
Soundoffs 12
Album Ratings 802
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 08-24-21 10:48 am
Joined 07-12-13

Review Comments 432

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  • twlight Yes I am.
    August 21 01:15 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell I'd hope so haha, their discog is such a mix I think there's something for everyone there (but from the kinda prog Gathering you vibe, I think you'd find a lot to latch onto). Would highly recommend all their 00s albums, all for different reasons
    August 21 09:55 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell not a single Ulver album in your ratings?! I'm surprised
    August 21 09:44 AM
  • twlight return of the king!
    August 21 08:54 AM

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