Average Rating: 3.76 Rating Variance: 1.31 Objectivity Score: 69% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicA Lot Like Birds No PlaceBad Omens Finding God Before God Finds MeBring Me The Horizon SempiternalDance Gavin Dance MothershipFrom First to Last From First to LastKurt Travis There's a Place I Want to Take YouA improved and perfected version of " life is beautiful" with some twists to the formula, like " it's you" and the dreamlike "best way". Also it has a couple straight up rock songs, like " too much space".Kurt Travis Kurt TravisThe Devil Wears Prada Transit BluesThrice To Be Everywhere Is to Be Nowhere4.5 superbAsking Alexandria Reckless and RelentlessImminence This Is GoodbyeOur Last Night Selective HearingOur last nights best work. Bringing their old metalcore sound and mixing it with their catchy soundVolumes Different AnimalsWolves at the Gate Types & Shadows4.0 excellentBreaking Benjamin Dark Before DawnDance Gavin Dance Acceptance SpeechDemon Hunter OutliveThe logical move in sound and progression. Album is amazing lyricly and music wise just some questionable production holding it backFrom First to Last Dead TreesIn Flames Sounds of a Playground FadingOf Mice and Men Restoring ForceSayWeCanFly Blessed Are ThoseA great re work of some of his old stuff and great new songs tooThe Bunny The Bear The Way We RustThe Devil Wears Prada 8:183.5 greatA Lot Like Birds Conversation PieceAsking Alexandria The BlackBad Omens Bad OmensIcon For Hire ScriptedIn Flames BattlesOf Mice and Men Cold World3.0 goodA Lot Like Birds Plan B2.5 averageBreaking Benjamin Dear AgonyThree Days Grace Human2.0 poorBring Me The Horizon That's the SpiritAn album with lofty expectations crushed by over focus on a poppier direction, abandoning their sound. While not garbage still an underwhelming experience1.5 very poorA Lot Like Birds DIVISIIcon For Hire You Can't Kill UsMuch like their second album, they cut down on actual interesting instrumentation for simple electronics. Also the lyrics are rather lacking.and ariels voice sounds even worse than before. 1.0 awfulIcon For Hire Now You Know EPSuicide Silence Suicide Silence
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z