
Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 2
Last Active 06-23-17 6:44 pm
Joined 06-23-17

Review Comments 0

Average Rating: 4.75
Rating Variance: 0.06
Objectivity Score: 25%
(Not Balanced)


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5.0 classic
311 Stereolithic

4.5 superb
311 Mosaic
Some people need to get over the cover and the "way things ought to be". I will continue to keep myself detached from their decision making and let them do their thing, because they do it best, without the industry telling them how to do it. This album is completely "killer" as Chad Sexton said. A ton of different samplings of style with that special 311 touch. Production is totally unique and not too similar to any other album of theirs. Some songs take some getting used to, I'll admit that. "'Til the City's on Fire" is too much modern pop for my taste but they find a way to make it so damn catchy anyways. They have never let me down - ever.

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