Raul Stanciu

Reviews 368
Soundoffs 63
News Articles 538
Band Edits + Tags 505
Album Edits 1,822

Album Ratings 3311
Objectivity 70%

Last Active 01-09-23 7:53 pm
Joined 09-30-07

Review Comments 6,213

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Currently Digging:
Causa Sui
Fu Manchu

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  • Mad. I'm great, don't have much time to post much on here anymore but still lurk a lot. Hope things are going well with your band still?
    April 15 12:36 PM
  • Mad. Hey man hope all's well with you. Just wanted to recommend this album to you as it seems up your street and I'm shocked by how criminally under-known the band is, really honestly amazing and unique little band:
    April 12 11:54 AM
  • aok Raul Mondesi worships Aperol and Peppa Pig and Ryan Thacher
    February 6 09:50 PM
  • kildare Just a head-up I mentioned you in a list I just posted. Let me know if you want me to modify it in some way.
    January 4 11:22 PM
  • Atari they were one of the first pop-punk bands I got into back when I was 14... better late than never haha
    October 24 04:03 PM

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