Average Rating: 3.31 Rating Variance: 0.83 Objectivity Score: 87% (Well Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAlice Cooper Brutal PlanetAlice in Chains DirtAtheist Piece Of TimeAvenged Sevenfold City Of EvilCryptopsy None So VileDeath SymbolicGorguts ObscuraImmolation Close to a World BelowInMe Herald MothKreator Coma Of SoulsMayhem De Mysteriis Dom SathanasMegadeth Rust In PeaceMetallica Master Of PuppetsMy Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet RevengeNas IllmaticNecrophagist EpitaphNeil Diamond The Jazz SingerOpeth Blackwater ParkPierce the Veil Collide with the SkyPink Floyd Wish You Were HereRush Moving PicturesShining (SWE) V - HalmstadSia 1000 Forms Of FearSia This Is ActingSuffocation Pierced From WithinVader LitanyWednesday 13 Skeletons4.5 superbAlice Cooper Billion Dollar BabiesArch Enemy Doomsday MachineAtheist Unquestionable PresenceBring Me The Horizon SempiternalCannibal Corpse TortureCannibal Corpse A Skeletal DomainCarach Angren Where the Corpses Sink ForeverCarach Angren This Is No FairytaleCarcass Surgical SteelDeath HumanDemi Lovato UnbrokenDemon Hunter Storm the Gates of HellFit for Rivals Freak MachineGorguts Colored SandsGuns N' Roses Appetite for DestructionImmolation Here in AfterInMe Daydream AnonymousMarina Electra HeartMegadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?Megadeth EndgameMy Chemical Romance The Black ParadeN.W.A. Straight Outta ComptonNecrophagist Onset of PutrefactionNile In Their Darkened ShrinesOpeth Still LifeOpeth Ghost ReveriesOpeth HeritageOverkill IronboundRise Against Siren Song of the Counter CultureRush Clockwork AngelsShinedown The Sound of MadnessShinedown AmaryllisShining (SWE) IV - The Eerie ColdSia Some People Have Real ProblemsSlayer Reign in BloodSlipknot IowaSodom M-16Suffocation Breeding The SpawnThe Black Dahlia Murder AbysmalThe Faceless AutotheismVader De ProfundisVader Welcome to the Morbid ReichVader Tibi et IgniVektor Outer IsolationWhile She Sleeps BrainwashedWhile She Sleeps You Are We4.0 excellentAlice Cooper DragontownAlice Cooper Welcome to My NightmareAlice Cooper TrashArch Enemy DeceiversAvenged Sevenfold Waking The FallenBehemoth The SatanistBillie Eilish Happier Than EverBiohazard Urban DisciplineBlack Veil Brides Set the World on FireBring Me The Horizon That's the SpiritCannibal Corpse Butchered At BirthCannibal Corpse The BleedingCannibal Corpse KillCannibal Corpse Violence UnimaginedCarcass HeartworkCoroner Mental VortexCryptopsy Blasphemy Made FleshCryptopsy Whisper SupremacyCryptopsy The Book of Suffering - Tome IIDeath The Sound of PerseveranceDeath LeprosyDeath Individual Thought PatternsDecapitated NihilityDemon Hunter Demon HunterDismember Like An Ever Flowing StreamDismember Indecent And ObsceneDisturbed IndestructibleDream Theater Images And WordsDream Theater Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a MemoryDream Theater AwakeEminem The Slim Shady LPEminem The Eminem ShowEminem RecoveryFit for Rivals Steady DamageIce Cube Greatest HitsImmolation Majesty and DecayImperial Triumphant ObeisanceIron Maiden The Number Of The BeastJME IntegrityJohn Frusciante The EmpyreanKreator Pleasure To KillKreator Extreme AggressionKreator Gods Of ViolenceLamb of God SacramentLamb of God ResolutionLana Del Rey Born to DieMaisie Peters You Signed Up For ThisManic Street Preachers The Holy BibleMayhem Grand Declaration of WarMegadeth YouthanasiaMorbid Angel Altars of MadnessNew Model Army Thunder and ConsolationOpeth My Arms, Your HearseOverkill The Years of DecayPantera Cowboys from HellPantera Vulgar Display of PowerPierce the Veil Selfish MachinesRage Against the Machine Rage Against the MachineRise Against Revolutions per MinuteRush Permanent WavesSatyricon Nemesis DivinaSigrid Sucker PunchSlayer Show No MercySlayer Hell AwaitsStone Sour Come What(ever) MaySuffocation Effigy Of The ForgottenSum 41 ChuckThe Black Dahlia Murder EverblackThe Black Dahlia Murder NightbringersThe Explicits No RemorseTool ÆnimaTrivium The Sin and the SentenceVektor Black FutureVektor Terminal ReduxWhile She Sleeps This Is the Six3.5 greatA Day To Remember HomesickA Day To Remember Common CourtesyAlter Bridge FortressAnnihilator Alice In HellAnthrax Among The LivingAs I Lay Dying An Ocean Between UsAsking Alexandria From Death to DestinyAvenged Sevenfold NightmareAvril Lavigne Let GoAvril Lavigne Love SuxBillie Eilish When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?Black Veil Brides We Stitch These Woundsblink-182 Enema Of The StateCannibal Corpse Tomb Of The MutilatedCannibal Corpse Evisceration PlagueCarach Angren Death Came Through a Phantom ShipCKY Volume 1Cradle of Filth Dusk... and Her EmbraceCryptopsy Once Was NotCryptopsy As Gomorrah BurnsDark Angel Darkness DescendsDarkthrone Transilvanian HungerDeath Scream Bloody GoreDeath Spiritual HealingDecapitated Winds of CreationDeicide DeicideDeicide LegionDemi Lovato Here We Go AgainDemi Lovato DemiDemon Hunter The World Is a ThornDizzee Rascal Maths and EnglishEminem The Marshall Mathers LPEmperor In the Nightside EclipseEmperor Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire...Giggs Walk In Da ParkHollywood Undead American TragedyImmolation Dawn of PossessionImmolation AtonementInMe The PrideJay-Z Reasonable DoubtLamb of God Ashes Of The WakeLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IVMarina FrootMayhem DaemonMegadeth Countdown To ExtinctionMegadeth The System Has FailedMetallica St. AngerMetallica Kill 'Em AllMetallica Ride The LightningMetallica ...And Justice For AllMetallica Hardwired...To Self-DestructMudvayne The End of All Things to ComeMumford and Sons Sigh No MoreNile Black Seeds of VengeanceNina Nesbitt PeroxideObituary Cause of DeathObituary The End CompleteObscura OmniviumOpeth DamnationOrigin AntithesisPearl Jam TenRise Against The UnravelingRise Against The Sufferer and the WitnessRise Against Nowhere GenerationRush 2112Sepultura Beneath The RemainsSepultura Chaos A.D.Sex Pistols Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex PistolsSia Everyday Is ChristmasSick of It All Just Look AroundSigrid RawSigrid How to Let GoSilencer (SWE) Death - Pierce MeSlipknot SlipknotSlipknot All Hope Is GoneSodom Agent OrangeStone Sour House of Gold and Bones - Part 1Suffocation Pinnacle Of BedlamSum 41 Does This Look Infected?Testament The LegacyThe Notorious B.I.G. Ready to DieThe Used The UsedThe Used In Love and DeathTrivium AscendancyWednesday 13 Transylvania 902103.0 goodAerosmith PumpAlice in Chains Alice in ChainsAlice in Chains FaceliftAlice in Chains The Devil Put Dinosaurs HereAlien Ant Farm ANThologyAlter Bridge The Last HeroAnne-Marie Speak Your MindAnnihilator Never, NeverlandAsking Alexandria Stand Up and ScreamAt the Gates Slaughter of the SoulAutopsy The Headless RitualAvenged Sevenfold Sounding The Seventh TrumpetAvenged Sevenfold Hail To The KingAvenged Sevenfold The StageBetween the Trees The Story and the SongBiffy Clyro Only RevolutionsBlack Veil Brides Wretched and Divineblink-182 Dude RanchBullet For My Valentine FeverBusted A Present For EveryoneBusted BustedCannibal Corpse BloodthirstCannibal Corpse The Wretched SpawnCannibal Corpse Red Before BlackCarach Angren Dance and Laugh Amongst the RottenChris Cornell Euphoria MorningCradle of Filth MidianCradle of Filth NymphetamineCryptopsy CryptopsyCryptopsy The Book of Suffering - Tome 1Decapitated Carnival Is ForeverDecapitated Blood MantraDeeds of Flesh NucleusDeftones Koi No YokanDeicide Once Upon the CrossDemi Lovato ConfidentDemi Lovato Holy FvckDisturbed BelieveDizzee Rascal Boy In Da CornerDream Theater A Dramatic Turn of EventsEazy-E It's On (Dr. Dre) 187um KillaEd Sheeran xEminem KamikazeExodus Bonded by BloodFalling in Reverse Fashionably LateGorguts Considered DeadGreen Day American IdiotIn Flames The Jester RaceJake Bugg Shangri LaKano Home Sweet HomeKorn KornKorn Follow the LeaderKreator Phantom AntichristLamb of God As The Palaces BurnLimp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored WaterLinkin Park Hybrid TheoryMachine Head The BlackeningMarina Ancient Dreams in a Modern LandMayhem Ordo ad ChaoMegadeth Killing Is My Business... and Business Is Good!Megadeth Th1rt3enMetallica MetallicaMetallica Death MagneticMotionless In White CreaturesMurderdolls Beyond The Valley of the MurderdollsNecro Death RapNecro The Pre-Fix for DeathNeil Diamond Home Before DarkNile Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-KaOtep Sevas TraOtep The_AscensionPantera Far Beyond DrivenPantera The Great Southern TrendkillPapa Roach InfestParkway Drive HorizonsRise Against EndgameRush RushSepultura AriseSepultura SchizophreniaSkepta BlacklistedSkepta KonnichiwaSlayer Seasons in the AbyssSlayer South of HeavenSleeping With Sirens Let's Cheers to ThisSlipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal VersesSlipknot We Are Not Your KindSoreption Engineering The VoidSpawn of Possession IncursoStone Temple Pilots CoreSuffocation Souls To DenySuicide Silence The CleansingSuicide Silence No Time to BleedSum 41 All Killer No FillerThe Black Dahlia Murder MiasmaThe Casualties Die HardsThirty Seconds to Mars This Is WarThy Art Is Murder HateVader The Ultimate IncantationVader Black to the BlindVader Impressions In BloodVader NecropolisWe Are Harlot We Are Harlot2.5 averageAlice Cooper Along Came a SpiderAlice in Chains Rainier FogAn Ocean Between Us The FailingsAsking Alexandria The BlackAvenged Sevenfold Avenged SevenfoldBehemoth I Loved You at Your DarkestBirdy Birdyblink-182 Cheshire CatBring Me The Horizon Count Your BlessingsBring Me The Horizon Suicide SeasonBritney Spears ...Baby One More TimeBullet For My Valentine The PoisonBullet For My Valentine Temper TemperBullet For My Valentine VenomBusta Rhymes It Ain't Safe No More...Cannibal Corpse Gore ObsessedCannibal Corpse Eaten Back To LifeCannibal Corpse Gallery Of SuicideCarach Angren Franckensteina StrataemontanusConquest Of The Overfiend Conquest Of The OverfiendDemi Lovato Don't ForgetDisturbed The SicknessEd Sheeran +Enter Shikari The MindsweepEscape the Fate Dying Is Your Latest FashionFor Today ImmortalImmolation Shadows in the LightImmortal All Shall FallJake Bugg Jake BuggKorn Take a Look in the MirrorKorn The Path of TotalityLamb of God WrathLamb of God VII: Sturm Und DrangLana Del Rey HoneymoonLike Moths to Flames When We Don't ExistMegadeth Cryptic WritingsMurderdolls Women and Children LastPapa Roach ...To Be Loved: The Best of Papa RoachPapa Roach Time For AnnihilationRage Nucleaire Unrelenting Fucking HatredRise Against The Black MarketShining (SWE) I - Within Deep Dark ChambersShining (SWE) Redefining DarknessShining (SWE) IX: Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, ends.Six Feet Under Maximum ViolenceSlayer Diabolus in MusicaSlayer Christ IllusionSlayer World Painted BloodSleeping With Sirens How It Feels to Be LostSlipknot .5: The Gray ChapterSoreption Deterioration of MindsSoulfly PrimitiveStormzy Gang Signs and PrayerSuffocation SuffocationSuffocation Blood OathSuffocation …Of The Dark LightSuicide Silence The Black CrownSuicide Silence You Can't Stop MeTaylor Swift 1989Trivium Vengeance FallsVader The EmpireVader Solitude in MadnessWhitechapel A New Era of Corruption2.0 poorAnthrax Fistful Of MetalBlood on the Dance Floor It's Hard to Be a Diamond...Bring Me The Horizon There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It...Britney Spears GloryBullet For My Valentine Scream Aim FireCannibal Corpse VileCradle of Filth Darkly, Darkly, Venus AversaCryptopsy And Then You'll BegCryptopsy The Unspoken KingDecapitated AnticultDemi Lovato Tell Me You Love MeEminem The Marshall Mathers LP 2Enter Shikari A Flash Flood of ColourHollywood Undead Swan SongsKreator OutcastLana Del Rey UltraviolenceLinkin Park The Hunting PartyMarina The Family JewelsMarina Love + FearMegadeth United AbominationsMegadeth DystopiaMorbid Angel Kingdoms DisdainedPantera Reinventing the SteelRise Against Appeal to ReasonRise Against WolvesSlayer Divine InterventionSlayer RepentlessSleeping With Sirens FeelSleeping With Sirens MadnessThy Art Is Murder GodlikeVader RevelationsVader The Beast1.5 very poorBlack Veil Brides Black Veil Bridesblink-182 Dogs Eating DogsBlood on the Dance Floor Anthem of the OutcastbrokeNCYDE I'm Not a Fan, but the Kids Like It!Giggs LandlordHollywood Undead Notes From the UndergroundHollywood Undead FiveMyrkur MPapa Roach lovehatetragedySepultura RootsSlayer God Hates Us All1.0 awfulAsking Alexandria Asking AlexandriaBlood on the Dance Floor EvolutionEminem RevivalGreen Day Father of All MotherfuckersKreator RenewalMegadeth Super ColliderOf Mice and Men Of Mice and MenOtep HydraSix Feet Under Nightmares of the DecomposedSuicide Silence Suicide Silence
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z