Reviews 15 Approval 80%
Album Ratings 209 Objectivity 72%
Last Active 06-19-14 2:11 am Joined 04-29-14
Review Comments 100
Nine Inch Nails, Deafheaven, The Devil Wears Prada, Tool, Wreck and Reference, The White Stripes, Kanye West, Black Monolith, Fever Ray, The Knife, Kendrick Lamar, Deftones, Queens of the Stone Age, Death Grips, Rammstein, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Black Sabbath, Lamb of God, Trivium, Volumes, Hurt, Chevelle, ,
 | barewireson Hey, sorry if this is spammy and annoying, but I've seen some of the reviews you've written (Planning For Burial, Wreck
 | Gnocchi