
Reviews 28
Approval 85%

Soundoffs 82
News Articles 17
Band Edits + Tags 15
Album Edits 20

Album Ratings 1181
Objectivity 85%

Last Active 08-27-14 4:59 am
Joined 10-26-08

Review Comments 2,241

musical taste

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  • JayEnder For some reason it's not labeled, but this is the Adam D remaster. Couple new lines and screams added here and there. New versions of Shot in the Dark and Softest are awesome
    June 4 06:24 PM
  • pizzamachine Man, that is bittersweet news. Excited to check it out, been waiting ty. If the final track is iconic I?ll put it on Johnny?s list haha
    July 14 03:47 PM
  • Beardog Ha, will finally check it today Peartnoy... Just a slight delay ;)
    February 26 04:36 PM
  • Gameofmetal is this new one an EP or an LP? Seems EP length but entered into sput as an LP.
    September 25 02:49 PM
  • pizzamachine The review is done! :]
    September 24 03:26 PM

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