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Album Ratings 141
Objectivity 69%

Last Active 10-14-22 2:50 am
Joined 04-10-05

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  • Shamus248 Thank you for the kind words on my Bonnie review
    November 11 03:42 PM
  • Jom Please feel free to send me an e-mail at jom.sputnikmusic at gmail.com with details. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to change your tinathefatlard e-mail or a different account. Cheers!
    June 28 03:33 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD 10k is one my faves but I agree its a bit scattered. I vote for Aenima for first. Thought it can be usefull since the thread races and derails quickly. Cheers
    September 14 11:44 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Noob on Tool. Not on heavy music.Explanation: Lateralus is their magnum opus, but you start with that and you can think "what these pretensious ****s think they are?". FI can come across as something monotonous for first listener of Tool. Undertow its more a product of its time, very good, but with its flaws. Aenima has the hooks, yes its heavy but its a more uncompromising listen with even some funny moments, plus you get their rocking and spiritual side well blended. 10k is one my faves but
    September 14 11:41 AM
  • Sowing It's Ariana Grande aka sheer unfiltered hotness
    September 4 11:46 PM

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