Average Rating: 3.77 Rating Variance: 0.78 Objectivity Score: 70% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAndrew Bird Armchair ApocryphaAngelo Badalamenti Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With MeAphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85-92Arcade Fire Neon BibleBob Dylan The Freewheelin' Bob DylanBrad Mehldau Elegiac CycleBruce Springsteen Born in the U.S.A.Calexico Feast of WireDeath in June But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?Deep Purple Deep Purple In RockFleet Foxes Fleet FoxesFleet Foxes Helplessness BluesGlenn Gould Bach: Goldberg VariationsJefferson Airplane Surrealistic PillowKing Crimson In the Court of the Crimson KingLaurie Anderson Big ScienceLeonard Cohen Songs of Love and HateLucinda Williams The Ghosts of Highway 20Lynyrd Skynyrd Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-NerdMiles Davis Kind of BlueMuddy Waters The Best of Muddy Waters (Chess)Neil Young On the BeachNick Cave and The Bad Seeds Abattoir Blues/The Lyre Of OrpheusNick Drake Pink MoonNick Drake Five Leaves LeftPink Floyd AnimalsPink Floyd Wish You Were HereSea Power Disco ElysiumSufjan Stevens Carrie and LowellSwans Children of GodThe Cure Songs of a Lost WorldThe Felice Brothers From Dreams to DustThelonious Monk MisteriosoTom Waits Rain DogsTom Waits Alice4.5 superbAlcest Les Chants de L'AuroreAllan Holdsworth Road GamesAndrew Bird Noble BeastAndy Stott Luxury ProblemsAngelo Badalamenti Twin PeaksArcade Fire ReflektorAutechre Tri RepetaeBark Psychosis HexBig If The Demo YearsBill Callahan Woke On A WhaleheartBjork DebutBob Marley and The Wailers Catch A FireBohren und der Club of Gore Sunset MissionBonnie 'Prince' Billy Lie Down in the LightBonnie 'Prince' Billy The Letting GoBrad Mehldau PlacesByetone Death of a TypographerCalexico The Black LightCalexico AlgiersCirculatory System Circulatory SystemCrosby, Stills, Nash and Young Deja VuDeath in June Rose Clouds of HolocaustFather John Misty I Love You, HoneybearFloating Points ElaeniaGrizzly Bear ShieldsHail Spirit Noir Fossil GardensHail Spirit Noir PneumaKing Creosote I DESKing Crimson RedLuna PenthouseLynyrd Skynyrd Second HelpingMarianne Faithfull Give My Love to LondonMarianne Faithfull Negative CapabilityMarissa Nadler JulyMidas Fall Cold Waves Divide UsMiles Davis 'Round About MidnightMonkey3 Welcome to the MachineMorphine Cure for PainNew Order MovementNick Cave and The Bad Seeds Let Love InNicolas Jaar Space Is Only NoiseOliver Nelson and Eric Dolphy Straight AheadPink Floyd The Piper At The Gates Of DawnPink Floyd MeddlePink Floyd The Dark Side Of The MoonPortishead DummyPrefab Sprout Steve McQueenRes How I DoRory Gallagher DeuceSlowdive SouvlakiSmog Red Apple FallsSufjan Stevens IllinoisThe Cinematic Orchestra Every DayThe Cure DisintegrationThe Smile A Light For Attracting AttentionThe Strokes Is This ItThin Lizzy FightingTindersticks Tindersticks IITom Waits The Heart of Saturday NightTom Waits Blood MoneyTom Waits Bone MachineTrentemoller The Last ResortUlver Shadows of the SunVenetian Snares Huge Chrome Cylinder Box UnfoldingWovenhand Woven HandYndi Halda Enjoy Eternal BlissYo La Tengo Painful4.0 excellentAimee Mann Lost in SpaceAiriel Winks & Kisses: FrostedAlias The Other Side Of The Looking GlassAlice Cooper Love It To DeathAmon Tobin SupermodifiedAmy Winehouse Back to BlackAndrew Bird The Mysterious Production Of EggsAngelo Badalamenti Blue VelvetArcade Fire FuneralAutechre IncunabulaBiffy Clyro PuzzleBlack Diamond Heavies Every Damn TimeBob Dylan Rough and Rowdy WaysBob Dylan Time Out of MindBruce Springsteen Born to RunBruce Springsteen NebraskaCalexico Hot RailCowboy Junkies The Trinity SessionDaft Punk Random Access MemoriesDavid Gilmour Luck And StrangeDeep Purple Deep PurpleDonald Byrd A New PerspectiveDrop Nineteens DelawareFather John Misty Fear FunFleet Foxes Sun GiantFloating Points, Pharoah Sanders & The LSO PromisesGridlock FormlessGrizzly Bear VeckatimestHave a Nice Life DeathconsciousnessHelado Negro PhasorHeron Oblivion Heron OblivionHorse Jumper of Love Disaster TrickHuminoita HuminoitaIron Maiden The Number Of The BeastJacaszek TrenyJefferson Airplane Crown of CreationJefferson Airplane VolunteersJethro Tull This WasKamasi Washington Fearless MovementKanye West The College DropoutKing Creosote KC RULES OKKing Crimson LizardLeonard Cohen Songs From a RoomMarianne Faithfull Broken EnglishMesa Verde The Old RoadMeshuggah Catch ThirtythreeMurder by Death Like the Exorcist, but More BreakdancingNick Drake Bryter LayterNicolas Jaar SirensOnly Living Witness Prone Mortal FormOutlaws Ghost RidersPink Floyd The WallPopol Vuh Hosianna MantraPortishead PortisheadPortishead ThirdQuicksand SlipRadiohead AmnesiacSimon and Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled WaterSkinny Puppy Mind: The Perpetual IntercourseStars of the Lid And Their Refinement Of The DeclineSting The Dream of the Blue TurtlesTame Impala CurrentsThe Field From Here We Go SublimeThe Future Sound of London LifeformsThe Knife Silent ShoutThe Verve Urban HymnsTindersticks TindersticksTom Waits Bad As MeTom Waits SwordfishtrombonesTom Waits Closing TimeTom Waits Mule VariationsVangelis Blade Runner SoundtrackVirus (NO) CarheartYves Tumor Praise a Lord Who Chews, But Does Not Consume...3.5 greatAdele 21Billy Joel The StrangerBoards of Canada The Campfire HeadphaseBob Dylan and The Grateful Dead Dylan & The DeadBruce Springsteen Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.Bruce Springsteen Western StarsCripple Bastards Desperately InsensitiveDeerhunter MicrocastleEcho and The Bunnymen CrocodilesEverything But the Girl Walking WoundedFleetwood Mac Then Play OnFour Tet RoundsFriko Where We've Been, Where We Go from HereFrou Frou DetailsGillan Mr. UniverseGui Boratto ChromophobiaJapan Adolescent SexJason Isbell WeathervanesLana Del Rey Born to DieLimbonic Art In Abhorrence DementiaMannequin Pussy I Got HeavenMonkey3 Monkey3My Morning Jacket At DawnNeko Case Furnace Room LullabyPink Floyd The Final CutPink Floyd MoreSantana AbraxasSea Power Everything Was ForeverStevie Nicks Bella DonnaSubheim ApproachSufjan Stevens MichiganTangerine Dream Alpha CentauriThe 13th Floor Elevators The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor ElevatorsThe Cure Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss MeThe Damned Damned Damned DamnedThe Enid In The Region of the Summer StarsThe White Stripes White Blood CellsTom Waits Nighthawks At The DinerTom Waits Blue ValentineTones on Tail Everything!Whitesnake Slide It InWillie Nelson Red Headed StrangerWILLOW EmpathogenYouth Lagoon The Year of Hibernation3.0 good...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Source Tags and CodesAlcatrazz No Parole from Rock 'n' RollAnal Cunt Picnic of LoveAriel Pink Pom PomBathe Alone I Don't Do HumidityBeach House BloomBob Dylan Bob DylanBrave Saint Saturn The Light of Things Hoped For...Calexico SpokeCocteau Twins and Harold Budd The Moon and the MelodiesCollege Teenage ColorCowboy Junkies Whites Off Earth Now!!Cradle of Filth Dusk... and Her EmbraceDeep Purple The Book Of TaliesynDeep Purple The House Of Blue LightFleet Foxes Crack-UpFleetwood Mac Peter Green's Fleetwood MacJohann Johannsson IBM 1401, A User's ManualKali Malone All Life LongKilling Of A Sacred Deer Killing Of A Sacred DeerKing Crimson In the Wake of PoseidonLenny Kravitz It Is Time For A Love RevolutionMar De Grises Draining The WaterheartNAILS Every Bridge BurningNile Annihilation Of The WickedParis Hilton Infinite IconPink Floyd The Division BellPink Floyd A Saucerful Of SecretsPink Floyd UmmagummaPink Floyd Obscured By CloudsPulley MattersReuben Racecar Is Racecar BackwardsRoy Orbison CryingSpeedy West Steel GuitarSufjan Stevens Seven SwansThe Mars Volta De-Loused in the ComatoriumThe Narcotix DyingThe xx I See YouThee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra Horses in the SkyThin Lizzy Vagabonds of the Western WorldTim Hecker Harmony in UltravioletTimber Timbre Creep On Creepin' OnVan Halen Van HalenWhitesnake Saints And Sinners2.5 averageblink-182 One More Time, Pt. 2Childish Gambino CampChildish Gambino Bando Stone and the New WorldClairo CharmEarth, Wind and Fire All 'n AllFleet Foxes Fleet Foxes EPLenny Kravitz CircusMamiffer Hirror EnnifferMoodymann Silence In The Secret GardenPink Floyd The Endless RiverPink Floyd Atom Heart MotherTaylor Swift 1989 (Taylor’s Version)Trivium AscendancyWhite Spirit White SpiritZeal and Ardor Greif2.0 poorBob Dylan Under the Red SkyDeep Purple AbandonJohn Lennon Milk and HoneyKasabian HappeningsKlein Now That's What I Call R&BPeggy Gou I Hear YouRadiohead Pablo HoneySantana WelcomeSkelethal Within Corrosive ContinuumsTaylor Swift Taylor SwiftThe Cooper Temple Clause See This Through And Leave1.5 very poorBlood on the Dance Floor Let's Start a RiotBon Jovi ForeverBruce Springsteen Wrecking BallFat Dog WOOF.Kishi Bashi KantosPink Floyd A Momentary Lapse Of ReasonStand Atlantic Was HereThe Cinematic Orchestra To BelieveYours Truly Toxic1.0 awfulBon Jovi Lost Highway
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z