Average Rating: 3.63 Rating Variance: 0.40 Objectivity Score: 69% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicBruce Springsteen NebraskaBruce Springsteen Born to RunElvis Presley Elvis PresleyNick Cave and The Bad Seeds Let Love InOtis Redding Otis Blue: Otis Redding Sings SoulRage Against the Machine Rage Against the MachineThe Black Crowes The Southern Harmony and Musical CompanionThe Clash The ClashThe Rolling Stones Sticky FingersThe Stooges Raw PowerZZ Top Tres Hombres4.5 superb2 Many DJs As Heard On Radio Soulwax, Part 2AC/DC Highway To HellAC/DC Back In BlackAlvin Youngblood Hart Big Mama's DoorAretha Franklin I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love YouBill Withers Just As I AmBrother Dege Folk Songs of the American LonghairClutch Blast TyrantCreedence Clearwater Revival Bayou CountryCreedence Clearwater Revival Green RiverCreedence Clearwater Revival Willy and the Poor BoysCreedence Clearwater Revival Cosmo's FactoryDe La Soul 3 Feet High and RisingHowlin Wolf Howlin' WolfJohnny Cash American IV: The Man Comes AroundLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IVLed Zeppelin Led ZeppelinLeft Lane Cruiser Bring Yo' Ass to the TableLittle Feat Dixie ChickenMark Lanegan BubblegumMichael Jackson Off the WallMichael Jackson ThrillerNine Inch Nails Pretty Hate MachineNine Inch Nails BrokenNirvana MTV Unplugged in New York (DVD)PJ Harvey Rid of MePortishead DummyQueens of the Stone Age Songs for the DeafRobert Johnson King of the Delta Blues SingersRobert Johnson King of the Delta Blues Singers Vol. 2Robert Johnson The Complete RecordingsRobert Johnson The Centennial CollectionSharon Jones and the Dap-Kings I Learned the Hard WayThe Black Crowes WarpaintThe Clash London CallingThe Rolling Stones Exile on Main St.The Rolling Stones Let It BleedThe Stooges The Stooges4.0 excellentAlabama Shakes Boys & GirlsAsh 1977Beck OdelayBetty Davis They Say I'm DifferentBiffy Clyro Blackened SkyBlack Diamond Heavies Every Damn TimeBlack Rebel Motorcycle Club HowlBlind Willie Johnson The Complete Blind Willie JohnsonBob Log III TrikeBrother Dege How to Kill a HorseBruce Springsteen Born in the U.S.A.Charles Bradley ChangesClutch Robot Hive / ExodusClutch ClutchDeftones Around the FurDeftones AdrenalineDire Straits Brothers In ArmsDown NOLADuke Garwood Heavy LoveDusty Springfield Dusty in MemphisGallows (UK) Orchestra Of WolvesGallows (UK) Grey BritainGrinderman Grinderman 2Grinderman GrindermanGuns N' Roses Appetite for DestructionHanni El Khatib Will The Guns Come OutJeff Buckley GraceJohnny Cash American RecordingsJohnny Cash Johnny Cash With His Hot And Blue GuitarJohnny Cash At Folsom PrisonJohnny Cash At San QuentinKill It Kid Feet Fall HeavyLed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IIILed Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IILeft Lane Cruiser All You Can EatLeon Bridges Coming HomeLionel Richie Dancing on the CeilingMarilyn Manson Holy WoodMark Lanegan Whiskey For the Holy Ghostmclusky McLusky Do DallasMichael Jackson BadMichael Kiwanuka Love and HateMy Vitriol FinelinesNick Cave and The Bad Seeds The Boatman's CallNick Cave and The Bad Seeds Murder BalladsNick Cave and The Bad Seeds From Her To EternityNine Inch Nails Year ZeroNine Inch Nails The Downward SpiralNine Inch Nails Beside You in TimeNirvana In UteroOasis The MasterplanPixies Surfer RosaPixies DoolittlePrimal Scream ScreamadelicaQueens of the Stone Age Rated RR.L. Burnside Too Bad JimRage Against the Machine The Battle of Los AngelesRage Against the Machine Evil EmpireRobert Plant and Alison Krauss Raising SandRoyal Blood Out of the BlackRyan Adams HeartbreakerSeasick Steve Dog House MusicSharon Jones and the Dap-Kings 100 Days, 100 NightsShovels and Rope O' Be JoyfulSon House Father of Folk BluesSon House Delta Blues & SpiritualsSpinal Tap This Is Spinal TapStray Cats Gonna BallStray Cats Stray CatsThe Black Crowes CroweologyThe Black Crowes AmoricaThe Black Crowes Shake Your Money MakerThe Black Keys Rubber FactoryThe Black Keys ThickfreaknessThe Black Keys The Big Come UpThe Blackwater Fever Sweet MiseryThe Gaslight Anthem The '59 SoundThe Jimi Hendrix Experience Are You ExperiencedThe Jimi Hendrix Experience Axis: Bold as LoveThe Jimi Hendrix Experience Electric LadylandThe Kills Keep On Your Mean SideThe Kills No WowThe Moldy Peaches The Moldy PeachesThe Prodigy The Fat Of The LandThe Rolling Stones Some GirlsThe Rolling Stones Beggars BanquetThe White Stripes White Blood CellsThe White Stripes De StijlTurbonegro Apocalypse DudesTurbonegro Party AnimalsYeah Yeah Yeahs Fever To TellZZ Top La Futura3.5 great22-20s 22-20s22-20s Shake/Shiver/Moan3 Colours Red PureAerosmith PumpAlabama 3 Hits And Exit WoundsAlabama Shakes Sound & ColorAlvin Youngblood Hart Motivational SpeakerAlvin Youngblood Hart Down in the AlleyAngel Olsen My WomanAsh TrailerAsh Nu-Clear SoundsBeastie Boys Licensed to IllBeastie Boys Paul's BoutiqueBeck One Foot In The GraveBenjamin Booker Benjamin BookerBrother Dege Scorched Earth PolicyBruce Springsteen Devils & DustBruce Springsteen The Ghost Of Tom JoadBruce Springsteen Tunnel Of LoveCancer Bats Hail DestroyerCharles Bradley Victim of LoveCharles Bradley No Time For DreamingClutch The Elephant RidersClutch From Beale Street To OblivionDeap Vally SistrionixDeftones White PonyDown Down III: Over the UnderElectric Eel Shock Beat MeFeeder PolytheneFeeder Yesterday Went Too SoonGod Damn VulturesGuns N' Roses G N' R LiesJames Leg Below The BeltJohn Murry The Graceless AgeKeith Richards Talk Is CheapKill It Kid You Owe NothingLeft Lane Cruiser Dirty Spliff BluesLeft Lane Cruiser SlingshotLeft Lane Cruiser Rock Them Back to HellLeft Lane Cruiser PainkillersLeft Lane Cruiser Junkyard Speed BallLeft Lane Cruiser Gettin' Down On ItLightnin' Hopkins Lightnin' HopkinsLionel Richie Lionel RichieLionel Richie Can't Slow DownLittle Feat Sailin' ShoesLucero Nobody's DarlingsManic Street Preachers Generation TerroristsManic Street Preachers The Holy BibleMariachi El Bronx El BronxMarilyn Manson Portrait of an American FamilyMarilyn Manson Mechanical AnimalsMark Lanegan The Winding Sheetmclusky The Difference Between Me and You Is That I'm Not on FireMercury Rev Deserter's SongsNew York Dolls New York DollsNick Cave and The Bad Seeds Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Abattoir Blues/The Lyre Of OrpheusNine Inch Nails With TeethNine Inch Nails The FragileNirvana NevermindNirvana BleachNirvana IncesticideOasis Definitely MaybeOasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory?Pixies BossanovaPJ Harvey Stories From The City, Stories From The SeaPlacebo PlaceboPlacebo Without You I'm NothingQueens of the Stone Age Lullabies to ParalyzeQueens of the Stone Age Queens of the Stone AgeRich Robinson The Ceaseless SightRoyal Blood Royal BloodRyan Adams 1989Ryan Bingham Junky StarSavages Silence YourselfSavages Adore LifeSeasick Steve You Can't Teach an Old Dog New TricksSeasick Steve I Started Out With Nothin'Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings Give the People What They WantShovels and Rope Swimmin' TimeSt. Paul and The Broken Bones Half The CityThe Bronx The BronxThe Clash Give 'Em Enough RopeThe Datsuns The DatsunsThe Dead Weather HorehoundThe Gaslight Anthem American SlangThe Kills Blood PressuresThe Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band Between The DitchesThe Rolling Stones Goats Head SoupThe Rolling Stones The Rolling StonesThe Rolling Stones The Rolling Stones No.2The Stooges Fun HouseThe Verve A Northern SoulThe Verve Urban HymnsThe Vines Highly EvolvedThe White Stripes ElephantTim Armstrong A Poet's LifeValerie June Pushin’ Against a StoneWhite Denim StiffWhite Denim Corsicana LemonadeWilliam Elliott Whitmore Ashes To DustWilliam Elliott Whitmore Hymns for the HopelessWilliam Elliott Whitmore Song Of The BlackbirdWilliam Elliott Whitmore Animals in the DarkYeah Yeah Yeahs Show Your BonesZZ Top ZZ Top's First AlbumZZ Top Rio Grande MudZZ Top Fandango!ZZ Top Eliminator3.0 good3 Colours Red RevoltAsh Free All AngelsBeck Midnite VulturesBeck The InformationBiffy Clyro The Vertigo of BlissBiffy Clyro Infinity LandBiffy Clyro PuzzleBruce Springsteen Wrecking BallCancer Bats Birthing the GiantDown Down II: A Bustle in Your HedgerowFeeder Echo ParkGallows (UK) GallowsGuns N' Roses Use Your Illusion IIGuns N' Roses Use Your Illusion IHanni El Khatib Head in the DirtKill It Kid Songs of Love and LossManic Street Preachers Gold Against The SoulManic Street Preachers Everything Must GoMariachi El Bronx Mariachi El Bronx IIMarilyn Manson Smells Like ChildrenMark Lanegan Blues Funeralmclusky My Pain and Sadness Is More Sad and Painful Than YoursMichael Kiwanuka Home AgainNick Cave and The Bad Seeds Push The Sky AwayNine Inch Nails The SlipPJ Harvey Let England ShakePJ Harvey White ChalkPlacebo Black Market MusicPrimal Scream Vanishing PointQueens of the Stone Age ...Like ClockworkQueens of the Stone Age Era VulgarisRage Against the Machine RenegadesRich Robinson PaperRich Robinson Through a Crooked SunSeasick Steve Sonic Soul SurferSeasick Steve Hubcap MusicSeratones Get GoneStreet Sweeper Social Club Street Sweeper Social ClubSweethead SweetheadThe Answer RiseThe Black Crowes Before the Frost...Until the FreezeThe Black Crowes By Your SideThe Black Keys BrothersThe Black Keys Attack & ReleaseThe Darkness Permission to LandThe Datsuns Outta Sight, Outta MindThe Dead Weather Dodge & BurnThe Dead Weather Sea of CowardsThe Gaslight Anthem Sink or SwimThe Gaslight Anthem HandwrittenThe Kills Midnight BoomThe Kills Ash & IceThe Rolling Stones A Bigger BangWolfmother WolfmotherZZ Top Afterburner2.5 averageAsh MeltdownCancer Bats Bears, Mayors, Scraps & BonesDeftones Saturday Night WristFeeder Comfort In SoundGallows (UK) Desolation SoundsGuns N' Roses The Spaghetti Incident?Manic Street Preachers This Is My Truth Tell Me YoursOasis Be Here NowThe Black Crowes LionsThe Black Crowes Three Snakes and One CharmThe Black Keys El CaminoThe Black Keys Magic PotionThe Bronx The Bronx (IV)Wolfmother Cosmic EggYeah Yeah Yeahs Mosquito2.0 poorBiffy Clyro Only RevolutionsFeeder Pushing the SensesManic Street Preachers Know Your EnemyOasis Standing on the Shoulder of GiantsOasis Heathen ChemistryThe Black Keys Turn BlueThe Darkness One Way Ticket To Hell And Back1.5 very poorBiffy Clyro Opposites1.0 awfulGuns N' Roses Chinese Democracy
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z