
Reviews 16
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Album Ratings 207
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 12-02-08 5:16 pm
Joined 07-20-05

Review Comments 681

Average Rating: 3.75
Rating Variance: 0.50
Objectivity Score: 66%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Absu Tara
Absu In The Eyes Of Ioldánach
Boris Flood
Boris Boris At Last -Feedbacker-
Desert Sessions Volumes 1 and 2
dredg El Cielo
Electric Wizard Dopethrone
Hawkwind Hall of the Mountain Grill
Kyuss Welcome To Sky Valley
Toping the sun scortched monster that is "blues for the red sun" is impossible, thats a given. But for Kyuss, they deserve a whole hell of alot of credit for trying. Almost as powerful and moving as there previouse album, "Sky Valley" doesnt have a bad song on it. This really is one of my favorite albums EVER.

Some tracks to check out owuld be

Demon Cleaner
Conan Troutman
Space Cadet
Kyuss Blues For The Red Sun
Melvins Lysol
Queensryche Operation: Mindcrime
Sleep Dopesmoker
The Flaming Lips The Soft Bulletin
The Flaming Lips In A Priest Driven Ambulance
Yes Relayer

4.5 superb
Anhedonist The Drear
Bongzilla Gateway
Boredoms Super Ae
Boris Akuma no Uta
Boris Pink
Boris Amplifier Worship
Boris Dronevil -Final-
Boris New Album
Boris Dear
Boris With Michio Kurihara Rainbow
Circle Katapult
Blackened Space Kraut from the future of 1973. Finland's weirdest export get even more weird. This album makes me giggle.
Deep Purple Machine Head
dredg Leitmotif
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Yanqui U.X.O.
Harvey Milk Life... The Best Game in Town
High on Fire Blessed Black Wings
ISIS Panopticon
King Crimson Red
Krallice Krallice
Mastodon Leviathan
Melvins Bullhead
Melvins The Maggot
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VIII: Original Soundtrack
OutKast Stankonia
Prince Around the World in a Day
Queens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf
Queens of the Stone Age Rated R
Reverend Bizarre III: So Long Suckers
Sigh Hangman's Hymn
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum Grand Opening and Closing
The Flaming Lips Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
U2 The Joshua Tree
Wu-Tang Clan Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)

4.0 excellent
Absu Abzu
Absu The Sun Of Tiphareth
Absu Mythological Occult Metal: 1991-2001
Ahab The Call Of The Wretched Sea
Alice in Chains Facelift
Assumption The Three Appearances
Between the Buried and Me Alaska
Bongzilla Amerijuanican
Boredoms Pop Tatari
Boredoms Super Roots 5
Boris Absolutego
Boris Smile
Boris Dronevil
Boris Heavy Rocks (2011)
Boris With Merzbow Sun Baked Snow Cave
Buckethead Population Override
Burzum Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Cynic Traced in Air
Deftones Around the Fur
Dr. Dre The Chronic
dredg Orph
dredg Catch Without Arms
Earth Hex: Or Printing In the Infernal Method
Earth The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull
Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse
Funkadelic Maggot Brain
Gnarls Barkley St. Elsewhere
Godkiller The Rebirth of the Middle Ages
Gorillaz Demon Days
Intestine Baalism Banquet in the Darkness
Into Eternity Buried in Oblivion
Mammatus The Coast Explodes
Mastodon Remission
Melvins Houdini
Melvins A Senile Animal
Om Pilgrimage
Pig Destroyer 38 Counts of Battery
Primordial To The Nameless Dead
Prince Purple Rain
Prince Sign o' the Times
Prong Cleansing
Queens of the Stone Age Lullabies to Paralyze
Queens of the Stone Age Queens of the Stone Age
Red Sparowes At The Soundless Dawn
Sigh Scorn Defeat
Sigh Imaginary Sonicscape
Skeletonwitch Beyond the Permafrost
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum Of Natural History
Sonic Youth SYR1: Anagrama
Terrorizer World Downfall
The Atomic Bitchwax The Atomic Bitchwax
The Flaming Lips Zaireeka
The Flaming Lips Clouds Taste Metallic
The Flaming Lips Embryonic
Once again The Flaming Lips reinvent themselves. 'Forget Clouds taste metallic', forget 'Yoshimi', The Flips are taking things to a whole new place. Much darker then anywhere they have gone before. From full on Freak outs like Scorpio Sword, To fragile ballads like Evil. Don't let the double album thing scare you either. This album is an easily manageable 70 or so minutes.while not exactly a short album its not quite the monolith Wayne Coyne hyped it up to be. My only real complaint with this album is that the way its mixed, even though the more raw recording style does wonders for this album. It can be downright overwhelming to listen to parts of some songs.
This is an excellent sonic left turn from the Flips, and a sound I hope to see them toy with and perfect in the future.
The Flaming Lips The Terror
The Minibosses Brass
Unida Coping With The Urban Coyote
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters
Yes Fragile
Yes Close to the Edge

3.5 great
Absu Absu
Blue Cheer Vincebus Eruptum
Boredoms Vision Creation Newsun
Boris Soundtrack from the Film Mabuta no Ura
Boris Heavy Rocks
Boris The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked 2
Boris With Merzbow Rock Dream
Buckethead The Cuckoo Clocks of Hell
Buckethead Colma
Cathedral The Garden Of Unearthly Delights
Corrupted Llenandose De Gusanos
Deiphago Satan Alpha Omega
DragonForce Sonic Firestorm
Eagles Of Death Metal Death By Sexy
Earth Earth 2: Special Low Frequency Version
Easy Star All Stars Dub Side of the Moon
Gallhammer Ill Innocence
ISIS Celestial
Jesu Lifeline EP
Kyuss ...And The Circus Leaves Town
Mammatus Mammatus
Megadeth United Abominations
Melvins Electroretard
Melvins Joe Preston
Melvins Eggnog
Metallica Death Magnetic
Mogwai Come On Die Young
Priestbird In Your Time
Priestbird blends the really out there instrumental sections from Tarantula A.D. with a more rocking sound, that makes there music much more accessible, and in my opinion alot more enjoyable.
Prince 1999
Prince Art Official Age
Queens of the Stone Age Over the Years and Through the Woods
Queens of the Stone Age Stone Age Complication
Sigh Infidel Art
Sunn O))) The Grimmrobe Demos
The Flaming Lips Peace Sword
The Flaming Lips Hit To Death In The Future Head
The Minibosses Brass 2: Mouth
Wolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 Stars
Worship Last Tape Before Doomsday

3.0 good
Absu Barathrum V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
Absu The Third Storm Of Cythraul
Acid Bath Paegan Terrorism Tactics
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Altered States of America
Boris Vein (Hardcore Version)
If you can get past the piss poor production, which after a while has started to grow on me, There is some pretty cool Japanese crust on here. Though some of the riffs later in the album are a bit stale, there more then made up for by the sheer brutality of this record. The whole things ends with an old school boris style doom track thats about half the length of the whole album.
Now Boris just needs to stop releasing things on limited Vinyl. And give the world a chance to actually hear this stuff.
Boris The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked 3
Boris Attention Please
Boris With Merzbow Megatone
Buckethead Bucketheadland
Ciccone Youth The Whitey Album
Desert Sessions Volumes 9 and 10
Eloy Ocean
Flaw Through the Eyes
Gorillaz Gorillaz
Helmet Strap It On
ISIS In the Absence of Truth
John Frusciante Shadows Collide with People
Kyuss Wretch
Melvins Dale Crover
Melvins King Buzzo
Melvins Stoner Witch
Meshuggah Catch Thirtythree
Orgone (USA-PA) The Goliath
Prince N.E.W.S
Sigh Hail Horror Hail
Sigh Scenario IV: Dread Dreams
Sigh Gallows Gallery
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum In Glorious Times
Stars of the Lid And Their Refinement Of The Decline
Sunn O))) Black One
Sunn O))) and Boris Altar
The Flaming Lips At War with the Mystics
The Flaming Lips Transmissions From the Satellite Heart
The Sword Gods Of The Earth
Thom Yorke The Eraser
Torche Torche
Various Artists The Family Values Tour 1999
Yes Tales from Topographic Oceans
Zozobra Harmonic Tremors

2.5 average
Boris BXI
Khanate Things Viral
Melvins 10 Songs
Sleep Volume One
The Flaming Lips Gummy Song Fetus
The Flaming Lips Gummy Song Skull

2.0 poor
Boris Vein (Drone Version)
Hatebreed Rise of Brutality
Melvins Prick
Neurosis Given To The Rising
Pelican City of Echoes

1.5 very poor
Boris With Merzbow 04092001

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