Average Rating: 3.67 Rating Variance: 0.65 Objectivity Score: 71% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAnathema Alternative 4Carbon Based Lifeforms DerelictsGazpacho DemonOpeth Blackwater ParkOpeth DeliverancePorcupine Tree Lightbulb SunPorcupine Tree Fear of a Blank PlanetRishloo Living as Ghosts with Buildings as TeethThe Flashbulb Soundtrack to a Vacant LifeToby Driver They Are the Shield4.5 superbA Perfect Circle Thirteenth StepAlcest Écailles De LuneAnathema JudgementAnathema Weather SystemsBlut Aus Nord 777 - CosmosophyCamel MirageCarbon Based Lifeforms InterloperCarpenter Brut TrilogyDeftones Koi No YokanEnslaved Below the LightsEnslaved RIITIIRGazpacho Night of the DemonGazpacho MolokJon Hopkins SingularityKatatonia Night Is the New DayMike Oldfield Tubular BellsParadise Lost Draconian TimesPorcupine Tree SignifyPorcupine Tree Stupid DreamRiverside Second Life SyndromeRiverside Shrine Of New Generation SlavesRolo Tomassi Time Will Die And Love Will Bury ItShylmagoghnar EmergenceSlugdge Esoteric MalacologySteven Wilson Hand. Cannot. Erase.Stewart Copeland Spyro The Dragon OSTThe National Sleep Well BeastThe Ocean Phanerozoic I: PalaeozoicTim Hecker KonoyoToby Driver MadonnawhoreUlver Perdition CityUlver Shadows of the Sun4.0 excellentAlcest KodamaAnathema EternityAnathema We're Here Because We're HereAnathema Distant SatellitesBetween the Buried and Me Automata IDeathspell Omega ParacletusDeftones Saturday Night WristEnslaved FrostEnslaved Axioma Ethica OdiniEnslaved In TimesEntropia (PL) VesperEntropia (PL) UfonautEntropia (PL) VacuumEvoken A Caress of the VoidGazpacho FirebirdGazpacho Tick TockGazpacho SoyuzGodspeed You! Black Emperor 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!Gorod Leading VisionHarakiri for the Sky Harakiri for the SkyInsomnium Above the Weeping WorldKatatonia Brave Murder DayKatatonia The Great Cold DistanceKatatonia Dance of December SoulsLong Distance Calling Long Distance CallingLorn The Maze To Nowhere - Part ILunar Aurora HoagaschtMetallica Ride The LightningMew VisualsMike Oldfield Tubular Bells IIOpeth OrchidOpeth Ghost ReveriesOSI FreeParadise Lost Faith Divides Us - Death Unites UsPerturbator New ModelPorcupine Tree DeadwingRadiohead Kid ARishloo FeathergunRiverside Love, Fear And The Time MachineRiverside WastelandRome Masse Mensch MaterialRome Flowers From ExileSinistro SementeSlugdge Dim and Slimeridden KingdomsSteven Wilson The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)The Algorithm Polymorphic CodeThe Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the KillerThe Flashbulb Opus At The End Of EverythingThe Mars Volta De-Loused in the ComatoriumThe National Sad Songs for Dirty LoversTool ÆnimaTycho DiveTycho Awake3.5 greatAmorphis Queen of TimeAnathema A Fine Day to ExitBehemoth I Loved You at Your DarkestBetween the Buried and Me Coma EclipticBloodbath The Arrow of Satan Is DrawnCarbon Based Lifeforms World Of SleepersDecapitated NihilityDeftones Diamond EyesEnslaved BlodhemnEnslaved EEvoken QuietusEvoken HypnagogiaGazpacho NightGazpacho When Earth Lets GoGazpacho Missa AtroposGorod AethraHecq Night FallsInsomnium Across the DarkKatatonia Discouraged OnesKatatonia SanctitudeLong Distance Calling BoundlessMew And the Glass Handed KitesMew No More StoriesMew +-Muse Black Holes & RevelationsNile Annihilation Of The WickedOpeth Still LifeParadise Lost Paradise LostPorcupine Tree In AbsentiaRishloo EidolonRolo Tomassi GrievancesShylmagoghnar TransienceSinistro Sangue CassiaTaake Hordalands DoedskvadTaake Noregs VaapenThe Algorithm Octopus4The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating InfinityThe Flashbulb Kirlian SelectionsThe Flashbulb aBlissThe Pineapple Thief DissolutionTwenty One Pilots TrenchTycho EpochUlver Blood InsideVenetian Snares Rossz Csillag Allat SzuletettVoivod The Wake3.0 goodAborted TerrorVisionBell Witch Mirror ReaperBlaze of Perdition Conscious DarknessDance with the Dead Near DarkDaughters You Won't Get What You WantEvoken Atra MorsGalactic Cowboys Galactic CowboysGazpacho March of GhostsInsomnium Winter's GateMew FrengersMuse ShowbizParadise Lost MedusaPerturbator Dangerous DaysPlacebo Sleeping with GhostsRishloo Terras FamesSkyharbor Sunshine DustThe Algorithm The Doppler EffectThe Algorithm Compiler Optimization TechniquesThe Mars Volta The Bedlam in GoliathThe Ocean PelagialThe Pineapple Thief Your WildernessUlver The Assassination of Julius Caesar2.5 averageAnaal Nathrakh A New Kind of HorrorAnathema The OptimistAvenged Sevenfold NightmareDark Tranquillity AtomaDeftones GoreEmpire Of The Sun Walking On A DreamGazpacho BravoKatatonia The Fall Of HeartsLorn VesselNosound AfterthoughtsTwenty One Pilots Blurryface2.0 poorAvenged Sevenfold City Of EvilMuse Simulation Theory1.5 very poorAvenged Sevenfold Sounding The Seventh TrumpetBullet For My Valentine GravityImagine Dragons Origins1.0 awfulJustin Bieber My World 2.0Justin Bieber Under the MistletoeNickelback Here and NowRuss Zoo
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z