Average Rating: 4.11 Rating Variance: 0.39 Objectivity Score: 52% (Somewhat Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAlice in Chains DirtAphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85-92Bjork HomogenicBlack Sabbath ParanoidBuena Vista Social Club Buena Vista Social ClubBurzum FilosofemCafe Tacuba ReFleet Foxes Helplessness BluesGodspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to HeavenIgor Stravinsky Le Sacre du PrintempsInvisible El jardin de los presentesJeff Buckley Live at Sin-éJeff Mangum Live at Jittery Joe'sJorge Drexler FronteraJoy Division Unknown PleasuresJoy Division CloserKate Bush Hounds of LoveKendrick Lamar To Pimp a ButterflyKing Crimson In the Court of the Crimson KingLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IILed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IVLed Zeppelin Physical GraffitiLudwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67Massive Attack MezzanineMassive Attack Blue LinesMy Bloody Valentine LovelessN.W.A. Straight Outta ComptonNeutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the SeaNick Drake Pink MoonPescado Rabioso ArtaudPink Floyd AnimalsPixies DoolittlePixies Surfer RosaPixies Come On PilgrimPortishead DummyQueens of the Stone Age Songs for the DeafRadiohead Kid ASigur Ros Agætis byrjunSigur Ros ( )Slint SpiderlandSoda Stereo Cancion AnimalSoundgarden SuperunknownStevie Wonder Songs in the Key of LifeSufjan Stevens IllinoisSwans OxygenSwans FilthTalking Heads Remain in LightThe Beach Boys Pet SoundsThe Beatles RevolverThe Beatles Abbey RoadThe Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandThe Microphones The Glow Pt. 2The Microphones Microphones in 2020The Olivia Tremor Control Music From The Unrealized Film Script The Olivia Tremor Control Black Foliage: Animation Music Volume 1The Smashing Pumpkins Siamese DreamThe Velvet Underground The Velvet Underground & NicoTom Waits SwordfishtrombonesTool LateralusWilco Yankee Hotel FoxtrotYes Close to the Edge4.5 superbAnimal Collective Strawberry JamAphex Twin Selected Ambient Works Volume IIAudioslave Out of ExileBeach House BloomBeach House 7Bersuit Vergarabat LibertinajeBjork PostBjork VespertineBjork MedullaBlur 13Blur BlurBlur Think TankBon Iver 22, A MillionBrand New Science FictionBroadcast The Noise Made by PeopleBurial UntrueCafe Tacuba Cuatro CaminosCar Seat Headrest Twin Fantasy (Face to Face)Circulatory System Circulatory SystemDanny Brown Atrocity ExhibitionDaughters You Won't Get What You WantDavid Bowie BlackstarDavid Bowie The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From MarsDavid Bowie Hunky DoryDeafheaven SunbatherDeath Grips The Money StoreDeath Grips Bottomless PitDeerhoof Friend OpportunityDeerhunter Halcyon DigestDeftones White PonyDeltron 3030 Deltron 3030Earl Sweatshirt Some Rap SongsElliott Smith Either/OrEverything Everything Get to HeavenFaith No More The Real ThingFiona Apple The Idler Wheel...Fiona Apple TidalFionn Regan The End of HistoryFKA Twigs MagdaleneFleet Foxes Fleet FoxesFleet Foxes Sun GiantFlying Lotus CosmogrammaGiles Corey Giles CoreyGorillaz Demon DaysGorillaz Plastic BeachGrizzly Bear FriendGrizzly Bear Blue Valentine OSTHave a Nice Life The Unnatural WorldIDLES Ultra MonoIron And Wine The Creek Drank the CradleJohann Johannsson Arrival OSTJorge Drexler Amar la TramaJorge Drexler EcoJorge Drexler Cara BKanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyKids See Ghosts Kids See GhostsKing Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Infest the Rats' NestLCD Soundsystem This Is HappeningLed Zeppelin Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IIILed Zeppelin Houses Of The HolyLightning Bolt Hypermagic MountainMac DeMarco Salad DaysMount Eerie A Crow Looked at MeMuse Origin of SymmetryNeutral Milk Hotel On Avery IslandNeutral Milk Hotel Neutral Milk Hotel Box SetNirvana MTV Unplugged in New YorkNoname Room 25Pink Floyd The Dark Side Of The MoonPixies BossanovaPortishead ThirdPsiglo IdeaciónQueens of the Stone Age Rated RRadiohead OKNOTOK 1997-2017Radiohead MINIDISCS [HACKED]Radiohead OK ComputerRadiohead Hail to the ThiefRadiohead In RainbowsRadiohead A Moon Shaped PoolRadiohead Go to SleepRadiohead Pyramid SongRadiohead The Astoria London Live (DVD)Red House Painters Down Colorful HillRosalia El Mal QuererSigur Ros Takk...Steven Wilson The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)Sufjan Stevens Carrie and LowellSun Kil Moon BenjiSwans To Be KindSwans The SeerSwans Soundtracks for the BlindTame Impala LonerismThe 1975 A Brief Inquiry into Online RelationshipsThe Beatles Rubber SoulThe Books The Lemon Of PinkThe Microphones Mount EerieThe Microphones It Was Hot, We Stayed In The WaterThe Microphones the Glow pt. 2 (Other Songs & Destroyed Versions)The Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite SadnessThom Yorke AnimaTyler, the Creator Flower BoyWeezer PinkertonWeezer WeezerZu Carboniferous4.0 excellentA Perfect Circle Thirteenth StepAlex G House Of SugarAndy Shauf The PartyAnimal Collective Merriweather Post PavilionAnimal Collective FeelsAnimal Collective Sung TongsAphex Twin Come To DaddyAphex Twin Richard D. James AlbumArca ArcaArctic Monkeys Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm NotArctic Monkeys Favourite Worst NightmareAudioslave AudioslaveAudioslave RevelationsAURORA (NOR) Infections of a Different Kind - Step 1AURORA (NOR) All My Demons Greeting Me as a FriendBjork VulnicuraBjork BiophiliaBlur The Magic WhipBlur ParklifeBlur The Great EscapeBon Iver For Emma, Forever AgoBon Iver i,iBon Iver Bon Iver In The StudiosBowerbirds Hymns for a Dark HorseCar Seat Headrest Teens of DenialCaroline Polachek PangChildish Gambino "Awaken, My Love!"Childish Gambino 03.15.20Clairo ImmunityColdplay Viva la Vida or Death and All His FriendsColdplay A Rush of Blood to the HeadD'Angelo Black MessiahDaughters DaughtersDave Bixby Ode To QuetzalcoatlDavid Byrne American UtopiaDeath Grips ExmilitaryDeftones Around the FurDiane Coffee Everybody's a Good DogElliott Smith XOFaith No More King For A Day... Fool For A LifetimeFiona Apple Fetch the Bolt CuttersFiona Apple When the Pawn...Fleet Foxes Crack-UpFleet Foxes ShoreFrank Ocean BlondeFugazi The ArgumentFugazi 13 SongsGhost (SWE) PrequelleGorillaz GorillazGrizzly Bear Yellow HouseGrizzly Bear ShieldsHave a Nice Life DeathconsciousnessHelms Alee NoctilucaIDLES Joy as an Act of ResistanceInterpol AnticsInterpol Turn on the Bright LightsIron And Wine Our Endless Numbered DaysIron And Wine The Shepherd's DogJeff Buckley GraceJeff Mangum Live At XFMJeff Rosenstock WORRY.Johann Johannsson OrphéeJorge Drexler Bailar en la CuevaJorge Drexler 12 Segundos de OscuridadKanye West YeezusKanye West Late RegistrationKanye West The Life of PabloKanye West The College DropoutKendrick Lamar DAMN.Kendrick Lamar good kid, m.A.A.d cityLana Del Rey Norman Fucking Rockwell!LCD Soundsystem Sound of SilverLeonard Cohen You Want It DarkerLes Friction Les FrictionLianne La Havas BloodMac DeMarco 2Massive Attack HeligolandMassive Attack Ritual SpiritMount Eerie Clear MoonMount Eerie Lost Wisdom, Pt. 2Mount Eerie Dawnmum Yesterday Was Dramatic - Today Is OKMy Chemical Romance The Black ParadeMy Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet RevengeMy Morning Jacket ZNeutral Milk Hotel Little BirdsNeutral Milk Hotel BeautyNirvana In UteroPearl Jam TenPerfume Genius Set My Heart On Fire ImmediatelyPhoebe Bridgers PunisherProtomartyr The Agent IntellectQueens of the Stone Age ...Like ClockworkRadiohead The BendsRadiohead The Daily Mail/StaircaseRadiohead Knives OutRadiohead In Rainbows: From the BasementRadiohead The King of Limbs: From the BasementRichard Dawson PeasantSigur Ros Med Sud i Eyrum vid Spilum EndalaustSoda Stereo Doble VidaSoda Stereo DynamoSoundgarden BadmotorfingerSoundgarden Down on the UpsideStevie Wonder Talking BookSwans My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the SkySwans Leaving MeaningSwans Children of GodSystem of a Down ToxicitySystem of a Down System of a DownTame Impala InnerspeakerThe 1975 I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of ItThe Beatles The BeatlesThe Bird And The Bee The Bird and the BeeThe Dismemberment Plan Emergency & IThe Microphones Song IslandsThe Smashing Pumpkins ZeroThe Strokes The New AbnormalThe Strokes Is This ItThe Unicorns Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?Thom Yorke The EraserTool ÆnimaTyler, the Creator IgorTyler, the Creator WolfWeyes Blood Titanic RisingWilliam Basinski The Disintegration Loops IYes Fragile3.5 greatAndy Shauf The Neon SkylineAndy Shauf The Bearer of Bad NewsAnimal Collective Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've VanishedAnimal Collective Fall Be KindAnimal Collective Prospect HummerArcade Fire FuneralAtlas Sound LogosAtoms for Peace AmokBjork DebutBon Iver Blood BankBon Iver Bon Iver, Bon IverBowerbirds The ClearingColdplay Everyday LifeColdplay ParachutesColdplay Ghost StoriesEarth Earth 2: Special Low Frequency VersionFontaines D.C. DogrelFoxwarren FoxwarrenFrank Ocean Nostalgia, Ultra.Gorillaz The FallGrizzly Bear VeckatimestLa verdadera belleza de este album florece a la par del oido del oyente. Un album que hay que escuchar muchas veces, pero una vez que se queda vale la pena. Realmente.Grizzly Bear Painted RuinsGrizzly Bear Horn of PlentyIDLES BrutalismJorge Drexler VaivenJunior Brother Pull The Right RopeKanye West yeKing Krule The OOZMac DeMarco This Old DogMuse Black Holes & RevelationsMuse AbsolutionMuse DronesNeutral Milk Hotel Ferris Wheel on FireNirvana BleachNirvana NevermindPhoebe Bridgers Stranger in the AlpsRadiohead AmnesiacRadiohead The King of LimbsRadiohead In Rainbows Disk 2Radiohead I Might Be Wrong: Live RecordingsRichard Dawson 2020Richard Dawson Nothing ImportantSoundgarden King AnimalSystem of a Down MezmerizeTame Impala CurrentsThe 1975 The 1975The Strokes Room on FireThe Strokes The Modern AgeThe Weeknd After HoursThom Yorke Tomorrow's Modern BoxesTropical Fuck Storm BraindropsTropical Fuck Storm A Laughing Death in MeatspaceWeezer The Teal Album3.0 goodAngelica Garcia Cha Cha PalaceAnimal Collective Centipede HzBon Iver Daytrotter SessionCar Seat Headrest Making a Door Less OpenColdplay X&YColdplay A Head Full of DreamsColdplay Mylo XylotoFaith No More Album of the YearFiona Apple Extraordinary MachineFrank Ocean channel ORANGEGorillaz HumanzGorillaz The Now NowJoji BALLADS 1Linkin Park Hybrid TheoryLinkin Park MeteoraMac DeMarco Here Comes the CowboyMuse The 2nd LawMuse The ResistanceRadiohead Pablo HoneySigur Ros ValtariSystem of a Down HypnotizeThe Strokes First Impressions of EarthThe Strokes AnglesThe Strokes Future Present Past2.5 averageEverything Everything Get to Heaven (Deluxe Edition)Have a Nice Life Sea of WorryLinkin Park Minutes to MidnightLinkin Park A Thousand SunsThe Strokes Comedown MachineTyler, the Creator Cherry BombWestern State Hurricanes Through with Love2.0 poorChance the Rapper The Big DayLinkin Park Living Things1.0 awfulRadiohead The Best Of
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z