
Reviews 15
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 56
News Articles 9
Band Edits + Tags 13
Album Edits 48

Album Ratings 43
Objectivity 28%

Last Active 01-04-23 4:38 am
Joined 04-15-07

Review Comments 159

musical taste

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  • Winesburgohio slowly learning that there is no internet outside of sput. this is the centre of the universe! yes my Online IG: luckystrikereds. you're just in time! i'm collating europe photos
    March 6 06:34 AM
  • Sowing wtf indeed! Oversight on my part as I was making some changes, so my apologies.
    February 28 05:12 PM
  • Winesburgohio Hello! European Excursion = complete. Re-entry into society: tentative, foot in water, dragging heels.
    February 20 10:07 PM
  • Winesburgohio how are you toots? long time between drinks and more saliently music recommendations !! x
    January 8 12:58 AM
  • jimthefish idk if you're looking to do a review but Self Insert is a very lowkey group that is doing really crazy electronic/hip-hop/experimental stuff you'd probably like. my fav song:
    October 19 08:15 AM

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