Soundoffs 2 News Articles 3 Band Edits + Tags 4 Album Edits 5
Album Ratings 415 Objectivity 70%
Last Active 01-21-19 8:17 pm Joined 09-17-09
Review Comments 1,063
| playswithpassion I will agree that I hate what drum replacement does for actually having any dynamics tho...cuz there are very, very, VERY little to none.
| playswithpassion Yea dude, I know they def. used drum replacement. I used to play in a metal band and we went and got some pretty pro sounding recordings for our album and they used all drum replacement sounds for all of my drums but they kept my cymbal sound sucks that it loses some of the feel and authenticity but as far as making a metal album sound huge nowadays, it's the standard.
| playswithpassion just cuz it's faster to tell you here rather than the thread, I just want to let you know that all off the drumming on the album is indeed played by Matt Halpern and not programmed...the final mixes might have programmed sounds however, as it has become quite standard on almost all modern metal releases nowadays sadly...
| TBliss Ha, well had to get the train last year, which was a bit of a trek, and i had to carry two crates of strongbow all the way there, which nearly killed me haha, so I hope I wont have to do that again. Our camp is always disgusting, but its all part of what makes it awesome.