Average Rating: 3.82 Rating Variance: 0.26 Objectivity Score: 60% (Somewhat Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicMastodon RemissionMastodon LeviathanSYFF The World is Yours4.5 superbAffection RemnantsDell Johnston RedemptioDonner and The Devil Laid to WasteEvoking Winds The HeroesEvoking Winds Bald MountainHorror Soundscapes Heavy SnowHorror Soundscapes Evil Under AntarcticaMastodon The Workhorse Chronicles [DVD]Mastodon Crack the SkyeSeth Hutchinson Purple Vol. 1: A Quest for FireThe Salt Pale Collective A Body That Could Pass Through Stones And TreesTower Crane Towers Cloudy Skies, Clear Intentions4.0 excellentArjay Smith Old Man Rookie Instrumentals, Pt. 1: Fives UpBuridan's Bridge DiaforaChris Maragoth TalesDvne Etemen ÆnkaFallen Letters Forlorn PagesFans of Jimmy Century A Coupla Holiday Spirits (Halloween Perils and ChrFierce Justice DoppelgangerGrafting the Vine Creator Part IHeilige! Serpent's MuzakHeilige! RiversideHorror Soundscapes Dungeon Synth RitualsKohana JabLawrence Wallace Life ForceLawrence Wallace Life ForceLee Desty Somebody SaidLucciana Costa Attachment TheoryMJF Guitar Project EP#2: Rocky VistasMoon Tooth CruxNate Nubia Quadrant OnePursuing JC C.R.O.W.N.Snailbones Keelhaul 'em allSouleye Disguised as tomorrowSpeedy Justice Укрытие от неописуемой болиThree Eyes Junior3.5 great(Rodney W) Callsign9 Earth Tone x43Apache Rose Cabin FeverAvalanche The Architect Let There Be WarBrooke Burgess DADBODThis album is great for many reasons. Musically diverse and full of love of a father to his son. It melted my heart reallyBury The Kingdom Bury The KingdomChris Maragoth Burning JuneCosmonauts Day Paths of the RestlessEpic Russian Post metal band! Concept album with a nice artwork and some chrushing riffs. For fans of Mastodon + NeurosisCuranderx:// Ideological FrameworksDrivekey Apocalypse (Deluxe)Drone Addicts TravelFugit Astral Consciousnessgalun lyublyu / люблюGrafting the Vine Creator Part IIHeilige! Blood InjectionJade Lotus Jade LotusKorfian PropagandaMastodon Blood MountainMastodon Emperor of SandMemory of an Empire The WondererMinneriket Gjennom Meg Går Ingen Til HvilePantherWolfe PantherWolfe Vol. 1Pravi Lopov FORSAKEN 3000Sevaskar Skar CitySevaskar XThe Varacious Ones VacuousXCHNUM MIIIMIIIKRY Xchnum Autopsie3.0 goodBlessUp CloserFallen Letters Remain a Memorykerekubatica GeographyMastodon Once More 'Round the SunMastodon Hushed and GrimSlime King Bow to The KrakenUltima Engine Evils and Animals2.5 averageMastodon The Hunter
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