Reviews 4 Approval 77%
Soundoffs 20 Album Ratings 2 Last Active 05-21-12 5:27 am Joined 04-13-10
Review Comments 2,741
 | tarkus no i dont have that i got like nothin
 | tarkus yo can you help me out rec some ambient in the vein of nadja or aidan baker or maeror tri or troum?
 | Deviant. I'm really not familiar with the brostep stuff dude, so outside of the MoS and the Get darker comps maybe try Doctor P and Flux Pavilion's Circus One Comp. If you have allstars 6 you might as well grab the rest (there's currently 8 of them), or try Bar 9 and Reso's In Da Mix comps
 | AlexLifeson you ****ing pussy i will find you and kill your face