
Reviews 1
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 160
Album Ratings 2032
Objectivity 96%

Last Active 02-24-21 6:32 pm
Joined 03-18-14

Review Comments 87

Average Rating: 3.00
Rating Variance: 0.70
Objectivity Score: 96%
(Very Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Alter Bridge Blackbird
August Burns Red Constellations
August Burns Red Found in Far Away Places
August Burns Red Constellations (Remixed)
Did the original need it? No. Is it still cool to hear a fresh, modern take from a different
producer? Hell yes. Same album, face-lifted sound, still a classic. rPlus, a reprise of "Ocean of
Apathy" is included, and each reprise version they've done has shown how truly incredible these
guys are at composing and playing their instruments. Even if you aren't interested in hearing the
face-lifted *Constellations*, at least listen to that bonus track (and then check out their
reprisals of "Majoring in the Minors" and "Coordinates" for more mind-blowing experiences in a
similar vein).
Enter Shikari Rat Race
Linkin Park Meteora
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Matt Skiba and the Sekrets Babylon
Matt Skiba and the Sekrets Kuts
Null (USA) Hiraeth
I'm personally not a black metal guy at all. Like by no means. Call me weak, but whatever. Checked this out on the basis of the review that hit the front page, and the tag line of "dance like a hobbit, riff like a warmaster." Hook line and sinker. I'm pretty selective about my folk metal music too (and have barely scratched the surface of what the genre has to offer), but this blew me away. The melodies found here are absolutely excellent, and the musicianship across the board is top notch (for a 1 man band wtf?!). Still not crazy about the black metal vocals, but the instrumental masterpieces to be found here more than make up for that for me. Its so easy to put this on, kick back, and visualize an entire fantastical world and narrative in my head to every. single. track. Early 2021 AOTY contender. This one-man-band has ~700 monthly Spotify listeners at the time of this posting. Do him, and yourself, a favor and spin this, as this performance deserves it.
Periphery Juggernaut: Omega
Periphery Juggernaut: Alpha
Periphery Juggernaut: Alpha / Omega
The Gaslight Anthem The '59 Sound
The New Age Think Too Much; Feel Too Little
The Story So Far What You Don't See
Tremonti All I Was

4.5 superb
Alkaline Trio Good Mourning
Alkaline Trio Is This Thing Cursed?
Alter Bridge Fortress
Alter Bridge AB III
Alter Bridge Live at Wembley
Alter Bridge Live from Amsterdam
August Burns Red Messengers
August Burns Red Messengers (Remixed)
Avenged Sevenfold Nightmare
Avenged Sevenfold Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold City Of Evil
Avenged Sevenfold Waking The Fallen
Avenged Sevenfold Waking The Fallen: Resurrected
Avenged Sevenfold Live In The LBC
Beartooth Disgusting
Between the Buried and Me Coma Ecliptic
Black Veil Brides Wretched and Divine
Blessthefall Hollow Bodies
blink-182 Blink-182
blink-182 Neighborhoods
Blood Youth Beyond Repair
A non-stop thrill ride of tremendous riffs, impressive vocals and crushing breakdowns, *Beyond Repair* slaps like a pissed off love-child between the chaotic hardcore side of Every Time I Die and the metalcore edge of Architects. Additionally, there's more than enough 2000's post-hardcore influence to be found here (see the song-of-the-year contender "Reason to Stay"). This album oozes infectious energy from start to finish and its unwavering consistency makes a strong case for Blood Youth to end up on the year-end best-of lists of any metalhead.
Brand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
Bring Me The Horizon Sempiternal
Bullet For My Valentine Scream Aim Fire
Bullet For My Valentine The Poison
Bullet For My Valentine Scream, Aim, Fire (Deluxe Edition)
Bullet For My Valentine The Poison (Deluxe Edition)
Caligula's Horse Bloom
Caligula's Horse The Tide, the Thief and River's End
Cold Years Paradise
I've been through Cold Years' string of EPs, and while not bad, they are nowhere near as special as what they came up with for this debut album. I'm not sure if its the producer (Neil Kennedy, of Creeper and Boston Manor fame), or if they simply just found another gear and stepped it up, but *Paradise* is absolutely excellent. The folky melodies on a punk backdrop with Springsteen-esque storytelling makes it easy to tote them as The Gaslight Anthem's British little brother. And while not as aggressive as Gaslight's debut *Sink or Swim,* and not nearly as special as *the 59 Sound*, Cold Years seems to be shooting for the spot firmly between the two on *Paradise*. I'm not particularly saying they could fill the void in many a fan left by the now-separated Gaslight Anthem, but they certainly could scratch a very similar itch. And after seeing Gaslight's career trajectory following their debut, I'm very excited for the potential of Cold Years.
Dayshell Dayshell
Dayshell Nexus
Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows D.R.U.G.S.
Enter Shikari The Mindsweep
Enter Shikari A Flash Flood of Colour
Enter Shikari Take to the Skies
Enter Shikari Live From Planet Earth
Enter Shikari Live At Alexandra Palace
Every Time I Die New Junk Aesthetic
Every Time I Die The Big Dirty
Every Time I Die Low Teens
Famous Last Words Two-Faced Charade
Ghost (SWE) Prequelle
Hands Like Houses Unimagine
Hands Like Houses Reimagine
HAWK (USA-PA) Tolerance's Paradox
Hollywood Undead Swan Songs
Hollywood Undead American Tragedy
Hollywood Undead Hollywood Undead EP
Hollywood Undead Undead/No.5
Hundredth Rare
I See Stars New Demons
I the Mighty Connector
Kingdom of Giants Ground Culture
Knocked Loose Upon Loss Singles
letlive. If I'm the Devil...
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns
Linkin Park Underground 9
Linkin Park Underground 7
Linkin Park Road to Revolution
Linkin Park Reanimation
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory (20th Anniversary Edition)
Linkin Park Meteora (20th Anniversary Edition)
Neck Deep Life's Not Out To Get You
New Order Blue Monday
Normandie Inguz (Gold Deluxe)
Northlane Alien
Northlane Alien (Deluxe)
Northlane and In Hearts Wake Equinox
Novelists Noir
Our Last Night Oak Island
Parkway Drive Ire
Parkway Drive shift gears on "Ire," opting for hook-filled anthems rather than the breakdowns and chugs of previous releases, and the result is absolutely massive. There is still the excellent guitar work, bone-chilling screams, and neck-snapping (see what I did there) breakdowns of old, but each song is complete with a new found catchiness tailor-made for arenas that will surely take Parkway Drive to new heights within modern rock and metal.
Parkway Drive Ire (Deluxe Edition)
Polaris The Mortal Coil
TesseracT Polaris
The Devil Wears Prada Zombie
The New Age Placebo
An absolutely tremendous group of musicians, The New Age delivers an excellent release three plus ryears in the making with their debut LP, *Placebo.* Though not as heavy and high-energy as their rmetalcore-based EP, *Think Too Much, Feel Too Little* (which is groundbreaking for the genre; an rabsolute metalcore masterpiece), the album maintains the same genre-shattering creativity and runbridled passion that made their EP so special. Blending beautiful piano with intricate guitar rwork and topped off by the otherworldly vocals of Justin Cotton, *Placebo* confirms The New Age rare not simply a one trick pony nor a one hit wonder. This band deserves to go places, they just rneed more people to take notice. Spin this, its excellent.
The Plot In You Dispose
The Plot In You Vol. 1
The Plot In You Crows - Single
The Story So Far Under Soil and Dirt
Tremonti Dust
Trivium The Sin and the Sentence
Twenty One Pilots Vessel

4.0 excellent
AFI The Missing Man
AFI Crash Love
AFI Sing the Sorrow
AFI Burials
AFI AFI (The Blood Album)
AFI Decemberunderground
AFI All Hallow's E.P.
Alexisonfire Death Letter
Alkaline Trio Remains
Alkaline Trio Hell Yes
Alkaline Trio Agony and Irony
Alkaline Trio Crimson
Alkaline Trio From Here to Infirmary
Alkaline Trio Damnesia
Alkaline Trio Past Live
Alkaline Trio Blood, Hair, and Eyeballs
Alpha Wolf A Quiet Place to Die
Alpha Wolf/Holding Absence The Lost & the Longing
Alter Bridge One Day Remains
Alter Bridge Live at the O2 Arena + Rarities
Alter Bridge Live at the Royal Albert Hall Ft. Parallax Orch.
American Slang Death Drive
Don't be fooled by the retro-pop 1975-lookin' artwork, this is bad to the bone, dirty to the core, nasty as hell, southern-rock inspired hardcore/metalcore. It's somewhere in between the best of Maylene & the Sons of Disaster, and Every Time I Die's southern-fried barstormer The Big Dirty. And its fucking good.
Anberlin Devotion
Anberlin Vital
Angels and Airwaves Love - Part II
Angels and Airwaves The Dream Walker
Angels and Airwaves I-Empire
Angels and Airwaves Love
Angels and Airwaves Lifeforms
Some of the songs here make me wonder what blink-182 would sound like in 2021 if Tom stayed and kept progressing the band following *Neighborhoods*, rather than Mark taking the reigns and resorting to reverting back to the familiar, outdated teenage vibes of the early 00's. *Lifeforms* is a logical step up from *Dream Walker* and the two EPs that followed, and further solidifies Tom as a prolific songwriter. Though a few songs wear their influences proudly on their sleeves (Depeche Mode on "Spellbound" and The Cure's "Friday I'm In Love" on "Automatic"), the album is as cohesive a journey as any Angels & Airwaves record has been yet. Worth the 7-year wait, and the odd release timeline (Rise records wtf? a new single every month leaving only 4 songs unheard).
Arcane Known/Learned
Architects All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us
Definitely a solid record, but what holds the album back is the tendency of several tracks to seemingly run together. While the singles stand apart very well (Match Made in Heaven and Gone With the Wind are superb), quite a few cuts are remarkably similar to those with "filler feel" from their last effort, Lost Forever//Lost Together. To be frank, a combination of the highlights from LF/LT and this album would be metalcore masterpiece, but the filler tracks on both (and the lack of any bit of progression here) is holding Architects back from ruling the metalcore genre.
Atreyu Lead Sails Paper Anchor
August Burns Red Leveler
August Burns Red Rescue & Restore
August Burns Red Home
August Burns Red Phantom Anthem
August Burns Red Phantom Sessions
"Midnight" is an awesome full-band track with some of Jake Luhrs' most melodic vocals in the entire discography. The first half is choppy and proggy a la Between the Buried and Me, but it drops out into a smooth solo and an extremely catchy final two minutes reminiscent of Found in Far Away Places. Its cool to see Dustin Davidson's Phantom Anthem bonus track "Laniakea" finally get a proper release, and his Zelda cover is pretty neat, but the other must-listen moment here is the re-imagined version of "Coordinates." Similar to what the band did with "Majoring in the Minors," the song is acoustic-driven with beautifully arranged strings and hauntingly atmospheric gang vocals, complete with a western piano spin on the original song's outro guitar lead. Its a phenomenal piece of music that conveys how truly talented ABR is. Coupled with the aforementioned "Majoring in the Minors" reprise, "Coordinates (Reprise)" has me dying for them to release an entire compilation of re-imagined songs from their discography. This EP is essential for ABR fans, and the casual metalhead will likely enjoy "Midnight," but everyone needs to hear the reprise of "Coordinates."
August Burns Red Winter Wilderness
As someone who hates Christmas music but loves ABR, I was obligated to listen to it. Honestly, JB, Dustin and Brent shred all over this and keep it entertaining for an anti-Christmas music kinda guy like me, but its not something I'm gonna revisit other than to put it on my family's holiday playlist and watch them look around in confusion when some rad blast beats interrupt dinner.
August Burns Red Leveler (Anniversary)
August Burns Red Death Below
Avenged Sevenfold All Excess
Avenged Sevenfold The Stage
Avenged Sevenfold The Stage (Deluxe Edition)
Avenged Sevenfold Life Is But A Dream...
AVOID The Burner
MILES ahead of their debut LP, this EP blends influences from everywhere (deathcore moments a la Chelsea Grin, southern rock a la ETID, poppy post-hardcore a la Escape the Fate, etc.) and is one of the few bright spots to emerge from the vast landscape of mostly boring music produced by the Warped Tour World in 2020.
Bad Omens Bad Omens
Bad Omens Finding God Before God Finds Me
Bad Omens The Death of Peace of Mind
Bad Omens Finding God Before God Finds Me (Deluxe)
Beartooth Sick
Between the Buried and Me Colors
Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect
Between the Buried and Me The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Between the Buried and Me Automata II
Between the Buried and Me Colors II
Bilmuri Banana
Black Tide Post Mortem
Black Veil Brides Set the World on Fire
blink-182 Enema Of The State
blink-182 Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
blink-182 Greatest Hits
blink-182 Dogs Eating Dogs
blink-182 The Mark, Tom and Travis Show
Born of Osiris Soul Sphere
Born of Osiris The Eternal Reign
Born of Osiris The Simulation
Born of Osiris Angel or Alien
Boston Manor Welcome to the Neighbourhood
Bring Me The Horizon Live at Wembley
Bring Me The Horizon That's the Spirit
Bring Me The Horizon Live at the Royal Albert Hall
For those who think live albums are pointless cash grabs, you're usually right. However, this show (and the release as a whole) is not a run-of-the-mill live record. The show was performed with a full orchestra accompaniment, adding an entirely new dimension to the tracks that cannot be experienced through their studio albums. Additionally, proceeds are sent directly to Teenage Cancer Trust, so rest assured this record isn't about cash flow. And while Oli's performance is not as spectacular as the orchestra nor the rest of his band, BMTH provide a unique way to experience many of the tracks from *That's the Spirit* and *Sempiternal* for those who couldn't attend this special event at the Royal Albert Hall.
Bring Me The Horizon Live From Maida Vale
Bullet For My Valentine The Poison: Live at Brixton Academy
Bullet For My Valentine Venom (Deluxe)
Caligula's Horse In Contact
Caligula's Horse Charcoal Grace
Capstan Restless Heart, Keep Running
Carousel Kings Unity
Chevelle Stray Arrows – A Collection of Favorites
Chiodos Devil
Cold Years Goodbye to Misery
Far more Green Day influence than the Gaslight Anthem/Menzingers nods that dominated the previous album, but still impressively catchy and well executed across the board. You'd be hard pressed to find a band doing any sort of pop punk better in 2022, especially with the hollow mainstream revival going on. Cold Years is fucking good.
Creeper Eternity, In Your Arms
Currents The Place I Feel Safest
Currents I Let the Devil In
Currents The Way It Ends
Currents The Death We Seek
Dead By Sunrise Out of Ashes
Dead Letter Circus Aesthesis
Dead Letter Circus This Is The Warning
Deaf Havana Rituals
dredg Catch Without Arms
Earthside A Dream In Static
Enter Shikari Live in London NW5 2012
Enter Shikari Quelle Surprise
Enter Shikari Sorry, You're Not A Winner/OK! Time For Plan B!
Enter Shikari Live & Acoustic At Alexandra Palace
Enter Shikari Live At Milton Keynes
Enter Shikari Live At Rock City
Enter Shikari Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible
Enter Shikari Live At Alexandra Palace 2
Enter Shikari Take To The Skies: Live In Moscow. May 2017
Enter Shikari Hoodwinker
ERRA ERRA (Deluxe)
Still can't stand re-releasing deluxe versions 6-months after a record, but in the age of streaming I guess its less of a cash grab than it use to be (cough Rise Records cough). At any rate, the new tracks are clearly the B-Sides. All the best content from this record is on the standard edition, but fans of said edition will certainly appreciate the new songs. Its not going to make Erra any new fans, but it'll help to hold over the die-hards until the next album.
Escape the Fate There's No Sympathy for the Dead
Escape the Fate Situations
Escape the Fate Dying Is Your Latest Fashion
Eve 6 Horrorscope
Every Time I Die A Colossal Wreck // Desperate Pleasures
Every Time I Die Radical
Falling in Reverse The Drug in Me Is You
Falling in Reverse Coming Home
This is a positive evolution; for sure a progression. Tracks 4 through 6, however, do not fit well here, and are borderline awful in the context of the record, but nearly everything else is a step [up] into uncharted lands for Ronnie Radke and Falling in Reverse. Dropping the scene/pop-metalcore for alternative rock with a good bit of spacey atmosphere is admittedly something I never expected from Radke (do not be fooled, he is steering the creative process for this band and has been since day one), but damn does it work well. "The Departure," "Coming Home," and "Loser" are fantastic, melancholic yet tremendously atmospheric tracks, while "Superhero" contains a bit of retro-wave influence in the verses and one of Radke's best vocal performances to date. The aforementioned filler, as well as the bonus tracks on the deluxe version could be best described as *Fashionably Late* B-sides, rooted in [very poppy] pop-punk with the *Fashionably Late*-era pretentious lyricism. Removing those songs from the tracklist would result in a much more focused, consistent, and overall excellent effort. But as it stands, *Coming Home* appears more to be the start of a coming of age. More outputs like this could result in the improved reputation of Ronnie Radke, which I'm sure makes tons of readers here cringe immediately. And that's exactly why you should listen to this. Well, tracks 1-3 and 7-11 at least.
Falling in Reverse Drugs
Famous Last Words Council Of The Dead
Fort Minor The Rising Tied
Fort Minor The Rising Tied - Tour Edition
Ghost (SWE) Meliora
Ghost (SWE) Impera
Green Day American Idiot
Greta Van Fleet Black Smoke Rising
Hands Like Houses Dissonants
Heartist Nothing You Didn't Deserve
Hellions Opera Oblivia
Hollywood Undead Notes From the Underground
Hollywood Undead Five
Hollywood Undead New Empire Vol. 1
Ice Nine Kills The Predator Becomes the Prey
Good, but not great. Its your run-of-the-mill metalcore CD. Granted, it has its moments including several very catchy hooks and surprisingly decent guitar solos. But overall, it doesn't exactly stand out by any means. EDIT: Upped it to a 4. Ages well, riffs, solos and choruses are killer. Trumps *Every Trick* in that vein for sure, and ultimately overall. More consistent outputs like this and *Every Trick* ought to have INK at the top of modern pop metalcore in the near future.
Ice Nine Kills Every Trick in the Book
The cool guitar licks and leads are gone, which really holds this back from living up to its predecessor. There are still some fun solos, and the conceptual lyrics and improved vocals ensure this to be an enjoyable listen, but dropping the technicality and superior metalcore musicianship keep this from being INK's best release.
Ice Nine Kills The Silver Scream
Yes, some bits are outrageous, but bruh you fuckin lying if you don't think this is fun as shit to listen to.
Ice Nine Kills The Silver Scream (Final Cut)
In Hearts Wake Divination
In Hearts Wake Skydancer
An impressively better half of the "earthcore" double album, Skydancer presents the perfect mix of heaviness and melody. Tracks such as "Badlands," "Breakaway," and even the title track may be the three best singles across the band's discography and set the stage for a fantastic effort by the Australian metalcore band. The only thing holding back Skydancer, and the band for that matter, is the filler tracks that seem to run together. Like on Earthwalker, there are a few tracks that, at first listen, are hard to tell apart from others. Admittedly, there are fewer on this half of the double album, but perhaps they should've done away with the filler and just made one album of just the better tracks.
Issues Black Diamonds
Jared Dines The Light
I don't quite get the hate for Jared (especially here), his YouTube channel is supremely entertaining for any metal-head and he has time and time again shown some insane instrumental skills with his covers, parody videos, and "If ______ band was metal" remixes. The Dark and Light EP's are his first foray into original, serious, solo music. Singing, screaming, writing and performing all the instruments himself, Jared once again shows he's more talented than most musicians who have garnered a following in the "scene" in recent years. The Light EP is considerably more metalcore than the deathcore leaning Dark EP, but makes for an even more enjoyable listen. The guitar work is solid and there are interesting drum fills everywhere, and Jared's clean vocals are surprisingly close to being on par with his impressive screaming ability, which effortlessly reaches all ranges from low growls to screeching highs. "Rebuild" is a highlight, taking influence from Parkway Drive, while the Born of Osiris-esque "Gaze into the Iris" ought to please many a djent fan. Lyrical content is perhaps the only weak point of the release, as it is on the Dark as well. As a whole, however, The Light EP is a great metalcore release by an insanely talented dude, who hopefully intends to create more original music alongside his successful YouTube channel. {Its not the best release of the year, but it is certainly much better than a 1.0}
Jeremy Soule The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Soundtrack
Julien-K We're Here with You
Julien-K California Noir - Chapter One: Analog Beaches & Di
Kingdom of Giants Bleeding Star
Knife Party Rage Valley
Knuckle Puck While I Stay Secluded
Landon Tewers Dynamite
letlive. The Blackest Beautiful
letlive. Fake History
letlive. Fake History (Re-Release)
Like Moths to Flames An Eye for an Eye
Like Moths to Flames The Dream Is Dead
Linkin Park The Hunting Party
Linkin Park Living Things
Linkin Park Underground X
Linkin Park iTunes Festival: London 2011
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns + Live from Madrid
Linkin Park 8 Track Demo
Machine Gun Kelly Tickets to My Downfall
Machine Gun Kelly Lace Up
Machine Gun Kelly Hotel Diablo
Actually, genuinely really solid. The last few releases have been incredibly forgettable to the point where it seemed MGK would never achieve the potential for greatness he once displayed. *Hotel Diablo* is easily his most creative and compelling work, and it shows he might not have wasted that potential afterall. The lyrics are fantastic and introspective, and the musicianship is cohesive, making this *feel like an album,* not just a collection of random song ideas (as the last several projects have). MGK is back, and this album is actually good.
Machine Gun Kelly Lockdown Sessions
Magna Carta Cartel The Dying Option
Mallory Knox Asymmetry
Metallica Master Of Puppets
Miss Fortune A Spark To Believe
My Ticket Home Strangers Only
Myka Relocate Lies to Light the Way
Neck Deep Wishful Thinking
Neck Deep December
New Order Substance
New Order Singles
Nik Mystery When
Clean, 80's-esque synthwave a la The Midnight or Gunship, but often guitar driven similar to the more straightforward pop songs (Girls, Love Me, This Must Be My Dream) of the 1975. Pretty cool to see the immensely talented Spencer Sotelo (Periphery frontman) expanding on his pop sensibilities, although its a bit apparent the project is an attempt to jump on the overly-80's-influenced alternative pop trend. That's not a detriment, however, as the EP is certainly strong enough to stand alone, despite lyrically and instrumentally bringing nothing new to the table. Guitarist Mike Dawes certainly shines as well, with a few sweet solos and more than enough of those tasty wave guitar riffs. Brought together with superbly atmospheric keys and tight production by award-winning Finnish pop producer Jukka Backlund, *When* is absolutely one of the best synthwave/alt-pop releases of 2018.
No Pressure No Pressure EP
For longtime The Story So Far fans craving more of the fast, loud, Under Soil and Dirt-era sound that launched their career, this is for you. The band features two members of TSSF, including vocalist Parker Cannon, and said to "expect Dude Ranch (blink-182) vibes."
No Pressure No Pressure
Normandie Inguz
Normandie White Flag
Many of the heavy moments from the debut have been subtracted which is not necessarily a
detriment, but results in each song sounding extremely similar. Ten of the twelve tracks here
follow a very strict formula with little experimentation, however it results in very well
executed, explosive pop rock. Each chorus just pops as Normandie's extremely talented vocalist
Philip Strand delivers fantastic melodies on every track. Vocals are the focal point, deservedly
and rightfully so based on the focus on the record, and the instrumentation compliments Strand
well despite leaving some to be desired. Ultimately not as impressive as *Inguz* across the board,
*White Flag* is elite pop rock deserving of radio airplay. For new listeners, this falls somewhere
between Hands Like Houses' *Dissonants* and the latest effort from Deaf Havana, *Rituals.*
Northlane Singularity
Northlane Analog Future
Northlane Obsidian
Novelists C'est La Vie
One Year Later As Long As I'm Alive
One Year Later Life Between The Lies
Otherwise Enjoy The Pain
Our Last Night We Will All Evolve
Our Last Night Oak Island Acoustic
Parkway Drive Horizons
Parkway Drive Atlas
Parkway Drive Reverence
Here's my review:
Pendulum Immersion
Periphery Periphery II: This Time It's Personal
Periphery Clear
Periphery Periphery III: Select Difficulty
Polaris The Guilt & The Grief
Polaris The Death of Me
Rise Against The Sufferer and the Witness
Saor Aura
Sleep Token Sundowning
Sleeping With Sirens If You Were a Movie, This Would Be Your Soundtrack
Soilwork The Living Infinite
Soilwork Overgivenheten
I dunno what album some of you guys are listening to (and complaining about?) but the first three tracks alone are the most entertained I've been by Soilwork since Living Infinite.
State Champs The Finer Things
State Champs The Acoustic Things
Stick Figure Set In Stone
Stick to Your Guns True View
Stone Temple Pilots Thank You
Stoneside. EP.1 - The Water
Sum 41 All The Good Shit
Tears for Fears Tears Roll Down (Greatest Hits '82-'92)
Teenage Wrist Earth Is A Black Hole
The Cult Love
The Cult Sonic Temple
The Cult Electric Peace
*Peace* was the original follow up to Love that was scrapped, and *Electric* came out in its place. *Electric Peace* is the two-CD compilation featuring both albums, with *Peace* being released for the first time thought many of the tracks were reworked and appeared on *Electric.* Admittedly, I was not alive during this era (born in '94), but I was drawn to the Cult like most others, with "She Sells Sanctuary." *Love* was a truly unique sounding record, and a few years later, *Sonic Temple* produced a rather diverse take on hard rock. *Electric* sits in the middle as a kind of bland, AC/DC-derivative, straightforward rock record. Its not bad by any means -- in fact its incredibly consistent. But after hearing *Peace,* I'm puzzled as to why the band disliked it and chose to re-record the album that resulted in *Electric.* Across the board, sonically, *Peace* feels like the much more natural transition bridge between *Love* and *Sonic Temple.* It has the colorful tones and atmosphere of *Love,* with the attitude and similar style of *Sonic Temple.* Its cool to hear more tunes from that era of the Cult, when Ian Astbury's pipes were still top notch and Billy Duffy's guitar work was original and colorful as ever.
The Devil Wears Prada Dead Throne
The Devil Wears Prada Space
The Devil Wears Prada ZII
The Devil Wears Prada Color Decay
The Menzingers Hello Exile
The Panic Division Touch
Completely unfamiliar with this band's past material, it is my understanding this is entirely different sound for the Panic Division when compared to previous releases. Each song has a massive synthwave influence and is dripping in the neon 80's-vibe a la the Midnight, but with upbeat modern pop sensibilities like The 1975 at their most energetic. "Wild Nights" is the highlight, with an irresistible hook. Produced by Taylor Larson (Periphery, The Evening), the album is sonically phenomenal, even if the melodies are not as strong on every track. Likely the best pop album of 2019.
The Plot In You Happiness in Self Destruction
The Story So Far Songs Of
The Story So Far The Story So Far
The Story So Far Proper Dose
The White Noise Aren't You Glad
The White Noise AM/PM
An intriguing and diverse debut album from the so-cal five piece, but ultimately not as consistent nor memorable as the debut EP. Guitarist Josh Strock is an experienced scene writer (contributing to recent Motionless in White and Crown the Empire albums) and it shows on the many tremendous hooks and melodies found throughout, but the songs simply don't floor the listener like "Bloom" or "Cosmopolitician." "Bite Marks" is a damn fine radio piece, while "Rated R" is the breakdown enthusiast's best friend, and "Montreal" showcases a never before seen mellow side to the band. The highlight, however, may be the summer crossover smash attempt "I Lost My Mind," a late 90's pop-punk sounding banger that rocks like Lit's "My Own Worst Enemy" and features an incredibly catchy guitar solo. The diversity shown throughout is a major plus, and the lyricism is well above average, but the record just seems to lack a bit of the "wow factor" heard on their previous work. Still, *AM/PM* shines of a band with loads of potential; the White Noise ought to be scene frontrunners in the years to come.
The Word Alive Life Cycles
The Word Alive Deceiver
Thornhill The Dark Pool
Thrice Vheissu
Too Close to Touch Nerve Endings
Tremonti Cauterize
Heavier and presumably darker than All I Was, but the melodies have lagged a bit. All I Was
contained consistent hook after hook, while Cauterize seemingly gives way to some "filler" tracks
in this regard. By splitting the recording session into two ten-track albums (Cauterize and Dust,
to follow this fall), perhaps some of the less-impressive songs made each album by default. Thus,
it begs the "what-if" question regarding compiling one record of the absolute best tracks from
Cauterize and Dust for what could have been the perfect follow-up to the classic that was All I
Was. Still, Cauterize is certainly excellent. Mark Tremonti has grown, talent and songwriting-
wise, exponentially since his days winning Grammy's in Creed. There's no doubt his latest efforts,
both solo and with the outstanding outfit Alter Bridge, are more deserving of the accolades than
Creed ever was. Tremonti, the band and the man, both have extremely bright futures in the rock and
metal communities.
Tremonti A Dying Machine
Tremonti Marching In Time
Far catchier and more engaging than *A Dying Machine*, this is on par with the best from *Dust* and *Cauterize*. Could end up being my second favorite Tremonti album after a few more listens. Excellent riffs, some of his best choruses, and some wild guitar solos. This album is super fun and FAR better than anything on terrestrial rock radio these days.
Trivium In Waves
Trivium Shogun
Trivium In the Court of the Dragon
Turnover Peripheral Vision
Turnstile Glow On
Twenty One Pilots Blurryface
Tyler Childers Live On Red Barn Radio I & II
Veil of Maya Matriarch
Veil of Maya False Idol
Veil of Maya [m]other
Volumes No Sleep
Volumes No Sleep (Remastered)
We Came As Romans Present, Future and Past
We Came As Romans Tracing Back Roots
While She Sleeps Brainwashed
While She Sleeps You Are We
Wilderun Veil of Imagination
Wilderun Sleep at the Edge of the Earth
Wovenwar Wovenwar

3.5 great
A Day To Remember What Separates Me from You
A Loss For Words No Sanctuary
Aether Realm Tarot
AFI Bodies
Against Me! White Crosses
Alexisonfire Old Crows / Young Cardinals
Alexisonfire Crisis
Alkaline Trio Broken Wing
Alkaline Trio This Addiction
Alkaline Trio My Shame Is True
Alkaline Trio Alkaline Trio
Alkaline Trio Goddamnit
Alkaline Trio I Lied My Face Off
Alkaline Trio E.P.
Alkaline Trio Halloween at the Metro (DVD)
All That Remains The Fall Of Ideals
Allegaeon Damnum
Allt From the New World
Alpha Wolf Fault
Alter Bridge The Last Hero
Alter Bridge Walk The Sky
Alter Bridge Pawns and Kings
Amorphis Queen of Time
Amorphis Halo
Anberlin Cities
Anberlin Lowborn
Angels and Airwaves We Don't Need to Whisper
Angels and Airwaves Chasing Shadows
Angels and Airwaves The Dream Walker Demos
Annisokay Arms
Arcane Roots Heaven and Earth
Art Of Dying Vices and Virtues
As I Lay Dying Awakened
As I Lay Dying An Ocean Between Us
Asking Alexandria From Death to Destiny
Asking Alexandria Reckless and Relentless
August Burns Red Guardians
August Burns Red Guardians Sessions
Similar to last cycle's *Phantom Sessions*, this is a collection of B-Sides and unique re-imagined versions of several tracks from 2020's *Guardians.* "Standing in the Storm" is a pretty solid B-Side, with an awesome one-time chorus and interlude that each generate replay-ability. But, altogether, the track never has enough punch to amount to the success of previous ABR tracks with a similar vibe ("The Frost," "Midnight"). "Icarus" is sadly not a Kansas cover, and even more disappointing is the issue that the track itself really goes nowhere. But the EP is redeemed in the super fun, fan-service cover of "Chop Suey," the titanic metal take on the Westworld show theme, and the two re-imagined songs. I've long-championed a future compilation of ABR's re-imaginings, as they often take their songs to entirely new heights (see "Coordinates" and "Majoring in the Minors" of releases past). While the original "Extinct by Instinct" wouldn't exactly have been my choice of track to get the ABR overhaul treatment, it certainly succeeds in showing just how talented these musicians are. "Paramount," on the other hand, would've been my first choice for a *Guardians* re-imangining, and meets all expectations. While the execution of the "Chop Suey" cover is sure to bring in a handful of new fans to ABR based on SOAD association alone, the rest of the EP is mainly to tide over the hardcore ABR follower until the next full length.
Avenged Sevenfold Diamonds In The Rough (Remastered)
AVOID Cult Mentality
Bayside Cult
Bayside Interrobang
Bayside The Walking Wounded
Bayside The Blue EP
Bayside The Red EP
Bayside There Are Worse Things Than Being Alive
Beartooth Disease
Beartooth Below
Beartooth Disease (Deluxe)
Beast In Black From Hell With Love
Belmont Bowser's Mixtape
Best Case Scenario Staircase Wit
Better Lovers God Made Me an Animal
Between the Buried and Me Alaska
Between the Buried and Me The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues
Between the Buried and Me Automata I
**my 1000th album rating wooo** I can't say I've ever failed to enjoy a BtBaM release and this is certainly no different. Feels like a natural follow up to *Coma*, and if the second half is this good, we may be discussing this alongside *Parallax* and *Colors* as their best release (though *Coma* is my personal favorite).
Bilmuri Bilmuri
Bilmuri Solid Chub
Bilmuri Jaguar Shark
Black Peaks All That Divides
Black Veil Brides Rebels
Black Veil Brides The Night
Blackbraid Blackbraid I
Blackbraid Blackbraid II
Blaqk Audio Material
Blaqk Audio Beneath the Black Palms (Side A)
Bleed from Within Fracture
Blessthefall Awakening
Blessthefall To Those Left Behind
blessthefall re-invented their sound on "Hollow Bodies," a modern-metalcore classic, and build rupon that success with "To Those Left Behind." While not quite the stellar, consistent effort that rwas "Hollow Bodies," blessthefall's latest effort has cemented their status as members of the rcurrent "metalcore elite" for lack of a better term, alongside The Devil Wears Prada, August Burns rRed and others. The album's singles "Up in Flames," "Walk on Water," and "Dead Air" prove to be rhighlights accompanied by the monumental track that is "Oathbreaker," while "Keep What We Want and rBurn the Rest," and "Condition//Comatose" make for a minor, mediocre section on the back-half of rthe album. This is seemingly not the same band behind the scene-breakthrough "Hey Baby;" rblessthefall have grown as songwriters and instrumentalists, producing another interesting yet rfun listen in "To Those Left Behind." They've found their "sweet spot" on their past two albums, rsetting themselves up for an intriguing future on forthcoming LP's.
Blessthefall Hard Feelings
Well...its good for what it is. And for a blessthefall record, its a shame. *Hollow Bodies* is a modern metalcore classic, with gnarly riffs and top notch aggression from start to finish. *Hard Feelings* is a significant departure. Sure, it sounds glossy and polished, but every song is the same shell of of an alt-rock-leaning Bring Me the Horizon rip-off. Each song enters with a catchy, punchy riff (some of which are *Hollow Bodies*-era strong), but then drops out into this pseudo-artsy atmospheric verse where Beau whines over a simple drum patterns and shimmery synth before a wall of power chords enter with a typical blessthefall chorus. Rinse and repeat, this happens on nine of the ten tracks (the exception being "Cutthroat"). There's no gnarly verse riffs, there's no shredding, and there's minimal fun to be had, the latter of which being the hallmark of what made blessthefall who they are. At the end of the day, *Hard Feelings* sounds like a band who realized their popularity stagnated (and it did), so they're attempting to take the BMTH *That's the Spirit* alt-rock leap, with 9 songs sounding like "Drown" carbon copies. Whether label-pushed (they're now on Rise) or their own idea, they've executed the sound adequately at best. *Hard Feelings* is a fun listen at times, and surely has its catchy moments, but its a disappointing blessthefall release. Ultimately, time will tell if this accomplishes the lightning-in-a-bottle popularity explosion they're (or their label) hoping for.
Blind Guardian Somewhere Far Beyond
blink-182 California (Deluxe Edition)
blink-182 Nine
blink-182 One More Time...
Blitz Kids The Good Youth
Blood Youth Closure
Blood Youth Starve
MUCH heavier on the nu-metal influence that bled through a bit on the debut, but they execute it pretty well. They went heavier across the board here. That snare sounds like a mad man beating on a massive empty oil tank and the bass slaps harder than a couple of divorcing cousins in a rural Alabama trailer park. Lots of fun shit here. One of the only records in the recent nu-metalcore wave that I actually enjoy, this kicks about as hard as My Ticket Home's Strangers Only. Listen and prepare ur anus.
Blood Youth Visions Of Another Hell
Band leaned hard into their nu-metal influence on the last record to mixed results. They put it all together here. Super fun record.
Bloody Tyrant The Legacy of Sun-Moon Lake
Borealis The Offering
Born of Osiris Tomorrow We Die Alive
Born of Osiris The Discovery
Boston Manor Glue
Box Car Racer Box Car Racer
Boys of Fall Thank You and Goodbye
Brand New Deja Entendu
Brand New Your Favorite Weapon
Brand New Your Favorite Weapon (Deluxe Edition)
Breaking Benjamin Shallow Bay: The Best Of Breaking Benjamin
Bring Me The Horizon amo
Bring Me The Horizon POST HUMAN: NeX GEn
Broadway Contexture: Gods, Men & The Infinite Cosmos
Bullet For My Valentine Fever
Bullet For My Valentine Road to Nowhere
Bullet For My Valentine Hand of Blood
Bullet For My Valentine Venom
Bullet For My Valentine Bullet for My Valentine
Why do these songs sound like they were recorded in a tunnel with a homeless guy playing an empty bucket for the snare drum? EDIT: First posted this after the initial singles were rolled out. Obviously the entire rest of the album sounds this way. The production is god awful. And if you sat through *Gravity*, its the same exact shit production and mixing. I cannot understand why a group of accomplished metal musicians would listen to this and think yea mate this shit sounds mint put it out....but I digress. Production/mixing aside, most of the songs are very fun here. Some terrible lyrics throughout, but that's to be expected with BFMV. Back to form after the previous snooze fest, at least. Still does not reach anywhere near the highs of the first two (or three depending on your thoughts) albums.
Bullet For My Valentine Bullet for My Valentine (Deluxe)
Bumpin Uglies Beast From The East
Bury Tomorrow Black Flame
Bury Tomorrow Cannibal
Bury Tomorrow The Seventh Sun
Caladan Brood Echoes Of Battle
Caligula's Horse Rise Radiant
Can Bardd Devoured by the Oak
Capstan In the Wake of Our Discord
Capstan Separate
Carpenter Brut Leather Terror
Celldweller End of an Empire
Celldweller Into the Void
A pretty fun, high-energy, metal focused run of four tracks. Always cool to see Klayton lean hard into his metal influence, and it takes the driver's seat on each song here. The digital release includes a handful of remixes and instrumental versions of the four base songs, so if that's your cup of tea, enjoy. Personally, I didn't bother with them so my rating is entirely based on the four base songs.
Chevelle Hats Off to the Bull
Chief (CAL) Chief
Chiodos Illuminaudio
Cold Years Death Chasers
Cold Years Northern Blue
Coldrain The Side Effects
Come the Dawn Light of the World
Conditions Full of War
Counterparts You're Not You Anymore
Counterparts Nothing Left to Love
Creeper Sex, Death and the Infinite Void
Creeper Sanguivore
Crown the Empire The Fallout
Crown the Empire Limitless
Crownshift Crownshift
Currents Life // Lost
Dance with the Dead Near Dark
Dance with the Dead Loved to Death
Darkest Hour Darkest Hour
Darkness Divided Darkness Divided
Dave Hause Devour
Dayseeker Sleeptalk
So I like it but I can't help but feeling like I've heard it before? Its the same thing every "maturing" core band does. Atmospheric keys, simple drum beats, quiet verses, loud stadium-sized chorus with power chords, rinse, repeat. Rory sounds phenomenal, but this is exactly what we've gotten from tons of bands lately.If Beau Bokan was singing this, wouldn't it feel like a bunch of blessthefall - Hard Feelings songs?
Dayshell Mr. Pain
Dayshell PEGASUS
Dead Letter Circus Dead Letter Circus
Dealer (AUS) Saint
dEMOTIONAL Scandinavian Aftermath
Depeche Mode Violator
Dines X Heafy Dines X Heafy
Disco Ensemble Back on the MF Street
Disco Ensemble First aid kit
Don Broco Technology
Down & Dirty Heaven Sent
Downlink Triphekta
Downlink Factory/Yeah
Drab Majesty The Demonstration
Drab Majesty Modern Mirror
Duran Duran Rio
Dwarrowdelf The Fallen Leaves
Dzo-nga Thunder In the Mountains
Earthside Let The Truth Speak
Electric Callboy MMXX
Electric Callboy TEKKNO
Electric Century For The Night To Control
Electric Century Electric Century
Enisum Arpitanian Lands
Enter Shikari Common Dreads
ERRA Drift
ERRA Augment
Eve 6 Grim Value
Post-punk influenced alt rock pivot a la new AFI, and done pretty well sans the at times frustrating lyrics. If the chorus on "Black Nova" didn't absolutely smack, the "it's getting turbulent" pre-chorus would drop this rating a whole point for me. Glad to see these guys still getting after it.
Every Time I Die From Parts Unknown
Every Time I Die Ex Lives
ExitWounds Visions
For those bummed about The Plot in You taking a softer direction, this EP is for you. Kinda sounds like if CYWYCB-era Landon fronted Bad Omens. Standard, straightforward metalcore bangers.
ExitWounds Split Series #1 - with Kingsmen
Faith No More The Real Thing
Fall Out Boy From Under the Cork Tree
Falling in Reverse Just Like You
Falling in Reverse Popular Monster
Famous Last Words ARIZONA
Fit for a King Dark Skies
Its good, sure, but metalcore this derivative is not a 4.5, let alone a 5.
Fit for a King The Path
Floya Yume
Frank Turner England Keep My Bones
Frank Turner Tape Deck Heart
Frank Turner FTHC
From First to Last Dead Trees
Its painfully obvious that Matt Good is still writing all the tunes for this band, as every song sounds like a b-side from the last project Good was in on, D.R.U.G.S., and its just very average. Spencer Sotelo, however, is clearly well above Craig Owens (or even Sonny Moore for that matter) in terms of vocal ability and proves it here. Tracks like "H8 Meh" just beg the question, "Haven't I heard this before?" Hell, Spencer even sounds like Owens on that track. Its nothing new, its nothing special, and its certainly nothing more than average in what is becoming a very diluted and stale genre.
Gallowbraid Ashen Eidolon
Get Scared Demons
Ghost (SWE) Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic
Ghost (SWE) Opus Eponymous
Gleemer Down Through
Grayscale Nella Vita
Pretty well-executed pop-rock here, but for anything in this vein to be 4.0+, every single hook has to be razor sharp. You get that a bit with Baby Blue, Painkiller Weather, and In Violet, but there's several tracks that seem to pass by with little to no effect whatsoever. Band is destined for popularity though. (PS is Baby Blue literally ripping the 1975's She's American riff?)
Green Day International Superhits
Greta Van Fleet From the Fires
Greyhaven Empty Black
Gunship Dark All Day
Gunship Unicorn
headcave 1
Heartist Feeding Fiction
A good album from a really refreshing new band to hit radio rock. Their debut EP was very good and a clear sign of potential moving forward. The full length drops most of the metalcore influence from the EP, giving them a consistent yet unique radio rock sound. The vocalist, clearly the most talented member of the band, is in the spotlight and rightfully so. Every hook/chorus is very catchy, with a few decent guitar solos and riffs sprinkled in. The only real downside is the lack of variation in sound and song structure. A few tracks seem to blend together, not standing out alone when listening to the album front to back. Still, a very good debut record and one that certainly instills faith in the recovery of rock radio. Roadrunner records may have found a super star in Heartist.
Holding Absence Holding Absence
Holding Absence The Greatest Mistake of My Life
Holding Absence The Noble Art of Self-Destruction
Hollywood Undead Hollywood Undead
Hollywood Undead Day of the Dead
As Hollywood Undead gets older and more mature, it becomes more and more apparent that tracks such as "Party By Myself" and "Guzzle Guzzle" are added to their albums just to appease the group of fans still hanging on their classic debut Swan Songs. The few party-centered tracks here on Day of the Dead are easily the weak points of the album, alongside the unfocused (and downright strange) "Does Everyone in the World Have to Die." However, this album has several notable highlights. The pop infused "Gravity" is one of the catchiest moments on the album, and across the band's entire discography. Lead single and title track "Day of the Dead" is a hard hitting rap rock anthem that oozes retro Linkin Park flair and begs the question: why not focus their material on mostly serious subjects? That's not to say, however, that they have to drop the "I'm a bad-ass" style songs such as "Usual Suspects" and "How We Roll," which is a formidable 1-2 punch to open the record. While past party hits "Comin' in Hot" and "California" may be two of their biggest, most popular songs, its clear that the only thing holding Hollywood Undead back from being one of the faces of modern radio rock and hip-hop infused rock/nu-metal are the laughably cheesy, weak party filler tracks. This album is not an equal of their impressive debut Swan Songs, nor its [arguably better] follow-up American Tragedy, but it certainly is a catchy and overall solid effort. A more mature focus on upcoming albums should result in a new level of success for this band.
Hundredth Ultrarare
Hundredth Iridescent
Hurtwave Night Therapy I
I Am King Solidarity
I See Stars Digital Renegade
I See Stars Treehouse
"All In" has to be among the worst tracks I've heard in ages. Devin is attempting to be one of rthose trap/rap/hip-hop hype idiots the entire song, and its so painful to listen to. Aside from rthat, its a well composed electronic ROCK album. I just don't get why they [nearly] totally rabandoned the sound that spawned two excellent albums (Digital Renegade and especially New Demons) rand led to a substantial fan base (headlining All-Stars Tour, mainstage Warped Tour, New Demons rdebuting at #28 on the BillBoard 200). There are a few tracks with elements of their previous rsound, but for the most part, I See Stars has been totally reinvented on Treehouse. Time will tell rif that's for the better, but Treehouse is certainly not as interesting a listen as its two rpredecessors. Solid production and interesting drum work contributed by YouTube sensation and the rWorld Alive percussionist Luke Holland add two more positive facets to this release, but rultimately it falls short of the electronic-core/electronic-hardcore masterpiece that was New rDemons.
I See Stars Treehouse (Acoustic)
I the Mighty Oil In Water
Ibaraki Rashomon
Ice Nine Kills Safe Is Just a Shadow (Rerecorded)
In Flames Reroute to Remain
In Flames Clayman
In Flames I, the Mask
In Flames The Jester Race
In Flames Foregone
In Hearts Wake Incarnation
Iron Maiden Powerslave
Iron Maiden Brave New World
Iron Maiden Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Issues Issues
Jarrod Alonge Beating a Dead Horse
Johnny Booth Firsthand Accounts
Johnny Booth Moments Elsewhere
Jonathan Young Starship Velociraptor
He proved his musical talent through his expansive collection of cover songs on his popular YouTube channel, but Jonathan Young's first original full length proves he can write, too. *Starship Velociraptor* is eleven extremely melodic, infectiously catchy power metal tunes with just the right amount of cheese. Super fun album.
Jonathan Young Magic: The Gathering - The Spark Inside Soundtrack
Julien-K California Noir - Complete Edition
Kauan Ice Fleet
King Mothership The Ritual
Kingdom of Giants All the Hell You've Got to Spare
Not the front-to-back banger that was *Ground Culture,* but a suitable follow-up nonetheless. "Damaged Goods" and "Motif" stand out as perfect bridges to previous material, while "Lost Cause" and "Runaway" show a positive evolution for the band. This doesn't reinvent the beaten-to-death formula that is modern metalcore, but Kingdom of Giants certainly deserve to be recognized as one of the better, more talented artists carrying the genre's torch in 2017.
Kingdom of Giants Passenger
Cool textures, ambiance and vocal melodies, but underneath it all its the same exact drum beats, tempos and structures on every track. The high speed energy from *Ground Culture* is gone completely in favor of a mid-tempo groove with more emphasis on atmosphere. It works in a lot of places, and its certainly easy on the ears for a metalcore fan, but its just not special at all in any way shape or form. And its a far cry from their best work two albums ago. But hey, at least it looks like they have some momentum going and a shot at decent (relative) popularity for the first time in their careers.
Knocked Loose A Different Shade of Blue
Knocked Loose A Tear in the Fabric of Life
Knocked Loose You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To
Knuckle Puck The Weight That You Buried
Landon Tewers Withdrawals
Leprous Pitfalls
Leprous Aphelion
Like Moths to Flames When We Don't Exist
Like Moths to Flames Where the Light Refuses to Go
Like Moths to Flames When We Don't Exist (Deluxe)
Like Moths to Flames No Eternity in Gold
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory EP
Linkin Park Songs From The Underground
Linkin Park Live In Texas
Linkin Park Underground 4
Liquid Stranger Mechanoid Meltdown
Lorene Drive Out Alive
Machine Gun Kelly Lace Up (LP)
Machine Gun Kelly Tickets to My Downfall "Sold Out" Deluxe edition
Standard edition of the album was pretty great. Deluxe added several completely forgettable, borderline-bad songs and a miserable Paramore cover. If you didn't like the regular album, there's absolutely no reason to try the deluxe version.
Magna Carta Cartel Goodmorning Restrained
Magna Carta Cartel The Demon King
Makari Hyperreal
Makari Continuum
Marrasmieli Martaiden mailta
Matt Skiba & Kevin Seconds Split
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster III
Memphis May Fire Challenger
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Metallica ...And Justice For All
Mike Shinoda Post Traumatic EP
Mike Shinoda Post Traumatic
Mike Shinoda Ziggurats
Monuments (UK) In Stasis
Moon Shot Confession
Moonlight Sorcery Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle
Motionless In White Disguise
Aside from the god-awful artwork, this might be the most consistent MIW album yet. Though there
are a few skippable numbers ("Headache" is annoyingly repetitive, "Legacy" goes nowhere) and the
experimentation + heaviness is toned down considerably here, but the melodies and vocal
performances may be the best in the discography (which to some, ain't saying much). Lead single
"Brand New Numb" brings a dance-able energy, "Code" is a genuinely solid radio song with a massive
hook, and "Thoughts & Prayers" and "Undead Ahead 2" will find themselves in the conversation of
MIW's hardest bangers. The Manson + Rob Zombie worship and Ben Burley imitation is toned down
considerably in favor of being a widely accessible release, therefore being a good spot to jump in
and give MIW a shot. However, if you were not a fan before, this isn't going to change your mind.
If you are a fan, and you still use iTunes, grab the alternate artwork so you don't have to suffer
looking at whatever that's supposed to be. 3.3/5
Motionless In White Scoring the End of the World
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade
My Chemical Romance Number One
My Chemical Romance Number Three
My Chemical Romance Conventional Weapons
My Ticket Home Unreal
Myka Relocate The Young Souls
Poppier and, at times, catchier than than their debut, but simply not as impressive overall.
Neck Deep A History of Bad Decisions
Neck Deep Rain in July
Neck Deep In Bloom: Versions
New Order Low-Life
New Order Power, Corruption and Lies
New Volume Envy
NF Perception
Night Verses Lift Your Existence
Night Verses Every Sound Has a Color...: Part I
No Devotion Permanence
No Love for the Middle Child Run For Cover
No Love for the Middle Child February
Normandie Normandie
Turns out these guys have always worshipped BMTH. I just discovered this EP on Spotify, and I'm pretty sure the first song is literally "Antivist" with different lyrics. So, prior to the *That's the Spirit* little brother that was *Inguz*, this EP derived quite a bit from *Sempiternal*. On a positive note, Phillip Strand's clean vocals are LEAGUES ahead of Oli Sykes, though his screams are in the same strained and sometimes grating vein. All four tracks are fun as hell though: high energy modern metalcore with some crunchy, made-for-the-Monster-Energy-Stage-at-Warped riffs, cool breakdowns and catchy choruses. Be warned though, this is their only release with even the slightest bit of metalcore influence, as the post-hardcore-tinged pop rock came in full force on their superb debut full length, *Inguz*.
Normandie Dark & Beautiful Secrets
Northlane Node
Northlane Discoveries
Northlane Mesmer
Northlane Live at the Roundhouse
Nothing More Nothing More
Novelists Souvenirs
Null (USA) Lore of a Sleeping Forest
Null (USA) Origin
Last year's Hiraeth single-handedly piqued my interest in blackened folk metal after seeing the review on the front page here. It was THAT good - from a complete outsider to black metal as a whole. This follow-up is certainly solid, albeit less ~uplifting~ when compared to its predecessor. Still, Null is an extremely solid one-man-band, and Origin is certainly good enough to command attention.
Oceans Ate Alaska Hikari
Oceans Ate Alaska Disparity
Of Mice and Men The Flood (Deluxe Edition)
One Year Later The Sound Of A Broken World
Opeth Damnation
Opeth In Cauda Venenum
Opeth Ghost Reveries
Orbit Culture The Forgotten
Orbit Culture Shaman
Otherwise True Love Never Dies
Our Last Night Younger Dreams
Our Last Night Age Of Ignorance
Our Last Night Summer Of Covers
Our Last Night Let Light Overcome
Palmist The Walls Between You & I
Parkway Drive Deep Blue
Pendulum Elemental
Periphery Periphery IV: Hail Stan
Periphery Periphery V: Djent Is Not a Genre
Polaris Fatalism
Protest the Hero Pacific Myth
Protest the Hero Volition
Protest the Hero Palimpsest
Puppy The Goat
Rain City Drive To Better Days
Red (USA) Until We Have Faces
Riverside Second Life Syndrome
Ronnie Radke Fair-Weather Fans
Ruby Haunt Between Heavens
Saor Guardians
Saor Origins
Scandroid Dreams of Neo-Tokyo
Scar Symmetry The Singularity - Phase I: Neohumanity
Search The City A Fire So Big The Heavens Can See It
Seaway Colour Blind
Seaway Vacation
SECRETS Fragile Figures (Deluxe)
Set It Off Cinematics
Set It Off Cinematics (Reissue)
Settle Your Scores Better Luck Tomorrow
Pretty fun easycore, but ultimately nothing exceptional.
Shadow Of Intent Elegy
Shields Life In Exile
Shinedown The Sound of Madness
SHVPES Greater Than
Siamese Superhuman
Siamese Home
Silent Planet Superbloom
Silverstein Dead Reflection
Silverstein Redux: The First 10 Years
Simple Minds Once Upon a Time
Skyharbor Guiding Lights
Skyharbor Sunshine Dust
Sleep Token One
Sleep Token This Place Will Become Your Tomb
Sleep Token Take Me Back to Eden
Sleeping With Sirens Feel
Slipknot Slipknot
Slipknot Iowa
Social Distortion Social Distortion
Soen Lotus
Soen Imperial
Soen Memorial
Soilwork Verkligheten
Soilwork Underworld
Soilwork The Feverish Trinity
Somewhere South of Here Leave Me for the Crows
Spanish Love Songs Brave Faces Everyone
Spanish Love Songs No Joy
State Champs Around the World and Back
State Champs Living Proof
Above average pop punk and a step above *Around the World...* but doesn't quite capture the magic
of *The Finer Things.* Perhaps that's because their label, John Feldmann, Mark Hoppus and Alex
Gaskarth were pulling them in different directions, but ultimately it still comes together better
thab most in the genre. Razor sharp hooks aplenty here, and Derek has one of the best voices in
the Warped Tour Scene. If you like pop punk, you'll like this. If you think pop punk needs a shot
in the arm, this will not change your mind.
State Champs Kings of the New Age
Stick Figure Burial Ground
Stick Figure Smoke Stack
Stick Figure World on Fire
Stick Figure Wisdom
Well, it is a Stick Figure album. No deviation from the formula that has made them stars in their scene, but also no standouts/highlights like the tremendous singles and deeper cuts that made Set in Stone (Choice is Yours, Fire on the Horizon, Sentenced, Out that Door) such a great release. As a result, its still a great reggae album, but a relatively average Stick Figure album.
Stick to Your Guns Better Ash Than Dust
Stone Sour House of Gold and Bones - Part 1
Stoneside. EP.2 - The Desert
Structures Life Through a Window
Sum 41 All Killer No Filler
Survive This! The Life You've Chosen
Sydonia Reality Kicks
Sylar To Whom It May Concern
Sylosis A Sign of Things to Come
Symphony X V: The New Mythology Suite
Tears for Fears Songs from the Big Chair
Teramaze Esoteric Symbolism
TesseracT Regrowth
Two-song EP released to contribute to Ukraine crisis. Serious ONE-vibes, including some great harsh vocals from Dan. Neither track will be a TesseracT classic, but I still appreciate the intent here... From the Bandcamp page: ?These songs have been in the TesseracT domain for a while. We had developed them for album 5, but they just weren't the right fit for where that album has headed. Rather than have them slowly decay on a server somewhere, we felt they could do something good, no matter how small?"
The Afterimage Eve
The Airborne Toxic Event Hollywood Park
The Black Queen Fever Daydream
The Bronx The Bronx VI
The Call Reconciled
The Comfort Love
The Comfort What It Is to Be
The Cult Electric
The Cure Disintegration
The Curse Within Heartless
The Curse Within Eternity
The Damned Things Ironiclast
The Damned Things High Crimes
The Dangerous Summer Mother Nature
The Dear Hunter The Color Spectrum
The Dear Hunter Act IV: Rebirth in Reprise
The Dear Hunter Act V: Hymns with the Devil in Confessional
The Devil Wears Prada With Roots Above and Branches Below
The Devil Wears Prada Dead & Alive
The Devil Wears Prada Transit Blues
The Devil Wears Prada Audiotree Live
The Gaslight Anthem Handwritten
The Gaslight Anthem Sink or Swim
The Gaslight Anthem Señor and the Queen
The Horrible Crowes Elsie
The Killers Pressure Machine
The Menzingers After the Party
The Midnight Nocturnal
The Midnight Days of Thunder
The Midnight Horror Show
Last years LP Monsters dabbled in some noticeably modern pop production choices which is a respectable experiment, but didn't really deliver in terms of The Midnight aesthetic and ultimately rendered the album rather forgettable. Horror Show is a return to the roots so to speak, featuring the darker, "Lost Boys"-esque synths, the EP fits right in line with the bank of pristine retrowave vibes The Midnight have been cultivating for nearly a decade.
The Midnight Echo Voyager
The Night Flight Orchestra Aeromantic
The Plot In You Swan Song
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Am I the Enemy
The Word Alive Empire
The Word Alive Real.
The Word Alive Dark Matter
The Word Alive The Word Alive
This or the Apocalypse Dead Years
This Wild Life Clouded
Thornhill Butterfly
Three Days Grace One-X
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vol. II: Water
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vol. IV: Earth
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance
Thurnin Útiseta
Time, The Valuator How Fleeting, How Fragile
To the Rats and Wolves Cheap Love
Being Germans without English as their native tongue, the lyrics hold this back from being a truly excellent electro-rock album. Regardless, there are several exceptionally catchy moments on here.
Too Close to Touch Haven't Been Myself
Toothgrinder Nocturnal Masquerade
Trash Boat Crown Shyness
Trivium Ascendancy
Trivium What the Dead Men Say
Trophy Eyes Chemical Miracle
Trophy Eyes The American Dream
Trophy Eyes Suicide and Sunshine
Twenty One Pilots Three Songs
Twenty One Pilots The LC LP
Tyler Childers Purgatory
U2 The Joshua Tree
Ulver The Assassination of Julius Caesar
Untamed Land Like Creatures Seeking Their Own Forms
Upon a Burning Body The World Is My Enemy Now
Varials Scars for You to Remember
Voices from the Fuselage Odyssey: The Founder of Dreams
Void of Vision What I'll Leave Behind
Void of Vision Chronicles I: Lust
VOLA Witness
VOLA Inmazes
Voyager Ghost Mile
Voyager Colours in the Sun
Voyager Fearless in Love
Wage War Deadweight
Band is good, album is good, but metalcore this generic and derivative could never be a 4.5 fellas. Its enjoyable stuff though, for sure.
Wayfarer American Gothic
We Came As Romans Understanding What We've Grown to Be
We Came As Romans Cold Like War
White Moth Black Butterfly Atone
Whitechapel Kin
William Control Skeleton Strings
William Control Live in London Town
William Control The Neuromancer
William Control Revelations: The Pale
Will's lyrics and the content thereof are pretty recycled, stale and redundant when compared to the other albums under the Control moniker, but aside from that, it sounds pretty solid. The synth melodies are fantastic and his voice is perhaps the best its been yet. "The Monster" is this record's "I'm Only Human Sometimes," with a huge chorus and sweet synth hook. The other songs are good, but not nearly as memorable. Again, problematic, that each track seems to have another perfectly parallel song that William Control has previously released. Still, its an enjoyable listen for the 80's inspired dark pop lovers out there. And, if you haven't heard, this is the first of four EP's that will make up the "Revelations" album, so there's more to look forward to.
William Control Skeleton Strings 2
Windfaerer Breaths of Elder Dawns
Windwaker Empire
Wintersun Wintersun
Wintersun Time I
With Confidence Love and Loathing
Wovenwar Honor Is Dead
Wristmeetrazor Replica of a Strange Love
Yes Close to the Edge
Young Guns Bones
Young Lions Mr. Spaceman
Zombie Hyperdrive Hyperion
Zoume Prophecy

3.0 good
+44 When Your Heart Stops Beating
10 Years Minus the Machine
156/Silence Narrative
A Day To Remember Homesick
A Day To Remember Homesick (Special Deluxe Edition)
A Loss For Words Before It Caves
A Loss For Words Returning to Webster Lake
Aether Realm Redneck Vikings From Hell
AFI The Art of Drowning
Agent Fresco Destrier
Aiden Conviction
Airbourne Runnin' Wild
ALAZKA Phoenix
Alestorm Captain Morgan's Revenge
Alkaline Trio Maybe I'll Catch Fire
Alkaline Trio For Your Lungs Only
Allegaeon Proponent for Sentience
Alpha Wolf Half Living Things
Amidst the Grave's Demons Space Zombies
Anberlin Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place
Anberlin New Surrender
Anberlin Never Take Friendship Personal
Andy Black The Ghost of Ohio
Significantly more consistent and well-written than the first record. There's no massive tracks like "We Don't Have to Dance" here, but its entertaining enough throughout to warrant a few spins if you're into 80's-esque pop rock with a modern sheen.
Angel Du$t Pretty Buff
Angels and Airwaves Stomping The Phantom Brake Pedal
Angels and Airwaves We Don't Need to Whisper Acoustic EP
Arcane Roots Blood and Chemistry
Architects Lost Forever // Lost Together
Architects Daybreaker
Architects For Those That Wish to Exist
Artifex Pereo Time in Place
Artifex Pereo Passengers
As I Lay Dying The Powerless Rise
As I Lay Dying Shaped by Fire
As I Lay Dying Through Storms Ahead
As It Is The Great Depression
Astroid Boys Bacon Dream
Atreyu Long Live
Attack Attack! This Means War
Attack Attack! Attack Attack! (Reissue)
August Burns Red Sleddin' Hill: A Holiday Album
August Burns Red Lost Messengers: The Outtakes
Avenged Sevenfold Hail To The King
Avenged Sevenfold Diamonds In The Rough
Avenged Sevenfold Black Reign
Badflower OK, I’M SICK
badXchannels WHYDFML
Bayside Vacancy
Beartooth Below (Deluxe)
Belore Artefacts
Bilmuri Taco
Bilmuri Letters
Bilmuri Wet Milk
Not bad, but notably less energetic than the last handful of Bilmuri releases. Can't complain with Johnny pumping out enough material for two 7-9 track albums per year, but I can't help but feeling like a single album 12 song collection of the best tracks from the 2017-2019 releases would be a 5 outta 5 (instead of the handful of 3.5/5 releases we've gotten instead). He refuses to do away with the melancholic, low-tempo emo tracks that bore me quite a bit, but the modern-pop-infused-pop-punk/post-hardcore songs are, as always, very solid.
Black Forest Dream
Black Tide Light From Above
Black Veil Brides Black Veil Brides
Black Veil Brides Vale
Black Veil Brides The Phantom Tomorrow
Black Veil Brides The Mourning
Blaqk Audio Only Things We Love
Blaqk Audio Beneath the Black Palms
Blaqk Audio Trop d'amour
Bleed (USA-TX) Somebody's Closer
Bleed from Within Era
Bleed from Within Shrine
Blessing A Curse Somewhere in Between it All
Blessing A Curse Satisfaction for the Vengeful
Blessthefall Witness
Blind Guardian Nightfall In Middle-Earth
blink-182 California
Blood Youth Inside My Head
Bloody Tyrant HAGAKURE II
Borealis Illusions
Born of Osiris The New Reign
Boston Manor Be Nothing.
Boston Manor Desperate Times, Desperate Pleasures
Boston Manor Datura
Boys of Fall Better Moments
Not as hooky or strong as the debut, but consistent throughout. The addition of some The 1975
influenced lead guitar and the subtraction of the overwhelming easycore tendencies make for an
intriguing listen and add a much needed unique dimension to Boys of Fall's sound (previously, they
weren't much more than an ADTR cover band). And while ultimately not exactly knocking the
combination out of the park, they've at least further piqued my interest in their future.
Brand New Science Fiction
Breaking Benjamin We Are Not Alone
Breaking Benjamin Phobia
Breaking Benjamin Dear Agony
Breaking Benjamin So Cold
Breathe Carolina Savages
Brigades Crocodile Tears
Brigades Indefinite
Bring Me The Horizon There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It...
Broadside Paradise
Bullet For My Valentine Bullet For My Valentine EP
Bullet For My Valentine Gravity (Deluxe Edition)
Bumpin Uglies Freakout Hell Bus
Bury Tomorrow Earthbound
Can Bardd The Last Rain
Cane Hill Cane Hill
Carousel Kings Charm City
Carousel Kings Plus Ultra
Caskets Ghost Like You
Celldweller End of an Empire - Chapter 01: Time
Celldweller End of an Empire - Chapter 03: Dreams
Celldweller End of an Empire - Chapter 04: Death
Chase Atlantic Chase Atlantic
Chevelle Wonder What's Next
Chevelle This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
Chevelle Vena Sera
Chevelle Sci-Fi Crimes
Chevelle La Gárgola
Chevelle The North Corridor
Cold Years Mile Marker
Comatose (USA-MN) A Way Back
Confrontational Kingdom of Night
Confrontational A Dance of Shadows
Convictions Hope for the Broken
Corey Taylor CMF2
Cover Your Tracks Fever Dream
Crooks Are We All The Same Distance Apart
Crossfaith Ex_Machina
Crown the Empire The Resistance: Rise of the Runaways
Crucible The Trials
Crystal Lake True North
Curses (USA) Chapter I: Introspect
Dance Gavin Dance Mothership
dangerkids collapse
Daniel Tompkins Castles
"Saved" is an absolute earworm, but the rest was teetering between mildly entertaining and somewhat boring.
Darkest Hour Godless Prophets and the Migrant Flora
I actually like the self titled record, it was still heavy despite the inclusion of clean vocals. And hell, the cleans were done extremely well; there was some really catchy shit on there and John sounded surprisingly really solid on all the singing bits. This new record is back to the band's beginnings, heavy, fast, and not a shred of clean sung vocals. It begs an interesting question in terms of the band's self titled, their only release on Sumerian Records: did the label steer them in the more commercial friendly direction? Regardless, this is yet another hit by Darkest Hour. This record bangs from start to finish, and Kurt Ballou's production is a perfect fit. Despite the last album being self-titled, *Godless Prophets* is not a continuation of that sound.
Dave Hause Kick
Dave Hause Blood Harmony
Dayseeker Dark Sun
Dead Girls Academy Alchemy
Nothing new or special to be found here as the co-writing and production from Ronnie Radke turned a lot of the record into Falling in Reverse worship songs. The vocalist even sounds like Radke on most tracks, from melodies to vocal effects and nuance. "Medicine" and "I''ll Find a Way" would be right at home on *The Drug in Me is You*, while "Far Away" sounds like a *Coming Home* b-side. The first half of the record is entertaining, but the back half drags along with too many watered down radio formula filler songs and is further held back by the atrocious lyrics on "Cannibal." Ultimately, there may be too much of Ronnie Radke's touch on this record to really carve their own path in the genre, but a lot of the songs are pretty fun at the very least.
Dead Letter Circus The Endless Mile
Dead Letter Circus Dead Letter Circus (2018)
Doesn't hook as hard as Aesthesis or This is the Warning and ends up relatively boring as a result, but its still a DLC album and that alone is better than most of the diluted rock on radio these days.
Deaf Havana All These Countless Nights
Dealer (AUS) Soul Burn
Death Blooms You Are Filth
Ded Mis-An-Thrope
This is the first nu-metalcore record I can recall enjoying to an extent in recent memory. That said, still not anything spectacular. Its better than obvious comparison Cane Hill, but that's not saying much. There are some really solid, accessible hooks to be found here, and that, coupled with some opening slots on some huge upcoming tours (Korn) should allow this band to really take-off. Nu-metal isn't quite dead yet, and while it really should be, DED is actually making a case for relevance and future success among a pack of very forgettable contemporaries.
Destrage A Means to No End
Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows Destroy Rebuild
Dirtyphonics Vantablack (w/ Sullivan King)
Downlink Ignition
Downlink Emergency
Downswing Let This Life Devour You
Dream On Dreamer It Comes and Goes
Dreamshade A Pale Blue Dot
dredg El Cielo
Dualist Be Here Now
Duran Duran Duran Duran (The Wedding Album)
Dwarrowdelf Evenstar
Dwarrowdelf The Sons of Fëanor
Elder Brother Heavy Head
Elderwind The Colder The Night
Elitist Elitist
Emarosa Peach Club
Endur American Parasite
Enisum Forgotten Mountains
Enter Shikari Tribalism
Enter Shikari The Zone
Enter Shikari The Spark
ERRA Moments of Clarity
Escape From Echo Base Continents Apart
Escape the Fate Escape the Fate EP
Escape the Fate Ungrateful
Escape the Fate I Am Human
I didn't think that in 2018, after four extremely forgettable records, I'd be giving Escape the Fate a positive nod. But yet here I am, giving this bad boy a 3.5 at first listen (subject to change). This shit is extremely catchy, and altogether leagues more well rounded than their past few efforts. Since Ronnie left, ETF has been nothing more than a singles band. Seriously, the only tracks worth listening to in the Craig Mabbitt era are the singles from each album. But here, we seem to find consistency front to back. How they did it, I may never know. "Empire" and "Riot" are pretty terrible, and I have no idea why they copied and pasted *Hate Me*'s acoustic closer, "Let Me Be," but aside from that you've got some pretty solid post-hardcore-infused radio rock here. "Broken Heart," "Do You Love Me," and "Digging My Own Grave" are certified bangers. Here's hoping this catches on, and ETF salvage their dying career. (if you didn't think they stagnated hard, you need a reality check. their tour last year was a co-headliner with fucking Nonpoint.)
Eve 6 Speak in Code
Every Time I Die Hot Damn!
Every Time I Die Gutter Phenomenon
Every Time I Die Salem
Evoking Winds Bald Mountain
Excision Shambhala 2011
ExitWounds Heaven is Empty (Hell is in My Mind)
Falkenbach Heralding - The Fireblade
Falling in Reverse Fashionably Late
Falls of Rauros Key to a Vanishing Future
Famous Last Words Pick Your Poison
Famous Last Words The Incubus
Feels like a step back in terms of melody and songwriting from their previous two records, especially the Two Faced Charade which, in my opinion, is one of the best modern post-hardcore/metalcore records out there. There are some bright spots, but the choruses don't catch nearly as hard on any track, guitar tone across the album is quite muddy, and lead guitar is virtually non existent. This band has the tools to put out great songs, just for whatever reason, it feels like they didn't realize that potential on this album.
Fearless Vampire Killers Militia of the Lost
FEVER 333 Strength in Numb333rs
Fightstar Behind the Devil's Back
Five Finger Death Punch War Is The Answer
Five Finger Death Punch American Capitalist
For All Those Sleeping Incomplete Me
Fort Minor We Major (Mixtape)
Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes Modern Ruin
From First to Last Heroine
From First to Last From First to Last
From First to Last Throne to the Wolves
From Under The Willow Ungrateful • Misguided
From Under the Willow take the angst and heavy of contemporaries Like Moths to Flames and have produced a record in Ungrateful//Misguided that hits hard right from the outset. This band has a very bright future in metalcore, and it shines through from start to finish on what is their second release on Lancaster, PA based CI Records (the launching pad for August Burns Red and Texas in July). Quite the improvement from their debut LP, Outlaws, From Under the Willow will surely fill the void (felt by metalcore fans) created by the genre-abandonment of many former scene stand-outs. This band deserves to be the next big thing in metalcore, proving it with Ungrateful//Misguided.
Galleons Galleons
Generation X Kiss Me Deadly
George Ragan The Dead Son The Abyss
Get Scared Everyone's Out To Get Me
Ghost (SWE) If You Have Ghost
Ghost (SWE) Popestar
Gleemer Anymore
Gojira Magma
Gojira Fortitude
Good Tiger A Head Full of Moonlight
Green Day Dookie
Gregor Barnett Don't Go Throwing Roses in My Grave
Greta Van Fleet Anthem of the Peaceful Army
Quite derivative in parts, as any nostalgia-driven retro rock would be, but original enough to rstand on its own. Obviously the vocalist will never escape the Robert Plant comparisons, but is rmore of that a bad thing? Of course not. Ultimately, Greta Van Fleet have created a cohesive, rconsistent retro rock album with a larger than life sound that's a tremendously fun listen. Stop rwasting time trying to pinpoint where each guitar lick was "stolen" or "ripped" from and just renjoy a piece of rock music that shits on 99% of what gets played on "rock" radio in 2018.
Greta Van Fleet The Battle at Garden's Gate
Hail the Sun Divine Inner Tension
Haken Vector
HEALTH Death Magic
Heaven Shall Burn Wanderer
Heavens Patent Pending
Hell or Highwater Vista
Hellions Rue
Higher Power 27 Miles Underwater
Hollywood Undead Desperate Measures
Hollywood Undead Swan Songs B-Sides
Hollywood Undead Swan Songs Rarities
Hollywood Undead PSALMS
A handful of B-Sides from *Five*, so not much substance was to be expected. "Bloody Nose" is a pretty solid radio rock song with one of the heaviest bridges the band has put together in a while (shout out to Jorel for bringing back the screams). "Live Fast Die Young" doesn't exactly deliver like the track name may suggest, resulting in a smooth pop song reminiscent of "Ghost Beach" from *Five*. J-Dog's verse here sounds choppy, lacks flow and seems out of place in general, though Danny keeps the track afloat with an impressive clean vocal performance. "Something to Believe" pulls the EP back in the right direction with the release's best lyricism, but "Another Level," likely the worst track in the band's discography, sticks out like a sore thumb. Its a shame they wasted one of J3T's best verses on this abomination of a song, but such is Hollywood Undead. "Gotta Let Go" wraps this thing up in the vein of fan-favorite "Bullet," but the twinkling acoustic number does not capture the magic that the *American Tragedy* hit shines with. Ultimately, *Psalms* is inconsistent but has its moments, and for a slate of B-Sides its definitely worth a spin for Hollywood Undead fans waiting for album six. But for those who do not follow the band, you'll likely find nothing of value here apart from the Sirius Octane-ready "Bloody Nose."
Hollywood Undead Hotel Kalifornia (Deluxe)
Unashamed life-long HU fan checking in again to say that many of the deluxe songs added to the album as part of this release are far better than the filler on the standard tracklist. "Salvation" and "First Class Suicide" especially improve the experience here, but not without some detractors: "Evil" is a pretty abhorrent Imagine Dragons-injected tune that gets annoying before the first chorus even ends. They aren't going to make any new fans with HK, but there's certainly a few Octane-bound singles here if they market it right.
Hot Water Music Feel the Void
Huey Lewis and the News Fore!
Hum Inlet
Hundredth Somewhere Nowhere
I Am King Onehundred
I Am King Acoustic - EP
I the Mighty Satori
Ice Nine Kills The Silver Scream 2: Welcome to Horrorwood
Imminence Turn the Light On
In Flames Battles
I recently revisited this after hearing it once and immediately giving it a 1.5 back around when it came out. Now let me preface, I got into metal well after In Flames rose to the top of melo-death, therefore I don't have the emotional attachment to *Clayman*-era In Flames that many longtime fans have. I have, however, heard all their records, and their trend increasingly farther into the realm of "selling out" is very apparent. That said, this has not been the same band of old for quite some time now, and you simply can't expect a bunch of dudes pushing 50 to be putting out records like their earlier releases anymore. So, in recognizing that In Flames has been shooting for arena-ready "pop metal' since *Reroute to Remain,* *Battles* becomes much more tolerable. While yes, its not interesting instrumentally nor lyrically, it is quite a leap up, as a whole, from *Siren Charms* and *Playground.* Radio rock in 2016-17 is very stale, boring, and not even catchy like it used to be, the latter of which being why *Battles* is actually a decent release. Some of the best hooks in the band's discography lie within this track listing, including the title track, "Through My Eyes," "Drained," and "The End." ...Yes, this band sold out, but that was a long time ago. And like it or not, this is above average for what mainstream rock radio gets these days. You simply cannot expect a band to make 10+ *Clayman*'s in a career.
In Flames Come Clarity
In Flames A Sense of Purpose
In Flames The Mirror's Truth
In Flames Meet Your Maker
In Hearts Wake Earthwalker
Incredible' Me est. 2012
Invent Animate Heavener
Issues Diamond Dreams
Jared Dines The Dark
Jason Richardson I
Jimmy Eat World Clarity
Jimmy Eat World Chase This Light
Jimmy Eat World Invented
Joy Division Closer
Julien-K California Noir Chapter II: Nightlife in Neon
Kill the Lights The Sinner
Knocked Loose Mistakes Like Fractures
Knocked Loose Laugh Tracks
Knuckle Puck Copacetic
After a few listens, its good, but not as much as prior EP's. Perhaps Knuckle Puck is a band, like many others in pop-punk, that produces better material in shorter, more focused releases. While the past few EP's have been very solid whilst showcasing a great deal of potential, it just feels that Copacetic was perhaps "spread too thin;" failing to live up to the hype generated by past endeavors. This, however, does not mean Copacetic is a bad release by any means, it just does not flash with the same level of consistency that past EP's have.
LANDMVRKS Lost in the Waves
Landon Tewers Frontal Lobe Submission
Landon Tewers Ai640 Pt. 2
Landon Tewers Ai640 Pt. 3
Like Moths to Flames Dark Divine
Like Moths to Flames Pure Like Porcelain
Like Moths to Flames The Cycles of Trying to Cope
Linkin Park LPU XII
Linkin Park LPUXIV
Linkin Park Underground 6
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory Live Around The World
Lorna Shore ...And I Return to Nothingness
LostAlone Shapes of Screams
Above average worship of the 1975. Second half of the record is definitely better than the first, but the 1975 do this so much more effectively in nearly all facets.
Machine Gun Kelly Half Naked & Almost Famous
Machine Gun Kelly Black Flag
Machine Gun Kelly General Admission
Similar to his first album, MGK releases yet another good borderline great hip-hop album (plays like a 3.3 to me, but obviously I can't rate as such). Its a genre where the mainstream is seemingly devoid of creativity (for the most part, and I'm no hip hop expert), and "General Admission" is a Bad Boy/Interscope release aiming to change that. Much like his debut LP "Lace Up," Machine Gun Kelly combines interesting lyrical content with rapid-fire delivery and a punk-rock edge. Tracks like 'Spotlight,' 'Bad MF,' and 'Merry Go Round' are stand-outs, while "hype" track (and the most popular single thus far, think this album's 'Wild Boy') 'Til I Die' provides nothing that hasn't been done numerous times previously. Bonus tracks 'Make it Happen' and 'Therapy' provide solid additions to the base release, whilst tracks like 'Eddie Cane' and 'World Series' were perhaps better suited on the pre-album B'sides EP, "Fuck It." "General Admission" is a good record, but provides further evidence that MGK needs to focus his lyrical themes to launch himself to the top: an album complete with tracks like 'Spotlight,' 'Stereo,' 'Breaking News,' and 'What it Seems' would cement his status as an artist and a force to be reckoned with.
Magna Carta Cartel Valiant Visions Dawn
Make Them Suffer How to Survive a Funeral
Make Them Suffer Make Them Suffer
Malevolence The Other Side
Malevolence Malicious Intent
Mallory Knox Signals
Mallory Knox Wired
Mandroid Echostar Citadels
Matt Skiba Demos
Mayday Parade Sunnyland
Memphis May Fire The Hollow
Memphis May Fire Remade in Misery
Metallica Kill 'Em All
Michael Oakley Introspect
Some really great tunes on the first half, especially "Control" and "Left Behind." The second half lags a bit, "Now I'm Alive" is a bore, "American Dream" sounds like a bad solo by the lead actor in a high school play, and "Push it to the Limit" is exactly as cheesy as it sounds. But overall, this still is an entertaining synthwave release.
Miss Fortune The Double Threat of Danger - Single
Miss Fortune How the Story Ends
Miss May I Shadows Inside
Modern Baseball You’re Gonna Miss It All
Moonlight Sorcery Nightwind: The Conqueror From The Stars
Motionless In White Reincarnate
Motionless In White Graveyard Shift
Motley Crue Shout At The Devil
Mouthdata Panic
My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
My Chemical Romance Number Four
Myles Kennedy Year of the Tiger
Myles Kennedy The Ides of March
Myles Kennedy The Art Of Letting Go
Nachtterror Judgement
Napoleon Newborn Mind
Neck Deep The Peace And The Panic
Neck Deep Serpents
New Order Technique
New Order Brotherhood
New Order Get Ready
No Devotion No Oblivion
No Love for the Middle Child Happy Faces
No Love for the Middle Child Walk Away
No Pressure Can't Forget
nothing,nowhere. Reaper
nothing,nowhere. ruiner
nothing,nowhere. and Travis Barker Bloodlust
Novelists Demos (2013–2014)
Oceans Ate Alaska Lost Isles
Of Mice and Men The Flood
Of Mice and Men Defy
Said it before and I'll say it again. Band is decent, album is decent (read: fun), but metalcore
this generic and derivative could never be a 4.5-5.0 fellas. Its enjoyable stuff though.
Of Mice and Men Bloom
Oh, Weatherly Lips Like Oxygen
Direct derivative of Mayday Parade in nearly every way, but its pretty catchy so they've got that going for them which is nice.
Orbit Culture Descent
Our Last Night Selective Hearing
Nice to finally get some more original tunes from these guys, and they once again deliver. This EP rproves, however, that the band is much more fit for writing the concentrated EP effort versus the rfull-length LP. *Selective Hearing,* like predecessor *Oak Island,* is a handful of consistency. rOn their previous two LP's, *Younger Dreams* and *Age of Ignorance,* the band seems to throw in rway too much filler between the stand-out singles, offering solid albeit inconsistent listens rfront to back. On *Selective Hearing,* however, its single quality effort track after rtrack. It may not be the best business model, but the EP's certainly showcase the abilities of OLN rand should steer the direction of the band moving forward. It would be nice to get more 6-7 song refforts like this versus the obnoxious amount of covers they've been releasing recently. But the rband is completely independent, and they continue to grow with each release, so its hard to knock rthem for their business moves while they regularly pump out quality content.
Our Last Night Overcome the Darkness
Our Time Down Here Midnight Mass
Palaye Royale Boom Boom Room (Side A)
Pale Spells Carelessly Designed
Palisades Outcasts
Palisades Palisades
Panopticon The Rime of Memory
Panopticon .​.​.​And Again into the Light
Paul Bartolome Gravity
Surprisingly under the radar considering the star-studded guest feature list (seriously, Telle
Smith of the Word Alive, Craig Mabbitt of Escape the Fate, Phillip Strand of Normandie, JT Tollas
of Famous Last Words, Gustav Wood of Young Guns and Dave Escamilla ex-Crown the Empire, to name a
few), this is a pretty interesting project. But, ultimately, just a decent conceptual hard rock
album (think Sirius Octane stadium metal) with some metalcore influence. Some lyrics and vocal
flow are pretty poor though Paul is a pretty solid singer on his own, but the performances of
Craig Mabbitt, JT Tollas and Ezekiel Pierson are really great enhancements to their respective
Pendulum In Silico
Pendulum Hold Your Colour
Periphery Periphery
Periphery Icarus
Periphery Periphery (Instrumental)
Phinehas Dark Flag
Picturesque Monstrous Things
Protest the Hero Kezia
Protest the Hero Fortress
Protest the Hero Scurrilous
PVRIS White Noise
Queens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf
Real Friends Put Yourself Back Together
Reflections The Color Clear
Resolve Between Me and the Machine
Rise Against Appeal to Reason
Rise To Remain City of Vultures
Riviere Heal
Royal Coda Compassion
Saor Roots
Saor Forgotten Paths
Saosin Saosin
Saosin Translating the Name
Saosin Along the Shadow
Saosin In Search Of Solid Ground
Savage Hands Barely Alive
SEASONS (UK) Chapters
SECRETS Fragile Figures
Fun record, albeit absolutely nothing special to be found here. Much better and fleshed out than the last effort, though not as consistently catchy as *Fragile Figures. *
Selfish Things Logos
Send Request Perspectives
Senses Fail Still Searching
Senses Fail Let It Enfold You
Senses Fail Renacer
SHVPES Pain. Joy. Ecstasy. Despair
Silent Planet Everything Was Sound
Silent Planet When the End Began
As a pretty big fan of modern metalcore, I feel like I'm missing something with these guys. As always, its a good record, but nothing clicks for me to make me want to listen to it often. Someone help.
Silverstein Misery Made Me
Sleep Token Two
Sleepwave Broken Compass
Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
Slipknot We Are Not Your Kind
Social Distortion Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes
Social Distortion Prison Bound
Soilwork The Ride Majestic
Soilwork Figure Number Five
Soilwork A Whisp of the Atlantic
Sojourner Perennial
Sojourner Premonitions
Sojourner Empires of Ash
State Champs Overslept
State Champs Slow Burn
Stick Figure Burnin' Ocean
Stick to Your Guns Diamond
Stick to Your Guns Disobedient
Stone Sour House of Gold and Bones - Part 2
Stormkeep Tales of Othertime
Story of the Year Wolves
Story Untold Waves
Structures None of the Above
Sullivan King Vantablack (w/ Dirtyphonics)
Sum 41 13 Voices
Sunsleep I Hope to See Again With Brand New Eyes
Talk Talk It's My Life
Tears for Fears The Tipping Point
Teenage Wrist Chrome Neon Jesus
Termina Soul Elegy
TesseracT Altered State
TesseracT One
TesseracT Errai
TesseracT Sonder
Pretty disappointed in this to be honest. It lacks the epic moments that made Polaris so special for me. TesseracT maintain's their core sound though, and that alone is better than most artists. But at this point, they've taken the ambient djent about as far as it can go. Take those epic influences and evolve into something new rather than taking steps backwards as they did here.
TesseracT War of Being
Kalkwise's sound-off on this is spot-on, but just to expand a bit... this thing sounds great. As always, their production quality is top notch. But I can't help feeling that we've heard this album before. Its the same solid TesseracT sound, just with a concept layered in to give it some extra depth. And the hooks are just not there. So while everyone's individual talent is on full display for most of the album run-time, the actual songs themselves lack that attention-grabbing re-playability that would push this into being a truly great album. I'm actually amazed this is still sitting at a 3.9 here at the time of this sound-off. I thought everyone else here would be completely bored by this.
Texas in July Bloodwork
The 1975 I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It
The 1975 Sex
The 1975 Facedown
The 1975 Music For Cars
The 1975 The 1975
The 1975 The 1975 (Deluxe Edition)
The 1975 A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships
The Amity Affliction Chasing Ghosts
The Black Queen Infinite Games
The Blackout The Best in Town
The Brave Epoch
The Cult Beyond Good And Evil
The Cult Ceremony
The Cult Brothers Grimm 12" (Death Cult)
The Cult Under The Midnight Sun
The Curse Within Seeking Vengeance
The Dangerous Summer Reach for the Sun
The Dangerous Summer War Paint
The Dangerous Summer The Dangerous Summer
The Dead Rabbitts Shapeshifter
The Dead Rabbitts Edge of Reality
The Dead Rabbitts The Emptiness
Probably at least more consistent if not better than the first record, but it makes you wonder if Craig could finally reach his full potential if he wasn't spreading himself too thin between this project and Escape the Fate. If he chose one, doesn't matter which, and focused his best songwriting into one record (and we got an album full of "Dead Again" and "This World is Ours") it would probably be pretty damn good. Unfortunately though, The Dead Rabbitts strays almost totally into the world of generic metalcore and its simply not enough to propel this release beyond anything simply above average. The creativity from the debut EP ("Are You on Drugs?" and "Sleep the Night Away") unfortunately hasn't found its way onto either LP (nor the recent Escape the Fate work). There's a few tracks worth listening to here, but ultimately this won't win its way onto any year-end lists. I guess we're stuck with giving Craig another chance on the upcoming Escape the Fate record. This is about a 3.1-3.2...
The Dear Hunter Act III: Life and Death
The Dear Hunter Act I: The Lake South, the River North
The Dear Hunter Act II: The Meaning of, & All Things Regarding Ms. Leading
The Dear Hunter Migrant
The Devil Wears Prada 8:18
The Devil Wears Prada The Act
The Dillinger Escape Plan Miss Machine
The Dillinger Escape Plan Ire Works
The Gaslight Anthem American Slang
The Gaslight Anthem History Books
The Ghost Inside Get What You Give
The Ghost Inside The Ghost Inside
One hell of a story and I'm beyond glad that they're back, but that alone does not mean this record is a 4+. You'd be crazy to just toss AOTY contender status at this, just for that reason alone. Let's be real, its just another TGI record. Same riffs, same lyrical content, same drum fills, same mid-ranged screams and breakdowns. Its TGI and its good, but its not a fuckin 5.0
The Menzingers On the Impossible Past
The Menzingers No Penance/ Cemetery's Garden
The Midnight Endless Summer
The Midnight Kids
The Midnight Monsters
The Neighbourhood I Love You.
The Night Flight Orchestra Amber Galactic
The Night Flight Orchestra Sometimes The World Ain't Enough
The Northern Solstice
The One Hundred Chaos + Bliss
The Ongoing Concept Handmade
The Ongoing Concept Saloon
The Plot In You Could You Watch Your Children Burn
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Don't You Fake It
The Royal Deathwatch
The Smith Street Band Don't Waste Your Anger
The Smiths The Queen Is Dead
The Story So Far While You Were Sleeping
The Story So Far We Walked Through Arbo
The Undertaking! Funeral Psalms
The Used Heartwork
The Wildhearts Renaissance Men
theHELL Southern Medicine
theHELL Sauvez Les Requins
Thomas Giles Velcro Kid
Thousand Below The Love You Let Too Close
Three Days Grace Lost In You EP
Three Days Grace Transit of Venus
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. I & II
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IV
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vol. I: Fire
Thrice To Be Everywhere Is to Be Nowhere
thrown Extended Pain
Tokio Hotel Dream Machine
Tom Delonge To The Stars... Demos, Odds, and Ends
Too Close to Touch I'm Hard to Love, But So Are You, Vol. 1
Toothgrinder Phantom Amour
Turnover Good Nature
Turnstile Time and Space
Turnstile Turnstile Love Connection
Twenty One Pilots Regional At Best
Twenty One Pilots TOPxMM
Ulver Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
Ulver Flowers of Evil
Ulver Kveldssanger
Underoath Erase Me
Upon a Burning Body Southern Hostility
Upon a Burning Body Built From War
Urethane Chasing Horizons
Valdrin Throne of the Lunar Soul
Valhalore Voyage into Eternity
Various Artists (Punk) Punk Goes Pop 5
Villain of the Story Bloodshot
Villain of the Story Ashes
Vital Spirit Still as the Night, Cold as the Wind
Void of Vision Hyperdaze
Void of Vision Chronicles II: Heaven
Volbeat Rock The Rebel/Metal The Devil
Volbeat The Strength/The Sound/The Songs
Volbeat Servant of the Mind
Volumes Happier?
VV (FIN) Neon Noir
VVilderness Path
Wage War Blueprints
Wage War Manic
We Are Harlot We Are Harlot
While She Sleeps This Is the Six
White Reaper Asking For A Ride
Whitechapel The Valley
Whitesnake 1987
Whitesnake Slip Of The Tongue
Wilderun Epigone
William Control Hate Culture
William Control Noir
William Control Revelations: The Black
Winterfylleth The Hallowing Of Heirdom
Wintersun The Forest Seasons
Wintersun Time II
Wormwood Ghostlands - Wounds From A Bleeding Earth
Wstr Identity Crisis
You Me At Six Sinners Never Sleep
Youth In Revolt Love Is A Liar's Game
Zeal and Ardor Zeal and Ardor
Zeta (UK) Zeta
Zoume The Diablo Project

2.5 average
A Day To Remember Common Courtesy
A Day To Remember For Those Who Have Heart
A Day To Remember Common Courtesy (Deluxe Edition)
A Day To Remember Bad Vibrations
A Lot Like Birds No Place
A Scent Like Wolves Mystic Auras
After the Burial Evergreen
Afterlife (USA-FL) Breaking Point
I don't know why I continue to give these nu-metalcore bands a shot when they pop up on my release radar.
Against Me! The Disco Before the Breakdown
Agalloch The Mantle
Aiden Knives
Aiden Some Kind of Hate
Aiden Disguises
Alexisonfire Dog's Blood
Alive Like Me Only Forever
Anberlin Silverline
Andy Black The Shadow Side
Angel Du$t Bigger House
Angels and Airwaves ...Of Nightmares
Architects Hollow Crown
Architects The Here and Now
Architects Holy Hell
Architects The Classic Symptoms of a Broken Spirit
Art Of Dying Art Of Dying
As It Is Never Happy, Ever After
As It Is Okay
As Within, So Without Salvation
Atreyu In Our Wake
Title track and "Anger Left Behind" are insanely catchy, but the rest is mailed in radio rock or
sports anthem hopefuls. In fact, "Blind Deaf & Dumb" is in the running for worst track of the
year. Then, the finale, "Superhero," which actually features Matt Shadows of A7X and Aaron
Gillespie of Underoath, comes out of nowhere as this psuedo-prog rock epic only held back by some
questionable lyrics. Its one of the most well composed Atreyu tracks ever, and begs the question
what an album of creativity and experimentation a la "Superhero" would sound like. Bottom line
though, skip tracks 2-10, they're a waste of time. The other three tracks though are quite
Attack Attack! Attack Attack!
August Burns Red Thrill Seeker
AWOLNATION Megalithic Symphony
Beartooth B-Sides
Beartooth The Surface
Been following Caleb for 10+ years so I'm stoked the guy is finally happy & living his best life, but the songs from this thing are absolute confirmation of the age-old saying that the "best music comes from heartbreak." Huge stinker.
Beast In Black Berserker
Before I Turn Claustrophobic
Before Their Eyes Midwest Modesty
Being as an Ocean PROXY: An A.N.I.M.O. Story
Belmont Aftermath
Bilmuri Frame
Bilmuri Rich Sips
Black Tide Just Another Drug - EP
Bleachers Strange Desire
Bleeding Through Love Will Kill All
blink-182 Dude Ranch
Blood Incantation Timewave Zero
Bodysnatcher Bleed-Abide
Born of Osiris A Higher Place
Boston Manor Saudade
Brand New Daisy
Breaking Benjamin Ember
Breathe Atlantis Soulmade
Bullet For My Valentine Gravity
Bullet For My Valentine Rare Cuts
By the Thousands Dead Matter
Cane Hill Too Far Gone
Capstan Seasonal Depression
Capstan nulla.
Capture Reign of Terror
Caskets Reflections
Charlie Scene Outsider
Chiodos Bone Palace Ballet - The Grand Coda
City in the Sea Below the Noise
Coda (GER) Deathbloom
Cold Years A Different Life
Coldrain The Revelation
Coldrain Nonnegative
Comeback Kid Die Knowing
Corey Taylor CMFT
Counterparts Tragedy Will Find Us
Counterparts Heaven Let Them Die
Creeper American Noir
Crossfaith New Age Warriors
Crystal Lake Helix
Cyhra Letters To Myself
Cyhra No Halos In Hell
Why would Jesper leave In Flames to join a band that uses his talents even less?
Dance Gavin Dance Artificial Selection
Darke Complex Point Oblivion
Darkest Hour Perpetual | Terminal
Darkness Divided The End of It All
Dave Hause Bury Me In Philly
Dayseeker Dreaming Is Sinking /// Waking Is Rising
Dead Crown (FRA) Nature Is My Temple
Dead Crown (FRA) Tales From Frozen Lands PT.1
Dead Crown (FRA) Tales From Frozen Lands PT.2
Dead Letter Circus The Catalyst Fire
Deadlights The Uncanny Valley
Deaf Havana the present is a foreign land
Death Cab for Cutie Thank You For Today
dEMOTIONAL Discovery
Depeche Mode Black Celebration
Don Broco Automatic
Don Broco Automatic (Deluxe)
Dragged Under Upright Animals
Druadan Forest The Lost Dimension
Earthshatter 1135
Some pretty cool heavy moments, and the light-industrial/nu-metal influence a la Vein is definitely there, but the whiny chorus vocals kinda ruin the vibe. And that's coming from a dude who loves the generic high-pitched post-hardcore choruses. Its certainly a juxtaposition many of their heavy nu-metalcore peers don't offer, but it often takes the wind out of the sails of an otherwise solid heavy song. Ultimately, fun listen, but not a super impressive one. Maybe the choruses will grow on me, but for now this sits at a 2.7-ish for me. Potential for some good shit in the future exists here though.
Elderwind The Magic of Nature
Electric Callboy Rehab
Elvenscroll Never to Be Mourned
Emarosa This Is Your Way Out
Emarosa Versus
Emarosa 131
Enter Shikari Slipshod
Enter Shikari A Kiss For The Whole World
Escape the Fate This War Is Ours
Escape the Fate Hate Me
Eve 6 Eve 6
Eve 6 It's All In Your Head
"Think Twice" and "Bring the Night On" are both pretty great, high energy, catchy tunes but the rest is rather boring and totally bogged down by poor lyrics. Its easy to see why this record marked the beginning of their first hiatus, in retrospect.
Excision Shambhala 2010
Favorite Weapon Sixty Saragossa
When Hance Alligood left Georgia-based metalcore band Woe, Is Me leaving the remaining members to
eventually break up, I was assuming his new "venture" he was teasing was going to be much
different then his past work. What we have here is Favorite Weapon, that said new venture. Hance,
the only vocalist, performs both cleans and screams on this record, which ultimately doesn't stray
far from the later efforts of the Woe, Is Me career. Thus, its a very bland alternative rock
record, still pulling from the metalcore and post-hardcore influences that were slightly more
prevalent in Woe. Disappointed in the lack of new direction, it doesn't help that not one single
track stands far apart from the rest. One minor plus, however, is the pop-punk/easycore infused
"Better Days." But at track #9, and being the only song of that nature on the album, it doesn't
save the record from overall mediocrity. Perhaps it will take several more listens, but as of now,
its just a more heavy than usual, usual alternative rock record.
FEVER 333 Made an America
Firienholt White Frost and Elder Blood
Fit for a King Creation | Destruction
Fit for a King Deathgrip
Fit for a King Slave to Nothing
Fit for a King Descendants
Fit for a King The Hell We Create
Five Finger Death Punch The Wrong Side of Heaven and The Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 1
Five Finger Death Punch The Wrong Side of Heaven and The Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 2
Five Finger Death Punch Pre-Emptive Strike
For All Those Sleeping Outspoken
For the Fallen Dreams Six
Frank Turner Be More Kind
Frank Turner No Man's Land
Get Scared Best Kind of Mess
Get Scared Built For Blame, Laced With Shame
Get Scared Get Scared
Get Scared The Dead Days
Ghost (SWE) Infestissumam
Ghost Atlas Dust of the Human Shape
Good Tiger We Will All be Gone
Grandson A Modern Tragedy, Vol. 1
Grayscale Umbra
Greg Puciato Mirrorcell
Greywalker Le Cachot
Handguns Angst
Handguns Life Lessons
Hazing Over Pestilence
He Is Legend White Bat
Hollywood Undead American Tragedy Redux
Hollywood Undead Black Dahlia Remixes
Hollywood Undead Hotel Kalifornia
Unashamed life-long Undead fan here chiming in to say this is a pretty standard release by the band. Equal parts New Empire Vol. 1 (harder rock with a metalcore flourish now and then) and American Tragedy (fun, at times cheesy pop production), this surely will not win over anyone on the fence about the band. But it will likely please plenty of longtime fans, even though there's not much innovation to be found. It is certainly a step back onto their path of consistency following the abysmal New Empire Vol. 2, at the very least. As usual, the heavy songs are the highlights (Chaos, Alone at the Top, Reclaim) and the party songs (Ruin My Life) still sound wildly out of place for a group of late-30-somethings.
Hundredth Free
I Am King Playing the Saint
I Fight Fail Voyages & Vantage Points
Flashes of brilliance and potential, but like their primary influence Angels & Airwaves' early releases, they seem to fall short of putting all the pieces and ideas together into a cohesive, successful product. Still, worth a spin or two for the "space rock" fan, and also worth keeping an eye on for the future. It took AVA a few records to get it together, and perhaps I Fight Fail will soon too.
I See Stars Renegades Forever
I See Stars Phases
I the Mighty Where the Mind Wants to Go / Where You Let it Go
Ice Nine Kills Safe Is Just a Shadow
Imminence This Is Goodbye
If you enjoy Bring Me the Horizon's *That's the Spirit,* you'll find something in here to enjoy as well. And then you'll realize there are a lot of things you like about it. And then, you'll get to the point where you say to yourself, "Oh, that bit sounds like _____ from *That's the Spirit*." And then, you'll get to the point where that realization becomes every single track. This is an entire album of "Drown," "Throne" and "Follow You" derivatives. There is not a shred of originality to be found here. That said, if you enjoy that modern electro-tinged rock sound, you'll probably dig this quite a bit, especially if you can get past this band's blatant attempt to make *That's the Spirit* all over again. Jumping on a trend's influence is one thing, totally emulating an artist's sound is another. This is the latter; and for integrity's sake, Imminence needs to hone their own sound.
In Flames Soundtrack to Your Escape
In Hearts Wake Ark
In Hearts Wake Ark Prevails
Invent Animate Everchanger
Invent Animate Stillworld
These guys listen to a lot of Northlane...rI like Northlane a good bit, but I just don't see what's so special about this.
Invent Animate Greyview
Iron Maiden A Matter Of Life And Death
Iron Maiden The Final Frontier
Isles and Glaciers The Hearts of Lonely People
Issues Headspace
Jonathan Young Children of Night
Like an Adam-era Three Days Grace record if they were listening to a ton of Alestorm in the writing process. Funnily enough its co-written and co-produced by Judge & Jury, AKA two Three Days Grace members. Its a post-grunge, mid-2000's hard rock album with some folky Pirate lead guitar lines here and there. Cool concept, but definitely a bit cheesy whilst not thoroughly catchy enough. Jonathan still has an awesome voice, but something about his original songs still leaves something to be desired.
Joy Division Unknown Pleasures
Kamelot The Shadow Theory
Killswitch Engage Alive or Just Breathing
Killswitch Engage Disarm the Descent
Kingdom of Giants Abominable
Kingdom of Giants Every Wave of Sound
Kisses for Kings Forget to Remember
Knife Party 100% No Modern Talking
Knuckle Puck Oak Street
Landon Tewers Dead Kid
Like Moths to Flames Sweet Talker
Like Moths to Flames Dark Divine Reimagined
Like Moths to Flames Basilisk​/​Inherit the Tragedy
Linkin Park LPU XIII
Linkin Park Linkin Park Underground Eleven
Linkin Park Underground 5.0
Linkin Park In The End: Live & Rare
Linkin Park Frat Party At The Pankake Festival
Linkin Park Underground 3
Lions Lions To Carve Our Names
Lonely the Brave The Hope List
Lorene Drive Romantic Wealth
Machine Gun Kelly EST 4 Life
Machine Head Arrows in Words from the Sky
Many Eyes The Light Age
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster IV
Meliorist Cascade
Memphis May Fire Unconditional (Deluxe)
Unlike most Rise re-issues, this isn't a TOTAL blatant cash-grab. The entire original album has been re-mixed/mastered and sounds far and away better than the first release. The guitars are audible, the vocals don't entirely drown out the rest of the band, and there are lead licks present that seemed non-existent on the original version. Though the music sounds better, it doesn't save the album entirely, as the poor lyrics still stick out like a sore thumb in places. This is especially prevalent on "My Generation," one of two new tracks present on this release. Its counterpart, however, "Stay the Course," is certainly a highlight amongst the rest of the album's mediocrity, featuring a sweet dueling guitar solo (an unheard-of trait in modern metalcore) and constant energy. Bottom line: give this a spin if you, like me, found the original unlistenable. While it is not the best Memphis May Fire release by any means, it certainly saves Unconditional from being a completely irrelevant release within their discography.
Memphis May Fire This Light I Hold
Memphis May Fire Between the Lies
Memphis May Fire Memphis May Fire
Milestones Red Lights
Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
Miss May I Deathless
Modern Maps hope you're happy
Motionless In White Creatures
My Chemical Romance Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
My Chemical Romance Number Two
My Chemical Romance Number Five
My Ticket Home To Create a Cure
Neck Deep The Peace and The B-Sides
Night Rider (US) Night Rider
Night Verses Every Sound Has a Color...: Part II
No Love for the Middle Child Losing Feeling
Normandie Dopamine
This is most certainly not bad pop-rock, but its definitely a step down from their first two (as was the previous record, D&BS).
Northern Ghost Happy : Sad : Depressed : Suicidal
Northlane Mirror's Edge
Nothing More The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Novelists Déjà Vu
Noir and Souvenirs are two of my favorite djenty metalcore records ever, with Noir being one of my top played of all time in any genre. I was skeptical with the vocalist change, and while the replacement is a step back, he's capable of handling this new nu-metal/electro-tinged sound. And there are some decent songs here, just nothing touching the highs of the older records. Still, lead guitarist Flo rips a handful of really sick solos. That said, they put a fucking interlude at track #2 AND at track #4 AND at track #6 - none of which have anything to do with the otherwise nu-metal vibe of the album; they're completely out of place. Lost a whole point on the rating for that bullshit. You can't be tough-guy posturing on your album cover and have three vibey interludes in the first six tracks. EDIT - Taking another half point off for the FIVE fuckin interludes in 12 tracks. They would've sounded at home with the old sound, but with this new pivot, they make zero sense especially given 5 of the 7 actual songs were released as singles months ago. This should've been an EP.
Ocean Grove Flip Phone Fantasy
Oceans Red Hold Your Breath
Of Mice and Men Restoring Force
Of Mice and Men Echo
Unfortunately, I think this single-by-single, little EP-sized chunks at a time release model is here to stay in the age of streaming ruling the music industry. Apart from that ruining the album experience, this collection of songs is just boring and painfully average. There's no doubt the members left in this band are competent writers and performers, but nothing they've put together in several years is worth much fanfare. These guys are really missing the magic they had when Joey Sturgis was writing nearly all their tunes (The Flood). That said, "Pulling Teeth" is a genuinely good song with one of the better hooks in their discography. The rest? Instantly forgettable yet undeniably passable.
Ogemaw County Ogemaw County
Old Wounds Glow
Ominous Glory The Elven Dream
Otherwise Peace at All Costs
Our Hollow, Our Home Burn in the Flood
Our Last Night The Ghosts Among Us
Our Last Night Let Light Overcome The Darkness
Out Came The Wolves Strange Fate
Outlands Grave Mind
Not bad by any means, but throughout the entire record, all I can think is how many times I've heard this same vein of metalcore before. There are a few impressively catchy choruses, but besides that, this is pretty standard in every aspect of metalcore.
Outline In Color Masks
Outline In Color Imposter Syndrome
Palisades I'm Not Dying Today
Palmist Fake Smiles
Picturesque Back to Beautiful
Pierce the Veil Collide with the Sky
Pierce the Veil Misadventures
Pridelands Any Colour You Desire
Projected Human
Red (USA) Innocence and Instinct
Red (USA) End of Silence
Saint Asonia Flawed Design
Saint Asonia Saint Asonia
Saint Asonia Introvert
Sarea Black at Heart
Track one, "Lights" is excellent, with a top notch hook and a stellar driving groove, but the rest of the record is painfully average (borderline boring) metalcore with a melo-death edge.
Scandroid Scandroid
Scandroid Monochrome
Senses Fail If There Is Light, It Will Find You
Senses Fail Hell Is in Your Head
Seraphim Shades Of The Future
Set It Off Horrible Kids
Shinedown Attention Attention
Siamese Elements
Silverstein A Beautiful Place to Drown
Sincere Engineer Cheap Grills
Skrillex Bangarang
Sleep Signals Ethereal
Sleeper Ship The Gateway
Sleeping With Sirens Let's Cheers to This
Slipknot All Hope Is Gone
Slipknot .5: The Gray Chapter
Spiritbox The Fear of Fear
Starset Horizons
Static Dress Rouge Carpet Disaster
Stick to Your Guns Spectre
Stoneside. God of the Mountain
Sum 41 Order In Decline
Surroundings Of Bane, Burden & Change
Sylar Help!
Tear Out The Heart Dead, Everywhere
Termina Dysphoria
Texas in July Texas in July
The 1975 IV [American edition]
The 1975 IV
The 1975 Being Funny In A Foreign Language
The Afterimage Lumière
The Amity Affliction Let the Ocean Take Me
The Amity Affliction Misery
The Bad Chapter Cheers To the Down and Outs
The Band CAMINO The Dark
The Brave Aura
The Browning Geist
The Callous Daoboys Die on Mars
The Cult The Cult
The Cult Born Into This
The Cult Choice Of Weapon
The Dangerous Summer Coming Home
The Gaslight Anthem Get Hurt
The Killers Hot Fuss
The Maine You Are OK
The Menzingers Some of it Was True
The Midnight Heroes
The Mission Carved in Sand
The Oklahoma Kid Solarray
The Ongoing Concept Arrows Before Bullets
The Ongoing Concept Places
The Raven Age Conspiracy
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus The Awakening
The Road to Milestone Motion Sickness
The Southern Death Cult The Southern Death Cult
The Story So Far I Want to Disappear
I dunno what album you guys are listening to. This is so bland and boring compared to all four previous records. Proper Dose was a grower though and maybe this will be too, but as of now, I just keep waiting for this thing to hook me and it never does.
The Used Lies for the Liars
The Veer Manifestations
Some metalcore aspects were added here that I've never heard from this band previously, which make this release slightly more entertaining. A few solid chorus hooks make up for an abhorrent rock rendition of tik-tok track ABCDEFU, but ultimately its still pretty run-of-the-mill radio rock.
The Veer Decade II - Rock & Acoustic
The Weight of Atlas The Art of Letting Go Pt. 1
The Word Alive Violent Noise
The Word Alive Hard Reset
Thomas Giles Modern Noise
Thomas Giles Pulse
Thornhill Heroine
Thousand Below Gone in Your Wake
Thrawsunblat Great Brunswick Forest
Thrawsunblat Metachthonia
Three Days Grace Life Starts Now
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vol. III: Air
Times of Grace Songs of Loss and Separation
Too Close to Touch Too Close to Touch
Too Close to Touch I'm Hard to Love, But So Are You, Vol. 2
Too Close to Touch I'm Hard to Love, But So Are You, Vol. 3
Tool Undertow
Trash Boat Don't You Feel Amazing?
Tremonti The End Will Show Us How
Trivium The Crusade
Trivium Vengeance Falls
Turnover Altogether
Tyler Carter Leave Your Love
Unearth The Wretched; The Ruinous
Upon a Burning Body Fury
Various Artists (Punk) Punk Goes 90s Vol. 2
Various Artists (Punk) Punk Goes Christmas Errorzone This World Is Going to Ruin You
VOLA Friend of a Phantom
Volumes Via
Volumes Via (Remastered)
Volumes Coming Clean
We Came As Romans To Plant a Seed
We Came As Romans Darkbloom
While She Sleeps So What?
While She Sleeps Sleeps Society (Special Edition)
Whirr Muta / Blue Sugar
White Moth Black Butterfly One Thousand Wings
William Control Silentium Amoris
William Control Novus Ordo Seclorum
William Control Revelations: The Red
William Control Revelations: The White
Windwaker Love Language
Windwaker Enter the Wall
Windwaker Hyperviolence
With Confidence Better Weather
XXI Inside Out
You Me At Six VI
Young Lions Make a Rainbow and Put It in the Sky
Zero 9:36 You Will Not Be Saved
Zero 9:36 ...If You Don't Save Yourself

2.0 poor
3TEETH Metawar
A Skylit Drive Rise: Ascension
Adelitas Way Home School Valedictorian
Alexisonfire Watch Out!
Alexisonfire Alexisonfire
All That Remains Victim Of The New Disease
As I Lay Dying Decas
I've come to conclusion these guys can't do anything original. Their early stuff was just the Story So Far/Neck Deep pop punk that was booming from 2011-2015. Then they made a full-blown MCR ripoff down to the makeup and outfits in the Great Depression, as the MCR nostalgia hype was hitting all-time highs. I'm like five songs in, and this sounds like MGK's Tickets to My Downfall, with the trap beat verses and loud power chord choruses. The damn singer is even trying to imitate MGK's vocal style/inflection on the "IDC" song, and its just as blatant on the chorus of the "I'd Rather Die" song. There might be a good song or two on here, but fuck if its not obvious that this band doesn't have an original bone in their bodies.
As Lions Selfish Age
Asking Alexandria The Black
Asking Alexandria See What's On the Inside
After the last few releases, its a foregone conclusion that AA will never again release the sleazy fun metalcore that caused their explosion in the early 2010's. Many bands have been able to make the transition out of that formula and into something bigger and better, whilst keeping the music interesting and genuine. AA has been trying this of late, but severely lacked the last two key ingredients. Though their singles have peaked higher and higher on the active rock charts (no doubt their goal all along), the albums as a whole have been lifeless and boring. This album is a step above the previous two, but ultimately still extremely watered down. There appears to be a heightened passion here, as "Alone Again" is actually a pretty fun Avenged Sevenfold rip, and there's actually a couple decent power ballads (something I haven't been able to say for any rock bands lately), but in the end this isn't going to win over anyone outside the red state rock radio demographic.
Asking Alexandria Where Do We Go from Here?
Atreyu Baptize
Brandon Saller was always good for a handful of solid hooks per record, but over half of this album seems to be written for sports broadcast "hype" videos (think "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy on every NHL and NFL pre-game show in 2014), egregiously moreso than the previous release, and it gets so god damn boring. And, somehow, as they get older, their lyrics seem to be written by younger and younger people? A few of these songs are sure to get some radio spins but if you're looking for a beacon of musical accomplishment here, you aren't going to find it.
Atreyu The Hope Of A Spark
Atreyu The Moment You Find Your Flame
Attila About That Life
Attila Chaos
Avenged Sevenfold Warmness On The Soul
Beartooth Aggressive
This album has none of the fun, infectious energy nor sheer catchiness that drove the debut
straight into my list of top metalcore albums. The lyrics are even worse than the those that were
the low point of the debut, and Caleb Shomo's remarkable talent for writing irresistibly catchy
melodies is seemingly non-existent here. This, unfortunately, is a monumental disappointment for a
band previously poised to take the metal/hardcore genre by the jugular.
Beartooth Aggressive (Remix)
Black Veil Brides We Stitch These Wounds
Black Veil Brides Re-Stitch These Wounds
Blessthefall His Last Walk
blink-182 One More Time, Pt. 2
All of part 2 sounded like half-assed tunes that would've fit better on any of Travis' Tik Tok bubble gum punk projects (Jadn is one that comes to mind) than a blink record. Seriously, I'm not sure why someone like Tom would've let some of these bonus tracks get released. But like that other commenter mentioned, in the age of streaming, more is more and the music quality suffers for it. Luckily, the original album is pretty decent. My rating here is solely for the PT2-exclusive songs.
Born Through Fire Purify and Refine
Breaking Benjamin Saturate
Breaking Benjamin Dark Before Dawn
Breathe Carolina Hell Is What You Make It
Breathe Carolina Hell Is What You Make It: Reloaded
Bring Me The Horizon Count Your Blessings
Bring Me The Horizon Suicide Season
Capture Live Life
Capture Lost Control
Celldweller Wish Upon A Blackstar (Deluxe Edition)
"Eon" is the best track this dude has ever done, but aside from that this is very forgettable.
Celldweller Wish Upon a Blackstar
Chiodos Bone Palace Ballet
Cold Black Circles
Crown the Empire Sudden Sky
Cry Venom Vanquish the Demon
Extremely weak [sometimes cringe-worth] lyrics, poor production, and only a couple decent hooks. Not to mention the extremely forced combination of EDM and power metal, which doesn't work. The enjoyable songs are the ones with less electronic influence. Jacky Vincent can shred, but he should've stayed in Falling in Reverse if he wanted to continue a musical career. I don't see this going anywhere.
Deuce Invincible (Original)
Deuce Nightmare
Device Device
Drag Me Out Demons Away
A bit odd for D-Stoff's Drag Me Out to pivot back into the sleazy early-2010's-style metalcore after an entire album of bland radio rock songs. While heavy stuff is certainly what these guys do best (see Down & Dirty, same band members as the original lineup), they didn't manage to make this any more entertaining or any less bland than the previous album. This is very "meh."
Dreamshade Vibrant
Electric Callboy Crystals
Electric Callboy The Scene
Enter Shikari The Mindsweep : Hospitalised
Escape the Fate Acoustic Sessions
Escape the Fate Out of the Shadows
Excision Shambhala 2008
Five Finger Death Punch The Way Of The Fist
Five Finger Death Punch Got Your Six
Five Finger Death Punch And Justice for None
Five Finger Death Punch F8
From Under The Willow Outlaws
Good Charlotte Good Morning Revival
Green Day ¡UNO!
Greta Van Fleet Starcatcher
Hands Like Houses Ground Dweller
Hands Like Houses -Anon.
Yet another step further from their progressive beginnings, this surprisingly comes across like a weird mix of grunge and pop music with a 2018 sheen. Catchy in parts, but bland as all hell in most areas. The colorful guitars and keys are gone, and what's left is a shell of what this band once was.
Hollywood Undead New Empire Vol. 2
This is pretty poor, and that's coming from someone who has adored (and 5.0ed this band) for years. Way more electronic & hip-hop leaning than Vol 1, but at the expense at most of the super fun hooks. Some of these tracks are an absolute mess. "Idol" has this odd dubstep chorus that just 8 years too late, and "Monsters" I guess is their attempt at grabbing some of the emo-rap scene but the flows are simply some of the worst in their discography. After one playthrough, it becomes super evident why a remixed version of a track from Vol 1 was the lead single for this release: the tracks here are nowhere near as strong.
I See Stars 3D
I See Stars Green Light Go!
I See Stars Anomaly / Drift
In Flames Sounds of a Playground Fading
In Flames Down, Wicked and No Good
In Flames Clayman (20th Anniversary Edition)
In Hearts Wake Kaliyuga
InDirections Clockworks
Jamie's Elsewhere Rebel - Revive
Julien-K Death To Analog
Knife Party Haunted House
Like Moths to Flames The Dying Things We Live For
Linkin Park Sweet Hamster Like Jewels From America!
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns: Puerta De Alcala
Lions Lions Changing the Definition
Lions Lions The Path We Take EP
Machine Gun Kelly bloom
This is borderline sellout material from Kells, who admittedly was my favorite rapper a few years
back. After a handful of solid mixtapes and a decent debut LP, it seems to have all gone downhill
from there. The *Lace Up* mixtape, *Lace Up* LP, and *Black Flag* all showcased his "machine-gun"
style, lightning fast delivery with impressive lyricism and flow while sprinkling in pop
sensibility. Just a few years removed from those releases, and *Bloom* is totally pop-heavy,
without much (if any) of the namesake-esque rapping that allowed him to burst onto the scene. The
trap tracks are laughable, the pretentious pot smoking anthems are boring, and the poppiest bits
just don't hit for MGK as they used to. "The Gunner" and "27" pose the most passable songs, while
"Let You Go" and "Rehab" aren't terrible (full-band) pop rock songs, but the majority is instantly
skip-worthy. And with the massive success of the Top 40 smash "Bad Things," it doesn't appear
we'll see MGK return to his "Chip Off the Block" roots any time soon.
Machine Gun Kelly Binge
Better than the inconsistent 'bloom,' but doesn't even hold a candle to his 2011-12 stuff. MGK burst on the scene for having a unique sound, but lately he seems to be more of a follower than an innovator. 'Binge' sounds like most modern hip-hop, but its still leagues ahead of the trash mumble rap dominating radio waves. That said, "Rap Devil" is better than "Killshot," hands down.
Machine Gun Kelly Mainstream Sellout
Despite what many may say here and elsewhere online, *Tickets to My Downfall* was a legitimately good *pop* record. It deserved the acclaim, though maybe not the "prince of pop punk" title Billboard has since bestowed upon MGK. This, unfortunately, is nowhere near the same level. Most of these tracks feel like awkward, cast out B-sides from the *Tickets* sessions. While *Tickets* certainly had a cringey lyric here and there, this record seems to have them on every track, and the vocal flows just aren't as silky smooth across the board, making some of those awkward moments stand out more. "God Save Me," "Make Up Sex," "Papercuts" and of course "emo girl" all suffer from this. And "Die in California" starts off great, but is borderline ruined by a couple mumble rap verses on the back half. There's a few moments that salvage this from being a complete trainwreck though: "Maybe" is fantastic, but under the surface its just "Misery Business 2.0." "Drug Dealer [Girl]" is also a pretty solid song, but if it sounds all too familiar to the *Tickets* album, that's because it was written for that (and the demo has been floating around the internet since then). "WW4" and "Born With Horns" are two pretty cool yet pretty obvious Barker-blink songs. Maybe its true what they say though, that once you fall in love you can't write good music anymore....? S/o Megan Fox.
Memphis May Fire Unconditional
Michael Barr Revenge
Miss May I Rise of the Lion
My Ticket Home The Opportunity To Be
Neck Deep All Distortions Are Intentional
Night Riots Howl
Night Verses Into the Vanishing Light
Northlane 5G
Ocean Grove Up in the Air Forever
Of Mice and Men Timeless
Of Mice and Men Tether
Orgy Candyass
Our Last Night Empires Fall
Papa Roach Getting Away With Murder
Papa Roach The Paramour Sessions
Papa Roach Metamorphosis
Parkway Drive Darker Still
PVRIS White Noise (Deluxe Version)
Real Friends Maybe This Place Is the Same and We're Just Changing
Rise Against Endgame
Ronnie Radke Watch Me
Saint Asonia Extrovert
Scarlett O'Hara Welcome Back To The Brodeo
SECRETS Renditions
Shinedown Amaryllis
Skrillex Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites
Slash Apocalyptic Love
Sleeping With Sirens With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear
Slipknot The End, So Far
Snarl Demo
Starset Vessels
Stone Temple Pilots High Rise
Survive This! Reality
Tear Out The Heart Violence
That's Outrageous! Psycho
That's Outrageous! Teenage Scream
The 1975 Notes on a Conditional Form
The Amity Affliction Somewhere Beyond the Blue
The Color Morale Know Hope
The Devil Wears Prada Plagues
The Gaslight Anthem The B-Sides
The Ghost Inside Searching for Solace
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Et Tu, Brute?
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus The Emergency EP
"Brace Yourself" and "Don't Buy Into It" are actually two decent songs, the first RJA songs I'd find myself playing more than once since 2011's *Am I the Enemy.* After so much promise on their debut album in 2006, its borderline unbelievable the fall into complete obscurity that this band has taken. It begs the question that perhaps their early work was entirely ghostwritten. Just read the lyrics of "A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Called LA", my lord its painful.
The Used Heartwork (Deluxe Version)
The Used Toxic Positivity
The Veer Covers Collection Vol. 1
Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
Three Days Grace Explosions
Time Traveller Morla And The Red Balloon
To My Surprise To My Surprise
Shoutout to EA Sports MVP Baseball 2004 for the banger that is "Get it to Go," but the rest of this is pretty mediocre. Not quite sure what Rick Rubin saw in this to want to produce it.
Transit Young New England
Trivium Silence in the Snow
Underoath Voyeurist
Upon a Burning Body The World Is Ours
Upon a Burning Body Straight From the Barrio
They must've had a serious identity crisis on this record: first half is full latin-Attila, second half is The World is My Enemy Now With Clean Singing.
Various Artists (Punk) Punk Goes Pop 4
Various Artists (Punk) Punk Goes Pop 3
Various Artists (Punk) Rock Sound Presents: The Black Parade
Volumes Different Animals
Wage War Stigma
While She Sleeps The North Stands for Nothing
While She Sleeps Sleeps Society
You Me At Six Suckapunch
Lots of Imagine Dragons ripoffs here. Its clear what their intent is with this, but more of the 80's-pop influence from the last album ("Straight to My Head") would've been welcome and made this more tolerable. Only song I see myself going back to is maybe the title track. "Finish What I Started" is also not too bad. "Adrenaline" may very well have been stolen from Imagine Dragons, as that vocal cadence is right out of the Dan Reynolds book of cheese.
You Me At Six Truth Decay

1.5 very poor
A Day To Remember You're Welcome
A Day To Remember Resentment
A Skylit Drive Rise
Art Of Dying Rise Up
A lot heavier than V&V, but still pretty run-of-the-mill radio rock. The singer has a much better voice than most trying to break into the mainstream butt rock scene, but the songs just aren't there.
Art Of Dying Nevermore
As Lions Aftermath
Austin Dickinson broke up metalcore standout Rise to Remain to form this band, and the result is a
very disappointing radio rock effort. Despite the solid opener and title track, the rest of the EP
is very lackluster. "White Flag" has a catchy chorus, but like the rest of the EP, suffers from
terrible lyricism and uninteresting musicianship. The production is edgy, giving it a "future"-
rock feel, and Dickinson's voice is seemingly better than it was on the Rise to Remain releases,
but it alone cannot save this from being a 1-listen-and-done album. Still, perhaps there is hope
for future As Lions releases given the talent (and genes) the band possesses.
Asking Alexandria Stand Up and Scream
Asking Alexandria Under the Influence
Asking Alexandria Life Gone Wild
Asking Alexandria Asking Alexandria
Atreyu The Beautiful Dark of Life
Attack Attack! Someday Came Suddenly
Attila Guilty Pleasure
Attila Villain
Can always count on Attila to come thru every two years with a release to help the objectivity statistic on our profiles. That said, couple fun moments, mostly a heaping pile of the same trash they've been pushing for a decade. "Subhuman" is actually a passable, accessible metalcore tune a la Bad Omens or BMTH so its cool to see them trying something different for fucking once. The rest is your typical Attila. Hard pass.
Avenged Sevenfold Sounding The Seventh Trumpet
Black Country, New Road For the first time
Black Tide Bite the Bullet
Black Tide Chasing Shadows
Black Veil Brides Sex & Hollywood
Black Veil Brides Never Give In
Breathe Carolina Hello Fascination
Breathe Carolina It's Classy Not Classic
Bring Me The Horizon Music to Listen to...
Bullet For My Valentine Temper Temper (Deluxe Edition)
Cane Hill Smile
Celldweller End of an Empire - Chapter 02: Love
Down to Earth is average across the board, but Heart On's unbelievably cringeworthy lyrics can't save it from a decent instrumental.
Celldweller Offworld
Chiodos All's Well That Ends Well
Code Orange The Hurt Will Go On
Convictions I Will Become
Crown the Empire Retrograde
Dead by April Worlds Collide
Deftones Koi No Yokan
Drag Me Out Pressure
What we have here is 12 copy-pasted versions of Linkin Park's "What I've Done" run through a 2016 Bring Me the Horizon *That's the Spirit* filter. Literally every song goes like this: intro riff with basic power chords, drop the riff for some ~atmospheric keys~ and a basic drum beat under the vocals in the first verse, bring back that basic ass riff for the chorus, and repeat until you have 45 minutes of boring as fuck rock music. Denis Stoff doesn't even try to write his own shit. His first two bands are Asking Alexandria rip-offs, then he actually got his dream job fronting that band and pissed it away, so now he's making the exact same album they dropped last year. Seriously, whoever wrote "Alone in a Room" for AA also sold that shit to Stoff, because "Hollow" is virtually the same track. I really am not quite sure why I listened to all of this.
Dropout Kings AudioDope
Song with Landon Tewers (the Plot in You) is kinda fun, but aside from that this is pretty repulsive.
Escape the Fate Escape the Fate
Escape the Fate Chemical Warfare
Excision X Rated
FEVER 333 Wrong Generation
Protest songs are usually great, but this is just repetitive and grating and... not... good... like at all.
From Ashes To New Downfall
Like a bad version of the new Of Mice and Men album (Restoring Force) with a bit more of the hip-hop influence. Not worth checking out to the average metal/metalcore/rock fan, but a die-hard nu-metalhead may find something interesting here.
From Ashes To New From Ashes to New
Good Charlotte Generation Rx
Here's a new one: Legacy pop punk band completely rips the electro-rock trend in attempt to stay relevant. This record is so blatantly an attempt to cash in on the popularity of Bring Me the Horizon's *That's the Spirit* sound, but its executed with poor Three Days Grace lyricism and absolutely nothing that once made Good Charlotte, well, Good Charlotte. Result: a vapid and completely transparent stab at career revival by playing exactly what the kids are into these days in the most boring way possible.
Green Day Father of All Motherfuckers
I Prevail Heart vs. Mind
I Prevail Lifelines
There's no denying this band will probably be huge. They're pretty much the love child of ADTR and Cold World OM&M, the choruses are tailor-made for Sirius XM Octane, and they use their social media extremely well to promote their music. That formula alone will get them a spot on Warped's main stage in the next couple years, but there is no depth to their music at all and this record does not live up to the hype. rIf you like hard rock. you'll probably dig the fuck out of this. Hell, if I heard this when I was 16 I'd probably be on my way to the record store to buy it right now. But, I'm 23 now and music like this pretty much does nothing for me anymore. And, if you're browsing Sputnik Music right now, I'd assume it does nothing for you either.
I Prevail Hurricane (Reimagined)
I Prevail TRAUMA
I See Stars The End of the World Party
I See Stars New Demons [Remixes]
In Flames Siren Charms
Knife Party Abandon Ship
Instead of maintaining the catchy, head-bobbing, banger dubstep style from their earlier releases, the former Pendulum members have decided to basically run with the trends of the EDM crowd. Out goes the signature Knife Party dubstep sound, in with the recycled, cut-and-paste progressive house and trap/hip-hop beats. It doesn't work, and makes for a very boring release from start to finish. Lets all go back to jamming Centipede and Rage Valley, and forget this LP even happened.rOr better yet, back to listening to Pendulum. One can only hope Rob and Gareth return to their roots at some point. After the disaster that is Abandoned Ship, hopefully they see it as necessary as I do.
Light Up the Sky Nightlife
Linkin Park Recharged
Linkin Park One More Light
I'm not really sure how this took ~2.5-3 years to make. Its all simple keys, pop structures and plain drum beats. Hard to believe this is the same band that created the Hunting Party a few years back. This is almost entirely sell-out material. If they were going to go full soft, it would at least be passable as art had they taken the progressive route like the underrated *A Thousand Suns* or the impressive folky ballad "Castle of Glass" off *Living Things* (a nearly entirely pop-rock record that had its enjoyable moments). There is not a hint of progression or even "rock" music in this release. If you've heard one track, you've heard them all. And then you never have to listen to this again. Here's hoping this flops and we get a decent record (and entirely different sonic direction) in another 3 years. What the fuck, Mike.
Liquid Stranger Cryogenic Encounters
liveconformdie Circa '94
Machine Gun Kelly Fuck It
Motionless In White Infamous
Night Riots Love Gloom
This band scratches the surface of their potential with the single "Contagious," which has been on alternative radio for over two years by the time this record actually hit the shelves, but the rest of the album is very underwhelming. Many songs suffer from terrible lyricism and boring instrumentation, and lacking effective hooks really brings down the value of the entire product. Expanding on the dark pop (Depeche Mode, New Order) influence would be good for these dudes, they just need to put it all together (and write better hooks) on their next release to avoid slipping into alt. rock obscurity.
Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men
Palisades Mind Games
Personally, I preferred their first record by miles. But that's not to say Mind Games was bad. Outcasts had its fair share of decent riffs, heaviness, several solid guest appearances, and a tolerable mix of EDM and post-hardcore that is rarely done effectively. I really enjoyed Outcasts.rMind Games feels like they dropped a LOT of that post-hardcore/metalcore influence for a more Breathe Carolina-style record. Its poppy-er, dancy-er, and less heavy but still maintains an effective amount of catchy. Another negative is the VERY repetitive song structures which gets boring and makes tracks run together, and the lack of any creative riffs (when they actually do use the two guitarists in the band). That being said, its not a bad album though I do seem to be pretty negative about it. 2.5/5
Red (USA) Release the Panic
SECRETS The Ascent
SECRETS Everything That Got Us Here
Set It Off Duality
After listening, its clear Set it Off has dropped a lot of their rock and post-hardcore/pop-punky side to focus more on a run at the mainstream a la Fall out Boy. This is a mostly pop record, and disappointingly relates more to Five Seconds of Summer than their previous album, Cinematics, or any of their recent touring party. That being said, its a decent record, with a few really fun, catchy songs. But as a whole, it lacks the unique, grandios feel from Cinematics that really catches the listener.
Set It Off Duality: Stories Unplugged
Shinedown Threat to Survival
Skillet Rise
Skillet Awake
Sleeping With Sirens Madness
Slipknot Adderall
Sylar Seasons
Their first record is pretty solid nu-metal tinged metalcore. The second was a bit watered down, leaning more to the nu-metal. This record went full on what the fuck. The cringey lyricism and uninspired guitar work result in eleven songs of piss poor Meteora worship.
The Amity Affliction This Could Be Heartbreak
The Amity Affliction Everyone Loves You... Once You Leave Them
The Amity Affliction Not Without My Ghosts
The Color Morale Hold On Pain Ends
The Dead Rabbitts Break The Static
An absolute mess. The mix is awful. The lyrics are awful. What the fuck happened to Craig Mabbitt? Talented voice, but the quality of everything he's touched has significantly dropped every release compared to its predecessor. Escape the Fate recently hit an unprecedented low, and this release is just that for his Dead Rabbitts project.
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus The Hell or High Water
The Word Alive Monomania
Theory of a Deadman Wake Up Call
"Rx" is strangely really catchy for an objectively bad vapid pop song with garbage lyrics, and the
"Wicked Game" cover ain't bad (but the vocalist's voice isn't all that fitting for that dark,
brooding song), but those are the only two reasons lifting this above a flat-out 1.0 rating. This
is hot fucking trash, though honestly Theory has been hovering right around that level anyway for
the entirety of their career.
Three Days Grace Outsider
Touche Amore Is Survived By
Upon a Burning Body Red. White. Green.
Villain of the Story Divided
Wage War Pressure
We Came As Romans We Came As Romans
While She Sleeps Self Hell
Woe, Is Me American Dream
You Me At Six Cavalier Youth
You Me At Six Night People

1.0 awful
Abandon All Ships Infamous
Abandon All Ships Geeving
Abandon All Ships Abandon All Ships!
Abandon All Ships Malocchio
Asking Alexandria Stepped Up and Scratched
Asking Alexandria LP5 DLX
Asking Alexandria Like a House on Fire
Blind Equation Death Awaits
Blood on the Dance Floor Haunted
Blood on the Dance Floor Kawaii Monster
Blood on the Dance Floor Scissors
Blood on the Dance Floor Bitchcraft
Blood on the Dance Floor Bad Blood
Blood on the Dance Floor Evolution
Blood on the Dance Floor All the Rage
Blood on the Dance Floor Emotional
Blood on the Dance Floor Ringleader
Blood on the Dance Floor Cruel Pornography
Blood on the Dance Floor Anthem of the Outcast
Blood on the Dance Floor Clubbed to Death
Blood on the Dance Floor OMFG Sneak Peak
Blood on the Dance Floor EPIC
Blood on the Dance Floor It's Hard to Be a Diamond...
Blood on the Dance Floor Let's Start a Riot
Blood on the Dance Floor I Scream I Scream
Bone Crew Bone Crew
Breathe Carolina Blackout: The Remixes
Bring Me The Horizon Suicide Season Cut Up!
BryanStars Follow Your Dreams
Buckcherry Fuck
Bullet For My Valentine Temper Temper
Capture Til Death
Corey Feldman Angelic 2 The Core
Crown the Empire The Resistance (Deluxe)
Yet another blatant cash grab by Rise here, with two tailor-made-for-radio tracks as incentive. I thought the guitarists were the primary songwriters of Crown the Empire? You can barely tell they're playing in the two new songs.
Deuce Nine Lives
Deuce Call Me Big Deuce
Deuce The Two Thousand Eight EP
Deuce Invincible
Its no secret the label prevented him from releasing this for years, hence the leaked 2015 version with a much different tracklist. On top of that, they must have forced him to write new songs for this version, as the tracks here that don't appear previously are uninspired atrocities that are borderline painful to sit through. Whether he put those abominations together as a "fuck you" to the label or simply because he was never that great of a songwriter to begin with remains to be seen, but either way its a piss poor career move for a guy who already once derailed his career by burning bridges with Hollywood Undead. Furthermore, as a label exec, how can you possibly sign off on tracks like "World on Fire," "Bitch this is It," or "Here I Come"? For either side, how dense must you be to put your name on those heaping piles of shit? "Its Alright, Its Okay" and "Catch Me if You Can" both survived the cuts from the first version, and are easily the only two passable songs found here, but still fall victim to the pretentious, overly cocky lyricism and ultimately become forgettable just for their association with the rest of the record. This version of the record makes the previous look like an album of the year contender, it makes Hollywood Undead look like generational talents, and it makes Deuce look even more awful than he already appeared to be.
Deuce Remixxxed EP
Disturbed Immortalized
Drake Scorpion
Electric Callboy We Are the Mess
Escape the Fate Issues Remix EP
Etienne Sin The Art of Stealing Hearts
Family Force 5 Time Stands Still
Ghost Town The After Party
Gift Giver White Devil
Green Day Oh Love
Imagine Dragons Night Visions
Imagine Dragons ƎVOLVE
Imagine Dragons Smoke + Mirrors
Imagine Dragons Origins
Isles and Glaciers The Hearts of Lonely People (Remixes)
Korn The Path of Totality
Lil Wayne Rebirth
Matty Mullins Matty Mullins
Matty Mullins Unstoppable
Memphis May Fire Broken
I don't know if I can make it through this whole thing on the first spin. This is a 1, not only because of what this band used to be, but because this is bland, uninspired and downright poor rock music.
Nine Lashes Ascend
Oceano Depths
Oceano Ascendants
Oceano Contagion
Oceano Incisions
Of Mice and Men Cold World
Of Mice and Men Restoring Force (Full Circle Edition)
R. Kelly Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 1-12)
Set It Off Upside Down
They have completely abandoned everything that made them slightly enjoyable (see Cinematics) and are now like a Hot Chelle Rae/new Fall Out Boy rom-com pop band. Trash.
Set It Off Midnight
Sheck Wes Mudboy
Shinedown "How Did You Love" Remix EP
Skrillex Make It Bun Dem After Hours
Skrillex Recess
Sleeping With Sirens Gossip
Stitches For Drug Dealers Only
Stitches No Snitching Is My Statement
Thirty Seconds to Mars America
Three Days Grace Human
Easily the worst effort by Three Days Grace thus far. When Adam Gontier left, he took the backbone
of 3DG songwriting with him. The lyrics are poor, the musicianship and production is poor, and new
frontman Matt Walst is trying WAY too hard to sound exactly like Gontier. It is very difficult to
find something of a silver lining in this overall lousy album.
Through Fire Breathe
Through Fire All Animal
Tramp Stamps We Got Drunk And Made An EP
Trapt Shadow Work
Trippie Redd Neon Shark vs. Pegasus (Deluxe)
Upon This Dawning To Keep Us Safe
X Ambassadors VHS
xSPONGEXCOREx How Tough Are Yah?
Yung Yogi The Saiyan Saga

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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