America's Favorite Hemophobe! ♦

Reviews 5
Approval 91%

Soundoffs 114
News Articles 4
Band Edits + Tags 558
Album Edits 556

Album Ratings 1991
Objectivity 62%

Last Active 11-22-20 4:16 am
Joined 05-12-15

Review Comments 2,763

Average Rating: 3.90
Rating Variance: 0.54
Objectivity Score: 62%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Source Tags and Codes
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Madonna
A Thorn For Every Heart Things Aren't So Beautiful Now
A.A. Williams Forever Blue
Agnes Obel Late Night Tales: Agnes Obel
Anna Of The North Lovers
Anna Tivel Small Believer
Anna von Hausswolff Dead Magic
As Cities Burn Son, I Loved You at Your Darkest
As Cities Burn Come Now Sleep
Aversions Crown Xenocide
Beach House Devotion
Before I Turn Lovelorn: Moon
Big Sixes The Idles
Black Passage The Veil
Black Tongue Nadir
Blindside Silence
Blindside About A Burning Fire
Bright Eyes I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
Callisto Secret Youth
Chelsea Wolfe Pain Is Beauty
Chelsea Wolfe Abyss
Circa Survive Violent Waves
Circa Survive On Letting Go
Circa Survive Juturna
Circa Survive The Amulet
Circa Survive B-Sides
Circa Survive A Dream About Love
Code Orange Forever
Codeseven Dancing Echoes / Dead Sounds
Cold 13 Ways to Bleed On Stage
Copeland You Are My Sunshine
Daniel Licht Dexter: Music from the Showtime Original Series
Dashboard Confessional Dusk and Summer
Declan McKenna What Do You Think About The Car?
this album gets better every time i listen to it. it's hard to find catchy songs in this lackadaisical style.
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
Dekadent Manifestation of Seasonal Bleeding
Eisley Room Noises
Emily Jane White They Moved in Shadow All Together
Emma Ruth Rundle Some Heavy Ocean
Emmure Speaker Of The Dead
I like the part where it's heavy and goes chugga chugga chugga.
Ethel Cain Preacher's Daughter
Evangelicals The Evening Descends
Ever Eden Illumine
Extol The Blueprint Dives
Fit for an Autopsy The Great Collapse
Forgive Durden Razia's Shadow: A Musical
Freedom Fry Outlaws
Further Seems Forever Hide Nothing
Giant Song
Greyhaven Empty Black
Greyhaven This Bright and Beautiful World
Hail the Sun New Age Filth
Haujobb Vertical Theory
He Is Legend few
Holly Miranda The Magician's Private Library
Hope Diamond Old Salt
Haunting vocals, chilling emotion. Cold and beautiful.
HRVRD The Inevitable And I
Hundred Suns The Prestaliis
Idiot Pilot Strange We Should Meet Here
Idiot Pilot Wolves
Illuminati Hotties Power
In Flames Soundtrack to Your Escape
Introvert Mending Breaking
InVisions Between You & Me
Solid. Vocalist has like 5 different screams with impressive clean singing as well. Listening to album on repeat which is rare for me.
ISIS Wavering Radiant
ISIS Celestial
ISIS Panopticon
ISIS Oceanic
Kiss Kiss Reality Vs. The Optimist
Land Of Talk Cloak and Cipher
Lantlos Melting Sun
Latitudes Agonist
Lead Hands Lead Hands
LEMOLO Swansea
Level Devil's Advocate
Liza Anne Two
Lorde Pure Heroine
Lotte Kestner Off White
Lume Wrung Out
I don't think I'll ever get tired of this album. It fits my mood perfectly on most days. Heavy, dragging, but also lax. It comes across with such beauty and modesty, with such a distinct take on metal. It's like a depressive indie take on metal that reads as what I picture a band may be producing 200 years into their career. It's tired, it's low. But it's not stale. It's not boring. It's an expressive alt metal album for a tired soul.
Luna Shadows bathwater
Magdalena Bay A Little Rhythm and a Wicked Feeling
Magdalena Bay Mercurial World
Magdalena Bay mini mix Vol. 3
Magdalena Bay mini mix vol. 2
Magdalena Bay mini mix vol. 1
Major Parkinson Blackbox
Mallrat Butterfly Blue
Mallrat Driving Music
Mallrat In the Sky
Mamngo Uxam
mewithoutYou A to B: Life
Microwave Death is a Warm Blanket
Myrkur Mareridt
Nadine Shah Love Your Dum And Mad
Norma Jean Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child
Northlane Mesmer
O'Brother Endless Light
Orgy Candyass
Orgy Vapor Transmission
Owel Paris
This album is a collection of perfect singles. Its lulling beauty and catchy melodies and radio-friendliness make me question why they aren't as popular as other bands like Coldplay or Oasis. Might be my AOTY.
Peccatum Lost in Reverie
Person L Initial
PM Today In Medias Res
Poppy Am I a Girl?
Poppy Choke
Poppy I Disagree
Almost perfect but suffers a bit from too much try-harding.
Rae Morris Someone Out There
Rolo Tomassi Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It
Rufus Wainwright Unfollow The Rules
Sam Pinkerton A Story in Parts
Scarlet Cult Classic
Sea of Bees Songs for the Ravens
Secret And Whisper Teenage Fantasy
Sigur Ros Takk...
Easily my favorite Sigur Ros album. I feel like I'm instantly transported and present for the funeral of the eldest fairy of the glass forest. His soul makes a visual escape into a slow whirlwind of sparkles.
Silverchair Young Modern
Silverchair Diorama
Soap and Skin Lovetune for Vacuum
Sorority Noise You're Not As ____ As You Think
Spiritbox Spiritbox
Spiritbox Singles Collection
Stabbing Westward Darkest Days
Steady Holiday Under the Influence
Swallow the Sun The Morning Never Came
Synovial Songs of Silver
Genius guitar work, great lyrics verging on conversationally written prose. It's heavy as
fuck in the right moments, killer vocals. Beautiful, unpredictable melodies that just make
sense, great energy all around.
Very progressive, heavy metalcore.
Taking Back Sunday Louder Now
Team Sleep Team Sleep
The Angelic Process Coma Waering
The Appleseed Cast Two Conversations
The Ataris Welcome the Night
How could this ever appeal to their fan base? It's nothing like their conventional music. Had they changed the name of their band, maybe the album would have gotten the chance it deserved. This concerns me, it being one of my all-time favorite albums. It's solid, as far as song-writing is concerned. The emotional roller coaster of the album's original track lineup is grotesquely depressing, something powerful and hypnotizing. The final retail album was somewhat less cohesive, but it did add a few high-caliber upbeat songs to somewhat placate their fans, which I honestly think would have worked better as a b-side or an entirely separate EP.
The Contortionist Clairvoyant
The Dear Hunter Act III: Life and Death
The Dear Hunter Act II: The Meaning of, & All Things Regarding Ms. Leading
The Receiving End of Sirens The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi
The Republic of Wolves shrine
The Soldier Thread In Spades
The Sound of Animals Fighting Apeshit
The Spring This Autumn The Spring This Autumn
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IV
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. I & II
Toby Driver N​.​G​.​H​.​4​.​M.
I originally thought this would be a single off an upcoming album, but now I'm doooone believing.
Toby Driver They Are the Shield
Trenches The Tide Will Swallow Us Whole
Tristania World Of Glass
U.S. Christmas Eat The Low Dogs
Ulver Shadows of the Sun
Ulver The Assassination of Julius Caesar
Ways Away Ways Away
Wolf Alice Blue Weekend
Young Heretics We Are The Lost Loves

4.5 superb
13ghosts The Strangest Colored Lights
1914 The Blind Leading the Blind
A Life Once Lost Ecstatic Trance
They turned into a more sadistic version of Gojira. I like this change in style greatly. Very enjoyable.
A Night Like This Your Colours Will Show
A Perfect Circle Thirteenth Step
A Perfect Circle Mer de Noms
A Static Lullaby A Static Lullaby
Above, Below The Lotus Chapters
Adam Hurst Ruin
This cello and piano mix leaves a sad flavor at the back of the tongue. Dark, haunting, and mesmerizing.
Aera Cura Perpetual Nothingness
AFI Sing the Sorrow
Never has a band "sold out" so successfully. Mainstream suits you well, AFI.
After Hour Animals Remember This
Agnes Obel Myopia
Agnes Obel Citizen Of Glass
Alcest Kodama
Alexisonfire Otherness
Alice in Videoland Outrageous
Amia Venera Landscape The Long Procession
Amorphis Silent Waters
Anna Of The North Dream Girl
Anna von Hausswolff All Thoughts Fly
Antimatter Planetary Confinement
Archspire Relentless Mutation
As Cities Burn Hell or High Water
Aseitas False Peace
Ashen (US-NJ) Dead Silence
At the Drive-In Relationship of Command
Author and Punisher Drone Machines
Azusa Loop of Yesterdays
Azusa Heavy Yoke
Babirusa Humanoid
Balance and Composure Light We Made
Banks The Altar
Banshee Sirencore
Bayside Bayside
Beach House Bloom
Beach House Once Twice Melody: Chapter One
Beach House Once Twice Melody
Before I Turn Claustrophobic
Beirut The Flying Club Cup
Bell Witch and Aerial Ruin Stygian Bough Volume 1
this album was a good destresser for me today... bumping to 4.5
Bendik Fortid
Benjamin Gibbard Former Lives
Berried Alive Fools Gold
Berried Alive Bearies Alive
Between the Buried and Me Colors
Between the Buried and Me The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Billie Eilish When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?
Bilmuri Letters
Bilmuri Eggy Pocket
Bjork Vespertine
Black Crown Initiate Selves We Cannot Forgive
Black Passage At What Cost
Black Tongue Born Hanged/Falsifier (Redux)
Black Tongue The Unconquerable Dark
Black Wing ...Is Doomed
Black Wing No Moon
god damn i am stoked for this. i gave up on any new material a long time ago.
Blindside The Great Depression
blis. No One Loves You
Blood Command Cult Drugs
Blut Aus Nord Deus Salutis Meae
Boldy James Indiana Jones
Braids Flourish // Perish
Brand New Deja Entendu
Brand New Science Fiction
Brand of Sacrifice God Hand
Breach Kollapse
Bright Eyes Fevers & Mirrors
Bright Eyes Digital Ash in a Digital Urn
Bright Eyes Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was
Brightblack Morning Light Motion to Rejoin
Brightblack Morning Light Brightblack Morning Light
Bring Me The Horizon Suicide Season
Bring Me The Horizon Count Your Blessings
Bring Me The Horizon There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It...
Almost gave it a 4 due to the fact that I skip tracks 6, 7, 8, and 10. But if I close my eyes, forget those songs exist, and pretend it's an EP... what a great album!
Brite Futures Glistening Pleasure 2.0
Broken Social Scene You Forgot It in People
Burden of Life The Makeshift Conqueror
Bush Sixteen Stone
Bush The Science of Things
Cabal (DK) Drag Me Down
Cabal (DK) Mark Of Rot
Caitlyn Smith Silence
Caitlyn Smith Supernova
Callisto True Nature Unfolds
Calvaiire Forceps
Camera Obscura My Maudlin Career
Dreamy and somehow adorable. I feel like I'm swept away into what I imagine 1952 on the beach to feel like. Couple that with an innocent idealism in finding romance for the first time. This album makes a grown man swoon.
Caribou Andorra
Casavettes Senselessness
Case/Lang/Veirs Case/Lang/Veirs
Cave In Final Transmission
Celldweller Celldweller
Every single song is radio-worthy. I'm pretty sure 75% of this album has been used for Hollywood movies.
Charli XCX True Romance
Chelsea Wolfe Hiss Spun
Cigarettes After Sex Cigarettes After Sex
Circa Survive Blue Sky Noise
Circa Survive Descensus
Circa Survive Two Dreams
Cliff Martinez Solaris
Cocteau Twins Heaven or Las Vegas
Codeseven The Rescue
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Cold Cold
Collide Chasing the Ghost
Collide Some Kind of Strange
Confound The Mighty Sustained Collapse
Converge Bloodmoon: I
Copeland In Motion
Corps Fleur Corps Fleur
Cough Sigillum Luciferi
Crippled Black Phoenix Ellengaest
Crosses Crosses
Crosses permanent.radiant
Crystal Castles Crystal Castles III
Crystal Lake Helix
Cult of Luna and Julie Christmas Mariner
Cursed Earth The Deathbed Sessions
Daniela Pes Spira
Dark Buddha Rising Mathreyata
Darknet Self-Titled
Dead Poetic Four Wall Blackmail
Dead Poetic Vices
Deafheaven Sunbather
Deafheaven Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
Declan McKenna Zeros
Deftones Diamond Eyes
Deftones White Pony
Deftones Ohms
Dekadent The Deliverance of the Fall
Dekadent The Nemean Ordeal
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter
Demon Hunter Summer of Darkness
Demon Hunter Outlive
Dethklok The Dethalbum
Devilish Dear These Sunny Days
Diamond Construct Diamond Construct
Die Antwoord Ten$ion
Dimmu Borgir Death Cult Armageddon
Dimmu Borgir Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Dimmu Borgir Spiritual Black Dimensions
Divitius The Arcadian Parallel
Down to Insanity Ce Qu'il Reste
Dr. Manhattan Jam Dreams
One of the funnest albums of all time. "Biscuits And Groovy" should be played at every wedding.
Drown (US) Subaqueous
Earshot Two
Ebonivory The Long Dream I
Eidola The Architect
Eisley Combinations
El-P Cancer 4 Cure
Elephant Tree Habits
Elita Blood Sucker
Eluvium Copia
Elysian Fields Last Night On Earth
Emiliana Torrini Love In the Time of Science
Emiliana Torrini Fisherman's Woman
Emily Jane White Immanent Fire
so fucking excited for this album. only the one single on spotify so far
Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou May Our Chambers Be Full
Emmure Goodbye To The Gallows
Emmure Look At Yourself
Emmure Hindsight
Empty Country Empty Country
END (USA-NJ) Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face
Enter Shikari Take to the Skies
Enterprise Earth Luciferous
Entropy (AU) Denouement
Errance II
Esmerine Dalmak
Ethel Cain Golden Age
Ethel Cain Carpet Bed EP
Every Time I Die Low Teens
Every Time I Die Radical
Everything in Slow Motion Influence
Exotic Animal Petting Zoo I Have Made My Bed in Darkness
Eye of Nix Ligeia
shit this gon' be gud

edit: shit was gud
Failure In The Future Your Body Will Be The Furthest Thing From Your Mind
Fair to Midland Arrows and Anchors
Falling Up Captiva
Falling You Touch
Falsifier World Demise
Fazerdaze Morningside
Fear Before The Always Open Mouth
Fear My Thoughts Hell Sweet Hell
Fightstar One Day Son This Will All Be Yours
Finch Say Hello to Sunshine
Finger Eleven The Greyest of Blue Skies
Fit for an Autopsy The Sea Of Tragic Beasts
Five Pointe O Untitled
Flaw Through the Eyes
Fleshburner DeathDealer
Fleshworld The Essence Has Changed, but the Details Remain
Floor Oblation
Fluisteraars Bloem
For All Eternity The Will to Rebuild
Forgive Durden Wonderland
Foxy Shazam Introducing
Freedom Fry Friends and Enemies
From Autumn to Ashes The Fiction We Live
From Autumn to Ashes Abandon Your Friends
From Indian Lakes Dimly Lit
From Indian Lakes Everything Feels Better Now
Frou Frou Details
Full Bloom Black Lung
Funeral for a Friend Seven Ways To Scream Your Name
Gaza No Absolutes in Human Suffering
Generation of Vipers Howl and Filth
Ghost (SWE) Prequelle
Glassjaw Worship and Tribute
God Is an Astronaut All Is Violent, All Is Bright
God Of Nothing Cruel By Nature
Gojira The Way of All Flesh
Gojira From Mars to Sirius
Goo Goo Dolls Dizzy Up The Girl
This album transports me back to my bedroom listening to this album on repeat "blaring" at volume level 4 from my stereo boombox.
Grimes Art Angels
Gypsy and the Cat Gilgamesh
Habitual Gloom The Chronic Plague
Hail Spirit Noir Mayhem In Blue
Hail Spirit Noir Eden In Reverse
Hail Spirit Noir Mannequins
Hayley Williams Petals For Armor I
Hayley Williams Petals for Armor
Hayley Williams FLOWERS for VASES / descansos
He Is Legend Heavy Fruit
He Is Legend White Bat
Heart of a Coward The Disconnect
Hell (USA) III
Hell (USA) Hell
High Priestess Casting the Circle
Hillside Verity
Holy Fawn Death Spells
Holy Fawn The Black Moon
Holy Serpent Endless
Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions Through the Devil Softly
Hot Hot Heat Scenes One Through Thirteen
HRVRD From the Bird's Cage
Hum Inlet
Humanity's Last Breath Abyssal
Humanity's Last Breath Detestor
Humanity's Last Breath Välde
Hush Kids Hush Kids
I See Stars New Demons
IAMX The Alternative
Icarus the Owl Rearm Circuits
IDYLLS Prayer for Terrene
Illuminati Hotties Let Me Do One More
In Flames Come Clarity
In Gloom In Gloom
Incubus (USA-CA) Make Yourself
Infant Island Beneath
Infant Island Sepulcher
Inkwell These Stars Are Monsters
Insomnium Heart Like a Grave
INSTILL TERROR Prophet of Resent
a deathcore breakdown, start to finish. parts were so slow and brutal it literally brought a smile to my face.
Introvert Old Taste
Tragically undernoticed. Hopefully they release an LP soon.
Inventure Sociopath
Iress Flaw
It Dies Today The Caitiff Choir
Jalan Jalan Bali
Jalan Jalan Bali Dua
Jeff Rosenstock NO DREAM
This album really started out weak, but fuck me if it isn't a roller coaster that never
drops. I'm at the end of this spin like I just coasted off into space.
Jess Williamson Sorceress
Jonsi Go
Kailee Morgue Here In Your Bedroom
Kailee Morgue Medusa
Kardashev Peripety
Kardashev The Baring of Shadows
Karmic Demise Svart
Kayo Dot Blasphemy
Kill Hannah Until Theres Nothing Left Of Us
Kill Hannah For Never & Ever
Killing Ophelia IAMAI
Cave-crawling bone-chilling brain-eating easy listening.
Kimbra Vows
Kitsune Nothing makes me happy anymore
Korn Issues
Kratos Himself A Town Called Imaginarium
Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein Stranger Things, Volume One
Lacuna Coil Comalies
Lana Del Rey Ultraviolence
Land Of Talk Life After Youth
Latitudes Bleak Epiphanies In Slow Motion
Latitudes Individuation
Latitudes Part Island
Laura Gibson Goners
Leaves' Eyes Lovelorn
Level Denial
Lights Out Asia Eyes Like Brontide
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Loser Never Young
Losing Language In Truth and Trust
Lotus Thief Oresteia
Lumsk Troll
Luna Shadows Digital Pacific
Lunar Vacation The Lunar Vacation EPs
Lycia Cold
Madeline Kenney Sucker's Lunch
Magdalena Bay day/pop
Magdalena Bay night/pop
Makari Hyperreal
Mare Mare
Marika Hackman That Iron Taste
Marika Hackman Any Human Friend
Martin Grech Hush Mortal Core
Matchbox Twenty Yourself or Someone Like You
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster IV
Mellow Gang Adjourn
Meshuggah Catch Thirtythree
Metric Fantasies
Mew No More Stories
Mew And the Glass Handed Kites
mewithoutYou Brother, Sister
mewithoutYou Catch For Us the Foxes
mewithoutYou [untitled] e.p.
Mexican Institute of Sound Disco Popular
Fun and catchy in an almost cheesy way. The melodies are classic.
Miranda Sex Garden Carnival Of Souls
Mono Hymn to the Immortal Wind
Mono You Are There
Moose Blood Blush
Mountaineer Bloodletting
Mourir Animal Bouffe Animal
Muse Showbiz
Musta Köksä Mustan Köksän Disko
My Bloody Valentine Loveless
My Chemical Romance I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
N'Zwaa Maha Kali
Nephlim Modulation Systems Imperial Letters Of Protection
Nest (FIN) Woodsmoke
Nicole Atkins Italian Ice
Night Flowers Wild Notion
Nights Like These Old Youth Culture
Noiseast Dead Languages
Norma Jean Meridional
Norma Jean Wrongdoers
Norma Jean Polar Similar
Norma Jean Deathrattle Sing for Me
Northlane Alien
Northlane Obsidian
Novelists Souvenirs
O'Brother You and I
Oathbreaker Eros|Anteros
Oathbreaker Rheia
Obscure Of Acacia The Biggest Lie
Odd Loves To Dance Demon Wizard
Oh, Sleeper Children of Fire
On Hollow Ground Blood Is Blood
Opeth Blackwater Park
Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse
Opeth Still Life
Os Mutantes Os Mutantes
Others By No One Book I: Dr. Breacher
the official music video is undesirable. i recommend checking it out for a laugh.
Owel Dear Me
Palm Reader Sleepless
Paramore After Laughter
Paramore Riot!
Peccatum Amor Fati
Peccatum Strangling from Within
Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson Break Up
Phantogram Nightlife
Phoxjaw A Playground For Sad Adults
Phoxjaw Goodbye Dinosaur...
Phoxjaw Royal Swan
Pocahaunted Chains
Poison the Well The Tropic Rot
Polaris The Mortal Coil
Poppy Poppy.Computer
Poppy Bubblebath
Powerman 5000 Tonight the Stars Revolt
PRINCESSBRI Little Baby B!tch
Proem LiveMD[cd?]
Psychonaut Unfold the God Man
Psyclon Nine Divine Infekt
Public Memory Ripped Apparition
Radiohead Amnesiac
Rannoch Reflections Upon Darkness
This album stayed hard for like four hours, was about to call a nurse.
Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication
Rendezvous Point Universal Chaos
Reptaliens FM-2030
Rishloo Living as Ghosts with Buildings as Teeth
Oozing with talent and ambition. This album delivers, firing on all cylinders.
Rogue Aeon
Rostam Half-Light
Rot (ITA) The Black Pill
Royal Tusk DealBreaker
Rrussell Bell Like-a-Human
Run the Jewels Run the Jewels 3
Rwake Xenoglossalgia: The Last Stage of Awareness
This is the second rerelease of their 1998 album. It's remastered this time which probably means it sounds slightly better. It's an incredible album, dark, evil, and even a little dancy.
Salem Burning Revelations
Salem Burning Pagan Moon
Sam Pinkerton An Introduction
Sam Pinkerton Ceiling
Say Sue Me Where We Were Together
Scarlett Johansson Anywhere I Lay My Head
Sea of Bees Orangefarben
Secret Band LP2
SeeYouSpaceCowboy The Correlation Between Entrance And Exit Wounds
Sevendust Animosity
Shakey Graves Can't Wake Up
Shields Life In Exile
Show Me A Dinosaur Dust
Shrine Of Malice Sheol
Shygirl ALIAS
Sigh Hail Horror Hail
Signs Of The Swarm Absolvere
Sigur Ros Kveikur
Sigur Ros ( )
Silent Planet When the End Began
Silent Planet Iridescent
Silverchair Neon Ballroom
Silverchair Freak Show
Slift Ummon
Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
Slipknot Iowa
Slowdive Just for a Day
Snakadaktal Sleep in the Water
Sneaker Pimps Becoming X
Sneaker Pimps Bloodsport
Sneaker Pimps Becoming Remixed
Snot Strait Up
Sorry 925
Spieglass Patience
Spiritbox Eternal Blue
Spotlights Love and Decay
Spotlights We Are All Atomic
Stabbing Westward Stabbing Westward
Static Dress Rouge Carpet Disaster
Steady Holiday Nobody's Watching
Stella (GR) The Break
Still Corners Strange Pleasures
Stories (AUS) The Youth to Become
Strapping Young Lad City
Subtle A New White
Sunquake Amaranthe
Surrender The Throne Surrender The Throne
Swallow the Sun When A Shadow Is Forced Into The Light
System of a Down Toxicity
System of a Down Mezmerize
Taking Back Sunday New Again
Taylor Swift 1989
Taylor Swift Midnights
The Angelic Process Weighing Souls With Sand
The Appleseed Cast Low Level Owl, Vol. 2
The Appleseed Cast Low Level Owl, Volume I
The Appleseed Cast The Fleeting Light of Impermanence
The Casket Lottery Short Songs For End Times
The Chaos Is Coming Kaleidoscope
The Chariot The Fiancee
The Chariot One Wing
The Comet Is Coming Trust in the Lifeforce of Deep Mystery
The Contortionist Our Bones
The Contortionist Language
The Cribs Night Network
The Dear Hunter Act IV: Rebirth in Reprise
The Declining Winter Goodbye Minnesota
The Dillinger Escape Plan Dissociation
The Dillinger Escape Plan Irony Is a Dead Scene
The Dissociatives The Dissociatives
The Divine Comedy Bang Goes The Knighthood
The End (CAN) Elementary
The Faceless Planetary Duality
The Field Yesterday and Today
The Field Cupid's Head
The Forecast In The Shadow Of Two Gunmen
The Juliana Theory Music from Another Room
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
The Mars Volta Frances the Mute
The Myriad With Arrows, With Poise
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Wild Gods
The Ocean Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic
The Ocean Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | Cenozoic
The Ouija Birds The Ouija Birds
The Overseer We Search, We Dig
The Overseer Rest and Let Go
The Owls Our Hopes and Dreams
The Pineapple Thief Dissolution
The Pineapple Thief Versions of the Truth
The Plot In You Happiness in Self Destruction
The Polarity Gutterball
The Postal Service Give Up
The Ruins Of Beverast / Almyrkvi Almyrkvi / The Ruins Of Beverast (Split)
The Sleeping Believe What We Tell You
The Sounds Dying to Say This to You
The Spill Canvas One Fell Swoop
The Undercover Dream Lovers It's All In Your Head
The White Birch Star Is Just a Sun
The Wytches Three Mile Ditch
Thirty Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds To Mars
This or the Apocalypse Dead Years
Thomas Azier Love, Disorderly
Thrice Beggars
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance
Thrice Horizons/East
Thursday Full Collapse
Thursday No Devolucion
Thursday War All the Time
Thy Art Is Murder Dear Desolation
Thy Catafalque Naiv
Tides of Man Empire Theory
Tired Lion Breakfast for Pathetics
so this is pretty good, surprised this has no review already
To Whom It May The Great Filter
Tom Waits Alice
Tommy Genesis Tommy Genesis
Toothgrinder Phantom Amour
Tove Lo Queen of the Clouds
Trespassers William Different Stars
Tristania Widow's Weeds
Tristania Ashes
Tristania Beyond The Veil
Trophy Scars Holy Vacants
Tropical Fuck Storm A Laughing Death in Meatspace
Turnstile Glow On
Uh Huh Her Common Reaction
Ulcerate Shrines of Paralysis
Ulsect Ulsect
Ultar Pantheon MMXIX
Ulver Hexahedron
Underoath Ø (Disambiguation)
Unprocessed Gold
Unseen Faith Evoke
Vattnet Vattnet
VCTMS Vol. III: Halfway Happy
Vermicide Violence The Praxis of Prophylaxis
Vexes Ancient Geometry
Vientre Semillas
Vildhjarta Måsstaden
Violet Cold kOsmik
Virgin Black Elegant and Dying
Viscera (UK) Obsidian
Goddamn brutal, wonderful atmospheric elements, good unclean vocals, and clean vocals that actually contribute to the heavy feel. Nothing necessarily new, but it's done so well, and it's refreshingly engaging.
VOLA Witness
Wake Devouring Ruin
Holy shit. This is good. Was not expecting a sludgy evolution.
Weeping Hour Hunger and Thirst
White Ward Love Exchange Failure
Whitechapel The Valley
Windvent Relief
Windwaker Empire
Woodes Crystal Ball
Xenobiotic Mordrake
Yaeji EP2
Year of No Light Ausserwelt
Yeule Serotonin II
Zao The Well-Intentioned Virus
Zao The Crimson Corridor
Zella Day Where Does The Devil Hide

4.0 excellent
'68 Two Parts Viper
...and Oceans As in Gardens, So in Tombs
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead X: The Godless Void and Other Stories
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead The Century of Self
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead So Divided
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Lost Songs
156/Silence Irrational Pull
1914 Eschatology of War
2002 Chrysalis
2002 The Sacred Well: The Best of 2002
311 From Chaos
36 Crazyfists A Snow Capped Romance
A Life Once Lost Iron Gag
A Perfect Circle eMOTIVe
A Static Lullaby ...And Don't Forget to Breathe
A Static Lullaby Rattlesnake!
AA= #1
Abyss Walker The Consumed
Ad Nauseam Imperative Imperceptible Impulse
Adema Unstable
Aesma Daeva The Eros of Frigid Beauty
After Hour Animals After Hour Animals OG
Agent Fresco Destrier
Akhlys Melinoe
alas, Farewell 3am bells
alas, Farewell never pinch me
alas, Farewell you're not left
Alchemists Chapter One: Love
Alexisonfire Alexisonfire
Alice in Videoland She's A Machine!
alt-J This Is All Yours
Altar of Plagues Teethed Glory and Injury
Amidst the Grave's Demons Space Zombies
Anaal Nathrakh Endarkenment
Anaal Nathrakh A New Kind of Horror
Anchoress Anchoress is Ruining My Life
Andorra Atkins Augenlied
Android Lust Stripped & Stitched
Angel Olsen All Mirrors
AngelMaker AngelMaker
ANIMAL and Still_bloom Group Therapy
Anna Tivel The Question
Anthony Green Avalon
Aphasia (TWN) The Crocodile Society Of Aphasia
Aristeia Demoralization Of The Luminary
Artificial Brain Infrared Horizon
As Cities Burn Scream Through the Walls
As Earth Shatters Fragments
Ashnikko Hi, It's Me
Athletics Why Aren't I Home?
Atlas (FIN) Primitive
Atrium Carceri Void
Austra HiRUDiN
Austra Olympia
Aversions Crown Tyrant
Aversions Crown Hell Will Come For Us All
Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys
Backstreet Boys Millennium
Backstreet Boys Unbreakable
Yep, it's good.
Balance and Composure with you in spirit
Banks Goddess
Banshee FABLES
Beach House Thank Your Lucky Stars
Beach House 7
Bedouine Bedouine
Before I Turn The Virus
Before The Common Era Anthropologic
Before We Burn Hostage
Beirut The Rip Tide
Beirut Gulag Orkestar
Beloved Failure On
Berried Alive Fuego
Between the Buried and Me Colors II
Bhad Bhabie 15
Bilmuri Wet Milk
Bjork Medulla
Black Crown Initiate Violent Portraits of Doomed Escape
Blacks0n Cry for Inspiration
Blake Rules and Netherfriends Kids Trap 14
Blood Command Return of the Arsonist
Boards of Canada Aquarius
Bodysnatcher This Heavy Void
Boneflower Armour
Boris New Album
Boundaries My Body in Bloom
Brand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
Braveyoung We Are Lonely Animals
Breakdown of Sanity Perception
Breather Resist Charmer
Bring Me The Horizon Sempiternal
Broken Bells Broken Bells
By the Thousands Dead Matter
Caligula's Horse Rise Radiant
Calligram The Eye Is the First Circle
Camera Obscura Let's Get Out of This Country
Cannibal Ox The Cold Vein
Carach Angren Franckensteina Strataemontanus
Cardijum Cardijum
Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Caroline Rose Loner
cavetown Sleepyhead
Chelsea Wolfe Apokalypsis
Chelsea Wolfe Birth of Violence
Chevelle Wonder What's Next
Childish Gambino "Awaken, My Love!"
Childish Gambino 03.15.20
Children 18:3 Children 18:3
Chiodos Illuminaudio
Christine and the Queens La vita nuova
Circa Survive A Dream About Death
Classic Jack Can You Feel Anything
Clever Girl No Drum And Bass in the Jazz Room
Closure in Moscow First Temple
Code Orange Underneath
Code Orange I Am King
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Coldplay Parachutes
Coletta Idealism
Collide Two Headed Monster
Conan Existential Void Guardian
Conditions Fluorescent Youth
Conjurer Mire
Constrobuz For Light
Copeland Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Corrupted El Mundo Frio
Cosmic Putrefaction The Horizons Towards Which Splendour Withers
Cough Ritual Abuse
Counterparts Nothing Left to Love
Covet technicolor
CrazyEightyEight Burning Alive
Cruel Black Dove The Myth and the Sum
Crumb (USA-NY) Jinx
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus
Crystalview Distant Lights: Solstice
Cult Of Fire Moksha
Cult of Luna A Dawn to Fear
Currents The Way It Ends
D'Angelo Black Messiah
Dance Gavin Dance Artificial Selection
Dance Gavin Dance Jackpot Juicer
Dark Fortress Spectres from the Old World
Darknet Morally Flexible
Darko (US) Dethmask, Pt. 1
Darkside Spiral
David Bowie Blackstar
Dead Moon Temple Ænigmasólvoid
Dead Neanderthals Ghosts
Dead/Awake Dead/Awake
Dead/Awake Melancholia
Death Grips The Money Store
Death Of A Poet Tragedies
Deep Cut Different Planet
Defeater Lost Ground
Deftones Deftones
Deftones Around the Fur
Dekadent Venera: Trial & Tribulation
Dekadent Veritas
Deltron 3030 Deltron 3030
Descend The Deviant
Designer Disguise Nowhere
Detest (UK) Human Scum
Dethklok Dethalbum II
Digital Daggers Mixed Emotions
Dimmu Borgir Abrahadabra
Dimmu Borgir In Sorte Diaboli
Disasterpeace It Follows OST
Divitius Primordial
Domestic Terminal I Could See Midnight Sky
Donny Benet Mr. Experience
Doomtree False Hopes XII
Drab Majesty The Demonstration
Dua Lipa Future Nostalgia
Duality (FR) Elements
Dysphoria Primal Entropy
Eagles Hotel California
Eagles Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)
Earth Groans Renovate
Earth Rot Black Tides of Obscurity
Eartheater Phoenix: Flames Are Dew Upon My Skin
Eat the Day The Demos
ee Ramadan
Efterklang Magic Chairs
Eidola To Speak, to Listen
Elder (USA-MA) Omens
Electric Callboy MMXX
Ellis Born Again
Eluvium An Accidental Memory in the Case of Death
Eluvium Talk Amongst the Trees
Eluvium Similes
Elza Soares A mulher do fim do mundo
Embodyment The Narrow Scope of Things
Emery The Weak's End
Emery White Line Fever
Emiliana Torrini Me and Armini
Emma Ruth Rundle Marked for Death
Emmure The Respect Issue
Emmure Felony
Emmure Slave To The Game
Emmure Eternal Enemies
Empty Hope and The Loss of It
Empyreal Vault Empyreal Vault
Emuness Open Wounds
Enter Shikari Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible
Envy The Fallen Crimson
Errance Fracture
Esoctrilihum Eternity Of Shaog
Eternal Tears of Sorrow Before the Bleeding Sun
Ethel Cain Inbred
Extol Extol
Eye of Nix Black Somnia
Fanu Daylightless
Fanu Homefree
Fawning Too Late
Fear My Thoughts Vulcanus
Finger Eleven Tip
Fire On Fire The Orchard
Fit for a King The Path
Fit for an Autopsy Oh What The Future Holds
Florence and the Machine Ceremonials
FLYINGDICK Оплодотворение
Flyleaf Flyleaf
For I Am King Crown
Forming the Void Rift
Forming the Void Reverie
Forsaker My Spot in the Void
Frail Body A Brief Memoriam
Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist Alfredo
Album title could have been Marionetti. Missed opportunity.
Freedom Fry Classic
Freezepop Fancy Ultra-Fresh
French Teen Idol El Siete es la Luz
From Autumn to Ashes Holding A Wolf By The Ears
Fucked Up Dose Your Dreams
Funeral for a Friend Hours
Funeral for a Friend Casually Dressed & Deep in Conversation
Funeral for a Friend Tales Don't Tell Themselves
Future Bible Heroes Memories of Love
Gaerea Limbo
Galactic Pegasus Dysphoria
Generation of Vipers Dead Circle
Generation of Vipers Coffin Wisdom
Ghost Iris Apple of Discord
Gia Margaret Mia Gargaret
Glassjaw Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
Glassjaw Material Control
Gleemer Down Through
God Is an Astronaut Far from Refuge
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Goo Goo Dolls Magnetic
Solid album. Their song formula is pretty predictable, but they still manage to sound like they've made something new when you isolate this album from the others. I was surprised to enjoy this.
Good Tiger Raised in a Doomsday Cult
Gospel The Moon Is a Dead World
Graveland Fire Chariot of Destruction
Green Day Dookie
Grimes Miss Anthropocene
Gunship Dark All Day
Hammock Love in the Void
Harakiri for the Sky Maere
Hatchie Keepsake
Hate Priest Hate Priest
Haujobb Freeze Frame Reality
Haujobb Polarity
Hazel English Wake Up
He Is Legend It Hates You
He Is Legend I Am Hollywood
Heartist Sleep
Heartless (CA) I
Heaven In Her Arms White Halo
High Priestess High Priestess
Higher Power 27 Miles Underwater
Highly Suspect Mister Asylum
Hikes Mahal Kita
Himsa Hail Horror
Hive (USA-IL) The Mirthless Kind
Holding Absence Holding Absence
Hollow Front Loose Threads
Holly Miranda Holly Miranda
Not quite as "magical" as her previous album... But still, Holly Miranda continues (and succeeds) with her unique
catchy tranquility.
Holy Fuck Latin
Home Grown When It All Comes Down EP
Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions Until The Hunter
Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions Bavarian Fruit Bread
Hotel Mira Perfectionism
Humanity's Last Breath Humanity's Last Breath
I Am Abomination Passion Of The Heist II
Icarus the Owl Icarus the Owl
Idiot Pilot Blue Blood
If I Were You Radiant Dark
Illuminati Hotties FREE I.H: This Is Not the One...
Imperial Triumphant Alphaville
In The Burial Lamentations: Of Deceit & Redemption
Top-notch vocals, both screams and clean. Melodic portions are stronger than the heavier portions of the album.
In This Moment Black Widow
Incubus (USA-CA) Morning View
Ingested Where Only Gods May Tread
Internal Rot Grieving Birth
Intronaut Fluid Existential Inversions
Invent Animate Greyview
Invent Animate Stillworld
Invocation (CL) Attunement to Death
Inyourface Wildlife
ISIS In the Absence of Truth
Jambinai Différance
Jesu Terminus
JFDR New Dreams
Joliette Principia
Jonsi Shiver
Jonsi and Alex Riceboy Sleeps
Julianna Barwick Healing Is a Miracle
Kadinja DNA
ah, nostalgia. it's actually quite impressive how much the vocalist sounds like some of the original artists. the korn and limp bizkit songs are perfect examples of this.
Kardashev The Almanac
Kardashev Liminal Rite
Karmacipher Introspectrum
Katatonia City Burials
katie dey Mydata
Kauan Sorni Nai
Kauan Kaiho
Keane Hopes & Fears
Keiichi Okabe Nier Automata OST
Kill Hannah American Jet Set
Killswitch Engage The End of Heartache
King Conquer 1776
Korn Follow the Leader
Kratos Himself Dandelion Seeds
Kreayshawn Somethin' 'Bout Kreay
Krosis A Memoir of Free Will
Kylesa Exhausting Fire
Lacuna Coil In A Reverie
Lacuna Coil Unleashed Memories
Lacuna Coil Delirium
Lakota De Kai Big Dad Wolf
Lana Del Rey Born to Die
Lana Del Rey Honeymoon
Lana Del Rey Norman Fucking Rockwell!
Land Of Talk Indistinct Conversations
Lantlos Wildhund
Laura Veirs The Lookout
Le Butcherettes A Raw Youth
Leaves' Eyes Vinland Saga
LEM Twelve Who Stole The Rain
Lena Raine Celeste OST
Leprous Pitfalls
Leprous Malina
Lilac Kings Desolation | Desperation
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory EP
Linkin Park Meteora
Lit A Place In The Sun
liveconformdie Circa '94
Liza Anne Bad Vacation
Loathe (UK) I Let It In And It Took Everything
Local H Lifers
Lorna Shore ...And I Return to Nothingness
Lotus Eater Social Hazard
Lotus Eater (UK) Social Hazard
Lowrider Refractions
Luna Shadows Summertime
Lycia Ionia
M83 Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
Macaroom Homephone TE
Madeline Kenney Perfect Shapes
Madina Lake Attics To Eden
Magdalena Bay Imaginal Disk
Makari Elegies
Make Them Suffer How to Survive a Funeral
This album is going to 3.8 so hard.
Malaise (US) Death Do Us Part
Malcontent Embodiment
Manes Slow Motion Death Sequence
Mansion Second Death
Marissa Nadler For My Crimes
Massive Attack Mezzanine
Matchbox Twenty Mad Season
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster II
Medea Rising Abyss
Menomena I Am The Fun Blame Monster!
Mew Frengers
mewithoutYou Pale Horses
MewithoutYou have really settled down and become comfortable in this style of theirs. Pale Horses is their first album since their entry A-->B Life where they seem uninterested in impressing their intellectual peers. It's their only album that seems entirely confident in itself. Having said that, is it their best album yet? No. It's really good, though. It's not exciting by any means, and lacks any groundbreaking elements. It is, however, immediately palatable and effortlessly enjoyable. The emotional aspects of the album are glass-house revealing while the lyrics are cryptic as ever. The simplicity of the song structures and melodies work to an advantage, making it a solid listen start to finish. There's nothing unexpected here. No risks, no losses. It's a flawless testament to who they are as a band. As a side note, I would actually recommend this album first to someone who has never heard the band.
mewithoutYou [Untitled]
Mgla Age of Excuse
Midori Aratame Hajime Mashite Midori Desu
Millionaires Bling Bling Bling!
Legitimate guilty pleasure. I can't deny its catchy choruses.
Mirar Ascension
Mirar Mare
Modern Color From The Leaves Of Your Garden
Monolake Cinemascope
Monolith (UK-England) No Saints No Solace
Monuments (UK) The Amanuensis
Morphiend Fiend
Mount Eerie A Crow Looked at Me
Mount Eerie Sauna
Muse Absolution
My Own Shiva Holograms
Naglfar Harvest
Naglfar Sheol
Nest (FIN) Hidden Stream
Nest (FIN) Fabled Lore
Nexilva Aseity: I
NGHTCRWLR HiSeq_Let The Children Scream
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Tender Prey
Nicole Dollanganger Married in Mount Airy
Night Verses Into the Vanishing Light
Night Verses From the Gallery of Sleep
Nightmare Puppy Nara Nara Voltsong For Shower
Nights Like These Sunlight at Secondhand
Nine Inch Nails Ghosts VI: Locusts
Nine Inch Nails Hesitation Marks
Nine Inch Nails Year Zero
Nine Inch Nails The Fragile
Nine Inch Nails Ghosts V: Together
Nord (FRA) The Only Way To Reach The Surface
Norma Jean All Hail
Norma Jean The Anti Mother
Norma Jean Redeemer
Norma Jean O' God, the Aftermath
North (BRA) Hermeneutics II
Northlane Singularity
Northlane Discoveries
Nostalghia (MEX) Chrysalis
Novice Interrupting The Scenery
Numenorean Adore
O'Brother The Death of Day
Odraza Rzeczom
Oeil Myrtle
Oh, Sleeper Bloodied/Unbowed
Old Man Gloom Seminar VIII: Light Of Meaning
Old Man Gloom Seminar IX: Darkness of Being
Old Wharf Reside
Omni Express Florida Man
Oozing Wound We Cater To Cowards
Open Hand You and Me
Oranssi Pazuzu Mestarin Kynsi
Oranssi Pazuzu Värähtelijä
Orbit Culture Nija
Origami Angel Gami Gang
Otep Sevas Tra
Otoboke Beaver Itekoma Hits
Our Martyred Lady Heresy II
Our Oceans While Time Disappears
Ovid's Withering Terraphage
Palm (JPN) My Darkest Friends
Pan Sonic Kesto (234:48:4)
Panda Riot Infinity Maps
Panda Riot Northern Automatic Music
Pangaea (USA) Vespr
Panopticon/Nechochwen Panopticon / Nechochwen
Paramore All We Know Is Falling
Parliament Mothership Connection
Paysage d'Hiver Im Wald
Peccatum The Moribund People
Pelican Nighttime Stories
Perfume Genius Too Bright
Peter Gabriel So
Phantogram Voices
Philip Glass Einstein on the Beach
Phoebe Bridgers Punisher
Pijn and Conjurer Curse These Metal Hands
Pine Pine
Pink Guy Pink Season
Pinkshinyultrablast Everything Else Matters
Planes Mistaken for Stars Up In Them Guts
Planes Mistaken for Stars Prey
Pocahaunted Passage
Polygon Woods Post Space
Poppy EAT (NXT Soundtrack)
Poppy Flux
Preseija Reclaim Your Mind
Primal Aggression Sinister
Prompts Magenta Smile
Protest the Hero Volition
Protest the Hero Scurrilous
Psychotic Waltz The God-Shaped Void
Psyclon Nine INRI
pulses. Speak It Into Existence
Pure Reason Revolution Eupnea
Purity Ring Womb
Pyramaze Epitaph
Pyyramids Brightest Darkest Day
R.A.P. Ferreira purple moonlight pages
Radiohead In Rainbows
Radiohead OK Computer
Ravi Shankar The Sounds Of India
Ravi Shankar and Philip Glass Passages
Red Helen Trading Past For Pathways
Reflections The Color Clear
Reflections Willow
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber Ascension
Replacer Pretentious Pain
Robot Koch The Next Billion Years
Rogue Anomaly
Rolo Tomassi Where Myth Becomes Memory
Rose Funeral Gates of Punishment
Royal Coda Compassion
Royal Coda Royal Coda
Rufus Wainwright All Days Are Nights: Songs for Lulu
Rufus Wainwright Out of the Game
Run the Jewels Run the Jewels 2
Run the Jewels RTJ4
Saetia A Retrospective
Saosin Saosin
Sarah Jaffe Suburban Nature
Don't miss the last song on the album, "Perfect Plan."
Satyr Locus
Scarlet This Was Always Meant To Fall Apart
Sea Ghost SG
Seahaven Halo of Hurt
Sear Bliss The Arcane Odyssey
Senses Fail The Fire
Sentenced To Dissection Between the Worlds
Sevendust Blood and Stone
Shadow Of Intent Melancholy
Shiny Toy Guns We Are Pilots
Showbread Cancer
Showbread No Sir, Nihilism Is Not Practical
Showbread Anorexia Nervosa
Shrezzers Relationships
*don't say brazzers, don't say brazzers, don't say brazzers*
Have you heard the new Brazzers album?
Shroud Eater Strike the Sun
Shygirl Cruel Practice
Sigur Ros Agætis byrjun
Silent Planet The Night God Slept (Redux)
Silverchair Frogstomp
Six Gallery Breakthroughs in Modern Art
SKATERS Manhattan
Skeletonwitch Devouring Radiant Light
Sleep For Sleepers The Clearing
Slint Spiderland
Slipknot Slipknot
Slipknot .5: The Gray Chapter
Slow (BE) VI – Dantalion
Snarls Burst
Snow Ghosts A Wrecking
Soap and Skin Narrow
Soft Kill Dead Kids R.I.P. City
Space Of Variations XXXXX
Spectral Lore and Mare Cognitum Wanderers: Astrology of the Nine
Spieglass Astral Canvas
Spieglass Dull Haunt
Spieglass Long Lives For Bad People
Spieglass Light Years
Spieglass Suddenly There's Something
Spoken Echoes of the Spirit Still Dwell
St. Vincent Masseduction
Stabbing Westward Wither Blister Burn & Peel
Star Of Ash The Thread
Star Of Ash Iter.Viator
State Faults Clairvoyant
Static-X Project Regeneration Vol. 1
Static-X Wisconsin Death Trip
Static-X Machine
Steely Dan A Decade of Steely Dan
Still Remains Of Love and Lunacy
Sufferer Sufferer
Sugar Ray 14:59
Supercar Futurama
Svalbard When I Die, Will I Get Better?
Swallow the Sun Ghosts Of Loss
Swallow the Sun Hope
Swallow the Sun New Moon
Sweam Lounge Music for Cat People
Switchfoot The Beautiful Letdown
Switchfoot Learning To Breathe
System of a Down System of a Down
System of a Down Steal This Album!
t.A.T.u. 200 km/H In The Wrong Lane
Taylor Swift Lover
Taylor Swift Folklore
Teenage Wrist Still Love
Temple of Void The World That Was
Thantifaxath Sacred White Noise
The Acacia Strain Slow Decay
The Alpha Structure 7 Deadly Sins
The American Dollar Ambient One
The American Dollar Ambient Two
The Appleseed Cast Sagarmatha
The Appleseed Cast Peregrine
The Appleseed Cast Mare Vitalis
The Appleseed Cast Illumination Ritual
The Berzerker Animosity
The Beths Jump Rope Gazers
The Big Moon Walking Like We Do
The Black Dahlia Murder Nightbringers
The Blood of Heroes The Blood Of Heroes
The Bunny The Bear Afterglow
The Chariot Unsung
The Chariot Long Live
The Cold Harbour Homebound
The Color of Violence Youthanize
The Dear Hunter The Color Spectrum
The Dear Hunter The Indigo Child
The Declining Winter Haunt The Upper Hallways
The Devil Wears Prada Plagues
The Devil Wears Prada With Roots Above and Branches Below
The Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the Killer
The Dillinger Escape Plan Miss Machine
The Fall of Troy Doppelganger
The Field From Here We Go Sublime
The Fratellis Costello Music
The Gathering How to Measure a Planet?
The Gloom in The Corner Flesh & Bones
The Great Old Ones EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy
The Great Old Ones Cosmicism
The Hotelier Home, Like NoPlace Is There
The Owls Daughters and Suns
The Pineapple Thief Someone Here Is Missing
The Plot In You Dispose
The Polarity Sugarcoat
The Reticent The Oubliette
The Rise Reclamation Process
The Sleeping Question & Answers
The Sound of Animals Fighting Lover, the Lord Has Left Us...
The Soundcarriers Celeste
The Sounds Crossing the Rubicon
The Strokes The New Abnormal
The Stygian Complex The Stygian Complex
The Stygian Complex Tartarus
Thirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful Lie
Thornhill The Dark Pool
Thrailkill Everything That Is You
Thursday A City By the Light Divided
TOKiMONSTA Oasis Nocturno
Great sound samples, mixing, atmosphere. The tracks featuring guest vocalists don't feel like a
gimmick. It feels like the songs were written in conjunction with the vocalists, and with their
skills in mind. "Fried for the Night" is a perfect example of this, with EARTHGANG being
incorporated so flawlessly, one might assume they are part of TOKiMONSTA.
Tool Ænima
Tool Lateralus
Toothgrinder I Am
Trenches Reckoner
Tricot Makkuro
Tristania Illumination
Trophy Scars Astral Pariah
Turnover Good Nature
Tyler Bates The Punisher (Original Soundtrack)
U.S. Christmas Run Thick In The Night
Ulcerate Stare Into Death and Be Still
Ulthar Providence
Ulver Flowers of Evil
this is blackternative rock
Underoath They're Only Chasing Safety
Underoath The Changing of Times
Underoath Define the Great Line
UNKLE Where Did The Night Fall
Unprocessed Artificial Void
Utro Утро
Vale of Pnath Accursed
Vasudeva Generator
VCTMS and Falsifier Misery In Death Old Data in a New Machine, Vol. 1
Vespera A Fragile Seed
Vexatious Odium
Victims (CZ) Lorn Echoes
Violet Cold Noir Kid
Virgin Black Sombre Romantic
Virgin Black Requiem - Mezzo Forte
Volatile Ways Condemned to Life, Burdened to Death
Vredehammer Viperous
Wage War Pressure
Wake Thought Form Descent
Wang Wen Invisible City
We Are The Blog Decadence
Wesley Willis Greatest Hits
What We Do in Secret Repose
Why Bonnie Voice Box
Widowspeak Plum
Wilsen Ruiner
Within the Ruins Black Heart
Without Belief The Parting Gift
Wolfheart Wolves of Karelia
Yashira Fail To Be
Year of No Light Nord
You'll Never Get to Heaven Images
Young Ejecta Ride Lonesome
Yukon Blonde Vindicator
Yves Tumor Heaven To A Tortured Mind
Zeal and Ardor Devil is Fine

3.5 great
...and Oceans Cosmic World Mother
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dea
311 Soundsystem
36 Crazyfists Collisions and Castaways
40 Below Summer Invitation to the Dance
???? 目玉焼き
A Dozen Furies A Concept From Fire
A Life Once Lost Open Your Mouth for the Speechless...
A Life Once Lost Hunter
A Villains Neverland Cloudscape
A Wake in Providence The Blvck Sun || The Blood Moon
A.A.L. (Against All Logic) 2017-2019
Adema Adema
Aeternam Al Qassam
alas, Farewell Iceland
Alcest Spiritual Instinct
Alice in Videoland A Million Thoughts And They're All About You
All That Remains The Fall Of Ideals
Allelic À Contre Vent
Alpha Wann Une Main Lave l'Autre
Alpha Wolf Fault
Alukah Descending
Amarionette [US] Sunset On This Generation
American Football American Football
Android Lust The Dividing
ANIMAL The Witch (Deluxe)
Anni Rossi Heavy Meadow
Anni Rossi really reeled herself in for this album, right on the cusp of her predecessor, Rockwell. It was a smart move, making these songs more approachable and less abrasive. But with only one hit song, Crushing Limbs, and a couple others even worth mentioning, this album relies on Anni's charming voice and instantly likable new style to complete a full album. It works, actually, but it also leaves much to be desired.
Apoptygma Berzerk Welcome To Earth
Arca KiCk i
Ardra Unto Leviathan
As Artifacts Strong Hands
Asad Ahmed Rebirth
Aseul Slow Dance
Attack Attack! Attack Attack!
Backstreet Boys Black and Blue
Beach House Teen Dream
Before the Rain One Day Less
Behemoth And the Forests Dream Eternally
Benee Stella & Steve
Between the Buried and Me The Silent Circus
Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect
Between the Buried and Me Alaska
Beyond Unbroken Running Out of Time
Blake Rules Artistic Genius
Blake Rules Day Drinking In The Kiddie Pool
Blake Rules and Lil Indigo The Dream Team, Vol. 1
Blake Rules and Netherfriends Kids Trap
Blake Rules and NoTalent Dark Liquor for Dark Times, Vol. 2
Bleed The Dream Built By Blood
Blindside A Thought Crushed My Mind
blink-182 Enema Of The State
blink-182 Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
blink-182 California
blink-182 Blink-182
Blood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human Race
Bob Dylan Rough and Rowdy Ways
Bologna Violenta Discordia
Boris NO
Breakdowns At Tiffany's Eternal Lords
Brigid Mae Power Head Above the Water
Brite Futures Dark Past
Burnt By the Sun Soundtrack to the Personal Revolution
Bury the Rod Crisis
Bush Golden State
Bush The Sea of Memories
Caitlyn Smith Face Over Heels
Camera Obscura Desire Lines
Caribou Swim
Caribou Our Love
Chasing Whisper Phantom Pain
Chevelle Point #1
Chiodos Devil
Chiodos Bone Palace Ballet
Closure in Moscow Pink Lemonade
Consequence (PT) Collapsed Home
Constrobuz Game Lord
Incredibly impressive for what it is. Would have been fucking sweet to have this on an original gameboy game.
Cry of the Afflicted The Unveiling
Cult Of Fire Nirvana
Cult of Luna The Raging River
Dark Tranquillity Moment
Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger
Dashboard Confessional A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar
Dashboard Confessional The Shade of Poison Trees
David Thompson The Wall
Dead Poetic New Medicines
This would have been a lot better if the singer lowered his voice an entire octave for the album.
Deftones Adrenaline
Dogleg Melee
Doja Cat Hot Pink
Doomtree No Kings
Dozer Through the Eyes of Heathens
Dream On Dreamer What If I Told You It Doesn't Get Better
Drewsif Stalin's Musical Endeavors Anhedonia
Earshot Letting Go
Eisley The Valley
Eisley I'm Only Dreaming
Electric Callboy Rehab
Electric Wizard Dopethrone
Eluvium Shuffle Drones
Embodyment Hold Your Breath
Emery ...In Shallow Seas We Sail
Enter Shikari Common Dreads
Extol Undeceived
Eyexist Celebrated Chaos
FACT In the Blink of an Eye
Fall Out Boy From Under the Cork Tree
Fear My Thoughts Isolation
My first reaction is to want to hate this album. It's not what I wanted to hear. Even after getting used to the new vocalist, I can say with certainty that he is not my cup of tea. But there is a lot to like in this album as well. I actually enjoy the melodies the vocalist brings into the songs. But with this much potential for an album, the vocalist's gritty 80's sound really is a glaring disappointment.
Feminazgul No Dawn for Men
Finch What It Is to Burn
Finger Eleven Finger Eleven
Fit for a King Dark Skies
Flaw Endangered Species
Fleet Foxes Shore
Flogging Molly Drunken Lullabies
Florence and the Machine High as Hope
Foes (US-OR) American Violence
Forndom Faþir
Freezepop Imaginary Friends
Fucked Up The Chemistry of Common Life
Funeral Leech Death Meditation
Galactic Mechanics The Ominous Quadrant
Galleons (UK) Swans
Gideon Out of Control
Good Charlotte The Chronicles of Life and Death
Grimes Visions
Gustav Holst The Planets, Op. 32
Haken Virus
Harakiri for the Sky Aokigahara
Haujobb Ninetynine
Haujobb Solutions for a Small Planet
Haujobb Homes and Gardens
Haujobb New World March
I'm not really convinced by this album. It feels like an attempt to write enough songs last-minute to put out an album that can stand alongside a couple of decent singles.
Havukruunu Uinuos Syömein Sota
He Is Legend Suck Out the Poison
Heaven Shall Burn Of Truth and Sacrifice
Hilary Duff Dignity
Hopesfall Arbiter
Hot Snakes Jericho Sirens
Iggy Azalea The New Classic
Igorrr Spirituality and Distortion
Imperium Dekadenz Dis Manibvs
Solid album. Enjoyable black metal. Forgettable.
In Flames Clayman
In Flames I, the Mask
In This Moment Blood
Incubus (USA-CA) S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Inter Arma Garbers Days Revisited
Jawbox For Your Own Special Sweetheart
Jeff Rosenstock We Cool?
Jessie Ware What's Your Pleasure?
Jim Sullivan U.F.O.
Keleketla! Keleketla!
Khemmis Absolution
Kidcrash Jokes
Kimbra The Golden Echo
Korn Life Is Peachy
Korn Korn
Kvelertak Kvelertak
Lambchop TRIP
Lashing Out The Corner $hop
Laura Veirs My Echo
Like Bridges We Burn Periscope Eyes
Limp Bizkit Significant Other
Limp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water
Lingua Ignota Caligula
Liv Kristine Enter My Religion
Makari Alternate EP
Makari Ghost Stories
Marked As An Enemy Fire Find Me
Materia (PL) The Rising
Matthew Robert Cooper Miniatures
Metallica Metallica
Mitochondrial Sun Sju Pulsarer
Muse Black Holes & Revelations
My Bloody Valentine m b v
My Chemical Romance Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
Maybe they were planning a tour with Good Charlotte. Anyway, I actually like this album more than Black Parade. It probably shows less talent and is less note-worthy, but it's more enjoyable.
My Morning Jacket The Waterfall II
My Ruin A Prayer Under Pressure of Violent Anguish
Myrkur Folkesange
Should have renamed the band. This is just too different.
Nadja When I See The Sun Always Shines on TV
Nero di Marte Immoto
Night Flowers Fortune Teller
Nine Inch Nails The Slip
Nine Inch Nails With Teeth
Nirvana 2002 Disembodied Spirits
No Doubt Return of Saturn
No Doubt Tragic Kingdom
Nuvolascura As We Suffer From Memory and Imagination
Oblisk Weather Patterns
Oceans Beneath Us Decimation of Humanity
Oumou Sangare Mogoya
Our Lives In Cinema The Separation
Our Lives In Cinema Our Lives In Cinema
Our Lives In Cinema All Talk
Paradise Lost Obsidian
Parannoul After the Magic
Peach Pit You and Your Friends
Perfume Genius No Shape
Person L The Positives
Poppy A Very Poppy Christmas
Powerman 5000 Transform
Powerman 5000 Anyone For Doomsday?
Primo Nothing Hides Under the Sun
Prison of Mirrors (ITA) De Ritualibus et Sacrificiis ad Serviendum Abysso
Prolapse Pointless Walks To Dismal Places
Protest the Hero Palimpsest
Protomartyr Ultimate Success Today
Rain Check Things Change
Raven Black 13
Reasoning Reflections Samsara
Resistance (ES) Checkmate
Royal Tusk Tusk II
Sanguisugabogg Pornographic Seizures
Savage Garden Affirmation
Savage Garden Savage Garden
Seven Nautical Miles Every Ocean Reversed
Sevendust Home
Shadow Limb Burn Scar
Shores of Null Beyond the Shores (On Death and Dying)
Sigh Hangman's Hymn
Signs Of The Swarm Vital Deprivation
Sin Fang, Soley and Orvar Smarason Team Dreams
Sky Ferreira Night Time, My Time
Slayyyter Slayyyter
Sleep For Sleepers Discovery
Sleigh Bells Texis
Sneaker Pimps Splinter
Soley We Sink
Sparta Trust the River
Spieglass Mostly Valleys
Spieglass Genera
Spieglass None Shall Gather
Spoken A Moment of Imperfect Clarity
Spurv Myra
Stabbing Westward Ungod
Still_bloom Melancholia
Suicide Silence Become The Hunter
Switchfoot Legend of Chin
System of a Down Hypnotize
Teen Idle Insomniac Dreams
Teenage Wrist Chrome Neon Jesus
Teenage Wrist Earth Is A Black Hole
Teenanger Good Time
Teitanblood The Baneful Choir
Testament Titans of Creation
The Amity Affliction Everyone Loves You... Once You Leave Them
The Ataris So Long, Astoria
The Audition Self-Titled Album
The Black Dahlia Murder Verminous
The Blood Brothers ...Burn, Piano Island, Burn
The Blood Brothers Crimes
The Chariot Everything Is Alive, Everything Is...
The Chariot Wars and Rumors of Wars
The Damned Machine Gun Etiquette
The Devil Wears Prada Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord
The Ghost Inside The Ghost Inside
The Jim Yoshii Pile-Up It's Winter Here
The Motion Mosaic Avant-Garbage
The Western Den A Light Left On
The White Birch The Weight of Spring
The Wonder Years Sister Cities
The World Is Quiet Here Zon
Thrice Vheissu
Thursday Waiting
Thursday Common Existence
Tides of Man Every Nothing
Tkay Maidza Last Year Was Weird, Vol. 2
Toothgrinder Nocturnal Masquerade
Turnover Altogether
Ulver Scary Muzak
Varials In Darkness
Vattnet Settler
Viagra Boys Street Worms
Warforged I: Voice
Warp Chamber Implements of Excruciation
We Struck Gold To Conquer A Fear
Wesley Willis Greatest Hits Vol. 2
Winds of Plague Blood of My Enemy
Strong effort, solid songs. Hooks are hooky. Only criticism is sometimes the vocalist doesn't seem credible. His energy doesn't match his lyrics.
Winterfylleth The Reckoning Dawn
Winters Howl Instinctive
Xibalba Años En Infierno
Yaeji What We Drew
Yeule Glitch Princess
YUC'e Future Cαke
Zella Day Kicker
Zheani The Line
Zheani Satanic Prostitute
Zoe Bayani You Don't Want Help

3.0 good
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Worlds Apart
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Tao of the Dead
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead IX
36 Crazyfists Rest Inside the Flames
36 Crazyfists The Tide and Its Takers
Across Five Aprils Living in the Moment
Aesma Daeva Dawn of the New Athens
Afterbirth Four Dimensional Flesh
Alice in Videoland Maiden Voyage
american poetry club glad to be here, etcetera
Apeiro Nexus
Armand Hammer Shrines
strong raps against chill beats, a little jarring for me
Ashnikko Demidevil
Atrocity Okkult III
August Burns Red Guardians
AVIIRA Avalanche
Backstreet Boys This Is Us
Backstreet Boys DNA
Banks III
Be Your Own Pet Be Your Own Pet
Bearings (CAN) Hello, It's You
Behemoth A Forest
Beirut No No No
The album title says it all:
Can I have some solid catchy songs?
How about some interesting harmonies?
Well I'm sure it still has an awesome mariachi feel to it, right?
No. You can have some predictable vocals and a bit of trumpet. Quit begging. Fine. Here, have some
Bendik Det går bra
Black Curse Endless Wound
Blindside Blindside
blink-182 Neighborhoods
Blouse Imperium
Blut Aus Nord Hallucinogen
Braids Deep In The Iris
Brand New Daisy
BUCK-TICK Kurutta Taiyou
Bush Razorblade Suitcase
Car Bomb Mordial
Car Seat Headrest Making a Door Less Open
Carissa's Wierd Songs About Leaving
Caroline Polachek Pang
Charli XCX Sucker
Chemical Vocation Write This Moment
Chemical Vocation A Misfit In Progress
Chiodos All's Well That Ends Well
Chris Black Investigator
Cold The Things We Can't Stop
Consumer Death Proposal Don't Touch That Dial Now...
Converge Jane Doe
Cult Leader Lightless Walk
Cyclefly Crave
Daft Punk Discovery
Deana Carter Did I Shave My Legs for This?
Delacey Black Coffee
Denzel Curry and Kenny Beats Unlocked
Destroyer Kaputt
Die Antwoord House of Zef
It wasn't too bad. Wish Ninja wouldn't brag about his song spitting quality during the worst vocal rhythm he's ever produced.
Dir En Grey Uroboros
Douaumont Chironex Fleckeri
Dropout Kings GlitchGang
Einsturzende Neubauten Haus Der Lüge
Elyne Art of Being Human
Elysian Fields Transience of Life
Emery The Question
Emmure The Complete Guide To Needlework
Enter Shikari A Flash Flood of Colour
Equaleft We Defy
Vocal production quality seems low, but it could just be stylistic choice. The portions that include thrash-style guitar are very off-putting. Doesn't jive well, for me, with the progressive death metal sound. Having said that, it's a pretty good album otherwise.
Escape The Madness Drown My Faith
Feed Me Jack Anatolia
Fightstar Grand Unification
Fiona Apple Extraordinary Machine
Fiona Apple The Idler Wheel...
Fiona Apple Fetch the Bolt Cutters
Flyleaf Memento Mori
Compared to their previous release, this one seems forced. The vocals and instrumentals seem mismatched.
Further Seems Forever The Moon Is Down
Further Seems Forever How to Start a Fire
Gamma Sector Sanctum of Vivisection
Gavin Crump Vivification
Getatchew Mekurya, The Ex and Guests Moa Anbessa
Gift Giver White Devil
Goodie Mob Survival Kit
Haujobb Matrix
Hawthorne Heights The Silence in Black and White
Heartless (CA) II
Hockey Dad Brain Candy
Honey Harper Starmaker
I See Stars Digital Renegade
Iggy Azalea In My Defense
In This Moment Ritual
Incubus (USA-CA) A Crow Left of the Murder...
Into It. Over It. Figure
Jared Dines Shred Feast
Johanna Warren Chaotic Good
Julien Baker Little Oblivions
I figured that by the time I got to the end of this I would just be done listening but I actually ended up coming to the realization that I had the album on repeat and life is fundamentally meaningless
Justin Bieber Changes
Katy Perry Witness
Kendrick Lamar DAMN.
Kendrick Lamar To Pimp a Butterfly
King of Swords The Wolf You Feed
La Sera Sees The Light
This album has a perfect sound, but it is lacking in feature songs. It just seems a bit repetitive... or lazy.
Lady Sovereign Public Warning
Lana Del Rey Lust For Life
Letting Up Despite Great Faults Paper Crush
Limp Bizkit Three Dollar Bill Y'all
Limp Bizkit Still Sucks
Lindstrom and Prins Thomas III
Generic electronic that you might hear on the edgier weather channels.
Long Fin Killie Valentino
Lorde Melodrama
Lorna Shore Immortal
Lunatic Soul Through Shaded Woods
Mac Miller Circles
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster III
Mc Tha Rito de Passá
Mercyful Fate Melissa
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Metallica Master Of Puppets
Metallica Load
Metallica Reload
Metallica Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
mewithoutYou It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All A Dream! It's Alright!
mewithoutYou Ten Stories
Monolord Rust
Moon Tooth Crux
Muse The Resistance
Muse Origin of Symmetry
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade
My Ruin Ghosts and Good Stories
Nadine Shah Kitchen Sink
Relies too heavily on recycled loops to stay interesting.
Neko Case Fox Confessor Brings The Flood
Neptunian Maximalism Eons
Neutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
It's got that one good song on it. Kinda boring.
Never Prey Gnozis
New Years Day Unbreakable
Nightwish HVMAN. :||: NATVRE.
Nine Inch Nails Bad Witch
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine
Noija Colorblind
Orgy Punk Statik Paranoia
Orgy Talk Sick
Otep House of Secrets
Peaches Impeach My Bush
Pearl Jam Gigaton
Perfume Genius Set My Heart On Fire Immediately
Pole 1
Powerman 5000 Builders of the Future
Powerman 5000 Copies, Clones and Replicants
Powerman 5000 Somewhere On The Other Side Of Nowhere
Prophets of Rage Prophets of Rage
Psycroptic The Scepter of the Ancients
Rings of Saturn Gidim
Sallow Moth The Larval Hope
Senses Fail Let It Enfold You
Sex Pistols Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols
Shiny Toy Guns Season of Poison
Sierra Swan Ladyland
Slipknot All Hope Is Gone
If successful enough to stick around a while, there will eventually come a point in almost any band's career where the band begins grasping at straws to remain relevant. But grasping at straws while you're drowning isn't going to do a hell of a lot.
Sortout Conquer From Within
Spangle call Lilli line PURPLE
SUMAC May You Be Held
Surfaces Where the Light Is
Switchfoot New Way to Be Human
Taylor Swift Reputation
Teksuo Endless
Terror Total Retaliation
The Album Leaf In A Safe Place
Only reason this doesn't get a 2 is because "Over The Pond" is actually a pretty good song.
The Appleseed Cast The End of the Ring Wars
The Azimuth Beholder
The Beatles Yellow Submarine
The Dear Hunter Act I: The Lake South, the River North
The Microphones Microphones in 2020
The Mountain Goats Goths
Much overrated. Profusely pretentious. The first song I actually enjoy quite a bit with its atmosphere and mood,
then it goes into some sort of hipster coffee shop recycled cookie cutter bullcrap. It exudes an unearned air of
confidence whilst spitting intentional rhymes of the same repeated word. Name-drops of hipster locales, self-
professed ideology and style, and modest bragging are just a few of its facades of superiority. I'm not falling for
it. Adding jazz and rhythm-defying lyrics for a stroke to the ego is bad. As Linkin Park once said, "got a DJ in
your group just for credibility." This is that same shit on a different day. Don't get me wrong, though. In the face
of the music's glaring character, this album is good. It's just not that good. This album is good. It's just not that
good. This album is good. It's just not that good.
The New Reign For the Blackest of Hearts
The Oblyvion Amygdala
The Raconteurs Help Us Stranger
The Sounds Living in America
The Veer Divide The Blackened Sky
Thirty Seconds to Mars This Is War
Tides of Man Dreamhouse
Tori Amos Native Invader
Trivium What the Dead Men Say
Veninspectre Caving In
Waxahatchee Saint Cloud
We Struck Gold All Life Is Divine
WhatDrivesTheWeak Lightbringer
xSPONGEXCOREx How Tough Are Yah?
Year of the Knife Ultimate Aggression
Zia (US) Big Bang!

2.5 average
A Lapse of Ethos The Cannibal Spirit
A Static Lullaby Faso Latido
A Thorn For Every Heart It's Hard to Move You
All That Remains The Order Of Things
Where was I when these fuckers turned into Theory Of A Deadman? In all honesty, this album isn't as bad as everyone claims. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's good... But if you're a hick nu-metal fan, this album might actually appeal to you.
AlunaGeorge Body Music
Backstreet Boys Never Gone
Backstreet Boys In a World Like This
Band of Skulls Baby Darling Doll Face Honey
Bilmuri Muri and Friends
Blaqk Audio Beneath the Black Palms (Side A)
blink-182 Dude Ranch
Caitlyn Smith Everything to You
Camila Cabello Romance
Can Tago Mago
Charli XCX How I'm Feeling Now
Chevelle This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
Cold Year Of The Spider
Days N Daze Show Me The Blueprints.
Deathstars Termination Bliss
It's hard to take this band seriously. They try so hard to sound dark and scary, but it really comes across as cheesy. The songs themselves always end up worse than expected at the beginning. Nothing good to say, but it's not the worst thing I've ever heard.
Distorted Visions Born Dead
Embodyment Embrace the Eternal
Far Water & Solutions
Fightstar Be Human
Finger Eleven Them vs. You vs. Me
From Autumn to Ashes Too Bad You're Beautiful
Good Charlotte Good Charlotte
Good Charlotte The Young And The Hopeless
Goodbye To Sleep The Pain In Parting
Terrible production quality, but solid songs throughout. Vocals could use some work in areas but are successful in the softer execution.
Greyhaven Cult America
Hanson String Theory
Hanson Middle of Nowhere
InTechnicolour Big Sleeper
The vocal mixing/recording is so glaringly terrible that it ruins the album. Imagine visiting a museum to find someone has spray-painted dicks on all the paintings. Admiring the creation can only go so far before all you can see is a big dick staring back at you.
J Balvin Colores
Jason Isbell Reunions
Jonny Craig Find Your Home
KEN mode Loved
Killer Be Killed Reluctant Hero
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Infest the Rats' Nest
Kingsmen Revenge. Forgiveness. Recovery.
Lamp of Murmuur The Burning Spears Of Crimson Agony
Lianne La Havas Lianne La Havas
Liturgy Origin of the Alimonies
Marty Ray Project Mixed Emotions
Metallica ...And Justice For All
Metallica Death Magnetic
Miley Cyrus She Is Coming
Mina Alali Something About Her
Not terrible, but lacking any hook. The songs are predictable, the instrument and electronic choices are dated as well as cheesy. Wasn't worth the time to listen.
My Ruin Throat Full of Heart
My Ruin The Sacred Mood
My Ruin Speak and Destroy
My Ruin Horror of Beauty
Nadine Shah Fast Food
God dammit, why did this album have to suck? I was looking forward to this for quite some time... But all the songs sound the same, and each individual song sounds the same the whole way through. It's like acoustic drone music. And it doesn't work. No substance at all.
Neil Young Homegrown
Powerman 5000 Mega!! Kung Fu Radio
Powerman 5000 True Force
Pretty Maids Future World
REOL Kinjitou
Rob Thomas The Great Unknown
Sanity Slip Submerged in Pain
Sematary Rainbow Bridge
Serpent Column Endless Detainment
Shadow Witch Under The Shadow Of A Witch
Sleep Token Sundowning
Social Siberia The Master of None
Social Siberia Waterworks
Spanish Love Songs Brave Faces Everyone
Suicide Silence Suicide Silence
Swans To Be Kind
I love this style of music. I love their choice of instruments. But their melodies, their vocals... everything important is not enjoyable at all. I hate to downrate an album so revered, but what good are my votes if not honest?
Tahlhoff Garten This Title Is Self-Referential
Decent-sounding ambient noise. It might be useful for some time or place, like sleep or meditative trance.
Terror Universal Make Them Bleed
The Album Leaf Into The Blue Again
The Album Leaf One Day I'll Be On Time
Someone should have kept this guy away from a computer at the very beginning so he didn't destroy all his music.
The End of an Age Recurrence
The Weeknd After Hours
Thirty Seconds to Mars Love Lust Faith + Dreams
The fuck is this? They're coming full circle in terms in electronic enhancements being the forefront of their music.
But in this instance it's the sell-out dance club bullshit instead of the space-tech genius that began their music
career. I can tell the band has completely given up on their attempt to create groundbreaking masterpieces.
Now they're just trying to get on the radio, sell more albums, and appeal to a larger audience while alienating
their old fans. The only thing that has stayed the same is their attempt to make 13-year-old girls keep creaming
their pants. Where the hell did my astronaut musicians go? I'd settle for pirates or vikings at this point if it gets
me a serious attempt at an album.
Thousand Below Gone in Your Wake
Uffie Sex Dreams and Denim Jeans
Vanessa Hudgens Identified
Veninspectre Enter, Serenity
We Struck Gold Opportunities Are Endless
White Gangster Fly
Xurl Deity
Young Jesus Welcome to Conceptual Beach

2.0 poor
Agency Resist
Anni Rossi Rockwell
This reeks of pretentiousness and coffee-shop hipster poetry, but worse than that, it lacks any structure. This album has an odd and unfortunate lack of choruses for pop indie. The avante-garde attitude and overwhelming amount of experimentation does not work for Anni Rossi.
Anni Rossi House of Rossi (Mixtape)
Birthright Daydream
Bladee Exeter
Braids Shadow Offering
I can't believe this album happened like this. Why is Braids trying to sound like Ani Defranco?
Bring Me The Horizon Suicide Season Cut Up!
Quite a pointless album. Hopefully it doesn't cost extra for the deluxe version of Suicide Season which includes this.
Caitlyn Smith Learning To Be
Celine Dion D'eux
Clown Core Toilet
Cold A Different Kind of Pain
Cold Superfiction
Defeated Sanity The Sanguinary Impetus
Quite a tedious listen. Never could get into this.
Dir En Grey Withering to Death
Fall Out Boy M A N I A
Future DS2
Godcaster Long Haired Locusts
Halestorm Into the Wild Life
In This Moment Mother
Three shitty covers and two pointless interludes. With the exception of two or three decent songs,
most of the album is just boring.

The lyrics don't really make sense in a bunch of the songs. In the song Legacy, Maria talks about
setting someone free who might never return, who she is also a part of, who is already free
apparently. I can't tell if she's mixing metaphors, or if she just didn't think it through.

"If I set you free, will you promise me I will see you again?
I will walk with you till both of our feet bleed
Cause we are one, we run free
I am you and you are me"

I hope someone is working on a review for this, though. I'd like to see some more opinions.
Incubus (USA-CA) 8
Janelle Monae Dirty Computer
Leaves' Eyes The Last Viking
Lil Nas X 7
Ling Tosite Sigure Inspiration Is Dead
Metallica St. Anger
Metallica Kill 'Em All
My Ruin The Brutal Language
Omerta Hyperviolence
Powerman 5000 The Noble Rot
Primus Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Puddle of Mudd Welcome to Galvania
Roddy Ricch Please Excuse Me For Being Antisocial
Sematary Rainbow Bridge 2
Sepultura Chaos A.D.
Sweven (SWE) The Eternal Resonance
It's that local cover band everyone loved that decided to write something original. I can almost hear the arguments in the garage during the songwriting process.
The Album Leaf A Chorus Of Storytellers
The glitchy portions of the album literally hurt my ears, and the rest of the album has poor instrument choice. There is decent melody, but that's not difficult with this style of music.
The Album Leaf Seal Beach
The Album Leaf An Orchestrated Rise To Fall
Hey, I have an idea. Let me throw together some beautiful sounds, give it no momentum, then throw in some glitchy terrible electronic sounds to make the beautiful sound less beautiful. Ah yes, my masterpiece is complete.
The Clash London Calling
The Devil Wears Prada The Act
I actually love this style of music, but I hate this album. Sounds awful. The songs suck.
The Sounds The Things We Do For Love
Thirty Seconds to Mars America
Toby Driver and Nick Hudson Black Feather Under Your Tongue
Toby doesn't need help writing music. And he certainly doesn't need a vocalist mimicking a
pelican swallowing a bullfrog.
Trapt Shadow Work
I've heard worse.
U.S. Girls In A Poem Unlimited
volcano! Beautiful Seizure
This is what you're left with when you take out all the good parts of The Sound Of Animals Fighting.
Walls of Jericho With Devils Amongst Us All
We Are Chapters One Last Goodbye
Young Thug JEFFERY
Yung Skrrt Dumbass Genius

1.5 very poor
Bring Me The Horizon Music to Listen to...
Dalex Modo Avión
Vox autotuned beyond recognition, beats less substantial than white bread. The beats sound like they would normally be used for a salsa dance track, but they're placed in such a way that it's not engaging, and it's just a bit too slow to dance to. So this is like... Chill Salsa. When Dalex slows it down even further into a ballad in track 6, it feels more like a showcase for the vocals. Which, again, are autotuned. There's nothing here beyond a sweet album cover.
Flames of Hell Fire and Steel
Flames of Hell quickly grew to fame in the late 1980's, known as the first band with an actual raven performing the vocals live. Their audience was varied, ranging from families to the metal community. They had some international success, and performed at circuses and casinos in Vegas. When the bird died in '88, the band disappeared from the lime light. And since no one liked the actual music (the lyrics were very repetitive), the band couldn't sell any cassettes or book any gigs. In 2007 the band saw a glimmer of resurgence in their popularity when a live video with Richard The Raven performing was posted on YouTube. The band tried to book a tour, hired a new drummer, but the tour was canceled with ticket sales not reaching what they had hoped for.
Kars Landman Clouds
Kazumoto Endo While You Were Out
Kelsea Ballerini kelsea
successful country created with trite lyrics and formulaic melodies. some of the lyrics don't make sense, especially when they're reaching for a rhyme. this is pretty common practice for this genre, but still disappointing. i can see this album going over pretty well for its targeted demographic, due to its catchy hooks and catered subject matter. overall, it's not impressive, but also i dislike it on a personal level.
Kevin Federline Playing with Fire
King Witch Body of Light
Lewis Capaldi Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent
Hate his pronunciations. His vocal volume to instrumental volume is extremely jarring, to the extent that it physically bothers me. Songs lack anything really memorable. Dislike this album. The only thing keeping it from a 1 is the fact that it's too forgettable to hate it more.
Mamaleek Come and See
i think mamaleek is the epitome of cult black metal, being the most abrasive possible listen that
can still display talent and song structure. maybe it isn't meant to be enjoyable, and maybe i'm
missing the point here. in any case, yuck.
Smoulder Dream Quest Ends
Sonny Sharrock Black Woman
Stiff Little Fingers Inflammable Material
Today Is the Day No Good To Anyone
Uncle Bonsai Plain Brown Wrapper
Walls of Jericho No One Can Save You From Yourself
weakest breakdown i've ever heard toward the end of forever militant. album is a snooze fest. no creativity, bad vocals, bad overall sound.
Young Rockstar Moves and Movies

1.0 awful
Atreyu Visions
Drain Age and Marion East End Sessions
Florida Georgia Line Can't Say I Ain't Country
Unleashing My Demons Tran​(ce​)​scen(e​)dance
Various Artists Songs in the Key of Z
Various Artists (Metal) Thriller - A Tribute Metal To Michael Jackson
Sounds like ZZ Top doing covers of Randy Newman songs, except using a Yak Bak to record. Apart from the really terrible covers littering the album, they also somehow managed to get Alien Ant Farm to rerecord their classic cover of "Smooth Criminal," and then proceeded to brutally ruin the song via production quality.

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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