Average Rating: 3.68 Rating Variance: 0.39 Objectivity Score: 67% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAgalloch Ashes Against the GrainBlood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human RaceBoris Boris At Last -Feedbacker-Borknagar BorknagarCamel MirageCorrupted Garten Der UnbewusstheitDemilich NespitheDrudkh Autumn AuroraImmolation Close to a World BelowMayhem De Mysteriis Dom SathanasNobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VII: Original SoundtrackOpeth Ghost ReveriesPaysage d'Hiver Paysage d'HiverPink Floyd Wish You Were HereRush A Farewell To KingsUlver Shadows of the SunWorship Last Tape Before DoomsdayYes Close to the Edge4.5 superbAC/DC Back In BlackAmebix Arise!Ataraxie Slow Transcending AgonyAtheist Unquestionable PresenceAtrium Carceri PhrenitisAutopsy Mental FuneralBathory Blood Fire DeathBathory Under the Sign of the Black MarkBlack Sabbath ParanoidBlind Guardian Somewhere Far BeyondBolzer HeroBoris PinkBoris Akuma no UtaBrutality Screams of AnguishBurzum Hvis Lyset Tar OssCamel MoonmadnessCancer To the Gory EndCeltic Frost Morbid TalesCephalic Carnage Lucid IntervalChildren of Bodom Follow the ReaperChildren of Bodom Something WildCoroner Mental VortexCoroner No More ColorCorrupted Se Hace Por Los Suenos AsesinosCryptopsy None So VileCynic FocusDeath HumanDeath Angel The Ultra-ViolenceDesecrator Subconscious ReleaseDiscordance Axis The Inalienable DreamlessDJ Shadow Endtroducing.....Dream Theater Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memorydredg El CieloDrudkh Blood In Our WellsDrudkh EstrangementEarth Hex: Or Printing In the Infernal MethodElectrocution Inside the UnrealEmperor In the Nightside EclipseEmperor Anthems to the Welkin at DuskEnsiferum EnsiferumEntombed Left Hand PathEyehategod DopesickFaith No More The Real ThingFell Voices UntitledFlorence and the Machine LungsGarden of Shadows Oracle MoonGorguts The Erosion of SanityGrouper A I AGuns N' Roses Appetite for DestructionGZA Liquid SwordsIhsahn AfterImmolation Here in AfterIn Flames WhoracleIncantation Onward to GolgothaJudas Priest Sad Wings Of DestinyKanye West Late RegistrationKanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyKing Crimson In the Court of the Crimson KingKreator Pleasure To KillKreator Extreme AggressionLaura Marling A Creature I Don't KnowLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IVLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IILunar Chamber Shambhallic VibrationsM8L8TH By the Wing of BlackMassive Attack MezzanineMegadeth Rust In PeaceMercyful Fate MelissaMetallica Ride The LightningMirrorthrone GangreneMorbid Angel Formulas Fatal to the FleshMorbid Angel Altars of MadnessMorbid Saint Spectrum of DeathMoss Sub TemplumMr. Bungle CaliforniaNadja Radiance of ShadowsNeun Welten Vergessene PfadeNick Drake Pink MoonOpeth DamnationOpeth My Arms, Your HearseOpeth WatershedPaysage d'Hiver Kristall und IsaPaysage d'Hiver Das TorPelican The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon...Peste Noire La Sanie des SièclesPeste Noire Ballade cuntre lo Anemi francorPink Floyd AnimalsPink Floyd The WallPortishead DummyRaison D'Etre The Empty Hollow UnfoldsRipping Corpse Dreaming With the DeadRudimentary Peni CacophonyRush Moving PicturesRush HemispheresSadus IllusionsShining (SWE) V - HalmstadSodom Agent OrangeSpina Bifida ZiyadahStars of the Lid And Their Refinement Of The DeclineSuffocation Pierced From WithinSunn O))) Black OneSunn O))) and Boris AltarTenhi MaaaetThe Best Pessimist To Whom It May ConcernThou TyrantUlver Perdition CityUncanny Splenium for NyktophobiaUriah Heep Uriah HeepVan Halen Van HalenWorship DooomYes RelayerYndi Halda Enjoy Eternal Bliss4.0 excellentAakon Keetreh Dans La ForetAbhorrence (FIN) AbhorrenceAbsum/Odz Manouk Rotting EsophagusAbyssic Hate DepressionAccidental Suicide DeceasedAcrostichon Engraved In BlackAdramelech PsychostasiaAdramelech Spring of RecoveryAethyrvorous DemoAgalloch Pale FolkloreAgalloch Marrow of the SpiritAkitsa La Grande InfamieAldebaran Dwellers In TwilightAlgol Follow The Cepheid LightAmebix MonolithAmon Amarth With Oden on Our SideAncestortooth Elephant BoneyardArghoslent Incorrigible BigotryArghoslent Hornets of the PogromArizmenda Within the Vacuum of Infinity...ARTS Vault of HeavenAsh Borer 2009 DemoAsh Borer Ash BorerAsh Borer and Fell Voices SplitAsh Pool Genital TombAsobi Seksu/Boris SplitAtheist ElementsAtrium Carceri SeishinbyouinAutopsy Severed SurvivalAutumn Leaves Embraced by the AbsoluteAxeman ArriveBaroness Red AlbumBaroness Blue RecordBathory BathoryBathory HammerheartBelenos SpicilegeBelenos Chants De BatailleBelsebub DisemboweledBlack Sabbath Vol. 4Blasphemy Blood Upon the AltarBlasphemy Fallen Angel of DoomBlind Guardian Nightfall In Middle-EarthBlind Guardian Imaginations From The Other SideBlood Impulse to DestroyBolt Thrower Those Once LoyalBolt Thrower The IVth CrusadeBon Iver For Emma, Forever AgoBon Iver Bon Iver, Bon IverBone Awl Meaningless Leaning MessBoris FloodBoris Soundtrack from the Film Mabuta no UraBoris SmileBoris Heavy Rocks (2011)Boris With Merzbow Walrus/GroonBoris With Michio Kurihara RainbowBoris/Joe Volk SplitBranikald RdjandalirBuckethead Electric TearsBudgie Never Turn Your Back on a FriendBurial Hex InitiationsBurzum Det Som Engang VarCamel The Snow GooseCancer Death Shall RiseCarcass Symphonies of SicknessCarnage Dark RecollectionsCenotaph (MX) The Gloomy Reflection of Our Hidden SorrowsCephalic Carnage Exploiting DysfunctionChemical Breath Fatal ExposureChildren of Bodom HatebreederChurch of Misery Houses of the UnholyCoffinworm When All Became NoneConvulse World Without GodCoroner Punishment For DecadenceCorrupted El Mundo FrioCorrupted Llenandose De GusanosCorrupted Paso InferiorCorrupted La Victima Es Tu MismoCorrupted Dios InjustoCryptopsy Blasphemy Made FleshCunninLynguists OneirologyD.R.I. 4 of a KindD.R.I. Dealing with It!Darkspace Dark Space IIIDarkthrone A Blaze in the Northern SkyDarkthrone F.O.A.D.Dead Congregation Graves of the ArchangelsDeath The Sound of PerseveranceDeath Individual Thought PatternsDeath SymbolicDeath Angel Frolic Through the ParkDeathspell Omega ParacletusDecapitated Winds of CreationDecomposed (UK) Hope Finally Died...Deeds of Flesh Path of the WeakeningDemigod Slumber of Sullen EyesDestruction Release From AgonyDestruction Infernal OverkillDeteriorot Manifested Apparitions of Unholy SpiritsDimmu Borgir StormblåstDischarge Hear Nothing See Nothing Say NothingdiSEMBOWELMENT Transcendence into the PeripheralDisgrace (FIN) Inside the Labyrinth of DepressionDisincarnate Dreams of the Carrion KindDismember Like An Ever Flowing StreamDissection Storm of the Light's BaneDissection The SomberlainDJ Shadow The Private PressDopamine Dying Away In The Deep FallDream Theater Six Degrees of Inner TurbulenceDream Theater A Change of Seasonsdredg Catch Without ArmsDrudkh The Swan RoadDystopia Human = GarbageEarth Phase 3: Thrones and DominionsEarth Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light I Electric Wizard DopethroneElectric Wizard Come My Fanatics...Elton John Goodbye Yellow Brick RoadEmerson, Lake and Palmer Brain Salad SurgeryEncoffination Ritual Ascension Beyond FleshEvildead Annihilation of CivilizationExcavation GravemouthExcomm SuperionExhorder Slaughter in the VaticanExodus Bonded by BloodExplosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead PlaceExtreme Violence Ecstasy in PainEyehategod Confederacy of Ruined LivesEyehategod Take as Needed for PainFalls of Rauros Patterns in MythologyFell Voices Fell VoicesFleshpress FleshpressFunebrarum The Sleep of Morbid DreamsGoatmoon Death Before DishonourGodspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to HeavenGodspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞Gorguts ObscuraGorguts Colored SandsGrotesque In the Embrace of EvilGrotesque IncantationHallow HallowHetsheads We Hail the Possessed...Ihsahn AmrIldjarn Forest PoetryImmolation Unholy CultImmolation Dawn of PossessionIn Flames The Jester RaceIncantation Mortal Throne of NazareneKanye West GraduationKanye West 808s and HeartbreakKing Crimson RedKreator Coma Of SoulsKreator Terrible CertaintyLaura Marling Alas, I Cannot SwimLaura Marling I Speak Because I CanLed Zeppelin Led ZeppelinLeech [US] Ten Black HymnsLights Out Asia Eyes Like BrontideLoss DespondLustmord The Place Where The Black Stars HangMalveillance Just Fuck OffMania The Death of BirthMassacre From BeyondMastodon RemissionMastodon Crack the SkyeMayhem DeathcrushMayhem Ordo ad ChaoMayhem DaemonMegadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?Megaslaughter Calls From the BeyondMegiddo The Devil and the WhoreMenace Ruine The Die is CastMetallica Master Of PuppetsMetallica ...And Justice For AllMiles Davis Bitches BrewMitochondrion ArchaeaeonMogwai Young TeamMorbid Angel Blessed Are the SickMorbid Angel Kingdoms DisdainedMorta Skuld Dying RemainsMotek DragonsMr. Bungle Disco VolanteMr. Bungle Mr. BungleMy Bloody Valentine LovelessNadja TouchedNest (FIN) Trail of the UnwaryNeun Welten DestrunkenNick Drake Five Leaves LeftNick Drake Bryter LayterNokturnal Mortum Goat HornsNoothgrush Erode the PersonNorthaunt HorizonsNunslaughter GoatObituary Cause of DeathOctober Falls TuoniOctober Falls MarrasOctober Falls The Womb of Primordial NatureOctober Falls A Collapse of FaithOm Variations on a ThemeOm PilgrimageOm God Is GoodOpeth OrchidOpeth Blackwater ParkOpeth HeritageOpeth Pale CommunionOpeth In Cauda VenenumOutKast StankoniaPanopticon PanopticonPanopticon CollapsePaysage d'Hiver SteineichePaysage d'Hiver/Lunar Aurora SplitPelican AustralasiaPeste Noire Folkfuck FoliePeste Noire L'Ordure a l'etat PurPhrenelith Desolate EndscapePink Floyd The Dark Side Of The MoonPopol Vuh Nosferatu OSTPortal SeepiaPortal SwarthPossessed Seven ChurchesRaekwon Shaolin vs. Wu-TangRaison D'Etre Requiem for Abandoned SoulsRaison D'Etre MetamorphysesRaven Dark Berustet av KriegsdronnetRed Sparowes At The Soundless DawnRed Sparowes Every Red Heart Shines Toward The Red...Rush 2112Rush Permanent WavesRush SignalsRussian Circles EnterShining (SWE) IV - The Eerie ColdSigh Heir to DespairSigur Ros Agætis byrjunSigur Ros Takk...Slayer Show No MercySleep DopesmokerSodom Persecution ManiaSodom M-16Spawn of Possession CabinetStorm Corrosion Storm CorrosionSuffocation Effigy Of The ForgottenSummoning Oath BoundSump SumpSunn O))) Flight of the BehemothSunn O))) Monoliths and DimensionsSymphony X The Divine Wings of TragedySymphony X The OdysseySymphony X V: The New Mythology SuiteSystem of a Down ToxicityTempest (Can) PassagesTenhi KauanTenhi VareTenhi Airut: AamujenThe Album Leaf Into The Blue AgainThe Chasm Farseeing the Paranormal AbysmThe Mercury Program A Data Learn the LanguageThe Slow Death The Slow DeathThou Shalt Suffer Into the Woods of BelialTorture Chain Across Great Landscapes to a Legacy of BloodUlcerate Everything Is FireUlver Nattens MadrigalUlver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitlerUlver Svidd Neger OSTUlver Wars of the RosesUlver Messe I.X-VI.XUlver hasn't not put out a good album since 1997.Ulver The Assassination of Julius CaesarUriah Heep Demons And WizardsUriah Heep The Magician's BirthdayUriah Heep ...Very 'Eavy Very 'Umble...Vali ForlattWalknut Graveforests and Their ShadowsWhiplash Power and PainWindir 1184Wintersun WintersunWintersun Time IWishbone Ash ArgusWolves in the Throne Room Two HuntersWombbath Internal Caustic TormentsWoods of Desolation Toward the DepthsYes The Yes AlbumYes FragileYes Tales from Topographic OceansYoung Heretics We Are The Lost Loves3.5 great!T.O.O.H.! From Higher WillAakon Keetreh Journey into the Depths of NightAbhorrence (FIN) Vulgar NecrolatryAbramelin AbramelinAbysmal Torment OmnicideAdramelech Pure Blood DoomAdversarial All Idols Fall Before the HammerAethenor En Form for BlaAgalloch The MantleAgathocles Theatric Symbolisation Of LifeAkitsa Sang NordiqueAkitsa Au crépuscule de l'espéranceAkitsa/Prurient SplitAlice in Chains Black Gives Way to BlueAlpinist LICHTLAERMAngelcorpse The InexorableAntediluvian Through the Cervix of HawaahAntropomorphia Necromantic Love Songs EPArchgoat Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration)Archgoat Whore of BethlehemArchgoat The Light-Devouring DarknessArghoslent Galloping Through the Battle RuinsArtillery My BloodAscended The Art of NecromancyAsphyx Death... The Brutal WayAtrium Carceri PtahilAtrium Carceri CellblockAustere To Lay Like Old AshesAvenger Shadows of the DamnedAyr CirclingBaphomet (NY) The Dead Shall InheritBastard Priest Under the Hammer of DestructionBathory The Return of the Darkness and EvilBathory Twilight of the GodsBathory Nordland IBeherit Drawing Down the MoonBlack Autumn Rivers of Dead LeavesBlack Boned Angel VerdunBlack Murder FeastsBlaspherian Allegiance to the Will of DamnationBlaspherian Infernal Warriors of DeathBlind Guardian A Night At The OperaBlind Guardian Tales From The Twilight WorldBlind Guardian Battalions Of FearBolt Thrower Realm of ChaosBolt Thrower War MasterBolt Thrower ...For VictoryBolt Thrower MercenaryBoris Heavy RocksBoris Amplifier WorshipBoris DronevilBoris Vein (Hardcore Version)Boris AbsolutegoBoris The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked 3Boris BXIBoris New AlbumBoris PräparatBoris With Merzbow Sun Baked Snow CaveBoris With Merzbow 04092001Boris With Merzbow KlatterBranikald KvelduvBrobdingnagian TortureStainedDisasterBrodequin Festival of DeathBurzum FilosofemBurzum BurzumCamel CamelCancer The Sins of MankindCaravan In the Land of Grey and PinkCarcass Necroticism: Descanting the InsalubriousCardiac Arrest (USA-IL) Haven For the InsaneCarnophage Deformed Future // Genetic NightmareCemetary An Evil Shade of GreyCemetery (US) Demo 2011Chelsea Wolfe Unknown Rooms: A Collection of Acoustic SongsChelsea Wolfe Pain Is BeautyCianide The Dying TruthCobalt GinCoffins Buried DeathColdworld Melancholie²Coroner GrinCoroner R.I.P.Corpse Molestation Descension of a Darker DeityCorrupted NadieCorrupted An Island InsaneCorrupted VasanaCreepmime ShadowsCremation Lily InfantCryptopsy Whisper SupremacyCult Ritual Cult RitualD.R.I. Thrash ZoneD.R.I. CrossoverD.R.I. Dirty RottenDamnation Rebel SoulsDark Angel Leave ScarsDark Tranquillity CharacterDarkthrone Transilvanian HungerDarkthrone Under a Funeral MoonDarkthrone The Cult Is AliveDarkthrone The Underground ResistanceDe Magia Veterum The Divine AntithesisDeadbird Twilight RitualDeafheaven Roads to JudahDeath Spiritual HealingDeathevokation The Chalice Of AgesDeathspell Omega KenoseDeathspell Omega DroughtDecapitated The First DamnedDeeds of Flesh Trading PiecesDeeds of Flesh Of What's to ComeDeicide DeicideDer Sturmer A Banner Greater than DeathDestruction The AntichristDestruction Inventor Of EvilDestruction Eternal DevastationDestruction All Hell Breaks LooseDiocletian Doom CultDisavowed Stagnated ExistenceDishammer Under the Sign of the D-beat MarkDissection ReinkaosDream Theater Train of ThoughtDream Theater Black Clouds and Silver LiningsDrudkh Forgotten LegendsDrudkh Songs of Grief and SolitudeDrudkh MicrocosmosDrudkh Eternal Turn of the WheelEarth Earth 2: Special Low Frequency VersionEarth The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's SkullEmbrace Of Thorns Atonement RitualEmerson, Lake and Palmer Emerson, Lake & PalmerEmperor EmperorEmperor Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire...Encoffination Seventh Temple Of Laodicean ScriptureEnsiferum IronEnslaved Axioma Ethica OdiniEvil Incarnate Blood of the SaintsExodus Fabulous DisasterExodus Tempo of the DamnedExodus Pleasures of the FleshExtortion Loose ScrewsFather Befouled Morbid Destitution of CovenantFlorence and the Machine CeremonialsFluisterwoud Langs Galg En RadGrief DismalGrief ...And Man Will Become The HuntedGuns N' Roses Use Your Illusion IIGuns N' Roses Use Your Illusion IGuns N' Roses Chinese DemocracyHacksaw to the Throat WastelandsHella TripperIiro Rantala Lost HeroesIldjarn IldjarnImmolation Failures for GodsImmolation Majesty and DecayImmolation ProvidenceImmortal Sons of Northern DarknessImpetuous Ritual Relentless Execution of Ceremonial ExcrescenceIn Flames ColonyIn Flames ClaymanIn Flames Lunar StrainIncantation The Infernal StormIniquity SerenadiumISIS PanopticonJames Blake James BlakeJan Johansson Jazz Pa SvenskaKanye West The College DropoutKreator Endless PainKrisiun Conquerors of ArmageddonLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IIILeucosis Pulling Down the SkyLeviathan Massive Conspiracy Against All LifeLil Wayne Tha Carter IIILustmord [ O T H E R ]Lustmord HeresyLycus Demo MMXILykke Li Wounded RhymesMastodon LeviathanMerciless The AwakeningMetallica Kill 'Em AllMetallica LoadMetallica MetallicaMiasma ChangesMichio Kurihara Sunset NotesMitochondrion ParasignosisMoss Tombs of the Blind DruggedMuknal / The Haunting Presence SplitMystifier WiccaMystifier GoetiaNagelfar Hünengrab im HerbstNest (FIN) WoodsmokeNest (FIN) Hidden StreamNest (FIN) Fabled LoreNils Frahm FeltNuclear Death Carrion for WormObituary Slowly We RotOctober Falls SarastusOdelegger The End of TidesOdz Manouk/Tukaaria SplitOpeth Still LifeOpeth MorningriseOpeth DeliveranceOpeth SorceressOskoreien OskoreienOutKast Speakerboxxx/The Love BelowOutKast AqueminiOutKast ATLiensPallbearer Sorrow And ExtinctionPanopticon Social DisservicesPaysage d'Hiver Die FestungPaysage d'Hiver SchattengangPaysage d'Hiver/Vinterriket SplitPelican What We All Come to NeedPlasma Pool IPorcupine Tree In AbsentiaPrurient Bermuda DrainPrurient Through the WindowPustulation Orgy of the DeadPyaemia Cerebral CerealRed Sparowes The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therein...Rush Caress Of SteelRush Fly By NightRush RushRush Hold Your FireRussian Circles StationRussian Circles GenevaSargeist Let The Devil InSeance Fornever Laid to RestSeidr For Winter FireShining (SWE) VI - KlagopsalmerSigur Ros ( )Sinister Diabolical SummoningSlayer Reign in BloodSlayer Hell AwaitsSleep Sleep's Holy MountainSodom Tapping The VeinSodom Code RedSodom Obsessed By CrueltySodom In War And PiecesSummoning Dol GuldurSump Autumn BloodSump Taken DeadSunn O))) White2Sutekh Hexen LarvaeSwans The SeerSymphony X Twilight in OlympusSymphony X The Damnation GameSymphony X Paradise LostT.I. Paper TrailThe Angelic Process Weighing Souls With SandThe Secret Solve Et CoagulaThee Kvlt Ov (((Ouroboros BlvdThou PeasantTorture Chain Time is but a Doorway to the IncineratorTwilight Monument To Time EndU.K. U.K.Ulver Blood InsideUlver Lyckantropen Themes OSTUnexpect In a Flesh AquariumUriah Heep Fallen AngelVan Halen A Different Kind Of TruthVenom Welcome to HellVerminous Impious SacrilegeVerwustung Beyond The Watercolor Sunset, We Feel New LifeWeakling Dead as DreamsWeekend Nachos WorthlessWhiplash Ticket to MayhemWhite Lion PrideWindir ArntorWishbone Ash PilgrimageWolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 StarsYes 901253.0 goodA Pregnant Light/Obscure Lupine Quietu SplitAinulindale The Lay of LeithianAlcest Souvenirs D'Un Autre MondeAltars EulogyAmon Amarth Surtur RisingArghoslent Arsenal of Glory Ascended Temple of Dark OfferingsAsh Borer Cold of AgesAtrium Carceri SouyuanAvenged Sevenfold City Of EvilBasilisk A Joyless March Through The Cold-LandsBathory Blood on IceBlasphemophagher Nuclear Empire of ApocalypseBlind Guardian Follow The BlindBlind Guardian A Twist In The MythBolt Thrower Honour - Valour - PrideBoris Attention PleaseBorknagar True NorthBurzum BelusCianide A Descent into HellConverge Jane DoeCynic Traced in AirD.R.I. DefinitionDark Tranquillity FictionDeicide Scars of the CrucifixDeicide Once Upon the CrossDeicide The Stench Of RedemptionDeicide LegionDenial (MEX) Catacombs of the GrotesqueDer Weg Einer Freiheit Der Weg Einer FreiheitDestruction Metal DischargeDestruction Cracked BrainDestruction D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N.Draconian Turning Season WithinDragonForce Sonic FirestormDragonForce Inhuman RampageDrawn and Quartered To Kill Is HumanDream Theater OctavariumEarth Pentastar: In The Style Of DemonsEarth Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light IIEmperor IX EquilibriumEnsiferum From AfarEvil Incarnate Blackest Hymns of God's DisgraceExodus Impact Is ImminentExodus Shovel Headed Kill MachineExodus Exhibit B: The Human ConditionImmolation Harnessing RuinImmolation Shadows in the LightIn Flames Reroute to RemainIn Flames Come ClarityKreator Enemy Of GodKreator Cause For ConflictKreator Hordes Of ChaosKvelertak KvelertakLustmord MetavoidLustmord The Monstrous SoulLykke Li Youth NovelsMastodon Blood MountainMayhem Grand Declaration of WarMetallica ReloadMetallica Garage Inc.Neun Welten ...auf ewig Wald...Panopticon/Wheels Within Wheels IIPaysage d'Hiver WinterkältePelican City of EchoesPorcupine Tree DeadwingPrimordial Redemption At The Puritan's HandRaison D'Etre The luminous experienceRaison D'Etre The Stains of the Embodied SacrificeRaspberry Bulbs Nature Tries AgainReverend Bizarre II: Crush The InsectsRush Test For EchoSkagos AstSodom Better Off DeadSodom SodomSodom The Final Sign Of EvilSummoning With Doom We ComeSunn O))) White1Sunn O))) ØØ VoidSystem of a Down MezmerizeThe Pillows TrialTwilight TwilightUlver KveldssangerUlver Themes From William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and HellVenom Black MetalZarathustra In Hora Mortis2.5 averageAlcest Écailles De LuneAnimal Collective Merriweather Post PavilionAvenged Sevenfold Avenged SevenfoldAvzhia The Key of ThroneBathory RequiemBathory Destroyer of WorldsBathory Nordland IIBlind Guardian At The Edge Of TimeBlut Aus Nord 777 - Sect(s)Burzum HlidskjalfBurzum FallenChelsea Wolfe Birth of ViolenceD.R.I. Full Speed AheadDeicide InsineratehymnDeicide Serpents of the LightDeicide Till Death Do Us PartDrudkh Anti-UrbanDrudkh Handful of StarsExodus Force of HabitExodus The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit AHardingrock GrimenHeretoir HeretoirKreator RenewalKreator OutcastLustmord [ THE DARK PLACES OF THE EARTH ]Mastodon The HunterMoonsorrow Varjoina kuljemme kuolleiden maassaRotten Sound CursedShining (SWE) VII: Fodd ForlorareSodom Masquerade In BloodSodom Get What You DeserveSodom 'Til Death Do Us UniteSymphony X Symphony XVreid VWoe Quietly, UndramaticallyWolves in the Throne Room Black CascadeWolves in the Throne Room Celestial LineageWoods of Desolation Torn Beyond Reason2.0 poorAvenged Sevenfold NightmareBurzum Daudi BaldrsChildren of Bodom BlooddrunkChildren of Bodom Skeletons in the ClosetDark Tranquillity We Are the VoidDestruction The Least Successful Human CannonballDevin Townsend Project DeconstructionDream Theater Systematic ChaosEnsiferum Unsung HeroesIn Flames Soundtrack to Your EscapeIn Flames A Sense of PurposeKreator EndoramaMumford and Sons Sigh No MoreProtest the Hero FortressProtest the Hero ScurrilousSarke VorunahWintersun The Forest Seasons1.5 very poorBathory OctagonCryptopsy The Unspoken KingDeicide In Torment in HellMetallica Death MagneticMorbid Angel Illud Divinum InsanusWoods of Ypres Woods 4: The Green Album1.0 awfulDoomThrone Skeleton Veiled in FleshMetallica St. Anger
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z