
Soundoffs 2
Album Ratings 15
Last Active 06-22-15 11:50 pm
Joined 05-28-15

Review Comments 306

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I am a poor, indigenous Australian man who lives in a backwards town fill, I have very few prospects, There is nothing to do here, and I am racially insulted on a regular basis, If I'm not being insulted for my complexion/heritage, I am being insulted for the scars that cover my arms and bac, ,

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  • pissbore Bro what's your favorite order from chaos album
    September 19 10:35 PM
  • SachikoM So you can see your own stupidity.
    September 15 09:05 PM
  • SachikoM brb starting a new band, I'm gunna record the sound of my smoke alarm going off. At the 30 minute mark my microwave is going to beep to add a layer of sound. Can't wait for LT to 5 it.
    September 15 05:51 AM
  • manosg I checked this one simply because I liked the cover art but it turned out pretty good. And I know you're always up for some obscure heavy metal so here you are.
    June 28 10:19 AM
  • BenjoJames The reviews you've done. I like them. The offer still stands.
    June 19 08:51 AM

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