Average Rating: 4.25 Rating Variance: 0.37 Objectivity Score: 47% (Poorly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicA Wilhelm Scream Career SuicideA Wilhelm Scream RuinerArctic Monkeys Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm NotAt the Drive-In Relationship of CommandAtheist Unquestionable PresenceBetween the Buried and Me ColorsBetween the Buried and Me AlaskaBirds in Row Gris KleinBlood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human RaceBlood Incantation StarspawnBotch We Are the RomansBotch American NervosoBotch An Anthology of Dead EndsBrand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside MeBrand New Deja EntenduBring Me The Horizon There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It...Cave In Until Your Heart StopsCave In JupiterCircle Takes the Square As the Roots UndoCoheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine BladeCoheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3Converge Petitioning The Empty SkyConverge Jane DoeConverge You Fail MeConverge All We Love We Leave BehindCynic FocusCynic Traced in AirDance Gavin Dance Downtown Battle MountainDangers AngerDemilich NespitheDemilich 20th Adversary of EmptinessDir En Grey UroborosDiscordance Axis The Inalienable DreamlessDown I Go GodsDragged Into Sunlight Hatred For MankindEdge of Sanity CrimsonElliott Smith Either/OrEvery Time I Die Hot Damn!Every Time I Die New Junk AestheticEvery Time I Die From Parts UnknownEvery Time I Die Low TeensEvery Time I Die RadicalFear Before The Always Open MouthFrail Body Artificial BouquetFrenzal Rhomb Smoko at the Pet Food FactoryFrontierer Orange MathematicsFull of Hell Trumpeting EcstasyFuneral for a Friend Casually Dressed & Deep in ConversationGlassjaw Worship and TributeGlassjaw Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About SilenceGorguts ObscuraGospel The Moon Is a Dead WorldGridLink LonghenaHe Is Legend I Am HollywoodHopesfall Satellite Years 2.0 (Remixed and Remastered)Hopesfall The Satellite YearsHopesfall No Wings To Speak OfHORSE the band Desperate LivingImmolation Close to a World BelowImperial Triumphant Vile LuxuryImperial Triumphant AlphavilleJoliette PrincipiaKvelertak KvelertakMaruja KnocknareaMastodon LeviathanMisery Signals Of Malice and the Magnum HeartMisery Signals ControllerMoonsorrow VerisäkeetMr. Bungle CaliforniaNasum ShiftNasum HelveteNOFX The DeclineNorma Jean WrongdoersO'Brother Garden WindowO'Brother The Death of DayOceansize Music for NursesOceansize FramesOff Minor The Heat Death of the UniverseOpeth Blackwater ParkOpeth Still LifeOpeth Ghost ReveriesOrchid OrchidPig Destroyer TerrifyerPig Destroyer Prowler in the YardPoison the Well The Opposite of DecemberPrimus Frizzle FryProtest the Hero KeziaProtest the Hero FortressRefused The Shape Of Punk To ComeRolo Tomassi GrievancesRolo Tomassi Time Will Die And Love Will Bury ItRotten Sound ExitSikTh The Trees Are Dead and Dried Out, Wait for Something WildSikTh Death of a Dead DayState Faults Resonate/DesperateState Faults ClairvoyantState Faults Children of the MoonStrapping Young Lad CityTaking Back Sunday Tell All Your FriendsThank You Scientist Maps of Non-Existent PlacesThe Armed UntitledThe Armed Spreading JoyThe Arrogant Sons of Bitches Three Cheers For DisappointmentThe Blood Brothers ...Burn, Piano Island, BurnThe Callous Daoboys Celebrity TherapistThe Chariot Long LiveThe Chariot One WingThe Dear Hunter Act II: The Meaning of, & All Things Regarding Ms. LeadingThe Dillinger Escape Plan Irony Is a Dead SceneThe Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating InfinityThe Dillinger Escape Plan Option ParalysisThe Fall of Troy DoppelgangerThe Fall of Troy Ghostship DemosThe Hirsch Effekt Holon: AnamnesisThe Lawrence Arms The Greatest Story Ever ToldThe Lawrence Arms Oh! Calcutta!The Mars Volta Frances the MuteThe Mars Volta De-Loused in the ComatoriumThe Number Twelve Looks Like You MongrelThe Ocean PrecambrianThe Ocean PelagialThe Weakerthans Reconstruction SiteThe Wonder Years Suburbia I've Given You All and Now I'm NothingThe Wonder Years The Greatest GenerationThou UmbilicalThrice The Illusion of SafetyThrice The Artist in the AmbulanceThrice VheissuTouche Amore Stage FourTouche Amore ...To the Beat of a Dead HorseTouche Amore Is Survived ByTrap Them Darker HandcraftTrophy Scars Darkness, Oh HellUlcerate Cutting the Throat of GodUlcerate Everything Is FireUlver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler4.5 superbAlcest Les Chants de L'AuroreArchitects RuinArchitects Hollow CrownArsis A Celebration of GuiltAt the Gates Slaughter of the SoulBeecher Breaking the Fourth WallBetween the Buried and Me The Parallax II: Future SequenceBetween the Buried and Me The Parallax: Hypersleep DialoguesBlood Incantation Luminescent BridgeBlood Incantation Absolute ElsewhereBring Me The Horizon SempiternalCave Sermon Divine LaughterChat Pile God's CountryChat Pile Cool WorldCoheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of MadnessConverge The Poacher Diaries ReduxConverge When Forever Comes CrashingConverge Axe to FallDance Gavin Dance Acceptance Speech 2.0Death SymbolicDer Weg Einer Freiheit NoktvrnDer Weg Einer Freiheit FinisterreDir En Grey Dum Spiro SperoDog Fashion Disco AdulteryDown I Go You're Lucky God, That I Cannot Reach YouEmpire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate) What It Takes to Move ForwardEnter Shikari The MindsweepEnter Shikari Rat RaceEuclid C Finder The Mirror, My Weapon, I Love YouEvery Time I Die Ex LivesFear Before Art DamageFightstar Grand UnificationFrontierer OxidizedFull of Hell Weeping ChoirGenghis Tron Board Up the HouseGlassjaw Coloring BookGlassjaw Our Color Green (The Singles)Gorguts The Erosion of SanityGorguts Colored SandsGospel The LoserGreyhaven Empty BlackGreyhaven Stereo GriefGridLink Coronet JuniperHail the Sun Secret WarsHail the Sun WakeHail the Sun ElephantitisHopesfall ArbiterImperial Triumphant Spirit of EcstasyImperial Triumphant Abyssal GodsInsect Warfare World ExterminationJoliette AtáxicoJPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown Scaring the HoesKnoll As SpokenKnoll MetempiricMaruja Connla's WellMastodon Blood MountainMoonsorrow Viides luku - HävitettyMoving Mountains ForewordNight Verses Every Sound Has a Color...: Part INorma Jean Polar SimilarObliteration NekropsalmsOceansize EffloresceOranssi Pazuzu MuuntautujaOranssi Pazuzu Mestarin KynsiOranssi Pazuzu VärähtelijäOranssi Pazuzu KosmonumentOranssi Pazuzu ValonieluPanopticon The Rime of MemoryPig Destroyer Phantom LimbPoison the Well You Come Before YouPropagandhi Today's Empires, Tomorrow's AshesPropagandhi Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes (reissue)Pyrrhon ExhaustRhinocervs RH-11Rhinocervs RH-07Rolo Tomassi AstraeaRotten Sound CyclesSed Non Satiata Le Ciel De Notre EnfanceSikTh OpacitiesSlayer Seasons in the AbyssSOUL GLO Diaspora ProblemsStray from the Path Make Your Own HistoryThank You Scientist Stranger Heads PrevailThank You Scientist TerraformerThe Armed Young & BeautifulThe Armed Only LoveThe Black Dahlia Murder NocturnalThe Black Dahlia Murder RitualThe Bled Pass the FlaskThe Bled Pass the Flask (Re-Issue)The Blood Brothers CrimesThe Chariot The FianceeThe Dear Hunter Act III: Life and DeathThe Dear Hunter Act IV: Rebirth in RepriseThe Dillinger Escape Plan Miss MachineThe Fall of Troy Phantom on the HorizonThe Ghost of a Thousand This Is Where The Fight BeginsThe Ghost of a Thousand New Hopes, New DemonstrationsThe Hirsch Effekt EskapistThe Hirsch Effekt Holon: AgnosieThe Number Twelve Looks Like You Wild GodsThe Republic of Wolves VarunaThe Republic of Wolves His Old BranchesThe Story So Far Under Soil and DirtThe Sword Age Of WintersThe Sword Warp RidersThe Weakerthans Left and LeavingThrice The Alchemy Index Vols. I & IITomb Mold The Enduring SpiritTrap Them Seizures In Barren PraiseTrap Them Seance PrimeTrophy Scars Holy VacantsTrophy Scars Astral PariahTrophy Scars Hospital Music for the Aesthetics of LanguageUlcerate Stare Into Death and Be StillWormrot Hiss4.0 excellent'68 In Humor and Sadness*shels Sea of the Dying Dhow7 Angels 7 Plagues Jhazmyne's LullabyA Lot Like Birds Conversation PieceA Wilhelm Scream Mute PrintA Wilhelm Scream PartycrasherA Wilhelm Scream A Wilhelm ScreamAaron West and The Roaring Twenties In Lieu of FlowersAd Nauseam Imperative Imperceptible ImpulseAesop Rock Integrated Tech SolutionsAfterbirth In But Not OfAquilus Bellum IIArchitects NightmaresArsonists Get All the Girls PortalsAshenspire Hostile ArchitectureAt the Drive-In In/Casino/OutAviations LuminariaBaroness StoneBeecher This Elegy, His AutopsyBetter Lovers Highly IrresponsibleBetter Lovers God Made Me an AnimalBetween the Buried and Me The Silent CircusBilly Woods AethiopesBlack Matter Device Modern FreneticsBlood Incantation Interdimensional ExtinctionBloom Dream It Didn't Have To Be This WayBreather Resist CharmerCaptain Jazz Captain JazzCarcass HeartworkCave In White SilenceCave In Planets of Old Chelsea Wolfe She Reaches Out to She Reaches Out to SheCircle Takes the Square Circle Takes the SquareClosure in Moscow First TempleConverge No HeroesConverge The Dusk in UsCruciamentum Obsidian RefractionsDance Gavin Dance HappinessDance Gavin Dance MothershipDir En Grey ArcheDir En Grey PhalarisDown I Go Aum ShinrikyoDreamwell In My Saddest Dreams, I Am Beside Youdrive your plow over the bones of the dead Tragedy as CatharsisEdge of Sanity Purgatory AfterglowElder (USA-MA) Innate PassageEND (USA-NJ) The Sin of Human FrailtyEvery Time I Die Gutter PhenomenonEvery Time I Die SalemFightstar One Day Son This Will All Be YoursFightstar They Liked You Better When You Were DeadFightstar Behind the Devil's BackFoxing FoxingFuneral for a Friend Welcome Home ArmageddonGenghis Tron Dead Mountain MouthGlassing From the Other Side of the MirrorGlassjaw Material ControlGojira The Way of All FleshGreyhaven This Bright and Beautiful WorldHail the Sun Divine Inner TensionHail the Sun New Age FilthHe Is Legend Suck Out the PoisonHe Is Legend Endless HallwayHeavenly Blue We Have The AnswerHoplites ΤρωθησομένηHorrendous IdolHorrendous AnaretaHORSE the band R. BorlaxHORSE the band The Mechanical HandHot Cross Risk RevivalImperial Triumphant AbominamentvmImperial Triumphant IncesteIncantation Onward to GolgothaInter Arma New HeavenJacobi Wichita Bonez MaloneJeromes Dream The Gray In BetweenJob For A Cowboy Moon HealerJohnny Booth Moments ElsewhereJohnny Booth Firsthand AccountsJohnny Booth ConnectionsJohnny Booth StorytellerJohnny Booth The Bronze AgeJoliette Luz de BengalaJoliette Luz DevoraKhemmis DeceiverKing Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of...Knocked Loose Upon Loss SinglesKnocked Loose A Tear in the Fabric of LifeLoma Prieta LastLook What I Did Minuteman For The MomentLunar Chamber Shambhallic VibrationsMastodon RemissionMastodon Crack the SkyeMissouri Executive Order 44 Salt SermonMouthBreather (USA-MA) PigMoving Mountains PneumaMSPAINT Post-AmericanNAILS You Will Never Be One Of UsNAILS Abandon All LifeNAILS Unsilent DeathNew Forms As Dust CollectsNorma Jean O' God, the AftermathNorma Jean Deathrattle Sing for MeOne Step Closer All You EmbraceOpeth My Arms, Your HearseOpeth The Last Will and Testamentostraca DisasterPig Destroyer Book BurnerPropagandhi Supporting CasteProtest the Hero PalimpsestProtest the Hero Fabula & SyuzhetRolo Tomassi Where Myth Becomes MemoryRolo Tomassi HystericsRolo Tomassi CosmologyRolo Tomassi Eternal YouthSadistik The Balancing ActSerpent Column KatartisisSleepytime Gorilla Museum of the Last Human BeingSlugdge Esoteric MalacologyStatic Dress Rouge Carpet DisasterStray from the Path EuthanasiaSYFF The World is YoursThe Armed Common EnemiesThe Banner GreyingThe Black Dahlia Murder UnhallowedThe Black Dahlia Murder MiasmaThe Callous Daoboys God Smiles Upon the Callous DaoboysThe Chariot UnsungThe Chariot Wars and Rumors of WarsThe Crinn ShadowbreatherThe Dear Hunter Act V: Hymns with the Devil in ConfessionalThe Dillinger Escape Plan Under the Running BoardThe Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the KillerThe Dillinger Escape Plan DissociationThe Fall of Troy ManipulatorThe Heartland FrontierThe Hirsch Effekt Holon : HibernoThe Hirsch Effekt UrianThe Number Twelve Looks Like You Put On Your Rosy Red GlassesThe Number Twelve Looks Like You Nuclear. Sad. Nuclear.The Number Twelve Looks Like You Worse Than AloneThe Ocean FluxionThe Ocean AeolianThe Ocean Phanerozoic I: PalaeozoicThe Ocean Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | CenozoicThe Republic of Wolves Why Would Anyone Want To Live This Long?The Sawtooth Grin CuddlemonsterThe Sawtooth Grin Good.The Sawtooth Grin JabberwockyThe Sword Gods Of The EarthThe Wonder Years Won't Be Pathetic ForeverThe Wonder Years No Closer to Heaventhoughtcrimes Altered PastsTouche Amore Parting The Sea Between Brightness And MeTrophy Scars Goodnight AlchemyWhile She Sleeps This Is the SixWormrot AbuseWormrot DirgeWormrot VoicesZao Where Blood and Fire Bring RestZao Liberate Te Ex InferisZao The Well-Intentioned Virus3.5 greatBury Tomorrow The Union of CrownsCaligula's Horse Charcoal GraceCoheed and Cambria The Afterman: DescensionCoheed and Cambria The Afterman: AscensionCoheed and Cambria Vaxis I: The Unheavenly CreaturesConcrete Winds Concrete WindsCounterparts Heaven Let Them DieDance Gavin Dance Whatever I Say Is Royal OceanDir En Grey The Insulated WorldDirge (FR) Lost EmpyreanDissimulator (CAN) Lower Form ResistanceDown I Go TyrantDown I Go This Is DisastercoreDown I Go This Is DinocoreEnter Shikari A Flash Flood of ColourEnter Shikari Common DreadsEnter Shikari Take to the SkiesEvery Time I Die Last Night in TownEvery Time I Die The Big DirtyFear Before Odd How People ShakeFightstar Be HumanFull of Hell Coagulated BlissFuneral for a Friend ConduitGreat Falls Objects Without PainHe Is Legend 91025Horrendous Ontological MysteriumHORSE the band A Natural DeathHORSE the band Your FaultKhanate KhanateKnocked Loose You Won't Go Before You're Supposed ToMastodon The HunterMastodon Call of the MastodonMouthBreather (USA-MA) Self-TapeNeptunian Maximalism Set Chaos To The Heart Of The MoonNight Verses Every Sound Has a Color...: Part IINorma Jean RedeemerNorma Jean MeridionalNorma Jean All HailParkway Drive Killing with a SmileParkway Drive HorizonsPoison the Well Tear From the RedSee You Next Tuesday ParasiteSlow Fire Pistol Love Riddled With ConditionsStray from the Path VillainsThe Black Dahlia Murder ServitudeThe Blood Brothers March On Electric ChildrenThe Chariot Everything Is Alive, Everything Is...The Dear Hunter Act I: The Lake South, the River NorthThe Dillinger Escape Plan Ire WorksThe Hirsch Effekt KollapsThe Mars Volta AmputechtureThe Wonder Years The UpsidesThe Wonder Years Sister CitiesThe Wonder Years The Hum Goes on ForeverTrap Them Sleepwell DeconstructorTrap Them Filth RationsTrophy Scars Darts to the SeaWhile She Sleeps The North Stands for NothingXoth Exogalactic3.0 goodA Wilhelm Scream Lose Your DelusionBetween the Buried and Me Between the Buried and MeBring Me The Horizon Count Your BlessingsBring Me The Horizon Suicide SeasonBring Me The Horizon This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made ForChaos Divine The Human ConnectionCounterparts A Eulogy for Those Still HereDance Gavin Dance Dance Gavin DanceDance Gavin Dance Downtown Battle Mountain IIDeath Toll 80k Harsh RealitiesDying Wish Symptoms of SurvivalFear Before Fear BeforeFleshvessel Yearning: Promethean Fates SealedFull of Hell Garden of Burning ApparitionsMastodon Once More 'Round the SunMastodon Emperor of SandNorma Jean Bless the Martyr and Kiss the ChildPig Destroyer Head CageSchammasch The Maldoror Chants: Old OceanSvalbard The Weight of the MaskTalk Talk Laughing StockThe Blood Brothers This Adultery Is Ripe2.5 averageBring Me The Horizon That's the SpiritCoheed and Cambria No World for TomorrowDance Gavin Dance AfterburnerFiddlehead Death is Nothing to UsFull of Hell and Nothing When No Birds SangKvelertak EndlingMany Eyes The Light AgeWitch Vomit Funeral Sanctum2.0 poorDance Gavin Dance Jackpot Juicer
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z