Average Rating: 3.87 Rating Variance: 0.38 Objectivity Score: 60% (Somewhat Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicElder (USA-MA) LoreInter Arma Paradise GallowsMastodon Crack the SkyeThe Ruins of Beverast Rain Upon the ImpureUlcerate Stare Into Death and Be StillVektor Terminal Redux4.5 superbAlcest KodamaAlcest Spiritual InstinctBehemoth The SatanistCult of Luna A Dawn to FearDeafheaven SunbatherDeath Angel The Ultra-ViolenceEarthless From the AgesEarthless Sonic PrayerElder (USA-MA) Dead Roots StirringElder (USA-MA) Reflections of a Floating WorldHorrendous AnaretaInter Arma Sulphur EnglishKhemmis HuntedMastodon LeviathanNe Obliviscaris CitadelNe Obliviscaris Portal of IPallbearer HeartlessPrimitive Man CausticSleep The SciencesSleep Sleep's Holy MountainSleep DopesmokerSpectral Wound A Diabolic ThirstThe Ruins of Beverast ExuviaTool Fear InoculumUlcerate Shrines of ParalysisUlcerate Everything Is FireWormrot AbuseWormrot HissYOB Our Raw HeartYOB The Great CessationYOB The Unreal Never LivedYOB The Illusion Of MotionYOB Catharsis4.0 excellentAlcest Écailles De LuneBehemoth DemigodBehemoth EvangelionBlack Crown Initiate The Wreckage of StarsBurial Invocation AbiogenesisCannibal Corpse Red Before BlackChild (AUS) ChildChild (AUS) BluesideClutch Psychic WarfareClutch Earth RockerClutch Blast TyrantCognizant CognizantCretin StrangerCrobot Something SupernaturalCryptopsy None So VileDeafheaven New BermudaDeath Angel The Evil DivideDeath Angel The Dream Calls for BloodDepravity (AUS) Evil UpheavalEarthless Rhythms from a Cosmic SkyElder (USA-MA) Spires Burn/ReleaseFuck the Facts Desire Will RotFull of Hell Trumpeting EcstasyGaerea Unsettling WhispersGalactic Empire Galactic EmpireGatecreeper Sonoran DepravationGatecreeper GatecreeperGraves at Sea The Curse That IsGraveyard (SWE) PeaceHeads For The Dead Serpent's CurseHeathen The Evolution of ChaosHissing Permanent DestitutionHorrendous EcdysisInfernal Coil Within a World ForgottenInter Arma Sky BurialIron Maiden SenjutsuKadavar (DE) BerlinKhemmis AbsolutionLunar Chamber Shambhallic VibrationsMagrudergrind IIMagrudergrind MagrudergrindMarijannah Till MarijannahMaruta Remain DystopianMastodon RemissionMastodon Blood MountainMastodon Cold Dark PlaceMegadeth EndgameMegadeth Rust In PeaceMindkult Lucifer's DreamMondo Drag The Occultation Of LightNigredo Flesh Torn - Spirit PiercedNothing The Great DismalOf Feather and Bone Bestial Hymns of PerversionOur Place of Worship is Silence With Inexorable SufferingPallbearer Sorrow And ExtinctionPallbearer Foundations of BurdenPrimitive Man ScornRazor Live! Osaka SaikouScorched (USA-DE) Ecliptic ButcheryShaidar Logoth Chapter III: The Void GodSpectral Voice Eroded Corridors of UnbeingSpectral Voice Necrotic DoomThe Age Of Truth ThresholdThe Great Old Ones EOD: A Tale of Dark LegacyThe Ruins of Beverast The Thule GrimoiresTomb Mold Manor of Infinite FormsTriptykon Melana ChasmataTriptykon Eparistera DaimonesUlcerate VermisUlcerate The Destroyers of AllUn SentimentUncle Acid and The Deadbeats Blood LustUndeath It's Time...To Rise From the GraveVanum Ageless FireVermin Womb DeclineWake Thought Form DescentWeedpecker IIIWeedpecker IIWeedpecker WeedpeckerWormrot VoicesWormrot DirgeYOB Clearing The Path To AscendZhrine Unortheta3.5 greatAntigama MeteorAntigama The InsolentAt the Gates At War with RealityBlack Anvil As WasBloodspell Cloaked in Burning NightCeremonial Bloodbath The Tides of BloodCough Still They PrayDeath Angel Relentless RetributionDigir Gidim I Thought There Was The Sun Awaiting My AwakeningElder (USA-MA) ElderElder (USA-MA) Live at Roadburn 2013Exhumed Death RevengeExtremity Coffin BirthFallujah The Flesh PrevailsFistula Longing for InfectionGadget The Great DestroyerGenocide Pact Forged Through DominationGentleman's Pistols At Her Majesty's PleasureGentleman's Pistols Hustler's RowGruesome Savage LandLords of Beacon House Lords of Beacon HouseNe Obliviscaris UrnNorylsk Catholic DictatorshipOf Feather and Bone Embrace The Wretched FleshOur Place of Worship is Silence The Embodiment of HateRivers of Nihil MonarchySeven Sisters Of Sleep Ezekiel's HagsTeethgrinder MisanthropyTrenchRot Necronomic WarfareUndeath Lesions of a Different KindVermin Womb Permanence3.0 goodBehemoth I Loved You at Your DarkestCattle Decapitation The Anthropocene ExtinctionEcstatic Vision Sonic PraiseGadget The Funeral MarchGorephilia Severed MonolithHayaino Daisuki The Invincible Gate Mind of the Infernal Fire HellInnumerable Forms Punishment in FleshIron Maiden The Book Of SoulsMegadeth United AbominationsNapalm Death Apex Predator - Easy MeatUncle Acid and The Deadbeats The Night Creeper2.5 averageBattlecross Rise to PowerBattlecross Pursuit of HonorEvaporated Sores Ulcerous DimensionsHeathen Empire of the BlindSanctuary The Year The Sun DiedThe Sword High Country2.0 poorBattlecross War of WillObituary Inked in Blood1.5 very poorMegadeth Dystopia1.0 awfulMegadeth Super Collider
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z