Average Rating: 3.89 Rating Variance: 0.27 Objectivity Score: 58% (Somewhat Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicDioramic TechnicolorSpastic Ink Ink CompleteThe Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity4.5 superbAortes Film NoirCar Bomb MetaMagic Pie The Suffering JoyMagic Pie Circus of LifeMammoth DeviationsName ...You Are Mostly NowherePanzerballett Breaking BrainSpastic Ink Ink CompatibleThe Dear Hunter Act V: Hymns with the Devil in Confessional4.0 excellentBoreworm EntomophobiaEden Shadow Melodies for MaladiesExivious ExiviousExotic Animal Petting Zoo Tree of TonguesFatal Fusion Total AbsenceFractal Cypher The Human ParadoxImminent Sonic Destruction TriumphiaIn the Woods... PureJellyfish Spilt MilkKhonsu The Xun ProtectorateMagic Pie King for a DayMagic Pie Motions of DesireMarillion Fuck Everyone And Run (F E A R)Nova Collective The Further SidePlini Handmade CitiesPregnant Whale Pain BlankTardive Dyskinesia Harmonic ConfusionTauk Sir NebulaThe Chronicles of Israfel A Trillion Lights, Tome IIUnoma Criatura3.5 greatAllegaeon Proponent for SentienceBarishi Blood from the Lion's MouthDark Tranquillity AtomaEvergrey The Storm WithinI the Mighty Oil In WaterInsomnium Winter's GateKylver The IslandLizard Professor EccentricityOceanwake EarthenProtest the Hero Pacific MythReve La MarionnetteShokran ExodusThe Ben Cameron Project A Cycle Never EndingVirvum Illuminance3.0 goodDysrhythmia The Veil Of ControlNorth Sea Radio Orchestra DronneOpeth SorceressPanzerballett Tank GoodnessSeven Impale ContrapassoUnoma The Beginning of the End
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z