
Soundoffs 46
Album Ratings 640
Objectivity 57%

Last Active 04-15-21 8:37 am
Joined 03-06-17

Review Comments 996

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  • WatchItExplode Dude did you check out the full album for she said destroy? Fantastic stuff.
    October 17 01:08 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hi sorry i am the worst, but any chance you could drop a comment clarifying who gets your vote lmao
    September 28 04:52 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD yap, the newest is the sick one. btw, loving more and more Sugar Horse, so tks again.
    September 16 09:19 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Ei (ignoring your Opeth rates here) came here to thank you for the Sugar Horse rec. Really cool stuff. You can also give a shot on Black Sheep Wall's latest.
    September 8 03:13 PM
  • BenThatsMyJamin Hey man, nice Alcest taste sweet 5 on Air :)
    October 15 12:00 PM

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