Soundoffs 23 News Articles 10 Band Edits + Tags 15 Album Edits 171
Album Ratings 561 Objectivity 83%
Last Active 02-23-13 9:15 pm Joined 11-25-12
Review Comments 542
Transit, Acres, I Call Fives, Apart, Deer Leap, Departures, whenskiesaregray, Turnover, The Story So Far, the Dangerous Summer, Pianos Become the Teeth, Defeater, My Iron Lung, Hands Like Houses, Empty Handed, Last Call, Heart to Heart, From Indian Lakes, The Graduate, Citizen, Daytrader, Run Forever,
| SlothcoreSam If you still check this. Check out the new album by Sparrows- Failed Gods.
| SadAndHolyGlow Ooh, thanks for reminding me about that one! It's been on my mind for a while but I've never really gotten around to it. But I shall soon.
| SadAndHolyGlow Good to hear. Thanks for the fill in. Downloading it now on my lunch break. May get a little taste before I head back. Also, I need to fix that album art. My fault :P Sorry.
| SadAndHolyGlow Me, too! URRRRRRRRH. So excited! Can work be over already?! Let me know how it is. One of us should review it.