Reviews 3 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 1 Album Ratings 266 Objectivity 64%
Last Active 01-10-19 1:10 am Joined 05-29-11
Review Comments 30
Aphex Twin, Autechre, The Avalanches, Battles, Bill Callahan, Boards Of Canada, Clark, Converge, Cornelius, Daft Punk, Dirty Projectors, The Dismemberment Plan, The Field, Future Islands, Gorillaz, Holy Fuck, The KLF, Kraftwerk, Kyuss, LCD Soundsystem, Lightning Bolt, Lone, Marnie Stern, Modest Mouse, The Mountain Goats, My Bloody Valentine, Nick Drake, of Montreal, Owen Pallett, Ricardo Villalobos, Robyn, Shugo Tokumaru, Squarepusher, Sufjan Stevens, Yellow Magic Orchestra,
| VlacDrac You are nothing but a gay nigga.
| Yotimi Liked it a lot. Need to listen to it again though.
| MaskAtTheMasquerade yo dude! when you get a chance, shoot me a list of movie recs. i need some solid old films to study. also, im loving the s*** out of autechre
| Yotimi listened to Untilted again and liked it more, but Draft just seems like soulless drum programming to me for the most part