Reviews 32 Approval 93%
Soundoffs 21 News Articles 4 Band Edits + Tags 1 Album Edits 10
Album Ratings 371 Objectivity 57%
Last Active 01-02-18 6:36 pm Joined 11-28-09
Review Comments 1,530
 | ZombieToyDuck yeah give it time man, you should also check the new Circles album, very much in the vein of Karnivool
 | ZombieToyDuck hey man here's an album I think you'd really love, check this out!
 | ZombieToyDuck hey was panning on shouting you about the new foxing album but I see you got to it, good stuff man
 | ZombieToyDuck I know man right in the feels, those vocals pierce my soul haha