
Album Ratings 182
Objectivity 71%

Last Active 11-09-18 3:55 pm
Joined 09-25-18

Review Comments 0

Average Rating: 3.67
Rating Variance: 0.65
Objectivity Score: 71%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Anathema Alternative 4
Carbon Based Lifeforms Derelicts
Gazpacho Demon
Opeth Blackwater Park
Opeth Deliverance
Porcupine Tree Lightbulb Sun
Porcupine Tree Fear of a Blank Planet
Rishloo Living as Ghosts with Buildings as Teeth
The Flashbulb Soundtrack to a Vacant Life
Toby Driver They Are the Shield

4.5 superb
A Perfect Circle Thirteenth Step
Alcest Écailles De Lune
Anathema Judgement
Anathema Weather Systems
Blut Aus Nord 777 - Cosmosophy
Camel Mirage
Carbon Based Lifeforms Interloper
Carpenter Brut Trilogy
Deftones Koi No Yokan
Enslaved Below the Lights
Enslaved RIITIIR
Gazpacho Night of the Demon
Gazpacho Molok
Jon Hopkins Singularity
Katatonia Night Is the New Day
Mike Oldfield Tubular Bells
Paradise Lost Draconian Times
Porcupine Tree Signify
Porcupine Tree Stupid Dream
Riverside Second Life Syndrome
Riverside Shrine Of New Generation Slaves
Rolo Tomassi Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It
Shylmagoghnar Emergence
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology
Steven Wilson Hand. Cannot. Erase.
Stewart Copeland Spyro The Dragon OST
The National Sleep Well Beast
The Ocean Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic
Tim Hecker Konoyo
Toby Driver Madonnawhore
Ulver Perdition City
Ulver Shadows of the Sun

4.0 excellent
Alcest Kodama
Anathema Eternity
Anathema We're Here Because We're Here
Anathema Distant Satellites
Between the Buried and Me Automata I
Deathspell Omega Paracletus
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
Enslaved Frost
Enslaved Axioma Ethica Odini
Enslaved In Times
Entropia (PL) Vesper
Entropia (PL) Ufonaut
Entropia (PL) Vacuum
Evoken A Caress of the Void
Gazpacho Firebird
Gazpacho Tick Tock
Gazpacho Soyuz
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
Gorod Leading Vision
Harakiri for the Sky Harakiri for the Sky
Insomnium Above the Weeping World
Katatonia Brave Murder Day
Katatonia The Great Cold Distance
Katatonia Dance of December Souls
Long Distance Calling Long Distance Calling
Lorn The Maze To Nowhere - Part I
Lunar Aurora Hoagascht
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Mew Visuals
Mike Oldfield Tubular Bells II
Opeth Orchid
Opeth Ghost Reveries
OSI Free
Paradise Lost Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us
Perturbator New Model
Porcupine Tree Deadwing
Radiohead Kid A
Rishloo Feathergun
Riverside Love, Fear And The Time Machine
Riverside Wasteland
Rome Masse Mensch Material
Rome Flowers From Exile
Sinistro Semente
Slugdge Dim and Slimeridden Kingdoms
Steven Wilson The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)
The Algorithm Polymorphic Code
The Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the Killer
The Flashbulb Opus At The End Of Everything
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
The National Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers
Tool Ænima
Tycho Dive
Tycho Awake

3.5 great
Amorphis Queen of Time
Anathema A Fine Day to Exit
Behemoth I Loved You at Your Darkest
Between the Buried and Me Coma Ecliptic
Bloodbath The Arrow of Satan Is Drawn
Carbon Based Lifeforms World Of Sleepers
Decapitated Nihility
Deftones Diamond Eyes
Enslaved Blodhemn
Enslaved E
Evoken Quietus
Evoken Hypnagogia
Gazpacho Night
Gazpacho When Earth Lets Go
Gazpacho Missa Atropos
Gorod Aethra
Hecq Night Falls
Insomnium Across the Dark
Katatonia Discouraged Ones
Katatonia Sanctitude
Long Distance Calling Boundless
Mew And the Glass Handed Kites
Mew No More Stories
Mew +-
Muse Black Holes & Revelations
Nile Annihilation Of The Wicked
Opeth Still Life
Paradise Lost Paradise Lost
Porcupine Tree In Absentia
Rishloo Eidolon
Rolo Tomassi Grievances
Shylmagoghnar Transience
Sinistro Sangue Cassia
Taake Hordalands Doedskvad
Taake Noregs Vaapen
The Algorithm Octopus4
The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity
The Flashbulb Kirlian Selections
The Flashbulb aBliss
The Pineapple Thief Dissolution
Twenty One Pilots Trench
Tycho Epoch
Ulver Blood Inside
Venetian Snares Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett
Voivod The Wake

3.0 good
Aborted TerrorVision
Bell Witch Mirror Reaper
Blaze of Perdition Conscious Darkness
Dance with the Dead Near Dark
Daughters You Won't Get What You Want
Evoken Atra Mors
Galactic Cowboys Galactic Cowboys
Gazpacho March of Ghosts
Insomnium Winter's Gate
Mew Frengers
Muse Showbiz
Paradise Lost Medusa
Perturbator Dangerous Days
Placebo Sleeping with Ghosts
Rishloo Terras Fames
Skyharbor Sunshine Dust
The Algorithm The Doppler Effect
The Algorithm Compiler Optimization Techniques
The Mars Volta The Bedlam in Goliath
The Ocean Pelagial
The Pineapple Thief Your Wilderness
Ulver The Assassination of Julius Caesar

2.5 average
Anaal Nathrakh A New Kind of Horror
Anathema The Optimist
Avenged Sevenfold Nightmare
Dark Tranquillity Atoma
Deftones Gore
Empire Of The Sun Walking On A Dream
Gazpacho Bravo
Katatonia The Fall Of Hearts
Lorn Vessel
Nosound Afterthoughts
Twenty One Pilots Blurryface

2.0 poor
Avenged Sevenfold City Of Evil
Muse Simulation Theory

1.5 very poor
Avenged Sevenfold Sounding The Seventh Trumpet
Bullet For My Valentine Gravity
Imagine Dragons Origins

1.0 awful
Justin Bieber My World 2.0
Justin Bieber Under the Mistletoe
Nickelback Here and Now
Russ Zoo

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