Reviews 16 Approval 96%
Soundoffs 24 News Articles 9 Band Edits + Tags 6 Album Edits 18
Album Ratings 521 Objectivity 65%
Last Active 02-24-21 9:40 am Joined 02-27-10
Review Comments 7,267
 | Masochist Tinychat TONIGHT. 11:00pm Central time (that's 9:00pm for you, I think). Be there.
 | bach ayyyye no problem. always happy to show someone something i enjoy. glad you dig it
 | FearThyEvil From Pa. Nothing new really, just finding new music and stuff.
 | bach especially if you like death of lovers. the frontman and drummer (I believe) are both in that band
 | bach you're in for a treat dude. dig isn't even the best track. you'll dig it for sure.