Average Rating: 3.31 Rating Variance: 1.19 Objectivity Score: 86% (Well Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicCaptain Beefheart and His Magic Band Trout Mask ReplicaCaptain Beefheart and His Magic Band Safe As MilkCaptain Beefheart and His Magic Band Lick My Decals Off, BabyCynic FocusDream Theater AwakeFaith No More Angel DustFaith No More The Real ThingFrank Zappa Hot RatsFrank Zappa Lumpy Gravy PrimordialKing Crimson In the Court of the Crimson KingMr. Bungle Mr. BungleMudvayne L.D. 50Mudvayne The End of All Things to ComeThe Mothers of Invention We're Only in It for the MoneyThe Mothers of Invention Freak Out!The Mothers of Invention Absolutely FreeThe Mothers of Invention Cruising with Ruben & the JetsVoivod Nothingface4.5 superbAtheist ElementsAtheist Unquestionable PresenceGoblin SuspiriaGoblin Zombi (Dawn of the Dead)Goblin Profondo RossoPestilence Spheres4.0 excellentAxe Murder Boyz Blood In, Blood OutAxe Murder Boyz Body in a HoleBasehead Play with ToysBasehead Not in Kansas AnymoreBig Hoodoo Crystal SkullBody Count Body CountBody Count Born DeadBody Count Violent Demise: The Last DaysBoondox The HarvestBoondox South of HellBoondox AbaddonCage (USA-NY) Movies for the BlindCage (USA-NY) Depart From MeCapaRezza Verità supposteCapaRezza Le dimensioni del mio caosCapaRezza MuseicaCold 187um The Only SolutionDeftones White PonyDeftones AdrenalineDeftones Around the FurDeftones Diamond EyesDeftones Koi No YokanDream Theater Images And WordsEminem The Slim Shady LPFear Factory DigimortalFlatlinerz U.S.A.Frank Zappa Lumpy GravyFrank Zappa Chunga's RevengeFrank Zappa Thing-FishHouse of Krazees HomeboundHouse of Krazees Home Sweet HomeHouse of Krazees Season of the PumpkinIce Cube The PredatorIce Cube Death CertificateIce Cube AmeriKKKa's Most WantedInsane Clown Posse The Great MilenkoInsane Clown Posse Riddle BoxInsane Clown Posse The Amazing Jeckel BrothersJudas Priest Redeemer Of SoulsMachine Head The BlackeningMaximum the Hormone Bu-ikikaesuMudvayne Lost and FoundMudvayne The New GameMudvayne MudvaynePowerman 5000 Tonight the Stars RevoltPuya FundamentalPuya UnionRob Zombie Hellbilly DeluxeSlayer Seasons in the AbyssSlayer Reign in BloodSlayer Hell AwaitsSlayer South of HeavenSlayer Diabolus in MusicaSoulfly SoulflySuicidal Tendencies Suicidal TendenciesThe Killjoy Club Reindeer GamesThe Mothers of Invention Burnt Weeny SandwichThe Mothers of Invention One Size Fits AllWeen Chocolate and CheeseWeen The MolluskWeen 12 Golden Country GreatsWhite Zombie La Sexorcisto-Devil Music Vol. 1Winger WingerWinger Better Days Comin'3.5 greatBeck OdelayBody Count Murder 4 HireBody Count ManslaughterBoondox Krimson CreekCapaRezza Il sogno ereticoCaptain Beefheart and His Magic Band Strictly PersonalCaptain Beefheart and His Magic Band Mirror ManCasualties of Cool Casualties of CoolDarwin's Waiting Room OrphanDead Kennedys Fresh Fruit For Rotting VegetablesDeath Individual Thought PatternsDevin Townsend Ziltoid the OmniscientDevin Townsend Project Z2Dream Theater When Dream And Day UniteEverlast Love, War and the Ghost of Whitey FordHouse of Krazees OutbreedInsane Clown Posse The Wraith: Shangri-LaInsane Clown Posse RingmasterInsane Clown Posse BizaarInsane Clown Posse The Wraith: Hell's PitInsane Clown Posse Bizzar Insane Clown Posse Bang! Pow! Boom!Insane Clown Posse The Mighty Death Pop!Insane Clown Posse Smothered, Covered & ChunkedMachine Head The Burning RedMachine Head SuperchargerMotograter MotograterMr. Bungle Disco VolanteMr. Bungle CaliforniaMudvayne In the Chamber... String Quartet TributeMudvayne By the People, For the PeopleNoMeansNo OnePeriphery ClearPink Floyd The Piper At The Gates Of DawnPowerman 5000 Anyone For Doomsday?Powerman 5000 Builders of the FuturePrimus Tales from the PunchbowlPrimus Frizzle FryPrimus Sailing the Seas of CheesePrimus Pork SodaPrimus Green NaugahydePrimus Primus and The Chocolate Factory With The Fungi EnsembleProject Born Born DeadPuya AreytoSepultura RootsSepultura AgainstSlayer God Hates Us AllSoulfly 3Soulfly PrimitiveSystem of a Down System of a DownSystem of a Down Steal This Album!System of a Down ToxicitySystem of a Down MezmerizeSystem of a Down HypnotizeThe Dayton Family Charges of IndictmentThe Mothers of Invention Over-Nite SensationThe Mothers of Invention Weasels Ripped My FleshThe Mothers of Invention Uncle MeatWeen GodWeenSatan: The OnenessWinger IV3.0 goodAnkla Steep TrailsAxe Murder Boyz Gods HandFrank Zappa Francesco ZappaHouse of Krazees Head TraumaHouse of Krazees The Night They Kame HomeInsane Clown Posse Carnival of CarnageInsane Clown Posse The TempestInsane Clown Posse Mike E. Clark's Extra Pop EmporiumMudvayne Kill I OughtaSerj Tankian Elect the DeadSerj Tankian Jazz-Iz-ChristSoulfly ProphecyWeen White PepperWeen La Cucaracha2.5 averageEsham The Butcher ShopLinkin Park Hybrid TheoryLinkin Park The Hunting Party2.0 poorBeck Morning PhaseEsham RepentanceEsham Acid RainEsham TonguesEsham Hellaween: Pure HorrorPink Floyd AnimalsSikTh Death of a Dead DaySoopa Villainz Furious1.5 very poorEsham KKKill the FetusEsham Boomin' Words from HellEsham Closed CasketEsham Judgement Day, Vol. 1: DayEsham A-1 YolaEsham Judgement Day, Vol. 2: NightEsham Dead FlowerzEsham Bruce Wayne: Gothom City 1987Esham HellterskkkellterEsham Martyr SityEsham Sacrificial LambzEsham Judgement DayEsham Suspended AnimationEsham Homey Don't PlayEsham Bootleg: From the Lost VaultEsham DMT SessionsEsham Death of an Indie LabelEsham Esham for MayorMachine Head Unto The LocustNatas Life After DeathNatas Blaz4meNatas DoubelievengodNatas Multikillionaire: The Devil's ContractNatas WicketWorldWide.COMNatas GodlikeNatas N of tha WorldPink Floyd The Endless RiverRoger Waters The Pros and Cons of Hitch HikingSerj Tankian HarakiriSoopa Villainz It Ain't Safe No MoreYes Heaven and Earth1.0 awfulEsham Mail DominanceEsham Judgement Day, Vol. 3Esham Judgement Day, Vol. 4Esham Erotic PoetryEsham I Ain't Cha HomeyEsham Secret Society CircusEsham Holy Black MambaEsham Esham The Puppetmaster Presents Chupacabra: Addict
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z