Average Rating: 3.87 Rating Variance: 0.48 Objectivity Score: 62% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classic...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Source Tags and Codes2Pac All Eyez on MeAerosmith Toys In The AtticAgainst Me! Reinventing Axl RoseAgainst Me! As the Eternal CowboyAgalloch Pale FolkloreAgalloch Ashes Against the GrainArctic Monkeys Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm NotBjork HomogenicBjork DebutBob Dylan Blood on the TracksDavid Bowie Diamond DogsDavid Bowie Hunky DoryDavid Bowie Aladdin SaneDeath The Sound of PerseveranceElvis Costello My Aim Is TrueElvis Costello This Year's ModelEminem The Eminem ShowFleetwood Mac RumoursGrateful Dead American BeautyGuns N' Roses Appetite for DestructionIron Maiden The Number Of The BeastIron Maiden Iron MaidenJane's Addiction Nothing's ShockingJane's Addiction Ritual De Lo HabitualJeff Buckley GraceJoy Division Unknown PleasuresKraftwerk The Man-MachineLynyrd Skynyrd Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-NerdMegadeth Countdown To ExtinctionMetallica Ride The LightningMorrissey Viva HateMorrissey Your ArsenalMorrissey Vauxhall and IMotley Crue Shout At The DevilMotley Crue Too Fast For LoveMotley Crue Dr. FeelgoodPink Floyd The Piper At The Gates Of DawnPink Floyd AnimalsPink Floyd Atom Heart MotherSlayer Reign in BloodThe Beach Boys Pet SoundsThe Beach Boys Smiley SmileThe Chicks FlyThe Chicks Taking the Long WayThe Cure DisintegrationThe Doors The DoorsThe Feelies Crazy RhythmsThe Mars Volta De-Loused in the ComatoriumThe Modern Lovers The Modern LoversThe National AlligatorThe Rolling Stones Exile on Main St.The Rolling Stones Sticky FingersThe Rolling Stones Let It BleedThe Rolling Stones Beggars BanquetThe Rolling Stones AftermathThe Rolling Stones Their Satanic Majesties Request4.5 superb...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead MadonnaAFI Sing the SorrowAFI Black Sails in the SunsetAFI Answer That and Stay FashionableAgalloch The MantleAlice Cooper Love It To DeathAlice in Chains DirtAnthrax Spreading The DiseaseArcade Fire FuneralArcade Fire Neon BibleArctic Monkeys Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?Beastie Boys Licensed to IllBig Star Third/Sister LoversBjork Postblink-182 Enema Of The StateBlur ParklifeBuzzcocks Singles Going SteadyCannibal Corpse The Wretched SpawnCreedence Clearwater Revival Cosmo's FactoryDanny Elfman The Nightmare Before ChristmasDanzig Danzig III: How The Gods KillDavid Bowie LowDavid Bowie "Heroes"Destiny's Child SurvivorDream Theater Six Degrees of Inner TurbulenceDuran Duran RioElectric Wizard DopethroneElton John Goodbye Yellow Brick RoadEminem The Slim Shady LPFall Out Boy Take This to Your GraveGodspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to HeavenInterpol Turn on the Bright LightsIron Maiden PowerslaveIron Maiden Somewhere In TimeIron Maiden Piece Of MindIron Maiden KillersJoanna Newsom YsJohn Frusciante CurtainsJoy Division CloserKate Bush The DreamingKISS Dressed To KillKraftwerk AutobahnKraftwerk Trans-Europe ExpressLed Zeppelin Led ZeppelinEasily one of the greatest debuts in the history of music and possibly the greatest Led Zeppelin album released. With only two less then great songs on the album, the awful "You Shook Me" and barn burner "How Many More Times" the rest of the album is perfect. The stand out track for me is not "Dazed and Confused" or "I Can't Quit You Babe" but its "Your Time Is Gonna Come" which is one of my favorite songs Led Zeppelin has performed it starts off with a organ intro and folds out into a song about cheating, misfortune and eventual karma. A classic and a great place for any body looking to get into Led Zeppelin or Classic Rock for that matter.Led Zeppelin Houses Of The HolyLynyrd Skynyrd Second HelpingMadonna Confessions on a DancefloorMegadeth Rust In PeaceMetallica ...And Justice For AllMichael Jackson ThrillerMorrissey You Are the QuarryMorrissey Bona DragMorrissey Ringleader of the TormentorsNew York Dolls New York DollsOpeth Blackwater ParkOpeth Ghost ReveriesPink Floyd A Saucerful Of SecretsPink Floyd Obscured By CloudsSinead O'Connor The Lion And The CobraThe Animals The Best of the AnimalsThe Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandThe Clash London CallingThe Cure Boys Don't CryThe Game The DocumentaryThe Jam All Mod ConsThe Kinks The Village Green Preservation SocietyThe Mars Volta Frances the MuteThe Mars Volta The Bedlam in GoliathThe National BoxerThe Rolling Stones Goats Head SoupThe Rolling Stones Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!The Rolling Stones Between the ButtonsThe Rolling Stones FlowersThe Who QuadropheniaThe Who Who's NextU2 War4.0 excellentAerosmith RocksAerosmith PumpAerosmith AerosmithAerosmith Permanent VacationAFI The Art of DrowningAFI Shut Your Mouth and Open Your EyesAFI Very Proud of YaAlice Cooper KillerAlice Cooper School's OutAlice Cooper Billion Dollar BabiesAphex Twin Richard D. James AlbumAretha Franklin I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love YouAt the Drive-In Relationship of CommandAt the Drive-In VayaAt the Drive-In Acrobatic TenementAt the Drive-In In/Casino/OutBand of Horses Everything All the TimeBattles MirroredBeastie Boys To the 5 BoroughsBelle and Sebastian The Boy With the Arab StrapBelle and Sebastian If You're Feeling SinisterBeyonce B'DayBig Black Songs About FuckingBlind Guardian Nightfall In Middle-EarthBob Dylan Bringing It All Back HomeBob Dylan The Freewheelin' Bob DylanBob Dylan Highway 61 RevisitedBob Dylan Another Side of Bob DylanBob Dylan The Times They Are A-Changin'Botch We Are the RomansCat Power The GreatestChildren of Bodom Follow the ReaperCircle Takes the Square As the Roots UndoCoheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3Coheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine BladeCoheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of MadnessCreedence Clearwater Revival Green RiverCursive The Ugly OrganDanzig DanzigDavid Bowie Space OddityDavid Bowie Station to StationDead Kennedys Fresh Fruit For Rotting VegetablesDead Kennedys Plastic Surgery DisastersDeerhoof Friend OpportunitydEUS The Ideal CrashDevendra Banhart Cripple CrowDevo Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!Dinosaur Jr. Where You BeenDream Theater Train of ThoughtDream Theater Images And WordsDream Theater Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a MemoryDream Theater Octavariumdredg Catch Without ArmsDrive-By Truckers Decoration DayElton John Madman Across the WaterEminem The Marshall Mathers LPExplosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead PlaceExplosions in the Sky How Strange, InnocenceFaith No More The Real ThingFall Out Boy From Under the Cork TreeFall Out Boy Infinity on HighFinntroll Jaktens tidFiona Apple TidalFu Manchu In Search Of...Fugazi 13 SongsFugazi RepeaterFunkadelic Maggot BrainGarth Brooks No FencesGarth Brooks In the Life of Chris GainesGeorge Harrison All Things Must PassGirl Talk Night RipperGrateful Dead Wake of the FloodGuns N' Roses Use Your Illusion IIGuns N' Roses Use Your Illusion IHORSE the band The Mechanical HandHot Chip The WarningHot Chip Coming on StrongHot Snakes Audit in ProgressHusker Du New Day RisingInterpol AnticsInterpol Our Love to AdmireIron And Wine Woman KingIron Maiden Seventh Son Of A Seventh SonJane's Addiction Jane's AddictionJane's Addiction StraysJane's Addiction Kettle WhistleJeff Beck Blow by BlowJefferson Airplane Surrealistic PillowJethro Tull AqualungJethro Tull BenefitJohn Frusciante Inside of EmptinessJohn Frusciante The Will to DeathJohn Lennon AcousticJudas Priest British SteelKaizers Orchestra MaestroKayo Dot Dowsing Anemone With Copper TongueKing Crimson In the Court of the Crimson KingKISS KISSKyuss Blues For The Red SunLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IIILed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IVLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IILed Zeppelin Physical GraffitiLinkin Park Hybrid TheoryLL Cool J Mama Said Knock You OutLupe Fiasco Food & LiquorMadonna Like a VirginMadonna Like a PrayerMarvin Gaye What's Going OnMassive Attack MezzanineMastodon LeviathanMatisyahu Shake Off the Dust...AriseMayhem De Mysteriis Dom SathanasMegadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?Melt-Banana Bambi's DilemmaMelvins HoudiniMeshuggah Destroy Erase ImproveMetallica Master Of PuppetsMew FrengersMichael Jackson Off the WallMoby PlayMoss Icon Lyburnum Wits End Liberation FlyMott The Hoople All the Young DudesMr. Bungle CaliforniaMy Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet RevengeNada Surf The Weight Is a GiftNada Surf High/LowNapalm Death ScumNebula Atomic RitualNelly NellyvilleNick Cave and The Bad Seeds Let Love InNile Annihilation Of The WickedNine Inch Nails The Downward SpiralNirvana NevermindOpeth DeliveranceOysterhead The Grand Pecking OrderOzric Tentacles ErplandPaul McCartney Chaos and Creation in the BackyardPeter Gabriel MeltPink Floyd Wish You Were HerePink Floyd MeddlePink Floyd UmmagummaThe Allman Brothers Band Eat a PeachThe Beatles RevolverThe Beatles Rubber SoulThe Beatles Magical Mystery TourThe Byrds Fifth DimensionThe Cure PornographyThe Cure Three Imaginary BoysThe Cure FaithThe Decemberists PicaresqueThe Drones Wait Long by the River and the Bodies of Your Enemies Will Float ByThe Fiery Furnaces Blueberry BoatThe Flaming Lips Yoshimi Battles the Pink RobotsThe Flaming Lips Clouds Taste MetallicThe Killers Sam's TownThe Kinks Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire)The Organ Grab That GunThe Rolling Stones Tattoo YouThe Rolling Stones A Bigger BangThe Who TommyThe Who A Quick OneThe Zombies Odessey and OracleTracy Chapman Tracy ChapmanYoko Ono Yes, I'm A Witch3.5 great!!! Louden Up Now...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Worlds ApartAlice in Chains Jar of FliesAlkaline Trio Maybe I'll Catch FireAndrew Bird The Mysterious Production Of EggsArctic Monkeys Favourite Worst NightmareBackstreet Boys Black and BlueBeastie Boys Paul's BoutiqueBeirut Gulag OrkestarBell X1 FlockBelle and Sebastian TigermilkBeulah When Your Heartstrings BreakBiffy Clyro Infinity LandBlack Flag DamagedBlonde Redhead Fake Can Be Just As GoodBlue Oyster Cult Agents of FortuneBlue Scholars Blue ScholarsBob Dylan Blonde on BlondeBoston BostonBuena Vista Social Club Buena Vista Social ClubChildren of Bodom HatebreederChristina Aguilera Back to BasicsCounting Crows August And Everything AfterDaft Punk DiscoveryDavid Bowie Young AmericansDeath From Above 1979 You're a Woman, I'm a MachineDeep Purple Machine HeadDeftones White PonyDJ Shadow Endtroducing.....DragonForce Inhuman Rampagedredg El CieloEditors The Back RoomElbow Cast of ThousandsFaith Hill BreatheFaith Hill FaithFaith No More Angel DustFunkadelic One Nation Under a GrooveGalaxie 500 TodayGoldfrapp SupernatureGorillaz GorillazGreen Day DookieIn Flames Reroute to RemainJarvis Cocker JarvisJethro Tull Stand UpJimmy Eat World Bleed AmericanJimmy Eat World FuturesJohn Lennon ImagineKing Crimson In the Wake of PoseidonKing Crimson Starless and Bible BlackLed Zeppelin In Through The Out DoorManic Street Preachers The Holy BibleMassive Attack Blue LinesMetallica Kill 'Em AllMetallica MetallicaMission of Burma Vs.Morphine Cure for PainMy Bloody Valentine LovelessMy Bloody Valentine TremoloN.W.A. Straight Outta ComptonNada Surf Let GoNew Order SubstanceNick Drake Pink MoonNico Hanging GardensNine Inch Nails Pretty Hate MachineNine Inch Nails With TeethPerry Farrell Song Yet To Be SungRyan Adams Rock 'n' RollSinead O'Connor I Do Not Want What I Haven't GotTed Leo and the Pharmacists The Tyranny of DistanceThe Allman Brothers Band At Fillmore EastThe Aquabats The Fury of the Aquabats!The Aquabats Charge!!The Band Music from Big PinkThe Beatles Let It Be… Naked The Beatles A Hard Day's NightThe Beatles Help!The Books The Lemon Of PinkThe Chemical Brothers Push the ButtonThe Clash The ClashThe Crystal Method Legion Of BoomThe Crystal Method TweekendThe Crystal Method VegasThe Decemberists Her Majesty the DecemberistsThe Decemberists Castaways and CutoutsThe Doors Morrison HotelThe Dresden Dolls The Dresden DollsThe Dust Brothers Fight Club: The Original Motion Picture The Fall of Troy DoppelgangerThe Flaming Lips At War with the MysticsThe Guess Who American WomanThe Hold Steady Boys and Girls in AmericaThe Magic Numbers The Magic NumbersThe Who My GenerationU2 Achtung BabyU2 The Joshua TreeU2 Boy3.0 goodAFI DecemberundergroundAnthrax The Greater Of Two EvilsAudioslave AudioslaveAvenged Sevenfold City Of EvilBlondie Parallel LinesBob Dylan Nashville SkylineBob Dylan Bob DylanBrand New Deja EntenduBuckethead ColmaCannibal Corpse KillCog The New NormalColdplay X&YCream Disraeli GearsDanger Mouse The Grey AlbumDashboard Confessional The Places You Have Come To Fear The MostDave Navarro Trust No OneDavid Bowie The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From MarsDestiny's Child Destiny FulfilledDogs Die In Hot Cars Please Describe YourselfDoves (UK) Some CitiesDying Fetus Destroy the OppositionElectric Wizard Let Us PreyFaust Faust IVGang of Four Entertainment!Gorillaz Demon DaysGreen Day American IdiotIn Flames Come ClarityJay-Z The Black AlbumJohnny Cash At Folsom PrisonLed Zeppelin PresenceLiars LiarsMC5 Kick Out The JamsMetallica St. AngerMinus the Bear Highly Refined PiratesMinutemen Double Nickels on the DimeMisfits Static AgeModest Mouse The Moon & AntarcticaMuse AbsolutionMuse Black Holes & RevelationsMy Bloody Valentine This Is Your Bloody ValentineNew Order Power, Corruption and LiesNirvana BleachPink Floyd The Dark Side Of The MoonThe Beatles Please Please MeThe Beatles Abbey RoadAbbey Road is by far the worst post-65 album the Beatles put out minus the White Album. While it may have many stand out tracks including the beautiful Harrison composition "Something," or the deceptively upbeat "Maxwell's Silver Hammar." Overall Abbey Road fails to drag itself out of the awful "Because" or the tedious "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" which gets dragged on for six minutes too long. Decent effort by the Beatles but get Sgt. Peppers instead.The Beatles With the BeatlesThe Beatles Beatles for SaleThe Blood Brothers This Adultery Is RipeThe Damned Damned Damned DamnedThe Doors The Soft ParadeThe Jesus and Mary Chain PsychocandyThe Jimi Hendrix Experience Electric LadylandThe Jimi Hendrix Experience Axis: Bold as LoveU2 How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb2.5 average50 Cent The MassacreBlack Sabbath ParanoidBright Eyes I'm Wide Awake, It's MorningFatboy Slim You've Come A Long Way, BabyGarbage GarbageGnarls Barkley St. ElsewhereHandsome Boy Modeling School White PeopleHot Hot Heat Make Up the BreakdownHot Hot Heat ElevatorIncubus (USA-CA) Morning ViewJohn Frusciante To Record Only Water for Ten DaysKeane Hopes & FearsKyuss ...And The Circus Leaves TownLe Tigre This IslandMastodon Blood MountainThe Beatles The BeatlesThe Beatles Yellow SubmarineThe Clash Combat RockThe Hives Veni Vidi ViciousThe Mars Volta AmputechtureThe Mighty Mighty Bosstones A Jackknife To A SwanThe Rolling Stones Black and BlueU2 Rattle and Hum2.0 poor!Forward,Russia! Give Me A WallBoris PinkBurzum HlidskjalfEazy-E Eazy-Duz-ItPink Floyd The Wall1.5 very poor...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead So DividedAnal Cunt I Like It When You Die
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z