
Reviews 168
Approval 91%

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Album Edits 71

Album Ratings 1662
Objectivity 86%

Last Active 12-25-20 6:48 am
Joined 03-29-06

Review Comments 0

Average Rating: 3.32
Rating Variance: 0.81
Objectivity Score: 86%
(Well Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Against Me! Against Me!
Animal Collective Merriweather Post Pavilion
At the Drive-In Relationship of Command
Sometimes, you just dont like an album when you first hear it. That was the case with me and Relationship of Command; I just didn't like it at first. After a year of laying off of it, I gave it another listen, and it absolutely blew me away. The energy on the album is incredible, almost greater than anything you could imagine them doing live. Oh, did I mention that the guys can play their instruments pretty goddamn well? Each member is far more than competent at their instrument, and in combination with the eclectic song structures and Cedric's passionate shouting and screaming, this album is rather brilliant in every fashion.
Bomb the Music Industry! Scrambles
Celtic Frost Cold Lake
Ceremony (USA-CA) Ruined
Circle Takes the Square As the Roots Undo
So, Circle Takes the Square is rapidly becoming a favorite band of mine. They only have 13 true songs to even choose from, but every single one of those 13 songs is amazing in its own right. The strongest of those come from this, As the Roots Undo. It's epic, its incredibly emotional, it's technically stunning, and the lyrics are pure poetry. It's a triumph of recent times that should be required listening, if not required love.
Coheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Coheed and Cambria Neverender
I have only listened to three songs but I already know how much I'm going to like this and so do you.
Only review needed.
Comadre Burn Your Bones
Converge You Fail Me
Converge Jane Doe
I fucking knocked this one kids face in once.
This album is pretty much like knocking face in for 45 minutes, plus breakdowns.
Cursive Domestica
Cynic Focus
Cynic Traced in Air
Listening to "Traced in Air", it isn't some massive evolution from "Focus". However, everything about the band has been tightened in the 15 year layover, and the album is far smoother and more focused, resulting in a much more listenable and flowing affair. The incredible riffs and solos are back, and the vocals are far better and are actually now reason enough to listen. With improved percussion, bass work that while not as show-offy as before is still just as precise, and an incredible overarching sense of beauty, "Traced in Air" is one of the best records of 2008, even with only a night of listening under my belt.
dredg El Cielo
Eminem Relapse
It's hard for me to say this, but the old Eminem every white kid in America used to love just isn't there anymore. With that STUNNING realization out of the way, the Eminem that was essentially hinted to on Encore turns out to not be all that bad, as "Relapse" shows Em experimenting with his flow and voice to create a weird, if still familiar record. While it may be horribly offensive to old fans, the album is filled with oddly appealing raps and lyrics, with the best tracks living up to the potential we all know he still has somewhere in him. "Insane", "Medicine Ball", "Stay Wide Awake" and particularly "Beautiful" and "Underground" are all excellent songs, and despite some awful duds in the early stages of the album, the album is surprisingly solid. Here's to Slim

Word of warning to the people though, Eminem is not from the UK still so you may still hate it
Fugazi The Argument
Fugazi Repeater
Glassjaw Worship and Tribute
HORSE the band Desperate Living
Iluvatar Iluvatar
In First Person Lost Between Hands Held Tight
James Blake Overgrown
Most of the time I'm joking when I say this but: seriously, this album is important and


actually sorry after listening to this for 17 hours in the first day and a half of having it
it's a 5 sorry
Justin Timberlake The 20/20 Experience
bump for black metal history month twenty thirteen yoli swag jt love
Kanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
You know, for someone who once said "George Bush doesn't care about black people", Kanye West sure makes good music for us white folks!rThanks Kanye!
King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson King
This album holds its place as overall the best album of all time in my book. Listening to it, it really doesnt feel as though it is. Sure, four of the tracks are breathtaking (21st Century and the title track being the choice cuts), but Moonchild has 8 minutes of boring noise. All this matters not; this was the pioneering record of '69, and easily one of the most influential (directly and indirectly) in history.
King Crimson Red
Lil B 05 Fuck Em
Magma Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh
Okay guys, I finally got this after two years of thinking it was just ridiculous. This is so good.
Massive Attack Mezzanine
There are really only two albums you can choose when answering the age old question "Whats your favorite Trip Hop album?" Personally, this would have to be it. Not only does the album work as the perfect atmospheric music for a variety of activities, you can just plain out listen to it and be awestruck by the arrangements and scope of it.
Matchbox Twenty Mad Season
Mad Season is the magnum opus of one of our times most talented singer-songwriter and rock act, and while it would be an absolute delight to see them ever overtake this album, to do so would be nigh impossible. What matchbox twenty have done here is make an album completely devoid of filler, and then also crafting such meticulate pieces that you never want it to stop. While its fairly obvious that my love for matchbox twenty and everything they do may skew my vision slightly, all that originated from this little album right here. While it would be a rare occurrence for one to never have heard Bent or any number of the hit singles matchbox twenty has produced, Mad Season would be the perfect place to start your listening.
Mesa Verde The Old Road
mewithoutYou A to B: Life
It's arguably one of the most emotionally impacting debut records of all time, squeezing every ounce of sorrow and pain out of a relationship that can be imagined. The lyrics, atmosphere and singing almost make the music a non-point (despite its excellence), transcending genre.
It's one of the most underappreciated albums on sputnik and all of you should adhere to its greatness immediately.
mewithoutYou Catch For Us the Foxes
mewithoutYou Brother, Sister
mewithoutYou It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All A Dream! It's Alright!
My problem with the album is that despite all of its good intentions it plain and simple delivers like previous mewithoutYou efforts.
mewithoutYou Ten Stories
Mumford and Sons Babel
won the grammy for album of the year any non-5 ratings are objectively wrong
Neurosis Times Of Grace
Neurosis The Eye Of Every Storm
Off Minor The Heat Death of the Universe
Orchid Chaos Is Me
Portrait Discography
Rush Hemispheres
Rush is a silly little band. Geddy Lee has a silly voice, and Alex Lifeson uses entirely too silly guitar tones. It's too bad that Lifeson (along with Lee and Peart) are each among the top musicians for each of their respective instruments, and no where was this showcased better than Hempispheres. The title track is second only to 2112 in Rush's standards, and "The Trees" and "La Villa Strangiato" are both Rush's best single and instrumental (respectively).
Rush Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland
god you guys are idiots for having this at a 4.5 what the fuck is wrong with you
Saetia A Retrospective
Say Anything In Defense of the Genre
I totally pop a boner whenever I hear this record.
Its really good I dunno it turns me on. Its like the Jessica Alba of musical pieces.
Say Anything Say Anything
Say Anything sell out, but you realize that they've been sellouts forever, and what excellent sell outs they are. Track after track of witticisms and catchy riffs, culminating in the incredible "Ahhh...Men"
Sleater-Kinney The Woods
System of a Down System of a Down
In 1998, System of a Down came out with a little album called, gasp, System of a Down. Although the singles Sugar and Spiders received airplay, the album never blew up, especially compared to their next effort. However, this is arguably their best output. It is by far the weirdest album theyve put out, relying for less on the heavy riffs found on Toxicity and beyond, and rather on strange intertwining bass and guitar lines. Its also the only time you ever really hear Serj growl, and to those who were introduced to the band with Toxicity, its quite a surprise. The albums only low point is the extremely repetitive Darts, although on an album as strong as this, it still isnt a bad song (Life threatening lifestyles is one of the memorable lines on the album). Highlights include Spiders (Featuring a rare Daron solo), War? (System at their political best), and Mind (Their longest song to date, and also the most haunting). This was one of the most promising debuts of the 90s, and System followed it up well with
Taking Back Sunday Tell All Your Friends
Back in 7th and 8th grade, I was pretty much listening to Linkin PArk constantly. Then I go this album (even though I heard it sucked by my num etal-head friends), and I was absolutely smitten by it. I had to hide my love for it due to the obvious reaction I would have gotten, but it really got me into pop punk, along with Blink 182's self titled.
Taking Back Sunday Where You Want To Be
Taking Back Sunday Louder Now
Taking Back Sunday New Again
The Beatles Abbey Road
The Mars Volta Frances the Mute
So yeah I'm generally a Mars Volta fanboy. Particularly for this album. I get rather agitated and I hit things when someone gives this below a 4.5, and I eat babies whenever I see a 3.5 I black out otherwise. Anyways, this album is pretty goddamn amazing. Despite there being only 5 (6 if you include the single) songs, there's more variety here than on many a more bloated disc (traks wise), with salsa-y L'via juxtaposing with a power ballad in The Widow and a very industrialized song in Miranda. All in all though, it's a rather fantastic album that should be picked up by everyone. Everyone.
The Menzingers On the Impossible Past
The Smith Street Band No One Gets Lost Anymore
Thrice Vheissu
Trophy Scars Bad Luck
The most focused Trophy Scars outing yet (EP or otherwise), epic in scope yet smooth and incredibly listenable, "Bad Luck" shows the band treading into a slower groove, and creating more noteworthy "crescendos". While "Anna Lucia" is the most obvious standout, the trio of songs "Toronto", "Nola", and "Years so Much" (All six minutes plus) are excellent forays in odd song structures and musical and lyrcial tones. Straight off from "Bad Dreams" through "Good Luck", "Bad Luck" is the culmination of what one small punk band from Jersey can do with enough time and vision.rWhich is to say, a lot.
Trophy Scars Darkness, Oh Hell
Trophy Scars Never Born, Never Dead
In the end though, all of that crazy orchestration and songwriting only serves to highlight
the simple elegance of Never Born, Never Dead. Regardless of what the story may be behind
the album, regardless of what instruments they use or how they put them together, or even
what they may have expressly meant to produce, Never Born, Never Dead succeeds because it
taps into some deeper meaning of what music can be: a sprawling, emotional, spiritual and
ambitious work that by not pretending to take itself seriously, becomes so much more honest
than 99% of music being put out today.
Trophy Scars Holy Vacants
I can't claim to know anything about why Trophy Scars make the music they do. I want to say something cliche like "Trophy Scars set out to save rock music, and fucking blow that goal away" but in reality they probably just had a shitload of great ideas, recorded them all, and made an immaculate record. This is the culmination of what the band has been working towards since "Bad Luck", and it's goddamn fantastic. No qualms giving this a classic rating.
Washboard Leo Thomas Louisiana Bluegrass

4.9 classic
Captain, We're Sinking The Future Is Cancelled
Wow this is a real pop punk album fuck the wonder years ugh
Darkthrone The Underground Resistance
bump in honor of black metal history month
Morbid Angel Illud Divinum Insanus
Rush Clockwork Angels
Trinidad James Don't Be S.A.F.E.
ill review Trinidad Jame$
Wil Wagner Laika
The frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to thisThe frontman of the best band in the world listen to this

4.8 classic
Converge When Forever Comes Crashing
The Smith Street Band Don't Fuck With Our Dreams
Graduating from the best punk band on the planet to the best rock band on the planet. Wil Wagner and the boys literally just don't know how to write a bad song.

4.7 superb
Against Me! Transgender Dysphoria Blues
Tone down the Bruce Springsteen influence, turn up the the other 80s rock/punk influences to the max. Laura Jane has brought back the fire and passion of early Against Me! while simultaneously creating the most focused record she's ever written, culminating in a simple triumph of the human spirit
Modern Life Is War Witness

4.6 superb
Fugazi In on the Kill Taker
Gorguts Colored Sands
Vali Skogslandskap

4.5 superb
AC/DC Back In Black
Against Me! Crime as Forgiven By
Against Me! Reinventing Axl Rose
Against Me! Searching for a Former Clarity
Against Me! White Crosses
I don't think anyone has made as big of a "fuck you" album to their old fans as Against Me! have done here. Luckily, those fans were all dirty, disgusting hippies anyways. White Crosses is louder, more frenetic, and catchier than their previous record New Wave, while providing an even bigger adrenaline rush. This is a new Against Me! for a new fanbase, and its kick-ass.
Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill
Animal Collective Fall Be Kind
Pretty sure from here on out, Animal Collective is going to be a band you desperately love, sort of enjoy, or think are really, really stupid. Its pretty certainly the best EP the Co have released, with its fairly condensed running time and fantastic version of "What Would I Want? Sky" being the biggest contributing factor to its excellence.
Animal Collective Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
Asher Roth Asleep In The Bread Aisle
At the Drive-In In/Casino/Out
Blacklisted Peace On Earth, War On Stage
blink-182 Blink-182
Bomb the Music Industry! To Leave or Die in Long Island
Bomb the Music Industry! Vacation
Somebody mentioned recently that Vacation is the Pet Sounds of punk music. Obviously, that is a ridiculous statement, but the thing is Bomb The Music Industry! fans really might think that. In todays music scene, BTMI! might have the most slavishly devoted fan base in the US. Its interesting that all the reasons BTMI! is great to those people, the sloppy punk riffs, silly and ridiculous shouted gang vocals and hooks, the hilariously stupid (but imminently relatable and thought out) lyrics, and the disregard for songwriting conventions, are why most people would HATE them, but BTMI! do everything with so much enthusiasm and energy its like watching a kid learn how to ride a bike for the first time. Its pure magic.r
Brand New Deja Entendu
Circle Takes the Square Rites of Initiation
Clipse Hell Hath No Fury
Clipse make a large return to form with Hell Hath No Fury, and so so with more vigor, skill, and production values than ever before. While you can vaguely tie them in with todays "gangsta-bitch" styling of rap, they do it much better than anyone else; envenomed flows, psuedo-experimental beats, and a sense of majesty T.I. wished he had.
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Usually, I save 5's for albums that either have huge influential purposes, or in which every song is just so brilliant that it would be unjust to give anything lower. For some reason, Good Apollo has 9 outstanding songs and 5 pretty good ones, yet I can't help but be in love with it. Don't let anyone else deter you; Coheed are staking themselves as the commercial leaders of this new movement of radio prog, and this album has cemented the fact that they're also largely unique and competent as musicians (particularly Sanchez and Stever).
Comadre Comadre
Sometimes I give up on hardcore music, and then sometimes a band like Comadre release an album and my
faith is briefly restored. A rare band that can really transfer the energy of their live show to record.
Combining the frantic musicianship of their past material with a newf pound willingness to go full on with
their 80's post-punk and 90's Weezer influence, Comadre is hopefully a stepping stone for more dense,
macabre and danceable punk music to come into the scene.
Converge All We Love We Leave Behind
Cynic Carbon-Based Anatomy
Darkspace Dark Space III
Daughters Daughters
Every single time you've gone over 100 on the freeway, every single time you've ever been at a metal show headbanging, every single time you've ever seen or heard a large explosion, every single time you've ever seen a transvestite dance on a table, every single time this has been WAY HEAVIER, WEIRDER, LOUDER, AND FASTER THAN ANYTHING YOU'VE EVER FUCKING EXPERIENCED get bent
Deep Puddle Dynamics The Taste of Rain...Why Kneel?
Defiance, Ohio The Great Depression
Probably the most important "folk punk" album (at least, of the scene they hail from), "The Great Depression" is a beautiful achievement that probably wont be matched by a bunch of smelly hippies again.
dredg The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion
I thought this was going to suck so bad and was ready to absolutely de-hype it to hell but now I think I am going the opposite way. "Pariah" could be the best song they have ever written.
dredg Catch Without Arms
Drive Like Jehu Yank Crime
Embrace (US) Embrace
Empty Space Orchestra Empty Space Orchestra
Instrumental bands are always a really cool novelty, but in the end if they don't perform in the vein of a Godspeed You! Black Emperor or early Explosions in the Sky, they rarely can keep my attention for very long. Enter Empty Space Orchestra, one of those crazy bands from the northwest that play a super eclectic blend of progressive, jazz and post-rock. They jump from so many different genres, styles, and rhythms that is could be overbearing, but the musicianship is so tight and the songwriting so fluid, its enters the realm of sublime often. Hopefully, this is a band that breaks through this year.
Fair to Midland Arrows and Anchors
Frank Ocean Nostalgia, Ultra.
Frank Turner England Keep My Bones
Frank Turner Love, Ire & Song
Frank Turner The First Three Years
Frank Turner Tape Deck Heart
false bullshit with an ethos that makes me want to fucking puke r
Fugazi Red Medicine
Ghastly City Sleep Ghastly City Sleep
Ghastly City Sleep Moondrifts
Glassjaw El Mark
Glassjaw Coloring Book
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
This is a double album. Yet it has 4 songs. Each songs about 22 minutes long, which means its barely a double album. Who cares. This is the peak of what GY!BE does for me; epic and moving music that is really excellent for sleeping to be perfectly honest.
Harvey Milk Courtesy and Good Will Toward Men
Hop Along Freshman Year
HORSE the band The Mechanical Hand
Hot Cross Fair Trades and Farewells
Hot Water Music A Flight and a Crash
In Mourning Shrouded Divine
Joanna Newsom Have One on Me
Haha I feel like this is one of the most ridiculous, stupid albums I've ever heard. I was a casual fan of Ys, not getting the hype and totally understanding why people hated it but still enjoying it all the same. This however, is so much easier to listen to even though its over two hours long. Fuck me man, fuck meeee
Justin Timberlake FutureSex/LoveSounds
Kamelot The Black Halo
Kayo Dot Choirs of the Eye
King Crimson Larks' Tongues in Aspic
King Crimson Lizard
Kingston Wall Kingston Wall II
Koji Kondo The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony
Kraftwerk Trans-Europe Express
Ladytron Witching Hour
Ladytron are what one can consider a good Electroclash band; they barely even fit in the genre. However, their mixture of rock, pop, and massive amounts of various electronica influences are almost unrivaled, and their ability to craft songs that stick inside your head can only be described as N*Sync-esque. Easily the best pop release of 2005, and one of the most captivating albums of the century.
LCD Soundsystem This Is Happening
Lovage Music To Make Love To Your Old Lady By
Machinae Supremacy Redeemer (Underground Edition)
Redeemer is undoubtedly the most impressive album Ive heard all year, not only because its from some no name bunch of losers from Sweden (seriously, shouldnt they be playing death metal or something?), but because theyve truly crafted an inimitable record with an incredible amount of musicianship, songwriting prowess, and overall zest for what theyre doing. Every song they make could (relatively) be a highlight on a good amount of the albums Ive heard not only this year, but of the past 5. Redeemer deserves to be the album that, at the end of the year, everyone is talking about, and Machinae Supremacy at least deserve to be the band you next check out when you have a few minutes of free time to spare. Oh, but make sure you can miss whatever appointment youll have next, as youll probably want to go play Space Invaders afterwards.
Make Me Make Me
Maps and Atlases You and Me and the Mountain
What Maps & Atlases have done with "You and Me and the Mountain" is create a more melodic, less flashy, and overall far more listenable version of their trademark sound. The tapping is still here, but with stronger vocal melodies and a great emphasis on songwriting than random wankery. Its a magic EP sure to make Maps & Atlases even bigger than they already are.
Masashi Hamauzu Final Fantasy XIII: Original Soundtrack
Mastodon Crack the Skye
maudlin of the Well Bath
Micachu and the Shapes Jewellery
I love Lewis Parry as much as I love this album. If you know the man, then you know this album.
Mindless Self Indulgence Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy
"I love my mommy cause she fucked my dad" is all that really needs to be said about this album. Some say its more of a collection of half songs than actual music. Those people are communist. This album is rpetty goddamn amazing, and sans The Downward Spiral the best industrial release of all time.
Moss Icon Lyburnum Wits End Liberation Fly
Undoubtedly one of the most solid hardcore/emo albums ever released, Moss Icon took the style of music created by Rites of Spring and pushed it even farther into what we call "emo" today. The first band to bring in soft breaks and loud dynamics, clean arpeggiated guitar, and of course the requisite vocals-from-a-guy-about-to-cry. Their only full length, Lyburnum was the perfection of that style of hardcore, and paved the way for later bands like Indian Summer to develop emo even further.
Neurosis Given To The Rising
Nickelback Dark Horse
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
If I had to absolutely nail down only one album from the 90's to submit as my number 1, I would likely end up choosing this. Reznor hit his dark and moody plateu here, creating some incredibly dark and emotional music that was both heavy, yet accessible at the same time. It helps that "Hurt" is by golly one of the best songs ever recorded.
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VIII: Original Soundtrack
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VI: Original Soundtrack
Off Minor Some Blood
With Some Blood, Off Minor have perfected their trade so much that its astounding how much they were able to fit into this twenty two minute LP. Drawing mostly from their previous record Innominate, but with enough fresh ideas and slightly reminiscent parts from the days of Heat Death of the Universe to make a fanboy cream his pants, Some Blood ups the ante on the technicality Off Minor have previously shown, with Behar's jazz influenced guitar playing and Roche's surprisingly improved bass work and tone pushing Off Minor to the limit of what they can do. While the rest of the album may be overshadowed by "Practice Absence" a bit, every song here is an astounding portrayal of the chaotic blend of screamo, hardcore and math rock that one would expect and anticipate from one of the true innovators in the genre.
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez どういたしまして
Past Lives Strange Symmetry
The album is "scarier" and arguably more experimental than anything the Blood Brothers ever made. Less genre defying than just plain genreless, "Strange Symmetry" is something of a weird evolution from "Crimes" by the Blood Brothers, an EP with 5 short, direct songs filled with well executed ideas and unique songwriting. You won't hear anything quite like this for a while, so best to get your fill while you can.
Past Lives Tapestry of Webs
pg.lost It's Not Me, It's You!
Poison the Well The Tropic Rot
Remember how Versions was a really cool record, that just ended up not being that good? Well, Tropic Rot is a really cool record that rivals The Opposite of December as being their most focused and aggressive, and You Come Before You as their most interesting and accessible. Besides the mediocre "Celebrate the Pyre", every song here is a hit, in particular...well everything. The light country aesthetic is more fully integrated in the clean sections, which meld seamlessly with the heavy metal sections. It's tough to call this a real metalcore album, but whatever the hell it is, it is fucking great. Could bump up to a 4.5 if it stays on this level of excellence with time.
Radiohead Hail to the Thief
Raekwon Only Built 4 Cuban Linx... Pt II
pretty much the best hip hop album since...oh hey Only Built for Cuban Linx. what a weird fucking coincidence
Rush A Farewell To Kings
Rush Retrospective I: 1974 - 1980
Shining (SWE) V - Halmstad
V- Halmstad is only a black metal record by the loosest stretch. Progressive black metal may be the best tag for this, and purists are going to absolutely hate it. Shining actively combat stereotypes and standards within the genre, and whether or not they should be applauded for it depends on your idea about the black metal scene. What they deliver with V- Halmstad is a black metal album for people who dont really like black metal, but have always sort of wished they would. Its heavy, its vaguely intelligent (musically- lyrically the translations Ive been able to find are hilariously bad), and its got the ability to make you rethink your hate for an entire genre. Then again, Shining probably would want you to say Fuck black metal anyways.
Stephen Lynch A Litte Bit Special
Styx The Grand Illusion
Ah, the Grand Illusion. What a splendid album. This was the first album I ever bought of my own accord, and it owns a special place in my heart. It's bombastic, dynamic, and by golly Dennis DeYoung has one of the most homoerotic voices I ever heard. I love it.
btw Come Saily Away > You.
Subtle ExitingARM
Swans The Seer
This is undeniably the best album I have heard this year. This is a monument to the fact that as long as what you're doing is passionate and creative, you can get away with songs that 'go nowhere' for five minutes a time. However, its the fact that at times I have to actively tell myself to sit through sections that causes me to readily pick this as my 'favorite' album of the year, despite the impressive and often brilliant songs on it.
Sweet Smoke From Darkness To Light
System of a Down Steal This Album!
Tangerine Dream Phaedra
The Blood Brothers This Adultery Is Ripe
The Blood Brothers ...Burn, Piano Island, Burn
The Blood Brothers Young Machetes
The Dear Hunter Violet
The Dear Hunter Green
The only 'experiment' of The Color Spectrum that succeeds with flying colors. Slightly psychedelic, incredibly heartfelt, and astounding musicianship make this a contender with Violet for my favorite EP.
The Dear Hunter Yellow
It's Dear Hunter, just way happier and sunnier than normal. One of the EPs that really shows just how influenced by The Beatles "White Album" this whole thing really is.
The Fall of Troy Doppelganger
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
The Mars Volta The Bedlam in Goliath
The Mars Volta Noctourniquet
Dad said "the worst part about living is, the mars volta haven't released an album for almost three years" WELL FUCK YOU DAD NOCTOURNIQUET RULES
The Rocky Horror Picture Show The Rocky Horror Picture Show
A lot of people don't like The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I think it's a rather fantastic thing to be perfectly honest. Blending rock with jazz with pop with blues, it's actually a stunning musical composition in its own right, with songs that range from impossibly danceable (Time Warp, Hot Patootie) to sad, almost touching songs (Science Fiction/Double Theatre, I Can Make you a Man). Oh, and its about transvestites and stuff. Hot.
The Smith Street Band South East Facing Wall
The Smith Street Band Sunshine and Technology
The Swell Season The Swell Season
The Swell Season Strict Joy
The Thirty Years War Martyrs Among the Casualties
The Vidablue Our Miracle Point of Contact
Therapy? Crooked Timber
Tom Waits Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers and Bastards
Never hearing more than one or two songs by him, Orphans and its vast scope introduced me to pretty much every aspect I could imagine about Mr. Waits. While Bastards may be the best disc, none of the three are below fantastic, and there isn?t a bad song of note on this sprawling album, while there are innumerable gems.
Troubled Medium CAN U FEEL IT???
Btmi worship via Smith Street Band. this album is everything I want in a punk record. more please
Underoath Define the Great Line
Underoath Ø (Disambiguation)
There is only one thing that matters here, and its going to keep all the old nancyboy underoath fans from appreciating this: HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS HEAVY
Warning Watching from a Distance
Weekend Nachos Worthless

4.4 superb
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
Fugazi 13 Songs
Waxahatchee Cerulean Salt

4.3 superb
3 Mice Send Me a Postcard
The feel good album of 2012. This album makes me happy in ways that I didn't know I could still feel from music.
AFI Sing the Sorrow
Converge Axe to Fall
Jenny Hval Innocence Is Kinky
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here
The Menzingers Chamberlain Waits

4.2 excellent
Camel Mirage
wow another bitch ass who hasnt heard camel did you realise camel is the best band ever besides rush? did you even know?r
Camel The Snow Goose
wow another bitch ass who hasnt heard camel did you realise camel is the best band ever besides rush? did you even know?r
Fugazi End Hits
NAILS Abandon All Life
bump in honor of kit brown story scout history month
RVIVR The Beauty Between
In case people didn't know, this album rules and is easy top 3 for the year. Probably the best pop punk album I've heard in...forever
Sed Non Satiata Sed Non Satiata
The Mountain Goats Sweden

4.1 excellent
A Wilhelm Scream Partycrasher
Camel Moonmadness
wow another bitch ass who hasnt heard camel did you realise camel is the best band ever besides rush? did you even know?r
Crusades The Sun Is Down and the Night is Riding In
Laura Marling Once I Was an Eagle
I will write a staff review as soon as I get a working computer again my good friend!
Love Forever Changes
Pusha T My Name Is My Name
Tegan and Sara The Con
The Mars Volta Amputechture
Amputechture is both TMV's most all-around solid work, et it isn't their best. The album itself contains a huge amount of highlights and melds the breakout-pace and style of De-Loused with the vastness and musicianship or Frances, all while taking it a step further in terms of songwriting. However, it isn't anything truly new, and despite the fact that "Tetragrammaton" and "Day of the Baphomets" are two of the finest songs I've heard all year, the album is just a tad bit too long for its own good.
Touche Amore Is Survived By

4.0 excellent
108 A New Beat From A Dead Heart
1905 Voice
A City Safe From Sea Throw Me Through Walls
Some bands just have it. A City Safe From Sea may not have anything to worry about from the Caspian, but they might be treading knee-deep in that shit.
A Day In Black And White My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys
A Wilhelm Scream Ruiner
A Wilhelm Scream Career Suicide
A Wilhelm Scream Mute Print
A Wilhelm Scream A Wilhelm Scream
AFI Black Sails in the Sunset
Against Me! As the Eternal Cowboy
Against Me! The Disco Before the Breakdown
Air Talkie Walkie
Air Moon Safari
Alias The Other Side Of The Looking Glass
Alkaline Trio Goddamnit
Alkaline Trio From Here to Infirmary
Alkaline Trio Crimson
Alkaline Trio Damnesia
All Pigs Must Die Nothing Violates This Nature
All the Empires of the World ...Will Be Laid To Waste
Amon Amarth Twilight of the Thunder God
Amon Amarth Surtur Rising
Amon Amarth With Oden on Our Side
Amon Amarth Fate of Norns
Amon Amarth Versus the World
Amon Tobin Supermodified
Ampere Like Shadows
The best emo album of the short year so far, but after being spoiled for years with bands who played a longer, more satisfying style of music, is Ampere as impactful as they once were? Eh, still gonna rule live.
Ampere/Daitro Split
Anasarca Discography 1994-1997
Andrew Bird The Mysterious Production Of Eggs
Angelo Badalamenti Mulholland Drive
Arcade Fire Neon Bible
Arcade Fire Reflektor
The fact that Arcade Fire has reached the point where the trend is to start an anti-hype train in advance of a record dropping, when you imply that nobody even likes them that much in the first place and they aren't worthy of attention, is a marvelous thing. The ultimate "Fuck you, flakey, flighty, shitty internet music fans".
Arghoslent Incorrigible Bigotry
At the Drive-In Vaya
At the Drive-In Acrobatic Tenement
Atmosphere When Life Gives You Lemons...
AVAST! Faultlines
B.o.B The Adventures of Bobby Ray
Beastie Boys Paul's Boutique
Belle Epoque Wicked Ones and Thieves
Black Moth Super Rainbow Dandelion Gum
The best album released this year that I have reduced to background music, "Dandelion Gum" is a trippy ass psychedelic/trip hop album that features some heavily upbeat material, and has some great 60/70's vibes going on throughout it. It's a great record to just have playing while you're browsing the internet, taking a relaxing drive down an empty highway, or even watching a low-key movie. A massive improvement over "Start a People".
Blackalicious Blazing Arrow
Blacklisted Heavier Than Heaven, Lonelier Than God
Boards of Canada Music Has the Right to Children
Boards of Canada Geogaddi
Bomb the Music Industry! Get Warmer
Bomb the Music Industry! Adults!!!: Smart!!! Shithammered!!! And Excited By Nothing!!!!!!!
Bomb the Music Industry! Goodbye Cool World!
Botch We Are the Romans
Boysetsfire The Misery Index: Notes From The Plague
Brand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
Bruce Springsteen Devils & Dust
The last "great" thing Bruce will ever record. If something akin to this was released during his heyday, it would be compared with Nebraska as his strongest record.
Cap'n Jazz Analphabetapolothology
One of the most "developed" emo compilations I've heard from the early days of the genre, Cap'n Jazz was something special; incredibly catchy, extremely emotional, and great (if sloppy) musicians with a sense for melody and simple-but-effective. Vocalist Tim often sings completely off key, but you'd hardly notice with all the passion in his voice. The ylrics are something else, both relatable and profound (for the most part). While disc 1 is a bit better than 2, its pretty evenly distributed, and you cant fault over 90 minutes of Cap'n Jazz at all.
Capsule (US) Blue
Cease Upon the Capitol Untitled
An eclectic mix of various different types of emo, Cease Upon the Capitol have somewhat adopted the recent post-rock trend that bands have been jumping on for years it seems, Cease Upon the Capitol combine the tension of a band like In First Person with the theatrics and churning/building nature of City of Caterpillar, all the while not overblowing it with songs twice as long as they need to be. Definitely one of the strongest emo releases of 2007, and possibly the only real challenger to the Kidcrash's "Jokes".
Ceremony (USA-CA) Violence Violence
Ceremony (USA-CA) Still Nothing Moves You
Ceremony (USA-CA) Rohnert Park
Chamillionaire Ultimate Victory

Chamillionaire produces the hip hop album of the year, in one of the biggest efforts I've heard this side of a Martin Scorsese film. Ultimate Victory is a collection of intelligent raps on current affairs, traditional southern crunk songs about cash and groupies, and discussion on the current state of Hip Hop itself. Featuring one of the smoothest flows in mainstream rap, Chamillionaire is truly the shining gem among all those other "gangsta" rappers out there, up there with the duo from Clipse as the leading figures in popular rap.
CHVRCHES The Bones of What You Believe
Surprisingly fucking great
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Coheed and Cambria The Last Supper: Live At Hammerstein Ballroom
Coheed and Cambria No World for Tomorrow
Coheed and Cambria Year of the Black Rainbow
Cold Year Of The Spider
Coldplay Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
Combatwoundedveteran This is Not an Erect, All-Red Neon Body
An essential collection of spazzcore/grind songs, this compilation includes everything Combatwoundedveteran did besides their full length, and thus also is everything good that they ever recorded. Gritty as fuck and also ridiculous and sometimes hysterically intense, everyone who wants to pretend to be a hardcore nut should pick this up.
Converge No Heroes

By far the most *** kicking release of the year, Converge drop their second guitarist but continue to be one of the most intense bands on the planet. From the brutal opening tracks, to the near ballad-y ?Grim Heart/Black Rose,? to the almost emocore ?Lonewolves,? this is arguably the most well rounded album Converge have yet to release.
Creedence Clearwater Revival Chronicle, Vol. 1
Crossed Out 1990-1993
Cryptopsy None So Vile
Cursive The Ugly Organ
Cursive Mama, I'm Swollen
I had extreme anxiety coming into "Mama, I'm Swollen". On one hand, the two studio songs I had heard were amazingly catchy and well written, and the live version of "What Have I Done?" was astounding. On the other hand, this is now their 6th full studio record, and I was scared that perhaps Tim Kasher would run out of things to write about. He did. This album is still amazing.
Daft Punk Random Access Memories
Daitro Laisser Vivre Les Squelettes
Daitro/Sed Non Satiata Split
Dangers Anger
Dangers 5 O'Clock Shadows At The Edge Of The Western World
It's really, really hard for Dangers not to sound awesome. It might be impossible.
Danny Elfman Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Danny Elfman The Nightmare Before Christmas
Dashboard Confessional The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most
Deafheaven Sunbather
"This album may not make you deaf, but it certainly will take you to heaven!!!!!!!!"
- discarded Jacob Royal soundoff, 2013
Deep Sleep Turn Me Off
Defeater Lost Ground
Defiance, Ohio The Fear, The Fear, The Fear
Deftones White Pony
Deltron 3030 Deltron 3030
DJ Shadow Endtroducing.....
Drake So Far Gone
Drake Take Care
Seriously, Drake has always been awesome. This is just more awesome stuff from Drake with only like, two filler songs this time as opposed to the half records worth he normally populates. Word.
Dream Theater Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory
dredg Leitmotif
Echo and The Bunnymen Ocean Rain
Eels Hombre Lobo
Eluvium Copia
Eminem The Eminem Show
Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP
Eminem Recovery
Entombed Left Hand Path
Envy A Dead Sinking Story
Envy All the Footprints You've Ever Left and the Fear Expecting Ahead
Envy Insomniac Doze
Envy On The Coast Lucy Gray
Envy On The Coast Lowcountry
Esoteric Metamorphogenesis
Falkenbach Heralding - The Fireblade
Feist The Reminder
Fleet Foxes Fleet Foxes
Frank Zappa Zoot Allures
Funeral Diner The Underdark
Ghost Mice All We Got Is Each Other
Glassjaw Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
Gorguts Obscura
Gorillaz Demon Days
Gorillaz Plastic Beach
Sometimes at night, I believe I will spend my hours dancing on my couch in tighty whities listening to this album. That's how silly, fun, and explosive it is.
Gospel The Moon Is a Dead World
GridLink Longhena
Grotesque In the Embrace of Evil
Harvey Milk Life... The Best Game in Town
Heaven and Hell The Devil You Know
Makes me kind of wish I was alive for the days when metal was just fucking metal and wasn't caught up with being heavy as shit or technical as fuck.
Henryk Gorecki Symphony No. 3, Op. 36
HORSE the band R. Borlax
Ice Cube The Predator
To be completely honest, gangsta rap sucks. Hardcore. However, thats merely in todays society where the gangsta lifestyle has been glamourized. While Ice Cube may have been rather affluent, it's almost impossible to deny this albums absolute amazingness. Cube is one of the most passionate rappers of his day with a sick flow yo, and the production on this album is still nearly untouched to this day. Quite possibly the best hip hop album of all time.
Immolation Majesty and Decay
consistent death metal band puts out another consistent death metal album, but at the same time delivering it so well that it comes close to matching the epic heights set by their mid-era masterpieces.
In/Humanity Violent Resignation: The Great...
Incubus (USA-CA) Morning View
Infest Slave
Integrity Humanity is the Devil
Integrity was one of the most influential hardcore bands of the early/mid 90s, paving the way for pretty much everything that is called hardcore today. Combining elements of metal into their sound, they along with a few others like Biohazard really pushed hardcore into a new direction and essentially kept the genre alive. "Humanity is the Devil" is perhaps the best output these 'legends' (relatively) released, and features extended songs that don't conform to any formula. While the last track can go fuck itself, everything else here is Integrity's formula played to near perfection.
Iron Maiden A Matter Of Life And Death
Jack Johnson In Between Dreams
Jack Johnson Sing-A-Longs and Lullabies for Curious George
Jack Johnson Sleep Through the Static
Jaco Pastorius Jaco Pastorius
Jardin de la Croix Pomeroy
Jethro Tull Aqualung
John Mayer Continuum
John Mayer Battle Studies
Joshua Fit For Battle To Bring Our Own End
Julia Julia
Combining some parts that sound like a more frantic Drive Like Jehu, others that are reminiscent of Rites of Spring, and then build ups akin to Moss Icon, Julia are a fairly great mid-90's emo band. Songs like "Scarification" and "Untitled" meld all of their sounds together perfectly, while others like "Trigger Happy" are great hardcore songs. While they sometimes get lost in themselves, "Julia" is a great effort that should get mentioned around these here parts more than it does.
Justin Timberlake Justified
Kamelot Epica
Kanye West 808s and Heartbreak
Kayo Dot Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue
maudlin/Kayo Dot continue to grow with this release, which sees a larger shift away from their metal influences and into a more free form category. However, the songs are all still just as epic and gripping as ever; and right from the start you see how much more of a sustained kickass this is than its contemporaries.
Kayo Dot Hubardo
Kelly Clarkson Breakaway
King Crimson The Power to Believe
King Crimson Starless and Bible Black
King Crimson THRAK
King Crimson Discipline
King Crimson The ConstruKction of Light
Kodan Armada Ohio Killed the Grey Ghost
Kodan Armada A Collection Of Songs
Kraftwerk Computer World
Lady Gaga The Fame Monster
Lady Gaga The Fame
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti
Lorde Pure Heroine
LoveHateHero Just Breathe
Lupe Fiasco Food & Liquor
Mago de Oz Finisterra
Mahavishnu Orchestra Birds of Fire
Maps and Atlases Tree, Swallows, Houses
Maroon 5 Songs About Jane
Maroon 5 It Won't Be Soon Before Long
Massive Attack Splitting the Atom
do people not realize these are all just remixes or are people just retarded

the half that arent are basic mixes that arent even going to be what resembles the record durr
Massive Attack Heligoland
Matchbox Twenty More Than You Think You Are
Matchbox Twenty Exile on Mainstream
maudlin of the Well Leaving Your Body Map
Meat Loaf Bat Out of Hell
Merchandise (Strange Songs) In the Dark
Merchandise Children of Desire
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Michael Franti and Spearhead All Rebel Rockers
Michael Jackson Thriller
Minor Threat Out of Step
Modern Life Is War My Love. My Way.
N.W.A. Straight Outta Compton
Natalie Imbruglia Left of the Middle
Neko Case Middle Cyclone
Neko Case The Worse Things Get, the Harder I Fight...
Neurosis A Sun That Never Sets
Neurosis Souls At Zero
Neurosis Through Silver In Blood
Neurosis Enemy Of The Sun
Nine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IV
No Doubt Tragic Kingdom
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VIII: Piano Collections
Off Minor Problematic Courtship
Ohana Dead Beat
Oingo Boingo Dead Man's Party
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and John Frusciante Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and John Frusciante
Orchid Orchid
Overview Forty-Four Stone Tigers
Panic! at the Disco A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
pg.99 Document #8
pg.99 Document #5
pg.lost Yes I Am EP
pg.lost In Never Out
Pianos Become the Teeth Saltwater
Pink Floyd The Wall
Pink Floyd The Final Cut
Poison the Well The Opposite of December
Primordial To The Nameless Dead
Primus Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Prince 1999
Queensryche Operation: Mindcrime
Quicksand Slip
Radiohead In Rainbows
Raekwon Only Built 4 Cuban Linx...
Red City Radio Titles
Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium
So yeah, I got laid while listening to this album. Pretty much sums up my feelings in a nutshell on the subject. Stadium Arcadium = Sex. Albeit ear sex.
Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication
Refused The Shape Of Punk To Come
Rick Wakeman The Seven Wonders of the World
Rites of Spring End on End
Rush Moving Pictures
Rush Fly By Night
Rush Hold Your Fire
Rush Chronicles
Rush Rush Replay X3
Rush Snakes & Arrows
Santana Abraxas
Santana Santana III
Satyricon Nemesis Divina
Say Anything ...Is a Real Boy
Say Anything Hebrews
Schoolyard Heroes Abominations
Shai Hulud Reach Beyond the Sun
koi no yokan / jane doe / every other dumb album version 2 apparently right guys hurr hurr hurr
Shakira Oral Fixation Vol. 2
Shakira ¿Dónde Están los Ladrones?
Shakira Fijacion Oral Vol. 1
Ship Thieves Canyons
Shipwreck A.D. Shipwreck
Siekiera Nowa Aleksandria
I laughed, I cried, I danced, I think this album did every last thing it could for me. A really great album, if a little on the "extreme"end of the post-punk spectrum.
Silversun Pickups Swoon
Sinead O'Connor The Lion And The Cobra
Snapcase Progression Through Unlearning
Soundtrack (Film) Once More With Feeling
Soundtrack (Film) South Park (Original Soundtrack)
Soundtrack (Video Game) Hotline Miami Official Soundtrack
Stephen Lynch Superhero
Stratovarius Destiny
Stratovarius Intermission
Styx Greatest Hits
Subtle For Hero: For Fool
Sun Kil Moon April
Sunny Day Real Estate Diary
Sweet Smoke Just A Poke
Symphony X V: The New Mythology Suite
t.A.T.u. 200 km/H In The Wrong Lane
Takaru There Can Be Only None
Tarot Suffer Our Pleasures
Ten Grand The Comprehensive List
Texas Is The Reason Do You Know Who You Are?
The Beach Boys Pet Sounds
Blah blah blah Sgt Peppers was the musical revolution of the 1960s blah blah. Fuck that shit yo, this i where its at. It was a slightly trippy record, but altogether one of the most fun listens I've ever had. Though I havent listened to it for like two years so I don't have quite as much to say about it as I normally would. Well, it basically paved the way for progressive music you could say. But then you could say the opposite. ITs oh so contrived.
The Beatles Revolver
The Beatles Rubber Soul
The Beatles Please Please Me
The Blood Brothers March On Electric Children
The Dear Hunter Red
The Death of Anna Karina New Liberalistic Pleasures
Everything you ever knew about screamo and electronic music is turned UPSIDE DOWN ON ITS HEAD IN THE DEFINING RELEASE OF THE TRUE ELECTROSKRAMZ SCENE. Neophytes be warned: your face WILL be danced off.
The Decemberists The Crane Wife
While I had enjoyed about half of Picaresque, I hadn?t expected to enjoy The Crane Wife quite as much as I ended up. However, they?ve toned down the excess instruments and gone to a more streamlined, poppy sound that works magnificently for them. It also helps they have an extended track to match the heights of ?The Mariner?s Revenge Song? with ?The Crane Wife 1 and 2?
The Fall of Troy The Fall of Troy
The Fall of Troy Ghostship Demos
The Flaming Lips The Terror
The Flower Kings The Rainmaker
The Khayembii Communique The Khayembii Communiqué
The Killers Sam's Town
The Killers Day & Age
Brandon Flower's drops the ridiculous posturing he has had in the past of being a "cool guy", and in the process finds the chemistry with his music he has always been looking for. Incredibly upbeat, catchy, uplifting and well thought out, it's a perfect blend of 80's pop music and a bit of 90's alt brit rock. Each song is filled to the brim with memorable hooks and interesting nuances. Truly a surprising and fantastic effort by a band I had written off as good, but standard pop fare.

As a side note, I give this a 4.5
The Locust Safety Second, Body Last
The Locust New Erections
The Lonely Island Incredibad
I figured that the 4 songs released before the album was completed were going to easily be the best material, but I was mistaken. A musically accomplished comedy album, the brilliance of certain songs makes up for the more filler-ish moments on the record. Filled with ridiculous hooks and lyrics, Incredibad is just plain awesome.
The Mars Volta Tremulant
The Menzingers A Lesson in the Abuse of Information Technology
The Nation of Ulysses Plays Pretty for Baby
The Omar Rodriguez Lopez Quintet The Apocalypse Inside Of An Orange
The Pax Cecilia Nouveau
The Prize Fighter Inferno My Brother's Blood Machine
The Prodigy The Fat Of The Land
The Smiths The Queen Is Dead
The Ting Tings We Started Nothing
The Weakerthans Reunion Tour
The Weakerthans Reconstruction Site
These Arms Are Snakes Easter
These Arms Are Snakes Oxeneers or the Lion Sleeps When Its Antelope Go Home
These Arms Are Snakes This Is Meant To Hurt You
Three 6 Mafia When the Smoke Clears
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IV
Thursday Full Collapse
Tom Jones 24 Hours
I have no idea how Tom Jones has managed to keep his voice as strong today as it was over 40 years ago when he started, but however he has God bless him. "24 Hours" features Tom Jones having arguably the most fun he has ever had in his epic career, every song feeling like a blast of energy and nostalgia for a new generation of listeners. While it is heavily rooted in 60's and 70's pop and soul, there is a definite new age twist on it that makes it not feel dated. Cuts like "I'm Alive" and "Feels Like Music" are funky pop anthems, while "If He Should Ever Leave You" and "Never" are classic love tunes that we've just come to expect from Mr. Jones. A triumphant collection of new songs, "24 Hours" is just another affirmation that Tom Jones is still the sexiest voice in show business.
Trophy Scars Hospital Music for the Aesthetics of Language
TV on the Radio Dear Science
For all the praise Bon Iver gets for being a simple, enjoyable listen, TV on the Radio accomplish all that while creating truly inspiring, eclectic, forward thinking music. Pretentious while not being pretentious; "Dear Science," is an indie album that combines itself with elements of hip hop, electronica and a good 'ol helping of soul to make it the ultimate vision of what the band has always done. Surprise of the year.
Ulver Shadows of the Sun
United Nations United Nations
It's a joke/tribute album featuring some of the most ridiculous music written this year that purists are already starting to hate. However, the combination of Thursday's sound with a real "screamo" bent with some grind musicians being thrown into the mix is an immense one. Arguably the record of the year.
Usurp Synapse Disinformation Fix
VersaEmerge Perceptions
Wu-Tang Clan Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
X Japan Blue Blood
Yellowcard Lights and Sounds
Yes The Yes Album
Yes Tales from Topographic Oceans
Yndi Halda Enjoy Eternal Bliss
You and I Discography
You and I The Curtain Falls
Yusef Lateef Eastern Sounds

3.9 excellent
Fire! Orchestra Exit!
Fugazi Steady Diet of Nothing
Rush 2112
Sed Non Satiata Mappo
Sed Non Satiata more like Get A Better Name am I right guys how do you even pronounce that???
Tegan and Sara Heartthrob
Third Ear Band Third Ear Band

3.8 excellent
Crusades Perhaps You Deliver This Judgement...
Deerhunter Monomania
An album that isn't as grand or incredibly OVERWHELMING as their previous records, but is probably an easier listen. Best praise I could give it is that I listened to this more than once in a row when I first heard it, unlike Microcastle or Halcyon Digest
Friendzone DX
Laura Stevenson Wheel
This is a lot better than Sit. Resist. Is it the second coming of music? No. Is it a lovely and heartrendingly beautiful outlook on someone's own partial existential death? Yes. This album is striking in all the right ways.
Los Campesinos! No Blues
Modern Life Is War Fever Hunting
I mean it's another MLiW album and it's really good. If you wanted any more why don't you go START A BAND AND DRESS IN ALL BLACK
Saintseneca Dark Arc
The Hotelier Home, Like NoPlace Is There
The Mars Volta Octahedron

3.7 great
John Lithgoat Who Gives a Fuck Nowhere
this jams hard one can only hope the rumors of a potential break up ARE NOT TRUE
Laura Stevenson Runner
The Menzingers Rented World
The Menzingers make pretty much a straight up alternative rock album. It's pretty good. It will not, however, change Channing Freeman's life this time around.
Trvth Black Horse Plague
Tyler Brown The Hollows
More good music to be coming out of nowhere but I am scared this will become another example of people overvaluing something pleasant and indie

3.6 great
Kvelertak Meir
Summoning Oath Bound

3.5 great
*shels Sea of the Dying Dhow
*shels Plains Of The Purple Buffalo
...Who Calls So Loud ...Who Calls So Loud
1000 Travels of Jawaharlal Owari Wa Konai
2Pac Greatest Hits
3 (USA) The End is Begun
A Hawk And A Hacksaw Delivrance
After they put on a surprisingly moving performance opening for Swans (when you got forty year old neckbeards grooving, you're doing something right), I decided to check em out. While I love all the eaten European flavor, its honestly just a little too far being on the side of kitsch for me, and without a live setting, it losses some appeal. still a solid, interesting listen.
A Tribe Called Quest The Low End Theory
AC/DC High Voltage
AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
AC/DC Powerage
Against Me! Vivida Vis!
Against Me! New Wave
Against Me! The Original Cowboy
Akercocke Words That Go Unspoken...
Alexisonfire Alexisonfire
Alexisonfire Crisis
Alexisonfire Old Crows / Young Cardinals
A bunch of really good rock songs. The vocals can be grating and the song formula is pretty consistent and unvariable, but all in all it contains some of the most instantly accessible music alexisonfire have made to date.
Algernon Cadwallader Some Kind Of Cadwallader
Algernon Cadwallader Parrot Flies
Hey did you listen to the first Algernon Cadwallader album? The one with all the twinkly fun bullshit that was sort of like a weirdly darker Cap'n Jazz? Yeah, this is their second album. Its more twinkly bullshit that is sort of like a weirdly darker Cap'n Jazz. Weirdly Darker Jazz'n Cap
Alkaline Trio Maybe I'll Catch Fire
Alkaline Trio Good Mourning
Amon Tobin Adventures In Foam
Amon Tobin Foley Room
Amon Tobin Chaos Theory - Splinter Cell 3 Soundtrack
Amon Tobin Out From Out Where
Ampere All Our Tomorrows End Today
An Albatross We Are The Lazer Viking
An Albatross The An Albatross Family Album
An Albatross Blessphemy (Of The Peace-Beast Feastgive
Angel Hair Pregnant With The Senior Class
Animal Collective Strawberry Jam
Antioch Arrow In Love with Jetts/The Lady Is a Cat
Arcade Fire Funeral
Architects Ruin
Architects Nightmares
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom
At the Drive-In El Gran Orgo
At the Drive-In Hell Paso
Avenged Sevenfold City Of Evil
Baroness Red Album
Bars Introducing...
BATS Cruel Sea Scientist
BATS Red In Tooth and Claw
Bayside Bayside
Beastie Boys To the 5 Boroughs
The BEastie Boys had been gone for a while, and the announcement of another project without the Dust Brothers was kind of scary. However, the boys pull it off well; while their production skills have nothing on the Dust Brothers, they still pull it off quite well ("Triple Trouble" has chimes that make me shiver). Their flow, while getting a bit tired, is still as solid as ever, and Adrock continues to shine through as a standout rapper in his own right. The lyrics are a product of the times; political and social commentary that is perhaps a tad bit too preachy. While the album isn't made for repeated listens, it's more than a small bit enjoyable for a few listens here and there.
Beastie Boys Hello Nasty
Beastie Boys Check Your Head
Beck Modern Guilt
Behemoth Demigod
Ben Folds Songs for Silverman
Ben Folds Rockin' The Suburbs
Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect
Black Moth Super Rainbow Eating Us
Black Sabbath Master Of Reality
Blacklisted We're Unstoppable
Blind Guardian Nightfall In Middle-Earth
blink-182 The Mark, Tom and Travis Show
Blu and Exile Below the Heavens
Blut Aus Nord 777 - The Desanctification
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase
Bomb the Music Industry! Everybody That You Love
Bomb the Music Industry! Album Minus Band
Bon Iver For Emma, Forever Ago
Bon Iver Bon Iver, Bon Iver
A solid to borderline exceptional album, marred by the fact that Vernon still doesn't delve into depths worthy of his obvious songwriting ability.
Boysetsfire Suckerpunch Training
Broken Social Scene Forgiveness Rock Record
Bruce Springsteen Magic
Burton Wagner 21
Cannibal Corpse Evisceration Plague
Carbon Based Lifeforms World Of Sleepers
Cave In Until Your Heart Stops
Cave In White Silence
Ceremony (USA-CA) Scared People
Chevelle Vena Sera
Chevelle This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
Children of Bodom Are You Dead Yet?
Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper
Christina Aguilera Back to Basics
Circle Takes the Square Circle Takes the Square
Circle Takes the Square Decompositions: Volume Number One
okay so i knew the first half would be a 4, and the second half lives up to that. no big surprise, except for the fact that it feels so fucking long. i don't think its really any longer than as the roots undo, but it just lacks the dynamic songwriting that really made that record.
City of Caterpillar City of Caterpillar
Clint Mansell, Kronos Quartet and Mogwai The Fountain
Clipse Lord Willin'
Comadre More Songs About The Man
Converge Petitioning The Empty Sky
CSTVT Summer Fences
Cult of Luna Vertikal
Cynic Demo 1991
Daitro Des Cendres, Je Me Consume
Damien Dempsey To Hell Or Barbados
Dan Deacon Bromst
Dangers Messy, Isn't It?
Danny Brown Old
Darkspace Dark Space II
Dead Man In Reno Dead Man In Reno
Death Symbolic
Death By Stereo Death Alive
Defeater Travels
Deftones Diamond Eyes
Demians Building An Empire
Demons and Wizards Demons & Wizards
Destiny's Child #1’s
Dewey Cox Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
Dido Life For Rent
Dir En Grey Vulgar
Dir En Grey MISSA
Dir En Grey Withering to Death
Direct Hit! Brainless God
Disney Disney's Princess Collection...
Disturbed Indestructible
Doomriders Darkness Come Alive
I had a dream last night doomriders had high top nikes, they had diamonds on their necks and diamonds on there mikes
Dr. Dre The Chronic
Dr. Octagon Dr. Octagonecologyst
DragonForce Valley Of The Damned
Eagles Hotel California
El-P Fantastic Damage
Emancipator Soon It Will Be Cold Enough
Eminem Curtain Call: The Hits
Eminem The Slim Shady LP
Energy Punch The Clock
Engine Down Demure
Enochian Theory A Monument to the Death of an Idea
Ensiferum Victory Songs
Envy From Here To Eternity
Erykah Badu New Amerykah Pt. One: 4th World War
Esoteric The Maniacal Vale
Esoteric Paragon of Dissonance
Esoteric The Pernicious Enigma
Explosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place
Fates Warning FWX
Fightstar Grand Unification
Fleetwood Mac Rumours
Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac
Flying Lotus Cosmogramma
Flyleaf Flyleaf
Fort Minor The Rising Tied
Frank Turner Sleep Is For The Week
Frank Zappa Hot Rats
Frightened Rabbit Pedestrian Verse
From First to Last Heroine
Fucked Up Hidden World
Gaza He Is Never Coming Back
George Strait For the Last Time: Live From the Astrodome
Ghostface Killah The Big Doe Rehab
Ghostlimb Ghostlimb
Ghostlimb Bearing & Distance
Giant Squid Metridium Fields
Giles Corey Giles Corey
Glassjaw Our Color Green (The Singles)
godheadSilo Skyward in Triumph
Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞
Goo Goo Dolls Gutterflower
Gorilla Biscuits Start Today
Grade Under the Radar
Green Day Dookie
Gregor Samsa 55:12
Grizzly Bear Veckatimest
Handsome Boy Modeling School White People
Haram Haram
High on Fire Snakes for the Divine
High School Musical High School Musical
Hopesfall The Satellite Years
Hot Cross Cryonics
Hot Cross A New Set of Lungs
Hot Cross Risk Revival
Howard Shore The Fellowship of the Ring
I Hate Myself 10 Songs
Intronaut Prehistoricisms
ISIS Panopticon
Jack Johnson On and On
Jack Johnson Brushfire Fairytales
Jaga Jazzist What We Must
Jane's Addiction Nothing's Shocking
Jason Mraz Mr. A-Z
Jay-Z The Black Album
Jeff Buckley Grace
Jeromes Dream Completed
Jessica Simpson A Public Affair
Jimmy Buffett Songs You Know By Heart
Joe Satriani Super Colossal
John Legend Once Again
Joy Division Substance
Jurassic 5 Quality Control
Jurassic 5 Power in Numbers
Kamelot Karma
Kamelot Ghost Opera
Kanye West The College Dropout
Kid Cudi Man on the Moon: The End of Day
I've gotta be honest, usually I don't particularly like rap as hyped up as this especially due to the type of rap it "is", but damn if this isn't a damn good record.
Kid Kilowatt Guitar Method 1996-1999
Kidcrash Jokes
Kings of Leon Only By The Night
Klute The Emperors New Clothes
Kraftwerk Autobahn
Krallice Krallice
Ladytron Light and Magic
Last Laugh No Regrets
Laura Stevenson Sit Resist
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
Les Savy Fav Let's Stay Friends
Leviathan Massive Conspiracy Against All Life
Lifetime Lifetime
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Loma Prieta Life/Less
Loma Prieta I.V.
Loma Prieta finally live up to their potential and create a great screamo record, and then Sputnikmusic lives up to its reputation and overrates the hell out of it.
Look What I Did Minuteman For The Moment
Ludacris Theater of the Mind
Machinae Supremacy Deus Ex Machinae
Macintosh Plus Floral Shoppe
Mariah Carey The Emancipation of Mimi
Marilyn Manson Antichrist Superstar
Mastodon The Workhorse Chronicles [DVD]
Mastodon Leviathan
Matchbox Twenty Yourself or Someone Like You
Matisyahu Youth
maudlin of the Well My Fruit Psychobells... A Seed Combustible
maudlin of the Well Part the Second
The first three songs are as good as anything motW had ever put out. Now I just wish the last two were at that same level. It was a nice thing of Driver to do I suppose though!
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster II
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster III
Meat Loaf Bat Out of Hell II: Back Into Hell
Megadeth Rust In Peace
Men As Trees Weltschmerz
i really didnt want to bother rating this but unfortunately I feel like I'm being forced too. would be much better post rockish emo if they just had a better vocalist and/or lyricist.
Metallica Master Of Puppets
Metallica Metallica
Meth, Ghost and Rae Wu-Massacre
Mew No More Stories
MF DOOM Operation: Doomsday
Michael Andrews Donnie Darko
Michael Jackson Bad
Minus the Bear Omni
Modest Mouse Good News for People Who Love Bad News
Mono Hymn to the Immortal Wind
More Than Life Love Let Me Go
Motion City Soundtrack Even If It Kills Me
Murder by Death Like the Exorcist, but More Breakdancing
Murder by Death Who Will Survive and What Will Be Left of Them?
Murder by Death Red Of Tooth And Claw
Muse Absolution Tour
Muse Black Holes & Revelations
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade
Nahvalr Nahvalr
Nas Illmatic
Natalie Imbruglia Come to Life
Native Nod Today Puberty, Tomorrow the World
Navio Forge As We Quietly Burn A Hole Into...
New Found Glory Not Without a Fight
Nine Inch Nails With Teeth
Nine Inch Nails The Slip
Maybe Trent has realized his masterpiece days are over, so he is just going to release a steady stream of solid albums from now on? One would certainly hope so, as this is his strongest traditional album since The Fragile, and perhaps even The Downward Spiral. It's almost what "Year Zero" should have been, a conglomeration of all of his past sounds that doesn't sound redundant and uninspired. Its a different, less angry Trent whose days of youth angst and bitterness are gone, replaced by a sense of uneasy acceptance. Not to say that the album doesn't have Trent's edge, or that it isn't as "aggressive" as his previous albums.
Nobuo Uematsu FFVII: Advent Children OST
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VII: Original Soundtrack
North What You Were
The atmospheric post-metal crap mixed with a grungier sound than most gives the album a life of its own, but the vocals bring down an otherwise spectacularly entertaining and interesting record.
NSYNC No Strings Attached
Mr. Fountain obviously has no idea what he is talking about. N Sync isn't about the musicianship, and his implication they had any real hand in that is absurd. What this album is pure, unadulterated bubble-gum pop, and arguably the best of the century. "Bye Bye Bye" and "It's Gonna Be Me" are both fantastic, and while there are some terrible songs, overall its an enjoyable collection of pop tunes to blast while you play "Barbie: Equestrian Fun."
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez A Manual Dexterity: Soundtrack Vol. 1
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Old Money
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Un Corazón De Nadie
Opeth Blackwater Park
Opeth Ghost Reveries
Orphaned Land Mabool (The Story of the Three Sons...)
Otis Redding The Dock of the Bay
OutKast Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
Owen At Home With Owen
Panda Bear Tomboy
People are gonna come at this album expecting to "get" Animal Collective/Panda Bear, and its unfortunate that this doesn't do anything to convert the 'non-believers' that Merriweather Post Pavilion didn't already do. However, its still a great album, only marred by its perhaps too light nature. Also, "Drone" is kind of annoying (and yes, I get it).
Pearl Jam Backspacer
Solid rock songs from a solid rock band. three point five
Pelican The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon...
Pennywise Pennywise
Peter Gabriel Melt
Porcupine Tree Deadwing
Portugal. The Man Waiter: ''You Vultures!''
Pulling Teeth Martyr Immortal
Punch Push Pull
Queen Live at Wembley Stadium
Quiet Steps Quiet Steps [EP]
Radiohead OK Computer
This was a pretty good album. Sometimes it dragged on a bit, and perhaps had too much going on for its own good. but all in all arguably the best album by Radiohead. If only the vocals were better tbqh.
Radiohead Kid A
Raine Maida The Hunters Lullaby
Ratatat LP3
Red Hot Chili Peppers By the Way
Rifles at Recess To Whisper in Tongues
Rihanna Rated R
Rilo Kiley The Execution of All Things
Rise Against The Sufferer and the Witness
Ready to Fall and the second half of the cd are so so good, I just wish the rest of the first half was more distinguished.
Rise Against Appeal to Reason
Robert Glasper In My Element
Rush Permanent Waves
Rush Exit...Stage Left
Rush The Spirit Of Radio: Greatest Hits
Rx Bandits Mandala
Santana Supernatural
Saosin Saosin
Saosin Translating the Name
Sarah McLachlan Surfacing
Satyricon The Shadowthrone
Sepalcure Sepalcure
Shai Hulud Misanthropy Pure
Shangrala This Is How We Communicate
She Screams Remedy She Screams Remedy EP
Shining (SWE) VI - Klagopsalmer
Shugo Tokumaru Exit
Sigur Ros ( )
Skepticism Alloy
Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
Sole and the Skyrider Band Plastique
Sonic Youth Rather Ripped
Steinski What Does It All Mean?
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks Real Emotional Trash
Streetlight Manifesto Everything Goes Numb
Streetlight Manifesto Somewhere in the Between
SuidAkrA Caledonia
Suis La Lune Quiet, Pull the Strings!
Swallow the Sun Hope
Switchfoot Oh! Gravity.
Symphony X Paradise Lost
System of a Down Hypnotize
T-Pain Epiphany
T.I. Paper Trail
Ten Grand This Is The Way To Rule
The All-American Rejects Move Along
The Angelic Process Weighing Souls With Sand
The Audition Self-Titled Album
The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Blood Brothers Rumors Laid Waste
The Blood Brothers Crimes
The Dear Hunter White
The Dear Hunter Blue
The literally blues-y, oftentimes Led Zeppelin like record of the Color Spectrum. Some great tunes, but a little boring in its adherence to the concept.
The Dear Hunter Migrant
The Dillinger Escape Plan Option Paralysis
The Dum Dum Project Export Quality
The Faceless Planetary Duality
The Fall of Troy Manipulator
The Fall of Troy Phantom on the Horizon
The Game LAX
The Gaslight Anthem The '59 Sound
The Killers Hot Fuss
The Microphones The Glow Pt. 2 (Re-release)
The Moldy Peaches The Moldy Peaches
The Number Twelve Looks Like You An Inch of Gold for An Inch of Time
The Ocean Precambrian
The Postal Service Give Up
The Tallest Man on Earth Shallow Grave
The World Is a Beautiful Place... Whenever, If Ever
This Soundoff Is a Waste of Space, And I Have become a Terrible User
These Arms Are Snakes Tail Swallower and Dove
With "Tail Swallower and Dove" These Arms Are Snakes have toned down the crazyness without sacrificing their X-factor. It's one of the most rock and roll records I've heard all year, heavy hitting and deliciously riff-heavy. They still leave room for just enough experimentation to not get stale. A very good album.
This Time We Will Not Promise and Forgive 歌詞を読まない世代へ継ぐ
Thrice The Illusion of Safety
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. I & II
Thrice Beggars
Thursday War All the Time
Timbaland Timbaland Presents Shock Value II
Time of Orchids Namesake Caution
Tom Waits Mule Variations
Tool 10,000 Days
Tortoise Beacons of Ancestorship
Trap Them Darker Handcraft
Trash Talk Plagues
Turisas Battle Metal
Twain Harte A Sunny Place for Shady People
Underoath Lost in the Sound of Separation
It's interesting, no doubt, and filled with the most mature music underoath have made to date. The songs are all tight, compound pieces with very little fluff, and the new ideas all compliment the heavily "Define the Great Line" derived sound well. However, listenability has been lost in the evolution, and there is a distinct lack of the heavyness that made their last record so catchy and enjoyable.

Edit: Insert insulting remark to another user here!
Usher Confessions
VersaEmerge VersaEmerge
Vessels White Fields and Open Devices
Warpaint Warpaint
Xiu Xiu Women As Lovers
Yes Close to the Edge
Yip-Yip Two Kings of the Same Kingdom
Yo La Tengo I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass
Yoko Ono Yes, I'm A Witch
Zao All Else Failed (2003)

3.4 great
A City Sorrow Built Motions
Autechre Exai
this is the only time ill ever agree with baseline00000000000000 lolnot

3.3 great
AFI The Art of Drowning
Arcade Fire The Suburbs
Enemies Embark Embrace
Embark on a fun romp with Enemies as they embrace the tired mathy post rock sound of sunny Ireland! #jacobroyalsoundoffs2013
Have a Nice Life The Unnatural World
Kimbra The Golden Echo
The Ocean Pelagial
Titus Andronicus The Monitor
Trophy Scars Alphabet Alphabets

3.2 good
Bosnian Rainbows Bosnian Rainbows

3.1 good
Hop Along Get Disowned
Despite its occasional (maybe even frequent moments of brilliance), "Get Disowned" suffers from being an album trying to aspire to some sort of transcendent experience, where the true joy in it lies in its simple folk-punk sections. When Frances Quinlan starts to go apeshit with her vocal interplays you really start to notice her lack of control and general tonal oddness, and while its endearing at times at others it becomes a chore to sit through. Give this girl a good songseamstress to back her and hell yes I'd be totally down. As it is, some cute little lyrics and pop-punk songs.
The Knife Shaking the Habitual
Get ready to see how easy it is to review this album: this album is an album demanding respect and showcasing a unique understanding of contrarian ideas and execution. It's too bad I honestly get disinterested and immediately fall back to wondering what kind of point the Knife really think they're making with this record.

3.0 good
+44 When Your Heart Stops Beating
10 Years The Autumn Effect
2Pac All Eyez on Me
3 (USA) The Ghost You Gave To Me
3 (USA) Wake Pig
50 Cent Get Rich or Die Tryin'
A Tribe Called Quest Midnight Marauders
AFI Crash Love
Against Me! Black Crosses
Worse in almost every way than White Crosses. There are reasons a band gets more streamlined
Age Sixteen Open Up Finders, Please
Air Love 2
Air Pocket Symphony
AJJ People Who Can Eat People are the Luckiest People
Akira Yamaoka Silent Hill 2
Alias Resurgam
Amanda Woodward La Decadence de la Decadence
American Steel Destroy Their Future
Amon Tobin ISAM
And So I Watch You From Afar And So I Watch You From Afar
And So I Watch You From Afar All Hail Bright Futures
this does nothing for me. i had a good conversion with weepingbanana about this last night. i won't share what we said, but it would make people rating this 4+ upset!
Andrew Bird Armchair Apocrypha
Animal Collective Ark
Arch Enemy Rise of the Tyrant
Arch Enemy Doomsday Machine
Architects Hollow Crown
Arctic Monkeys Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Army Of The Pharaohs Ritual Of Battle
Army Of The Pharaohs The Unholy Terror
As Tall As Lions You Can't Take It With You
At the Drive-In Alfaro Vive, Carajo!
At the Drive-In This Station Is Non-Operational
Atmosphere The Family Sign
After the initial blast of honesty and "ohmygod i love atmosphere!1!" wore off, this has really become quite a disappointment. Yeah, the record is fucking "real", and some of the songs really touch a nerve. Thing is, a lot of it is tripe. "The Last to Say" is a stunning song, and if even most of the album had been in a similar vein, this would be so much better. Unfortunately, most of its more akin to "Bad Bad Daddy". Being pretty cheesy has always been a pretty big part of Atmosphere, but here it overwhelms. "im a bad bad daddy, im a bad bad daddy". Are you, fucker?
Audioslave Audioslave
Audioslave Revelations
Avril Lavigne Under My Skin
Avril Lavigne The Best Damn Thing
Bad Brains Build A Nation
Baha Men Who Let the Dogs Out
Bayside Sirens & Condolences
Between the Buried and Me Colors
Black Tusk Passage Through Purgatory
Blacklisted No One Deserves To Be Here More Than Me
Blaqk Audio CexCells
Blind Guardian A Twist In The Myth
blink-182 Dude Ranch
Blues Traveler Four
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony Strength And Loyalty
Boysetsfire Tomorrow Come Today
Boysetsfire Before The Eulogy
Brand New Your Favorite Weapon
Brand New Daisy
If you ever want to hear what a smart guy can do when he tries to make a record as messy as possible, Daisy is probably the place to start with.
Broken Bells Broken Bells
Bruno Mars Doo-Wops & Hooligans
Burial Untrue
Buried Inside Chronoclast
BUS (US-NC) Moving People
Carole King Tapestry
Carpathian Isolation
Cat Power Jukebox
Cave In Perfect Pitch Black
Cease Upon the Capitol Cease Upon the Capitol
Celeste Pessimiste(s)
Celeste Nihiliste(s)
Children of Bodom Hatebreeder
Chimaira Chimaira
Chris Brown Exclusive
Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera Stripped
Chuck Ragan Los Feliz
Circa Survive Juturna
Circa Survive Blue Sky Noise
Cogito Vital EP
Coheed and Cambria The Afterman: Ascension
Combatwoundedveteran I Know A Girl Who Develops Crime Scene Photos
Common Be
Converge Caring and Killing
Converge Unloved and Weeded Out
Converge Halo In A Haystack
Looking 15 years back on it, you really see how much goddamn potential this band and even this album had. With a decent remastering this could be almost equal to their other works. But even for Converge, the sound here is just so awful its hard to really appreciate whats going on here. Couple that with the fact at times its a bit too weird, makes this arguably the "worst" Converge record, but goddamn if it isn't impressive nonetheless.
Cursed III: Architects of Troubled Sleep
Daitro Y
Dan the Automator A Much Better Tomorrow
DangerDoom The Mouse And The Mask
Danny Elfman The Corpse Bride
Dark Tranquillity Fiction
Dashboard Confessional Dusk and Summer
Dashboard Confessional The Shade of Poison Trees
Death Cab for Cutie Narrow Stairs
Defeater Empty Days and Sleepless Nights
Deftones Koi No Yokan
Demons and Wizards Touched by the Crimson King
Dinosaur Jr. Farm
Dir En Grey Gauze
Dir En Grey The Marrow of a Bone
Dismember Dismember
Dolores O'Riordan Are You Listening?
Don Caballero Punkgasm
DragonForce Sonic Firestorm
Dream Theater Train of Thought
Dream Theater Systematic Chaos
Dream Theater Black Clouds and Silver Linings
dredg Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy
Eagles Eagles
Eluvium An Accidental Memory in the Case of Death
Eluvium Similes
Emancipator Safe In The Steep Cliffs
Emerson, Lake and Palmer Brain Salad Surgery
Emery The Weak's End
Emery The Question
Eminem The Slim Shady EP
Energy Invasions Of The Mind
Envy/Jesu Split
Esoteric Subconscious Dissolution Into the...
Everclear So Much For The Afterglow
Everybody Else Everybody Else
Feral Children Second to the Last Frontier
Finale A Pipe Dream and a Promise
Fireworks All I Have To Offer Is My Own Confusion
Four Tet There is Love in You
Fucked Up The Chemistry of Common Life
fun. Aim and Ignite
Girl Talk Feed the Animals
Girls Aloud What Will The Neighbours Say?
Gnarls Barkley St. Elsewhere
Godsmack Awake
Godsmack Godsmack
Gojira The Way of All Flesh
Goo Goo Dolls Dizzy Up The Girl
Goo Goo Dolls Let Love In
Goo Goo Dolls A Boy Named Goo
Good Charlotte Good Charlotte
Green Day Bullet In A Bible
Have a Nice Life Deathconsciousness
Have Heart Songs to Scream at the Sun
Helloween Keeper of the Seven Keys: The Legacy
Hopesfall Magnetic North
HORSE the band Pizza
HORSE the band A Natural Death
Hour Cast State Of Disgrace
I Would Set Myself On Fire For You Believes In Patterns
Indian Summer Discography
Interpol Turn on the Bright Lights
Iselia Life From Dead Limbs
Jaga Jazzist One-Armed Bandit
Jawbreaker 24 Hour Revenge Therapy
Jeniferever Choose a Bright Morning
Jenny Piccolo Jenny Piccolo
John Frusciante Curtains
John Frusciante The Empyrean
John Murphy 28 Days Later Soundtrack
Kaki King Junior
Kanye West Late Registration
Kanye West Graduation
Kaospilot Shadows
Kayo Dot Blue Lambency Downward
Kesha Animal
TiK ToK is pure bliss. The rest of the album is suitably sluttily adorable as well. None of you would like this, however, so steer very very clear.
Kidcrash New Ruins
King Crimson In the Wake of Poseidon
King Crimson Islands
King Crimson Three of a Perfect Pair
King Crimson Beat
La Dispute Wildlife
Lamb of God Sacrament
Led Zeppelin Best Of, Vol. 1: Early Days
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III
Less Than Jake GNV FLA
letlive. Fake History (Re-Release)
I mean...I guess this isn't bad post-hardcore, but people loving this? I guess there really hasn't been a glassjaw full length in a long, long time...
Limp Bizkit The Unquestionable Truth - Part I
Linkin Park Reanimation
Linkin Park Live In Texas
Loma Prieta Last City
Loma Prieta Dark Mountain
Lostprophets Liberation Transmission
Love American Love American
LoveHateHero White Lies
Ludacris Release Therapy
Lydia Illuminate
Madonna Like a Virgin
Mahria Mahria
Maps and Atlases Perch Patchwork
Masked Intruder Masked Intruder
Massive Attack Blue Lines
Mat Kearney Nothing Left to Lose
Meshuggah obZen
Metallica Kill 'Em All
Metallica Death Magnetic
Method Man Tical
mewithoutYou I Never Said That I Was Brave
Michael Jackson Dangerous
Midtown Forget What You Know
Mihai Edrisch Un Jour Sans Lendemain
Mindless Self Indulgence Tight
Modest Mouse We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank
Mogwai The Hawk Is Howling
Muse Origin of Symmetry
My Chemical Romance Life on the Murder Scene
Narrows New Distances
Native Wrestling Moves
Neil Perry Lineage Situation
Nelly Furtado Loose
Nelly Furtado Whoa, Nelly!
Nightmare Of You Nightmare Of You
No Doubt Rock Steady
No Doubt The Beacon Street Collection
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy X: Original Soundtrack
NOFX Wolves in Wolves' Clothing
November 5th 1955 Bears of the Sea
Oceansize Effloresce
Oceansize Everyone Into Position
Oceansize Frames
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Los Sueños De Un Higado
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Xenophanes
Paramore Riot!
Paramore Brand New Eyes
This will be revised.
Brand New Eyes sounds different than either Riot! or All We Know is Falling, but the differences are fairly irrelevant. It's like listening to the same record as last time: you'll sing along to a bunch of Hayley's hooks, sometimes think there is a cool moment in a song musically, and skip over the slower, ballady type of songs. Hayley Williams can still rule a mic, but the band still plays a little too safe to really compliment her voice beyond mere competence.

See, the problem is that while Hayley is a ridiculously accessible singer, the songs are just so boring a lot of the time that the album drags on and on despite its relatively short length. They do pop rock fine, and the singles will be great, but as an album this is merely just fairly okay.
Peaches The Teaches of Peaches
Pedro the Lion Control
Pianos Become the Teeth Old Pride
Pianos Become the Teeth The Lack Long After
More pretty decent stuff for people who are into 'the wave' or whatever its called. Still not really getting it but enjoyable nonetheless. The songs I heard live off of this were cool
Pink I'm Not Dead
Pito Perez Con Más Poder
Placebo Meds
Pokemon Pokemon 2.B.A. Master
Porcupine Tree In Absentia
Porcupine Tree Voyage 34: The Complete Trip
Porcupine Tree Fear of a Blank Planet
Portraits Of Past Cypress Dust Witch
Portugal. The Man Church Mouth
Propagandhi Supporting Caste
Protest the Hero Kezia
Protest the Hero Fortress
Pygmy Lush Bitter River
Quicksand Manic Compression
Rachel Grimes Book Of Leaves
listen to rachels listen to rachels listen to rachels listen to rachels listen to rachels lateen to travels listen to rachels
Radiohead The Bends
Radiohead Pablo Honey
Raein Il n'y a pas de orchestre
Red Hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Regina Spektor Far
Her next album I will definitively be able to describe as "more overrated psuedo-intellectual pop".
Rob Zombie Educated Horses
Rush Rush
Rush Caress Of Steel
Sara Bareilles Little Voice
Say Anything ...Is A Real Boy (re-release)
Secret Machines Ten Silver Drops
Senses Fail Still Searching
Sepultura Dante XXI
Serj Tankian Elect the Dead
Shabutie Penelope
Shipwreck A.D. Abyss
Shpongle Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongleland
Sick of It All Based on a True Story
Slayer South of Heaven
Small Brown Bike The River Bed
Snoop Dogg Ego Trippin'
Snow Patrol Final Straw
Snowing Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit
Soap and Skin Lovetune for Vacuum
Son Lux At War With Walls And Mazes
Soundtrack (Film) Grindhouse
Sparta Threes
Spires (USA) Flowers And Fireworks
Skramz isis. This would be a lot better if it wasn't so contrived and long, but I mean for what it is it is pretty great. If you are looking for slow music to headbang too, Spires are a pretty solid choice.
State Radio Year of the Crow
Sublime Sublime
Suede Coming Up
Suicide Silence No Time to Bleed
Surfer Blood Astro Coast
Symphony X The Divine Wings of Tragedy
System of a Down Mezmerize
System of a Down Toxicity
Tangerine Dream Mars Polaris
Temposhark The Invisible Line
Tenacious D The Pick of Destiny
Terror Rhythm Amongst The Chaos
The Appleseed Cast Sagarmatha
The Arrogant Sons of Bitches Three Cheers For Disappointment
The Beatles Help!
The Cape May Glass Mountain Roads
The Clash London Calling
The Cranberries No Need to Argue
The Dear Hunter Act III: Life and Death
The Dear Hunter Orange
The Incubus worship album of The Color Spectrum. Not bad, just kind of an odd listen.
The Decemberists Always the Bridesmaid
The Decemberists The Hazards of Love
The Flashbulb Soundtrack to a Vacant Life
The Killers Sawdust
The Lawrence Arms Metropole
Brendan Kelly doesn't care as much anymore and voila, TLA is at maximum whatevercore
The Locust Plague Soundscapes
The Monkees Greatest Hits
The Pax Cecilia Blessed Are The Bonds
The Pink Spiders Teenage Graffiti
The Sound of Animals Fighting The Ocean and the Sun
Them Crooked Vultures Them Crooked Vultures
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance
Thrice Identity Crisis
Timbaland Timbaland Presents Shock Value
Titus Andronicus The Airing of Grievances
Titus Andronicus Local Business
I mean its another Titus Andronicus record. They sound a little different. And yet they still sound exactly the same. Fucking weird.
Tool Lateralus
Tool Ænima
Touche Amore ...To the Beat of a Dead Horse
Touche Amore Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me
As awesome as this is, they have the potential to do so much more.
Touche Amore/Pianos Become the Teeth Split
Towers Full Circle
Trapt Someone in Control
Tyler, the Creator Wolf
every Tyler, the Creator album is immaculate and beautiful and more important than anything us shithead's will ever do with our lives
Vampire Weekend Contra
Various Artists (Punk) The Importance of Falling
Wilco Sky Blue Sky
Wolf Parade Apologies to the Queen Mary
Wolves in the Throne Room Black Cascade
I don't know why people go crazy for Two Hunters or this. I guess when an american black metal band doesn't suck it must mean they are amazing.
WU LYF Go Tell Fire to the Mountain
Kind of like a band that is going to flame out in a year or two.
X Japan Art of Life
Yaphet Kotto We Bury Our Dead Alive
Yngwie Malmsteen Trilogy
Yo La Tengo Popular Songs
Young Widows Old Wounds
Yuka Tsujiyoko Paper Mario GMS (Disc 1 and 2)
Zao The Fear Is What Keeps Us Here

2.9 good
The Wonder Years The Greatest Generation

2.7 average
letlive. Fake History
I mean...I guess this isn't bad post-hardcore, but people loving this? I guess there really hasn't been a glassjaw full length in a long, long time...the lyrics are just god awful.

2.5 average
3 (USA) Summercamp Nightmare
A Static Lullaby ...And Don't Forget to Breathe
A Static Lullaby Rattlesnake!
A Tribe Called Quest The Love Movement
A Tribe Called Quest Beats, Rhymes And Life
AFI Decemberunderground
Against Me! Total Clarity
Alanis Morissette Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
Alexisonfire Watch Out!
Animal Collective Campfire Songs
Anthony Green Avalon
Army Of The Pharaohs The Torture Papers
Arsis We Are the Nightmare
Atmosphere God Loves Ugly
Avenged Sevenfold Waking The Fallen
Bayside The Walking Wounded
Beck One Foot In The Grave
Black Sabbath Greatest Hits 1970–1978
Black Sabbath Paranoid
blink-182 Enema Of The State
Bloodhound Gang One Fierce Beer Coaster
Bon Iver Blood Bank
Boomerang Sounds of Sirens
Boysetsfire After The Eulogy
Boysetsfire The Day The Sun Went Out
Britney Spears In the Zone
Britney Spears ...Baby One More Time
Butch Walker Sycamore Meadows
Cattle Decapitation Monolith of Inhumanity
Celeste Morte(s) Nee(s)
Chiodos Bone Palace Ballet
Chiodos Illuminaudio
Chuck Ragan Gold Country
Circa Survive On Letting Go
Creed My Own Prison
Cursive Such Blinding Stars For Starving Eyes
Cursive The Storms Of Early Summer
Dark Time Sunshine Vessel
Del Tha Funkee Homosapien Eleventh Hour
DragonForce Inhuman Rampage
Emarosa Relativity
Enter Shikari Take to the Skies
Equilibrium Sagas
Fall Out Boy From Under the Cork Tree
Fang Island Fang Island
Fleetwood Mac Tusk
Foo Fighters In Your Honor
Foo Fighters Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
Forgive Durden Razia's Shadow: A Musical
Frank Turner Poetry of the Deed
Franz Ferdinand You Could Have It So Much Better
From First to Last Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Body Count
Ghostface Killah Ghostdini: The Wizard of Poetry in Emerald City
Giant Squid The Ichthyologist
Glassjaw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Godsmack The Other Side
Gorillaz Gorillaz
Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy
Hatebreed Hatebreed
Hopesfall A Types
Hot Hot Heat Elevator
I Would Set Myself On Fire For You I Would Set Myself On Fire For You
Iced Earth The Glorious Burden
Ihsahn The Adversary
ISIS Wavering Radiant
A few years ago, I listened to a little album called "Panopticon" and I thought it was okay. Boring, tepid, and a little uninspired but it was a time when such was just the norm. A few less years ago, I heard an album called "In the Absence of Truth", which was less heavy but retained all the other weaknesses of Isis' previous work, and was quite underwhelming. Now I hear "Wavering Radiant", and I wonder; when will post-post-rock finally get here so I can stop hearing crap like this.

For people too stupid to get it: This sounds like Panopticon and In the Absence of Truth smashed together and it is average generic and uneventful.
James Blake James Blake
Jay-Z Unplugged
Jay-Z American Gangster
Jimmy Eat World Bleed American
Jimmy Eat World Chase This Light
John Carpenter Halloween 20th Anniversary Edition
k-os Atlantis: Hymns For Disco
Kayo Dot Coyote
There was a review on rateyourmusic that pretty much said this reminds them of Choirs of the Eye minus the metal. I would pretty much agree, except also strip the wide eyed wonder that album made me have. Toby Driver is dead.
Kelly Clarkson Thankful
Kill Your Ex From Words to Motion
La Dispute Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair
La Dispute Untitled
La Dispute Rooms of the House
People still listen to La Dispute? Lol I thought 2010 happened
Led Zeppelin Coda
Led Zeppelin Presence
Led Zeppelin Best Of, Vol. 2: Latter Days
Lights Out Asia Eyes Like Brontide
Lights Out Asia In The Days Of Jupiter
Love American Disquiet
this would have been so much better if they would have paid for a decent mastering job!!!!!!!
Luna Halo Luna Halo
M.I.A. Maya
Machinae Supremacy Overworld
Matchbook Romance Voices
Midtown Living Well is the Best Revenge
Mirrorthrone Gangrene
Motion City Soundtrack Commit This to Memory
My Bloody Valentine Loveless
Nas Hip Hop Is Dead
Neurosis Pain Of Mind
Neutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Nine Inch Nails Year Zero
Nirvana In Utero
Nirvana (UK) The Story of Simon Simopath
NSYNC Celebrity
Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory?
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Megaritual
Orange 9mm Driver Not Included
Origin Echoes of Decimation
Orthrelm Iorxhscimtor
Pain of Salvation Scarsick
Paramore All We Know Is Falling
Pelican City of Echoes
Pink Floyd The Dark Side Of The Moon
Poison the Well Versions
Portugal. The Man Censored Colors
If I have ever heard a more self indulgent, repetitive, tiring, and harder to listen to album than "Censored Colors"...wait I haven't.
Portugal. The Man In The Mountain In The Cloud
Primus The Brown Album
Pyramids (PA) Following the Tracks, Forcing Motion Thr
Queensryche Operation: Mindcrime II
Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine
Regina Spektor What We Saw from the Cheap Seats
Rinoa An Age Among Them
Robbie Williams Sing When You're Winning
Rush Roll The Bones
Seahaven Winter Forever
Sean Milo Sunroom
September 22nd Hello, Throne
Showbread Anorexia Nervosa
Sinaloa Oceans of Islands
A terrible disappointment, for the second full length in a row Sinaloa take all the promise they have of reigniting a more traditional emo style's fire and turn it into a tired, monotonous record filled with filler. The attempts at variety hardly work, and unlike previous works the intensity isn't even at a high level anymore. Maybe next time.
Slayer Reign in Blood
Snow Patrol Eyes Open
Sons of Noel and Adrian Sons of Noel and Adrian
South Park Chef Aid: The South Park Album
Spice Girls Spiceworld
State Radio Us Against the Crown
Styx Kilroy Was Here
Sufjan Stevens Illinois
Sum 41 Go Chuck Yourself
Switchfoot Nothing is Sound
T-Pain Thr33 Ringz
The Bled Found in the Flood
The Bled Pass the Flask
The Darkness Permission to Land
The Dear Hunter Indigo
Better than "Black" but still way, way worse than any of the traditional/sunnier Color Spectrum records.
The End (CAN) Elementary
The Hold Steady Heaven Is Whenever
The Jimi Hendrix Experience Electric Ladyland
The Knife Tomorrow, In a Year
The Offspring Complete Music Video Collection
The Raconteurs Broken Boy Soldiers
The Sound of Animals Fighting Tiger and the Duke
Thrice First Impressions
Thursday Five Stories Falling
Thursday Common Existence
When this album is on it's the most mature and overall excellent stuff they've made (Last Call, As He Climbed the Dark Mountain, You Were the Cancer). Slightly progressive in nature and highly "experimental" when it comes to their sound, Common Existence doesn't fail at its attempts to evolve the band, for better or worse. However, most of the songs don't work well, as the acoustic/ambient droning of "Time's Arrow" or the attempt at making another At this Velocity in "Unintended Long Term Effects" prove. Another hit or miss Thursday record, Common Existence is undeniably their weakest overall effort yet, and its time for even the hardcore of Thursday fans to start questioning the amount of juice the band really has left.
Thursday/Envy Thursday/Envy
This highly awaited split lands to mixed opinions it seems. The Thursday side is highly "experimental" and pushes the electronic/atmospheric side of A City By the Light Divided to greater heights, but besides "An Absurd and Unrealistic Dream of Peace" the songs tend to get a bit full of themselves, with closer "Appeared and Was Gone" being the most pretentious thing Thursday have ever done.

The Envy side is as mixed of a bag, being solid in its own right but adding absolutely nothing to the cannon of Envy. They keep treading old waters, and its starting to become apparent that water is shallower than any of us wanted to admit. "Pure Birth and Loneliness" stands out but when it comes after the borefests that are "An Umbrella Fallen into Fiction" and "Isolation of a Light Source", it's hard to really care.

All in all, a disappointing release from both bands to an extent. Envy prove themselves to be almost irrelevant here, and Thursday despite their best effort still can't reach any sort of real high points. Better luck next time guys.
Tim McGraw Set This Circus Down
Tyler, the Creator Goblin
U2 No Line on the Horizon
Underoath The Changing of Times
Unearth III: In the Eyes of Fire
Weird Al Yankovic Straight Outta Lynwood
Write This Down Write This Down

2.3 average
Coheed and Cambria The Afterman: Descension
I don't know what you guys are thinking. This is the same shit as Year if the Black Rainbow, with more guitar pedals and vocal effects. Number City is a really cool pop song, and Gravity's almost becomes something great, but the rest of the album is full of boring songwriting and extremely forgettable riffs. Coheed and Cambria are fucking dead.
Kylesa Ultraviolet

2.2 poor
Modestep Evolution Theory

2.1 poor
My Bloody Valentine m b v
Satyricon Satyricon
I wasn't gonna choose between the two, but apparently I have to so I hate it

2.0 poor
2Pac Loyal to the Game
50 Cent The Massacre
50 Cent Curtis
A Day To Remember For Those Who Have Heart
A Static Lullaby A Static Lullaby
A Static Lullaby Faso Latido
Against Me! Against Me! (12'')
Air 10,000 Hz Legends
Alestorm Captain Morgan's Revenge
Amy Winehouse Back to Black
Animal Collective Danse Manatee
Anti-Flag For Blood and Empire
Ashlee Simpson Autobiography
Avril Lavigne Let Go
Ayumi Hamasaki Rainbow
Backstreet Boys Unbreakable
Bear vs. Shark Right Now You're in the Best of Hands
Beyonce B'Day
Black Veil Brides Wretched and Divine
Honestly, anyone who hates this with enough passion to get butthurt on the internet about it probably hasn't heard it. It's cock rock with a few extra bells and whistles and an attempt to personally connect to the band's audience with some silly story about a girl and her nightmares. I'd suggest staying away, but if you're, for some reason, in the mood for some bland radio metal, go for it and take a peek!
blink-182 Cheshire Cat
Bloc Party A Weekend in the City
Boys Like Girls Boys Like Girls
Britney Spears Blackout
Cattle Decapitation Karma.Bloody.Karma
Ceremonial Oath Carpet
Coheed and Cambria Kerrang! / XFM UK Acoustic Sessions
Colbie Caillat Breakthrough
Conducting from the Grave When Legends Become Dust
D12 D12 World
Dance Gavin Dance Downtown Battle Mountain
Dance Gavin Dance Dance Gavin Dance
Death Cab for Cutie Drive Well, Sleep Carefully (DVD)
Demon Hunter The Triptych
Dirty Projectors Bitte Orca
Dr. Dre 2001
DragonForce Ultra Beatdown
Eminem Encore
Erykah Badu Mama's Gun
Fall Out Boy Infinity on High
Fleetwood Mac Say You Will
Fleetwood Mac Mirage
Fleetwood Mac Tango in the Night
From Monument To Masses On Little Known Frequencies
A week or two I bitched about Isis this and that and post-rock being dead. Well, if you need any more proof, you can listen to this album.
Godsmack Faceless
Good Charlotte The Chronicles of Life and Death
Gwen Stefani The Sweet Escape
Hilary Duff Dignity
I Am Ghost Those We Leave Behind
Iwrestledabearonce It's All Happening
Ja Rule Blood in My Eye
Jaguar Love Take Me to the Sea
Jay-Z Kingdom Come
Jessica Simpson In This Skin (Collector's Edition)
Jessica Simpson Do You Know
Jet Get Born
Journey Trial By Fire
La Roux La Roux
A Revolution in british pop/electroclash, it's almost as if La Roux and her partners have looked into the future and seen what the world needed next in music and then RECREATED IT but it isn't really recreation because what she was her was her album in the first place.
Led Zeppelin In Through The Out Door
Limp Bizkit Three Dollar Bill Y'all
Limp Bizkit Significant Other
Ludacris Chicken-n-Beer
M.I.A. Arular
M.I.A. Kala
Marilyn Manson Eat Me, Drink Me
Mastodon Blood Mountain
mewithoutYou Blood Enough For Us All
Aaron Weiss has said something about this EP being a huge downer on him in his life. I must agree, it hurts me to know something like this exists from one of my favorite bands of all time.
Mindless Self Indulgence You'll Rebel To Anything
I'm a Mindless Self Indulgence fanboy to the max. I'm one of the few "serious" music fans (what stfu) who would count an MSI album among their top 10, let alone top 7. So, this album was a massive dissapointment. From the horrendicity of the Rush cover to basically everything else on the album, its a tavesty to MSI's once good name. I remember going to an MSI show, and having lil Jimmy Urine pour piss on me. Yes, I was that lucky boy. Thats how this album makes me feel, except without all the godliness.
Moby 18
Motley Crue Theatre Of Pain
Nickelback Silver Side Up
Nirvana Nevermind
Noisy Sins of the Insect Discography
Nothing Rhymes With David Beard Logic Riddles
OutKast Idlewild
Panic! at the Disco Pretty. Odd.
Pearl Jam Pearl Jam
pg.99 Document #7
Porcupine Tree The Sky Moves Sideways
Portraits Of Past 01010101
Portugal. The Man The Satanic Satanist
The album cover has a gross nipple on display. That's almost kind of like what Portugal. the Man have become: a dry withered teet that while gave life to a fledgling "progressive indie rock" genre years ago, is now all scabby and gross from all the suckling. It's nothing new.
Portugal. The Man American Ghetto
Rise Against Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Say Anything Baseball
She Wants Revenge She Wants Revenge
Silverstein Arrivals and Departures
Slayer Christ Illusion
Slipknot Iowa
Snoop Dogg Doggystyle
T.I. King
The Bacon Brothers Getting There
The Chicks Taking the Long Way
The Dear Hunter Black
The Mars Volta Scab Dates
The National Trouble Will Find Me
high violet 2.0. did someone already make that soundoff? i hope not i know im pretty late =/
The Replacements Don't Tell a Soul
The Streets The Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living
The String Quartet Tribute to The Mars Volta
The Strokes First Impressions of Earth
Thom Yorke The Eraser
Thursday Waiting
Tool Undertow
Trash Talk Trash Talk
I just got reminded how lame and repetitive and boring this shitty album is. Listen to Plagues like 3 times if you are in the mood to listen to a Trash Talk LP, its better to pretend than actually do it.
Trivium Ascendancy
God those guitarists are orgasmic. In a way. I'll give them that they're incredibly skilled, but goddamn stop jacking your guitar off and compose a decent solo that require you to travel the distance of your fretboard 5 times (in 4 seconds). Mostly everything else is meh on this album, besides the vocals. Imagine even louder, less obnoxious, but even more horrifically destructive screaming than Atreyu. Thats where you'll find the screaming on this album to be. Just even worse.
Trivium Shogun
Trivium go from being a wannabe thrash outfit back to a psuedo metalcore band, and improve on their last horrific outing by making a bad album that is at least listenable. Good riffs abound with little else to call "good" here.
Underoath Act of Depression
Vanilla Ice To the Extreme
Various Artists Snakes On A Plane
Velvet Revolver Libertad
Warrant Cherry Pie
Westlife World Of Our Own
With Blood Comes Cleansing Horror
Yeah Yeah Yeahs Show Your Bones
Zebrahead Broadcast To The World

1.5 very poor
A Day To Remember Homesick
Angels and Airwaves We Don't Need to Whisper
Angels and Airwaves? More like Angels and Suckwaves amirite? No, but seriously folks, how about them guitar effects? Yeah, they're supposed to make Tom and crew look really neat, but all they really do is make me want to listen to a better band that uses them. Did I mention Tom still can't write a good song by himself worth a shit? Well, he can't. He still also has a very, very boring voice, and we now see the genious that was Mark on the Blink records. If you want pretentious prog, get something by The Mars Volta. If you want catchy pop punk, well, get Blink 182. Just plain don't get this. It has AIDS. AIDS is evil.
Atreyu Fractures in the Facade of your Porcelain Beauty
leik omg there is no base on this album. No seriously, where is it? I don't know. The guitarists are almost passable here, but overreach their goals and end up being pretentious. The vocalist is even worse than on The Curse, which means he should have been executed on this album. The drummer is ok. He lets this album get an extra .5 because I'm a nice guy if you haven't noticed.
Atreyu A Death-Grip on Yesterday
This is the third time Atreyu have been below a 2. Do I like any album I've heard by them at all? No. No I do not. The sad thing Brendan (drummer) shows he is actually probably the best backup vocalist in metalcore, and could actually hold a lot of these popcore songs together if he was allowed too. Instead, teh dinosaur decides to come shrieking back in at every possible waking hour, and leads me to want to go all Godzilla on his ass. I could take him.
Avenged Sevenfold Avenged Sevenfold
Caliban The Opposite From Within
They sound like heavy Atreyu to me. Yeah, the vocals are ten times better, but when you're muliplying ten by zero, you still get zero. The musicianship is almost solid, but for some odd reason this album doesnt do it for me at all and I get bored about halfway through. The Beoved is a good song, but everything else? Think "You're Beautiful" in badness.
Children of Bodom Blooddrunk
Listening to this album is so painful that the only way I know how to ease the pain is to kill a kitten. From the generic songs (everything sounds the fucking same, and don't say "BUT THE SLOW SONG" kill yourself), the boring riffing and shredding (and don't say "BUT CLASSICAL SCALES" kill yourself), and Alexi's affront to vocalists everywhere (and don't say...ok well no one likes his vocals on this album KILL YOURSELF), there is nothing of note here for anything but CoB fans.
Chiodos All's Well That Ends Well
Chiodos The Heartless Control Everything
Eiffel 65 Europop
Blue is a genuinely catchy song. Everything else? Well, meh. It's all pretty much trash. They takes good european techno artist ideas (Ladytron and Miss Kittin ftw), and craft it into some weird mainstream pop album, that doesnt have the strengths of either but the weaknesses of well everything. It's boring, overdone, too intricate for its own good, lyrically retarded, and musically you can only dance to it for about 5 minutes. Then you kill yourself. I don't make the rules folks, God does. God hates this album.
Fall Out Boy Take This to Your Grave
Fergie The Dutchess
Glassjaw Impossible Shot
Godsmack IV
Godsmasck have made the same exact album IV times now. Honest,y it was really good the first time, pretty good the second time, meh the third time, and now it's just become sucktastic. There are some generic solos to be had, but when the solos in a Maroon 5 song are better than anything on your album, what is that saying? Combined with typical and generic metal vocals, this albums pretty much summed by saying "turd."
Good Charlotte The Young And The Hopeless
Oh dear lord its Good Charlotte. So, I really don't have anything against them, really. Their first album is pretty good, and their newest one showed flashes of promise. However, this album is one of the few times I'll scream along with pople in "SELL OUT." It's rather obvious much of the money was meant to just sell records, as evidenced by the completely cliche lyrics, whiney vocals with little emotion, and the generic instrumentation I expect off of a Click Five album. This is pretty bad in all honesty.
Green Day American Idiot
In all honesty, I don't really have many reasons to back up my 1.5 Rating, obviously, every time you have a 1 or 1.5, it means you have a particular distaste for an album, but I honestly can't get past how unoriginal this album sounds. It's like Green Day wanted to pretend they were making musical progress, so they just took a bunch of things they did in the past, took some ideas from better bands, and threw it all together. The thing is, it only really works on Jesus of Surburbia. Yeah, kind of a shitty situation overall.
He Is Legend Suck Out the Poison
HIM Dark Light
Wow god we're up to HIM. There's really not a lot you can say about them. They revel in being some kind of love metal band. Thing is, they don't have any technicality whatsoever, and "love" doesnt describe their overall sound very well. A better title would be "bland and monotonous/pretentious radio rock." Ocassionally there'll be a decent moment, sure, but mostly its the same old boring vocal performances and guitar parts every time. Oh, and the drummers fat. Which means when he takes off his shirt for concerts, woo boy.
In Flames Clayman
It Dies Today Sirens
James Blunt Back To Bedlam
It revels in being stereotypical and clich?with oh-so-little room for originality outside of the rather trippy cover art. I honestly cannot find an ounce of real talent to even be able to say the standby line in these circumstances, He has talent and hopefully hell build on that next album This album may not have originally made to be a major label tool for selling albums, but honestly, the only people I see enjoying this album are housewives in turbulent marriages and pre-teens who just got broken up with because summer came. If you have a strong tolerance for utter manufactured pop, you may be able to tolerate this album. If you like crap for music, well, this is just for you. What I see her is nothing but artificial balladry with the occasional attempt to be edgy; and by golly, it sure does sell records. But I cant give this above a 1.5
KMFDM Symbols
Kottonmouth Kings High Society
Hahahahah. It's the Kottonmouth Kings. They're a rowdy bunch of guys. This is teen angst music at its height within the nu metal genre. They rap and stuff, but its really done quite terribly. I honestly havent the faintest what they're talking about, as when I listen to them, I'm too busy being rebellious and telling my parents I wont wash my own clothes to really pay attention.
Limp Bizkit Results May Vary
Listener Wooden Heart
The fountain of creative energy here would best be used towards something that isn't music. Hell, ANYTHING that isn't this.
Macy Gray Big
My Chemical Romance I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
I had a big ant prepared for this album. Then I listened to "Our Lady of Sorrows". And I was sad because thats a genuinely good song surrounded by mountains of crap. Everyone here does what they're supposed to do at almost an average level, but overall the songs feel hollow and as if their all missing something. Gerard wasn't even decent on this album, which is one of the few saving graces of their next record. Honestly, dont bother with this. You'll die a happier man. I'm not politcally correct stfu women.
Nick Lachey What's Left of Me
Norma Jean Redeemer
Paramore Paramore
this is the biggest mess of the year and I seriously have no idea how anyone could think
this should honestly count as a real attempt at a real album
Porcupine Tree On the Sunday of Life
Sean Kingston Sean Kingston
Seether Disclaimer II
Oh god I'm broken. Broken when it comes to this album. Honestly, this dude is just a terrible songwriter. The band itself has constructed a high 2-low 2.5 album, being generic but not terrible. But the voalist is absolutely dreadful and boring, and writes some of the most faux-touching and psuedo-emotional lyrics I've seen since Styx. But Styx was awesome. Seether is just a rock band that really should have never of made it big.
Senses Fail Life Is Not a Waiting Room
Silverstein When Broken Is Easily Fixed
What do you want me to do here, really? Silverstein are a rather bland pop punk band, with hardcore influences, much in the vein of Hawthorne Heights. While they are slightly better than their contemporaries, it still sounds like a watered down version of Atreyu, aka its watered down suck. That does help the album slightly, as it isn't in your face suck. It's just bad lyricism (cliched and rather shoddy writing overall) and mediocre instrumentation combined with vomit-inducing vocals.
Simple Plan Still Not Getting Any...
Its more of this mainstream emo as the kids call it (I prefer faux-emo in this context), and its not even average for that. Its certainly catchy-how could it not be at this point?-but it also has almost no other merits to it. Those looking for a technicality-dont get this album. Those looking for a good singer-dont get this album. Those looking for introspective lyrics-dont get this. Those looking for moderately catchy, whiney, and accessible music-get about 10 other artists discographys before you pick this up. Sans Untitled, this album is just the same song on repeat. And that song is Id Do Anything from their previous. Please, unless youre really desperate for mediocre radio pop-punk, dont buy this album.
Slipknot Slipknot
I like new Slipknot. I don't like old Slipknot. What am I ever to do? Oh yes, not listen to this record. My main problem is thats its heavy without any true anger or purpose. Joey's drumming was unfocused around this time, so instead of the skilled yet powerful drumming we'd see late,r he's pretty much a thrash drummer. Albeit with a better mix. The vocals are also pretty shoddy, making me want to take a rather large piece of my hand off every time I hear them. Yeah, I don't like this album very much I think.
So the Story Goes As We March With Victims
Soulja Boy
Crank That itself is catchy before it gets overplayed for you, as is Yahhh!, but besides that this is pretty bad stuff, I don't do it really. Yeah its meant to be mindless dance/driving music, but its really just horrible in every aspect besides perhaps the novelty.
South Park Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics
The Black Dahlia Murder Miasma
The Click Five Greetings from Imrie House
The Darkness One Way Ticket To Hell And Back
I believe in a thing called suck. Oh wait wrong Darkness album. Anyways, much like a few other albums in the abtss of my ratings, I had heard a bunch of talk of how this album was actually pretty good. So, when I listen to it, I first went "Huh, this still sucks pretty hardcore man." The vocals aren't what got me as much as the almost Jet-bad music ripoffs, with every song sounding like something out of the 70's or 80's. Honestly, The Darkness should go back to The Darkness. Mommy says she'll be me ice cream if she never has to hear them again.
The Dillinger Escape Plan Ire Works
Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
Just Like You is a good song. Then there are a lot of bad songs on this album, And that really sucks because I really wanted to like this album. The problem is everything sounds honestly like every other radio rock song I've heard since Pearl Jam first made headway, so I really don't know what to make out of this album. Maybe if I made out with the case it would help. No, it really doesn't. So, its angsty and suffocatingly bad. And the cd case tastes like spaghetti. But that might just be me...
Trivium The Crusade
Underoath They're Only Chasing Safety
So, underOATH used to be really, really, really bad. But before that, they were decent. This is when they were really, really, really bad. It sounds like a pop band trying to be really hardcore and impressive with their musicianship, but instead its faux-christian lyrics (by this point they had begun to shed them) and bland musicianship. Why the 1.5? Spencer is one of the most god awful vocalists I've ever heard. I honestly want to punch Hilary Duff in the mouth when I hear him scream, but since I don't know Hilary Duff, I just punch the picture of her I have in my room, but as theres a concrete wall behind it, my hand just starts to bleed and get infected and stuff...
Underoath Cries of the Past
Unfathoms Da Lowd NOIZ Demo
Weerd Science Friends and Nervous Breakdowns
Wolfmother Wolfmother

1.0 awful
Aiden Nightmare Anatomy
Oh look at me I'm a pretty little make up wearing fairy. Oh wait you want me to make music? Is it ok if that music sounds like a bad ripoff of My Chemical Romance and Maroon 5 at the same time? Cool. Is it ok if I sound like I have a testicle clamp? Yeah? Right on dude.
Oh, and this album is terrible. Buy something by From First to Last if you want something in this vein.
AJJ Only God Can Judge Me
AJJ Can't Maintain
Anti-Flag The Bright Lights of America
Anti-Flag The People or the Gun
Anti-Flag The Terror State
Atreyu The Curse
Rawr. I'm a dinosaur. Hear me roar. Well, squak. Wanna know what I sound like on this record? Ok. FOIHSDIGSOIDUFIPSHDIPFGUOGF*GE)GFREOUGFPIUGSDPIG. Thats sexy and catchy right? Yeah my drummers a much better singer but all the kids like to hear me rip apart my vocal chords so I get to be lead Velociraptor. Oh, and my band is like uber generic. Yeah. It's like they sound like a bad metalcore version of Hawthorne Heights. Except we kinda want to be really poppy still so we make really simple basslines and just faux-wank on our guitars. Squawk.
Atreyu Visions
Atreyu Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses
Avenged Sevenfold Hail To The King
Circa Survive Violent Waves
I honestly cannot stress how painfully unoriginal and grating this band has become. Just because they don't sound like any other epitaph or equal vision band does not mean they're doing something new or exciting. Fuck this band.
Coalesce OX
Daddy Yankee Barrio Fino En Directo
Death Grips The Money Store
Dust For Life Dust For Life
El Grupo Nuevo de Omar Rodriguez Lopez Cryptomnesia
Envy Recitation
Goodbye, Envy. We will all really, really (probably) miss you.
Equus Osaka Rose
From First to Last From First to Last
Gorillaz Laika Come Home
Hawthorne Heights If Only You Were Lonely
I so wish I was "saying Goodbye" to this album. I had heard there was vast improvement on this disc as opposed to the first, so because I'm a dumbass I acquired it. I was pleased to hear...well, none of it. It's pretty much the generic embodiment of generisticity, which isn't even a word, which should indicate just how bad this album really is. Oh and they have 3 guitarists, og which they nee about a keyboard player to accomplish everything they do. Probably to better effect.
Hawthorne Heights The Silence in Black and White
The impressive debut record from Hawthorne Heights features an almost decent song in "Ohio is For Lovers" and then nothing else. Being a true mark that hardcore is getting ready to blow up (but labels refuse to see it and try to sugarcoat it), Hawthorne Heights incorporate a psuedo-TOCS-era Underoath with even more pop punk sensibilities, and a vocalist who should really not be singing professionally anywhere but at a Barmitzvah.
HORSE the band Secret Rhythm of the Universe
Insane Clown Posse The Great Milenko
So, um, this is the Insane Clown Posse's best album. It has one good song in "Boogeyman" and then a bunch of pretentious tripe that attempts to be funny at every turn but instead ends up being cliche and redundant. Oh, and their flows are whack and the production/instrumental work is almost as bad as S Club 7. Just distorted. Which makes them so much more edge. Man.
Jaguar Love Hologram Jams
Kamelot Poetry for the Poisoned
Kidcrash Snacks
Limp Bizkit New Old Songs
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Los Campesinos! We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed
Meat Loaf Bat Out of Hell III
Mike Jones Who Is Mike Jones?
Hey, I'm Mike Jones. I really do just rap about everything other rappers rap abou,t but I have that one song that goes "Who? Mike Jones!" so everybody rips me off like Dave Chappelle. Honestly, I know I'm a very bad MC and even worse lyricist and can't pick beats for the life of me, but I mean, where would we be in todays society if every white kid in high school wasn't able to shout "Who? MIKE JONES!" at every possible moment and have 5 airhead girls giggle profusely?
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Mantra Hiroshima
Paris Hilton Paris
R. Kelly Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 1-12)
This would be a good song. Hell, it would be a good two or three songs. The beat is actually pretty nifty, and R. Kelly sounds good for the first 8 minutes or so. But realize its going to go on for over half an hour. And then you get scared. And then you turn off the dvd player. And then you watch the Colbert Report, and its all better. Oh, so anyways, this is just so incredibly pretentious and so impossibly overblown I can't help but give it a 1.
She Wants Revenge This is Forever
Sonic Youth Goo
Spice Girls Spice
So, a lot of people try and tell me/you that this album is good. Those people are phony liars. I decided to listen to this album again after a favorable review on this here site, and I was surprised to find I hated every waking moment of i. Sure, if you can stand their singing, this could be decent pop. But it's mostly female angst and by-the-numbers love lyrics sung by a bunch of women with voices I just can't comprehend people liking. Honestly, I'd say this album is overrated.
The Fray How to Save a Life
The National High Violet
I even bought this cd thinking "maybe, just maybe I was missing something before". NOPE, SHIT IS STILL SUPER FUCKING BORING.
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Don't You Fake It
The Sound of Animals Fighting Lover, the Lord Has Left Us...
Valencia Dancing With A Ghost
Weezer Make Believe
xSPONGEXCOREx How Tough Are Yah?

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