
Reviews 2
Approval 37%

Soundoffs 57
Album Ratings 273
Objectivity 56%

Last Active 11-02-09 2:26 am
Joined 06-12-08

Review Comments 364

Average Rating: 4.12
Rating Variance: 0.65
Objectivity Score: 56%
(Somewhat Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Anaal Nathrakh In the Constellation of the Black Widow
At the Drive-In Relationship of Command
August Burns Red Thrill Seeker
August Burns Red Messengers
This a good album. The drumming is top notch as well as the odd meter breakdowns. Guitar bass and the vocalsespecially are just average.
Download Backburner and Truth Of A Liar.
August Burns Red Constellations
Killer record.
A vast improvemnt from the just shy classic that was Messengers.
This will be a important record for the genre!
Ayreon The Human Equation
Between the Buried and Me The Silent Circus
Between the Buried and Me Colors
This record is one of the best Progressive Metal albums of the decade. It ranks up there with Blackwater Park for me. This is a musically conceptual album and you hear the same themes throughout the whole records. It is really just one 65 minutes song.
Get this one. Def up from Alaska
Between the Buried and Me Colors_Live
Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect
Bloodbath Nightmares Made Flesh
Botch An Anthology of Dead Ends
Botch We Are the Romans
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Converge Jane Doe
Cryptopsy None So Vile
Cynic Focus
Dance Gavin Dance Happiness
Dream Theater A Change Of Seasons
Dream Theater Falling Into Infinity
Dream Theater Awake
Dream Theater Live Scenes From New York
dredg El Cielo
Emery ...In Shallow Seas We Sail
Explosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place
Glass Casket We Are Gathered Here Today...
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada
Iron Maiden Somewhere In Time
Iron Maiden Piece Of Mind
Judas Priest Sin After Sin
Katatonia Brave Murder Day
Katatonia Discouraged Ones
Katatonia Dance of December Souls
Megadeth Rust In Peace
Megadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
Misery Signals Of Malice and the Magnum Heart
Misery Signals Controller
Pretty AmAzing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Modest Mouse The Moon & Antarctica
Modest Mouse This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About
Mogwai Young Team
Necrophagist Epitaph
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
Norma Jean O' God, the Aftermath
Opeth Still Life
The best Opeth album for an overall mix of their older sound and the progier sound exploered on later Opeth Albums!
Opeth Morningrise
My favorite Opeth Album. It is so underrated! To Bid You Farewell is the best track!
Porcupine Tree In Absentia
Porcupine Tree Deadwing
Amazing record. Arriving Somewhere But Not Here is JIZZWORTHY!!!!!
Porcupine Tree Lightbulb Sun
Queensryche Operation: Mindcrime
Scale the Summit Carving Desert Canyons
An amazing instrumental record. Major improvement upon the last release. The guitar player plays with some great emotion and if I am not mistaken he uses an 8 String guitar.
Shadow Gallery Tyranny
Sigur Ros Agætis byrjun
Sigur Ros ( )
Sigur Ros Takk...
Sigur Ros Heima (DVD)
Testament The New Order
The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity
The Dillinger Escape Plan Irony Is a Dead Scene
The Red Chord Fed Through the Teeth Machine
Thrice The Illusion of Safety
Van Halen II
Voivod Nothingface
X Japan Art of Life
X Japan Blue Blood
X Japan Jealousy
Zuriaake Afterimage of Autumn

4.5 superb
After the Burial Rareform
Alice in Chains Alice in Chains
this is my fav AIC album for many reasons. Killer stuff...................................................
Amon Amarth Twilight of the Thunder God
Angel Witch Angel Witch
Anthrax Persistence Of Time
Atheist Piece Of Time
August Burns Red Looks Fragile After All
Black Flag Damaged
Coheed and Cambria Neverender
Cynic Traced in Air
David Lee Roth Eat 'Em And Smile
Death Symbolic
Deerhunter Microcastle
Dream Theater Images And Words
this is one of progressive metal's finest works. Every song is a classic.
Emerson, Lake and Palmer Brain Salad Surgery
Fates Warning No Exit
Very Good Album! The Ivory Gates is nothing short of amazing!
Fueled by Fire Spread the Fire
Helloween Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part I
Helloween Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part II
Iced Earth Burnt Offerings
Iron Maiden Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden Fear Of The Dark
Iron Maiden Brave New World
John Petrucci Suspended Animation
Judas Priest Stained Class
Judas Priest Painkiller
Killswitch Engage Alive or Just Breathing
Nothing Short Of Classic.
Jessie is such a better singer than Howard!
Liquid Tension Experiment Liquid Tension Experiment 2
Machine Head The Blackening
Mastodon Leviathan
Mastodon Crack the Skye
My favorite Mastodon Album. Very cool mix of Sludge, Hardcore, and prog
Meltdown Executioner
Misery Signals Mirrors
Great Record. Miss the old singer though! The music is still top notch as far as metalcore is concerned
Miss May I Apologies Are for the Weak
Motley Crue Shout At The Devil
Nile Annihilation Of The Wicked
Nirvana MTV Unplugged in New York
Best Unplugged album ever which is odd to say becaue i personally hate Nirvana
Opeth Blackwater Park
my favorite opeth record. Bleak was the first I had heard by them and it turned me on from there
Opeth Damnation
most progressive album by Opeth. Very Camel influenced. Love this record.
Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here
my favorite floyd record. 10 times better than dark side of the moon. get it.
Pink Floyd Meddle
ecoes is awesome and one of these days is insanbe live..........................
Porcupine Tree Fear of a Blank Planet
Porcupine Tree The Incident
Queensryche Operation: Livecrime
this is the best live album ever. i also recomend picking up mindcrime at the moore
Rush Exit...Stage Left
Saxon Wheels Of Steel
Scale the Summit Monument
Dispite the dodgy production this is by far one of the best instrumental metal records I have heard in a long time. There is not a point in the record that gets boring which is rare on an instrumental record that lasts over 50 minutes and only has 8 songs.
Every player is at the top of their game.
Sepultura Chaos A.D.
Shai Hulud That Within Blood Ill-Tempered
Showbread The Fear of God
SikTh The Trees Are Dead and Dried Out, Wait for Something Wild
Slayer Hell Awaits
Slayer Soundtrack to the Apocalypse
The Beatles The Beatles
The Decemberists Picaresque
The Decemberists The Crane Wife
The Decemberists The Hazards of Love
The Fall of Troy Phantom on the Horizon
The Human Abstract Nocturne
This album is nothing special in the now vast world of metalcore but there are some jems to be found on here. If you are a fan of BTBAM or The Misery Signals you might enjoy these guys.
The Mars Volta Octahedron
Very Good Record From TMV. Best since Frances The Mute. This flows better than anything they have done so far.
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Worse Than Alone
Killer Record. Takes a while to get but give it time! Really good record!
The Red Chord Fused Together in Revolving Doors
The Red Chord Clients
The Red Chord Prey for Eyes
I really dig these guys. Pretty good record. Best Deathgrind band around!
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance
Thrice Beggars
Yes Fragile
Yngwie Malmsteen Rising Force

4.0 excellent
3 (USA) Paint By Number
3 (USA) The End is Begun
Anthrax Sound Of White Noise
August Burns Red Lost Messengers: The Outtakes
Between the Buried and Me Alaska
Camel Rajaz
Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper
Coheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Coheed and Cambria Year of the Black Rainbow
Death Leprosy
this is one of death metal's finest albums and it takes scream bloody gore and take the best parts and takes it to the max
Diamond Head Lightning To The Nations
DragonForce Sonic Firestorm
DragonForce Inhuman Rampage
Dream Theater Train of Thought
Dream Theater Live at Budokan
Dream Theater Greatest Hit
dredg Catch Without Arms
Explosions in the Sky Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die...
Eyes Set to Kill The World Outside
Fear Before Fear Before
Gojira The Link Alive
Gordian Knot Emergent
Haste the Day Burning Bridges
James LaBrie Elements Of Persuasion
Katatonia Night Is the New Day
King Crimson Red
King's X Dogman
Manchester Orchestra Mean Everything to Nothing
Mantic Ritual Executioner
Mastodon Remission
Meshuggah I
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Motorhead Bastards
this is a great motorhead album, i first heard born to raise hell in airheads when it came out and i bought the record straight after and that was my intro to motorhead. good but iron fist and ace of spades are better overall records
Necrophagist Onset of Putrefaction
Norma Jean Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child
Norma Jean Redeemer
Opeth Orchid
Opeth Deliverance
Opeth The Roundhouse Tapes
Opeth Watershed
Pantera The Great Southern Trendkill
Parkway Drive Killing with a Smile
Really Good Record. Will apeal to fans of Metalcore and other types
Porcupine Tree Stupid Dream
Porcupine Tree The Sky Moves Sideways
Porcupine Tree Warszawa
Queensryche Empire
Queensryche American Soldier
Riverside Anno Domini High Definition
I felt the review was a little too harsh.
These guys are very good musicians. Check this out if you are a fan of bands like Porcupine Tree.
Rush Moving Pictures
Rush Fly By Night
Rush Snakes & Arrows
this was a great comeback from one of canada's best rock bands. Great album.
Shadow Gallery Room V
Slayer Reign in Blood
Slayer Show No Mercy
Slayer South of Heaven
Steven Wilson Insurgentes
Symphony X The Divine Wings of Tragedy
concepual tripping mother.......................................................
Texas in July I Am
The Fall of Troy Doppelganger
The Locust The Locust
Warbringer War Without End
X Japan Dahlia

3.5 great
3 (USA) Summercamp Nightmare
Anthrax State Of Euphoria
Between the Buried and Me Between the Buried and Me
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
this is their best album. not more to expect from this band. good live to and that is rare for todays prog metal bands.
Def Leppard On Through The Night
DragonForce Valley Of The Damned
Dream Theater Score
Dream Theater Chaos in Motion
pimpin stuff can be found her ;] sdddddddddddffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Dream Theater Black Clouds and Silver Linings
Dream Theater have been hit and miss for many since Scenes From A Memory (Too Heavy, Bad Songwriting, too poppy)
This record is the most balanced record since Scenes and it is possibly better. From the furious paced A Nightmare To Remember to the laid back and amazing Wither (IMO best ballad the band has ever put out)
To the Rush/ELP sounding tribute to MP's fathers death The Best Of Times. This record is a real prog rock trip that will leave you gasping for more at the end.
(A Rite Of Passage is the worst song and quite possiblly the worst way to represent this epic masterpeice/Wither is the second single)
A Nightmare To Remember 5/5
AROP 3/5
Wither 5/5
The Shattered Fortress 4/5
The Best Of Times 5/5
Count Of Tuscany 5/5 (Better than 8V and ITPOI SOme might like it better than ACOS)
Fear Factory Demanufacture
Firewind The Premonition
Haste the Day Dreamer
He Is Legend It Hates You
Liquid Tension Experiment Liquid Tension Experiment
Mastodon Blood Mountain
Metallica St. Anger
Norma Jean The Anti Mother
Opeth Ghost Reveries
Pantera Vulgar Display of Power
Pink Floyd Animals
killer concept album............................................................................
Protest the Hero Fortress (Instrumental)
Great Album But Even Better Without Vocals (Considering I hate Rody's voice)
Queensryche Mindcrime at the Moore
I have the CD. It contains both opeartion mindcrimes in their entirety, and it features Walk in the shadows and jet city woman as an encore on the second disk. The vocals are top notch and its cool to see the second mindcrime played live. Unless u are just getting this for the second mindcrime i recommend just getting 1991's Operation Livecrime, but its a good fan item.
Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles
Rush Hemispheres
Saxon Strong Arm Of The Law
Shadow Gallery Carved In Stone
My favorite SG album. Very underrated band. Wish they would play a live
Stratovarius Visions
Suicide Silence No Time to Bleed
The Acacia Strain Continent
Thrice Vheissu
Voivod Infini
Whitechapel The Somatic Defilement
Pretty Good record for deathcore. These guys have some tallent!
Within the Ruins Creature
Yngwie Malmsteen Perpetual Flame
This album is definitely better than the last 2. Tim Ripper Owens is why.

3.0 good
Cannibal Corpse Evisceration Plague
Children of Bodom Blooddrunk
well i thought it was pretty fucking good?................................................
Coheed and Cambria No World for Tomorrow
Dragonland Astronomy
Dream Theater Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
dream theater is awesome,........................ggggjukryuryjyr4e4344wt4wtt
Eric Clapton Pilgrim
Iwrestledabearonce It's All Happening
Judas Priest Angel Of Retribution
Led Zeppelin Mothership
Its a good remaster/greatest hits collection but there are many other great zeppelin songs that weren't featured. I recomened buying every record over buying this but it does come with a dvd but its just shorter versions of songs off of the Led Zeppelin DVD
Metallica Death Magnetic
Municipal Waste The Art Of Partying
Pantera Official Live: 101 Proof
Rush Presto
great fucking record...........................................................................................
Saxon Power And The Glory
Symphony X Twilight in Olympus

2.5 average
Alice Cooper Raise Your Fist and Yell
A Heavy and Fairly consistent record that has hints of power metal in a Manowar sense of mind.
Best Song: Freedom
Cancer Death Shall Rise
This was the first and about only British death metal band i have ever heard. Nothing to special here just straight up death metal
DevilDriver Pray for Villains
Dream Theater Octavarium
Dream Theater Systematic Chaos
Judas Priest Nostradamus
Minor Threat In My Eyes
This is the shit. i am guilty of being white motherfuckers.........................
Pink Floyd A Momentary Lapse Of Reason
this is a good guitar album but without waters its not right. gilmore is god though
Queens of the Stone Age Rated R
Testament The Gathering
The Devil Wears Prada With Roots Above and Branches Below
Yngwie Malmsteen Fire & Ice

2.0 poor
King Crimson Discipline
could have been better...................................................................
Lamb of God Wrath

1.0 awful
Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals
Puddle of Mudd Come Clean
The Human Abstract Midheaven
Torsofuck Erotic Diarrhea Fantasy

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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