers Relationships
Singularity (USA-AZ) Singularity
Sky Architect Excavations of the Mind
Slayer Reign in Blood
Slayer Seasons in the Abyss
Sleepwalker (JPN) Skopofoboexoskelett
Slipknot Slipknot
Slipknot Disasterpieces
Smashface As Hard As Life
Snapcase Progression Through Unlearning
Soen Lotus
Solbrud IIII
Son of Aurelius Under a Western Sun
Spectral Lore IV (Part 1)
Spectral Wound Songs of Blood and Mire
Spiral Architect A Sceptic's Universe
Stortregn Finitude
Sweven (SWE) The Eternal Resonance
Sylosis Edge of the Earth
Sylosis Cycle of Suffering
System of a Down System of a Down
Telegraph Mir
Terror Live By The Code
Tetrafusion Dreaming Of Sleep
Thank You Scientist Stranger Heads Prevail
The Black Dahlia Murder Nocturnal
The Black Dahlia Murder Unhallowed
The Black Dahlia Murder Everblack
The Black Dahlia Murder Nightbringers
The Black Dahlia Murder Verminous
The Contortionist Language (Rediscovered Edition)
The Cure Galore
The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity
The Dillinger Escape Plan Live Infinity
The Faceless Akeldama
The Fall of Troy Phantom on the Horizon
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Wild Gods
The Prize Fighter Inferno Beaver Records EP
The Seven Ups The Old World
The Smiths Hatful of Hollow
The World Is Quiet Here Zon
Thirdface Ministerial Cafeteria
Thrailkill Unperson
Tomb Mold The Enduring Spirit
Trha Nvenlanëg
Trioscapes Separate Realities
Ulcerate Stare Into Death and Be Still
Ulcerate The Destroyers of All
Ulcerate Cutting the Throat of God
Ultha All That Has Never Been True
Ulver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
Undeath Lesions of a Different Kind
Unearth Watchers of Rule
Unearth The Oncoming Storm
Unreqvited Perpetual Green of the Willow Grove
Urfaust Compilation Of Intoxications
Vampire Squid Reinventing the Eel
Virvum Illuminance
VoidCeremony Entropic Reflections Continuum: Dimensional...
Warforged The Grove | Sundial
White Arms of Athena Astrodrama
Woe Of Tyrants Kingdom of Might
Xoth Exogalactic
Yellow Eyes Rare Field Ceiling
Yes Fragile

4.0 excellent
...and Oceans The Symmetry of I - The Circle of O
200 Stab Wounds Piles Of Festering Decomposition
3 (USA) The End is Begun
3 Inches of Blood Fire Up The Blades
7 H. Target Yantra Creating
7 Horns 7 Eyes Throes Of Absolution
A Hero a Fake Let Oceans Lie
A Light In The Dark A Long Journey Home
A Loathing Requiem Acolytes Eternal
A Lot Like Birds Plan B
A Lot Like Birds Conversation Piece
A Perfect Circle Eat the Elephant
A Plea for Purging A Critique of Mind and Thought
Aara Phthonos
Abigail Williams In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns
Abigail Williams In the Absence of Light
Abrams Blue City
Abyssic Hate Suicidal Emotions
Abyssus Death Revival
Acathexis Immerse
Acausal Intrusion Nulitas
Acausal Intrusion Seeping Evocation
Ad Nauseam Imperative Imperceptible Impulse
Adjy The Idyll Opus (I-VI)
Adramelech Psychostasia
Adversarial Solitude with the Eternal...
Aenigmatum Deconsecrate
Aepoch The Scryer
Aequorea Dim
Aeternam Heir of the Rising Sun
Aetheria Conscientia The Blossoming
Aeviterne The Ailing Facade
AFI Crash Love
After the Burial Forging a Future Self
After the Burial This Life Is All We Have
After the Burial Wolves Within
Afterbirth Four Dimensional Flesh
Afterbirth The Time Traveler's Dilemma
Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain
Agriculture Agriculture
Ahab The Coral Tombs
Akasha Canticles of the Sepulchral Deity
Akhlys House of the Black Geminus
Akhlys The Dreaming I
Alarum Recontinue
Alcyone Cult Of Kukulkan
Aldheorte Where Gods Have Eyes To See
Alienation Mental Ball Spouter
Alkaloid Liquid Anatomy
Alkaloid Numen
All Shall Perish This Is Where It Ends
All That Remains This Darkened Heart
Allegaeon Apoptosis
Allegaeon Damnum
Alluvial Sarcoma
Alluvial Death Is But A Door
ALMO Reconciliation
Altarage Succumb
Altesia Embryo
Alto Arc Alto Arc
Alustrium A Monument to Silence
Amalekim Avodah Zarah
Amanda Whiting The Liminality of Her
Amenra De Doorn
Amiensus Reclamation: Part 1
Amun Spectra and Obsession
An Abstract Illusion Illuminate the Path
An Autumn All Fell Silent, Everything Went Quiet
An Endless Sporadic Ameliorate
Anata The Conductor's Departure
Anata Under a Stone With No Inscription
Ancestral Blood Forgotten Myths and Legends - Chapter 1
Anciients Beyond the Reach of the Sun
Anciients Heart of Oak
And So I Watch You From Afar Gangs
And So I Watch You From Afar Megafauna
Angel Vivaldi Universal Language
Animals As Leaders Animals as Leaders
Animals As Leaders Animals As Leaders Live 2017
Animosity Animal
Animosity Shut It Down
Animosity Empires
Antrisch Expedition II: Die Passage
Antrisch Expedition I : Dissonanzgrat
Aortes Devouring Gloom
Apes Penitence
Aquilus Bellum II
Arch Echo You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
Arch Echo Arch Echo
Arch Echo Final Pitch
Arch Enemy Khaos Legions
Ares Kingdom In Darkness At Last
Aric Improta Blur​-​Lights In The Videodrome
Aristarchos Martyr of Star and Fire
Arizmenda Spiders Lust in the Dungeon's Dust
Arkheron Thodol Rituals of the Sovereign Heart
Aronious Irkalla
Aronious Perspicacity
Artificial Brain Labyrinth Constellation
Artificial Language The Observer
Artificial Language Now We Sleep
Artificial Language Distant Glow
As I Lay Dying Shadows Are Security
As I Lay Dying The Powerless Rise
As Living Arrows Hope and Ruin
Aseitas Eden Trough
Aseitas False Peace
Assumption Hadean Tides
Astra The Black Chord
Astralborne Across the Aeons
Astronoid November
Atavistic Decay Demo MMXXIV
Atemporal Thorn Genesis
Atheist Jupiter
Atheist Piece Of Time
Atheist Elements
Atlantean Sword All Is Dust
Atlantis Chronicles Nera
Atvm Famine, Putrid and Fucking Endless
Augury Illusive Golden Age
August Burns Red Constellations
August Burns Red Sleddin' Hill: A Holiday Album
August Burns Red Found in Far Away Places
August Burns Red Guardians
August Burns Red Guardians Sessions
August Burns Red Thrill Seeker (Anniversary)
Auld Ridge For Death and Glory, to the Gods I Cry
Auriferous Flame Ardor for Black Mastery
Auriferous Flame The Insurrectionists and the Caretakers
Autonoesis Moon of Foul Magics
Autopsy Ashes, Organs, Blood and Crypts
Avenged Sevenfold Nightmare
Aviations Retrospect
Aviations Luminaria
AVKRVST The Approbation
Baring Teeth The Path Narrows
Baron (FIN) Beneath the Blazing Abyss
Baroness Red Album
Baroness Live at Maida Vale
Baroness Purple
Baroness Gold and Grey
Basil's Kite Shooting Tsars
Basil's Kite Chewing Bread
Bathory Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Bear the Mammoth Purple Haus
Beardfish Mammoth
Beardfish +4626-Comfortzone
Bedsore Dreaming the Strife for Love
Behold... The Arctopus Skullgrid
Bekor Qilish The Flesh of a New God
Bell Witch Future's Shadow I: The Clandestine Gate
Belphegor The Devils
Beneath Moonlight Beneath Moonlight
Beneath the Massacre Marée Noire
Beneath the Massacre Incongruous
Benighted Ekbom
Bethlehem Dictius Te Necare
Better Lovers God Made Me an Animal
Between the Buried and Me Coma Ecliptic: Live
Between the Buried and Me The Silent Circus
Between the Buried and Me Alaska (Instrumental)
Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect
Between the Buried and Me Automata I
Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect Live
Beyond Creation The Aura
Beyond Creation Earthborn Evolution
Bipolar Architecture Metaphysicize
Birds And Buildings Bantam To Behemoth
Birth (USA-CA) Birth (demo)
Birth (USA-CA) Born
Bizarrekult Vi Overlevde
Bjork Greatest Hits
Black Birch Black Birch
Black Crown Initiate The Wreckage of Stars
Black Curse Endless Wound
Black Curse Burning in Celestial Poison
Blackbraid Blackbraid II
Blackdeath Mortui Incedere Possunt
Blackstaff The Storyteller
Blasfeme Black Legion
Blastanus Beyond
Bleed (USA-TX) Somebody's Closer
Blindfolded and Led to the Woods Nightmare Withdrawals
Blindfolded and Led to the Woods Rejecting Obliteration
Blood Incantation Luminescent Bridge
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction
Blood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human Race
Blood Incantation Starspawn
Blood Incantation Absolute Elsewhere
Bloodbath Survival of the Sickest
Bloodshot Dawn Demons
Bloodshot Dawn Bloodshot Dawn
Bloom Dream It Didn't Have To Be This Way
Blotted Science The Machinations of Dementia
Blut Aus Nord Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses
Bongripper Empty
Bonjour Tristesse Against Leviathan!
Born of Osiris The New Reign
Born of Osiris The Eternal Reign
Boss Keloid Family the Smiling Thrush
Bosse-de-Nage Further Still
Botch We Are the Romans
Boundaries Death Is Little More
Brii Último Ancestral Comum
Brodequin Harbinger of Woe
BRUIT The Machine Is Burning...
Brujeria Matando Güeros
Brujeria Raza Odiada
Brymir Voices in the Sky
Buckethead It's Alive
Buckethead Healing Inside Outside Every Side
Buckethead A Real Diamond In The Rough
Burn the Priest Legion: XX
Burned In Effigy Rex Mortem
Burning Palace Hollow
Burning The Masses Offspring of Time
Byzantine ...And They Shall Take Up Serpents
Byzantine Black Sea Codex
Cadaver Edder and Bile
Cadaveric Fumes Echoing Chambers Of Soul
Caelestra Bastion
Cailleach Calling Dreams Of Fragmentation
Caliban Shadow Hearts
Caligula's Horse Bloom
Calvaiire Forceps
Candy (USA) It's Inside You
Candy (USA) Flipping
Candy (USA) Good To Feel
Canvas Solaris Chromosphere
Car Bomb Live In Santa Cruz
Cara Neir Phase Out
Caravela Escarlate III
Carcass Necroticism: Descanting the Insalubrious
Carcass Surgical Steel
Carnal Tomb Embalmed in Decay
Carnation (BE) Cursed Mortality
Cavalera Conspiracy Psychosis
Cavalera Conspiracy Bestial Devastation
Cavalera Conspiracy Morbid Visions
Cave Sermon Divine Laughter
Cavern Womb Stages of Infinity
Celeste Assassine(s)
Celestial Sanctuary Insatiable Thirst For Torment
Celtic Frost To Mega Therion
Cephalic Carnage Xenosapien
Cerebral Rot Odious Descent Into Decay
Ceremony Of Silence Oútis
Ceremony Of Silence Hálios
Ceuthonymus Winter's Frozen Vein
Ch'ahom Knots of Abhorrence
Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean Obsession Destruction
Chamber (USA) Carved In Stone
Charlie Griffiths Tiktaalika
Chat Pile God's Country
Chat Pile Cool World
Chepang Swatta
Chevelle Wonder What's Next
Children of Bodom Relentless Reckless Forever
Children of Bodom Hexed
Chiliasm Flesh Over Finite
Chimaira Resurrection
Chimaira Chimaira
CHON Woohoo!
Cindy Lee Diamond Jubilee
Circa Survive A Dream About Death
Civerous Maze Envy
Claret Ash Worldtorn: Anemoia
Cloakroom Time Well
Cloudkicker Solitude
Coexistence Collateral Dimension
Coffin Curse The Continuous Nothing
Cognitive Abhorrence
Cognitive Collapse The Divine Comedy
Cognizance Malignant Dominion
Cognizance Cognizance
Cognizance Upheaval
Cognizance Phantazein
Coheed and Cambria No World for Tomorrow
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Coheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Coheed and Cambria The Afterman: Ascension
Coheed and Cambria The Afterman (Live Edition)
Coheed and Cambria Vaxis I: The Unheavenly Creatures
Cold 13 Ways to Bleed On Stage
Coldplay A Head Full of Dreams
Coldplay Live in Buenos Aires
Coldplay Ghost Stories Live 2014
Coma Control Perennial
Concrete (USA-NY) Free Us From Existence
Concrete Winds Concrete Winds
Conducting from the Grave Revenants
Conifere L'Imp​ô​t du Sang
Contrarian Only Time Will Tell
Converge Jane Doe
Converge The Dusk in Us
Converge I Can Tell You About Pain
Converge Beautiful Ruin
Converge Jane Live
Converge When Forever Comes Crashing
Converge/Dropdead Split
Corelia New Wilderness
Cormorant Dwellings
Cormorant Earth Diver
Cormorant Diaspora
Cosmic Jaguar The Legacy of the Aztecs
Cosmic Putrefaction The Horizons Towards Which Splendour Withers
Cosmic Putrefaction Crepuscular Dirge for the Blessed Ones
Counterparts A Eulogy for Those Still Here
Counterparts Heaven Let Them Die
Countless Skies New Dawn
Cradle of Filth Existence Is Futile
Craft Total Soul Rape
Creeping Death Wretched Illusions
Crippled Black Phoenix Ellengaest
Critical Defiance The Search Won't Fall​.​.​.
Crosses Initiation / Protection
Crosses permanent.radiant
Crucible of Sorrow Sadistic Hymns of Sorrow
Crucifier Stronger Than Passing Time
Crydebris The Severing
Crypta Shades of Sorrow
Cryptic Hatred Internal Torment
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus
Cryptic Slaughter Convicted
Cryptosis Bionic Swarm
Crypts of Despair All Light Swallowed
Cryptum Vile Emergence
Crystal Age Far Beyond Divine Horizons
Cult of Luna Vertikal
Cursebinder Drifting
Cyborg Octopus Learning To Breathe
Cynic Traced in Air
Cynic Focus
Cytotoxin Gammageddon
Cytotoxin Radiophobia
Daeva (USA-PA) Through Sheer Will And Black Magic…
Dance Gavin Dance Afterburner
Dark Matter Secret Perfect World Creation
Darkest Hour The Eternal Return
Darkest Hour Undoing Ruin
Darkest Hour The Human Romance
Darkest Hour Godless Prophets and the Migrant Flora
Darkest Hour Live In Lockdown
Darkest Hour Perpetual | Terminal
Darkestrah Nomad
Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger
Davenport Cabinet Our Machine
David Maxim Micic BILO IV
Dawn of Ouroboros Velvet Incandescence
Dawn Treader (UK) Bloom & Decay
Dawnwalker The Unknowing
De Profundis The Corruption of Virtue
Dead Heat Endless Torment
Dead To Fall Everything I Touch Falls To Pieces
Dead To Fall Villainy & Virtue
Deadbody The Requiem
Deafheaven New Bermuda
Deafheaven Roads to Judah
Deafheaven Infinite Granite
Death Leprosy
Death Human
Death Spiritual Healing
Death Scream Bloody Gore
Deathless Void The Voluptuous Fire Of Sin
Deathspell Omega Drought
Deathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
Decipher Arcane Paths of Resurrection
Defacement Duality
Defeated Sanity Passages Into Deformity
Deftones Adrenaline
Deftones Diamond Eyes
Deftones Koi No Yokan
Deftones Ohms
Dehks...Esperance My devotion to lust, horror and satanic orders
Delving Hirschbrunnen
Delving All Paths Diverge
Demersal Demersal
Demilich Nespithe
Demiser Slave to the Scythe
Demon King Vesania
Demoniac (CHL) So It Goes
Deposed King One Man's Grief
Despised Icon Day Of Mourning
Dessiderium Shadow Burn
Dessiderium Aria
Deus Mortem Thanatos
Devangelic Xul
Devenial Verdict Blessing of Despair
Deviant Process Nurture
Deviant Process Paroxysm
Devil Sold His Soul A Fragile Hope
DevilDriver The Last Kind Words
DevilDriver DevilDriver
DevilDriver The Fury of Our Maker's Hand
DGM Endless
Diabys Portals of Annihilation
Dischordia Triptych
Disembodied If God Only Knew The Rest Were Dead
Disembodied Tyrant The Tower: Part One
Disembodied Tyrant/Synestia The Poetic Edda
Disentomb Nothing Above
Disillusion Back to Times of Splendor
Disorder Assembly Combustion Fossil
Dispar Autumn Ends
Dissimulator (CAN) Lower Form Resistance
Dodheimsgard Black Medium Current
Dodsrit Mortal Coil
Dora Jar No Way To Relax When You Are On Fire
Dozer Drifting In The Endless Void
Drain (USA-CA) Living Proof
Dream Theater Parasomnia
Dream Unending Tide Turns Eternal
Dream Unending Song of Salvation
Dreamless Veil Every Limb of the Flood
drive your plow over the bones of the dead Tragedy as Catharsis
Drowning the Light Cursed Below the Waves
Drudkh Microcosmos
Dungeon Serpent World of Sorrows
Duskmourn Fallen Kings and Rusted Crowns
Dvne Voidkind
Dying Fetus Make Them Beg for Death
Dying Wish Fragments of a Bitter Memory
Dyssidia Costly Signals
Earth Crisis 1991-2001: Forever True
East of the Wall NP-Complete
East of the Wall The Apologist
Echushkya Twilight Murmuration
Elder (USA-MA) Live at BBC Maida Vale Studios
Elder (USA-MA) Innate Passage
Electric Wizard Dopethrone
Elegy (RUS) Graveflowers
Ellesmere (ITA) Stranger Skies
Elysian Wires of Creation
Emerson, Lake and Palmer Tarkus
Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Emperor IX Equilibrium
END (USA-NJ) The Sin of Human Frailty
Endless, Nameless Living Without
Enisum Forgotten Mountains
Enslaved Heimdal
Entheos (USA) Dark Future
Entheos (USA) Time Will Take Us All
Entheos (USA) An End to Everything
Entropia (PL) Total
Envision The Gods That Built Tomorrow
Epitaphe II
Equipoise Demiurgus
ERRA Impulse
ERRA Augment
ERRA Moments of Clarity
Esoctrilihum Eternity Of Shaog
Esoctrilihum Dy'th Requiem for the Serpent Telepath
Esoctrilihum Urionhsol (Seven Demons)
Esoctrilihum Consecration of the Spiritus Flesh
Esoctrilihum Luadimmerantia
Esoctrilihum Funeral
Eternal (USA-AZ) Cryptic Lust
Eternal Storm A Giant Bound to Fall
Eternity Forever Fantasy
Ethereal Shroud Trisagion
Eudaemon Tour Demo 2024
Evan Brewer Alone
Ever Forthright Ever Forthright
Every Time I Die Radical
Every Time I Die A Colossal Wreck // Desperate Pleasures
Evilyn Mondestrunken
Exhibition The Last Laugh
Exhumation (IDN) Master's Personae
Exist Sunlight
Exocrine The Hybrid Suns
Exsanguination Burial Rites
Eyehategod Dopesick
Fabricant Drudge To The Thicket
Faceless Burial At The Foothills Of Deliration
Faetooth Remnants of the Vessel
Faithxtractor Contempt for a Failed Dimension
Fake Eyes Saccharine Scream
Fake Eyes Demo
Fall of Stasis The Chronophagist
Fallujah Dreamless
Fallujah Empyrean
Fathomage Autumn's Dawn, Winter's Darkness
Felt (USA-AL) Felt
Fen Winter
Fen Monuments to Absence
Feral Forms Through Demonic Spell
FesterDecay Reality Rotten to the Core
Fimnur Wintertide
Final Resting Place Prelude To Extinction
Fire! Orchestra Echoes
Fires in the Distance Air Not Meant For Us
First Fragment Dasein
First Fragment Le Recueuil Des Âges
Fit for an Autopsy The Great Collapse
Flaw Through the Eyes
Fleet Foxes Shore
Fleshgod Apocalypse Veleno
Fleshvessel Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed
Fleshwrought Dementia/Dyslexia
Floating (SWE) The Waves Have Teeth
Flourish Deepest Wellsprings of Being
Fluisteraars De Kronieken van het Verdwenen Kasteel I: Harslo
Fluisteraars De Kronieken Van Het... - II - Nergena
Fluisteraars Gegrepen Door de Geest der Zielsontluiking
For Today Ekklesia
Foreign Hands Bleed the Dream
Forn Repercussions of the Self
Fortid Narkissos
Fossilization Leprous Daylight
Fractal Generator Convergence
Fractal Universe The Impassable Horizon
Frail Body Artificial Bouquet
Freedom of Fear Carpathia
Fren Where Do You Want Ghosts to Reside
From Dying Suns Calamity
Frost* Life in the Wires
Fuel Sunburn
Full of Hell and Nothing When No Birds Sang
Funeral Mist Deiform
Funereal Presence Achatius
Furia Nocel
Gabestok Med Freden Kommer Hadet
Gaerea Coma
Garbage Version 2.0
Gatecreeper Dark Superstition
Gatling Beforemath
Gazpacho Fireworker
Gehenna First Spell
Geld Currency // Castration
Genital Shame Chronic Illness Wish
Genocide Pact Genocide Pact
Gentle Giant In a Glass House
Gevurah Gehinnom
Ghost (SWE) Meliora
Ghost (SWE) Infestissumam
Ghost (SWE) Opus Eponymous
Ghost (SWE) Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic
Ghost (SWE) Ceremony And Devotion
Giant Squid The Ichthyologist
Gigan Anomalous Abstractigate Infinitessimus
Glass Casket We Are Gathered Here Today...
Glass Casket Glass Casket
Glassing Twin Dream
Glassing From the Other Side of the Mirror
Glassjaw Our Color Green (The Singles)
Goat Goat
Goatrocity Atrocity of God
God Mother Obeveklig
Goetia (USA-DC) Goetia
Gojira L'Enfant Sauvage
Gojira From Mars to Sirius
Gojira Fortitude
Gold Necklace Gold Necklace
Golden Cannibal Golden Cannibal
Good Tiger A Head Full of Moonlight
Good Tiger We Will All be Gone
Good Tiger Raised in a Doomsday Cult
Gorguts Colored Sands
Gorguts Obscura
Gorod Aethra
Gorod Leading Vision
Gorod The Orb
Gospel The Loser
Gravesend Gowanus Death Stomp
Great Falls Funny What Survives
Greg Puciato Child Soldier: Creator of God
Greg Puciato Mirrorcell
Greyhaven This Bright and Beautiful World
Greylotus Dawnfall
Greylotus Motherwort
GridLink Coronet Juniper
Grivo Omit
Guardians The Alignment
Gutted (USA) Bleed for Us to Live
Gutvoid Durance of Lightless Horizons
Hagetisse The Fountain of Fallen Stars
Haken Virus
Hallas Conundrum
Hallas Hällas
Hallas The Hällas Saga - Live at Cirkus
Hannes Grossmann To Where The Light Retreats
Hannes Grossmann Echoes Of Eternity
Harboured Harboured
Hate Forest Justice
Hatebreed Perseverance
Hatebreed The Concrete Confessional
Hatebreed Rise of Brutality
Hatebreed Live Dominance
Hath Of Rot And Ruin
Hath All That Was Promised
Haunted Shores Cyclamen/Haunted Shores Split
Haunted Shores Void
Havukruunu Uinuos Syömein Sota
Hazzerd The 3rd Dimension
Heaven Shall Burn Of Truth and Sacrifice
Heaven's Gate (USA-FL) Heaven's Gate
Heaving Earth Darkness of God
Hellish Form Deathless
Hellripper Warlocks Grim And Withered Hags
Hellwitch Annihilational Intercention
Hemotoxin When Time Becomes Loss
Here Comes the Kraken Here Comes the Kraken
Hidden Mothers Erosion / Avulsion
Hideous Divinity Unextinct
Hierarchies Hierarchies
High Command Eclipse of the Dual Moons
High on Fire Cometh the Storm
Himsa Courting Tragedy & Disaster
Homeskin Life's Grip to Laughter
Homeskin Subverse Siphoning of Suburbia
Hoplites Τ​ρ​ω​θ​η​σ​ο​μ​έ​ν​η
Hoplites Ἀ​ν​τ​ι​τ​ι​μ​ω​ρ​ο​υ​μ​έ​ν​η
Horna Kuoleman Kirjo
Horrendous Anareta
Horrendous Ecdysis
Horsewhip Consume and Burn
Howls of Ebb The Marrow Veil
Hulder The Eternal Fanfare
Hum Inlet
Hum Downward Is Heavenward
Hypno5e Sheol
I Am The Intimidator I Am The Intimidator
Iapetus The Body Cosmic
ichika Forn
Ichika Nito Awakening
IDYLLS Prayer for Terrene
Ihsahn Ihsahn
Illyria Wanderlust
Immolation Acts of God
Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Immortal At the Heart of Winter
Immortal War Against All
Immortal Bird Sin Querencia
Imperial Triumphant Alphaville
Imperial Triumphant Vile Luxury
Imperial Triumphant Spirit of Ecstasy
Imperial Triumphant Inceste
In Flames Clayman
In Flames The Jester Race
Inanimate Existence A Never-Ending Cycle of Atonement
Incessant Entropic Aeons
Inclination A Glimpse Through The Lens
Inconcessus Lux Lucis Temples Colliding in Fire
Incubus (USA-CA) Make Yourself
Incubus (USA-CA) Morning View
Inferi (USA) The End of an Era | Rebirth
Inferi (USA) Revenant
Inferi (USA) The Path of Apotheosis
Inferi (USA) Of Sunless Realms
Ingurgitating Oblivion Ontology of Nought
Ingurgitating Oblivion Vision Wallows in Symphonies of Light
Inquisition Obscure Verses for the Multiverse
Insect Warfare World Extermination
Insomnium Anno 1696
Inspirative Invisible Bonds
Interpersonal The Long Bright Dark
Intervals In Time
Intervals Circadian
Invocation (CL) "The Archaic Sanctuary" (Ritual Body Postures)
Invultation Feral Legion
Iotunn Kinship
Iravu A Fate Worse than Home
Ithaca They Fear Us
Iwrestledabearonce It's All Happening
Jack White Fear of the Dawn
Jared Dines Shred Feast
Job For A Cowboy Demonocracy
Job For A Cowboy Genesis
John 5 God Told Me To
John Frum A Stirring In The Noos
Johnny Booth Storyteller
Johnny The Boy You
Joliette Luz de Bengala
Jupiter Fungus Garden Electric
Kaatayra Split w/ Pessimista
Kalmah Swampsong
Kalmah Kalmah
Kamasi Washington Harmony of Difference
Kardashev The Baring of Shadows
Karmacipher Introspectrum
Karmanjakah A Book About Itself
Katahdin No Longer Room For Us
Kathaaria To Be Shunned By All … As Centres Of Pestilence
Kauan ATM Revised
Kawir Kydoimos
Kayo Dot Moss Grew on the Swords and Plowshares Alike
Keane Strangeland
Kenn Nardi Trauma
Khruangbin A La Sala
Killer Be Killed Reluctant Hero
Killswitch Engage The End of Heartache
Killswitch Engage Atonement
Killswitch Engage Live at the Palladium
King Buffalo Regenerator
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Laminated Denim
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of...
Kitsune Uninvited
Knocked Loose A Tear in the Fabric of Life
Knocked Loose Upon Loss Singles
Knocked Loose You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To
Knoll As Spoken
Kommand (USA-CA) Death Age
Kommodus Wreath of Bleeding Snowfall
Koop Waltz for Koop
Korn Follow the Leader
Krallice Crystalline Exhaustion
Krallice Mass Cathexis
Krallice Porous Resonance Abyss
Krallice Inorganic Rites
Kreator Pleasure To Kill
Krigsgrav Fires in the Fall
Kronos Arisen New Era
Krosis Infinite Circuitry
Kultura kureniya Polnoch v Novosibirske
Kvadrat Ψυχική Αποσύνθεση
Kvelertak Kvelertak
Kvelertak Nattesferd
Kvelertak Splid
Kvelertak Endling
Lamb of God Sacrament
Lamb of God Wrath Tour 2009-2010
Lamb of God Resolution
Lamb of God VII: Sturm Und Drang
Lamentations Echoes in the Wind
Lamp of Murmuur Submission and Slavery
Lamp of Murmuur Saturnian Bloodstorm
Lantlos Melting Sun
Last Chance to Reason Level 2
Legion of the Damned The Poison Chalice
Leon III Antlers in Velvet
Lepra (SWE) Mortuus Morgana
Leprous Melodies Of Atonement
Leprous Aphelion
Leprous Bilateral
Leshiy ПогаHые сны
Levi/Werstler Avalanche of Worms
Leviathan Scar Sighted
Leylines Leylines
Lifeless Dark Forces of Nature's Transformation
Lifesick Loved By None, Hated By All
Limbonic Art In Abhorrence Dementia
Liminal Shroud All Virtues Ablaze
Linus Klausenitzer Tulpa
Liturgy 93696
Locktender Sage: I
Locktender Friedrich
Lord Huron Long Lost
Lotus Eater Machine Prisoner to Seven Demons
low before the breeze It Kindly Bent Around Me
Luna's Call Void
Lunar (USA-CA) Tempora Mutantur
Lunar Chamber Shambhallic Vibrations
Lunatic Soul Through Shaded Woods
LVME Of Sinful Nature
Lybica Lybica
Lye By Mistake Fea Jur
Majesties Vast Reaches Unclaimed
Malignancy Intrauterine Cannibalism
Malignant Altar Realms of Exquisite Morbidity
Malleus The Fires of Heaven
Malokarpatan Vertumnus Caesar
Malthusian Across Deaths
Malthusian/Suffering Hour Time's Withering Shadow
Mamaleek Vida Blue
Mammoth Grinder Undying Spectral Resonance
Manchester Orchestra The Million Masks of God
Mandroid Echostar Mandroid Echostar
Marcin Dragon In Harmony
Mare Cognitum Phobos Monolith
Marilyn Manson The Last Tour on Earth
Marilyn Manson Raise The Red Flag
Markgraf Hohenbaden
Martin Grech Hush Mortal Core
Maruja Knocknarea
Maruja Connla's Well
Mass Worship Portal Tombs
Master Boot Record HARDWAREZ
Mastodon Blood Mountain
Mastodon Live at the Aragon
Mastodon The Hunter
Mastodon Cold Dark Place
Mastodon Hushed and Grim
Mastodon Remission
Mastodon Live at Brixton
Matt Carey Bonkers!
Mefitis Emberdawn
Meltem Mare Nostrum
Mental Cruelty A Hill to Die Upon
Merauder Master Killer
Mercyful Fate Don't Break The Oath
Merrimack Of Grace and Gravity
Meshuggah Koloss
Meshuggah The Violent Sleep of Reason
Meshuggah Immutable
Mestis Basal Ganglia
Mestis Eikasia
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 3 - A Fullmoon Madness
Midnight Odyssey Closer To The Sky
Mindforce New Lords
Minenwerfer Alpenpässe
Minenwerfer Feuerwalze
Mirror Neuron Great Content
Misanthropy The Ever​-​Crushing Weight of Stagnance
Miscreance Convergence
Misery Signals Controller
Misery Signals Mirrors
Miss Fortune A Spark To Believe
Missing Link (USA-NY) Watch Me Bleed
Misthyrming Með hamri
Mithras Behind the Shadows Lie Madness
Mitochondrion Vitriseptome
Moon Machine Moon Machine
Moon Safari Himlabacken Vol. 2
Moon Tooth Chromaparagon
Moon Tooth Crux
Moon Tooth Violent Grief: Acoustic Selections
Mooncitadel Night's Scarlet Symphonies
Moonlight Sorcery Nightwind: The Conqueror From The Stars
Moonlight Sorcery Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle
Moonreich Amer
Moonsorrow Jumalten aika
Morcolac Drawbridge to Citadel of No More Dawn
Mork Syv
Morrow (UK) The Quiet Earth
Mors Principium Est Liberate the Unborn Inhumanity
Mortiferum Preserved in Torment
Mortuous Upon Desolation
Motorpsycho The All Is One
Motorpsycho Ancient Astronauts
Motorpsycho Yay!
Mournful Congregation The Exuviae Of Gods - Part II
Mudvayne L.D. 50
Mudvayne L(ive) D(osage) 50: Live in Peoria DVD
Nadra Allir vegir til glötunar
Nahtrunar Hrima
NAILS Abandon All Life
NAILS I Don't Want To Know You
NAILS You Will Never Be One Of Us
Narrow Head Satisfaction
Native Construct Quiet World (Instrumental Version)
Nattverd I Helvetes Forakt
Ne Obliviscaris Portal of I
Ne Obliviscaris Sarabande to Nihil
Ne Obliviscaris Exul
Nebulae Come Sweet De Lumiére
Nechochwen Kanawha Black
Neck of the Woods The Annex of Ire
Necropanther Betrayal
Necrophagist Onset of Putrefaction (Re-issue)
Necrot Lifeless Birth
Negative Plane The Pact
Nephilim's Noose Rites of a Death Merchant
Nervosa Jailbreak
Nightmarer Deformity Adrift
Nightmarer Deformity Adrift: Reformed
Nightrage Remains of a Dead World
Nile Vile Nilotic Rites
Nile The Underworld Awaits Us All
Nithing Agonal Hymns
No Cure I Hope I Die Here
Noctule Wretched Abyss
Nocturnal Depression Perpétuelle Eclipse
Nogothula Telluric Sepsis
Noise Trail Immersion Symbology of Shelter
Nokturnal Mortum To Lunar Poetry
Noltem Illusions In The Wake
Noppslyde Only for the Driven
Nord (FRA) The Only Way To Reach The Surface
Norma Jean All Hail
Nospun Opus
Null (USA) Hiraeth
Numenorean Adore
Obliteration Cenotaph Obscure
Obscene (USA-IN) Agony & Wounds
Obscura A Valediction
Obscura Akróasis
Obscura Diluvium
Obscure Sphinx Emovere
Obsidian Tide The Grand Crescendo
Obsidian Tongue The Stone Heart
Obverse Obverse
Ocean Of Grief Pale Existence
Ode and Elegy Ode and Elegy
Odious Spirit The Treason of Consciousness
Odz Manouk Ծուռ (Tzurr)
Odz Manouk Bosoragazan (Բոսորագազան)
Offernat Where Nothing Grows
Olim Because
Olly Steele Imbalance
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Xenophanes
Omnerod The Amensal Rise
Omnivortex Circulate
Once and Future Band Deleted Scenes
Oozing Wound We Cater To Cowards
Orbs Asleep Next to Science
Orm Intet • Altet
Ornatorpet Fordomdags
Orphaned Land Mabool (The Story of the Three Sons...)
Ortolan Ortolan
Oryx Primordial Sky
Ossaert Offerdier
Osserp Els Nous Cants de la Sibil·la
ostraca Disaster
Others By No One Book II: Where Stories Come From
Oubliette (USA-TN) Eternity Whispers
Oubliette (USA-TN) The Passage
Outlander (UK) Acts of Harm
Owane yeah whatever
OWDWYR Receptor
Pa Vesh En Martyrs
Pain of Truth (USA) Not Through Blood
Painted in Exile Revitalized
Pallbearer Forgotten Days
Panopticon .​.​.​And Again into the Light
Panopticon The Rime of Memory
Panzerchrist All Witches Shall Burn
Panzerfaust The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter IV: To Shadow Zion
Panzerwar Pale Whispers Of A Writhing Moon
Papa Roach Infest
Papangu Lampi​ã​o Rei
Party Cannon Injuries Are Inevitable
Patristic Apologetica
Paysage d'Hiver Die Berge
Penitence Onirique Nature Morte
Periphery Periphery III: Select Difficulty
Periphery Live in London
Persefone Metanoia
Persefone Truth Inside the Shades (Re-Recorded)
Pestilength Solar Clorex
Petrale The World Down There
Pharmacist Flourishing Extremities On Unspoiled Mental Ground
Phinehas The Fire Itself
Phobocosm Foreordained
Picture It In Ruins Solipsism
Pig Destroyer Painter of Dead Girls (2024 Remaster)
Pig Destroyer Terrifyer
Pijn From Low Beams Of Hope
Pilori (FRA) Quand Bien Meme l'Enfer et le Deluge S'Abattraient
Pineapple Express Passages
Plague Years All Will Suffer
Plaguebringer Diabolos
Plini Sweet Nothings
Plini Sunhead
Plini Handmade Cities
Plini Other Things
Plini The End of Everything
Poh Hock Gallimaufry
Pointed Mutation Engineering The Unhuman
Polyphia Inspire
Polyphia Muse
Pomegranate Tiger Entities
Porter Donde los Ponys Pastan
Porter Atemahawke
Portrayal of Guilt Devil Music
Portrayal of Guilt We Are Always Alone
Portugal. The Man The Satanic Satanist
Power Trip Nightmare Logic
Power Trip Power Trip
Prayer for Cleansing Rain In Endless Fall
Precambrian Tectonics
Predatory Light Death and the Twilight Hours
Predatory Void Seven Keys To The Discomfort of Being
Premiata Forneria Marconi Per un amico
Primus Conspiranoid
Private Prisons Excommunication
Profeci Ubóstwo
Pronostic Chaotic Upheaval
Protest the Hero Volition
Protest the Hero Palimpsest
Protest the Hero Volition (Instrumental)
Psychotic Waltz The God-Shaped Void
Pure Reason Revolution Eupnea
Pure Reason Revolution Above Cirrus
Putrescent Seepage Dead And Demented
Pyrolatrous Inveterate
Pyrrhon Exhaust
Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles
Rammstein Live Aus Berlin
Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication
Reeking Aura Blood And Bonemeal
Regional Justice Center Freedom Sweet Freedom
Rejoice (USA-OH) All Of Heaven's Luck
Rejoice! The Light Has Come Untitled EP II
Relations (GER) From Birth to Death
Replacire The Center That Cannot Hold
Resonant Filth Depraved State
Respire Black Line
Respire Hiraeth
Resuscitate Immortality Complex
Return From Exile Consumed - EP
Reverorum Ib Malacht Martyrium Matrimonii : Sacrificium Christi
Revocation Existence Is Futile
Revocation Chaos of Forms
Revocation Teratogenesis
Rhun (USA-ME) Conveyance In Death
Riitasointu Pedon Leikki
Ringare Of Momentous Endless Night
Rings of Saturn Lugal Ki En
Rings of Saturn Gidim
Ripped to Shreds Sanshi
Rishloo Feathergun
Rishloo Living as Ghosts with Buildings as Teeth
Rishloo Eidolon
Rivers of Nihil The Conscious Seed of Light
Riverside ID.Entity
Rob Zombie Hellbilly Deluxe
Rodrigo y Gabriela 11:11
Rorcal Silence
Rota Fortunae Solstice
Rototypical Volume I: The Tactician
Rotten Sound Apocalypse
Rubber Tea Infusion
Ruin Lust Dissimulant
Runemagick Beyond the Cenotaph of Mankind
Rush Moving Pictures
Sacri Monti Retrieval
Sadness Your Perfect Hands and My Repeated Words
Sadus The Shadow Inside
Saidan Visual Kill: The Blossoming of Psychotic Depravity
Sakna De Syv Dødssynder
Sallow Moth The Larval Hope
Sallow Moth Failure to Find
Sanctuarium Melted And Decomposed
Sarcophagum The Grand Arc of Madness
Sarcoptes Prayers to Oblivion
Sarvekas Woven Dark Paths
Save Us From The Archon Thereafter
Scale the Summit The Migration
Scale the Summit In a World of Fear
Scale the Summit Subjects
Scarcity The Promise of Rain
Scath Na Deithe Virulent Providence
Sceptic Nailed To Ignorance
Schammasch Hearts of No Light
Schammasch The Maldoror Chants: Old Ocean
Sear Bliss Heavenly Down
Selbst Relatos de Angustia
Selbst Despondency Chord Progressions
Sentinels (US) Collapse by Design
Senza Celestial Body
Septicflesh Modern Primitive
Sepulcre Cursed Ways of Sheol
Sepultura Beneath The Remains
Serenity in Murder Reborn
Serocs The Phobos / Deimos Suite
Serpent Column Mirror In Darkness
Serpent Column Kathodos
Serpent Column Ornuthi Thalassa
Serpent Column Tassel of Ares
Shadow Of Intent Elegy
Shadows Fall Of One Blood
Shadows Fall The Art of Balance
Shadows Fall The War Within
Shagor Sotteklugt
She Said Destroy Succession
Shrezzers Relationshits (Instrumental)
Shylmagoghnar Convergence
Siderean Spilling the Astral Chalice
Sikasa Matter Earth
Silhouette (FRA) Les Dires de l'​Â​me
Singularity (USA-AZ) Void Walker
Sithu Aye Kindness
Skagos Chariot Sun Blazing
Skaphe Skáphe³
Skeletal Remains Fragments Of The Ageless
Skeletonwitch Devouring Radiant Light
Sky Architect Nomad
Slimelord Chytridiomycosis Relinquished
Slipknot .5: The Gray Chapter
Slipknot Iowa
Snapcase Designs for Automotion
Snaw A Light Scalping
So Hideous None But a Pure Heart Can Sing
Soen Atlantis
Soften The Glare Making Faces
Soften The Glare Glint
Sol An Varma Sol an Varma
Son of Aurelius The Farthest Reaches
Sonum Visceral Void Entropy
Sortilegia Sorcerous Communion
Soulfly Soulfly
Soulfly Dark Ages
Soulfly Soulfly Digipak
Sovereign Altered Realities
Spaceslug Out of Water
Spastic Ink Ink Complete
Spastic Ink Ink Compatible
Spawn of Possession Incurso
Spectral Lore Ετερόφωτος
Spectral Lore III
Spectral Voice Sparagmos
Spectral Wound Infernal Decadence
Spectrum of Delusion Esoteric Entity
Spectrum of Delusion Neoconception
Speech Odd Odd World
Spheric Universe Experience Back Home
Spinebreaker Cavern Of Inoculated Cognition
Spirit Possession Spirit Possession
Spiritual Deception Semitae Mentis
Spitfire Cult Fiction
Spotlights Seance
Staind Dysfunction
State Faults Children of the Moon
Static-X Wisconsin Death Trip
Stellar Circuits Sight To Sound
Steven Wilson The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)
Steven Wilson Grace for Drowning
Stone Healer Conquistador
Stormkeep Tales of Othertime
Stormruler Sacred Rites & Black Magick
Stortregn Impermanence
Structures Divided By
Stuporous Asylum's Lament
Substructure Monolith
Subterranean Disposition Individuation
Suffering Hour The Cyclic Reckoning
Suhnopfer Nous sommes d'hier
Sulfator Gemini
Sulphur Aeon Seven Crowns and Seven Seals
SUMAC The Healer
Sumatra Heliocratic Infinity
Sumerlands Dreamkiller
Sunflo'er All These Darlings and Now Me
Sunless Ylem
Sunrise Patriot Motion Black Fellflower Stream
Sunrise Patriot Motion My Father Took Me Hunting in the Snow
Superjoint A Lethal Dose of American Hatred
Suppression The Sorrow Of Soul Through Flesh
Sutrah (CAN) Aletheia
Sutrah (CAN) Dunes
Svalbard The Weight of the Mask
Svdestada Candela
Sworn Enemy As Real As It Gets
Syncatto A Place to Breathe
Syncatto Lost Inside
Syncatto Patterns
Syncatto Fiction
System of a Down Toxicity
ta2reeban Sa7eb al motor yastanad 3leikon
Taake Hordalands Doedskvad
Takatak Acrophase
Taproot Gift
Tarfodd Lidande
Tchornobog Tchornobog
Tchornobog / Abyssal (UK) Tchornobog / Abyssal
Team Sleep Woodstock Sessions, Vol. 4
TEETH (CAN) A Biblical Worship Of Violence
Teeth (USA-CA) The Will of Hate
Tegmentum Evolvement
Telomere (CAN) Where Are We Still
Telos Delude
TEMIC Terror Management Theory
Temple Guard Spear of the Revenant
Templestowe Cimmerian
Ten Ton Slug Colossal Oppressor
Tendrils (UK) LONG DEAD
Tentacult Lacerating Pattern
Tenue Arcos, b​ó​vedas, p​ó​rticos
Teramaze Eli: A Wonderful Fall From Grace
Tetrafusion Absolute Zero
Thanatotherion Alienation Manifesto
Thank You Scientist Maps of Non-Existent Places
Thank You Scientist Terraformer
Thank You Scientist Plague Accommodations
Thantifaxath Hive Mind Narcosis
Thantifaxath Sacred White Noise
Thantifaxath Void Masquerading as Matter
The Anchoret It All Began With Loneliness
The Aristocrats Duck
The Beast of Nod Multiversal
The Black Dahlia Murder Ritual
The Black Dahlia Murder Abysmal
The Black Dahlia Murder Grind 'Em All
The Black Dahlia Murder Servitude
The Blood Mountain Black Metal Choir Folklore (Demo I)
The Boy Will Drown Fetish
The Callous Daoboys Celebrity Therapist
The Callous Daoboys God Smiles Upon the Callous Daoboys
The Chasm Farseeing the Paranormal Abysm
The Chronicles of Father Robin The Songs & Tales of Airoea – Book I
The Comet Is Coming Hyper-Dimensional Expansion Beam
The Contortionist Exoplanet
The Contortionist Language
The Contortionist Our Bones
The Cure Songs of a Lost World
The Dear Hunter Act V: Hymns with the Devil in Confessional
The Dear Hunter Act IV: Rebirth in Reprise
The Devils of Loudun Escaping Eternity
The Dillinger Escape Plan Option Paralysis
The Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the Killer
The Dillinger Escape Plan Dissociation
The Dillinger Escape Plan Miss Machine
The Empire Shall Fall Solar Plexus
The End of All Reason Artifacts
The Faceless Autotheism
The Faceless In Becoming a Ghost
The Fall of Troy Mukiltearth
The Flight of Sleipnir Nature's Cadence
The God Awful Truth All That Dark & All That Cold
The Great Old Ones Kadath
The Helix Nebula Meridian
The HIRS Collective We're Still Here
The Hirsch Effekt Urian
The Human Abstract Nocturne
The Human Abstract Digital Veil
The Human Abstract Moonlight Sonata
The Kindred Lore
The Mosaic Window Plight of Acceptance
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Wild Gods (Instrumental)
The Ocean Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | Cenozoic
The Odious That Night a Forest Grew
The Omnific Kismet
The Omnific The Mind's Eye
The Prize Fighter Inferno Half Measures
The Prize Fighter Inferno My Brother's Blood Machine
The Prize Fighter Inferno The City Introvert
The Red Chord Fed Through the Teeth Machine
The Red Chord Fused Together in Revolving Doors
The Reticent The Oubliette
The Ritual Aura Laniakea
The Ruins of Beverast The Thule Grimoires
The Safety Fire Grind the Ocean
The Safety Fire Mouth of Swords
The Sawtooth Grin Good.
The Silver (US) Ward of Roses
The Smiths The Smiths
The Spirit Of Clarity and Galactic Structures
The Spirit Songs Against Humanity
The Strokes Is This It
The Temple (NZ) The Temple
The Velvet Underground The Velvet Underground & Nico
The World Is Quiet Here Prologue
The World Is Quiet Here Prologue (Instrumental)
The Zenith Passage Solipsist
The Zenith Passage Datalysium
Their Dogs Were Astronauts Dreamcatcher
Theophonos Nightmare Visions
Theophonos Ashes in the Huron River
Thirsting Altar Reclamation
This Ending Crowned in Blood
This or the Apocalypse Dead Years
This White Mountain The Final Sorrow
Thornhill The Dark Pool
Thou Umbilical
Thou Tyrant
thoughtcrimes Altered Pasts
Thrailkill Detach
Throats Throats
Through the Eyes of the Dead Bloodlust
Through the Eyes of the Dead The Scars of Ages
Thumos The Republic
Thurnin Útiseta
Thy Catafalque Naiv
Thy Catafalque Alföld
Thy Darkened Shade Liber Lvcifer II: Mahapralaya
Tigran Hamasyan The Bird of a Thousand Voices
Time Heist With Every Passing Moment
Times of Grace The Hymn of a Broken Man
Titan to Tachyons Cactides
Tithe (USA) Inverse Rapture
Toehider X
Tomb Mold Planetary Clairvoyance
Tomb Mold Manor of Infinite Forms
Tombstoner Victims of Vile Torture
Tool Undertow
Torture Rack Primeval Onslaught
Trelldom .​.​.​by the Shadows​.​.​.
Trenches Reckoner
Trha av◊ëlajnt◊ë£ hinnem nihre
Trha n​ê​bam​Ω​ejn
Trha ∫um'ad∂ejja cavvaj
Trha monta ana also
Tribe Of Pazuzu Blasphemous Prophecies
Trioscapes Digital Dream Sequence
Trip the Witch Trip the Witch
Triton Project Messenger's Quest
Triumvirat Illusions On A Double Dimple
Triumvirat Mediterranean Tales
Trvth Black Horse Plague
Tulus Fandens Kall
Turbid North The Decline
Turnstile Glow On
Udande Life of a Purist
Uiv Frigus
Ulcerate Everything Is Fire
Ulcerate Shrines of Paralysis
Ulthar Nightgaunts MMXVI
Ulthar Providence
Ulthar Anthronomicon
Ulthar Helionomicon
Ulvik Last Rites | Dire Omens
Umbra Vitae Shadow of Life
Unanimated Ancient God of Evil
Undeath Live From The Grave
Undeath Demo ‘19
Undeath It's Time...To Rise From the Grave
Under Victoria Beyond the Shadow Veil
Underdark (UK) Managed Decline
Undergang De syv stadier af fordærv
Underneath Nothing Here is Held Sacred
Undying The Whispered Lies of Angels
Unearth The March
Unearth III: In the Eyes of Fire
Unearth The Stings of Conscience
Unearth Alive From the Apocalypse
Unearth The Wretched; The Ruinous
Unhuman Unhuman
Unprocessed ...And Everything In Between
Upon Stone Dead Mother Moon
Urfaust Untergang
Urgehal Through Thick Fog Till Death
Urne A Feast On Sorrow
Ustalost Before The Glinting Spell Unvests
Utopia (UK) Shame
Uulliata Digir Uulliata Digir
Vafurlogi Í v​ö​kulli á​þ​j​á​n
Valdrin Throne of the Lunar Soul
Vale of Pnath Vale of Pnath
Vale of Pnath Between the Worlds of Life and Death
Vamachara No Roses On My Grave
Vampirska Liminal Heart Paints the Deepest Shade of Serenity
Van der Graaf Generator The Least We Can Do Is Wave to...
Veilburner The Duality of Decapitation and Wisdom
Venom Welcome to Hell
Verberis The Apophatic Wilderness
Vermilia Ruska
Vertebra Atlantis Lustral Purge in Cerulean Bliss
Vicious Blade Relentless Force
Vile Ritual Caverns of Occultic Hatred
Violet Cold Multiverse
Vipassi Lightless
Virocracy Irradiation
Virulent Depravity Fruit Of The Poisoned Tree
Viscera Infest Teratoma
Vision of Disorder Imprint
Vital Spirit Still as the Night, Cold as the Wind
Vitalism Anima
Vitriol (USA) Antichrist
Vitriol (USA) Pain Will Define Their Death
Vitriol (USA) Suffer & Become
Vitriolic Sage 梦路
Vogel (IS) Kallið
Void Witch Horripilating Presence
VoidCeremony At the Periphery of Human Realms
VoidCeremony Threads of Unknowing
Vomitory All Heads Are Gonna Roll
Vrenth Succumb to Chaos
Wake Devouring Ruin
Wake Confluence
Wake Thought Form Descent
Waldgefluster Unter Bronzenen Kronen
Walk Through Fire Till Aska
Warcrab The Howling Silence
Warforged I: Voice
Watain The Agony and Ecstasy of Watain
Wax People Wax People
Waxwolf Our Love
Wayfarer American Gothic
Weald and Woe For the Good of the Realm
Weedpecker III
Weyes Blood Titanic Rising
Wharflurch Shittier​/​Slimier
Wheel (FIN) Resident Human
Wheel (FIN) Rumination
Wheel (FIN) Charismatic Leaders
Whirr Raw Blue
White Stones Kuarahy
White Ward False Light
White Ward Love Exchange Failure
White Ward Futility Report
Wilderun Epigone
Will Haven VII
Windir 1184
Windswept Der Eine, Wahre K​ö​nig
Winterfylleth The Imperious Horizon
Witch Vomit Abhorrent Rapture
Witch Vomit Funeral Sanctum
Within the Ruins Invade
Within the Ruins Phenomena II
Within Thy Wounds Ringing the Bell of Gleaming Martyrdom
Wobbler Dwellers of the Deep
Wobbler From Silence to Somewhere
Woe Of Tyrants Threnody
Wolf King Path of Wrath
Wolfheart King of the North
Wolves in the Throne Room Primordial Arcana
World I Hate Years of Lead
Worm Foreverglade
Wormrot Voices
Wormrot Hiss
Wormwitch Wormwitch
Wrath and Rapture Wrath and Rapture
Wretched (USA-NC) Beyond the Gate
Xanthochroid Of Erthe and Axen: Act II
Xaon The Lethean
Xion Between Shadows And Gods
Yashira Fail To Be
Yes Tales from Topographic Oceans
Yes Mirror to the Sky
Yezda Urfa Boris
Zao Live From The Church
Zero Absolu (FRA-black metal) La Saignee
Zopp Dominion
Zwan Mary Star Of The Sea

3.5 great
...and Oceans As in Gardens, So in Tombs
1349 The Wolf and the King
16 Into Dust
1914 Where Fear and Weapons Meet
1914 The Blind Leading the Blind
3 (USA) Revisions
3 (USA) The Ghost You Gave To Me
3 Inches of Blood Here Waits Thy Doom
i like more the last album, but this album is verga
A Hero a Fake Volatile
A Light In The Dark Insomnia
A Pale December Death Panacea
A Perfect Circle eMOTIVe
A Perfect Circle Thirteenth Step
A/Oratos Ecclesia Gnostica
Aara Triade II: Hemera
Aara Eiger
Abduction (UK) Black Blood
Aberration Refracture
Abhorration (NOR) Demonolatry
Abigail Williams Agharta
Abigail Williams Becoming
Abigail Williams The Accuser
Abiotic Ikigai
Abiotic A Universal Plague: Mutation
Abnormality Sociopathic Constructs
Aborted La Grande Mascarade
Aborted Vault of Horrors
Abraham Débris De Mondes Perdus
Abramelin Sins of the Father
Abrams In The Dark
Acausal Intrusion Panpsychism
Ad Mortem In Honorem Mortis
Adele 25
Aduanten Sullen Cadence
Aenimus Dreamcatcher
Aequorea Departure
Aerith Aerith
Aeternus Philosopher
Aethereus Leiden
Aetherian At Storm's Edge
Aethyrick Death is Absent
AFI Sing the Sorrow
After Me, The Flood Still Searching
After the Burial Rareform
After the Burial In Dreams
After the Burial Dig Deep
After the Burial Evergreen
After the Burial Embrace the Infinity
Agathodaimon The Seven
Age of Panic Blades Drawn
Agriculture Living is Easy
Agrypnie Erg
Agusa Prima Materia
Ahtme Mephitic
Akercocke Renaissance in Extremis
Akheron El Despertar
Akhlys Melinoe
Akitsa Devenir le diable
Alabaster DePlume GOLD – Go Forward in the Courage of Your Love
Alarum Circle's End
Alcest Les Chants de L'Aurore
Alda Tahoma
Aldaaron Majestic Heights, Melancholic Depth
Aliases Safer Than Reality
All Shall Perish Awaken the Dreamers
All Shall Perish Hate. Malice. Revenge
All That Remains …For We Are Many
Allt From the New World
Alluvial The Deep Longing for Annihilation
Alora Crucible Oak Lace Apparition
Alustrium Insurmountable
Amen We Have Come for Your Parents
Amia Venera Landscape The Long Procession
Amiensus Reclamation Pt. II
Amiensus Abreaction
An Autumn As The Morning Dawns We Close Our Eyes
An Axis of Perdition Apertures
An Endless Sporadic An Endless Sporadic
Anagnorisis Peripeteia
Ancestors Of Sound Mind
Ancient Death Sacred Vessel
Anciients Voice of the Void
And So I Watch You From Afar And So I Watch You From Afar
And So I Watch You From Afar Successors
And So I Watch You From Afar All Hail Bright Futures
And So I Watch You From Afar Jettison
Andracca To Bare the Weight of Death
AngelMaker Sanctum
Anima Tempo Chaos Paradox
Animals As Leaders Weightless
Animals As Leaders The Madness of Many
Animals As Leaders Parrhesia
Anna Pest You and Me at the End of the Fucking World
Anubis (AUS) The Unforgivable
Apogean Into Madness
Apogean Cyberstrictive
APOSTATE Against All Odds
Apparition (USA-CA) Disgraced Emanations From A Tranquil State
Aran Maahan Laskettu
Arch Enemy Anthems of Rebellion
Arch Enemy War Eternal
Arch Enemy Deceivers
Archspire The Lucid Collective
Ard Take Up My Bones
Arkaik Reflections Within Dissonance
Arkaik Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts
Arkona (PL) Stella Pandora
Arkona (RUS) Kob'
Arnaut Pavle Transylvanian Glare
Artificial Brain Infrared Horizon
As Blood Runs Black Allegiance
As Blood Runs Black Ground Zero
As I Lay Dying An Ocean Between Us
As I Lay Dying Shaped by Fire
As I Lay Dying Through Storms Ahead
Asagraum Veil of Death, Ruptured
Ascariasis Ocean of Colour
Ascended Dead Evenfall of the Apocalypse
Asesino Cristo Satánico
Asesino Corridos De Muerte
Aset Astral Rape
Ashen Horde Antimony
Ashenspire Hostile Architecture
Asinhell Impii Hora
Assemble The Chariots Unyielding Night
Astriferous Pulsations from the Black Orb
Astringency Of Vacant Planes
Astronoid Radiant Bloom
Asunojokei Island
At the Gates The Nightmare of Being
Ataraxie Le D​é​clin
Atavistia Cosmic Warfare
Atrae Bilis Divinihility
Atrae Bilis Apexapien
Atrae Bilis Aumicide
Atreyu Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses
Audioslave Audioslave
August Burns Red Messengers
August Burns Red Home
August Burns Red Winter Wilderness
August Burns Red Phantom Anthem
August Burns Red Death Below
Austrian Death Machine Triple Brutal
Autokrator Persecution
Autonoesis Autonoesis
Autopsy Morbidity Triumphant
Autrest Follow the Cold Path
Avdagata The Faceless One
Avmakt Satanic Inversion of....
Azusa Loop of Yesterdays
Bacchus II
Baest Justitia
Baring Teeth Ghost Chorus Among Old Ruins
Baroness Yellow and Green
Baroness Stone
Baroness Live at Maida Vale BBC - Vol. II
Bastard Grave Vortex of Disgust
Be'lakor Coherence
Beardfish The Void
Begotten (CAN) To The Dreary End
Beheading of a King Quasar: Preserving Legacy
Belore Eastern Tales
Beneath the Massacre Fearmonger
Better Lovers Highly Irresponsible
Between the Buried and Me Between the Buried and Me
Bewitcher Spell Shock
Beyond Creation Algorythm
Big|Brave nature morte
Binary Code Suspension Of Disbelief
Birdflesh Sickness in the North
Birds in Row Gris Klein
Bizarrekult Den Tapte Krigen
Black Crown Initiate Selves We Cannot Forgive
Black Folks Don't Swim? For the Source
Black Fucking Cancer Procreate Inverse
Black Map Melodoria
Black Midi Cavalcade
Black Midi Hellfire
Black Sheep Wall Songs for the Enamel Queen
Blackbraid Blackbraid I
Blame Kandinsky Eclectic Ruiner
Blanket Modern Escapism
Blaze of Perdition Upharsin
Bleeding Through This Is Love, This Is Murderous
Blighted Eye Agony's Bespoke
blink-182 The Mark, Tom and Travis Show
Blood Ceremony The Old Ways Remain
Blood From The Soul DSM-5
Blood Red Throne Imperial Congregation
Bloodletter A Different Kind of Hell
Bloodred Hourglass How's The Heart?
Bloody Keep Rats Of Black Death
Bodysnatcher Bleed-Abide
Bodysnatcher Vile Conduct
Borknagar Fall
Born from Pain True Love
Born from Pain Sands of Time
Born of Osiris A Higher Place
Born of Osiris The Simulation
Bossk .4
Botanist VIII: Selenotrope
Bragging Rights The Dour
Brat Social Grace
Brii Camaradagem P​ó​stuma
Bring Me The Horizon Count Your Blessings
Brujeria Brujerizmo
Brutalism (USA) Solace in Absurdity
Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze Offerings of Flesh and Gold
Burial in the Sky The Consumed Self
Buried Realm Buried Realm
Burn the Priest Burn the Priest
Burner It All Returns To Nothing
Burning The Masses Mind Control
Burzum Filosofem
Byzantine Oblivion Beckons
Byzantine Byzantine
C Duncan It's Only a Love Song
Caecus A Parting Current
Cafe Tacuba Sino
Caligula's Horse In Contact
Caligula's Horse Rise Radiant
Call of the Void Dragged Down A Dead End Path
Calligram Position | Momentum
Can Bardd Devoured by the Oak
Cancer Christ God is Violence
Candiria What Doesn't Kill You...
Candy (USA) Heaven Is Here
Cannibal Corpse Chaos Horrific
Car Bomb Mordial
Carach Angren Franckensteina Strataemontanus
Carcass Torn Arteries
Carnifex Until I Feel Nothing
Carnifex Die Without Hope
Carnophage Matter of a Darker Nature
Carnosus Visions of Infinihility
Carnosus Wormtales
Catalyst A Different Painting for a New World
Catch The Sun Legacy
Cattle Decapitation Death Atlas
Cattle Decapitation Terrasite
Cavalera Conspiracy Schizophrenia
Cave In White Silence
Cave In Heavy Pendulum
Century Red Giant
Cephalic Carnage Misled by Certainty
Cerebral Rot Excretion Of Mortality
Chac Mool Nadie en Especial
Challenger Force of Nature
Chamber (USA) A Love to Kill For
Chapel of Disease Echoes of Light
Chevelle Sci-Fi Crimes
Chimaira The Infection
the infections is amazing,The Heart of it all 8) OYE, YA VENTE CONMIGO NO
Chimaira Coming Alive
Chimaira The Age of Hell
Chimaira Pass Out of Existence
Chimaira This Present Darkness
CHON Homey
Chrome Waves Earth Will Shed Its Skin
Chthe'ilist Le Dernier Crépuscule
Chthon Eremite
Church of Misery Born Under A Mad Sign
Cicada (Taiwan) Seeking the Sources of Streams
Cicada the Burrower Blight Witch Regalia
Circa Survive A Dream About Love
Ckraft Epic Discordant Vision
Claustrum Claustrum
Closet Witch Chiaroscuro
Closure in Moscow Soft Hell
Cloud Rat Threshold
Cloudkicker Let Yourself Be Huge
Coal Chamber Dark Days
Coal Chamber Coal Chamber
Coal Chamber Chamber Music
Cobalt Gin
Codespeaker Scavenger
Coffin Mulch Spectral Intercession
Coffin Rot Dreams of the Disturbed
Coffins Sinister Oath
Cognitive Malevolent Thoughts of a Hastened Extinction
Cognizance Illusory
Cognizant Inexorable Nature of Adversity
Coheed and Cambria Year of the Black Rainbow
Coheed and Cambria Vaxis II: A Window of the Waking Mind
Cold Cold
Cold Year Of The Spider
Coldplay Parachutes
Coldplay A Rush of Blood to the Head
Colin Stetson The Love It Took to Leave You
Coltaine Forgotten Ways
Conan Evidence Of Immortality
Confess (IR) Destination Addiction
Conjurer Pathos
Conjureth Foul Formations
Contention (US) Artillery From Heaven
Continuum Designed Obsolescence
Converge No Heroes
Converge Bloodmoon: I
Converge You Fail Me
Converge The Poacher Diaries Redux
Converge Unloved and Weeded Out
Converge Caring and Killing
Corpse Pile Holly Jolly Hardgore
Corpsessed Succumb to Rot
Cosmic Jaguar El Era Del Jaguar
Cosmic Putrefaction Emerald Fires Atop The Farewell Mountains
Covet effloresce
Covet technicolor
Covet catharsis
Crawl Damned
Creeping Death The Edge Of Existence
Creeping Death Boundless Domain
Crimson Storm Livin' on the Bad Side
Crippled Black Phoenix (Mankind) The Crafty Ape
Crippled Black Phoenix Painful Reminder / Dead Is Dead
Crippled Black Phoenix Banefyre
Crippled Black Phoenix The Wolf Changes Its Fur But Not Its Nature
Crippling Alcoholism With Love From a Padded Room
Crosses EP
Crosses EP II
Crosses Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete.
Cruciamentum Obsidian Refractions
Crusty Old Toad King Cryptid
Crypt Sermon The Stygian Rose
Cryptopsy As Gomorrah Burns
Cryptworm Oozing Radioactive Vomition
Cult of Lilith Mara
Cult of Luna A Dawn to Fear
Cult of Luna The Raging River
Cultist (CAN) Manic Despair
Cunabula The Weight Of Sleep
Cuttered Flesh Sharing Is Caring
Cyborg Octopus Bottomfeeder
Cynic Carbon-Based Anatomy
Cynic Ascension Codes
Cynic Ascension Codes (Instrumental)
Da Captain Trips Maths of the Elements
Dance Gavin Dance Mothership
Dance Gavin Dance Jackpot Juicer
Dance with the Dead Driven to Madness
Darkest Hour Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation
Darkest Hour So Sedated, so Secure
Davenport Cabinet Nostalgia In Stereo
David Bowie Best of Bowie
David Gilmour Luck And Strange
David Maxim Micic Bilo 3.0
Dawn of Ouroboros The Art of Morphology
Dawn Ray'd To Know The Light
Dawnwalker House of Sand
Dead and Dripping Blackened Cerebral Rifts
Dead Blue Sky Symptoms of an Unwanted Emotion
Dead To Fall The Phoenix Throne
Dead World Reclamation Aura of Iniquity
Deadbody Tribal Gaze
Deadguy Fixation On A Coworker
Deadly Carnage Endless Blue
Deaf Club (USA-CA) Productive Disruption
Deafheaven Demo
Death Was Looming I Am...
Deathwhite Grey Everlasting
Deeds of Flesh Nucleus
Defacing God The Resurrection of Lilith
Defamed Blackblood
Defeated Sanity The Sanguinary Impetus
Defeated Sanity Disposal Of The Dead // Dharmata
Defeated Sanity Psalms of the Moribund
Defeated Sanity Chronicles of Lunacy
Deftones Deftones
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
Deftones Live
Deftones Gore
Deftones B-Sides And Rarities
Deftones Covers
Demon King The Final Tyranny
Demoniac (CHL) Nube Negra
Demonstealer The Propaganda Machine
Departure Chandelier Antichrist Rise to Power
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Noktvrn
Despised Icon The Ills Of Modern Man
Despised Icon Beast
Despised Icon Purgatory
Despised Icon Déterré
Despondency Matriphagy
Destrage So much. Too much.
Devil Master Ecstasies of Never Ending Night
DevilDriver Beast
DevilDriver Winter Kills
DevilDriver Dealing With Demons Vol. II
Devin Townsend Empath
Devin Townsend Powernerd
Devin Townsend Project Deconstruction
Diabolic Oath Oracular Hexations
Diabolic Oath / Aberration Divinations
Dionysiaque Diogonos
Dir En Grey Phalaris
Discordant Meditation Tragic Creature
Disembowel (USA-OR) Echoes of Terror
Disillusion Ayam
Diskord/Atvm Bipolarities
Djevel Naa Skrider Natten Sort
Djevel Natt Til Ende
Dodecahedron Dodecahedron
Dodsrit Nocturnal Will
Doedsmaghird Omniverse Consciousness
Dog Fashion Disco Cult Classic
Doldrum The Knocking, Or The Story of…
Domkraft Seeds
Doodseskader Year Two
Dormant Ordeal The Grand Scheme of Things
Dornenreich Du Wilde Liebe Sei
Downfall of Gaia Silhouettes Of Disgust
Dr. Acula The Social Event of the Century
Drott Orcus
Drudkh All Belong to the Night
Dungeon Crawl Maze Controller
Dvne Etemen Ænka
Dwarrowdelf The Fallen Leaves
Dwellings Lavender Town
Dying Hydra Strange and Beautiful Things
Dyscarnate With All Their Might
Dysrhythmia Coffin of Conviction
Earthless Night Parade of One Hundred Demons
Ebonivory The Long Dream I
Ebony Pendant Ebony Pendant
Effluence Sarmat
Effluence Destructive Transfixed Incorporeality
Effluence Stillborn Eucharist Psychosis
Egor Lappo Naturealism
Eidola To Speak, to Listen
Eidola The Architect
Einar Solberg 16
Elcia Mariner
Elitist Reshape Reason
Ellende Todbringerin
eMolecule The Architect
Emperor Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire...
END (USA-NJ) Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face
End Reign The Way Of All Flesh Is Decay
Endstille DetoNation
Enfold Darkness Adversary Omnipotent
Enforced Kill Grid
Enforced War Remains
Engulfed Unearthly Litanies of Despair
Enterprise Earth Descent Into Madness
Entheos (USA) Primal
Entheos (USA) Audiotree Live
ERRA Andromeda
ERRA Drift
Escuela Grind Ddeeaatthhmmeettaall
Escuela Grind Dreams On Algorithms
Esoctrilihum Saopth's
Eternal Autumn Below the Lightless Heavens
Eternal Champion Ravening Iron
Eternal Rot Moribound
Ether Coven The Relationship Between the Hammer and the Nail
Ever Forthright Techinflux
Every Time I Die New Junk Aesthetic
Everything Everything Mountainhead
Evilyn Inside Shells
Eximperitus... Sahrartu
Exist Egoiista
Exist Hijacking The Zeitgeist
Exivious Exivious
Exocrine Legend
Exuvial The Hive Mind Chronicles - Part 1: Parasítica
Eye Eater Alienate
Eye of Mensis Tulpa
Eye of Mensis Dousing The Flames
Eyes (DK) Congratulations
Faceless Burial Speciation
Faceless Burial Multiversal Abattoir
Faceless Burial Grotesque Miscreation
Falaise After All This Time
Far Tin Cans with Strings to You
Farsot Life Promised Death
Fear Factory Mechanize
Feast of the Witch Under a Sinister Moon
Fellwinter In Night's Eternal Grasp
Field Music Plumb
Firtan Marter
Firtan Ethos
Fit for an Autopsy The Sea Of Tragic Beasts
Fit for an Autopsy Oh What The Future Holds
Five The Hierophant Through Aureate Void
Fleshbore Painted Paradise
Fleshgod Apocalypse Agony
Fleshgod Apocalypse Labyrinth
Fleshgod Apocalypse King
Fleshwater We're Not Here To Be Loved
Fleshwater Demo
Flight Echoes of Journeys Past
Flub Flub
Flub Dream Worlds
Flub Advent
Fluisteraars Bloem
Folterkammer (USA) Weibermacht
For I Am King Crown
For Today Portraits
For Today Prevailer
Foreign Hands What's Left Unsaid
Foretoken Triumphs
Four Stroke Baron Data Diamond
Four Stroke Baron Classics
Fractal Generator Macrocosmos
Fractal Universe Rhizomes of Insanity
From Exile Monolith
Frontierer The Skull Burned Wearing Hell...
Frozen Soul Glacial Domination
Frozen Soul Crypt Of Ice
Fugitive (USA-TX) Maniac
Fugitive (USA-TX) Blast Furnace b/w Standoff
Fulci Exhumed Information
Fulci Duck Face Killings
Full of Hell Trumpeting Ecstasy
Full of Hell Live At Roadburn 2016
Full of Hell Coagulated Bliss
Fuming Mouth Last Day of Sun
Funeral Harvest Redemptio
Funeral Winds Stigmata Mali
Gaerea Limbo
Galleons Violent Delights
Gaoled Bestial Hardcore
Gatecreeper An Unexpected Reality
Gatherers " ( mutilator. ) "
Gauntlet Ring Phantoms of Dark Symmetry
Gel (USA-NJ) Only Constant
Gel (USA-NJ) Persona
Geordie Greep The New Sound
Ghost (SWE) If You Have Ghost
Ghost (SWE) Prequelle
Ghost (SWE) Impera
Ghost (SWE) Popestar
Ghost Bath Self Loather
Ghosts of Glaciers Eternal
Ghoul Noxious Concoctions
Giant Squid Cenotes
Glacial Tomb Lightless Expanse
Glasgow Coma Scale Sirens
Glassjaw Coloring Book
God Dethroned The Judas Paradox
God Forbid Equilibrium
God Forbid Gone Forever
God Mother Sinneseld
Godeater All Flesh Is Grass
Godless (IND) States of Chaos
Godless Truth Godless Truth
Godsmack The Other Side
Godsmack Godsmack
Gojira Magma
Gonemage Mystical Extraction
Gonemage Sudden Deluge
Gonemage Astral Corridors
Goratory Sour Grapes
Gorycz Kamienie
Grand Cadaver Into The Maw Of Death
Grat Strigoi The Prophetic Silence
Grave Desecrator Immundissime Spiritus
Grave Pilgrim The Bigotry of Purpose
Graves of Valor Salarian Gate
Grenadier Trumpets Blare in Blazing Glory
Grey Aura Zwart vierkant
Grey Stag Call of the Mountain
Greyhaven Stereo Grief
Grima Rotten Garden
Grima Frostbitten
Gudsforladt Friendship, Love and War
Gulch Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress
Gutless High Impact Violence
Gutslit Amputheatre
Gutvoid Breathing Obelisk
Hadal Maw Oblique Order
Hadit Metaphysical Engines Approaching The Event Horizon
Hail Spirit Noir Eden In Reverse
Hail Spirit Noir Fossil Gardens
Hail the Sun New Age Filth
Hail the Sun Divine Inner Tension
Haken Affinity
Haken Vector
Haken Fauna
Hamferd Men Gu​ð​s Hond Er Sterk
Hammerhedd Nonetheless
Hammers Of Misfortune Overtaker
HANABIE. Reborn Superstar!
Hands (US-ND) Give Me Rest
Hannes Grossmann Apophenia
Harakiri for the Sky Maere
Harakiri for the Sky Aokigahara MMXXII
Harm's Way (USA-IL) Common Suffering
Harsh Realm Death Carries On
Harvestman Triptych: Part Two
Harvst Mahlstrom
Hasard Malivore
Hatalom Of Sorrow and Human Dust
Hatalom Occhiolism
Hatebreed The Divinity of Purpose
Hatebreed Supremacy
Hatebreed Weight of the False Self
Hath Hive
Haunter (USA-TX) Thrinodía (Remixed & Remastered 2020)
Havok V
Havukruunu Kuu Erkylän Yllä
Haxanu Totenpass
Haxkapell Om Jordens Blod Och Urgravens Grepp
Haxprocess The Caverns Of Duat
Heiden Andzjel
Heiden A kdybys uz nebyla, vymyslím si te
Heiress Nowhere Nearer
Hekseblad Kaer Morhen
Hellbutcher Hellbutcher
Hellish The Dance of the Four Elemental Serpents
Here Comes the Kraken H.C.T.K.
Here Comes the Kraken The Omen
Heresiarch Edifice
Heretoir Nightsphere
Herod Iconoclast
Hetsheads We Hail the Possessed...
Hiatus Kaiyote Love Heart Cheat Code
Hideous Divinity Simulacrum
Hierarchy Hierarchies
High on Fire Snakes for the Divine
Himsa Hail Horror
Himsa Summon In Thunder
Hippotraktor Stasis
Holy Blade Holy Blade
Holy Fawn Dimensional Bleed
Homeskin Each Day Orbital
Homeskin Integument Crystallization
Hoplites Ψ​ε​υ​δ​ο​μ​έ​ν​η
Hoplites Π​α​ρ​α​μ​α​ι​ν​ο​μ​έ​ν​η
Horizon's End The Great Destroyer
Horn Verzet
Horna Nyx (Hymnejä Yölle)
Horndal Head Hammer Man
HORSE the band Desperate Living
Hostsol L​ä​nge Leve Dö​den
House of Protection GALORE
Howling Giant Glass Future
Hulder Verses In Oath
Hulder Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry
Humanity's Last Breath Välde
Humanity's Last Breath Ashen
Hyperdontia Deranged
Hyperdontia Harvest of Malevolence
I AM Eternal Steel
I Built the Sky The Quiet Place Away
Ichor (DE) Hadal Ascending
Ihlo Union
Ihsahn Fascination Street Sessions
Ildganger For Hver Tanke Mister Sj​æ​len Atter Farve
Ill Nino Revolution/Revolucion
Impending Doom There Will Be Violence
Imperial Demonic Beneath the Crimson Eclipse
Implore The Burden Of Existence
In Aphelion Moribund
In Flames I, the Mask
In the Woods... Heart Of The Ages
In Twilight's Embrace Lifeblood
In Vain (NO) Mantra
Inanimate Existence Calling from a Dream
Inanimate Existence Clockwork
Inanimate Existence The Masquerade
Incandescence Le Coeur de l'Homme
Incantation Unholy Deification
Incendiary Change The Way You Think About Pain
Indecent Excision Into the Absurd
Indepth Ancient Architects
Inexorum Equinox Vigil
Infant Island Obsidian Wreath
Inferi (USA) Vile Genesis
Ingested Where Only Gods May Tread
Inherits the Void Scars Of Yesteryears
Inoculation Celestial Putridity
Interloper A Forgotten Loss
Interloper A Revenant Legacy
Intervals A Voice Within
Intervals The Shape of Colour
Intervals The Way Forward
Intestinal Hex The Exalted Chambers of Abhorrence
iNTICE Ceraphim
Intonate Severed Within
Intronaut Valley of Smoke
Intronaut Fluid Existential Inversions
Invent Animate Greyview
Invent Animate Everchanger (Instrumental)
Invent Animate The Sun Sleeps, As If It Never Was
Ion Dissonance Cast the First Stone
Iotunn Access All Worlds
Irepress Sol Eye Sea I
Iress Sleep Now, In Reverse
Iron Monkey Spleen & Goad
Iron Thrones The Wretched Sun
Irreversible Mechanism Immersion
Islander Grammy Nominated
ISON Aurora
Iwrestledabearonce Ruining It for Everybody
Jakub Zytecki Remind Me
James Norbert Ivanyi Sigil
Jarhead Fertilizer Carceral Warfare
Jason Richardson II
Jasta ...And Jasta For All
Jeromes Dream The Gray In Between
Jerry Cantrell I Want Blood
Jinjer Macro
Jinjer Wallflowers
Job For A Cowboy Ruination
Job For A Cowboy Gloom
Job For A Cowboy Doom
John 5 Sinner
John 5 Invasion
Johnny Booth Moments Elsewhere
Judiciary Flesh + Blood
Julian Casablancas Phrazes for the Young
Julie Christmas Ridiculous and Full of Blood
Kadavar (DE) Berlin
Kaleidoscope (UK) Tangerine Dream
Kamasi Washington Fearless Movement
Kanonenfieber Menschenmühle
Kanonenfieber Die Urkatastrophe
Kardashev Liminal Rite
Karg Resignation
Karmanjakah Ancient Skills
Karnivool Sound Awake
Katharos Of Lineages Long Forgotten
Kauan Ice Fleet
Keane Under The Iron Sea
Keane Cause and Effect
Keeray Makoray Island In The City
Kekht Arakh Through the Branches to Eternity
Keres (ITA) Homo Homini Lupus
Killswitch Engage Disarm the Descent
Killswitch Engage Incarnate
Killswitch Engage Atonement II: B-Sides for Charity
King Buffalo Acheron
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard L. W.
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Butterfly 3000
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Omnium Gatherum
Kingcrow Hopium
Kiss Kiss The Meek Shall Inherit What's Left
Kittie Safe
Kittie Spit
Kittie Oracle
Kittie Until The End
Kjjjjjjjjj Centro De Dispersión
Knocked Loose Pop Culture
Knoll Metempiric
Koldovstvo Ни царя, ни бога
Kollapse Ar
Konkhra Sad Plight Of Lucifer
Kostnateni Oheň Hoří Tam, Kde Padl
Kostnateni Úpal
Krallice Demonic Wealth
Krallice Psychagogue
Krallice Hyperion
Krieg Ruiner
Krosis E.V.I.L.
Krosis A Memoir of Free Will
Kruelty Untopia
Kruelty Profane Usurpation
Krvna The Rhythmus Of Death Eternal
Krypts Cadaver Circulation
Kublai Khan TX Absolute
Kvaen The Great Below
Kvaen The Formless Fires
L.S. Dunes Violet
Labyrinth of Stars Spectrum Xenomorph
Labyrinthus Stellarum Vortex of the Worlds
Lamb of God New American Gospel
Lamb of God Walk With Me In Hell
Lamb of God Omens
Lamb of God The Duke
Lamentations Passion Of Depression
Lanayah I'm Picking Lights in a Field
Lasiodora Molt
Last Chance to Reason The Divide
Laster Andermans Mijne
Lattermath Winter's Painting
Laudare Requiem
Laurence Pike The Undreamt-of Centre
Layers in Lairs Mantles
Lee McKinney In The Light of Knowledge
Left Cross Upon Desecrated Altars
Leprous Malina
Lethvm Winterreise
Light Dweller Lucid Offering
Liminal Shroud Visions of Collapse
Limp Bizkit Three Dollar Bill Y'all
Limp Bizkit Significant Other
Limp Bizkit Still Sucks
Liongeist Liongeist
Liturgy As The Blood Of God Bursts The Veins Of Time
Living Gate Suffer As One
Livlos The Crescent King
LLNN Unmaker
Lo! The Gleaners
Loathe (UK) I Let It In And It Took Everything
Lockslip Lockslip
Loma Prieta Last
Lord Bakartia The Final Boss
Lore Liege Dreams of a Forgotten Curse
Lorna Shore ...And I Return to Nothingness
Lorna Shore Pain Remains
Lucifer's Hammer (CL) Be and Exist
Lucifuge Monoliths of Wrath
Luck Wont Save You Through the Mountains of Melancholia
Lunar (USA-CA) The Illusionist
Lunar Spells Sacraments of Necromantical Empires
Machiavellian God Beyond The Void
Machine Head The Blackening
Magick Brother and Mystic Sister Tarot Part I
Mahpiya Luta Wóohitike
Makari Continuum
Make Them Suffer How to Survive a Funeral
Malevolence Malicious Intent
Malignancy ...Discontinued
Malist Of Scorched Earth
Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard The Harvest (as MWWB)
Man Must Die The Pain Behind It All
Manbryne Interregnum: O pr​ó​bie wiary i jarzmie zw​ą​tpien
Manchester Orchestra Cope
Manchester Orchestra The Valley of Vision
Manners Heavenly Violence
Manners Pale Blue Light
Mantiel Odes Past & Mysticism from the Southern Lands
Marc Rizzo Colossal Myopia
Mare Cognitum The Sea Which Has Become Known
Marilyn Manson Portrait of an American Family
Mark Morton Anesthetic
Marty Friedman Drama
Mastodon Oblivion EP
Mastodon Stairway to Nick John
Mastodon Emperor of Sand
Matthew Ottignon Volant
Mayhem Daemon
Mayhem Daemonic Rites
Meer Playing House
Mefitis Offscourings
Mefitis The Skorian // The Greyleer
Melt-Banana 3+5
Melted Bodies The Inevitable Fork LP
Mental Cruelty Zwielicht
Mental Cruelty Symphony of a Dying Star
Mesarthim Arrival
Meshuggah Destroy Erase Improve
Meshuggah Contradictions Collapse
Mesmur Chthonic
Messa Close
Mestis Polysemy
Methchrist Acephalic Thanatocracy
Mew No More Stories
Mgla Exercises in Futility
Midnight Hellish Expectations
Mild High Club Going Going Gone
Minora Imago
Misery Index Traitors
Misery Index Heirs to Thievery
Misery Index Rituals of Power
Misery Signals Absent Light
Misery Signals Of Malice and the Magnum Heart
Misery Signals Ultraviolet
Misery Signals Live: In Isolation
Misotheist Vessels By Which The Devil Is Made Fl
Missouri Executive Order 44 Salt Sermon
Mist of Misery Severance
Mithridatum Harrowing
Mizmor Prosaic
Mizmor and Thou Myopia
Moanaa Embers
Mogwai The Bad Fire
Mol Diorama
Molder Catastrophic Reconfiguration
Molybaron Something Ominous
Monkey3 Welcome to the Machine
Monobody Comma
Moon Letters Thank You From the Future
Moon Tooth FREAKS
Moon Tooth Phototroph
Moonlight Sorcery Piercing Through the Frozen Eternity
Moonshade As We Set the Skies Ablaze
Morbidity Malignant Necropsy
Morbus Chron Sweven
Mork Dypet
Morkera Aggravations
Mortuary Drape Black Mirror
Mother of Graves Where the Shadows Adorn
Mother's Cake Cyberfunk!
Mothra [NZ] Decision Process
Moths (PR) Space Force
Motorpsycho Kingdom of Oblivion
Motorpsycho Neigh!!
MouthBreather (USA-MA) Self-Tape
Mudvayne Mudvayne
Mudvayne The End of All Things to Come
Muse The Resistance
Musk Ox Inheritance
Mutagenic Host The Diseased Machine
Mutiilation Black Metal Cult
Mutoid Man Mutants
Myrath Karma
Myth of I Blood
Mythic Sunship Light​/​Flux
Nachtlich Exaltation of Evil
NAILS Unsilent Death
NAILS Every Bridge Burning
Nala Sinephro Endlessness
Nala Sinephro Space 1.8
Narzissus Akt III: Erl​ö​sung
Nawabs of Destruction Rising Vengeance
Neal Morse The Dreamer - Joseph: Part One
Neckbreakker Within The Viscera
Necrofier Burning Shadows in the Southern Night
Necromantia To the Depths We Descend...
Necromantic Forces Under The Threshold Of Consciousness
Necrot Mortal
Necrowretch Swords of Dajjal
Negative Blast Echo Planet
Negative Vortex Tomb Absolute
Neuropsychosis Scourging Homicidal Premonitions
Neurotic Machinery A Loathsome Aberration
New Trolls Concerto grosso per i New Trolls
Night Crowned Hädanfärd
Night Crowned Rebirth of the Old
Night Crowned Tales
Nightbringer Ego Dominus Tuus
Nightside (FIN) Death from the North
Nimbifer Der Böse Geist
Ninth Realm A Fate Unbroken
No Terror In The Bang Heal
Nocte Obducta Nektar - Teil 2: Seen, Flüsse, Tagebücher
Nocturnal Graves An Outlaws Stand
Nocturnus AD Unicursal
Nonpoint Statement
Nonpoint Development
Nordgeist Frostwinter
Nordicwinter Beneath the Fleeting Light
Nordicwinter This Mournful Dawn
Norma Jean Meridional
Norma Jean Wrongdoers
Norma Jean Deathrattle Sing for Me
Northlane Discoveries
Novena Eleventh Hour
Novena The Stopped Clock
Nubiyan Twist Find Your Flame
Nuclear Power Trio Wet Ass Plutonium
Nuclear Tomb Terror Labyrinthian
Null (USA) Origin
Oak Pantheon The Absence
Oathbreaker Rheia
Obscura Cosmogenesis
Obscura Omnivium
Obscura A Sonication
Occulta Veritas Irreducible Fear of the Sublime
Oceans of Slumber Oceans of Slumber
Oceans of Slumber Where Gods Fear to Speak
Oceansize Everyone Into Position
Octoploid Beyond the Aeons
Of Feather and Bone Sulfuric Disintegration
Officium Triste Hortus Venenum
Ofnus Time Held Me Grey And Dying
OK Goodnight The Fox and the Bird
Old Sorcery Tales of the Old Kingdom
Olkoth (USA-SC) At the Eye of Chaos
Omega (ITA) Nebra
Omega Infinity Solar Spectre
Omega Infinity The Anticurrent
Ominous Ruin Amidst Voices that Echo in Stone
Omnium Gatherum Slasher
Onsegen Ensemble Realms
Opeth In Cauda Venenum
Opeth The Last Will and Testament
Oranssi Pazuzu Muuntautuja
Orbit Culture Nija
Orbit Culture Shaman
Orbs Past Life Regression
Organ Dealer The Weight Of Being
Orgy Candyass
Origin Chaosmos
Oriska Oriska
Oros Kau Thanatos
Our Oceans While Time Disappears
Outer Heaven Infinite Psychic Depths
Ovid's Withering Scryers of the Ibis
Oxygen Destroyer Guardian of the Universe
P.O.D. Fundamental Elements of Southtown
P.O.D. Satellite
Painted in Exile The Ordeal
Pale Our Hearts In Your Heaven
Pallbearer Mind Burns Alive
Palms Palms
Pangaea (USA) Vespr
Panzerballett Planet Z
Panzerfaust The Suns of Perdition - Chapter II
Panzerfaust The Suns of Perdition Chapter III
Papangu Holoceno
Parius The Signal Heard Throughout Space
Parkway Drive Horizons
Parkway Drive Atlas
Parliament Owls A Span Is All That We Can Boast
Paroxysm Unit Fragmentation // Stratagem
Passeisme Alternance
Pathway Песни смерти
Paysage d'Hiver Im Wald
PeelingFlesh Slamaholics, Vol. 2
PeelingFlesh The G Code
Pelican Ephemeral
Pelican Deny the Absolute/The Truce
Pelican Live at The Grog Shop
Penny Coffin Conscripted Morality
Perfumed Saturnine Angels Saccharine Curses Exhaled in the Wind
Periphery Periphery
Periphery Periphery (Instrumental)
Periphery Periphery II: This Time It's Personal
Periphery Juggernaut: Omega
Periphery Juggernaut: Alpha
Periphery Periphery IV: Hail Stan
Periphery Periphery V: Djent Is Not a Genre
Persefone Lingua Ignota: Part I
Pestifer Defeat of the Nemesis
Pestilent Hex Sorceries of Sanguine & Shadow
Phlebotomized Clouds of Confusion
Phobophilic Enveloping Absurdity
Phrenelith Chimaera
Phrenelith Ashen Womb
Piah Mater Under the Shadow of a Foreign Sun
Pig Destroyer Book Burner
Pig Destroyer Head Cage
Plantfood Carnivores
Plebeian Grandstand Rien ne suffit
Plini Impulse Voices
Poh Hock ĀTMA
Poison Ruin Confrere
Polyphia Renaissance
Polyphia New Levels New Devils
Polyphia The Most Hated
Polyphia Remember That You Will Die
Porcupine Tree Closure/Continuation
Portal Avow
Portrayal of Guilt Christfucker
Power Trip Manifest Decimation
Profane Order One Nightmare unto Another
Progenie Terrestre Pura oltreLuna
Proscription Conduit
Protest the Hero A Calculated Use of Sound
Protest the Hero Fabula & Syuzhet
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets Shyga! The Sunlight Mound
Psychonaut Violate Consensus Reality
Psychonaut 4 .​.​.​Of Mourning
Pure Wrath Hymn To The Woeful Hearts
Putrascension Forever Below
Putridity Greedy Gory Gluttony
Pyrithe Monuments to Impermanence
Pyrithion The Burden Of Sorrow
Pyrrhon Abscess Time
Rage Against the Machine Renegades
Rannoch Reflections Upon Darkness
Rannoch Conflagrations
Raspberry Bulbs The World Is Empty, The Heart Is Full
Realm of Wolves Hegemon of cold seas
Red Cain Näe'bliss
Rejoice! The Light Has Come Untitled
Replicant Infinite Mortality
Resin Tomb Cerebral Purgatory
Revocation Revocation
Revocation Netherheaven
Revulsion (FIN) Revulsion
REZN Chaotic Divine
REZN Solace
Ribspreader Reap Humanity
Rings of Saturn Embryonic Anomaly
Ripped to Shreds 亂 (Luan)
Rise to Fall The Fifth Dimension
Ritual Dictates Give In To Despair
Rivers of Nihil Monarchy
Rivers of Nihil The Work
Riverside Wasteland
Rodrigo y Gabriela Mettavolution
Rolo Tomassi Where Myth Becomes Memory
Rolo Tomassi Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It
Rosetta A Determinism of Morality
Rota Fortunae Hinterland
Royel Otis Pratts & Pain
Ruby The Hatchet Fear is a Cruel Master
RUIM Black Royal Spiritism - I - O Sino da Ig
Rush Fly By Night
Rush Caress Of Steel
Russian Circles Gnosis
Rx Bandits Gemini, Her Majesty
Sabbat Sabbaticult
Sadness / Abriction Sadness // Abriction
Saidan Jigoku: Spiraling Chasms of Blackst Hell
Saidan Onryo II: Her Spirit Eternal
Sallow Moth Stasis Cocoon
Sallow Moth Vial
Sanctum Sathanas Into the Eternal Satanic Damnation
Sanguisugabogg Tortured Whole
Sarcasm (SWE) Stellar Stream Obscured
Sarcator Swarming Angels & Flies
Sargeist Disciple of the Heinous Path
Sargeist Unbound
Sarmat Determined To Strike
Sasha and the Valentines So You Think You Found Love?
Satanic Warmaster Aamongandr
Save Us From The Archon Some Things We Carry, Always
Scald Ancient Doom Metal
Scale the Summit Carving Desert Canyons
Scale the Summit V
Scaphoid Absent Passages
Scowl Psychic Dance Routine
Sea In The Sky Everything All At Once
See You Next Tuesday Parasite
See You Next Tuesday Distractions
SeeYouSpaceCowboy The Romance of Affliction
Sentinels (US) In Limbo
Septage Septic Worship
Seputus Phantom Indigo
Sermon Of Golden Verse
Serocs Vore
Serpent Column Endless Detainment
Serpent Column Katartisis
Serpent Corpse Blood Sabbath
Serpent of Old Ensemble Under The Dark Sun
Serpentine Dominion Serpentine Dominion
Serpents Temet Nosce
Serpents Oath Revelation
Seth La Morsure du Christ
Seth La France des Maudits
Severe Torture Torn from the Jaws of Death
Severoth By the Way of Light
Sgaile Traverse the Bealach
Shadow in the Darkness Erstwhile Befell
Shadow Of Intent Reclaimer
Shadow of the Colossus End Game
Shadows Fall Fallout From The War
Shadows Fall Retribution
Shadows Fall Fire From the Sky
Shakira MTV Unplugged
Shokran Ethereal
Shrezzers SEX and SAX
Siege of Power This Is Tomorrow
Sielunvihollinen Sielunmurskaaja
Singularity (USA-AZ) Place of Chains
Sinistro V​é​rtice
Sirens(USA-NJ) Gates
Sisyphean Colours of Faith
Sithu Aye Isles
Sithu Aye 26
Sithu Aye Pulse
Sithu Aye Homebound
Sithu Aye Senpai III
Skeletal Remains The Entombment Of Chaos
Skin Tension Celebrant
Skourge Torrential Torment
Sleep Token Take Me Back to Eden
sleepmakeswaves It's Here, But I Have No Names For It
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum of the Last Human Being
Slice the Cake The Man With No Face
Slice the Cake Odyssey to the West
Slift Ilion
Slipknot All Hope Is Gone
Slipknot We Are Not Your Kind
Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology
Snaw The Skin Dancer
Snorlax The Necrotrophic Abyss
Snorlax II
Sol Invicto Loosely Aware
SOM The Shape of Everything
Soreption Monument of the End
Soreption Jord
Soul Devourment / Anatomia Tenebrous Ingestion
Soulfly Enslaved
Soulfly Savages
Soulfly Ritual
Soulfly Primitive
Soulkeeper Holy Design
Soulless (ID) The Supreme Resurgence
Sound and Shape Pillars of Creation
Spectral Lore 11 Days
Spectral Wound A Diabolic Thirst
Spirit Adrift Ghost At The Gallows
Spirit Possession Of the Sign ...
Spiritu Mors Infinite Regress
Spite Dedication to Flesh
Spite (USA-NY) The Third Temple
Spiter Enter the Gates of Fucking Hell
Spotlights Alchemy for the Dead
Staind Break The Cycle
Star One Revel in Time
Stargazer (AUS) Psychic Secretions
Static Abyss Labyrinth of Veins
Static Abyss Aborted From Reality
Static Dress Rouge Carpet Disaster
Steve Hackett The Circus and the Nightwhale
Steven Wilson The Harmony Codex
Stone Sour Stone Sour
Stormkeep Galdrum
Strigoi Viscera
Structures All of the Above
Submerged (USA-CA) Tortured at the Depths
Subterranean Masquerade Mountain Fever
Suffering Hour In Passing Ascension
Suffering Quota Collide
Suicidal Tendencies Prime Cuts
Suicide Silence The Cleansing
Suldusk Anthesis
Summoning Minas Morgul
Summoning the Lich Under The Reviled Throne
Sun Eater Light Devoured
Sundog Across the Rift of Doubt
Sunrot The Unfailing Rope
Sunrot Passages
Suotana Ounas I
Superjoint Caught Up in the Gears of Application
Superjoint Use Once and Destroy
Svartelder Trenches
Svrm Є Тільки Смерть, Є Тільки Тьма
Swampborn Beyond Ratio
Sworn Enemy The Beginning Of The End
Sworn Enemy Maniacal
SYFF The World is Yours
Sykofant Sykofant
Sylosis Monolith
Sylosis The Path
Sylvaine Nova
Sylvaine Atoms Aligned, Coming Undone
Sylvan Awe Pilgrimage
Symbolik Emergence
Syn (NO) Villfarelse
T.R.A.M. Lingua Franca
Taake Et hav av avstand
Tanith Voyage
Tantric Tantric
Tarot (AUS) Glimpse Of The Dawn
TDK Неместа
Team Sleep Team Sleep
Tenacious D The Pick of Destiny
Tenhi Valkama
Terminal Nation Echoes Of The Devil's Den
Terrifier Trample the Weak, Devour the Dead
Terror One With The Underdogs
Terror Total Retaliation
Terror Pain Into Power
Terror Cell All Quiet
Terzij de Horde In One Of These, I Am Your Enemy
TesseracT One
TesseracT War of Being
Tetragrammacide Typho-Tantric Aphorisms From the Arachneophidian Qur'an
Thantifaxath Thantifaxath
The Absence The Absence
The Acacia Strain It Comes in Waves
The Analyst Summoning the Wretched
The Antichrist Imperium Volume III: Satan In His Original Glory
The Arcane Order Distortions from Cosmogony
The Aristocrats The Aristocrats
The Black Dahlia Murder Miasma
The Butterfly Effect IV
The Circle Of Awakening
The Contortionist Intrinsic
The Contortionist Clairvoyant
The Crawling All of this for Nothing
The Crimson Armada Guardians
The Crinn Dreaming Saturn
The Cure The Cure
The Darkness Permission to Land
The Drowned God Pale Home
The Eating Cave Ingurgitate
The Eating Cave The Miscalculation
The End (NOR) Why Do You Mourn?
The Fall of Troy OK
The Good Depression Oxblood
The Gorge Mechanical Fiction
The Haarp Machine Disclosure
The Heartland Frontier
The Kindred Life in Lucidity
The Kris Norris Projekt Icons of the Illogical
kris norris es verga 8) very complete record, it will not be the best in audio, but I liked not come to you fag
The Laughing Chimes Whispers in the Speech Machine
The Lemon Twigs A Dream Is All We Know
The Lion's Daughter Bath House
The Mars Volta The Mars Volta
The Mist From the Mountains Portal: The Gathering of Storms
The Mystical Hot Chocolate Endeavors A Humanistic Perspective
The Necks Bleed
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Worse Than Alone
The Ocean Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic
The Odious Joint Ventures
The Odious Vesica Piscis
The Omnific The Law of Augmenting Returns
The Omnific Escapades
The Otolith Folium Limina
The Pineapple Thief It Leads To This
The Red Chord Clients
The Red Chord Prey for Eyes
The Ritual Aura Velothi
The Room Colored Charlatan Between Mirrors: The Quantum Immortality
The Ruins of Beverast Exuvia
The Scalar Process Coagulative Matter
The Smile Wall of Eyes
The Smiths Meat Is Murder
The Strokes Angles
The Supervoid Choral Ensemble The Supervoid Choral Ensemble
The Supervoid Choral Ensemble Live From the Downwhen Terminus
The Swell Fellas Residuum Unknown
The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza Danza III: Series of Unfortunate Events
The Used In Love and Death
The Weeknd After Hours
The Zenith Passage Cosmic Dissonance
Their Dogs Were Astronauts Momentum
Thirdface Do It With A Smile
This or the Apocalypse Haunt What's Left
Thlipsis Dawn Of Defiance
Thomas Giles Pulse
Thos Aella Sempiternal Mobocracies
Those Who Lie Beneath An Awakening
Thotcrime Connection Anxiety
Through the Eyes of the Dead Malice
Through the Eyes of the Dead Skepsis
Through the Eyes of the Dead Disomus
Thumos The Course of Empire
Thumos Symposium
Thumpermonkey Sleep Furiously
Thurnin Menhir
Thy Catafalque Vadak
Thy Darkened Shade Liber Lvcifer I: Khem Sedjet
Timeghoul 1992-1994 Discography
To The Grave Director’s Cuts
Toadeater Bexadde
Together to the Stars The Fragile Silence
Tomarum Ash in Realms of Stone Icons
Tomb of Annihilation End of Time
Tool Fear Inoculum
Traffic John Barleycorn Must Die
Tranzat Ouh La La
Trastorned Into The Void
Trespasser (SWE) Ἀ​Π​Ο​Κ​Ά​Λ​Υ​Ψ​Ι​Σ
Trha alëce iΩic
Trha Vat Gëlénva!!!
Trha lhum'ad'sejja
Tribulation Where The Gloom Becomes Sound
Trigger the Bloodshed Degenerate
Trivium What the Dead Men Say
Troll (NO) Trolldom
Trophy Scars Astral Pariah
Trophy Scars Holy Vacants
Trvth Inordinate and Surpassing
Trvth Process of Adaptation
Tsjuder Helvegr
Tumba de Carne Decatexis // Perpetu Altar
Turbulence Binary Dream
Turmoil The Process Of
Turris Eburnea Turris Eburnea
Tzompantli Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force
Ubiquity (BE) The Ascendant Travels Among The Stars
Ufomammut Hidden
Ulthar Cosmovore
Umbra Vitae Light of Death
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Häxan Sabaoth
Uncle Acid and The Deadbeats Slaughter On First Avenue
Undeath Sentient Autolysis
Undergang Aldrig i livet
Underneath The Gun Forfeit Misfortunes
Unearth Darkness in the Light
Unfathomable Ruination Decennium Ruinae
Unfelled Pall of Endless Perdition
Unfurl Ascension
Unreqvited Beautiful Ghosts
Unreqvited Mosaic II: la déteste et la détresse
Untamed Land Like Creatures Seeking Their Own Forms
Unto Others Never, Neverland
Usnea Bathed in Light
Uttertomb Nebulas Of Self​-​Desecration
Vale of Pnath The Prodigal Empire
Vale of Pnath II
Vale of Pnath Accursed
Vanum Legend
Vauruva Por Nós da Ventania
Ved Buens Ende Written In Waters
Vehemence (FRA) Ordalies
Veil of Maya The Common Man's Collapse
Veil of Maya [id]
Veil of Maya Eclipse
Veil of Maya False Idol
Veilburner Lurkers in the Capsule of Skull
Veilburner VLBRNR
Vein.fm This World Is Going to Ruin You
Velnias Rending of Dyadic Convolution
Venom Prison Samsara
Venom Prison Erebos
Venom Prison Primeval
Venus Principle Stand in Your Light
Verberis Adumbration of the Veiled Logos
Vertebra Atlantis A Dialogue with the Eeriest Sublime
Vestige Janis
Vestigial (US) Wither
Victory Over The Sun Dance You Monster To My Soft Song!
Vildhjarta Måsstaden Under Vatten
Vile Rites Senescence
Vimur Transcendental Violence
Vinsta Freiweitn
Vintersea Woven Into Ashes
Violet Cold Empire of Love
Vipassi Śūnyatā
Virocracy Ecophagia
Vitriol (USA) To Bathe from the Throat of Cowardice
Voices Breaking the Trauma Bond
Vokonis Odyssey
VOLA Witness
Vomitrocious Dystopian Elegy: The Last Echoes of Dying Humanity
Vorga Striving Toward Oblivion
Vredehammer God Slayer
Vreid Wild North West
Vulkan Technatura
Vulture Industries Ghosts From The Past
WAIT (USA) The End of Noise
Walg III
Walg IV
Walking Across Jupiter Scent
Wallowing Earth Reaper
Walls of Jericho All Hail The Dead
War of Ages Rhema
Warp Chamber Implements of Excruciation
Weeping Spiritual Barbarism
Weezer Weezer
Weite Assemblage
Werewolves What A Time To Be Alive
Werewolves From The Cave To The Grave
Werewolves My Enemies Look And Sound Like Me
Weston Super Maim See You Tomorrow Baby
White Denim 12
White Stones Memoria Viva
White Walls Grandeur
White Ward Debemur Morti
Whitechapel A New Era of Corruption
Whitechapel Whitechapel
Whitechapel The Valley
Whitechapel Kin
Whoredom Rife Den Vrede Makt
Wiegedood There's Always Blood at the End of the Road
Winds of Plague Decimate the Weak
Winds of Plague The Great Stone War
Witch Ripper The Flight After The Fall
Within the Ruins Omen
Within the Ruins Elite
Within the Ruins Black Heart
Without Waves Comedian
Wode Burn in Many Mirrors
Woe Legacies of Frailty
Wolfheart Draconian Darkness
Worm Bluenothing
Worm Gloomlord
Wormed Omegon
Wormhole Almost Human
Wormwitch Wolf Hex
Wormwood The Star
Worn Mantle Hole
Wounds (USA-IL) Light Eater
Wraithfyre Of Fell Peaks and Haunted Chasms
Wrathprayer Enkoimeterion
Wretched (USA-NC) The Exodus of Autonomy
Wretched (USA-NC) Son of Perdition
Wuldorgast Cold Light
Xiao Burn
Xibalba Aztlán
Xythlia Immortality Through Quantum Suicide
Yakuza Sutra
Yaldabaoth That Which Whets the Saccharine Palate
Yautja The Lurch
Year of the Knife No Love Lost
Yersin The Scythe Is Remorseless
Yoth Iria As The Flame Withers
Yoth Iria Blazing Inferno
You Win Again Gravity Into the Dancing Blue
Zao Parade of Chaos
Zao Decoding Transmissions From The Möbius Strip
Zao The Well-Intentioned Virus
Zao The Crimson Corridor
Zeal and Ardor Zeal and Ardor
Zorn (USA-PA) Zorn
Zulu A New Tomorrow

3.0 good
156/Silence People Watching
1997 ...A Better View Of The Rising Moon
200 Stab Wounds Masters Of Morbidity
200 Stab Wounds Manual Manic Procedures
A Hero a Fake The Future Again
A Life Once Lost Ecstatic Trance
A Million Dead Birds Laughing To The Ether
A Plea for Purging Depravity
A Plea for Purging The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell
A.A. Williams Forever Blue
Aara Triade III: Nyx
Abbath Dread Reaver
Abraded Unadulterated Perversity
Abysmal Dawn Nightmare Frontier
Abysmal Dawn Phylogenesis
Abysmal Lord Bestiary of Immortal Hunger
Adele 30
Aenaon Mnemosyne
After Me, The Flood Remembrance
Albion (UK) Lakesongs of Elbid
All Out War Celestial Rot
All That Remains Overcome
All That Remains Behind Silence And Solitude
All That Remains A War You Cannot Win
All That Remains Victim Of The New Disease
All That Remains AntiFragile
Altarage Worst Case Scenario
Altari Kröflueldar
Aluk Todolo Lux
An Autumn Closure
Analepsy Quiescence
Andy Gillion Exilium
Angantyr Indsigt
Annotations Of An Autopsy II: The Reign of Darkness
Antagony Rebirth
Antichrist Siege Machine Vengeance of Eternal Fire
Aodon Portraits
Arkaik Nemethia
Arsonists Get All the Girls Portals
As Blood Runs Black Instinct
As I Lay Dying Decas
As I Lay Dying Awakened
Ashen (AUS) Ritual of Ash
Ashes Divide Keep Telling Myself It's Alright
Asteriae Gasnac
Astronoid Astronoid
Astrosaur Portals
Au-Dessus Mend
Austere Corrosion of Hearts
Austere Beneath the Threshold
Austrian Death Machine Double Brutal
Austrian Death Machine Quad Brutal
Avatarium Death, Where Is Your Sting
Behold... The Arctopus Horrorscension
Bekor Qilish Throes of Death From The Dreamed Nihilism
Beneath the Massacre Dystopia
Between the Buried and Me The Anatomy Of
Billy Howerdel What Normal Was
Binary Code Priest
Binary Code Memento Mori
Black Crown Initiate Violent Portraits of Doomed Escape
Black Lava Soul Furnace
Black Lava The Savage Winds to Wisdom
Black Sites The Promised Land?
Black Tusk Taste The Sin
Blanket Blue Eyes
Blanket Ceremonia
Bleed from Within Empire
Bleeding Through Declaration
Bleeding Through Bleeding Through
Bleeding Through The Truth
Bloedmaan Castle Inside the Eclipse
Bodyfarm Ultimate Abomination
Born of Osiris Rosecrance
Born of Osiris Soul Sphere
Brand of Sacrifice Lifeblood
Brujeria The Mexecutioner! - The Best of Brujeria
Brujeria Angel Chilango
Buried Inside Spoils Of Failure
Cadaver The Age of the Offended
Caliban Say Hello to Tragedy
Caliban Dystopia
Candelabrum Nocturnal Trance
Cannibal Corpse Violence Unimagined
Carcass Despicable
Carnifex Hell Chose Me
Carrion Vael Abhorrent Obsessions
Celestial Sanctuary Soul Diminished
Chevelle La Gárgola
Chimaira Crown of Phantoms
Chrome Waves The Rain Will Cleanse
Cistvaen At Light's Demise
Ckraft Uncommon Grounds
Cloak Black Flame Eternal
Cloudkicker Unending
ColdCell Age of Unreason
Coldplay Ghost Stories
Coldplay Everyday Life
Confined Eternal Fury of the Disillusioned
Conjureth The Levitation Manifest
Conjureth The Parasitic Chambers
Construct of Lethe A Kindness Dealt In Venom
Continuum The Hypothesis
Contrarian Sage of Shekhinah
Cruz Confines de la Cordura
Cryptivore Celestial Extinction
Cryptodira The Angel of History
Crystal Coffin The Curse of Immortality
Currents The Death We Seek
Curta'n Wall Yr Gwyddbwyll
Cyborg Octopus Between the Light and Air
Cynic Re-Traced
Cynic Kindly Bent to Free Us
Cypecore Make Me Real
Dark Funeral We Are the Apocalypse
Darkest Hour Darkest Hour
Darkthrone Astral Fortress
Dead To Fall Are You Serious?
Deathspell Omega The Long Defeat
Deftones (Like) Linus
Deitus Irreversible
Deivos Apophenia
Departure Chandelier Satan Soldier Of Fortune
Detherous Unrelenting Malevolence
Devil's Reef A Whisper From the Cosmos
Devil's Reef Chosen by the Sea
DevilDriver Pray for Villains
DevilDriver Outlaws ‘til the End: Vol. 1
DevilDriver Trust No One
DevilDriver Dealing With Demons I
Dieth To Hell And Back
Disbelief Killing Karma
Disguised Malignance Entering the Gateways
Ditz Never Exhale
Domain (USA-FL) Life's Cold Grasp
Downpour (USA-MA) Downpour
DragonForce Ultra Beatdown
Dreadnought The Endless
Dream Widow Dream Widow
Dreamwell In My Saddest Dreams, I Am Beside You
Drowning the Light Drowned
Dryad The Abyssal Plain
East of the Wall A Neutral Second
Effluence Necrobiology
Effluence Convulsive Thoughts
Eidola Eviscerate
Elitist Earth
Ellende Ellenbogengesellschaft
Elwood Stray Gone With the Flow
Elysia Masochist (Remaster)
Employed To Serve Conquering
Envy of None Envy of None
Equilibrium Sagas
Escuela Grind Memory Theater
Evile The Unknown
Extinction A.D. To The Detested
Extra Life Secular Works, Vol. 2
Eyehategod Eyehategod
Fallujah Undying Light
Far At Night We Live
Fathomless Ritual Hymns for the Lesser Gods
Fear Factory Aggression Continuum
FEVER 333 Strength in Numb333rs
Field Music Commontime
Field Music Making a New World
Field Music Limits of Language
Fieldy's Dreams Rock N Roll Gangster
Fire-Toolz Breeze
Fit For An Autopsy / Thy Art is Murder / Malevolence The Aggression Sessions
Flesher Tales of Grotesque Demise
Fleshgod Apocalypse Opera
Fleshwater Sounds of Grieving
Flipturn Burnout Days
Flub Purpose
For Today Breaker
For Today Immortal
Forgotten Tomb Nightfloating
Frontierer Oxidized
Fucked Up Another Day
Full of Hell Aurora Leaking From An Open Wound
Full Of Hell and Andrew Nolan Scraping The Divine
Full Of Hell and Primitive Man Suffocating Hallucination
Gaerea Mirage
Gargoyl Gargoyl
Gates To Hell (KY) Gates To Hell
Ghost (SWE) Phantomime
Glorious Depravity Ageless Violence
Godeater Vespera
Godsmack Awake
Gone Is Gone Gone Is Gone
Gone Is Gone Echolocation
Goreworm Prodigy of the Grotesque
Green Lung This Heathen Land
Greta Van Fleet Anthem of the Peaceful Army
Grylle Egrotants, Souffreteux, Cacochymes, Covidards
Guhts Regeneration
Har Cursed Creation
Hatebreed Hatebreed
Hatebreed Under the Knife
Hatebreed For the Lions
Hauntologist Hollow
Heafodban Bealusorg
Heaven Shall Burn Invictus (Iconoclast III)
Heavy Blanket Moon Is
Hell:On Shaman
Here Comes the Kraken Hate, Greed & Death
I Am Abomination Jaw Dropper
I Built the Sky The Zenith Rise
Igorrr Spirituality and Distortion
Illyria Take Me Somewhere Beautiful
Impending Doom The Serpent Servant
Impending Doom Hellbent
Imperium Dekadenz Into Sorrow Evermore
In Aphelion Reaperdawn
In Flames Foregone
In Mourning Monolith
Inanimate Existence Underneath a Melting Sky
Incinerate Sacrilegivm
Incubus (USA-CA) Trust Fall (Side B)
Infiltrated Mankind Inside the Apelike
Ingested The Tide of Death and Fractured Dreams
Inherits the Void The Impending Fall Of The Stars
Inquisition Veneration Of Medieval Mysticism And Cosmological
Intervals Memory Palace
Intronaut Habitual Levitations
INVICTUS (CAN) Unstoppable
Invunche Atavismo
Irist Gloria
Iron Age The Sleeping Eye
Isole Anesidora
Iwrestledabearonce Late for Nothing
Jack White Entering Heaven Alive
Jack White No Name
Jared Dines the grey
Jasta The Lost Chapters Vol. 2
Job For A Cowboy Live Ruination
John 5 The Art of Malice
John 5 Careful With That Axe
Kadavar and Elder Eldovar - A Story of Darkness & Light
Kataan Kataan
Kaunis Kuolematon Syttyköön Toinen Aurinko
Kekht Arakh Night & Love
Kekht Arakh Pale Swordsman
Khold Du D​ø​mmes Til D​ø​d
Killer Be Killed Killer Be Killed
Killswitch Engage Killswitch Engage
Killwhitneydead Suffer My Wrath
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard FLIGHT b741
Kingdom of Sorrow Kingdom of Sorrow
Kingdom of Sorrow Behind The Blackest Tears
Kittie Fire
Kittie Paperdoll
Klone Meanwhile
Klone The Unseen
Knife Heaven Into Dust
Knights Of The Abyss The Culling of Wolves
Knives Exchanging Hands The War Of Speech, The Weapon Of Words
Korn Korn III: Remember Who You Are
Kraanium Scriptures of Vicennial Defilement
Krallice Wolf
Krimh The Eternal Return
Krypta Outo Laakso
Kublai Khan TX Exhibition of Prowess
Lamb of God Wrath
Lamb of God Lamb Of God
Lantlos Wildhund
Left to Suffer Feral
Leipa Reue
Leprous Pitfalls
Lesser Key Lesser Key
Light the Torch The Beauty Of Destruction
Lionheart Welcome to the West Coast III
Loch Vostok Opus Ferox II – Mark of the Beast
Long Knife Curb Stomp Earth
Lord Dying Clandestine Transcendence
Lorna Shore Immortal
Lowen Do Not Go To War With The Demons Of Mazandaran
Lower Hell Hellevator
Lucrecia (CA) Meyneth
Luminous Vault Animate The Emptiness
Lykotonon Promethean Pathology
Malefice Dawn Of Reprisal
Manes Pathei Mathos
Many Eyes The Light Age
Marilyn Manson We Are Chaos
Marilyn Manson One Assassination Under God - Chapter 1
Mark Morton Ether
Mastodon Jonah Hex: Revenge Gets Ugly EP
Mastodon Once More 'Round the Sun
Mastodon Medium Rarities
Maul Seraphic Punishment
Maul Desecration And Enchantment
Mayhem Atavistic Black Disorder / Kommando
Memoriam Rise To Power
Meshuggah obZen
meth. Shame
Miserere Luminis Ordalie
Misery Index Complete Control
Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
MMXX Sacred Cargo
Mono Pilgrimage Of The Soul
Moor Heavy Heart
Morgue Supplier Inevitability
Moron Police Boat on the Sea
Mourning Dawn The Foam of Despair
Mudvayne The Beginning of All Things to End
Mugger Luck Forever
Muldrotha Slowly to Forget and to Be Forgotten
Municipal Waste The Last Rager
Nameless Mist Lifeless
Nattehimmel Mourningstar
Necrophagous In Chaos Ascend
Necrophobic In The Twilight Grey
Nekus Death Apophenia
Never Ending Game Outcry
Ninth Circle (USA-TX) Dis, Emerge
Nite Voices Of The Kronian Moon
Nocturnal Sorcery Captive in the Breath of Life
NONE Inevitable
Nonpoint Miracle
Northlane Alien
Nostromo (CHE) Bucephale
Nothingness Supraliminal
Nott Hiraeth
Obey the Brave Young Blood
Obscura Retribution
Obsidious Iconic EP
Old Sorcery Dragon Citadel Elegies
One with the Riverbed Succumb
Orgy Vapor Transmission
Osiah Chronos
Ov Sulfur The Burden Ov Faith
Paganizer Flesh Requiem
Paranoid Void Travels In My Universe
Parfaxitas Weaver of the Black Moon
Parkway Drive Deep Blue
Pelican What We All Come to Need
Pelican Ataraxia/Taraxis
Pelican Nighttime Stories
Periphery Icarus
Phalanx (USA-CA) Golden Horde
Pig Destroyer The Octagonal Stairway
Plague Bearer Summoning Apocalyptic Devastation
Playgrounded The Death of Death
Plini birds / surfers
Plini Mirage
Pomegranate Tiger All Input Is Error
Portugal. The Man American Ghetto
Post Malone Twelve Carat Toothache
Post Malone Hollywood's Bleeding
Powerman 5000 Tonight the Stars Revolt
Primer 55 Introduction to Mayhem
Prognan Sve Je Tiho Na Istocnom Frontu
Protest the Hero Gallop Meets the Earth
Psycroptic Divine Council
Pupil Slicer Blossom
Pure Reason Revolution Coming Up To Consciousness
Question Reflections of the Void
Re-Buried Repulsive Nature
Regina Spektor Far
Regurgitated Entrails Sickening Indulgence of Flesh
Reliqa I Don't Know What I Am
Renaissance Scheherazade and Other Stories
Reverence To Paroxysm Lux Morte
Rings of Saturn Rings of Saturn
Ringworm Seeing Through Fire
Rise Above (NLD) For Better For Worse
Rivers of Nihil Hierarchy
Rivers of Nihil Criminals
Rotten Tomb The Relief of Death
Ruadh 1296
Russian Circles Blood Year
S.O.S. I Owe You Nothing
Sadness tortuga
Saeva All We've Lost We Carry With Us
Sanguisugabogg Homicidal Ecstasy
Satanic Warmaster Exultation of Cruelty
Scalp Black Tar
Schavot Kronieken Uit de Nevel
Scowl How Flowers Grow
See You Next Tuesday Intervals
SeeYouSpaceCowboy Coup de Grâce
Sessanta E.P.P.P.
Sewer Sissourlet
Shadows (CL) Out for Blood
Shadows Fall Threads of Life
Shrezzers SAX and SHRED
Sigh Shiki
Sion (USA) Sion
Sleep Token This Place Will Become Your Tomb
Slipknot The End, So Far
Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.
Snuffed On Sight Smoke
Sodomisery Mazzaroth
Soen Imperial
Soen Memorial
Soreption Illuminate the Excessive
Soreption Deterioration of Minds
Soulfly Omen
Soulfly Totem
Stand Still Steps Ascending
Stephen Taranto Permanence
Suffokate No Mercy, No Forgiveness
Suicide Silence No Time to Bleed
Suicide Silence The Black Crown
Suicide Silence Become The Hunter
Sun Eater Desecrate
Sun Eater Vermin
Sunburst Manifesto
Sunk Loto Between Birth and Death
Sunken Livslede
Sur Austru Obârşie
Sur Austru Datura Străhiarelor
Svrm Мовчання І Смерть
Swampbeast Seven Evils Spawned of Seven Heads
Swelling Repulsion The Severed Path
Sworn Enemy Living On Borrowed Time
Sylosis A Sign of Things to Come
System of a Down Protect The Land/Genocidal Humanoidz
Tantric Bile Unbidden
Terror Sink To The Hell
Terveet Kadet Kaikki kaikkia vastaan
TesseracT Sonder
The Acacia Strain Wormwood
The Acacia Strain D
The Acacia Strain E
The Acacia Strain C
The Acacia Strain A
The Black Dahlia Murder Deflorate
The Bleeding Monokrator
The Breathing Process Odyssey: (Un)dead
The Cure 4:13 Dream
The Dillinger Escape Plan Ire Works
The Fall of Troy In the Unlikely Event
The Keening Little Bird
The Last of Lucy Moksha
The Modern Age Slavery Requiem for Us All
The Moor Ombra
The Ocean Holocene
The Prize Fighter Inferno Stray Bullets
The Ritual Aura Heresiarch
The Salt Pale Collective A Body That Could Pass Through Stones And Trees
The Strokes Comedown Machine
The Strokes The New Abnormal
The Used Heartwork
The Weeknd Dawn FM
Them Moose Rush Zepaxia
They Came From Visions The Twilight Robes
Thomas Giles Don't Touch the Outside
Thron Dust
Thulcandra Hail The Abyss
Thy Catafalque XII: A Gy​ö​ny​ö​rü Álmok Ezut​á​n J​ö​nnek
Times of Grace Songs of Loss and Separation
Toothgrinder I Am
Totenmesse Fiktionlust
Traumatomy Extirpation Paradigms
Trha mã H​é​shiva õn dahh Khata trh​â​ndlha vand...
Tribal Gaze The Nine Choirs
Tribulation Hamartia
Trigger the Bloodshed The Great Depression
Triumvir Foul Onslaught to Seraphim
Trivium Shogun
Truck Violence Violence
Truent Through the Vale of Earthly Torment
Trvth Your Corridors
Trvth Our Contrast
Typhonian The Gate of the Veiled Beyond
Uada Crepuscule Natura
Ultra Silvam The Sanctity of Death
Ulver Liminal Animals
Undeath More Insane
Underneath From the Gut of Gaia
Underneath It Exists Between Us
Unearth Extinction(s)
Unearth Our Days of Eulogy
Unearth Bask in the Blood of Our Demons
Unprocessed Gold
Vampire Squid Plasmic
Vampirska Torturous Omens of Blood and Candlewax
Vanisher The History Of Saints
Vastum Inward To Gethsemane
Veil of Maya Matriarch
Vemod (NO) The Deepening
Venomous Echoes Split Formations and Infinite Mania
Vermin Womb Retaliation
Vindalf Legion of Spectral Blood
Viscera (UK) Carcinogenesis
Volcandra The Way of Ancients
Vomit Forth Terrified Of God
Vomit the Soul Massive Incineration
Vomitheist Nekrofvneral
Voyager Fearless in Love
War of Ages Eternal
War of Ages Return To Life
War of Ages Void
War of Ages Dominion
We Are The Illusion The Podium of Lies
Weezer The Teal Album
Weezer The Black Album
White Arms of Athena White Arms of Athena
Whitechapel This Is Exile
Winds of Plague Against the World
Woods of Desolation The Falling Tide
Worm Shepherd The Sleeping Sun
Wothrosch Odium
Wounds of Recollection Warm Glow of the End of Everything
Wretched (USA-NC) Cannibal
Wretched Fate Carnal Heresy
Wyatt E. Zam​a​ru Ultu Qereb Ziqquratu Part 1
Wynter Myst Bitter Hymns
Xasthur Inevitably Dark
Xibalba Años En Infierno
Ysyry Mollvun Ysyry Mollvün

2.5 average
Behold... The Arctopus Hapeleptic Overtrove
Blood Incantation Timewave Zero
Born of Osiris Tomorrow We Die Alive
Born of Osiris Angel or Alien
Brujeria Esto es Brujeria
Brujeria Pocho Aztlan
Burning Human Resurrection Through Fire
Chelsea Grin Desolation Of Eden
Coal Chamber Rivals
Cypress Hill Rise Up
Defiled Horror Beyond Horror
Earth Crisis To the Death
Earthburner Permanent Dawn
Full of Hell/Gasp Full of Hell/Gasp
Gone Is Gone If Everything Happens for a Reason...
In Flames Clayman (20th Anniversary Edition)
Jonah Matranga And
Keane Perfect Symmetry
Limp Bizkit Gold Cobra
Oceano Depths
Periphery Clear
See You Next Tuesday Relapses
Shadows Fall The Art Of Touring (Drunk and S**ty in Every City)
Solstafir Hin Helga Kvöl
Suicide Silence You Can't Stop Me
Suicide Silence Remember...You Must Die
Taproot Plead the Fifth
The Human Abstract Midheaven
Thomas Giles Feel Better
Thomas Giles Feel Nothing
Veil of Maya [m]other
VOLA Friend of a Phantom
Zao Awake?

2.0 poor
Parkway Drive Darker Still
Slipknot Adderall

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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