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Last Active 12-14-22 2:25 am
Joined 04-03-09

Review Comments 27,541

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Fuck Off Get Free I Pour 3.5's on Everything,

Desolation Realm Desolation Realm
Norwegian-style death metal, which is to say it's recorded to sound akin to Darkthrone, which is to say it's very purposely lo-fi and echo-y like Soulside Journey. Timeghoul/Blood Incantation-y death metal. Very pummeling drumming.
White Stones Dancing Into Oblivion
This came to my attention when looking for more proggy death metal and I noted that one of the first tracks had a nice, groovy heavy metal riff. Turns out this is just Ihsahn with more death metal-y vocals; it's just groovy prog metal. Not a bad thing either. FFO of Tribulation and all that other prog/metal with growled vocals type stuff.
Astral Tomb Soulgazer
someone on RYM described this as a "Blood Incantation jam session" and I think that's a very polite way of saying their songwriting is kind of messy and wandering. It gets the job done, though; it's decent prog death that wears its influences very proudly and mostly checks all the boxes for what I want from Starspawn's little bro.rJust like Starspawn it starts off with its longest track (over 12 minutes!) and is loaded with long goofy song titles about outer space nonsense. Cool. Old school riffs, spacey ambient droning, now all they need to do is work on the songwriting a bit.
Universally Estranged Dimension of Deviant Clusters
(progressive) death metal a la Blood Incantation. Thumpy drums, old school unga bunga riffs. The point of distinction here from other osdm Blood Incantation/Timeghoul imitators is that this band/solo artist mostly writes groovy prog death in under four-minute tracks as opposed to the traditional 6-12+ epics.
Universally Estranged Reared Up In Spectral Predation
(progressive) death metal a la Blood Incantation. Thumpy drums, old school unga bunga riffs. The point of distinction here from other osdm Blood Incantation/Timeghoul imitators is that this band/solo artist mostly writes groovy prog death in under four-minute tracks as opposed to the traditional 6-12+ epics.
Skelethal Unveiling the Threshold
Outre-Tombe Nécrovortex

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  • Hawks Bruh this Zorn album SLAYZ are they from Pittsburgh???
    May 22 08:31 AM
  • Futures my interest is piqued, i'll check it out man. thanks!
    April 3 03:17 AM
  • Futures this one is pretty grindy and delivers really solid riffs imo. but yeah war metal is an odd genre lol. there's fun stuff though. the second half of that album is just live stuff you don't have to listen to it. 24 min, doesn't outstay it's welcome, curious what you think if you do listen!
    April 3 02:30 AM
  • Futures sup man. saw you soundoff two war metal albums. i'm on a little kick. you ever heard of naked whipper?
    April 2 02:55 AM
  • Hawks Ily.
    March 10 07:44 AM

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