Reviews 19 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 29 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 10 Album Edits 16
Album Ratings 2601 Objectivity 68%
Last Active 12-12-17 5:29 pm Joined 01-08-10
Review Comments 1,587
 | DoofusWainwright combo of profile pic and new Byrne rating is disgusting, for shame
 | AngryLittleAlchemist Oh, Thanks :D! Next review I'll try to incorporate some of the things I learned from before my hiatus haha. Shorter, more concise, less tracky. Thanks for the compliment! I'm only turning them out so fast cause I'll be leaving for oregon on monday, so no reviews for a month. I might do one more review before I go though.
 | AngryLittleAlchemist Hey dude! Thanks for reading my The Bends review. As for A Moon Shaped Pool, I actually just reviewed that too! It's hopefully a much better review this time.