Average Rating: 4.39 Rating Variance: 0.74 Objectivity Score: 47% (Poorly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAesop Rock The Impossible KidAkhlys The Dreaming IConverge Jane LiveThis may be an unpopular opinion but I honestly think this live version improves upon the masterpiece that is the original Jane Doe. The mix is phenomenal and the performance is breathtaking. On the original the vocals were a bit too far back in the mix for me, but on this live version they are front and center and are suburb. Converge Jane DoeConverge You Fail Me ReduxCurrent 93 Black Ships Ate the SkyCurrent 93 Soft Black StarsDanny Brown Atrocity ExhibitionDessa Parts of SpeechEyedea and Abilities By the ThroatFaith No More Angel DustMayhem De Mysteriis Dom SathanasMgla With Hearts Toward NoneMisthyrming Söngvar elds og óreiðuMorbid Angel CovenantNechochwen Heart of AkamonPanopticon Roads to the NorthPig Destroyer Prowler in the YardPig Destroyer TerrifyerRun the Jewels Run the Jewels 3Sadistik Flowers for My FatherSadistik AltarsShifting to a much darker take on his sound Sadistik crafts what may be his best album, but all of them are so great it's hard to tell. The production is ominous and booms with energy, and Sadisitk is in top form with lyrics and flow. He drips passion and charisma while delivering incredibly deep and thought provoking lyrics. I can easily see this as my favorite rap album of the year, if not my favorite album of the year. The Dillinger Escape Plan DissociationThe Dillinger Escape Plan Option ParalysisThe Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating InfinityThe Weeknd Beauty Behind the MadnessTool LateralusTool Ænima4.5 superbAesop Rock SkelethonBehemoth The SatanistConverge All We Love We Leave BehindConverge No HeroesConverge You Fail MeDeath Index Death IndexFaith No More King For A Day... Fool For A LifetimeFull of Hell Trumpeting EcstasyThis album is ugly and disgusting in the best way possible. In less than 30 minutes this album is the sonic equivalent of the band kicking the shit out of you, lighting you on fire, and shoving you in a meat grinder, and I absolutely love it. Gaza No Absolutes in Human SufferingLupe Fiasco Tetsuo and YouthNapalm Death Apex Predator - Easy MeatP.O.S Chill, DummyPanopticon Autumn EternalPig Destroyer Explosions in Ward 6Pig Destroyer Phantom LimbPig Destroyer Pig DestroyerSadistik UltravioletSadistik Salo SessionsSouvenirs You, Fear and MeThe Black Queen Fever DaydreamThe Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the KillerThe Weeknd StarboyTool UndertowUlver The Assassination of Julius CaesarWatain The Wild Hunt4.0 excellentConverge Petitioning The Empty SkyConverge When Forever Comes CrashingConverge Axe to FallFaith No More Sol InvictusPig Destroyer Painter of Dead GirlsRome The Hyperion MachineThe Dillinger Escape Plan Miss MachineThe Dillinger Escape Plan Ire WorksTool 10,000 DaysTool Opiate3.5 greatPig Destroyer Book Burner3.0 goodLupe Fiasco DROGAS Light2.5 averageKendrick Lamar DAMN.Would've been an excellent EP had he trimmed some of the unneeded fat off. 2.0 poorConverge Halo In A Haystack1.5 very poorDrake ViewsMorbid Angel Illud Divinum Insanus1.0 awfulLil Yachty Lil Boat
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